Il,.. te evu thme te the lm. M ,so Èz', 'arkhurst &Cc 'YVILLE. ILL. ï4kiae i imuNwï ~iS ~mehUus ~rp~u~~î I q Ôcer fo InChicago. John Bouse and wif spent Widots- Tite band gave ait opena air concert Tuesday eveniug. The cominfiuioners are working the. road south u of wa. The Misses Norton attended churcli St Iveulmo. Iat 8widaay. Severel peromis tron t ere attended tihe Julie nwetIaag-t lburu. G. W. Myrlch hsu 'treated bis resi- dence to a friei coat of paint. Do not feu to see the greait variety of stapie carpiets, eit WIli Knigge's. Panters baie completed tiair voit, M'm. Kitigge. nov ocrupies isil ev reaidence. thind concert and iawn "oeable noxi. Wednesmday evening. CorniC e enjoy a pooi timo. Tbre-Fy, al-wool, tient, extra choie. crpete, cntarâ<m allod, oniy 88 cent per)>ard, 4t Will. Jni<e'a., MEr. Payne and a wagon maakor front Elgin have rent.d the. Vamam cr h iyich theyviiinunefor bIacsuiitbing and wagon 'makg. Woek on Lthe hotu le voll under way. wyone Buqilars galixea an ontrauce Lo Geo. 2$CO= adan'm olel Tuosday evenlng but wonlghteua aay botoresecurlng & aatbIngs. They "enaterod BaaeleY'm to*ft er anti crridjaa l M"Suly of l5od* sekdmat an' a a ndtruit.I boua t lok &a4If iciai talent vas i duIur ebWtis Iblevlng manl no meboy vlU léeaboya thé culpita vhen eaptured. * Tholuee able to catch a duse of eold lesdeon Llor Doit raid a» our citimsn am e gttlng exclted and von'L endure sucb depredation. any longer. Seturday evoning the 2n - anst., the Roclefellef Lodgo I. 0. 'O. F. vas ~.daly establlahed and the enrolîrnent of oldmmbers vas increasd by Lb. Initationi of even candidates. The cw,, Wankegasa leam vau preeut and an1 intructor fria.Chicago sud.delegales1 fromthie A.tlach kidge vfte ina t- Stendance. The delegations met at the roatldece cf Fred Uolcomb wbere a bountif nI repast was propared aiter vhich they repalred ta Lthe chape! O. here Lthe work or organizing vas ecompllsbe. The untirlng efforts af membera af the order tram th!@ tovu toward sscurIamg a lodge bore is a Cor- guarantee ut te success of this Iodge mnnd. DIAMOND LAKE. Biert Wiicax went to Chicago Satur- day. 0Tom Davis là stili viai iîig vitli his ring., U. w. smii visited uit Paifine, Wfo ecnesday. Cribem. T. 8. Mill la visiting bis daugbter M.iss iara Smitha visited et borne Ovrsutnay. B.A. 14mIth transacted busineissln S Chicago Monday. G. Wteàgx and Loule Keil er took inC SsVOturdiuy. Mule lr. Ovlt4 t, cfflg, vlated et Wil l Mond a splace ie oot 1Im4 former &uhw *boudY. Nopiae lut-8uoday sud Il meened mots. Ule aday o t, thonlitILdid a veel tgo. SWonder vby Professr vears ie. hlg aastraw bat. Â A aller on@ vouild do jusb as mou. r PFIUEL1 Cbiidrie'mDay vas obearved bhe ia ou~u" va goid a" ii iiba ulfnl, M Il ateainu lin. Win. 1Eae: s l amnily, ot A.ndoraou, d.., have lasen vtlug villi ler tola tIeo past tev veelsasd relarjae hbome Wodneaday. ý l. Toveer anold nsu emWr lady, Mà mlo f Pild Tovueof ut is pkme.dIod, aI Ilie iasfte e «mon Suudayutto n e allan Ilîama of oue f wpysvilaPéeunonl.Obue. vuei ogtwoYom éjse ad. But t ock piaceTmsday *fteraaou, eveme <afts, lieuea uiotber preuchor lioeday night qultai an accident bappeped at Liglilon; au oit taik begal aklng a&W Uiowakuiabtook bis aleéra sMd vqi@g Wes vise. il wus lakhug, holng callions, ho #&Y- odi avay qit. & a s WUvIla la litera but aeedutty 90t up a 11111. toco e a"d it oapsoes* lrontougonil fl oy hm Aboooium -toIur CAMI. wus me badiy hamMa .,U U 'Uft.FFaakRMB1nos Lizzie Con- mi,~yùw be~lIt(hr parentri yu ouathmLise but days. Jolie L oSaa' 'Co* carrled ff a dWolei. iss bi a e sttlsag on A aiiiv graduting exereimeaut +oeol, liaLvok MMlre Togg lias returned ta Chilougo, .ator a f.w veeka' viait, wih lber ater lira. Fred Zorwer. Iter*tuutr*year oid daughter romaine lu 110pesaithie.î Counatry air sbud laid miay put a litti. Shah on lor vmaed fianie but the pour tblaag takoà etfter ber autle. JohnIâ,caitemle akig agreat lteetlui saotisloly. He duu. t mena laxilam te staieto th ie public iWbuit ma uiel It la sale tu bet tbm,àa a unliatlf, s&d IL la a eli know âbt-fat uJ" m iq orna. ~iéIA is aywg ~a uod deal, Lairrîmter" ied :a nligbt rmis- underataedlng vth a taik.aaeckod eOw Ibtho br meAlUg. Lany Lut tW te boune.about hait a lanui shWad Mud "09ln downlbis old ia.urt ide 9a'ucaedd tu vooâtilate the bie ai the forociaua heast, alLer which bath rettrod W thairer iLthah hon$oreon. Larry maya bu vas'at ëmord oyhov a bury tu get borne for forest lita ie miot mant acident Suudoy avenlng. lHe ied .iagltlngi5s -agèmI. - Pleasuro ho tulneOd tue alarply ever the rail bt the nov rond ltufront af tue, utation and the ie nd vlaeel vent to Pièesaail ut once Mr. WJaain prompt- Jy dlamcfunted sud slnd rostreluug hbu restive hcruè a"ted mg at the vrec-k ff u tee mnutas le speech. kmu Mamsemleut. Thonosia le lpi ad -1- and horaovtng e feueS rail trou Meeof the adulgbora lie Pro- ceoded sadlly hoMtevard. Our good. DEERFIELD. nov barber reporte busines MEr. Iloaenberger's nev bouge la uearlaîg uorpletioaa. Il viiicertainiy ho a voq iiadwm residemic. The plenie to be given Ly the Kaiigbis of the Golden Itud, dailurda), aiext, paunomeatu be a big succesma. W. IH. ttrayer, ai Mellenry, apemît Suaid.y with bis brother A. C. 8trayer ami lait àMiîday uigbt frina- u e- kuta tu attend the teaiebers istitue The Rejlkblicen, tovia Comîittee, have calied ai Ceucus forrlianday aaîglrt J une liatIat the Townai all, fur Lime purpome of le.ting delegates La the Lîbertyilile CoanventioniLuto blseld Jue 218t. Mesurs George Adamis, Faank Top- per, C. W. Pettis, Abe Tuî.per of itourndout Peter Bliemetl anaad ever4, utber Deerileld sud Litartyville boys vent lîiimg Saturday miglat and re- port gond succeai, the vri ter lioweyer la incllned to the beliefthti our ex- townsumamaAbe is again perpertrating. a 51b story on a guliible worid; Iow about it Abe? RONDO UT. Quit. au number ai aur citizens viaited Chicago thus veek. The very varan veather la cauing saine troauble ta mnilk shippers. W. notice the hand car naoving quit. irequently tavard Libertyvilia. Our boom la a lîttle quiet just nov. Wa vii wooniknow whether it le a taliaire ibis ime, or not. The coutinuous dry weather is caus- lng onusiderable uuosiess among the fermera. Unlew a el cornes sooma there vil! ho a short crop report tram this section. Evr priv.L.e q4tizen should ham bis ame and address printed on te paper ad envelopea whloh lie ueeý as Is aeas many mstake; andi f ho goe à reauable number prlaW, od e cam gel papor, zldnluanami lisaIthe Llboetyvhfe,. as cheap as hoeoubu U» blaak pp Frnarter prnot ot our advaeced civ- Wizatlu vgln by the hall gaine 1aI Band"ay heleen Bondent sad Wakegan. A very lutelloclual andi m&Ma- clama of young mmn tock pasi. Ont ai the IMo notiosable futures ofthle day wvu thé uuUift Um ong - lesuomat an lias fOM.M*"dvatebedt tli- 'e ofthîe gPise. Weu l( U I4 lo montt 151piabie buIll fgbta d~ thing «f the lind b. luaugqoead. a thie den1omntt of igh moeltt& wo eoaaul4 iu« remblia qdds cnuestias püale . c.wo4 liexicoclùi6new. IL le baCly t* *Ït emuhof etthe taitrafl for ~I ! boteraccommaodation,; ho oamaslhdt. st h. e roe. Bime andss a 4oldho proîil aI 11ooe. las os lgo pmuy\»lves,167609 WWr ON'etpo «for doing *P P-W saI $bqa tbth001W Pr Cé'= om- LZu. wé MONE SAVP~$FOR YOU: $1.25 Strongr Working Pants for89c. 75c. Tennis Fiannej Shirts for 40c. 10c. Rockford'Seamleïs Ootton Socks, 5c $10 AIl Wool CassimereJ8uits for $7.50. . $16 Genuine English Worsted Suits, $12. For Boys:.C Good wearing Knee Pants, 19c. Stylish Kne. Pants Suits, $1.25. Suits for.big boys, with Long Pants and Veste". $31.65. StyIlhataw -at jorjxys ad leJ." Stylish Straw Hait for men, in the finest braids, 50z. 0 And a hundred other articles in the Clothing, Hats and Kurnilshing Goods lifie, on ail of which you eau save from 30 to 50 per cent., if you buy themn at Tho liodel" ýclotil 11118 Temperance Temple, - Waukegan. A COMPLETE STOCK Lime, Drain Tle - Farmn Wagons, Buggies. Agricultural Implements, Etc. W~e have anew Stock of the Famnous Weber Wagons -And the Bloomnington- Harber Brois.Buggieseb Carrnages. --uCeII aid See Them.o... IWaW are aimmys readv tb aupply your wamtm in Our ilna Libertyville. Mi. LIOIT . . RUNNING S TORED POWI "t Umm la 5Cmà THIEI 0: P LAN Q0: 'ER 0 6 a re u Mj u l Y A » N P r n ... Oua'ne4a ~ ousaeil41Ma1 4wwt Wadawortb # ouruse 911 Waron'aaaI1 Sysesit O 54a..I eeaaeld M13 3.. Ooemulllo 33isonS.. .Ohlox«o. arrim.Tas 9 a~ SUNOAv TRAINS. Lv.Libetyvle :10 aU. Ar .s t'y. Cbioo Si 840 r uipqw >%L~.Bed Nouwe fur ~q Ricin, Joliet &-4 e»m *y. 4-80, a e 0 .î owe 1mm~ 4:0 pm. de ilin a 8:1 pà.P. ai 9 m .LettPm ....... LeI4he« !:45mu.itaosiLake...1. SUm !83 P ..... OMet...# i '2:20 Vin. de 1..... n 1.-40 p...aIWrriag...10-M am 12:43 pet.... tip.amkg .... 216 pe 1-0 u..... uner....... II&V 'I 1 BINDERS, mowEfflâ HE..R Div A Ne"? TiMtm L MfN NINGPLAO BINDER, PLI WUEL.LEADS AL ColpIPI the Piano Blnder la mu oaZorse ligbter dOmt tpan auj- otsr ninder. - b iaPano ilinder go work t aven, tnmamuoem1.neiagrn. bbu lles ea beboo a dItwlh ou t lio o Uhtsmode,. lb. Pis. S o , la aen ortarnd .1,7reolier Dinde"'.would tmire. ad bottrcund ondIe t e e e taa s lbleto maka mua Auj- ailer Bindr,. r, an extr Il o MM oment tbebusdle la baund. t 0i oor la. b "Zr:lZbu I1 sit l..ra, tp. RiUfiD.tIuly Uustaffl eiCtlogue, "Ft sud Facto" for tbe Farier. Free. ii ti1E PLANO MPG. Go., manu atrers, West Puliman, -Chlcge,»I F i~Pm sALE A» )ON- Axsmsm j sY ies Calloway, Àwp rm *ore. Ne. ~ 5 4 . tosp.m. t..O> J. ik . %lt'.ý M Sore. WI 11' Lok at tle Yd tag on yourpaper. tejàk If you gwe. pleem p P d "w vUfurntah y«n a bot- ï1 k ba eally.'-boy freel- rmotas d caaned paosftram Rob't ROuM,@. ew #"Plastent refhlgertor. Hie will aise lftokt»m:I take your order and deliver the 1 m t 1 t-dm City llrlts, en jon car! keep cool at ~ anail iense. 1 - -