ff~3T0F8AUr ~ R Ori Oan a Brave Man Be Afraid? WHtten for This Paper. By Guy de Maupassant. ltuib lie"t Iv.chpter. . ci t t M imbsofl . l.tfmbi CUaPUE IL 1% wvs. near ight. There had b>ea a hist yat the Iln3 old city "W"s« OfIb Mrqisde la Tour- »qatigimir 1ableé, bt ail save tvO ttto~et a id takren their leave Of 4%et OgIbhast. These vere an army 10310W ÎDd a civil-service man, bcth ln- llOUM friends. sai the marquis pro. *MhhI egainsathoibel avl no searly. *Drav jour chairs up 1nDfront cf lb. 9W4*" ab..«I bave»Mre delikioui Ciember, aMd 1 viii crier a botule « "ha rare oid Âmcutilhado te b. q»" d.'Thome la sometblug san 'y" mimerl=ulyfascinatlugabout"r hqoeol midtbto0me, telbe hou- *slW y.1 Idon't dane to b. loft «Afraii, marquls? I&ughed the MOMOcUer. «I can't believe IL. You 4btknvO lt. meantng ct the word. Y« Mlalake the nature of th. seusa- " ..A trong and healthy mam je r O &v. arm4d lu the face of danger. go 9114Yb. attated. exolted, solk-it- 0@1%bêtt enir, bah! that's quit. an- "Ynalsueer ail you choose, * re- : UM iiethe. marquis lu bie gnali vy, 9w teU YOD inmafraid" Ie rmy ocUber drew on. or Ivo 4e.<>puRs at ha cigar and then braire UW fdomn silence whioh had settled ueffl b. egrcuuby ayint: 'Lel meelal mysIf. Fear lsone 09 th* ment frl1ghtfrul0f thingi, a bld- 'Os. se.etion s. il the very seul vere uuderoigdeomom ilion. Ilt i &tr- MOs. agoizing ahudders. But non. of " I i MPOsible te tb. brave rman, asItiier a the moment Of aîteok uor wbe uiginevitable death, nor, Iu ÎFt! grat you, dear marquis, that It n4ghs occur under extraordlnary dir- aofisuicee, under certain mysterlous laUeQmàee, heu th. rlsk is vague and uedlaaie Genuine fear muet b., I 4Pffeheu 1, scmethiug 1k. a sudien v&U»llsîon Of the fantastie terror«i su f- Ii"& by the COMMOn pOe i lh. tlest ges Arnan who believes in Choute. Who flrmiy believes that be is gazlug upon a midight visitent from 4ueiber venid, muat experience W ils l extent the fr4ghtful sensation of brer.. -And I 1mrie=d, »exclairned tb. mrqZ Ioneexparienoed the sensation to such a degre. Ih b* lbOfrm earth seemed to mlt be- nsjfî MY belt tOa single footboid, sud ÎM1 *res$UIseulWgo te pnces and to »a e ete topple over ie othe abyss eteenlnigbt AI- & hOS ftOrY, my dear mar- 11'0lb.he lvillan, augbingly. btow.ranoowar. Ivetaken mas! Me t~~zerun mauy chance. cf It o 1 t qelà and been leit for à" ID&1vas once C2fl- "Z Lto e b hauged as au insurgent ~sereand on another oc- ronoverboord ou lhe ýCIa O"atL Each sud everv lime I = MrryWef up for let, bu - didn't ~P1.I faced death 1k. a man. =~Met, 31ri nds, theiie vas ne ~bullo o elu inajsuoh experi- u eftDt A tleof il; bu%, ah, it vas Utb hdtffrentlathe case which Ia teMbate te you. There, Il la et mlddugt, and vould oyu h., I neyer bear a cock that hour that there ~;of t at e o! t ai- *PI Teomy dit ay1@a ever qulte rè »fr omte soc.And Yve taI terrible son ation lasted onby 41efief rminutes- but se lutenU.va k e teir [euffered tuaII have ne ver beft able to rid my @oul orf us effeet. tADY sudien sound Iu tbe dead of night, a4AY white Igure dlnly seen lu 1h. .'4*rkinakes me tari. To be perfectiy ýý1Jbsiest vith you, I'm af raid of th, 4uqLe. Wheu a nsu has pa-sed hie "Svty-itth mile.toue he ILan atford lu lm t fvsk. It in permisaîble for a mnu 1« 1bt A" gto turn tîa!e lu tb. face of 00 ftttie peril, but bot the danger lm ral snd tangible and 1 viii mont it 04 Ju DIs cans ever. To buch a de- .gredi this dçeuture di3turb the se- o ét f my existence, so profouud, se ~y rosvas the influence vhich il 'Ir apo tu that frorn that day le 'lsIave never apoken cf il to a liv- I~ toa. tored avay the eecret ln leptbu Of memor>' lu vhich va >elnfui secrets, or secrets luvolv- Îsainsd dishonor, togelher vi th th l.Unspeakahe ve*akneaes of oun It Ilvaltu 182ý, luthe month of Juiy, S my regiment va&stsationci aI () ne dlay. while out for a wslk lb qay, I met a man whose face à fMar te tue, sud yet I could not tetypile hlm.Instincliveiy I - a ait"u as I dii se he forward and loch me by lbe It vuas aint-liesy, a soboci "MM 1s badl net seen for ton a beY lhe ad been extreme- mig;a a an he vas ne- W1ththe squatty figure o1 a Hecules. a eck of.extrsor- thacesand a face neddened acU'OUu taInt. Saint-Gery vas maà fo&- yôUr seUl te go oui unto. h ILwd. ve.of 1he. me &ge, he êeaiui ten years My teulor. Hle wus PretaurelV gray and bis mauer deutei a mental Dunrent timest nU islt.Slt hV re 1OaUcf ace. I sud- iuiaMb ered sd as h Ilv.bsU en ieyter at e l1i tiyou vhere to find themI n roOoe, lumy writing desk.Frcrtn reasona 1 don't vant 10 Fend au ordi- uary messenger, but 1 may trust y ou. Rere's tb. ety 10 the outaide door, thats 1the key Io my room, and that 10 mye desk. 1 vant you Wo go tbis very alternoon. li give you a 1ev uines Wo PBO«er, my -an lu charge of the place." My firat impulse vas 10 excuse My- sef, but cn the second thought my love cf the mystrions, my fondues@ for adventure, le me to accept. Lite vwu tpto'orabiy duU £1 the pont, and It would b. a pleasant b«k in the monotony. It vw uiny len'or twelt-e Miles cut 10 the oid chateau. Ail I would have to do vaa te briug back vlth me two nechages cf lbiter. and a that I boit oered thea iuse by the kitcheu, wblob I »ow t-sversei, thon Ivo Mmml living apartinentsla the nature cfamervuta, bail.Tlsbreuaht me luto the malu-habiva>', sud sa rap- Ili>'a. I could-for lb. lamp vas cf bronze and oxlremal oiybay-I, wadb My vsy np theganetaircas. o!the cha and su d uil îy lu ecog- nlzlugtheieldorwhlh 8ItOry bad descnlbe te ina,1Iunlecked il as 1amY as If it vore tbe on cof my qua-tesêat Rouen, puahoditil psu, valked in, sud set the lasup on a heavv oak center-table. As I tiii o, the cleck iu the noighbo o hm I s@truck the heur of miulglbt,%but.t scarcoby notadi il, ave toe oujy tb. myterieus sveelneu cae! b.tou« es s. b.>broke tho mldnigbî stilinse o f tlb. place. The room vs. large sud square aud bai about it that close and masty odor cf su unusei apSrtmct--aa cicr slnangell1k. %bthal vblcyeusecfltan notice Iu a desth chambes-. Inuoe corner tooi a laeupmsgtgany boi-. steai rlchly caa'veiAMaisurmountoi vltb a canopy. Tho. homvy siik cur- t"lua veedravutasile, diociluig mat- trou and piUvos, but no sheot., ore vas an eviient imps.etfahumas ligure tapon lb. iii.avIa>' freinthe va&.I 1oulA see that thé ron va. more or leowin ludlsorder audthat there wras one door opeulng, s. 1 imaglued, mbt a closet. My finit tbcugbt vws te tbrcv oçen a vindqv sund lot the oi lfresb lghl air into the place te chas. out its sineli and muet, but sn rusted von. the fastaulugs that slthugh I maie use of my saber as a lever I ouldu't sIart lb m. Aflen several atteaupta I gaved il up sud set dovu in front of the vnlting desk. vth the intention ef hurrvlug througb the tash assîguci me and isk- ILe¶rJearEverth'i vas as had dEc bo te tome, sud tuna moment onr J bai auai but the lest ef the lKrea packages lu- dîcatei, vben I tbouxht I beard, or rather feIL. lb. ruste of a vemanis ireis bebind me: but I va. tee busyte pay aujatitemete tit. lufact, Iilaf occunred lu me that tb. breeze bai blown n fsomthe hanraw & "555*5va.KIT~O RI a 5D5 )005-"a bit Of paper Ou thb. 10r, or cae3ed th. hanui ate gIve forth a rustllng thîrd package lied vitb red tape and aound. B ut lu a moment the mme bearing hi@ name a&U Ibre. in tue top seuud caught my est-, snd 1h14 lime Il draver te the nlght. sent a dlagreeable cravalng feeling "It ln brdly noces.sr for me t0 ever my skmn. It seemed se aiiiy for tell yeu," he added, "that Vou must Me ta ke any note cf such a thing not examine these paçe. s even super- that my self-respect vould not ashow flciailY." me te lock arounid. These verdi offeuded me, and 1 1 had nov comae upon the thîrd ef made a motion te turu avay, but Saint- the package3 vbich Salnt-Geary baid Gery laid bis enormoua palm on my comisi5ond me 10 obtamn for hlm, ehoulder and muttered out: and had just Ibrust titi my pocket "Pardon me, I didu't know vhat I vheu a deep, logdran .1gb, vhich vas'n wuig-m mdvwandei g- n u tbut uman mip s ou bave sent Itstyou lm'nily. Iort, empe aIrnottagasast m I atre pted e mOf cptue scbeek. Wiîh one vibd aprîug I1bande .' '.e yejsu~ that almoot or-severai eest away, snd imoot linen- ike cou.tnue u tW4tclI tively mrn baud clutchei nay saber boi[t. nov. Hnd 1 not dons se I shouid bave dasaed Something detained me atthie poil, lîke saovward out of Ihal dimly ilgbti-d and it vas net until nesriy suniet that reolu. 1 rode eut o. the tovu. The veather A tlU voman, vearlng a traveilin vas supenb, and I vas lu lb. beit ef govu of white go3sarner, vith angel apiritii as I skinled the fieldseon auncaiy ileeves5, ber face vhlter Ihan ber toPe, li,tenlng te the tvltriug cf the raIment, vas standing beblnd the sets birds and uesured clauk cf My smber vith eyej that seemed lighted vith aant my boot. The rend enterdia uuearthly glov fixel sadiy sud tender- onaand I puied my herse up te a iy upen, me. Over ber uhouidens, vslk. At limes the broânchea avept reachiug almost te ber foot, huug a my cbeek. Tbe bînchen cicr carrled voude niu growtb cf hait eoverig me back to my chilibeci, an 1 broke, ber, enveloplng ber Uike a ILi vI vL off alvtg and began te chqv Ita fre- By theiamps igh t, allie r=l ber grant barh. 1 ioitered by th. vay sud baud and Put back he».. glonicus fave myseif ever to su unscouritable treasea. 1 couli se. that they bad a feeling of content with Il e, a twnultu- golden shen vhich gave ber the &L- eus upswveling cf physical satisfaction, peaanuce of beiug llt.rallyvaeiu a sert e! Intoxication frein vilai a mystarleus fire that gioved vithoul strenglb, and lu se demf I St aMj conutming. Shevwas venden;ully but way. But Ididnt caro. w a-i rathber terfiili beautif ci sud uuearthiy. 1 giad. e! it, forer Io mn rose lu mag- vas etrîchen vith auch a 1-emon thal nificeut tulluesoa, and il cccurred te me my bdy svmyed andiaou'y b 1h. that vltheb.nlghtingales singing lu greatest effort oould I save my- eh f rom lb. bcsky undergrovîha I shoui have pitchlng oven backwa-d. a delicious canter back to lbe ciîy. Nobcdy, unleàs hobu a been atnicken As I dmevnear tW the Salut-Garyes.-b>' 1, con bave sny idea of Ibis avful t aIe, I feUlu invlth a solitary rider sud sensebes. tarrcr. Yen feel your whem f rom sometblng ho et1.1 dp lu seul allppiug saa>' 1k. escmptg vapor, the conversation I recognlzed te b. jour bourt cornes te a dead alandatiil, Roerthe minl charge of the pIuace yeur vbole bedy grevs inert a"nilmp sud wùthout maklng myseif onrim er-sud like au empty tkuement. Ils vallm rand kuovu te hlm, I strove te ïraw hlm Int conversation coucernng Salnt-Gery's nemarkahle ahandoument cf snob asfine o id chat. au; but tbe man vais se çclltic a servîtor aud sei auarded ln bis replies that 1 bei ouiy my trou- ble for my pains. It vas nov 10 e*clock and my loung ride bad sharpeued My 'appetite Ire- meudeusly. At My Invitation, Roger conseuici ti join me viib a glass cf vine aI the roadoide inn, ailhough ho excused hlmselt from eatiug auytblng. The table bad been sel; on the veran- da, sud the ight wva soseeautiful that ve smi there smokinz aud chat- tiug until aller 1l. Suddenly, as I dreW Saiut-Gory's ltter out ef my pooket, 10 my arnazemeul I uticed 1ha1 bo baisealei IL. 1 vas ao sur- prised aud ilrnltaed that I vas halfif cliued te mouni my bers. sud returu to Rouen vîthout the'lettons, but il occurred tb me that sucb a course .1 PUSHEI> Six vIOLsiITLT A5Ifl5 wouli net b. in 1h. beat o! tajto. Then aglu perhaps Saint-Gary mlgbl have seem readv 10 collai,.. upon the vold. Sesî e l ter lu a moment cf ab Oh, ne. I aidut balleve in ghosls. 1 seut'-miudeduess. 1 maie su exccuse to kuev 1k. ail the rest of y ou that tbe wslk tevard the Par k, and a3 ve cme dead nover came f rom the graves tu lu slght cf the eld ohaleau ih vas quie v alk tb. cold damp eanth agalu, but ligbî oncug'h te ose. that tIhe place vas yct, tIIs senselosa fear came upon me ssii nainv, lb.enthi overgrono nevertbelesa; Ibis fain apparition vas th edigea noglecte<f the gardon iledbideous te me sud lu tthose f.. lu- wllb veels. Turuina' to Roger, 1 stanta I aufferesi, eh, I sufferei more cf placod Saint-Gery's lI erlu bis hand. Irreualible agouy, more of awtul dreai mIe gave a suiden etart, but as quickly eft h. aupennatural, tban La my vhoie recevergd i bqnelf aud vltbdrev itlaife .Put tegrether! lb. grdene' lodge tW rend il. 'Weli r, vbat do jeu visb?" he LUAPTER IL. atmredout, as ho reappeared aI Ifmoesunb.ntcmefm lbe docr a Moment ater. the apparition, if that terrible silence "You cughl te kuov,» sai I, rather bai net been broken b y semme earthlv sbarply. II suppoy have read manifestation, by a @mile, b1' a vord, pu ater's orde= I desire te gô or even b>' a naturai looh, I tbink I nsiemthe chatesu; gel me a lami, aI should bave dlei thon and thon., but once." abe spoke, she spoke lu touas se lu- Ho caugbt bis bneath and bis lips tonseiy smd aud sveel ihat the vends fell &Part. 'Intolb.echâteau,» be ne- seint a Ibrîli througb ever>' nerve lu pealed; intobis roinl>"my bcd'. il vould b. dissimulation «Welb, * I calei eut, aun iby, for 1 for me tW 55j Ibat I nov succeeded lu vas nov lhorougbly eut of patience, cAlecting my lbougbli, lu rea-suming "do jeu presurne 10 question me?" my povens of reasen. No; I stoci Ibere "Oh, uo-no, air," ho almot gasped, belhdered, net knoving vhlch way ouly itlîl Impossible. The place la Wto ur. Neveribeleas, that -aecret lucked deubbe-iocked sud barred; lin pride lu my ovu persoality-that ual.- poerÏeasa 1 act; Monsieur bas lb. irai ocnceit--euablod me vith greal k. "effort tW restrain msi o u'pt-1 You are vrong. I have thoi," sai able exhibition. Bt It vas a ' ..,is 1, calmiy but firmly. *Get me a lamZ hovever; Il vai not boneat. I know aM o ncesd loa<i the vay te the door. It, sud ibe, tee, vhcever alle vas, The m-s seemed W b. laberlug un- voman or pbsuiem1 vas doubtbe., con- der- nmedreaiful suxietY, but I teck scions cf iK.Ailthis 0ci ome W Ite r; but Little note o! hi. mauner. Z vs. for, my vend fer it, vhiloe spuanrt- v.Ul armei, sud bout my oye on hlm. lion fcite bai thoughts fornotit. As I aivanàeesl t e .k.ey lu tb. ing. a a.Comnplete poogeselos et doeli i uk tiiue e Stt - , .aie A1 ssl 1bà lin et the mirwtod morol., "WIi jota'Ycu bave the pover te save me, le 7un. me. 1Iamn uffering, frlgbttUlly--cb, se figbtfullyl" As ah*. ntbor.sd lb.. vend,lusa ton. toe veind snA lu,trument 1k. W bs human, eh. lot berseit drop geuti>' sud sievlyiy to a siitiug posiition ou the e fs. *WIiiIeu"agan came f nom those pale, thn bue flai. I tniel te 5My' "7.," but notbiug gave a 1ev hlsming souni eseapsi me. 'Tvas ail I vas capable of, adi selI boved my bead u igu4mcf acquieioence. Wltb Ibis she drev out frein union the fous o! her whita govu a lar tootbed tortoise sheil oimb and, t" Iug il eut t.) me, vblspoed: "00mb my bain; oh, coub mv bain! It vîi ADI. -~ 'lT WILL Svp rTRIs F515." cure MO, I it Wi-p Ibis palu-ll's lbe cul' way Lookaetmybeh Se. boy 1amaifeuring. Il will drag 0 edovu te doatit. As she ut thore ber voudentul beai ot bain t.il&r ound ber 1k. an .ul,,lop- lng cleai, Ilis eiges rosi Ing apmn the iloer. Why di 1 tt,m.t 10 ob.j? Wby dii I rachoni a Ireualous baud for that comb, sud vby dii 1 take heud of thon thick atranis of baIn, liae teaicb et vhlcb seul shivera o! Intense cobineas threugb in>'bands sud arma as If 1 von. teyiug viib stings cf ser- Pents? 1 caunot tell Yeu, my fa-louis, but beileve mue vhen I sa>' Iat that sensation et cold i. bers jet, sud that 1 fue lti nov. A horrible fascluation came upon me as 1I et te vork. Coud and beat hy turne slnuck me deep lu tbe very vitale. I1vwu caressing the deai, teying vlth bain cli suddiauk froin .te ob, Oh, il vaj dn.sdf ni, sud yet Il vaq beavenhy. Grausil my mrengtb came te me. 1 vas su :et lu the aiseo!a comb, for aimost daiiy -I vas vont 10 cean sd brai my herse*z mane. 1 coubint ne. vhelher au expression et comfonî bad stolon over Ihat white face, but I cmld bear tbat loy breathing, that se!teuei groan vbicb mcans relie! frein pain, sas I proceeded i vIlbMy>' ork. Separ- aiing ltai laixanons growtb lIt - oral parts, I teck a p eacb ln uramnd c 3ibed il t, te il ai engtb. Thon athbengu thein ail together I began te fraid thiteansd as mj fingeré lest more sud more lb. stil! nous vhîcbfear bai causai 1 veut taster sud faster to the oui. 8h. bvwed ber beai sud con- tiuued te gîve forth thonse sltenesi groans wblcb seemed aimosl like the panring of a cat. Suideuly ahe mriueia vend ot thaukeansd, reacbiug out quickly, took the comb frein i n ad ddarlei out et the rocin, diappenring lu the dgrk- nos. o! the haif-cpeued door, more 1k. a secter Iban ver. The moment I founi mysehf alone there came upon me Ibat dazed feeling 8e cemmO o 0any (n) escaplug facm the chaîna of some ineairal iîngbt- mare. The speli vas broken, ail senae et fear bai vanisbei, and I ceuld fbal the bh od tiigling back Imb m>' velu, again. i vasenrageA ai inwu ek. ne;s. ItoIt like a manw vo bai been tricked sud gulai b>' mi. cbiet-leving frîeuda. I dotermlned te fllov tbe mIdnlght visitant, aud so rang alter ber, but tb. door vas iockoi. 1 throv m>'sebf againsî il vlth s funrious on- slsughl. Itl heu flmi>, boveyer. Just thon in>'herse, vhlch 1 bad i i.isa tb. perte cocher., gave a long, loaid ueigb et impatience. Il starîied me slrngetv ton il seuinci te b. the cati of a frieQ lte hasten out of lbhebateau vbere My feelbandinoss mlgbî coet me my lite. 1 obyei, snd iasbîng dovu the stairva>' at th. nistek ofbreaking' my neck 1 groPefi mv vav ouldoons. sud sprsug m t te sadilo. - The taiîh- fui au:mal soemed overjoyoi te bave me on bis back again. sud vas off vith s boaud. How long v. look tii neacb Rouen, I do' kuov. Net long, for lbe anImal kepl upua viii paca. My endeni>' vas wvsilg tonrzoo, aud 1 ihink ho niaitn.i sumelbing about a bard ride as 1 lurnuds aa. 1 neai hardly toit you thal there vas not mach sleep for me thal uight. At limes It seamed W Méas if I bai mero- 1>' talien aBleeP Iin>' easy chair, ton 1 bai net uudressed, sud iresmadIt ilal. But ne; I couui teei oua package et Saînt-erys letton,whichb ai tfruli iuto my breast pockaI, pressing &gainât ny body. But, more than Ibis, Ibare, twisted arouni tbe battou et my coaI sud enlaugledinlutlb.metai lace ver, several long ilîken baina et a golden lit e.The>' vere frein lb. head ot the be utia hcet cf Cash. Sait-Gery. Tuere couli b. ne mistaka about it. Tbej bai beau dutacbed in tbo cornu- lug, sud bad fasteusi themEelves le me lu tb. manuer ludicatei. There vas neocreainabout IL. Il vas soli, terrible, avful reality. Careful'>' un- viudlng these hait., I ouai tbem up and put thei aval il. uan eVeOI(pe. The moment I bai swaliovea a lubtie b. eakat 18.e ut te li ait-Gary lu gîte hbi ie ltrtonstet h hm o! my aitrauge advenuare ilu l cli ca- beau, sud 10 ask hlm for an axplana- lion. Juge e! my aurprise-na', rMy amsaemet-to fi that ho b.d aban- doned bis lodiglotae lb. uigbt b.- fore. Wbere bai he gene? Xeoee knev; ne eue seerned t:) kuov nytbing about hlm. I sppesled te the pollce, but he coli net b. fouad in Rouen. The mystar>' vas deeper than even, sud &gain I vas Incliued to, lhink that nmre m1wiscîo-lovlug fieni bai beeu piaying a trick tapn me. But Ibere vore the leltei'a, tr e packages, neta as I bai taken them frein the Sa ut- Gary vriting iodsk, sud Ibore wve.tbe bainsre nmi obglig le the buttessud gol lace ffeM m.y001,and my erdenl>', tcosureim tb as sinUs that I1ba" M" laIbm <arries a n"'=1 ebr :m* BRIEF COMPILATION 0F ILLIJNOIS NEWS. 191tou'à rather Asks Dasiag er ms ils "n'a Dsah-io Creus iKoii,,one.and Poisos Vft-twe Oibers -5atsi Figbt ai a Couai,7 Dunes.. S." for Houvy Duunne.. A suit for $5,000 damages vas fled ut Yanuhaîl against (uit> Marabat Iledrlck, SherilI Alleu Huràt. Mayo.- T. W. Clark sud Edwui Brovn b>' Jlob n Raton fon the kllling et bIs socu Wili W. Raton on the nlgbl et April 20. A note deianiig$.OJvasrittan Mna. El, suor 17 rau, mothen et Fi- van d lRoben., adi lbýy, vith Hast suad HeAnlck, bay iu smhash aI lb. appoluted t'me,»sd vbe s mn &aîproached lani t iok tb.decoy pa: or he vas ieed tlbait, sud ou feelng vas hotanmci lleadby Hedrick. Up n- linlà i mll iiiviaed ou tbe question of vbetber he va. a guil>' bisckmaller or tbe dupe cf tbe guilly parties. This suit wîli cicubtodieàs.a in clearng up lb. malter. faniet man the oae im(iteli. AI ase unIr>' dance four mile i veut of Anus, JIm t'enkin , wbo va3 gîviug tho dance, sungei lu a Il ¶hltb hJin Bright. Wl!in mCarmack, a brother- in-liv of Penkinî, sloei ever tb. coin- balant.sud pnevenluilb.e cnovd f nom interferng. The eupou eueeoftheb rsrtj naidWalt Brovn @truck Car- amacz vîib a rck, cutting a gash lu bis forehesi. At tIsju -cture Per- kins seizei an ax-haudie a-id bit Brovu even the heai vith it. Brovn t laried tu nan, vbeu Penkina ev s apistai andi ied ai hum. The bail mliei Brovu and slruck John Gl bson, a tetin- Fstar aud herse trader, vho, . v.h Iv ethor mon, bi jutt gel lute a buggy 10 go b Ibeoir homes lu ýoaesho o. Gîbson vas taken te bis home, vhere ho died acon &fier lenkins attempt- cd lg escape, but vas capiurod. Xe Coroners9 lany 'held hlm for triai sud h.e la nov .InjLiHe il a la-mer sud ha. a vif. sud Ibree chiliren. Brown sud Cormack are. ait>' burt, iho gb ppabably Dot dangeroesy. Jeu HUNEEBYX, of Ci fireman, vus rovnei vlw Lafayette, lui. THoMus Lvx.ur eue o! lbé of Chics e, diOm~bi om nensa Grove, sgeil 70 yeana. RKv. W. A. Huioeuazy, cfor t, buru, bas acceptdaitaUliMade ~'by Christian Church ef'Virgluié. HuGa MCARTHUS treoeired fatlabInurine i et Falbu-y frorn the 4. plosicu of a gun that h e vas fl.. Doearrv MARSiSAI.ZEF? v.. klIleuI* b>' tho acciJental i ds-harge cfa ie lu the Gl and Cen trul Depot, Chiu CaicÀao deaiens lu food supplies deny Ibere 1; danger of a famne. chie! difficulty la lu maklug obip' le cther tevus. ELucvArous mioug the rivereat cage have hise coed. AIli einPIoei except thon requirei ton goard lily wsre dlacharged. TEE commander cf the tSa"e ro*pe ai ngngVabbety bus been os-dese plies et tru3k sMores. FoR the lr,t ime Ilu h btor>' lb. eritire militta f..ncoeof tbe State, 2uMe- bernig atout 5.0)0 me , hba euOr - doradIinte active servkxe. JOHN MILLER a"i Fred Mexter ore lkd up at Chicag. Tu.>' vere RÀP- ,e t i l ella te seto! f iug tlb. residence cf Ott:)sorenscu. Ru-OR" %Ibat 2,000 r:oters os e m t-ke Ir va>'fs-o. Kensington to de.tàe lbe Rotei Florence et i-'elman Camae the guesîs Wo formake the place. TaE vhisky Irus ,hba bootIhe- pnîce of ls isngiefoout 5 cents rFe? gai- ion vithin aveek. Il viii gc higber- jet, because cf tariff legrielatica. Tag Illinois State Board ot Bealth m bas recelved reporta tnim hemiI9s.A oltclis aIt(b icagg mhuvîug thl a l- pox le nov practlcally vi: mi out. MANT orufieldi iu lb.vidanitver Virginlsaie tain>' oive viih chInih,-- bugs, sud several buninui acres bavre been practcmlly deatroyed by this HENRY LF.ADY, Su Abten 8sbases keeper, le mifolng, as la Alles Arn- drevs, a doinestic, sud bi& vif. ihm been unable o eaie rtaln bis vitore- abouta. GW). ALTOIILO ni de red tlb.purcbmas cf ?,",0) rifles and ammunitin freont Nov York, te b.- sent by exprus. Io Rutlani, Goal Cilty, Peru, and other points. Tas. contractons ofthlb.drairnage canal aI Joliet have basn compeeillte dischargoe their men sud abauloq voIrIt on a(count of lb!, scarcity cf cel. This wiii b. a greal drsvbec-k W lite contractons. Wua. MiN!,qR, e! Table Greva, lvê veeks ago 1.11 frein a bammeo lbhe. ,ý grouni sud broko bis neck. art* '.A clans couli do notbl' ng for hlma. 1et al1;o, aitbough one aide cf bis bodvy cmletoby pana> zed. TiE Pepublicana o! Fayotta ceunI>' met lu convention et Vadaia and sa- ioctd idelegates tW lbe Slât., Corgirs. aionai sud Senatonial ouve tien.. P. Remoun, et Vandsa, va. ndorsel ter C-ontg nemi sud J. G. Miller for »msebu cf thei Lag.lalure. The Stte dWe- emam..J. LBroA J.P. Beippg.. Jenn=tI, Les-o>'Wa.bu, C,.I Davis, J. U. Metzger, G. 8. Hena8ge Wbile lb.,. vore ne lustri Ic it- i. knevu'lb. delogati'a'n hfair *abe S. M. Culiont fi r UiIted Statea Berne. ton. 1 ngal In 11the favor.ta for Stpe-» inteudent of Public Instruction. UNITED S rATES regular tnicpm ha- gan operations quickly at Spring Val- tey.As the train puiidoe to ov, Weine«iay. lb. ougineer SadiOrmeau vore gre.tod vlth a fois rccks trace a mob cf Lithuanieus, Itlian,, Be"gss sud Poea, vho bad laken po.a 01eeat the bill cverîcokinir lbe dopait.,T1%e follng lat cf dosA d n urud à*. clndi e b.vicims: DomlulcBabu, Italian, dled lustautiy; John 8.1011, Itallan, d>ed laler; Walter G depiity, bail>' brulssi; Lusti7n,. de put>' frein Pnîncetcu, shot lu lb. Ibmg h w hile sijusting s navolvr-, IL T. Poiell, a depait>. and prpietor f tbe Cit 'y Hatli, t rînceten. shol lu the fa-e; unkuowu Italiau. noter, extent, ef bisiinjuries pot knovu: unkuovat nioter, baud eai arm bail>' lacerateil by s bayonet. A YoUN1G minu used Clark, frIn Poonsa, baï beon crostmni much ex- cîlamentIn the vlciu'ty of CantuSa. soea eeks aga Clark*o vite snd forw chîliren sianted for lova ou a vb Ls.,5 Clark bas nover necoee f.com attack of grlp sud sudien>' bece ie, sa ne. Ho 'iariei tu fohiow bis vitle, lowa ina rosil Oart, drvuo euebonb,, Ho vas capt,.rad lu lbe vidiit 01 .! ins b>fur min, vbe bal th. manioc, and Iben Clark l.. Ihe cba*ns.Ho îhrev hituSf Cf a train sud the OL«ine0r time oW stop. When Clark'.-- came frein Peorla on recelpt etf grain, Clark, aI the sigbât cf hi fort he timber like a i..s-, b dova barrai fonces as il thag. slnav. He was filoai> captlir taken te Peorla. LîzzîE E r-IEN vas shet sud kla ber huabani, Bernard, ai C Four hulots ver. fired at the vw each of vbich loch effecl. Et n iocked ai,. Elgen quarrelei th' voanan Suuiay becaus. the re tond baint moue>'. 8hvcrke. scrub voman lu Brachettls -1 store. He met ber several de~g the tovel-y store and b neoelver vithoul van q. 1 bantender sud ônceâevuiAd Buchet 5h.pOprla i. The Lincoîn Board of Traie, a Irai- Ilrg place for ope uasters lugrain and stocks createi a sensation Thur ainy b>' lbe conu ctrs f siling te appear danîng business boums. The. plsce a. operalai by W. H. Baxter sud 'Samuel lKlana. Tboj began businesa eariv In 2ue and leamei a uev roin, fu ribed il tairly veli, aud began oporat:on b>' annonnclng IbsI lb.>' von. agente for i Lnln & Ccompany, e! Chicago. Tues' tenik lu alarge sun and couil afle(1 debtawhvbeve b.'couid anA psud for uolhiug. Tbey creratei unie- Ihe firm nam.3 et W. H. Pailer & Co. ]Poisouriby EatIuv le* Ceaus. The litîse town cf West Union vus tho 'Cen. cf a horrible poisoulug causai b yonlingi ce crean&tai achurcia social. Mru, tRobert Douhain diedInl r Iagon>'. Tbree cîbers ver. iu aug191erous condition a-i llfty-tvotsai- fered more or leus frein tb.poison. Ih vas lbcaaght b>' a fev te bave beon the vork of soin. Ilend, but Il 61.-amre probable t.) bave beon causeatfm poison off tbe freezer or froum the milk. R.sosd of the .v. 6. N. KisNN, a ilkinan et Blocin- lagton, vras Ibrovu froju *hi& wagon an i atal'Iyhart. EDWARD JoNss, 19 yoars cii, vbo@e borne va iluSt. Loails, vas drovi cd ai Waakegmnwvblie bath ing. EnwARD DuNN, brakeman efthIe Etgin, Jolet and EasI.n faillay, fel bron a train sud vas killoi. THiE savinga banka oft Molimu.havo annesi a noductîcu of inest on dupesita f nom 5 te 4 pur conl. EX-8cPsRvxsOu SwAN ANDERsoN'53 yean cli chili atIJoiet aie polsened Ilj papen ani died lu a few heurs. MiLLrARD ANDERSON, a fariner noan Teneoe, vIs ataalty kickel b>' s herse. The blov cnusbed i@iskul. EDWARD GORaN Wasl ovencoMe by r as iru a vul ucar Hilishoro, aud dil 'd afre 0hu cou d bubrougblltg ie au.- face. I)ANIEL Rrr., et Mascout.sh, wilie paintiaig a chimno>', lest bis bebi. feil Sixt fzt and va- lnuera, probabi>' Ni.%%, BERI.1;, & t .rifty village in Sangeinon County, va4 alt:ial de- eineyed hy flue, viticli is attribated te burglaàrà. PUBLISHERS Cf the City directory for 1891, vhioh La being dl l:lIbated, e ltinato Chicagoà pop lasiera autt. (M0 frersons. NA"THAN AIKEN, a WCalihy citizen cf Mrph>'sbaro. Ceanumitted SLicide by hsnging. Ra hladimbeta lu lll-healih fur lag t Ime. JOHN B. CNEEKI4L-R as a uiuted ai Decalar cf thofane t aving manderai Rotta Beji let Apnil Iu a barn lu Wbitimoro Township. GEORGE GILBERTr, a premîneut citi- zen et Grand Deour, isn mssiug. Ho vont te Chicago vitb a calosi o! val- noble herses. FouI play' is feared. IIENýRY A. B:1SCBOFFr, editn rof lh. Black Diaxooni andi once n fanious singer, comiitod auicie niChicago by sbooling. No eau eoil1 a3slgned. D.iPUTIES vib wagons searcbed Spmlng '%Ialley for proponly elsVen by nielerà. Tvenîy-îvo anresîs ha e been maie sud more are llkeby te fol- loy. GEORGE qCRAIG vas sentoncai te thirt>' yonri lu the ponitsntlary b>' Judnge Chetlain, at Chicago. Hfe peaded guilî>' te mansbaughtem lu kili- ng ltte Emma Werner lu April, 18913. Aujifo sentence vas expetei. GovERNOR ALTGELD hononci the ne- quesl et Govarnor M&libave, o! Indi- une, for Fred Taylor, wbo la vantoi et Mouut Vernon. lui., tor hootlng L'au Slmith, a voinan, vhth intont te kil. Be la nov in -jaillat Shavueelowu. AT Elgin eaî th haute i freina bu!ild- ing excavation vas fud te conta n sîher rnoney, sud a. miph as $.0) vas aocredbj be rovi Ihet began dlg- finton.boisceevo eooming kucvn. t suppsod a former ovuer cf 1h. fuaoezc*vaIea bai hiles kmonoy lan