Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 29 Jun 1894, p. 6

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MWE KOAU8KS lEADINU TO MIHE REVOLUTION. .m aU5k rein l* a s a por5a tamMe i wa Oetree w.. CR@ of the Mcst tin. ibe laser causer cf th ver &Bd, in Ibis light, 6"tclon a Pa lacelan bl »'r d.serv. of cfBritish lroops in considerel me a anti cmniaints ver. COU. 17Matie cf mater.i Dot apear ajconsldor- thIe sufer- of the -iti- as Wone oxcos- v., but Il wua talone of thios Loge vhich prov. a constant irtalion andi an sefor corn- I.March8' and ropo m ero of Bouton hais an enocuntor Iwlth clubs &bout midnçbt an i revenui Mon on eoh aide vre âeruma Smvuded T ho x~~1ut thé ~as th. naturel outllo on Me bal il been - afloveti, but, cowthereti, Lsburnèti more bd themo w4rè .nay --t< L~' oeurreum for an excus 1, :oaci other. 1$ ba&penod Io aeosing 0othat6 Ivo londriook to Pma sentluel ÉcitO1 ranfroïmthe ebësoev:cksMto the sonrys 46 basttly vitb aily var-on ýbâomO& te pick up. The sol- $U*WeothIe attonlicn M~usA w intiovu. wve 00Upauthda Glpoutto b »malter wva. ven -b -'-j- Once a yaaz Is oomes Wll ith 164Asgea&&4druuw, Wt IIII 1h amn..ond. With Ine ,onkets le And thah stars, =Mdt Flus&ailthesky. moneaa t h. ahr. Po:des orvswhere. Snspplng ai youi fat y ths happy bors AU i&o« lh. Street Than. bhurrail Iuay. IndepemscsDar Cern e inose es ar. vlth Ste ada. md amok*. lat las beul hi eur, % nasd 111h. tolu Lai as teks our pars With a loyal eaurt, la or flts untaricti. Mita ma!tI unIman. I'roodesLa ibm .could Fieei A merican! IMon,4 vas Put UVon trial and &aC ultet. ratge.nak, the pine Irge, .ad lhe coutumer@ Invitedte btaule IL.«Cube, Popular sentiment, however, bad ts etripee, the varions deaigne of the di& O i m iifr5cns oe way in the tumerais cf ihcue lalu. feronût conies-until lu l, 1777., a: oliul bat ovory bol coulti have TIrs.. vers OrisopesAttneku, a bau&W eIuu tle f b taMrs ïv. = Themon gaveav"Y te nwonleti brooti Indiaaq ;Patri9k Carr, an t 4"Wiidp t h& 1ev ""611y, antwhisky ibey bam aI- Ibis upt4 dl% M groanaional em vaywii htern--20 contsa agallon, -»l si sa, lenesivelatitriaio- Attsrwel a esInus vas atdel vlth mad hai thai. gRood. * 8butting U peIievenlek. Their bodies were *vorjy ev State; but# as Il bocame 1he. groeriee-lhey were not eau"et orne wilh greaipomp lhrauqh lhe maaUret ibat ln lime the beeuty 01 ealoo.a" t111tniar the var-woulti bave - treete, a eolemn funeral service va» lb. emblein vulti bu marreti by tihe provoked a niot. mous. os . ut. elti over ihein, ame they wor bunleti enormous proportions acquireti bv ad- The op aker Cave "olti EnglaId" a au oeeccounm. The iu cie commun vauli. The alair et fewv viqrotus viacka, pilied the «sub- b*uaIl taudiu. j lhe hooting reoivel then lie xag..jteaO forsgndespiss,1 c,.0ofgratu- verstainforgerated 1111e of 'maisacr,' a naeead hiefoUow-cisimnson thoir glo- magefr vdn hicas lngt Z4ro1%h da e .- rions f reedom, and generafly vounti ______________op villa a Maternent thai "but for our os16, lhe gCid 'ie noble forefaiors, vho on this day se Itreel amiaurrouitted WHERE THE FLAG WA8 or g olaoiteeclne emme wiso e,-htpl«o be BseOpuff Baarf ree andi Ilopeudeni, vo, 1.11ev-clUi- ube C1..01à zens, voulti have been th. mub'oct or a »U silera lto thebar~,- «"U tdepotiain 1k. tb. vreiohed Iriah. per- lismob titi net vlsh te bu VoeMT hptOdo ot h ir f sd tddntwn tletat239 Aroh ati compolloti togilvo one-ihird cfaI tenit it no vat lsOt t en 1%,w hfrti vo.possossete t0h. king and his sol- a. ~ .h. -ftilme > iaadieîm.' In th. enumoration of the an inboresttng bih- horrors of tiospotlim on. count neerly gdwmom.ents another eninol ai oy lu it tlb. irt alvays appearot-thai one-third of *lstanco was smon. A byda.c vinn hat the fermer raised voulti b. taken ~t Ibis oier bat sltruok llrte sasad TUB YLIG Op vlmorwu. 177& by the dospot!-Bost<rn Post. liaithe crovd vanted, anti sm aeby 1,fr..John Ross. The 4dotiltional Slatem, Controas reducedt h. tvsaiy ycung mon advan , agn for lb. Sq vwas frein a tirawlng tripeom b th. original thirtoon, and Thon andi Nov. te poi the sentry vith mia- a". y George Washington vilh a the stars were madie te correspond wih The groatness anti rapiti grovth of timan l0@40:1 bis gun.. bt nlattofathsdlgevs the numbor of Stae. - th. country ar material for oratory Adoted arosolution of Congroés on The Arnorloan dag la on.e o the mogt on evory Independonoe De , but the the 14ihlay f Juno, 1777. coommil- beautlfall taI flcati upon any land or bavefigures areeloquOnt. teecf on~acompeledv Cn-»&. Its proportions are perfect wvhoeostimato aller 1h. rovolutlon the voaltb oral Washington, afterwerd callet -i - la jpoeg.ymd-u<naîf as broe. ftoUitdSao mssle O, on Mr s. oaanti ongageti ber le mairko tl ln. h l'h. t tripo aitlt.e000.00>; l lu now about O 00,000 0000 iau froin tht. deblga Thes fiez t ýen t i rdthe next white, andt îeýe -aun noresof a hundretifoln. ýhe mate i no kevuthevontiovo ascoors ellernate making the lus tri,1poplation nîne yeare afler the fight- mh ar S lw.nwth ane wrldof te o&3red. Taoe blue field for the sta.lrs stte lnoceaaed (1790) vau 3 9M9214- tais teStareSpéaled ennea sr ofithe*Uni-vdth and square o b rs e nyear it la oOtainly <6,0bô,OCO-in- blanc. bolveon the desin of or gag sîripes, vis.. four reti and thbm. vhite. crease of noarly sevonteentolti. Thus aandtheb arma of Con. lWauhlntton, 'h colore of the Amerioan flag are le the vealth T-or capita là fige or six and tin l la oiveti b aythal th'exquisiio relief, and l ià altogether a limes as grea sasIl 7t0. Amérloan iag vas denveti f rou, ibis splendid national omblon. Long may e ,. bereidedsign. l vavo untarniabotil 1h07 1)14 l ot). Seral Rags er. oumediby the Peo- Lalsbreak the & iloncet " suggestod p. cf the Stâées befors thc prenant WHEN WE WERE BOYS. eue paîrlollo boy t another on 1h. Marbi11%ikr9 ffq asboisti luA Vkturs of a OI4-tm* e 'We can crackor, auho.*replieti Ne ok Il# noeM he te moy h ther. -Detroi Fi ee Prs.. lnaeriie icn e X« mz â the Ab- «Now, Blldo't t go te u enlrsàf Mdare OR a th le othor vil&. Smy*vl ous ?11ec, iisfop-More than Reallmed. bide, 'Ne Ip*' y j=nî , 1775, on or do you vant te kot bloeet up Tor'oe * m&m Prosect BInrâ'l utem Anti a sirauger te boys andi te tire on.- cf e veni trom a raied hioi ql om vcz wult "Ilveconoudeti thffaI6myn ail saravlna theb.mollo of th. Ccwsveelhor oonialy dulIt ebgel blovol up,- Massachusetts, "Qui tranutuit auâti- for ilvas lb. reuar compaint of tbe Iri eti relire loto the Inu Colobor, 1775 lte floallnu imon i la cere hâttIhoro vouldalt b.o Wicbeovas& HO bleiaOf Boston MarLeie qvîheso of danger If it vermai for thes le*&hmye, ndtom= bej rso'"i' ne<.q *è Iie ain » TiIss uIet4 'olock ila the morulng unvillai hearing. o f a Fourth cf1.luy, ja ago, inaa - élt te hiiire- outjvle,.Te y eehr md Îý M 114 cury lvad;e publie qer. vtr 8 inessngu toe P.Pros.- 1h"-r hepblesq mwhr r of tb. day. l'h. meb t 0Si e le. wwee oa..., barefcotod wu inceasiéandW for the mont partouI!y lu 10v unsineegi every mo- linon shirts antileam ptutalêks anti bya rrhe timos Presot il h buliouing t ter as mthey ran, for »ex arivedon th spotléIte affair vas toi impox lent te bu n % gthein. Peson e:miaaet on accouni of e Uttle Inormai. 'Sh,llgo splendld, Billy.q 0&9»»and 040rtinltyiy n biloi. Anti close after thorn midire erecame Ivo or three mothers villa uorv- ,rod. oes vrnie sof caution. à 004 yol'he rialng sun showed. ihe vhole tbe ored.Cm»0%p iPultion up, and ian the country as fer youtiaeas boom of cannon or rinir olboUsé coulti bu beard, lier. vasugret o- oltement among theb o y s, eoibeg bsiit byà, cub;i.bu 'e te gehi.sbreakfastaend ho offt forlie loibisis y a. T lh. mon and vome a ce nt lî , lator if il vmsn't Ragocd har'rout a7.0 ~'vo ~ to~*** en, BDlOoelock ml lbhe tva WM out, t,140and m 3= helb cual!y thlie - .4-~ ~ tl~~gj ~ ~-- ~OP~,j~ tiro EDeeot of smoking on BO) OL Oue o! the medinai journala ne- cords the observations o! a physician, wbo lies been Iavestigatlng vith great ninuteneas and accurecy tbe efecta of smoking on boys. He tbob for Ibis purpose Ibirty olgbt. boys from in e. l ifteen jeans, anti car.- buliy examîneti thon. In lventy- soyen o! tbe number ho discevereti Injurious tracesf e! lhabil. Ie tveety-two thon. vene ver-loue dis- orders oethIe circulation anti diges- lion, palpiation of the beart, and a more or louis ato for stroeg drink. In twolvo oftIhe cases Ihere occurreti froquent bleedileg oethle noee, tee hat itlurbeti aieep, andti Ivove bad al lglal elerationa of the m ucoua nen- braneofo!tlb.moutb, vbich dîmappear- oti on ceasinu thé use of tobacco for ion. tisys. Tho IiDetor Ireateti thoin ail fon veaknees, but vlth llttie effect, untlltle smoking vas dis- continet, uhen bealth andi atrength voeesoon restoreti. Boys anti Books. «You bave donc a great lhieg vbee yeu bave brougbt. e boy to bave entontelninent frtraebook," observes Dr. Johnson; anti uhoover buas bathlb. ralnlng 0f Young folk, especlly of youîbs ubo tilt not nat.- nnrally taie kkntly te reatilng, lg likely to agree vlbhlm mosl f ully. Oertaloly the muet essenthal ai of- ton.,lb. mil dîfficuit part of a boy's oducâf1on là just lb. ponto! oftaob- tua to car. for neading. Once tbat le dons, lb. bardest ef tie balele a over. Il la a careleoro a d"I1 paent 1,wle qumaot Mdmeifora bo' minci ens C-a tmo préouoa tais, Su"esandi scetbuor, bave recetày publîsheti wbat thes Nov York Telegram calle a very alarmlng obatement,. Itlela the ofed that lb. total umontof goldidug ouI o! the earth anaually suUfces only Ici supply tb. presont domanti for that valuable substance fer use lu lb. art&. Not a bit of the nov Product of th. mines la avaeu&- hie for coinage. Trinkot. use sud vaste lu manufacture exhausi th. wbole yieid. If Ibis Ia correct, then gold nuet venimh tront circulation before long, because,*the output of tb. golti mines o! th. vonîti lu tiinu- lahlug rather Iban lncreaalng, andi thor. are fev fields lefi te explre. But Uncle Samns metallurglates ay IS a ot sa. The wniters quotsd hail to couaider tb. tact that the golti em- ployeti lu lie arts te utilIzeti over andi c'er again. -ltgoes lhrough a sort of cycle. Articles ef jevelry oflen dla- eppear, but are seldom bloo. Whou lhrouab accident lbey pasa out of the possession 0f lh. veil-to-do, t.bey igo to the pon anti sbarp-eyed, vho soit tbem or 1 awnthem. Fome jevelry la lout. by tire antinosin luelbs, anti these loss are absolute andi bopeless. but jevelry othervise lace r. 'tain, practlcajly ait of IL, to ied Its vay, sýýoner or later, to the pava- shope or lato the bauds of dealers ln olti gold. Thus IL la meitetiup eventually, and rcappeans again la other shapes. This le uhat ls lermeti the "Invisible aupply" of tha etael. Thore are a numbor of unavulde- hie causes of locs of geld. The tiret and nostl inportant of tbese le by abrasion. Jewelry louesmu.h wolgbt la thut vay'eqqial igs >c %;Pn rapidly.-Cue asenter mpnch las but suill considerably frorn var. Ail gold lent luea total los 1 the goiti stouck of the vorîti. Wbere useti for dieoefauvie purposesIi. ltexesreov- ereti. IL la bol employeai for illing teet.b eeanly ise muchas formerly. "poroum golt"beteg subalitteti.But.,1 o! course, the golti ut.lliîoti for lihIlng1 teeth la a total ]os, anti ln th. ag- gregato ILlel enDrmous ln quent.iiy. If IL bu Supposedti Iat lb. average dveller ln cltlea of Ibis count.ry bau 50 cents' vortb oh golti ln hla or ber moutb. vhlch Il placing the ftyure very 10v, IL lllI ho grec oy great la the vaut. ln Ibis fbri. Eacb suc- ceedlng generation takes se mny millions of dollars' vorib of the moiel froin lb. vorid's stock le Ibis vay. Soin, golti ha lot inlereme:tang,1 t.hougb aIl possIble means h3 tabea to roduce IL to tbe lovest possible figure. Not only are the flourasvepl andtheb dirt Ireateti for the recovery of th. yeliov subtance, but. the vooden planku arc burneti eventually vith tlb. min.object. Even the shoes 0f each mac uho vorka villai lhe mealiare subjocte t te .chem. - lstzy of Ire, YWedlne a 5mal button"t of the precions matorlal. Pare.sU andi Ohiltron. The laya of parents are secret, anti e are tbelr griefs and fears. lhey cananet utter tb. one, aed tiay ulU t net. ulter the other. Chilîdren aveet- on labors, but t.bey make miaforlunea more bitter, tbey lacrease tb. cares of life, but they miguae the ramera- brauce of death. The perpetulty by genoratlon la common 10 boula; but memory. menit.,and noble uorb aret pecuilar to mon. The differeece le affection ef p .rontA tovard tbeir sev-1 eral chîltiren Il mauy limes unequal,m anti aomeliaues uevo:lhy, eap.ciallyt la the motber. Wher Ile a bouse fullt o! childron, a man @ball see come re- spectotanti soen.hat are almica forgotten, vho may nevcrtheless prove the boat. The Illiiberelity of parents 10 Ibeir cbildrea anakea thein base, and requently laduces Ibem to10 asiociate wltb mean compaay. Letz parents choose belîmes the coursest tbey m~en their cî)ldren sbould taire, for Iben tboy are the mosl flexible. If the aptnes o0f the cbiidren ho ox- traordieary, thon ILl asvell eût. te cross IL. Mozat &anth le C tlc. 'bre jears butors Moartla Iu ahen bis *Don Juan"»vas produoqtij Perlin, the cr111. la lb. le"adlààlo neoapper wro-uc 'lt Ibte rd o! a freak, aaprie,, anti ot lNsp by the heurt. Bosîie,,' e bave m» heardti Iat Mo &-tlel opur note." TheOfrI periormancei Mozart' Magie Flute" wu gi«: Vienne, Sept. 30, 17u1, bul Birtla'dl rot' besr Il 1111 tbree y 70c. a tbo studity cf the Aireét of the National Tiacer.J J verlby pnedeceauor ohfao 'Nîbilungon PBingr") la qusilo nine jers But if t erur conser rative aisuo hsmse for their borpldl buthj4 a up. The '¶alFuto a- suer- about 4t imes In t *1!r on May 14, Ils 1001h Ferliabh vas céeobraleti vlth. great jnlisI From a pleyb.ill of the premr.,wh the Boersen Qourlen pritIi a thsl.a hundreti y«ear go op:=Ïwti tormnuces began in BerlUnat 6-Ug the price cf tilôbets nengetigwetn An Amentmeet. This quotation agpeara on a -bu room door la e eity eteL! '*liryUl b me dovn la peace anti take in,4W for il in thon. Lord, only lia pe me t evl lanS'.t.y." * los w the proprietor' haspeàueti:Oiu, l eouo ofh heelrobln'i-i moreqeuffoat yor 4or.'. ad~d o u Tom vSkM atamie lu van. olM. neu amewte rés, bai 15e,-moud at a (Fmm hie <b,11545% K»9, PuI 1%0 Hon.John M)IL Eicé.Loomi, Zée. reoc Cuaty, K.uliàeky, bhs Mr tite peut Ivo joua rosir .i i An tiwe M. as Criminel atiCirmcuit Jutige etiMe Sixteenti JudiclaiDistrict 19 Ese. tuoky. He ba§t for naayy e u evelbu nativecouniy aseliate teiitas . SatureetéFnmnbfrt at MWé toui un i esut~a circles. The Juig »la eUks thrcogfhoui t. the*te mà"l p0Meeu the butet li« w hleh sa lh ma» a NentuOkygentleman bonoret vier- ever h. ai bova.1 About sLu -geamumgo lia 6bel9I troublas vhich finafly causa le is lireat nat a lime Wobehi. s MW" faculisa vers i ha b e nith c lri slr.ngtb, began their encmo.u* upon ais naturally atrong wooauttulo. A 1ev tiayâ &go a Kantucky oPua e" e ibo holbovlng vords relatea ie m itar eh the causes th"aW lot te bt eiv ment: 'Itleajuàl aboulasix jansm @hm 1had an attacb cf rheumatleuueligb et firsi, but acou devoloping hlot oi atic rhounatiom, vhioh bcga ral vith soule seotialg P.d n uCb.hipe, raduaUly oxtenting dovuvari te ny -MI condition becmaugobadt liai1 evenî ially hest aIl powor of n, loe. and thon the llver, kldneys sudiblal- dier, anti, le tact my vholeuyaiem.te ceame deranglet. 1 Inleth ioieataaoa o! many physiclab, but recidlngno there vore non. I abt lsemplei. 'In 1I8, atiendati by mnysonJohs. 1 *eut toHot Spring, Arb. I1vau ol much boueOisti by smontIla' mal tho. ven--reurned homo. My liver vwu actualli d«dt, anti a dm11 perait- eut pain hi i ois . me onite rack aU lh. lime. Tu 11 1 -à-vasre- pointei Circuit Jutige, but It lm, a r mllble for me le givo attention te my ute n1991, 1 wnvoul te i liia Springs, Waubeuba, Wi. 1I arel there soe ime, but vllhouti mprove- meul Agein I relurneti home. Ibis 11mb feeling ne hep.. ef recoverj. The muscles of my limbe vere nov roluesti by siropby te morsestringga. beti pains tortureti me tsrrbl, butI iwva the dusedareti condition ot la Uver' that va, 1fait, getU&4lyveWnL; Ille avay. DoctcrJave me UIpza bintis of r.melee s beus teli" i.b out avil, an t hor.asunotbin5 non for me be do but relgion yU te tat&. .1 legereti on tu Ibiscondition sus. taineti almot by stimlats unl April, 1893.on. day John Mv an aceount ef Dr. Wiliam 1 Pleb pUis for Pal. People tu the Kentucky Peugt This vas som.thing, »W, 4ma asn morestirug aller se mazy otlieaoouit not do se muehb anal Join prevaiMd upon me tels, le Pinb Pilla. Itvaa, I thlub, ile i rss vk ha May li pila arnIve& Iremamber 1 va s o ezp«e tu live for more liatires ofour dl ai lb. Unme. Th»e efe li te pliN.,hovover, vas naveom ant 1[could. msoustcl earily, a Udaq 1 bail not don, for yoara.The User bc- Fm amoâ ia"taolw toperferza tg 1unttons sbd bas done se *ver @tIco. Wlionl doub* th. pi*i aval my lits, anti vbile 1 do not crave noto- nlety 1 cannot relu. e ulestif, %0 Ibeir vorth." T7he reporter callei upos !. ahgbe, the Loulaa tiruggisî, whoifo. l l thal Dr. WUIliaas'Pink PIla hav beee tory popu-a BlupiJutige Bloc useti them vItllsucabone-il.Ha mqn- tiono.i everal uho have bounti relief la Itemi use. An analysoe!Dr. Willlia Pink Pila for Pale Psople show@ thai lie'y cOntain, le a condenseaifotoa,&il th. elements neqsary brive n.v lite anti rlcoutu thlbbloid sud restoe Phattere! nervea. They are au unfail- her- apecific tor such dme as loco- moter ataxi, partial paralyie, et. VI- tue' dance, sclathua, nouralgia, rhon- matisin, nerveus headacha. the aiten effeots Of la grippe, pa!pltatimonfchthe hear, pao anti aaliev complexions,a&U hori o f voakuems elîber lu maieornle. mal. ant ilUdise,., raulting item vIint b ureors lu theo m&Dr WiUams Pink Pille are soit by a dealers, Or vîl bc sent post pelt cone-u cepi e! prie. 450 cont@ a box, ori4 boxes for i2.50-ulhy arc neyer soidtla bulk or b th. 10»> by admaimss».D William. Medicine Ce., scheeoot.y,

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