AT A OOST 091 bi .samed ta bs, bmuo* t "ar ,, Q dob buseun- c tala abeal.asft am 'SWurb, ou eloI Ia 4rno miimlueoroof Smal vbll vo have 49 ta -jbu oDI r ematve ae vilugl rentb cf a beo-4vei amiué te dboidybal »,b thalumese pro rteutiy leItyor Ifoi Mt ue fmon; ou a bn stalle Ito Iutou& &mbeka, sué as ltiit hiellpalulimo i wa asa plend ly aIpro 0*10e le miaouI oaac s.l gmrnemeaite 7 -7,-,gi v rcu actul ochi 5005e shoul be >na, as ho ca ii »«hont oI b. Othe pt'Oesuiti&sPlae ir.dovu, sud builli q n oreumake 1 aoi its fsmiijr d lbus ovntu lly mue; for ve must oue bouse Dnoe fl la or minIs0 sozpi plac ev, tmg for Ibe tome mllues nior ca b«p mmIstratidl i itivre fbout; anI ML touble-bsés*To Smanerous&Ili b»$@% htcy are lai lu1 teconter or in boing pai.1 .lmIisto coller i 4m,u mlreachdi tu&.-bal! omtain Mu, a t, île., sI hy center volt r,.e fiabilc" su italIe pal dc ru sr bi au l ir bel th loi ilt rît e' bis bel dIhiaID A9m1011114uuslibd. for floon ymeusate cfterrer on nomouetof 5*6 mamodimi band of Apaches dlal bbtiap mfrlty matuh tbeir ov a 4ail1 Ibis Ume, la spite cf aIl' th"I th.govemoent Iroopa could do te koop tho. lu cbeck. «J caffito, mImd particulmrly 014 Vlct«W T 'here wus a verrier for y9a u 1cmmmidedaabandet some lys huindr' bucks. They vers the Ohiracabua Apachesand the mur- rsr, vobberem a dopredaticus com- uit.l.4 by the% . baud Istm those tm om in s luulfit b.yvoe son the wVrpttam aimait loerelibl& . 0iOldViooe asuhaly oinoly 1«» ofc me wbou the trouble begén. s Ro raled thoaé nI skies with a rod à f tIon Ina0i bis yes And uh 4vas u p " 7, coempleoly para- SlysaI. oe ayble la use bis e loft arm a. justoaough le 1111 mail ii 15' b asaitwlya he s ped on 1k a baie 0 B l b âtibdthb.finesl b. ho anyvhero. Tbey and ale~mettibue te -o er you 1-Weald heainof lhem at tmre place 100 miles distant .Ahll hrouffb- outiouthera Aitio n d northorn Nexlco,,Old Victorio conttnued bis ralds uilltb. setlers finally gave up Iu- despalr. Thle govrnmnt trooepmeared te b. utterly paver- *Wby, the$. band of red akIns would. isoelha. pladera wagon train .right under tbe noies of the troopers,' theo Isbter .voeé te -stamtlu -Pnz1 rsuit tey wuld becut of sigbL 'Th. 0 iel day, perlis, th. wres voul ,a f.fl cf smue fresiadeprodation com- lf millo by the marne bandI n a section o the country ever 100 miles sway. kt "This id .wsr dog, bowvîr, vie ,r 1ai17 rmRde Ua ands&ot. Be *did lthesddl, fghttng te the ,, tatio udbifs bud, vwt vas loft ci îèl1,disperue& Of course tho settiers *héard'of iIand vers deltghted. DWs mcar follOval, bowever, when Co- calis took the l1l.14.Thts Indian ,~ria Maîge pretl! mach the smrn Iway for fIve yesrs, and thon came > *The Indiens of tb. Nortbvost are ýo mauch more numerous and botter arnaed. Yeu mal take my word for *~it, gentlemen, vo havenl bon Ibe luit of the Ima troubles. Wo've it bsrdly »mn tlebognnlng of Ibem. of 'Ph.govroment wviiivwirs up to th lb. la biefre long, too.'-Nev YoriE HerakLd FOOL.EÔ THE SAN DITS. A Advoahrs wth NonS Agent. in .1, muE-.- Wbhhyou are lravellng alan.,par- ticulardy la a countryLçyikesexlc% vliere bandIts are e*en ncw toc nu- mérous, always carry two imbvoveru ane cf vblcb »y be vortblesé, but put a gool gua- oet cf slgbl, syaau esperieaiced ,Iavej., à frianddoc mine, Mocy Shepard, vas trsvoling abus frImAcapulco la lbthe7Co Mexîco. Be knew lb. language of the country veli and badl 11111 thousit toa danger, but ho went pre. psred f«e l"uless.Ho put In the beister of bis caddie a 44.calibor ru. ho volvor loadel villa carridgs Ibm in bareiy bal enough powder tu Ihem tc or blow the bulle out of the ut:zlîe ru; and thon tlathb. mmmaU f bie bock hI DP hung lb. bandiest 38-caliber be could )h iad whea ta 'rsco. lit It happeued Ihat as ho was comini on dove out aetlihe main range Ihru .7t MY n.- ba Me ne the lac, rer the iiy ni aov un geaimu vin SASniUm rona raIagenis stoppul Iothe orocirs ma six beieete rcad nd.tad blm omured mess- belor. ho cuelediMbe. 'Phey vyen Oe. armad iwtth shotgus 1masoel as 'bols, umcetes, bal fw osme rium daII 1 uD- nol shoot beloth"eyasekbo'asnmo ti nfioquemlli bappeus. luàniiitel atediac le gel ove,,aMd . (14pDu- ed au force..Ties omoo too0k te - revolver Ia tp~atr a-s , e sl W ~ é m a W o t h Iou Ihing ftar I1noVer vauttle biUl ny one. 1I 17rrym il heaume I1paust mabe people tfbluk I au arme... Pho bendîle Isugliolet Ibat. It vas jucredible thal suob s pistai -shanl hO ortblesi, te th07as ea. OBat, gentlemen, 1 *ili put My bat in thebrOdMandyouMayashoot et it vîtàth i io laeL. 'h. bolle ieliinot go tlatough lb. bat M At tihotetoola off lits bat, asgor- geous licso mftirtal coo Sole i -Acapulea, énd put Il on a rock nol Insice ton fost mvii sud stoppe4 backti t- blinda yard flbo hot fine testet aI noilo tumer. of tbe lta, 'Pbîy vere Interest- eOmble il d et . bei#a vas povel te Sthem, Musai the h;ptl kl lb. bat.Tif~ernt okl a lb. U"alcdiior bq t » y Mle hoedauaba> .tbes as tis «EMAINS 0orIl« £ARL.V SaT- TIERS 0P WVOMAINO. auwwae et hnaCaSu 0lb ta. uB" 1"48-8»«ee t A«"at b. *uBe. et Natum m Htear pou" au a .w Smt& 'Phe immense couoly of intst, ex- tenant r ou Ibm north cend of whaî coeo11fita5 Yellowstone Park, mark& the western beudany cf ie State aI Wyoming,*am mesthe. onthbest- en orser ot.ibal recmuiy Adamited. Bu" s.Thiea corebuao ftisbat pecugirs western formation kaovo as bal lanq diam Iis sPot covers an avuaof about 5,000 square milsesnsd si adIoulaaly Tm ta fosta c oro = u nmas. T isas. id ola , aooDln to oMlcal g"elq, vers oca iskes bacla u btmî ekaown as thé wSceesud mincèeo perede of terlitry lime, wbtkbmeasos the. frI twa cf Uhelibres .pripclmsl -dlivrsios duriug vhich voie laid dova the groupe af rocks. Itlàleaverred by tib ien tilste thst the rivera dicbargiog tato Ibis. làkes mo wroughl on theo umuradin ail tbat tbe lake basmins becamo Ouled vîtti alluvial material, as u theme old beds suialui the cliffa surrouding &KZLUT05 or À PATIRONILu t l~fmtskuilns of( lit* lb IbSe eély day. It- m« be sIded 1 hwbilb.theesimael lMme1 mince Ibis. pertels varias, itleI.evi-i dent IbsI thb.frsI mention.' as* notleu than 00,00 O yeango and- lbe second il liait bait asMacuh. lnto Ibis jiion spirlyef ossilhua-1 torspenetale a yor aguo le olloct -séimens for the Maseuna Of N;larai listory of Novr York sel cimpil ou tbls regln six menthe. Tisur marcb was rivmrled tLth fluds cf somo ne-1 marlhe creatures hillierto aimait vhlliy unlanava le the sCceeof pai.autéo<y. liait notable among lb.. specI- îmoesleibtal 0of an animailner yet 1fonunl ctolleof IAmaila-i buge >mammai Ibal represont@ a compro- mise botiveen the elepbial sund lbe rhlnaceros aud vblcb, islmgtigrlY enough, vas iquIPPil vt tho SelU >cf borne. 'Pve poiolol uprigbl 1sets of borna proclel from the tep cf the hoal, Ivo farvard fro lb. - -~..... cKNyAvuualcvs. eud of lh. noue or snunl dovevward, &Bd tva uloiugila a allght corne isclavard, uidwiy ulb.eamont 'Ple aimal vams asvamp sud lagoan den- Isem sud the cqutpmeut denolesau squattec rool ltgger. 0f Ibis aneituni tbis Nev York parti mcured fifte ekials suan on lire kletan, au. of the skunls measurlug ovor Ive sud a hait fel acro-a, lndicaUnDg a mon- @ter of no mem» dimeonsa. 4à s ta the Ufetah Mountaina, noir à @pur of vblcb thp whvole ai- gregîllan vas baund, the beail vat named Ulntathertcum. mnl palontol- ogy may adI muothor oddity ta lUs catalogues ael anotber accession to ils quantily of onthographical tor- ror. Mmey, perbape most, of h Ibs.fos- mile are la molId, greonisb anlatôno, and wuen non tb. surfaceofIre. quently &tend out ln bas-relief. But momethlng fmi more appallieg tban s slavly depouitleg, alluvial procesu la neceasary le account for theecilent- ly mlmultame d ath oh a bord ai snyen ko e maturea, aed especilly do.& tis proces not explain tbeu fout lu l compact sandilone. Another rare Amerlomn mpectmen miaured vas thé patirafelîs, an en- tire akelelen of vblcb vwu louaI ai the foot 0f a ouf o n a smli tribu- tary cf (green River. 'PTia 1.the supposed acSler of the modemn f. lic. trlbes snd la muleresting as mark. log the ad vont of the svimrng car. olvors, au Ibo plane of bevelapment Onul Ivo umali brokea pueces oh jmîi bal hitberle bien secueof eh dmaný 1mai. Anethor largo mammat founi vms the palmeeyop& T'he smont vs ornamented vitb as ing'le Iventyi Ir la id SKULL or TEE ?ALAnosT0P Inch hoe, au oocen proluot, sud was thon nol largor thbn a modern o;hee , bt la 50, 000 years bad, devel- opel Wtoamait elephanin. propor- Ucuaz. Bis proment omomat0 cousins i hetapi mlrhinocen>a Tea amoi" dame>nIlb oocgc ion vitaofcr-q pfpidgI o 1h Ont) day, a Ibis dituallel sud atd,paisOSgivaw ikImg about th. aMpus, bo obsontl au uuisw- fi susosblagi ofm&tiMuls îMo$0e littie distance. Ho dil mcl hasten is sleps, bal procfedl lowly, tW. ward lIem vitt ieisbesd lown snd db oye. apparenlYbonI lu conlemn- platine 0f bis ova boom Wb.o Ibis leitarll procmding bal rcught binleWtlbthe&Po whferth* stadeaits bad been gatheredo ouly ou* joues Ma ongm ùUod. lbeottiers bal- les pr.clpttatmiy lepartel. Theu rietiseilltshoad sud apparentlb aitty, altheugb the Young usai always contendil tisab ho detld à lvLrnkli ln his keon 'dfr,n maid the presideutlana com- mamdig loue, miostantl ydisperse tb your séeral places of abc"s!* DMutboilab. h iaet required cirtslnly vas, th* jonc usan ex.- cutil W théb. bocf lbis ability by 'dimperslng» vithoul furtber delay. DUET IN A MORSE CAR. itb a A..MPaaiLbBS b7 5M. Cea t- or ieuSuag auh8.Weh.SLm Tvo vomou beardil a Broadway cable car aI ThIrttith strool aImaIt ueo lime Saturriay. Witti a greal deal oIf iattern ansd chalterlnq tqy secured twô sats,'Ph. car balt gone on about a block vbeu the con- dactor beld but bis baud. «0O, arre, doa't mind, 1',. dot tho chanai rlght beres'mil one. de asIuglto a 1111.10 p lé ,,'e Il got joat the rlgbt, change bore,' sud she bétan ta dis Imb a purs. *Why, bore It la.0 exeiaLmed botb lU unson, s hhme lime abovins colinWhlb.conductor'. oatolretched 'aOm, wby didn'I you let me psy l? Iboy both exoisimil tagethor agfain. *Why, I )est bad th. correci .change," vas anothîr joint exclamna- lion. "Papdon me, ladies, but oneof you gave mesa dîe ad the othor a Peu- ny,' the couluclor broko ln, mhowinz the coins la hls baud. 'Impossiblo! lum sure I had Just s dîme ln change,' mald bolb la one breath. The conducter emlldssdly, and remalueol here standing wilb s mate îexpression, vtli lb. coins ixpuaed ln b iesýI siloutatretchil palm. «Tbat'm se,' excialurd both voene looktng at the coloSI 'WelI, lPUl6s6 bal I'm aureaI1ldn'it have a penny,' was 1h. nexi joint exclamation, and both -atooa lhe contenteo f 1hOl1 purim it talaIer las. Thon voe mevr"i cappersamontlb. change Iha l flul out, sud theontthevouez excisimed logother: '?bats sn, I forgot, it muet bavu beame.' Jotb held Ibeir tiaxi out ta roceivi lhe surplus cent, and the conductorlookel puulcd. «0, boy mîngular, vwu lb. moil joint exclamation, sud thon bott toli Ibe conductor ho coul kiip thé Pen- eny. The fare gatherer bovel gravei ad moral toward the rear, wttl tb. vornon bogie a discussion as ti eboy Il could have happenod. -Nei York Sua> ,THE FOURTH POWER." LAn At"te . nStoat. Wbnt ILe" 4 e a recent number of St. Nîchola 1- he abovo qnesl'oa vas aked, mor as an amusing puzzle than as a ser] ou mathématical, problern. Tw "TE rUET PWU."1 clover correspondent&, however, ha, sent answors. Paul P. 11071, of ph~ adoiphia, tacloses a inodel Ia wi open work and veitea: 'Wheni wih Wo represent tho fourlh Pow (whicb, being of four dimenbtous,1 msW oeilaahypercube), vo may do ln soid perspective by piaCiag a e disgenally above another and a litl behind 14, add joluing the corl @pouding corners" Ho retors qilirers toa abook, "SrAentifto I3 à younger correspondent, Arti Howo Carpenter, of Deadwood, & 1 &Wo delicos the proPerties Of t fourth power figure: I la a 11g1 bounded byeigrbl cubes, Junetas a eu Je boundod by six squares; il has a teon corners, twenty-four squares, a thlrty-4wo edgos. One of the correspondent@Say& I, tbis model shows as nearli as Pol bis 'what thé fourth power lot like;" wbat il roaliy looka like oa b. shovu. This figure ha& many it@ quàslilei, but the lhing Iteelf only a lhecry of goometry. camafilsu Canal The Hurontario Shtp Canal Co psny or Canada bus beoirtaconi atcd by the Canadlian Ispilature tiii purpose 0f contruotlfli a sl as'I*oqxoIOnt<on Lake Qata tg., m' nJ»Ry eat 0aUv oe fiboe HOUSI! WIL. L imiT DÉBATE ON DuW THE TARIPF BILL.vie e1 i u s . a Ibh e M f i M D en n . a. e m ta . a e h c d s u d a s rirnsth u e rom a tabwe-ol i a IleAllevasia wTein p~art &BA eS t bis prko@ JOla.H 411. wS Ha ne abmhd Tàb h-omnil-pa an là Iothe lsitn thtege. - Tro OONVERT TUE, on EnS New ta NgIgt. Tarif leaders af the Boume are pro- Au Eameu«e HaveUjete go prnX t-)bhoile etari! b.11expe- sUBO.4 8.51 WlU" dittonsly Whoauil cames bock teVixat There vil ocoun *selvinSe # body, s a Wwihiegtan correspond- ci ralliions <alb5liUP U ent. No dîfinto prorim ha; yoî wbioh ibis ceuntry 1basé bilon arrangel, but the plans bave mo,- T bey viii surell trfbté tured sui5cientiy tW mtisfy 1k-sein lbunawoemnbulteW cliargietfthe bAi thst theo vii loI its im e prpe rh.> lie ather long-dravo-out del &te. Il oludo aggresuv.s nool b. a tories af speclal rulis viil netcsily vithiuthe ba preser tlolte clame dobâte on varions nonatIon, baltvllbl e echduleà and tIbn a final :uo teWvimida111 es. b. aum Cual up t,.î vhole question. Snob a course sud vhle sasjet ne Io viii bie adoàted, h îwevsr, oti poieibnbinMa ,<> the dobaIs gives prcmm mis t1 oliIg tihere la rismaotobollevelibal Interminable. le viU n, t b. us.'te È,ve t mavornheer limil s aonable dlic-slo:a ofthIe ,*wi etan vas c Fonate chage ebs oftheb.Wmym r,O&prdly, th. n &ud Mie. à(Jmmitteexpea Ithe billAgnes' Churoh iu New York COU, te bo roturnilte 0the Baume vithin lb. Ibe pnr-Isei s the lb.l¶.UisiIf noxt ton laya. It 19 OxPoalel, boy- lien celle] tbs BrotherbOl f01~ O ever, that thon. su lb)* sovenil d&yÀ' Irew. Biabop Wbllsb. cf Pt deisy after the bill pasées the Sonate deiphia gave tho firutcord~a.~p la order tha a osr.aful revisloi of the fiweb lso Pri Sonaste changei mav bu mndeeand a more, and Bishop aller, of the NO« nos prent0f the bih i uedl. York diocomle.M r. Mooly bearWiq Fo;resentative Brecklnrldge it Ar- roves of the propoit«o ando tgaea« kansas, a mnmbor of the commtteo, Fia, auxllisry te hi. ose sPo"imj». maja l ràs soo lu Ie Boumeon theIl ;tous work. Foe gladly cimeited te ratolpto theb.bill vili i t roft l carrango for hlm%% a.lbitonuOl b. a nd M.aes Comiemtee. This smc1but lb.y coulat b. belaultîbe se"Ma ýbody v.l ti. evral dayd, p3rham à time-that this serice of muas volea s ,fuIiy golug ovtr lb. bill , V&inlgk n chanceos wu Wte l and dotermlelegr on the rolicy ti hO le <'tal. the plan ta asfoU»sflU_ adoptedl leard It le no.e amI lede- vook; Seron. th. be-naingci e taitl. Thu fer thon. bas be no de- th n viii begin amsrtesoh saotV- wira*8C. <z. ls It ws 11k îIl ltba 1Ios in every -Epis-eoîW aocu*>oK&mslm ro&er iP O.eceen thoe y"ta l very ~iilL I a'nate. But zsi l t f %bOato'twortiCk tiIee~o rbhle' complote, the Hou 0e oiers iiiviiiRo ory #,hnnrb aofamy othinernois 1over the bi>ll le dotait te moo bey fa r tion. Thera ara lu be bol duceeuWv- 1 the y iii reomm oid an agreement ite , aî*y, m rning, altern a e« 0 9vWitz1h. Son île and le whatexII- e0fting Thoy sr,- lte hO shal am tant lhoy vili joie lima. vltb col ed rev;val services Ibey are le ha lb. sonsa echange4..Tae doter- cmo-ele n b.henature of thas oxtai minations of the committe. vili 1-eorodiny ,erle, oh relginsusl2 largoly adviomory 10 the Bous., but vbich e as bell le Trility Curou thoy are likely te fix tho future i1'ro- New Yorki C 1; durlionS eoubt trnam of the conte oce. Theocommi - yeana ara.- sh- Phuliî.. Brook leo i lll select the Ho nme conforres, t>3 presclid for an heur te laree oegpe- ho r-comm.eded te Speaker Crtap for MtI ns. To Washington viii go soms bis appclntmeel. of Ihoablesi sumiseloqueul pmra_- Es te forIebt o. tihuBill~. es Ie aIl of the denomînns w SmalaII When the hi 1 la once ine coe'nereS mm as Dr. Greýr, Dr. Lymea19. f reque..l repo7t. i ii hbcmale tate b. ocbsr, sud oveny are of tho cstgy b oume on sncb sgrooeeat sa ina, heofotGreat Brîtain vbo bai rained Pe- reschod. Sonne of the Wavm and Mean3 pute ie this country. Liter the ucol- Imomeaorisamy ton days viii ufficesfor le,. viii b. hed ln Baltiznoe, Phuwa agreements. Othero aie euas anguine, doiph&, sud other la-go cilles. It le i and fores.. th. eecommlty ot a ruie, or blitevod Ihat tb. Melbddiste sud Fap ,a Etorisesof rulosý, teproeet anothor p o. lina ilU cordialty ce-oporato. n tractaidibate. Reproeonlitive Outhwail. of Iho SUGAR WILL BE TAXEO. Raies Comitte..salys there viliieb no dlspoâllIon talet o!! fair dlobat.-The Seante trikmsibmheIem #om lbe Free ):ku'O wli 1unltconsider liif bouilld e-T Vote. - bal d dfoot-by t!.enalo suintS. Sugar a iii le ta»&I.At nmC02c d aeid. 4)u be conrsry,tbey Weh etsy Sonalsr Aldrlich u-mrdel [Z vililie falnly sud ressaansbly lis- aâ:>pmnito votl upai lb. commitSes m cauel. The g:d toua.of I e Bous. ameedmeettjix kieg ugir tram the ce wiii undaubtedlr'tlota ou hetcdo- f ree 1U3t. The &tmeadment val edopt- bu bats bai paceld t ar eeeugh. if, ed-33 la 2?. Quay. Irby. Alliuasli howîvor, a ruis becomos neoeausr, 1y votai aye and Palersne. Ta.old> on. cie ualonbtediy t. brongbt ila aid tailcI vt3 vasas tclows: re sso for cl i ncthe debati. As yot, 1 E&à. J oerer, n) suggestioa of samIi as Ales. Oeedom,.a. er Id heiaaoe." 5es. 8ffîB. an Beriu.tilo urav, epubli- ataeard. Uuatom. 9y il esii meanhor oft he Rule& Coanmitei, arni. iebs Id es ya"A nul cam b. un 'oubtodiy ma.e adn e..(i..mti a. eactive le dtaposlnu of lobate on lth eohel ,e ytariff. It ana prescrîbo a limitel lime Mtio verea lieor discussion, sud thon direct Ihall. t theaniia ~a.vlb ~ rovlous question ho consiser. i un or- Gog. ~Wies t' gr lbwtont sey dilltory motons. Âhinteb, Haleie Pefrn. bi Of courae the Roume veu I bave 12 ihs.. aw e. Pee vole on snob s raie, but if lbt goni-C&.a Blutesiv. Pl,". mon on. the othor ide doern au on Cmlomur. de. Pets crowdlng the bill througb they eau DUtiL8. =U to(rt.),.up probab'y gel througilh a rude:tI oeg r1îne. Enti eie bUi ecLgh tu aScouplliahthst purpoe.- ________ las SMALL-POX IN CHIICAGO. GEORGE PARKER committed suicide, ira nean Totito, Mo.. by lali'eg poison. ri- Terrible Condition of AWfAire Reported by A CLOCDBURST o curred noir Wlcb- WC Agent% front N.Igbboriog @ut.,. its, Kan. Seernt saahi lownVerven A A tartlhng stateoet aFair -bas been inundalod. biought te the notice et the t%1ayor GEN. F. W. BuTTERFIzLD. of Kan- and heaith oerncWalsof Chicago n reaameaislty, lied aI Excosiaor Sprngs, tion t) lb3 aproad of gmmiii.ox. S Knofcrn! i.)t3 cdat agouti iront.Ohio, Michigan. u an,0 crn. l-its dians, and Illinois were sent t, Chi- IN a quarrol aIl1 eadt llle, CaL, aver cage net long a&go te malte morot ln- 10 cents, William Mlles Mtaite George uirInto the matter, and ttýopent ehin sith a nazor. thy ad . ayr ekiaHf.~ THE Florence and Crlppv Creeb matnu 3r lu vbich t e h.aith Railnnad, vhlch hmbaiban tiol up by sathoritioa of the ci y ver. on- vashouts, ii runuing agiu. doavoring to ahoci< thee idemie THE tdouiller Ciy et Madison atruot lioomnss crcely credible. The e-I a dl ke ia the Ohio river and saib. Ber lx rtnrecemmended aquarantire agalnbt 1 assengors vore reten-d. -the city sud so tirro i ui. the nulbon- D.J .H Hwsbcgpy Ive iis bat a force E.1 490)vact.J.XInaRONa llons hy il- was st once sdde 1 te the besllh o- *i mia. 551 Itovuol le Maison labo, ire mnîmetthe or oet ealth de-B ne Earlb Ceunty, Mine. weclans was doublei anl a detai of pice CAPT. Sti 'X»I= bas beau repiasl' Ira elld lbel lIn leadilleia ji .for cmuiug the dama e be t îj er sbouil hoi neoltI. Thon wLîbln tw, cruiseor Columbia on bonr trial Inlp. ~ WO day. a descent wau mode upon the in- Misa MARlON CRANS bhall 60 flictod roglon and a boue te bouse notion for M2.00 dl-es, for.- auio ibe camvasa vas made. Every con, vb2 againet Dentist Adalpb Malsaone id île bat not s vell-dofluel acar of recenl New York. -ti- production w.i obligea le b. vaccinat. HENRY F. BATCHELOP9, ex-ýresIcl lu- .1 ga e re was somo slrong ne- ot the Stocigrovors' Baast faI Re- W ne- siatncoparticuiarly Ln the Polisb di- Mont., wuaselec.d ta Ove yoar l- trial, wbore the puo ý id e l a calloil prIsonaneutfor embazzlomeel. le, but the varti vas thorcngbiy and A nia crawl amd s bruss baud »I; lu rI llyne rnai C ox y, of om m o i ei taM n , on leO Jdstrict, oompnlalog four bis roture ta Maistllon, 0hfrH tb. s uaire miles of torrilory anl inhabit-li(,g are e1 mobtly by poor fereigens the r- proposes te malle s lecture Icur.'ý ubo ciel agonis fLund overythiog rie on WILLIAM CAMMACK, Who val t sll.. six- tb. spres lof the diseae. il v"as te bhdll MP.ughkisp4le, N. Y., by 8W i Ib tis tection that tbe moungi ahovel rare Almaro, a Spanhsh ,àilka Ilseif final. The 111th aud aqualor et student, l. ala, sud Alarnaro la a SUw. lithe localty vas lndescrlbab'e. The g!ii 0 mo'bpatlthlonyIv hysiciana A IiREIGHr train' on the Cleveland Mi- vee at wvagi, sol that but one 0eau of & Sb. Louis Road jumpe4 b ý 1