f» I. M. V. 1-ARVEY, 1 m gm ove tbeP.0,we rèi-C me aesilaiaai »e Lako. - Illinois. odi Para*maed Ibm <elebrated uOb oly-asutte oom, itos te o ait ldde ts tgRag Weaving. letmMIM.. My so itt i li,* flsp wk ami L« Vlm. Ç*PAYNIR. lvanhoo.1. blowetri not his own boin 9WIl fot b. biuwn." Moral- $p. rts ard abvertise or lat i the ahufflé audit wIJJ gt too. *y ty TIvi.Table. l"S64 »J 9a ii1.4652) eau 02 1, lais 2 36 sfi w t a 04 int.-22 40 6 14 7a 842 1021> 2 46a a671 8 848 10:ý54 9;e Xa e 14E .... ~ taiit sa S àua 9 lit :1 13 M. .M AL . il. lait! 534 6tatr, aLS~ ~ ~~i rt IFS - a >-. 5l e 20 748 .... 19 60 Sa ii 52i. 626 7154 Il- 146 ait.4153 leii, éo J18a1..- ô655ai 514 rtvo.75 1) aIoi ti 7suoa 3s0 bUNDAY TRAINS. 5i C.. as 145 Io 8256 549si el 05< Rt~.Ma.mp.sm. p.Mn. 7 1m44 t10 . M 7 557'12 64ai42M .54 L T42 ... 1 on .. . 43 lIn ...aabuh ea usfa-ite i la a naiva-s Gm>sLake 047 .r. . w.arrilte's ahicegm, l . LUa.ii J clignhai. et Eastern Ry.i Il TABLE. 5211058. NoatoBOUS S i ar.7:3ua ilaa. - ÂILaa :u0ai) ....ai ..ki. 8:507 ana L ake... t :57 airai .........a.9:12 ai. " I i v/aiii.i1 10:0.5 am Barrneo .....10:80 sa .... ptt.)Jlte1.......:1àpua 10* to e b co, Irvinîg Peyae la working fur Robert J. »a b4o aps lid tht bartis out bis ft ri reittd. Mrm..Brt Liii la viaitiaag lier pteetta Mr. aud Uri. JoWiBote. It la reportedi thet lleury Vau IHurmi Winl erm<>La uew boume umti. A. J.- Kluighi. doiug a ruaiiog b us!- um alu bis blaclwl a hop. Bon. (i.H.Craftt itbeenm"eaterteiî- iug trinlda roua Clitefajpthe puât *eck. LitmrWqvile 'mercliaenta are hautiaag their lroght front iRockefeller. d uriaîg the t.iake. , Witer Crînier liusenced a paint shiop inithe building tt'eea i Wli Kulgg'said .AJ.Kingta. Take that sofa or eay chair to NiII Ktigges funiture 8tore anad have In upbuolter IL botter titan hen ies. 1 Wittl Berglîrai tf Llbertyville liau bougbit the ptoperty ut chas. Kaiser and wili movo ta family bere nedt full. Mra. A.J.Kiaîg has returned borne huom Citigo vii wereasie liait beeui fur the pétat week under file care of thei docter. l>amaaiger trais 0o1tie W.C.R.R. hatve riai regular *itlî but aight delaya dutie uthie strike and fl te taiglît ser- v ice blits taenarestanievt. 'mieafaontChicago houglittthee na- [lie docak ut sinî', aunat tweiity-twu Iiiiîiîiaeê, of(i . ltayanid droe [laiet.'Wthe ety,iîst outhlie week. Itest graîde of Exulsilur %t u.ttop t4lattteesa for uiy $275 at WiIli Kaigg's.1 initle et'eirtay to Catit anîd se iiy lii idbai rie, couil jîte fieut Furaitu re. The maaay frietitis of 1iof. Gagg il aaid faiily regret very inucta tueur de perture furt Aitiocla, weetheytwill anake he uÇjuie.Thae Pruf. .,Ji giuiged as principal of the Aatioclt public bciioo1. J.E.Ulolcomb iasa liat tlîree veluable (loge liaâany weeks. 11e offera 3100 rewtad for evideaice that wihi convict the pearty wlîo poiaoaîed the first two. Disait, e registered Pointer bltcb ttat lie valuied et 81000, died Monday. Dry Groods at coat or hesa; as 1 Itave dectded to quit the Dry Gouda trede,j 1 aller soute rare bargains to close out1 te stock 1 liave on hband. Cail eaîrly anad haive ýourcIioice. The opportuaaity Wttt auît hast lotng. John J. Rouse. iVAN HOE. 'rte extreme, dry, bot seather seerna dolla-tta>ftiers .. he h ay crop tt, ia.Lle a liglit oue ...The Foutl t Juiv pased off rallier qttietly. Sain te ifolr yaîuag people wsa u Like Villa. Ase. Joyce took a 1usd lu Laake lttff. (>thers rue srounad the lakea up tiortit. Misa A. Paynte id a pacaaic et home witiî lier maaîy tri.atias. and tuad tite wurks in the eet eaîig. . .Tliose outlhe eick list ire ou thetgaui .... Mra. A. WiVtz enatertaiîied ber parenits uner Suiiday. ...Thiere willtan a social ait 1). C. Aities' titis wa-nk. Pisase Cail and Settie. *1'lese ttriaageuit limes require that ail baasiiewsmeni iiouid tac mure carte- fui tru their finanacial affaires and keep ail accouits Weil in band. Iu looking over my bookas Iflnd rny old eccounta lonig past dite. Now I ueed the moaiey ini uy business, aud feeling that 1 lane beoi very oauUglng in the putt. t requet and trust.LIiet ail debtors will proaxptly raapond and belli ni ouît. Thaaîkiiig ail cuâtomera for haut faîvora, Is&hall eaîdeaver W marit a contirnance ut youn patronage. 136 37) A. A. PA Y NE. VOLO, Fitraers are hayng. It will he ratheraelightcrop tIis yeair. Itaiaais very mutch teeded. Ray Paddock uuraed thue mumps ast week, so lie couid not ceebrate the Faîrth witti bis best girl. Geo. Ilustou aind Mia Ada Buriiett were married Iuly Sthî. Their many fieuîds extenal congrattulationsa. -Tit Avon toaiwanshhp S. S. convenion wihi he bld Mt Fart lit hurclithie irat Suniday in Auguat. Frogrnlter. Thse chineh bug la dolng great damage L, te wheat crop ulittitis nelglîburbood; nmre fieldsi vilI flot be vorth harne8t- Tite Dahly lIter Ocean did nuL, reacla Voouin ond&v. Al soom nixiotus to liee;tbhe ne of thte aay, sunmishng tlaat te strike lu lte cause ut delay. Mrt. Toraa'ce reëeeied e elegrani froua Olo, .Suîîday oneulig, brltîglngý thea sâd nova of lier father'. destt.1 SIte started oaly Meuday- moruiug tW attend the luaiereil, returning Mouday eveaatg,bolag sdvissd n o iiattetupt ta> leave Chicago. We are glad W iaeuxr of tue booma at Big HollOW. We hope Jaisier Iliggius Je a proptiet indeed. We bellene if Juoier and Malndy would put toeir eutbueiuan lu the Sunday Scitool liti Big Holhow Lbey woula s<m be ued alfor that lot th"e are wiilg to give for a claurch. O~ur opiniona the ay a m ufor that mincIsneedo tos bllu1lde vAnd 4mtaoalIa Ail tiWb uew& Ioth tus paper. Oaly 81.50 per y ear ln sdvsie. E. A. Pteke -Aont to Chîicago Tues- il. Brandjçg reports the fou of bis pug dog. il. Lufasai ut Aurort cafledliera this week. Hlave >aur picture takie t heicZ. rida 8tudLo. AI. R. Ficke madle the big cltv x visit, Wediesdlay. Mrs.J..C. ]Meyer la ertertiiiîiiaag gulemla trom Chicago. Il. Scliwarmai made Clilcigo à% Misa Mîtry Sitldt ahaisretîseîed bomne from the oty. 0 oxey's aruiy sfter tic 4ti, waîs in full uine et thils plece. George Fesse 1ud ebarn raiaiig ta tis fimaest Baturday. The E. J. and E. R. R. vas tjedl up semeail dava on accouaitotf the rike. City people are mimerons hoe at present, Ouîr lutlI8a are mostly ail occupied. Misa Grace aud Irving Pagels f ront Chiacago are spendlaag titeur viicatiîIa wth relmtivea at Zurich. A. Smithi, Aug Bergermanai Il. Srokei <f Palatlie sera lîcre Fritday le. îE.1$~s e r êioi Jus. Novitta> "iit ¶'hllarriaagton, (foude.~ Urs. U. OoIdk*V. bosiders returned Hllien Cuoa, of '<aukegaii. 1l ia slit- iaag witta reitlvs*.re 'thil week. Arti. Cook #OaaLtq a egatMoi diry tuattend tlaêBâalot ïupervieKrs Clara. Bange rettiaîod from Cuba, 8turda; lier heltli la rallier btter. Artlj. Cook anid wlfe are entertain aaag Fred Joliaaii anîd aife, of Elgiti. 1Miss Lucy Spencer, of Avouaiîe, !à viéitilag Waîîculia ~igi al vicittil>, titis week. Bey. lMoaey. sutit lus wîte Rigilsoit, will be residemîts uf :t#eauoaîd.atforaa tlîrt time. Ularley lletîdee a-id faniily, of Grays Laike, Stnîdayed witia relatives Rigil friexîdi hune. Vie prouetiit appeau ances aîie titati waa are to hlave atiotîmer aget market liera e eY a800h. (Jeapt. I.tsinig andddsaaglater, of Chii- eago, are boatrdiiig a., L. C. I'races tli lt-e strike la setled. Quite aatuamber aif Waucuada y>tuaîg peuple Mceuit tuSilVer LAIet W CaMnp out fur severai dayt. i.uwa U. You can buy Goods now at, TE"HRMODSI4 As cheap as you ever dreamt of' For BOYS Durhiag Vaictiti. For IMn DurlotgHot*wmebr Good kiiee Patta - Ji)to 2& Gam owa 1 Wmdabte Kaîee Patitîs 880 Frouas .b lgiw Uider1ew '4o Cssimeneaaavt ('beol paîntus85 tu76C Flnulbrt usM Nice Shirt Weîasla - !S25e~ xuluaultyo lc bta Frilied Blouse Waitits 38S to 4geF~Iit wt trle Somumer Ueiderwcauàr - 315e oliusdCaa - - GuodI tlaîck Stackings oftheicWaababfeSNeckwear ta W 80 .ialugoîmke - . Lieather Doita- - - Stmir ui 2c >nCoata u $itiir ut 1.10 lu 1.76 5 m e rs ii Fie $.00 tiWoo<aISuitâ - sa8. eAt-oîllu o Men's all-wool $10.00 st#itst, Men's aIl-wool $13 and 15 MIts now O Men's all-wool black lc av wontetM nuit&m 120 adtoo h0aome s(aae afille îaîueraeîl Hlia J.A. North vient t tiChilcaîguoIam j~. hama. Fa-day.Ilie calted ona lias uuîavr A. (Worth $10.00 anywh«8e. TIla,ti8iiias iiî>uaat hoîuîîaaîals aot tl 'eC. tiain ltlînae. goiîjlîl ct eîereul li!ieaa, te aI,-en t(Il W iilJi-rt-y ia eatnrtaigiing lî. tliait Zuhlea. .w it 'ulahe itaai t itil, a h-oes lat a sts.tt i Ve show the biggist lUne of Straw Hats fil the Lus, , ewtaiiî (iliaier alit! Lake aliss L£Wus, Wlio bai beiu aila City, at 25 to 50 per cent. Cheaper Zuîrichl, Fiidaa3 ..-îa1-N.0Y. i lî.î e .uts leae, îettîaî.ied tu irlîui tta tieck bla ulia tcla lagti aîp. F ual Ilitard , lati 'at Pli ut dîah .anywhere else. et I wlie l tlttal3 r iew;tnle<it4onrataii areraae' Iltaîg laIli-a(odIatfr -2 uf maile tu the owatvr, Edîtuîr Paidduak. amr aaîîî;Br el alongtue u lul il. G:ai fo:425 ~~~ ~~~~ ~lîglit, uwiîig toa(lie dl) eiflt . HcLta hps , 005 HALF DAY. Tle hèl Straw hat WVil Laîmîîleae_îlioe o(ve aauî'i Tu Yedti M_çe i 'te Franik Fuaileliais theniàt nateltiliîulll i~atteraaij100 5(t hlai11()Wworîî, sold for S where, Coua, tlreyoeuau i ' I& t k. t rataaîaîg ue atartiig ta'. uide brims ýôc tOsi u cousina front Mifwaakee sawtweks. AlbtaaReyniolds ad sister liumiia, J-' Dr. anal Mr4. Lounis Hiertel, <f (Chi- n'ia-elChicago lIrat tof tite week.»li cago, visitetiaflttefilertels litre, ]mtuiet Nuicylte.ta ielauii tiaau Ail oftitge tnailienaof>tige place sili Ra-a-*Wirmcltiîg, utf1Lake- i Ill .foia-i Th Il u e week. tieIlalciele atteatfile teaclers' jaattîite mi tWali-i mer tiaietur if hua. à. E. c"burel ir W ,-ga- kegaia, tiext wea-k. exclatligett plllits utl lilev. Mai- Temperance Tei'îyup, -W uk g taât Saibbatla.-4 1:II . Misa Myrai Foute, ot Elgini, le visit- I Evcry boy buying his suai fro Ut f-mnowliiuy stanhv ing ràlatives lia-e. A piaîk les sas Gjel..lHustoni: utf l, aliad Mies Ada 1'ýn fo O Vtl uY4hcaihv teiidered lier by MrB. J. M. Facile. BuItett, ut Waucoiala, were nîarraed has pttawefiak0at our experase. _______________________ atthilursdey. Ttaair frieridsenxteaîd APTAKISIC. coaagratulattutas. 'lie îrtiglit traitns ru irregulii Wti. Basely la i glp ni'uig lis resi- dince tiy 1aiiig ai tua'tai Itu i ei tt Folksa goinKgout walking tad better tige e..amt part of his bou itii ulîiig tvîuk tath waîy8 for danger. mucla Wthe u icîtranace tlierevif. Tuie Iîiicnic giveat by the baud boys et. The yohang ma-ople a la>mweut fraai Buffalto Ijruve onutite 4th waî5 etjotaid. liarn tva Cristal Laike, (att Silver Laîke) aau mte got hurt. tlaey coild limate stayed uitli lonager. I ~I I Little Arwell Wl, ageal 7 yelîra, Wancont'îs iauglart Bl. B. teauit died Juty 4tla, at il o'elock, tramt be- weîît to Nîîaia Sitîuraay fori gataie ut iîag str..ck by a skyrocket . As wi-bail analsd gat tadily swipedt,« as llîay' staîted lit last Wf3ek'a INDEPENDEN'r, eaid wlaei tht-y got iaome; the lavure 2 tîte Fourtîta celebratioaa at Ciybourîa to 1 it fanon (IfthIle Nunda boys. "i n e e l e l Park was euded bya horrible accidenit. ilc)malaepTh Thaise whio were witiîebfns to the aw- Yoî ca) ayauIn coy endta- nt fui scene wilt ever slaudder at fie PENDENT tua.e distanit fricaîd itii ar thought ÇÀtifrewîtrks. The roieata teerule îdepeie nyocut sere ired froan Uic brfidge halo fle write a lettler every week, and it wili river anîd eamitward, auad but oune or lie far mure satisfsctory tu tbe friend. P¾rop if 5to issue a a i yl 1Edit bi twn rinediil in the box. The deatb Try it for a yenr, OP «a. W4.J p5U m desliîg Que vais senen feet onîg, stick iaclitded, ad coittaaied ehmost two pounda of powder. It biel beeii set in place and lit, wheuil feli btothe fluor. Oaîe toliow tried lI bold it withi bis foot whalu auiother trled to kick it hto thie river but couhd not. As tha roeket started towerd the crowd, larus vas given, but too liche. The i lttle tellov whoce lite vas su rudely takeai away, was sittiatg on a enoud betweeii his mother atîd an oder sister, the sister's arm cncirclitîg hlm as ie a-as cold. A crowd uf on-lookera vere stanîding li fron)t ot theni. As the nîteket tait- cd, ArweIl exclamred. '10I>aisy, Ilm so atreîd. " These wene hisa st vords, for the followlug intstanit lue vais struck oun tle foreiîead, and thie upper hart ot lis heaud cerried otff; then stick bioke and eateriug lus skulh jast aibove and to tlue righît ut his rîght eye, caime out back of the riglît ear. Tute force knocked boh abrother aid itister f rom the boucla. 'Ilie scene which fouowed wihl nover tac forgotteii. Women scrasaevl andîlfeiuted. Iaîsiîle of Lvo minutes ittle Arwell Wolf baud paased trom a h bappy, wondering ad admir- lng little tnortahlaînto everhasliug 1bites vitore no mare hiarn cati corne. As axigbt lie expected, thie celebnatloaîvaas enalet. andl the bereneal femily took one iltolesa ciiiland another In a desd falnt,.boMe to the unsuspectIug fatbor. LaM at tîrday a large cnovd followed the romainlu W 1hls$ eartlrly rmstng place lu the '. Northfield EvangeHoMa cemetery. Tle funeraI services vire 4teL lu tue bearîtiful uew ouurch ot the Dubtie division of the Evangelilas The Bey. Mottaukoe, of tuhe Wleellng Germain Luthersu churcli, led In pxsy- on; Lthe Bon. Landwere, pasLor of te chureti, delivered LIhe sermon both lu Euplét, aiîd In Genmsîî, wbilch vai îtppreiated by the audience. Toit:- Il Sam. 12; 23. Tiuise littie girls lu white carrled t beautiful aind nu- nierons floral îîfferiaîgs to te grave. Over eaIîundred teenis were at the cliorcli, aîad the ue terlon of te edifice woo lled to ifs utnost capachty wth mournena sud sympathizers. A.' J. ýWolf sud famlly have the sympfiity ofr a&l lu tlir gres Srw. A gaine ot hall1 %Aas t ta haie n pleyed here ast Stuidaiy atteravn euih- tween the fluet aune and a club froin thue Wesiburii and Mocta vonka, of Waukegan: hut thie *:ther tellowva dld not put lui aa appearance, so tliere vas a scruli game. Whu dues your printiug? Doms1 t look neait and artlstlc? la Lthe papér what you vant? Does iLtcorne up 0 yonr expectation? Cau fi; tic huprova upon? 1h laourr oWdo neat,edeani, stylah work ut reesonable prlcesa. No secoiid-ciass work tnrned ont at 10w prices. Try us and be con- vlnced. 2111! The Ghuriaauu Fourtli passed off very quietly lînre. Tiiere was e hein attend- ance aIt te pieic oan the aPoint suîd everyoue seemed lu eîjoy tbemaelves immemmsly; no serions accidents W rFe- cord, nor dîsturbance. T'he usuel nuinhor got their jaîgtaon, but wese orderly. Thue dance atIlIotel Dala.d did nat turai ont a nery -groat afsalr, auly 45 qouplea were ln ted Wu, uÛdortatid thia the boit mu wui ou baind thait bas ever beon it Waucouda, an~d that IL ta salng à gopd. desl for we are uotodl bore for tIse gff music always bieard un thse hall ropOl. Bilious Colle. Thioe ho are subjeet to sttacks of tis dlseaaevtublii îtae*W - experlence ut, Mr&. 7BUr < Fillmore Street,. ]Pairhav4 sheasys "I suffbr$for w f5 colleansd pjpohi 7 1tf by bUihmmiu.Ea cgd Obamboeli Dlarrla e'~ead For sale bv.tj ~ y ville, sud G. ~b li years iii -- . the beat sas oaid , iai mi a durnt. the Lake Oounty Fair at Liibe!,yvl*lle, Sept. 18, 19, 20, & 21. M4 ýwMl be a rare opp'o4unityV for vertisiers, as the Daily wil bav reeDistribution four days, ad a copy wil beminserted as-a- supplement to ail subsoribers -of, our several weekly editions of the Iindependent ADVERTISINC RATES. 0- ne Pag9e, Display, 3 days, $20.CQ go1f Page 646 Qnarter-Page"J êelnch, " XcL6 _ Notices, _10 Cents Per Liai 20 per cent. additional for front page' Ste'cial P lsition. Each display ad. will receive oùe loc notice, -free. Those carrying display ads. can lcals at 5 cents per line. ýo -, for ail adW. mu#tb inI il, L