Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 6 Jul 1894, p. 4

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?W~wklvIntr Oeanand.Independent -1the best enra and local newspapers both six nionths for ouy - ..--. THH KHTTLE AND THE POT. 100/o ~OIi ~N -~ <Jct l.~r .i ~ OTV îie t) 'etl bi, [e v te l ,no' e'gdthe chargu. Then the t\\ o (uniorhrà d rn.'tnNi iiN~iuit.eyl n ltiltir u1y PO(NTS FOR THE PEOPLE. LIBERTY LOST.nOr nat înnal otýn,!-atre and al i il, n The Righil i.. P,.a.&nf,1ii A 1»I. and 1. 510- o i,,'sbs'plwdn2 fn ,W.~ashington is oniy u sbîîrb of Al,,fo .Re-.,o .-. îîenainlb leît tded fso, b.' Inn i on Van street. tinfosl lie,i deor anddreh- hat I. on 1--lil n -Ofolit s money is the eternal eneuiv On Nlaîy i. lsI.l. i few o(f the unem f rom everv o,tio'. of our nounr, tibl hes 09the industrial classe*,. Ployed pieople offileheUnit.- 1 States. u n houloed d ur l cnditian fte tsringla -To refuse. t.. do anviluinti tlti vou (ter the lead of )Ir. ..S. t of y. >emP.. Iaie bna happla r a o vcytau i. o b nîutg. . 1l).« (i..ndert.oo.kto exerci.,e the. 1 conditions te the peuple .ail the sonje f con_ -We viould rather hie coxe\7 lu prie-. COLtiitutiOîiai nîglit <f -Xer-ican citi- 1tenyrnent Oo, iizeri. - 4 tianCleelnd n te ba. oul. ens 1)hy 'Peàteflliiv â Coon9a te titlsaawe do atb peu-e anidgrond iii to ___ th ('lcv indin thev. il nt honne. n i tal t a'petit ion arsi tomen.wve sbsii unit tu îbe ela-,. inltsi tan -Brehern. iotig iiliflOtaS(l* uch ustlai, aspettio conres. fr tey are. and o<bey thbis mandate of authorlîn 01» at oiV*U yi.. througli tehI wn utlaNa vuldl iring relief Wtofutmight. v.hich overridem aoisud at-as the Ilaî bo. t îtrytebl he. uneinpin ' cil and îestore prOsperity Onigatt. la doina su.wa..apil 10 Cirl-r) e -The ndpariesar toonrcounîry-. i'le.V iereinet uv an lovina cltizen, es.ry liberty Iovns anil ,or nid pardpe w t hite a l., n ofif i arm ed force tif olice a li d enie .Iis wom n. everv one n waose bre asl tilt- tire- o t li The .g nPatriutlim andIloveofci ountry base sot ,lini> 411È14ratpessltndchatr i.-If tstand- righitadcînPelledito uiit t,,rînl.outeOa-.isilso..In ,,ur effort.. toward befle, oed. atis nd arfv.liislur lefore itmviiig Nr. Coxey lelivereci aàlilais and geecral eitenlta. J. S. ColXnv. ~~saman. ~protest lu s-riting tl.tecnîîan g Comiander ni the. CummonweaLdof Christ. IIII-ThIPe eoltiomofthelenat miv p officer. This protest twill stil. the blondI COXEV*S OEMAN OS. 1 01.Vequestion of lgithe utreliefuîopfotevery patrùîtic olmericati and aîlîuoU-t *Iyquetlos nl gve hei reief Wh hinof lthe relentles.. treand of plu- ~.fThat t' -fisaclshThe aWold 'olhOee Imust be abolition o.f îîuînytocjracy n pounie lierties ot the pet,- urfilo rk inti he. inempliy..d. doitlan, fnane ad tansorttio. -ple Iffli peplehav no sprit If(oxey's demandas werec omplie Iaud, fiEaneas. rnsotain. e. If th e ettîuehave ul, ot init with. everv Joile tan, b,.th skiied andt ýbe an E lprp-rts.e noug, o mi-n fîjoinsît ovîil leunskilled, wotild finit empioyment. lDo a-Wen u uuipatv eigbo taksthe rasces ,out. the nent stepl e y.îu sant prîsîf? litre it 1,. A market tiotau International money, snd the mueh graver and more huiailiating.sWOUlId Lat once lie made for ail surplus ~~IMIIIIof a eurrency that is gond ail over 'rhese people vvere thus treatel hbeiause horses because they svould hc needed iiworld. ask: hlm if wve hadlut better they are poor-n other reason unîler in the w,,rk. This would doubtlens è1ý,m n nternatonal tari ffcounference. heaven. It i,. the olîl lattie nofltme rich double their present price and the ben- ,l'iboe'a just as luch reason in one as against the piair. Imw viii ;t end? If efit woulil accrue to the breeder-the 'A oilts in the other.--Chicago Express. the poor have sense enoit-h htavvote fariner. Unskilledl laborers would find -I...iJ)h-kto interest,- the slogan of right tie solution will lie peefi. If plent v of work on the oails anul their ý, * obey, sounds as ominiotns in the flot. th, -ich ibl lose their heado. Fol- sUhist.ence wvRilil furnjnh a muarket for Fï m capitaliat as did -death to lewing i.. NMr. Cozcys protest. tlic farmers' procînce. Tls these la- ; John Irown's slogan. on the The contoitutl,,n of the Unitedlsuites ganar- lessdtefrnrwihîîuvl ~o lveocracv They hanged ioh, 'asees to IL itizens tlbe rlabl te peavefulv as- brr n h aie %ihmnyi they imprisined ae(xy antI turthermaonc. declare.. that tltmerlgbt of thounsauci andlonue thingti thes' have me the .gravenr the pris.on free. speech shaii sot lac sbrialaed hi-en gong shortonu. w hieh \ un ita àMreatraîn their souts front, marchiug W.. stand ber.. to-day W tethe"....guaraii- 's. nr r~i..ltoiot,.W.. hoon tSI. p nce cau-se otîrile factories to tart, iia..setblage, beraîmme It lm the. property of the therclîy giving enipluîyiuent ofnsisilleul t -À Texasmnlus last wsecl< that peple. antI if il be true liaIltme right of tbe lahor nis- idie. For hie it rmmcm- bellevedl the pop.. înnil carry that people Lte peacefulil..aiseomble umion tlmir oas bered that nur greaot iniîfaî-lnr- titis year. lie naid the (teins. halt prenilse..antI ufer Ibeir petitions bas becsig etblsmnsar o cl ltion ut the constituion. ne are bere luetraw ou ac,.-oout of tariff tiulieriug, but and haviug suceceded lu <boing lthe ies ufthte ertire sation,te thîs ibamefol beccauîse orders for their prilîtts have ,k- only to finît that their leaters fait. Here. rather tbas at asi' otber spot open ceaseit. 'hec gondl rondt bill enacteul. n better filat- the g. o. p. lead- tbe continent. Il lN ittînîf ibal i..-. sboî,d cone Sthey are nnw tfcinig to the uew tu mouons oer unr deauilîbentica antI by our si o b eeuiu profesl arîluse lb.. lmperiled nation te sncb ae- moncy lu circulation. andîl ience the sm-aJmnumoves. WNashiugztin b-epîîblîc. lion as -bal escule the cnîî.titution asnd resor- earIv resutumption of iudustry ail aiong -À& goverrumeut tif the people. b the reet 01e brîe the uine. because It, mlons- a market for ppeand for the people eau rentder Upon tbese stets, aber.. se stand bas bees the prodiîct.a of the fariner, anmd hence. j1boy service which ~prend a rarrontete pet for the novai lent ot a freigni servce hicbw (l 'rtmintetheprincews tbe cout o busoe lavssSenterlais- (as eserthiug depenulsonu blîni. a mar- 1 al elfarc- of the people. The ment sas 'taîlken fr010 lb. public Ireamury allb- ketl for ail legetimate pnîal.iîts lu "'liat- LWd*MMnt now transports the maois ont lb.. ronsent or approva iiIb te people. ever hune.-%Washiugtou ltepnblic. ti.great beneit of the peoîple, a ndu p tlb....lep. tbe lubbavîst.ofuttrust.. sain prncile l îîgh trus-and corporations h ave passmed unchallenged lu the fnrcgoing muminnary- thie lie- Mthsam piiiipl i iiigl flicn- 0 es.lir wlm tucommittee room.. a- public ha.. not mentioneil the most in- pMs.t, persons sud products and the esutn nc e. telb.. taiemo teportant benetit ti}at xvold be derived lianking business of the counîtry. If î.'îllng oveallb proucer.. bave becs denled. front, the proposcdi meastîre. It %wuil et. iwhy not*?-Nli.ssotiri World. hh'e stand ber.. lu dan lu bebaif f nillilonsaf ut alteil e l okadtu .-Whe thegoseulueu isstes oîl-toiler.. wbose petillonso bave teen burled l o i tini ne owr aî ht -Whe th goernne isuesDor- mom tre r ouina. abuse prayers bave beentaiake front the hanîls of capitulistic cm- joiterebt-bearing trcasîîry notes .itisteadut nresponded te. antI abuse opporînnillea for ployer.. the club wsitim îhieh thce lu-atin et lnterest-beuring bonis tii keep îîp bonestl remneratlve. productive labor bavej their svagc slaves min subînisution te a dbreserve aud pay its delits. lalîmr ssii) tees talipn fron beto lai njsint leiilallon. 1trainiaemuefitafrsbi Wblnb proWct. lIler-.. spe lalori antI Stavtn aes-i htafrsb I relteveil of a dubhle burtien. Il vi iii g lir.W.con ewrld b.cnr.. a bare. a verv -bare subsistence.-If ~Iogerban teswct aul triu hemb ..assembled o! lb..deciaralloof ta United islathis momeutoît..fact îvhich causes -ipete wealth for the idie buihnîcS;itates. aenalor,- thaât flic a quarter ut a century trades-unionists to support the loxey .Ad there will lie mon-c îunuey lu cireît- the rIeS have becs gmrwbg rîcher. lb.. poor movemeut. ,_lto.enahling il w exchangre t-. poorer. and Unat by the closle of bhe present fumducs mre casly.-Str a, îKa enturyi the mîidle cilatils haye dîsappeared SOM E MORE DECEPTION. ,~gp$bctsmor eaily Stc al n- as the strugirle foc existence becomnes tierce antI relenlless. 2The 511,cr PlaiaS lathe Mîsefflri Platfomi ~.~~-J yn avnt ge rïh. milît IWe stand bere tc e ilind ifongegss ni 118 A Woorm. Steddle Th*. lImer. Z- on you -iud. pavgfr it ut fa promise of retucalng proiperlty abouid the The press heraldsa agreat victory foc alsrnied by inunities anîl tîw-u- dleca bot ach fle 400 mies tn er Mr. lilautiin the Missouri state couven- that tumblc over eocb niluer to ii dleiulties and ifîtresoi. a marcSa unstalued by tion. Let US Sec about that. litre la. ,tbe road. Then hbond tii..ruoad for Cvns the fsitghteat set wSieS would bctug the the so-cailed free silver plauk adopted: itsvlue o anEngltlh yndiatebinaitof élitime tonlIlythas tire are iaa-abidlns We. theretore, demand the f ree blmetaîic Itavineto n lnglah yniicae. Itizenn.. and as. ali out actions apeak lOudec roiuage of butS gld and silver. andthb. restons- the inuey sud maire the people than solrtIs. W. are Sece toi petîllon toc legis- tion ofth1e bûmetaliic standard as I existed un- - *Id for the roud pay for if two or allon aSieS tt furubsh eaiploymest for eery derc ur laws for OVer elat year.. prlor tu the *.tirn over in pastieuger and mas able snd wiiln 1t0sork; toc leglalatoi i nmnelzlof the standard miîner dollar ln t charges. ion wil lie called a which wlii brag Universel pooperity ant4 i becorne necessary In urdei emanipat ou beltre coutryfron fiancil tmainainthe twmetalq lu circulation tu mi*tyaart man-harîn Fun. im<dage toi tbe descendants 0f King George. readjust lbhe catio, il shouitI Se delormined s-"ongreu %)ai)tumaire 11nlaw IVe bave coulmte 1 lY sourcee aSIe ltgcin-S ahether goltI has rîsen or sbîver bas talles, and ng he reeluî ofspech r lmepet,lu aoid the peuple lu ther day 0f .1dIre dIs- ahef ber theme shouItI S.change ut1h. goltI dol- nIrthefredo ofspechor hetrese W. are ber@.tte lli ouc rpcsena.slaoc r0f the sîlver dollar, or of buth tu the end of the peuple peaceably tb asscm- w50 SoltI their seat.. by grrace 0founr ballots. tbat. wbatever ratio In adopted. the rlabts ni il" totpetition the. gdîvcmnment foruirat the truggle toc existence ha.. Seromle Lo o th cceditor and metor allait lac pre..erveî #o.dzas of grievauce.- luit tierce aud retenties.. We ruine and tbros CD allhme. Savins in vIes lbhe demands outhte, people lire conservatori.(?of our coust-Ounr defeuscletia bands. antI say. }lelp. ne ae forasn adequate clrculatlng medbuin. nal rghtspropse ide upo andI onr losed unues mumst perlash We are Ca- if this IR a free coinage plank Lit lu al rghtspropse t deL pougageoi ln a bitter and cruel aar wlîh the eue- t i w.. fail to se-e it. lu fact it isa 1iplace where these rights may be mies. uf ail masind -a sac nlth Songer, Coxa'.k..p of 1.. -rS wretebednesN anîl despaalr sud ve tssii con- erorse mtraddle than 1h.. national demo- a. o ail, hen,,, lu heet oîr petliti.. suin Issue for the crallc platformiliself. Nothing hittei costtuina peogtieof salItio odas iretvlm n 5.snecould have been expecteil frointheti your e ttUinl rrlaie kndhof monen sblrbeharriedtIhIe oountr b. assemblage andl petition. throngh ose aidai nar atîtI sa d he lite ut hepie-hunting urovvd liat run the conven- 'coule tb Washington whe-rc cou- nation. lion. If MNr. Cleveland i.. hurt uo ivorse - la located.-Labor Advocate. Iliithe milime o ut itce, tsrougb who%@ impar- lu the democratie conventions tlîut are ingto pofords AuercantilIadinlnlstretibn osIly the preseit elilila- Vo follnw. ive shall livé a long tine un- lgb poors neranlion coan lie înaintaise.t aînîlperpetîialed:by drRctetet odmcai of 188M, page 26, during th.. the poser.. ofthebfcîimit., oi o l cut ry,v dr nbIramet Nod octi 4brc ycaa. ronal6i-to 18g8 il-u- ous ahe i ..lbertie.t o!firpepemu, e tate convention wiil coudemin Mr. * hr wr ~55l86 oepend. end lu the mime oft 1l.e comnoosaei0f (Cleveland. Mark that. - National- t- r ve. 05,1,81moeChrist whose repre.entlàieuvie are. te enter IWatchinan. (both gold and sllver) shtpped a motalenin atmlermeit proleat tacanst tSi.. the. United States than wercunecessary andctIr-IuIsmurpation aud tnranny. -Ex-President Loneks, of tlîe fa r. lu. ,AÀnMetal that la leaving anoi bis est urmeil ..imhgatlon 0f the riabîs antI ers' alliance, maye the populiNsawill1 tovs sasseiubled here bu violation of no jut latt.. te secure thfrty-&lx congressmen in the Mcour cfrculating mnedinu. enjoy the prîvilege-. of Ciery Ainerlesu citizen west nezt faîl, and enouthe soîth oltii, hUdrty-thrce dld W..are Dow unier thIba baos of the caspîtlof aito inerem lthtt@obiq ovu -back tia..we set LISand th b e 5îll o 61 ou àlâ SUCCESSFUL SOCIALISM. 11 * NwMaadla Pobaling Ont the Way tae r h~I ~~IV *~ ans The recient "eport of the Anuerican consul at Auklaud, New Zealand. states IN EVERY VAlîlgTy 0F agalu hy au Increased majority lu theb. OR, SHIA5DES AND TINT8.I fIrit election îvhe-re women votedi bas greatly strengtbeued the administra- rp ed P itL a an O ls teoftefactory acte forbidding child irp rd P itL a n js labor, and paised complete- employer..' P ie o Fty u o k to k liability. P ie o Fty u o k t o k mauy. for the railmads, teiegraphs., telephonca, etc.. beiong to the govemu.tL o eisDr g S o e ment-are conductedi ithout the cou- Itractors alti. L B R Y I L ,IL lu railroad mork' fuir instance. thecI E T VI L ,I L goverument engineer milices a plan. sud _____________________________________ the îvuurl< lathen divided imb stuali sec- tionu.s, each of îvhich isgiveudirectlv te a co-operative group oif morme-u. Thcv receive the price agreed on and LADIES! 1 Iere It Io! divide lb anionugtheîuseivcs and goveru. ment înspec*.ors se.. that lis maeh doine.~ C o uE B S The consul saya tîtat thu3- wurk iu- iueep C oT E B S Trcaus aund raw material beliiîg to bbc WHILE Gasolene Employaient iîîreatis. iîmurmncc n savingut hante.,arc ail in goverimîmentC O I GS O hants. Luemployed workmen are gi i-n transportationu te thia iemret g.îs.-o ment ivurlss liaitltme plmpie uof New Zeaiminul vti)ppi-îh t liisin it lIev wiiîiitst ili hase ed irî ue svuuiuî luntire ratlinal siiol utun of vexiug soilIpubl-mi. Blut ftre.%* inI stomp' Tie fover-l bas. l.ssiiiiîmimIcou tri lotf nat ive buumuid, ope-îîcui tlu-îîrifp. and w ill eîtiîr lemise. reu'u or sieI îîltriglilt Iia sttlerumi l ,eas usterni, . ute-rgrtill ielu' 11.1 on~itm.îr if hl-bliais n li ti. valiue Ibut, -mi >,i,'lc-elîmlsaut il)In0iiîls lis inio,îiieol.. 'llie sî'stteiiomf landmltemir~e tîîi La GIi l, iîi a i.tmiill HIi iplirat Iiii îf ltme p,'ncilu-s eputiîuuýhcîiltilentî- * in ii -rp-ttii t ' unorrînleut nui,îv lt.. vIole aI aii aniiîa rote itirviug fnî-blii fi, h.% itii litalis ust;tuv i-îa s Int hr,-. pr liing iilb lwiii. i -It-t-eil inîvaluiei 8'.m< Ou ait prIuiel'it-v î,yîr Ilînt ainoitî iin aie. mu..pev'il g-moitita. i .s-I's . t.ash ch ilîî i- s h - il h Ithe uceii-iii ize anI %alie ,f ti cm-..q cliii,t H. B. EGERfl Lq~jj< .Iibertyvvi.Iie, ... wic-il finît i.îie - t.s Il(, 1uni i M),e. It i>. th, sttillpoliu-v ofItie New Zlua- luand fîîi"riiykiimil nu revent Ille lii.. iii- sitiîn of a gret-emtu--ut 'if landîl-'v ~L<ODNNE. Ordînances IMos. 45 and 40. uni' inmuiviilual r oirpouramtim. IfIM. i nuil ? lime Preeblesai s»Il 1lio.rd1111 iiiowei er. amy viclint if Ihis iiiv jNi-347.48.:9.50. 5t aud 52. ir, 11, 1 i, ll e miiI<m= think, s mtauxe% areil-.)auhigh.tmhIbe :4blii ,î,-il. u ,.', nî.,uliui.'lit'.>.lf.i.i ,,îîl-c. 4 SthCb hi.s prnpertv. SînâIl hoîlers , îs, Ira%,hI- t ' Ii liim.a tml I-i,- ur .illersSae scrcv alx utolipay ciion hir lanlib,,01 ~ i i- ,i-i ,î .Ii. 1, . i uca, uiilarn andl noneî- % liitei r un iinpr.i m-n)v 1 t , , - ui.i It-,ii t1. iale~ Thebtateiole mso ct, .,mivtriivtte. nihîninis-,î,î-i . îau,~.. . l.S i .1 t ay- ters evIale-s ut lime aotimai ci-I iof ami- ial.' .i i i.,.îimaiWii(iic.i m»à min ivtrmutlin. 1nîrimu-. a fn-e pîiblic - .i,îi-a- lîuîî 1i..,.iS ~"i . ~.i i. im le.i. every tuism. whe r, lIte intlieijuire- iaJi ...i l -I. ti.: l Il.-lio -i..t-.lîill. walk mentýfi ut tptovero aulelupIcves nait- i ' i i' iI.i-.- Iis f11iii î. iuiiicSk over the couIunv'iuy bic asc-rtai-i e.,u,.li,,4I.,ii., l,.d., Ai.iu-- î,Il.biiiaulise The cont ryul in lu refl ast few rt-ai-. I i lltîa,"I . .îî i 1 i îî, u m.miîmî,u.. . 0ema u i t. conse-îueuneIIirl ies% lezisiaf ln in tca,îi - I.î, tiSent. i tili , Aitadewalk shall Se anud its ailvautage: s. mallnnue w ,milîle1- i tît-I.îjlii. dreuscî.î icI-ISs udmt therviifo ur»b.Smd uOIch fni priîgre-sl; Si îiîî ,îu- -llait- m.a. l lei.,utl'ai le 1, - aupervion &Mal ub)ettotbeapprovslof 'lîeve soci.aiisl rt-iiriiowere iii-rIs oi, li lil iricil i,rirr i<ciil, it: ,]Stze .. mmlsonert fl r pclle o là ii m i nitrî, s-14îl ii brlutt lliîri. -lmîmli, tuinp 3 thoeno taisutoia rlalit a»m-' Opptivu.iblut itmiialsinlias biîritîîghm t fri I . îilcîrs i-st liif-atriil) ir r- ,! ~thu I. t aiadvhkaoI PIIlîi-e, a. Kt Ilcua f nmdcit-aS. i tpart ut laid sidewsuS in front o noine uoi the expecfcd evius lu its toi. kIeWil ,h I a Il ui f (ýl li ii t- ii l4etir mepetîve lots or l.Issg. O(n the cmîtarY. Ithe ccnitrx liais i,.i. if 1,1.11 ti'iuhitni îî-f t"aIlu thiuy d)g tTtfu.Sicetoamih- floIsîsatler Ils pubîbualjoe.nmiii b. hi..,, t-i-dm,-. I il ta,.]'lUSt - piii Illlo-l ,uI-l t-' i I ,~Ifisuit îlaureof. the neuenaary O iaaBb" b m't'lieirelortr icati-il- Iiitimportanlin s;so huit urnl..Sed saii ueSaIide-valS eoaourucddbr Iti rpîrti. utîil,îuiv .miît 1l tirai- aiiil flis iîuill l iit-uIl.Village ot Lîbertylville slaî. dmbutn , froua the tact 11at the cos-nul lsaainvt I i-miat sucS lut or lois. parcel or n a, Ille owser ail legisiative intemfurcî-c. unîd closes Ibzc. 2. Rali edewalk saholi t. ronsrucfed oerner% of aSIeS hali fuIrailt fuçabbsué with the sttement tisaI tho-te mvi,,are tsud matea-ha. Ieretor furnhe-Set iuder lb. materLand s muhlt uet such mdewahk or-Oeil aupernboeu ad sulîjec ril..tirnloai thetSe uo. eralY requr~.lSal.tua accnstcumeul fn bhc reat principles Of Stree.t (Yammbebouec of s"hI Villag, l.S u beur"ea aprovided.adlUn legistaticîn (ithe iUiteud States tn cri-- Sac. 3. AlownersonIlots or parclm of land tertro f hah S. olecteul frois1n a ou= l ute iucîivicî,îuî iuuepenuiu- i-cmimt <tis- tuhijr h lr, fmi iewtlk abat[cu ow nersofaMid loeor parcela of landm ps appt-ne îof t'te Ne-w Zeiaimî legi-sin- their respective iotauor pare-la, bin accordance Bac, 4 n lucse- of the dcfaulborfsixluaa< tien! aitS 1thespecllheatbon.. of tiIs urulncte stS- as iklolesDer. or usueral te0 1005flm audit tien bu InthirIy dmys aiterlitapublicuation, sud In de. sidewIk along mbd lIn.. Lu frant a01I gb1 The foru-giiug is aomuipilation lit Imul tSe-eo. the ueoemmcy mâeatis hall bu lot or lots, parcet or parcla. s provudlhn tacts anditligures .foîîmî,t lu the lîiIt,_ fi icîrlaedantI Auch idi-saIS onAtrucUed by bu. snd the ane abtiSeconstiaated by n andChicgo Tines theVilla" of LtbctyIllie alunrg lb..front îof V21Me f Llbertyvile. a blI 0f thoet burg Kanvas nîd hi u iue. lt sucS lot or lots, prcel or partiels. the owuer or oucSshesalk as aîti e m@0oonaUucleibg fron tlmeCouirie-r, a single taux plîper OWDers ut aSIeS hah tfait te turnlsb surt bMai Village. gahowing bu segarte Ileffs t» pntiisei ui 'l l.uiih. î ei-p te î>l mteassandi rousti ucb sucS sitIessuS or part rosI ai îradlig.malerial. la lu.g 2r pubishllai ,,. Lui, Ie liptie fA-thereot. b..reby ceuîred. nîJthîs lthelimne sud sutir @hbn.alIll i la t4!a0 e losviîg: In the niagner Sera n pruvided, antI tire ocoo VIftgeCI-ciik. certîi 1 t by te ise ciof Tisee ciilur îof tilt,.. i hrier tins r-t-.-1e-resut'bal tue oliected ftram the respectIve Viliagc .togetber wib thelisaiflte.kIor owuers ot sali lots or pccelmoftlandIas tpro- pafsailandl Iouehbng upo te lno ofM ceived a Icîber troun uite- I States con- vhde ibn thismordtnance. sldeshii. the tramer; 0ot he oanemstheveof. sul.John Il iinnoîiv, t Auc-klandt. Scia Sc. 4 lu case- o! the defaut oriallutreuof the front.sge oui sai siesai ofore o auy lot os er. or osuems te eonilrsuct ucb parcel Ze-ulanuu. 'llti- , I3ii u in hicililie- sdewaal osald lUne lin iront outliis or 15e-I Ba.& Uothe fillng af lh. bellof sars: 'lob or lots, pact or pîarvela, as provided Scie- lista of li lr ateslIbe *oolet %"I 'I~ier ur -iurg ucmîir n .-liiIn, l.asd 1the sar laibs e cuustructe.i by the lageCleck. alaichr= bal 1 s*once pi-essa are i lrge umbr ofsinle-Village lai LlSei-yville. a bill ai tho coeoutprepare a pecWba lx atrlIst« ioi l taxer..i lu ,coutry ivliî,are conu- ,sucb sdesalS as oSaIt b.. s0 cousirucicul by parcis. saitbe owuers Ibereot. W 5UçW statlyailuuetiu th sighetuxusasaiVllage. mbuslngirin eparate- Ile-ms the cerlalnlug by computation the eanak stcolt aygiail'eng ean suitspeclaltex te becbam-gedagLoe*« panaceafitr nauyni ofthe cvis thî vso.b 1elt u fieai1eutpai-oesandb.oe the oofb country is sufferiug troua. I mal, add i Village (TIerS. cecllfed te by the (Terk oftsaitd count oirlbhe costruction afi89aid tua aa nt uî î li a4rmotileber wabh e i ita nif1the lt@or acSecilng toe c atei. leilfoirthe lorry i mhuli euerarî i0parceiaso Iad touchbng upen the lIne of abid spatial lax by Ill e fibsne Sieh-h. bheory. but 1 ami.1i telieme. rapidly up- sieWahiithe nanes oibe owuers tbereof and lutalaibale aiso flietI lalhcm pmoacing hat sage nhen mmmi inthe- irontage au mabd sidesalk out eaeblot or 1 l erS lunsaiVillage.ishh.lo pruhn htsaewe ni nparcel. L. 6à Sai VillaeI eksaLl justice admîit that the principleniflthe Sc. .lfpo the fltug ofithebmbil ni sucS by poulaotingafmmidpedhalî single--tox iusnot ouly feasiîle and pmuc- lista Of lots nr paroelle in 1theoffice ofti lb. I- oloiu ebs warrant dioctodbo lbUm bloale.buttha Itla iaiy îrcig ~ lage Clerk, Wmalerte ishalstaonce proueei te uner ut sait Villge toc theo oileto ticale.buttha itis dilyforingit-prepae a opecal azlltBainaist sailaIta ndaei .voualamaunts orspeîl aeLgo self wlthin the range ni practical polil-tramais &Mdthe owcrs thoreof, l kmass as- and appesu-ngfrinmsldpoa 1tasX <ioerltbug Sg y computation the Imount af duesiapaonlt.. neyeraI lots rpxcho tics as a jusl aud ecouomic metbut o uf al tai to be charged aiaiteach aiflaId froua tise asaers tterof. lubn taxation. I am forccd te this conclu- 1=oWearprcelle sud lhe asuers tise-ctoonouie. line afi lid sîdewalii; sud Pubi r lon lu consequence- of the expe-rueuce cauntoaitlb, oanatructbou a1 ii sldesshii. prceeil lu olbect the @av"sa hav- gine be.. i bs pact jaeoaidlug tolis, rale fixetI for the Icvy of sucS pa ad o ar ucela ymab calIpelala y lse ondbnance, wihSapoctal tai fr l. alefrom cacb af thepamahe a woringilthuhil souyenforced ltaahI Sye afilecInluthe 015(» ofth1e Vil- tord unsati sacrant »sthe osiug« * wokln. acîîogo u ouy Ie..CerS lu al Villae. r parcelnoailanul. SalitTreaur«o etoa alimite-d extent.t'bS ai Vla lishh m-II- ae awamsllwran 111b. The importance- ut hi..admission that ou hclba aIapubitila uhm bi efriteuls 87 pi>fe-si-offue. Isu=e mwarrant directe-I ta 15e Treas- tSba orilnc.lthînui the principle of lb.. single tax bt ela ni-cia slVIîî flfor the toutiection of lt.e ai sucS warrmn au la la O e bej racicbleand"jiu t and elo- sevOral amOunt s pectral t1515anaseetabined. tepltbon a'sl arnt0d r . ehd ftxton"wl dappecring trouatlaid pe-clataxi[lot ta Se tom apon wIls -atsbw -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~u linit oasasmaaisa.theu, 5ii i a-I beveral lots or parcelleof andsa, orcctai snd &ail lli na o ipreclated by aIl who have seen tb..fullifront- bowners thereof. touebing upon lthe Ishalh et once psy aver 10 tise i text oi Ibis repotIwblch bas se ne- 1 Iseid abI alkl gS;antI sucS c00 ha iV llgeailsm iuoiyb b Ilpruced ita collectlbhe everal aronaita due iIoes cently altracled the attention of the uponsadlotnor psu-celasyl malng dernd I Sa. 7 Upon failure lcdlsS - dwhole American pre-s1 lunthat report jfor the.sante tront ach ai tb. parties Iesbgn iteoraypt totI Wwarrant amte .owsof aiMlIota 1Jlunthis odn i h hob argued that the single taux woulborparcelsoiland. SaIt Tromurerotpald Vil--(TerS vitin. thIr à das le I mmedlately bring a large- claie, f ni t bms jarnt*albliée. ilso h l b I--haiperfoarm the dulles promribel for hlm bu 1 lectton Si snobsuela m

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