(otkaeris knovn as lova boil) te nov Wbe» t*dyW$onWordeo ~~~~an aaured fict. The Building coom yufutln *Pr u bcgl mittee bas let the contraut 10 Wm. D. Wlen iou go sa» J'vmm ontew, or Mrs. Win. Ente aud son Warre are ndUo.y Dreotory. and Frank Price, brothers,,of Chica-.h frm* voU 3fyo, or ym are vislting relatives a Napervifle. -J.. eGuUf. pastoe. ae, go, f or a brick building 36 x 65 feet luin oin t> im par,. muimà o oupi Mrs. Protine bas a full lina of ladies OI51d eMAi A. m.; PriSeSsize with atone basement, 8j ft iu the Uo,, or pwhl 3051 h«M<orMOW 'shIrt val8e. Cali and ses them. 1 4 8 .,12 M.;; EpWOrtb Lfl ia.Tehalaoeai e1 t5 7 m Pyereýt cea. he al abvewil bi1 fta&Soemptatei y < ,a» , rohm Mrs. O. E. Churchill bas raturned1 se -gas~30. the ides aud 22Jf t in the middle, lnu a, t-Vagey-"'mo rom a visit to her father's home at -3J. .mait. pt. the clear. Price Bros' contrset iu- »tuim~ ai» <, s r dge l rOid Marldsitae o tau iOsa . ani 7:100 eludas ail atone, brick, vooa, mason bCalebeandor »oiwWright a. r Rlnghood * uissayevnia :1.work, plasterlug, painting ec o 'eo hnyour goIghua abdmors. W rogt arMaihoe 24.4.Ail the luterior wood work babY, Or , ia toortl(f pOU kneu or Al Tbadaylrisgfro IaîrMia. Dr. J.. 8 liuciudiug the fluors are to be of of anY item Of taue toi tdu pul9de, plava. . Ymet saday«eb R. W. Stafford la stili making cou- M., <mosasa. quarter-sawad Georgla plue. bring or &-ad it ins, and 9tIi. MI> 'tat o uubrPcls e i L@= No 492 A. M The celllug, lover. comices, Ihp £NT WM gladly pubiM L ad lu Waut column. qý ýi t4t a-mouilla aud crestiug are to be O!f______ ~ gm~ i. Wngbregbren cor- iporedOrijiu ahetsteel Wbh ,,/ M188 Mabel Ellil ansdBeu Miller as- ia.i 0.e Les.bd, ta.edsudputou Our Public Library. sietad lu couductiug s Sabbath scbool by our home facory, Fred F. Bisebof We are gratilled to note tiiat some St Rai! DaY lasI Stnuday. il te . ortbiess doge eete & CJo. of the more progressive or our tovnsj Mr@. J. D. Glookier, of Chicago, le arries.When completed t il hilse the peopla are vlgorously agltatlug 6ue stpplng at 0. H. Scbanck's white V l'lbertyvlUO golng to have a handsomnesan sd moat substautiai question of a usa llbrary. Wiý ahould1 vlifitiug Lîbartyville friands. ~Outbut ui bivotstructure o! the kiud lu the atate. It ail appreclate the urgent uaed of a A. M. Casey bas takren Greeley's ad- ahI beo roomny sud modern lu every free library lu our cuiîured village, vice, sdgn akwlo ia i Aïk tu sec the latett Il hoes, a respect. To much credit cau uot ha Carlysie heads a hoat of learuad man plantation lu the atate of Washington. ï,p eaui on unra Protlua. given the Building Committea, fur Who put books as 1 s firat esasai Johu Bausu aud vile were ebock- - very ad occupies a prominenl bringlug about sucii s bargai-a of igber education. Borne of Our ad, but not serlougly lnjured by %p.os in the IXDEPEJIDET. $6000 building for 354', the extra 851<6 ide-awake cîtîzens stili persevere a liroke of lightnlug, one day tbis Po0r Tennis flanuels, Olubams, bavîng been raiBed by private sub- and bopefuily look forward to tbe we.k. fflntsansd Suminer Dresi Oood's cali ecriptiona. day wheni Libertyvilie viiltaesa Mu MIs. Protina. The chd building vas sold yesterday long tride forward In educatloual 0. E. Churchill compietes an, elgbt Va vaunt the usas, ail o! 1t; but ve for $70 to B. W. titafford Who ail unes, aud in addition to the first-claes monthe' terni of echool at Hai! Day, WBDI il fresh and as esxiy In the move lt immediataiy snd trausform il grammar scbool vhicb shle supportsauclssfrteBnm vaio Waa asposibe.into a pickie factory. Grounds viii to-day, ai also point wlth îride to a to-day, OIDW on lir. Protine for the latest broken baturday for the ewsTown fuliy equipped higth scijoul to, vch Henry Dymond aud vife accorn- ý-jë0" là- imilillnary. She ha the- Holse wblcb it. is the intention to , lie sbal !uruisn lier fulquota of panled by tkieir frieuds Mr. and Mrs. Lacet stock over shown lin , bn. ave comîîieted lu sixty dayd tudeute. But mueli ad soin" o! _u& Bradley,- of Chicago, carne up and ln Dot partial. If e : long forr o, ilat. day will uever dawu Istopped over Sunday at the hot3pi- ~at iese~party a fair hear- 1 elàs TaN lut exlî.Mit t ý.. iii.tiie iriik sad l 1e o! the coin-, table homne ot'Wrn. Dyniouod. Ing.~~~~~~ ~~ utprsnyoridofthe of ilour il xt aeek. il 1 v ~ ~ - .Z at bt .u~d bg case onétyorsie1 r tiis market. %Watclu f,1i :i:-i 1 ' 1ighi.r clication. Sow with the jarlors lu the rear of Dra, Knight "ée av. itadoei nganoxîeeu.rI.'.'e.tuof a live liewsîuaîlt-r, no (iallowav's office over LovellFa drug Wba tbavefot raieora.ore thau T -he lueCream Partlorsat the Et- (A \il ijn.-titLutionid lab.ter' adapte-d to store. dive hlm a trial. You eau flud ho 'lâbes -te keelp. see hie adj lu taurant have beee newiy j.ajered ~aiakuxxi atn itret-u ibr hlm on baud every dey lu the week, othrwis furishd. Cll ad ea 1 tiuuun talla Weili aî>oi1ite< from 8 a. M. te 5 P. m. Ve aut columu. ved ca W h e rwie uniahed. Ci td4-i olg l y > Mrs. L, C. Barrova alter speuding Va hae jue reeeved car asb-11e Crhm ad Cak. es inluthe educathiol the vinter vlth ber daugbter, Mrs. ington Red Cedar shînglea--Best During theeWarin summuer mozthîý 5dy.tcm or our Xew Englaud fore- A .Coa a enbrcso ablugles lu the world. we viii deliver le on 'Juesdayd and f afiers, tiioze surdy pioneers wvh A .s.oa a enbrcso Wriht& on Fidy ,or tilets par buudred. bard fbeuansu ouud seseWhoever inces1892, started Tuesday for Wrigt &Bons Friays or ù eber bornelat Merîden, N. H. bbc GIRL WÂNTED, for general bouse Triggs & Taylor. brouglit togethier a collection of booksaeacornpanied J. B. Alison sud vife vork, one that could iodge at borne LasT-A gcutlemaia's plain gold sud founded Harvard Coliege, juât to Boston abers abc wyul be met b) preferred. 00oo1 vages. ring cugraved witi lattera K. H. hbs7. aixtten years after the Iauding of thc other friands Who vili ses ber safeiy Mas. V. A. Brrox. Inear depot.)I Reward vili ha pald te fiuder. May Flower. Let easciisud ail Who ara borne. DonIt get LefI, but note the Returu te H. Hirèch, ovuer, Liberty- siv.' te the tact that ibarty'a corner chanes s shvu u te ne C.M. &vile.atone must ho editcatlon of the It la a shamna that the Building] St. P. B. R. ima card vhlch appears The third quarterly meeting services mass<es, oipen thaîr pocket books aud om îtea oouldh aseobllge teo c'n thc lazt page. fof rtbs M. E. eburch viliioccur on te duW 4'round sum "ofIbard cash tusa wtownuflouse, vheu It aould oniy Vo WnedlExagef 23rd sud 24th of J'me ihistead o! the tha lubrary f ;ud. A readlng room rqieaot$utmk t9 eti WopoW tin fur26th sud Ilth of liay. isa va euiiderstanid laon tue eve of open- the iuiearaot 870 t mae ii ale, anuouudced. .ing, but thee irculatlng ibrary mui tie cearacciug ete cunlil nae un gjuuuan---------------------1..1,1 .j. ý ... hA...,. ,plans. B i eu a h onî SMITH & %WIF.T'% -le 15e Plaece lu uy- LdI» end Cghildreflm MITTEUS, Fancy Work Materiaifi, STAMPED LINENS. "adies Neckwear. Ruching. etc. SMITI4 & SWIFT. wWEw Keep the Best Coffee in town for the mc n 3y. Try aur 28z~ grade, it is equal to most 35ct Coffee. Il ru.s.lwulp*ls, 1.00 4 1d. lhstSjYMP, 1.10 un Q# T hSIm*Pis, 1.00 un Nuw1.00 10 unSai ud Cma, 1.00 Ovu Ula te Ic Lut 11ib. cm TdU, .15 Smoke La Duchess Cigar, is better than the best, kept else- where. Ohms Kis mi to A Ts (»M We have a large stock of Granite sud Blue sud MWhite Tae& Xotp a the lolowing 10v prie"s: No e.O 96c; No. s, % 81.10-, Large bize, No. 9, Q& $1 25. 0. . SChBnk & SORSa. Jos. BCMelis ibes a,, hie poolos brougbt back quick, Res viiips" * rabate o! 25 cent w alil vo briug tbsm lun lmmedlslaiy. As I arn bu>- ing beer o! a diffament brevemy I must retumu the old kege or psy for same1 right aaay. Jos. Boehm.1 Ouiieud J. W. Wells Informa usi that bis usighbor A. W. Waldo. bas] 23 stears, the fineat lot o! bes! cattIl1 ever fe4 lu Laka County, for over1 tasut»y ars. We lLteBd to cail and1 ses tbern before be sacrifices tbamn on the present 10v market- The citizen of Liberlyvhhle sud vicinity are requested to e mccl th the cornmittse of G. A. R. men at tie lecture room or the M. E. church; Ssturday ulgbt May 26, te make ar- rangement for Decovating the graves of lhe soidiers lu our cemetery. if you vaut te beip yoor home paper, order your Admrnnstritor's, Executor's sud or.her legai notices pubished lu tbe INDEPEN1DEYT. We attend te postlug sud filing cetflatea ha legai form and give prompt service. About a score of Libertyville masoulo bretieru accepted a f ratarni Invitation sud sttended Rislug Sun Lodge, at Grays Lake last Satumday nigit sud auated lu lhe cerernonles o! lnduotiug Ivo candidates into the mysteries o! tbe ard degmee. They ail anjoyed Ibemsive. Fos Suu-7 roorn bouse sud acre ot grouud. ou Lake St. AIse 10 roorn bouse sud 4 Iota on Cburcii Kt. Oood asIle, cistamus sud !ut:ou botb; or ylranI my reaidenca furnlabad, or unfurnised. sud board vltb tenant. If agrecable. For particulame, apply I to ira. E. C. Pelon, Lîbertyville. 0. B. schanok & Sons recelveti a1 car ut ahlnglas from WagsiIgten last 'veek, on vbicb the frelgil nions coat1 tisens $170. The» aise receiveil a euar et agrlculuial Impiments, sud nov tise» are aCnging te build a platfurm1 or shed between ticir vare moims, for1 dlaplay o!f ria bolis.1 A c razy Polack vas arrested at Dianseud Lake, May il sud taken tu Vaiakegan Jan-l- Il required four men io bminghbisafroU there lu the pon tarm. BupI. AppI» 100k 'hlm before sh. oeuty Jiuuge abers ha vas ded inambe. Aplle, vas about Ipransfer is oLu Elna aen ha bsauâ tSbr.ugb au, lnterprelet Iiat Ïbeah <.hl .vas aS eped Iunaie frem'tbel aas ylum -at Oeikoob, Vi, W t eS"Plsa. Apple» relumoed Books are cheap, standard authora lu subuantlal biuliig.3 ma» hW bought at a6touisbingly loy figures. Oua thousaud dollars viii go a long vaY toward pultiug a clmulatlog likbm,ý' ou ite leet. The si-milas Lot large. ButvbaénSella twomline? -- , If ew ve cancxeiteusiy aîiow ai ,»gstutlot, to pay over te our village trea.3ury 8135 for -the express privi- legs o!frnultlplylng tLiaaggregate of o! illitemacy in our mist, lov mut-b more ougbit our conscieiuca to ap- prove when our village fat.bers vota lia entire sum te the support o! a !reae cirvuIating lbrary to.. erve as a balance beelan sd te uulllty tIs evil influence of the saloon.- Last year va spant tie îhousaud dollars ons the streais tor the benlht of r-he sole$ of the horses fest; Ibis year let us @pend it for booksfrom vbicb to iume tenants te those enipty rooms lu the bran's B» tic vay va vonder if the stock- bolders of the de! unct Fourth of J Ul» association vouid not consenit to luru over to Ibis worîli» cause the hund- red dollar fuuI viich nov lies gatier- ing mass lu the treasumer's bauds. But vistier or not these plans are rsjectad thîs la a golden opportuuity for some o! orr ealtby profe@sionai menor ex-leglalators, or bank cashiera. or candidates for couuty tresurer, te courageously step forvard sud endear tiemasîlves te the nelgbbora for Ibis lîfe sud ln the eyes of future generatlone yel uuborn, te rear a noble monument mors lasting Ibsu bronze, by donatine a round tbou- &aud dollars to the"(.ook (?) Library." -Lotthe liraI lîberi donater hava lie name, flinis. Public LIbrary and Reading Room. Ths Llbrary sud Readlug Boum vili &couibe opon te lb. public, Va already bave quite a number o! sub- seribera, sud expet ot luhave minu more as@sonas lthe aniîiuae la Uaoroughi» ninderstood. Our friands have great1y encouraged us by their luterest sud enthualsrnm, 1dVs leml sure thal inu»have ln i'uý1 Ing lb. opportunity ta gelî »0 latA magazines, literature sud ho-dl» but have tison deterred both by lthe ex- pense, Md lncov.nianoe o!' d6ilagom. Vo propose lu give you th.'Uii09ute Ubrary, Inoiudlag lhe moiâ . pàpuwa magazines, sud the readlugr room for lesu than s yesrly subsorpiAdd luau» one magasitie, as yen vluma by the tolevhiu rat«s. Btibscrlimo, three moth~3o,#. Juffior subaetplosfor auft'ndc e , eue yelsrî $8.0'ib Mobah, ePJ tiare uao ta 5conts. CUotma I= , O sAN lIu ~ - 7elà" M r toc late. J. B. Alison sud vifs started Tuas-.t day for Wast Wareiiarn ar Boston. Msa. Aller vlsluing thaîr relatives sud friands lu thal locallty tiiey vill spond -Uhaa 'baancbe o! the summer viitlug thmàeold bomegand soquain- tances in Oneida Co. N. Y. Tbay expoct r-o be absent about threa moulus. W. T. Eaton, presîdent of the Lib- ertyvijis Clay and Gravai Company, vas up from Chicago lest Frlday, showlng Up the advautagea o! loca- lion etc. of thaîr property bers, to Gorton W. Allen, s capitaliat of New York, sud one of the World's Fair commissioners. Mr. Eaton informe us that the future prospects for Ibis localily ara good. Gea. W. Ellis sud son, G. M. Ellie, brougit thrse cars o! stock froul thaîr Ida CJo.. la. plantation te the Chicsgo market, sud came up te Libertyvîlle to vieit their many friands. Tbay ax- pect te stop ovar 1111 naît week. if the "Twius' do't muster a crowd o! e- tîreti farmaers sud glve tbam a chari- ,tari. They report dry, cold veather, aud frost cut dovn tha corn lu West- ern lowalesat vssk. Wlsb va could send them part o! our extra ain. H. R. Crane, the spaclal organizer for the Knights of tie Globe, lis meet- iug with good succese, sud arillng up considerable lifa inaurance Iu Lake county. The K. 0. order abich ha raprasauta le A., Ne. 1. Do't miess lbe present opportuulty to gel lu as a charter member, at liai! rates. Lii>- ertyvilie GarrIson willI soon h organ- ized, than you'Ili aut te, coma ln, but wiii have to psy regilar ratmee-Seet Baîter joln the crowd. WIII guarsu- tee that you'll naver regret It. Concert nd Desenatie Entertain- Mient. NezI Tuesday ovealng a rare treatlal te be gîven Ioversoft munie and drina- tic art uItih Union cburoh. Of the a dramilo eader saddmoIes., stands high lu th. e nrd of art. Rer appear- suce la "An Unequasi Match," aI thc Grand Opera Roues.,votn for her en- viable distinction ln her choesa pro. fession. Mn. Bon. Davis, thae hértons, ef thée Chcago (Joleg !Mugie, bas -made a mont excelleut reputation, s&d la a vocalsI aof gret abulîl». Mis Powell, thc contrmltcof tthe Aim Lady Quartette. bas von enouns sa voWest, hemrme r bêorn e q»un. lrekesebhiaaet «Ade tirmpha. Tbe MaMn at Mr.,Hnimb8t itmmlar aberev«e « nu la jl<, sudbis healilnt seoomise. .ae m~ mst t. oesi~pi ts *Washbup 9 LOOK FOR TH&i Then v'u knca ycu bave 110 E' eY,4 miE re uh kin.i eat. If wil SU,.,i ur L c $1000 BUYS , n I .ve perhaps paid tuici 49RE AFIE vTilt ADL mslls t O" - .a.. nWS Sa *SEE THAT EVUEIYPUIT u intedor goodaesta e @Pnom" de""a osit, thoe Au asf*mgag Oui Aathoizsd Agets l is mslghboa me.Bu PAINTS, OILS, and'PUTYI New line of,. Have a few of M Rockers on hand.< on earth. Fuit line of Undi hand. Embalmin i ISAAC HUE Li bertyvil le, We can't say whe in- his head".orl he can makel or C1ck~ and, MI Our< $85