koa Cdie me<h CMI.... 0"M.. a noms Uses.- hbsta. bpfr m&a lla cOmves- fMth oes- si loudJy op- se oonveal@ 6 mom' tiss th let tu"de a" i 1 OMMce vers SbteM Troue- Ott;~ aupei iestj Dr. t-ru. rom ft.oei .r=- .COulifieATION biSOIKS0£RF T'ME UVER. ~~WAY'dKiLO vt fs1 . 'tîsMS nîof elecricity 'bi vrîting Xic BL O amw 1o Oý uJE aý1Vht W-e Say, wisaî Hd% ataarilla dm stisa tis soiy Tse -et voluüMeof cvi- du ffola-is-t-nof unpurcis*od, voîunu lary tamonial prove beyoud doubt tai Be Sure ito Cetc re Hoods06 %» HodaPille cmure ballamismaipaton. NeeProvlusg th. Point. The proecutlng attorney luntte breaob 0 pomt e cas thoug ho Swosld mako îIt a bwrden te the un- f'srluatoung -a-n vho va. thse un- o ýYou mes. 10 sSj," ho. siked, sa! Iton a lfte ofeinbasraaiisgquoaliona, etielM e u had b-en absent for an enl n isL, you id net kis tite plaisif, to vhorn jou ver.eugaged t) Ite mari led, visen yen fis-el »a ber on jour return?" » o," responded the defeudant, vn umaire titat sta'ement to "Cetafilyif ueekasry.» .Doyen tbtnk lbcy vouid hlieve jeu?" »Oeo! lhem vould, 1 kmo." «Ah.InJed.AnA vhy ahould ho, '!useh.ovas p: e -eut vien I li MW ber.Hon. a. aI lte gale vien I F roda up, and ah.e tuck ber hesd cul oi the second atory vlodov, aud I tlid honr'itov d'y.,' sud a»Id Id ho back to suWerin hail au bacSr I m nagiraffo., Aevioervbodî-in *e court- iocm ami ed ëlbbe"I tu,@ SttoWUO.--DO 'at Fra What tousideration for lhe un! ;tu ralaj la ti ho depeu lsa ftan u pon. the panvonwvio is l doulte coca denlng. dm opi. as-eao Iharonghiy egolist- teal Ihatt l it meaneat acta rern gen- ercu. et theut. An arn asiu exaruplo of titis tact va.sforde 1 lu ocasaeaf Ob certain seil& bt1rorson to Wvit rn s- elten ake of te fiua.niai misfor- lunes a c mmon auqualutance Wito tenn;lu h. bas ntad prou! i hat I, atlsndont turu mv back on hln." th im .1ut the other day 1 met the lm andtlujped bhla on tha bat-k, sud - iaIO, id fellct lend me sa re And hodidý' "Posasilho badu't but ttre 1ounds, vbut ho lot me bar-e tha." Prom H Wtor c C ro ttnil. A gavel ad 3 trou vood that grev oM lbe !arm vbere Abraham Lincoln vas bora bas boeu 're enied ta the Deparinetio lte 1 atomac, G. A. R. 1 bj lS" Commes-cial Club a! Luisville W& a. Womoei 'Canot wlk o stadber dui- tics are heavy burdeus, and she is utterly miserable. l'hi cause la somne denangement of the uterus or womb. Backache is the sure symptomn. - For yearg Sarah Hol- *stein, who lives at 7 PerrY St., ii Loweii, Mass., suf- * fered with falliug of the womnb. The best doctors failed to reliçive ber, miii as a last resont she purchaaed six bottles of Lydia E. PÎN&kaw's lgttabk CoMPcud. 140w she is a weil vornan. The dreafUl in in ber back spped lter taig he second bcktk -She wiahes ahe bia taken i'itaoaeerb and saved both money mA yearsOf SUffernug. It ilaa swg fMedy for fema l js. »0bl. Poroty Vegetable. il&lsre- t ha l'tomaeýh Bey ea,.rml LiS 1 . ma Admitted to be the finest prcp- aration of the kind in the mar- ket. Makes the best and most Ie, and biscuit. A însolicited testimo- re received annually Its sale is greater ier baking powders K-ILL-S MAN AND BEAST oiui aledhaeTROOFS CAILLED OUT.; f coomitited ulotA. ather tisa ceire ______ a suffering go sure tlensd i laeil tBL.ACK DEATH, TH4E MOST FA- wihi awoek or tWO. It utually ci- SRKR UTCNRN H TAL 0F PE8TILLaOS. arinema acofintense SRKR UTCNRN H ___OPSTLECEwrm ad fatigue. Thon thora UNITED STATES ARMY. comies a aUçghl shiveing, obsa"ld___ SI la Rmtal gWiI..aly la Ch»A sied fa..confusion of Ideas, fofloired by glddl- dree Ae yla Diily, bUeth Whlene".. and pain ln the loin.. Inereaed raîne wiu Be mo.ed lit liRequi.. draa A. DiagDmU, Wlielb.Wh e mntal disturbancze la nexnnotice.-o es* atte aFore. te Doei-aaade Word la la Daager-Charatteriattes or able$ sud thon comns delirium ne ]eori 1mtOBs"ia a th hnalsgo. alternas, pallor and iiushing oi ae eem ____ ea oaisuffuion ofthe aves joucitIinIssue&L anAa feiinz of consriction in the.«Fe- esama. of li. t a .. glon of the heant, Dart!ng pains are Femt of fltoal War. jlack doatb, lte moit frightful. the foit ln the groins, aruipite. and other A cati for troope! That waa a sum- mout fatal and the teast understoj of pate of the body, whicb are @coou oi- mary of the ,trike ëituation Monday &Illepidemis, the awfui plage whioh iood by eniargoment of the lymphatio aflernoon. In Washington the affalr wan hlsm bed . aristng la Ibe orient, bas acera glanda sui by the formation of car- turned over 1 Ceneral Schofied, and v Ie m b acl lime. pread over the entire eastern buncles on varous prts of lhs Lady. I irs admitted that the wbole trouble hundred thousand u shemisphere, destroyng alike human Ai the diseaise adrvance. the tbague b- hall bec)me a matter for the United boingsansd dumb ureatures, la agin cornes dri and brown, the gmteh *raging. veth awfui fury, inui n&and lips are c.jvered with a dak fur, States troopi tu attend to. The Prost- niais to this effect arc L-Canton and HngKong ame th anit-sd the power of the will aeci, dn, heAtcry enrthd h afs-etby dits te Aanrnyfacturers. th ed iArct. Tousnd ofChnamen muscles tn much Impaired. Thepà eetary of War helli a consultation b t nnfcues t- have already eu cumboi la the disease tient acte 1ks an intoxicated man. The anddocid(d that if uecesaary the en« 1 f i t 1,and hunrlofaboer*sam ,dyiugrdally. suffeingare intense and death usue.l- ire m1laary force of theUnited Staton Lilan ,.&at faloh * 2h. w aoi populace Of thi tw6 grait 1v coeurs wlhiu flive or six daYa, would bc uiel1 b enforce the runuiiig conbined. sChineesaoi rencsreut ouhmietimes it comies ioon3r. of trains. andwi may they ho. for wherever ros ain'adSteByaA S U n Ibis hideous enemy of man snd baenst CONDITION 0F THE FRUIT CROP Topntîu'ad ttay B O ..ar le head and omit. itavile breath____ Chicago dspateh, ar3 the tentue.of then. suffering and death ensue. Ai Corespondant* of th. FrarmerV B.view the situation everywbere. The riotous weil may the whole world regad with Ose. th. oatiook s.n OenieraliyPunir. demsontrations have made Il Uncle UAIGPWEC. 0apprehension the ravages of thii dia- A %peotal report bai beau ~iSamn' fight fi crunuis on. Hia trooip ROYAL_________________ CO._Il thcai theCines.t 0 Thy5. by the Farinero' Review on the condi-hvetknl.fldiClfoiasd :;3- ;u .im ;uL the rea pots f cmmerce, Irons1 tion amiproipecte o' fruit lu mont of Coloradio, and they have bcm~ asked for Weie Wedded by Ps-aiy. 0 bicit vesselà Fait toa aI Parts of the lte Statea usua ly covered by its Fi&- ln Chicago. Apnplication waa made ta 1I *arth, and tbuAi the blnk deutb DIay pors. The reporti are lrgely by 1he national anu Stat egoveruments for avlpl n ocln ih ih esally ho spre-d tbrough the olvilize i welî-kuown borticulturiti a" mr- trocipe ta queil the nra aIs Blue 1hav been witnessed Ina Paris church th Thwo alotrakolbdj~g e ya. Island, lit., at the Fame t'me, but the' the other d Y duning lhe celoibration wi e urred in Cantoni h trIweok of 111 - linl eapesylbe State was able lu act with the greater of shionb e en d argeyoatued d E I pni su wa oell ed a apoo q auet i mark*&. nsmore than oneehernl7 promptness ln the mat or, and the Soc- :dn uacre !toetle i prl udwas &ner 1h. or fluet-.in lae reportiez aFoond cropA areO." Rehuentvra i mmeniately or- couple, a mulalto girl and lier equally la ifter of lhe city, certesutl ae umbor report a compilot faif are. white la dered out,.lie and equsllyvduk weeat à The Ores, indication of the syroi 0 f aome l&tirop wil ho from s aopar coins. Meauwbile the Fifteenth Intantry ai uvele uvkeaedItty swethant phla u évt he fiudju o undreds aua.arage, Indigna ha. the a&me Fort Sheridan vi a laced under as,1 ef u sed allite. cellana 0of thoe loy utell. LThe crop I. neaoly a anis 1120 don lu frnaiofith J hou& a, and thon the occapenIa ahowed falinielu moet of the calition la ada vcial train heldIn îltngtoa ermnd olug eah o l mfrnt ade1h a smarne ieltered iccalilîloîa fait asprt IltutaChicago the moment inr- udope sc oeen id crop frions ver. by' the brideand bridegîo *il pV 0» l5ei&l", 11iO llignse ecîe frm - priaIt was fn sking man n ohr elorti o in meately r4igned. Tefortu . tu ate& fier apple crop %lit hb lî1¶heewas rioting at Blue Island atcouple knetad w n te did esly Chine.doctarsare mero uoramue t arge. and lb. partial fellure la other Mouday morniug. BevoIîera eo rednean lnth slaslyn and trest lattenta onlà with ebv ad8ao lmws odpica Me osb reunino at dbridegzroom piacod the ring on prayema.Inucases of thc black dealb corres»,ondente report prospecta gend for asrs a yaw n.til the riersvall isbu i1 n 1 foire teyon lte7 arce -e feclly helples ý.The num- large yield. The Bleacuri appt. crop iswii meredcin as h un it ub. ters nidivemulatadîd îîkewise, on y hbisringirasf b. for *Wau anvaerage. vr>, tew ceua- aordt uidntnmest rv f moel and is bride va. leu fair. ber of deaths average@ sevenlýOy-fle iim reportlnc eren 70 or 8)v pet cent 000- Ck both the Unit. 1 btatei and CookAtlnzh o hepcsin 1dally ln ( anion s'ciansd lunHOug feurthltonsa-hbaitf cro» lJea ommoti te- Coutty.deputies. Tiien about zoWo tmeren ftb then urthe hpr le Kong, where the plague bruire out lu port. iu Iowa the trop wiii b. fair. a.s à temcisrged sud the doputiesumndfrmhecuhbeubl ver.dnivn awy. Mraha Ar-couple followod. iooking as il tbeyr were rive awa. Niraha Ar-thought theyy ve. quit., as much mar- fi nold. who was on the ground lu porson, re as thoir more fortunate brotbren kt at once toegraphed Iiistrlct Attorney Ilttranspired that such Iras, Indeed,- M Ichrist bto1ale stops to ha% a the Pif- hi eif h w oes h r t oublnt to bis as-dst.anc -,asud t thm>eir hown Tetwo lovera. wo ar Sheriffa force applled toGovernor Ait-'mdnoels noywrwn at- ati a hr, geld fortroopi. hdn oe hrwt apyt~ Anl~for F.derm Trope. priost or th. reLlstî a-'s foes, su tboy T he a s s u eof th e U nited States. tou g h o d a a e o d b u - / ~~~troops i, what the raliroad msen have wu aja afetsadotai j1 evidentîr been aiminz tu secure for Ig ______ sevenal day-N euarly cvery move made Fair antd Bea.tiful Lend Aeres lt.he o has been in that dýrection, end they Gî,. promise. te the ocea voyager of hemith - , bvepIan- sîLTuesdsv mornin)g and piesaure. bul ihere la a brad expana. of tbey secured an ironcad injunc- w aterstaelubo p&.ad that rime moues"l higis * -'r~'a.v ticu iu the Federal court thatl og etesdglvul llr h Ihrows tue Itrdon ec- uuaccustomed atouiach, more partcliariy il l ___ ~~~~~~~~~~ig the law and protectlng thirlthtfmntaid oevtevbain ik prorerty upon the natiî ual goveru-- cf the veaeliluit osnsoid by the motion of ment. The United States Marsbal tihe a.rew or a steamer, a change of vater aud was dir-ected ta sece 10the tuoveineut uf latitude, and ahrutptrasitions cf tempera- trains. and un er theoiluonction lhe turcccanots, vithout a medicijiai aafeguard. i - f; can ho backed up by the entire military b enecouutered vIlh tpunnly. for ses milir- SIforce of the Goveru ment. Ii a a eep- emidrjdiliafeio farsdv- Yb- lnjrdocurne;tthat practicaily includes 1 me& Unatpeita lmarh Billesoft aanrdawu, - -- &Il trait a, whether the~ carry mails or carigard. Tourtat.. yachtamm., marinera. » not. Under itlheb Unie Steswl commercial tav.i.ra, muand peopebuda free o lb iAVA(-ES01? 1lDE BLiACKI DEATE DI(BI,Xhave toacl.white the State troaps mayl a.avjaeorla" jaui. mshopiid siwarn ho Frn nth treta s f the.Cty0>, cfHuKong. fron a idescriptioni b> a cotresi>ondeu l. ia o ascele 1 up, as they could hoforeg.Zdd lis. lomparat>0efor tamaris. nhuai. seuraigaa eeptaa.n.a, of Df a similar mannen, 80 ta 100 persani ara tenerai thing. aithouah nmoin f Iho ceu- bningsaail the pawer o! both Folde iaI appetite, slck headache. bionanea. su anOf- d>ing every day. Tbe Whole numieor 'l&à report dastet frum eat(y spriun- su ad Ste.tç Govez-ument-i tu hoar upon tilpation o! deatha tisusfan la aven 103.0(X). lu dit.ioa*Wiconin,@ apple trop alii ho the rnous-a, sud it la holieve I viii et- Th- l.ret Bari-f. E liong Kong, te percentage of deats afir. Ilmiots&appte prospecta are portectuaily put a stop Ici îll violence Tbe original making uf the tinal au I fr l ne daa vs ootua is e Ilr thed ibioild for the Stase vIl i ii h II. sud intenterence witbth Ie runuin.- o! baronet vas, il appears, a purely com- fo u aswa W ra, i 'r eaches-The pench crop la Illinisla u itrain-s. ___________mra rnatin h oie ich ipersan who was attacked died. ho regarded as a complete fallure. no fartriltascio.Temtv i In Hong Kong, as lu Canton, cr- of cotamece la ci'ucerued. Indiana'* pros- LAID IN THE TOMB. cauuy King Jamie the Slxth of Scot- igallo meaurea are beiuz taken tuex- Pcte are Identical vl.b thons of Illinoi lanud sud Ilrât af Eugland badlu nview c' terminale h-e plagi e, but vît.S no suc- l Mchigan the prefprris are gon cid a smaina of the Murdored Prtaidenl Carnot 1 h.eatbihmnAsIbsnwdiut Ices. Ielectvsare etIwork îmailing th. cru» yl ho faIr.l'allure of th. peai tN.- lit .luth. iPeuthbee niutFrae. as the isettlemeut of tb. province o! a bouse ti louin.cauvaisi of lu eclel Ctcp Lisgeneral throughout I Mîou adl ud The remattes of thb ate Pros dm1 il.stýýrIeland. Accord . y veyper-- diarita udbcigig he ife os lauest-. er iihori.il îîSadi ( acuottbe murdereil chiotf mag son c eated a bacouet obîgzed i h oelf the bospitils, wbere sa-m orne cao ho nois. Most cf thI enils.report ne .ro,'Itaeo iacced1, idl umits brty foot soldions lu Ir- flieu h cru. lu mauy cao.itboy bave 1It Indiens the otîculila ranch botter. teihe lb antheon Sunday by the Ide of land for ibree. .ears aItbe rate cf tundithevu'eren, atuneansd un cared fliild alnieztau.ed ntfrum te7to per the remasina o! his grandfattîec, Lazace eigbtpence Sterling mtney or Eugiand for. Aï s ou as a case ap: ca-s trioeCent, cf a trop. The Mchigan poar trop ,(*a-uc t, the '"Organl;or of \ Iceti)Y."per dîem, tbe vages o! one wboi0 year (hbluoe desort tho ealtlc ed, 1Iirlg vii iha aimoit an averaaoe uIh othar 70515 The [uneral Ivas made theo iccasion for ta o b p aid upon th. passlnir a! lbe hl Ia oo cîbs ! oen au A ver>, lighlt rop relt bh haveted lu Mb uone lit the mont cemarksble cîvic sud 1patent. lu reIurn fer t.. lassun, which peelng lu tie wniow et Intervals, llum-5'iunsiu lailila are a por rP rnilihîscy displays lu thoehslry o! jsmouuuted to about£lI\ the psrty atd podiug tlbvi tCru witb a long takiln %Le 51mbaiaavbole, liola a pluis rance. (rowdu hega'r tu galber payiug il val cccsted asbha onet, witb tpaet a certa;ini i ie la extinct. ar alec sc*ansd mucit le" than baIf a along th. Champs El3 5005. the Itue de remainder of bis boira ms 'e, sud prece- The d. uger front infection (rom the trop %Ill bc harvet"d. Thea lunt tro f c Riivol , au] about thi3 -lreets on IbO denco hore ail kui-bus, except disease k-t g ester than la generaliy lIiiiau la ouI>, fair. plumes lu Missouri ]le deý la ('te fi-ont .tirv Saturday1 Knigbls o! the Ganter. lmaglned. Hong Kong ila agreat tes viliirouifront une-baif lu îhrec-fourtiis ove, ing.Pol iéipl*Ilngt ahippiug pont, snd thoejietilence mgbcrop In soune coueebut art a totl ifai- - qie Pedmiuupl ca-sol i uthetraSo oii m or. la oihetcoutàea Plies la Iova arae ue u rli icssn h iftSo olg he i roaght ùver ta this country lu the luinffir c-,udilun. tentpared wlîh o ber tragedy sud curilng the assassIn. By Prutesson lt-lb, ut Berlin, prupheaies ieache-t.. Canton sud Hon,, Kang, Sixste-, but are farer oo. &full trop Tbis :1 Ocleinl the mnruinig lb. streets a very probable collision helvîcu the hovrever, have baunideclared lnfe.teJ croitlà reput-td igeneraîl>, fit luaIiscon- alung tbe route serecowded, and hy esrtb sud tbe ornet of 18îý6 ou Novr. pars. nd aIl vent eli ci mtng fr, m msinad pour la Minnsota. 6 oclock the Place de la (c ucordo vas 13, 18)9, viten tb. cornet vilI cul the the, r. yu la iced lu qu:iraut ne on t. herries. - A liaisb cru» late onioin i lack wlth peu p le. hclassea o!te- point wbere tb. earth arrir s vey ar-rivai lun S" Francisco. Aa Europe- ihroughout liis. the yleld 1lu sosie ule. Young sud c1l, î-ch sud pool, jean at Ibsi lime. But ho dooes not sus sud Amonicans lu Vun a.Cncounts O nlg aimcentîn a. &The aver- crovded to the funeril .rFin ah î1 art àthiuk boiaim ould corne of such a colli- su ôako ar eu1itnickn teyleld lu Indiana la yencmail. nuon, oPlarissud front eveny cdpartmont ut slun, tb. materlal ut tbe conet be3iug vai ton, n ahihvebntiknsections recotIugne t mar.tan10 per Fac _wtb Vie direease, Il la impa. Ixul that cent, of a croîs Michigan bas a lgo.od op rac. ai lghI. unieas tbe cachante scld gas ait quaranîlue Precaulns sBouid b oife. conutîe reportiez a partial fallu. Lineî 0f troupe, infantr-, cavait-y, ut wichIt la probably coipn edshould ste taken a.ginst the introduction of the Reporta f rein Niâtcuti vaj, greatly. but aud actill ry, woce tu bi sean on a 1I pt on our almosphere.. ut, auyway, Ue plage,.l Amenîcan parts. The vani- tkn pi.ld for the State *111 probàbi>, b, ides, aud mountel ordenlied dashed e says, vo may look out for a magutl.-ais Ouïa canouls on the Southeru China lest 'han haitl ta nsal enovp lova viii i or. sud îbe.e hearng messages ta ce nt sbower o! metara on that date.- coasaI are lurgirg tsI I ho I v pertalu-, prebabi> reach 80 par cent. of ber Usueland fronm the staff of Gen. Saussier, the1 ing to tb. arrival ifut thpi sud steamners average, The trop l InNI,ceelula faint. ntîlilary gavern4 r ut Pai i,. The in Amenica frout in.ectai, ports b. igt- Orapes -Iilinoiatemps rop viii lu somae uining enan lems dip'ayed on ail Hailla Ostars-h Clire idly ouforred. omerasuramae pforte ialage-tyieldsi 'ides igave s mucuful toue ho every- 1la sliteninternaily, Pilon 75 coe. Whmî Caused th. Piagus cof Ceunties Show &bat the prospect la very tbing sud h 1ped ta increaie the gh rn: ___cm Theplaue a am~aloy. Vbece Fogod for a hese>, croîs Indiana vil alto wbieb apread over the rast assem- TiEilanotinuratue stblug ibat core pbasigueia edterWe vnltn e e- have a large trop Michian'. cru» vilii liige . Th e crowds abeul Ihe palace make4 man su doforrnod, ena csatly. as aceutuha@s. iestistarl o novao- ho a fair one, but net relallveiy large. sud the Place de la Concorde watcbed obltmOreaue-oh We erarcenti e hief thal l owb os ase- The trop yl ho a grod un@. as s vhoie. Iwit tigreat intereît tbe arrivaI cif tie 0 tler. eve, tslatu he elif tat l l a lu- nlowa lb. prospects are ntgoo<. The crigicotaiuiug tbe cepre-enîs-a vere frm f malaria or typhus, s d >,îoîd luntvlr.on cîn viii b.e gener aiiy siafl, ties of th e fi telgu nations and the W HATt 1 more fa.ciuallngi han a crnt- thal il a cauaed -y b.d san it.c la Minneoirai a autail rop le predcted. d.tan, l doutx ud uî. co- C urrante andGocsclatie.Curranu and bigh ofcials of the gove riment, vîîo plexion tlut.d litre lh. rareatanshel aud er laautaue b te ac ha, u bIii tlsdebacbrnentso ia trhadb h s fGon' upu o caseinf litaiedr-eteld.mc. baInbroe thai a tro p tofarmer ySa?5. Net over vious. Then camme tbe cabinet minis- i HE can nover pakrIe i1ribi kuava caseot he pe ýnt eide le.it ruir ba( a cf tthese tva latries la tepurted tera, wbo va. -e r, sîîotfuliî saluted on 'net boy ta ho'd its pesce -t'lutarci.I. out lu a èecîi)n vitor.the drainage la trust Indien& Thon tcrope fla Mithiltau ail ides sut sio eeemdd dceply i[m- I________L_______ lnsperfocland filbh abounds, sud that are fai. Lithit rop. me reporflla in M2 lte vbole sit.icted section bas not bceu ecurt end fair Io goad la Iova. The field prion.wih te sl 19it o!lb.ce-- visilod bv rein lu miuy mautha. !n Wisconsin le quieSgoil and goeraîl>, casio.H L B O F R I Theor~aisi irhpicef te lage a fnminnesota. The pra. esbon ceached the Ca- weuy nevou§a, e atmteui. vonm ftunw Theoriint br.hlae o th pagu foltavbrin-oravt>errîr. have proved lbed ai of Notre l'amis ai noon sud Bt boi u.hoMnWotn or w.ka. AI! vas lu Yunzua aChInes. pi o.lu0 a lighit rop ce accouni of the dry, veather LI0o dock tbe religions coremnoiy vas a asioaooasMee,, ad lfii aud lUnfis-t visita Ivotrelte most dàad-jus% preou omsu brvînt. cacludod, vhen teprocession re .- m4n aSI q re llasdan nanby Dr. fs ho ui hctê. u b.umantYe.nh5rk 5,.formed aud proceoedi arosa the river Pwos'aFavir volao bu be auto-n Th-f noal ar ud 1cT. tu-,I~ 100 WALL ST.. NEW-YORKi Chines. Cutent. A Chinaman counlt ie h t om tho final day of the yesn lu vhics ho'- ras barn. The cilid tittiba the d5y hofore Nev Yeans laeo em Id that day. Nev Year'a day la-ava tiouaî holiday, sud Itlta lthe only pop& la balidsy lu China When Tmatg Wh'ether ou plesure haut, er huaiau% ase #n,"rytna ote et yr et Me et bavela, proveuîîog levers, heda and uttoer forma o! siekuesa. For sal. In 50c. snd $l botîlea by aIl loadlmg liuggîsta. Manufac"ured by tise CeA. amis aFig Syrup Ca. ouly. Hov Il Ortainaied. Itla I. hleved Ihat the cuslom et raisig the bat ta ladies la des-ivl frm thedaya o! chir amy, :vben t9M .nigbta uubeimed bAfore ladies lPain la the flak Kidney Coniplaint, >liaeo d. uey, nntor bW l 1 ui lJrlmary Tua.,blem BUnin satom wben voM.f. mire la lb. parts, urebral hvltaua.,i8 DlSordered Liver B1oat or dark circie nder tb.eps,, mted, comtilpation. yehlovlh yals &t lDrugast4 e, ees an&100ds D&. Kutas 9, uonamoe . W. W~uO out by hsei DPMý@ or ...... .... CHICGO iu biv- m rXsa ha wlum"m voau fl-I M Moml .UTELY PURE. baU sons' osU wleem~ a. valu ~~us*a ie~t~s ou i n Uhashos sus~- amas. as cmv- os I. Ils passe 7 lb. lft~ n*s Se setrzuUgI~ tytoibalIko- e 'i Z.Zb. ý