.U. s--arieo are Irgiots. a oovd spoles A- tay frm ls d sin obs in. ,àharivr et OUi.- Ail eumployel for gsîard 4mly the S"al treepi een ardored avj purchatalso am s lia htsltory lb. the State, nue-, 3 , ham been ar- Ce. ro<l Maxter are Tisey were aÀ. t ai rtfling Use Ma. r:otera v er. o. igloo to de slroy i-ullman caslsed lie place. am boMald tis, cents Fe? gal- wtll go isigier i frm heattLk-uc wi!.ed out. the vidanit or Ire rits Obchin Ired acres haro royed by tht. Albon saosn- in Alle An- d hia wire ha. &in his visere- -ed the purclsaa miiunitiin front l'y exprea.te eru, andl olser the drainage en campeffl te 3arity of odaL rawbwck la tise ie Grae.a lvd' ammookl the 1 fldk. Pissai for hil ai~le aide of hie body Fayette o aty andialia &Bd as- stt, Congfrea- )onve.tlossa P. ra. ln*oder 1er for umaiubw ['e 81.1, dmwe. J. P. .epN aSer, C, 1 satrv mteb orte for Bqper- itruiiat. nier triepu bo- at Sprtng Val- ied lote bowu, ser aud bnais rcoks trou a e u aeaOMMof he depol. 1%e wd ln'ured àa. mnc Biar., ; John Salai, aler (Jreowy 1; Luet i, n. sisal In tisé a ravolver, IL id proptietor of on. shot In thé rioter, extout own: unkuova adly lacaraeti ed Clark, fran, inz much ex- y of CarwAwa. a vife and ow a O3 a ve$,; ely bec4ainej ohow his vif. le.! vine onb bovaal viaity of~~-~ lark fr himeefla neer hs4i Clrkte eIpl of* rbh of hi der, b il thg. fcaptig ai and kllUd et. Eta relod tIh' aie relj bwored btge - e.2 ig Now is the tiine to V.W.ZIOLER. D. D- S Ta ON 'PARADE.I CICiAGO OFFICE_____ ;wl" iiigestion MA cigte o'TERRIBLE EXPi-OSION AMONG sl»ep.m Fonthea. te&UNOLE SAM'S MEN. P<,, akç or FederaITroopà tattermd whIl. parata Ont fer Iummer DD il i Peel.. la bool puifier it Chmeg-Fr me. KiUed. Seventeen la- ~.euaad l u Isur. umn 1 Nin@ lforge. Deud hm ~ i a onsuais fanse aà a ure ter V.uge of the Dia.t.i UukBown u1a5aeixeomdollrmi ifla By the exploiion in CblcaýzO of an ý,!e1 Pile «Mbond" madiMM a,, u nition chest belonglnX to Bat- __________________________ trv F of the Second Atillery, froru Wisem Amralans Becme mena. Fort Riley, Kan.. four sodiera were 'Me mot peculiar cuitom of the lnstantly kihled, ightcen other pe- ý1.F tan aboriginea," sald a man ple, soldieri aud spectatorâ. were recently returnel homeafler a wotindel, and nine artille y horess mualy around the worI&d «i the were killed. lion of btSt. The boy whis The carnage producel l'i the dis- lO te thOul a mmn viliiOten charge oi thse forward gun caisson, out one ai his front teetis, thus Icaded with the death-deallng shrsip- 11ieP.c iso bn a 'Young Au@- nel @bele and fieel percussion shells, nes oknowWeged la have aii-wassfrightful. The bouses in thî [W mmhood. Thse ts l i knocked Weghborhool or the seene of the ex- btaurk » e <bofa brutalUtyl the ploabon, which was thé intersection of lis beio< borne vils th. atoiclam Grand and OakwoAd boulevardis, irere phci iet the o'd inhabittne of the riddled b; thse pro e-ýtiles o! al in toes a beir daily life. one nd rf hape bult ad plosmta a iuIl-growo native Au-- kid:-a nd 1 hapnelof thessnd -rlaviSa comiplte Set ai teethca 1 : a d îTwo of th 9 g-unr im.jfmasiota t n te. 1 ariae UTAH is ADMrFrED. - Take no Substitute for Royal Baklng Powder. It is Absolutely Pure* Ail others contain alum or ammonla. MEAVEN OR BOSTON- NothLng E Vie otdSoSit This Studio.,, Young Lady. A ew week.s ago one of the dealersa st the Fulton market engagzed a youogr vWoman to fil the position o! hookkeep-t or. Bei ore long ho ooticed that irien-1 seor a cuslomer veut to the de9k Vt e wu@he asfounil to hé deeply ah- r ld n a l'ok. 'She«a rea Aig a novel," thought the eair. But day atter day vent by1 gnd -the bock appeared ta bold ber at-1 tention as abaorbiagly a@ over. The1 young woman'as hab.l of readln an- ooyed customors, wbo did notl he te, ýo kept vaitlng for their change. So1 the dealer deccdeà te speak to hor *bout it. Snake iti Poisnous V'enezue!a t common thi are fewer have dîscov the acumîli, plied, te the a"iCet evetý Whether ai take on evt f ige, aa it m fectuallyc howels, pr, and other1 in 50c. ani di ugglsts. tarots Fig I maturekl-boro fighlere, a ian i lt.raly tlown -t'oee q. Thelr -__Z.U."See hers, Misa Blank, hliebegan, "I hmti ft n on uo ýie eplaalaapc upeilb or reg rtom - don t like to have you road navals dur- viloseml t Teepanto ere plked Dt20 te4 o -,efomo- WI nr usines hobatre. A Cowgil ~i~mhoevrt.tie ore n where teexp isint ,ok place. The howuasie peai vnaog~i o csaan ere intheunoed r ,I'NCLE CAU FINAI.LY KILTS THIE OIANT OP VOLYGAIIY. The voung oman I3ked up in as- and Pleaded V reil raisee MotUolfob coss'oond Wio sunedtonlshi6ent. trial for l miihdand Cirietlsnlzed tribc." v&the con ueon idows wera "I aàn nat reading a novel," elle rfi- prised than aliafott Bgeanons.b ocîs away traminthe aci-tîun men wotild n-A ho li& sthan S1,- scattering as itsedischarged, the g-un, pIied. 1 nover rossithem." mnaq IMgfosBgDg oe, dent.tamd the Pt pe ruahed outinlto W,) )()0.In tise bande of a firly accurate shot, -The n what la that hok you keep thîr seat i W. D. Boggue, of Covlngtoo, Ga.. the atreeta in ar. th inktng If wu a In(Chicago and vvinitv. including tg capable oi dlsab.ing ILO men to the vour eyes on ail the lime?" and the cos inessa a ring made front tise l'oneo! dynamite bomb ïhiitaline ope hâti Hammond, tight or, indirectly, tan minute. Mar, h il Arnold clamed that "Why, it's Etcîil.» e me IodJan varriar whoseeremet-@ toi off. AJloxcet five of tho injureil live, wero test, t- vititnA holng fi-e mien arrmeil wîh theai meapoens "And mh wrote lt?"I mogrrereeenly exhumai on Dog Branch, wereo s huera af the regular army. killcd outright or aiterseards dylog o! and iairly prote -ted cau'd ewslly dis- Thon the youog voman, In a streak The ided r:»MaCovlagton. Tisoroera a num- The se identacurredaet 1:45 o'cluck. their injuriei, while the nuinher of po~e o! a mcl' of 50,000 rio en. oi gr, at compasiom, explained that *bn6d Of i _ber oferîoilea la tise place mherq The detacbmenl. consisting of three wounded, as f ar as reporteil, mas !orty- ohe vas studying gcometry. partment h the body vas found, such as beads. a troapu of cavalry and one battery of one. At est nine. an 1 probah'y ton, FAVORS ARBITRATION. Ac do you keep that sort of thing w-th largri Monep re, x ii. t. ndb h lives have heen Iato ruhu h ctooroi,î tas rae up ait the tlme? ber employer de- tim D. reused to ho the bullesof Blig M west outside o! <'h ceeg. This fi es. wtts ew cr tb ettie L %hbr Dispate. lite. 1>0<, lie Indien chilf ai er wham the i nt imcl, de thoso killeil and l njuoel 'y (,Jert.aioly, sir." 1. l - #rafobm toak lis pocuiar Dame in the -. ~..a'x th 9 explosion ci the caisson 0 1a hi James Z. George, United States Son- "Mi"s Blsnk, I dont betieve a younirl ae o =J. - l-t..S cr buorr.atar inam M les issippi, Introducesi a Mli stSii-oute t crete aboar ai oman ai your tast s9silI suit me for . labr aritraton. enatr Gerge î ~epbookkeeper. IHeaven, or Boston, l tg te -OMm stsep CONSPICUQUS RAILWAY MAN. native of ourgia, yorhm ei akJuna.ldle If they only could sleep ight onM a.ChinnofbGnri and la 68 years old. FrfosteMdLgCod hmeeyngtand ane hur.s,9uinswmrs trîke CommIttte. Tfhirs v n~11 ,wbat many aa eoueufferer wlshell thoraevrynihtdied in bis in'ancy, 41gsctf eiery dey. But there wiUten ho iSno every day - , Joh~~~~~~~n M. Fgan lag one of the Most con-ha reoveil with bis ~pc.iyt omi h nvabl on teosfigures in the rai'road world erwnle.w Their freahness and beauty hy ceuon ai bis recent i~ion as MlerV w.5 Ç " a By-.coees of metropoltian life, If would continue ta the end. #Imm Chairmancite e- oyears oîd ta th: nervous inal id uli berin. and esisrt in Yeaa oui ~oral sippi-. Though e ith u. of. Homtetterit StomahBitters. which ta th&irlives. r x manaelr.' Stn 1thyouexichlisereIin jfl peedily bring relief ta a w.ak and over- tg mmaitte .fNewani té Mianar. in 1 sltruni nervous syst.eauDay by day the Al ea lad n t is moew l a letdV-botdy acquire. vigor thrnnh the Infuence o *ments of t he port5 S U CiSO idl nwnl h er was ele Hdi c- tht. reliable tenir. and In the vItality which utrSOr wamb, -tl'er v as proceeding soutti <n West, hvnggne Cortof inors adIt diffutses through thé syetem the nerve. cou- bhr tas n al ge.Apourts o! 1 hasudF,<"Er, F çicuonaly share. leep, appetite. digestion- avarian or k i Cn Gand boulevard to \Wscbington la k le je 44iyears of age. appa eais. I (f he c -etýni troubles, uterus ICapt. l)odd trom Fort 111107 vas in When a hoylee-Msi piwihpseteornac, drnadifteae.h auob ht il ih v ere troop 1B o! t rail téyMsi piihc sdt ran wigOltidiftear.wosadStta t- mUIIOrSSpina commuentiIgien.Cp.Saumth ineaof ecesion. and IFe s ted for and the aequuatn of heath and nerre quietlde hi-rs spnl teSc nhltgiel at -u;ihois8 f a illn bigel htinstrment .Is.wamalarmia.nea. e? o miioue.. -,weakness, lrneglL> tro p IE of the Sxth Begirnent. Lieut (entral Baibsay,.ani Bigacdierha nsrl treSet o wa, a wiitbe .ed maaa. complète Couaicte. larilv indigestion, I}yér: andl tsvîîpleces i f art l'ery o tif , aclerk n rander oerl!ieSigtte t o . and crampite. B h.M&yomo lld te tht. rem-I ex~ia atlItbaas nysFd elldathe c incemduriof he irar eaustian, or latr .udrcmun tLet the ireight depart- 31111N M. Ec.Ar. Inu 1>CY ho ias Chie! Justice of the Su- "dislacmen," ay le. ~ . ment. Hé soon entered the engineers ' Dreme Court o! Mississippi, but ne- A Peeul ar Aîiatic Plaul. 1dies the nre F olal,, offie, and in 18.7 hecame Chief En- s-igned bis léeat on the Supi-eme Benrh Oncofo the most peculiar plants 1 ih wid'jh xit- roop Fvue in i letld htopgîneor cf the Southern Minnesota Blt ne toi 1Sates onate inulever 55w, said a travelor, "levisat nolain B failowîecite-be1G hin Iis came the an- read. Lat3r lho became conne tdMrho 8.H a eeteded iknvnasth Cinsipitcher plant. ment, and sleep is ilIlery, and troop E b. ought up the mlith the$ uthero Pac tic. and in $ 1,W 86S, and &gain in l92. lit denives it3 name on account oi the mi ible. 1I rear. In ibis o uer the soldions voro vas cho en Cenenal Supssnntende i of!euirfraino h evs hc ue h impossible. riig utaithe artilienv roacised the St. Paul. Minn.apoliisand Mans tol'a THE BLACK PLAGUE. pculiar formtioo! rtbave, w aich<e and I.-ydiaE: ikam g t e inersetion M Cakvoobi)ulevard Railvag. lInlIMM' ho assumed the ma i- _____ 1<r a sr asia recep ta in £.mwd as the ane sur renIdy. thse expIa Ion sieurreil. Filt aithere agamont ai the Chicago, St.î Paul an-,< 1, p 1or.O rin aw mn itage la it bas aVed thcusands, anid will rem 3 a terrlifi concussion wici bleir Kanýas Civ airýal, and in 18910 ho-, upr.ttion.cingular planits often, andl nover ex- omt e aav yu. t tre~ten th t e mn teatoil on thé c-ison high cam president o! the Company, a po- The sp:ead of the black pLigue inu amined onesthat b did not find il con- womb, remove ail ain. ad youinto te airand pritratd the rtAl-nitioo!othol un'i Aprilofatvasredueintea a d get ata gea t txteat theth taainodabautut al(hall nta f pint, Ge leb eive i afl d5U by honmes and thereres cavalry- ent yea-. He knows aIl about thé rai- tsupersition o! th'- natives. Iu Hane ,oe it ofwve omda, mtul gle iea cild. Imen_ Titis was folsel imd ntl oad businesýs, and l'y nature le pec - tong it vwu by a more m- r of cci vtcted tthaeaf hchr he!oed da OSUt bya se:-ies of lesser expilosions. The-e baily qualilfed ta fight and put diltt lt-ut that the European authorîties fj vntdteranfo fligin sZm causcd much boes laughter than the strikes. 1-iinemd if the dises-se, as the natives - nsne b an!o aln n AumG Ilsst.lioova an 1) yls. va . n JUGE EFIS TE AMY l' epéadotto the pitcher, so the stater found lun i1w eI nr,iaD on tise end lDivng caisson, UG EIS H RY s y-fltInce-ceale rod rado t them must ho the ssatory part of the D.E fetae nteepotint ason,.s,îîlagion Pilacards ireri brouglit t10val) exhabed tram tho Iores on the in- woe thnovn brîndreda o! etit the Deru et oRegalar Tro:ops Orderrd il rg lKong f ront Canton, which reveal @Ide. Ilheff plants are alan common W air. Their mangbeà ramains voeeai- tosa ]ioni orteu. the djeidiy su-pici rn of ail foreigu n <eln thr Wyar ald tera te eond . eo oe. îoy ,,-of treatmont. The,-e placards '-On"e" cups. as theonrkeys tre tervrd fundR$J eet r mtre vay AI Sicramnenia, CaL, duning the wtsliu il people nrii;tu te et Hong unliItehl n rn h t. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l Euail.-terrible was the fate o! Jo the rarigofwtfh beai c urs oi-,-s ong nor -Iopermiht ttîclr vives dmatrindnid. héerthsi - 1 otr e f .d.nalde Wosevrvenï l I nte ec r"O tt»h.Galr fTro 1 ut hiid the ex oh hlaaefthee n taul go,,e Ieetiti they do.e ilah the exhaltion atter a&&. Ué .g.W»l mxeCtia ea mntof Ilatvictims te the foreigu svilo ila the pitchler again.» ,s-'ai illge er km o bclns asud a.te he choi. Thothecairhous n vua totably -p ai siS.tm Il tth j5-utse.d y sitte h aso a 4t" it h vdn neto ftkn SWi NeEaéea ss ad i@, eotiqu.d o tasim'i po t t(n tsof effer .yaspardanonesuNo stie3 h>ex'tmn ntht h i oAnoýos ro h tl h@ grains lai fait, and now report Sum er omp int, Th ext mnt u hivimt for thé eyes of deLd Cine. yiUe'rd of50 tao7 )bushels wheat and Su mu Co plinscourt-noom vas lnten.te. Several o! the'li people . 0f anestn ta specator rechelfortheir hin )-k c>vr(0bqi'îtepr ce h IYSEiT~R, DIROI4eA, '-eta and announoed their deer.mirati -hir.t dinebancvbe ce- wyi1oka ) ubesmih CHOLIERA MORBUS. . tos follow Judzo Catlin',s n t ucti )ns t) n nrsotabd or medicino, hc-. neache 1. Send to John A. Saîzor e KuuUs5,i-4~f te te, coleS e hat stout preontInn v-iphysceian , who are Seat GCo.. La& (nae, Wit., ,c potage u bis, um l, tt.n S.,eams pbeve the ragulara f untaking a, a yqucs nitthat by eat'n tmi o apeso bWiretai luaie saal-_ oCi pin.tho prisonr. (,ther, securely hart-cdis l nas reand lo a cataofe. Cstaa poesase.Vsitg lleithedo, n . leading ta il o co rt-rooem tmase msadyla1ettao!uebtl eado Lesnoé a t.&stm ine tésoif tb.fl -onem.,,.. re .thegbIbetregulas. Whi cabiefby I and tma agu. ud ait yher utarle--...si.. in-.t hoeca:mals. They eding te this h- îî idtWo-k. M quicir MUawajsR4I let.R ~the excitement mwu at fever beat the stseCrean iaiei stlo s Bvt-e ualr oknv-W* ha" t. tapelbea" #40W és lva reggbb- _____ lut_ __________ a i tant District Atrnyarare and a' h, hiinmsinre ib ss ren mb the buildings on both aides vaved the r tla-ooytlenativHeocuetheir1os ugsup-No; nover tried one but roulr Fck e htnil: I eady croence. tm I t AI>5~~* - o!ofthe street. and bireiy etougis vas commaiidel the-s ta return to tttoîî In l ong Kong th s silîy susiéSci u etof once astat FE lefitnihe r. almay ta indîcat3 the qua.rteirs utthe dop. lriu etin e otouad u-.1 igsup owl, oséth é r5ttm sftwutourhvohi --,icle ha tcl. Tloit ecsary deathe. \%'len the physi- Il; veut off I lido t exactly know mhat fou hosesvrnlg -yulveut andl A DEADLY WEAPON. yisani hegan bouse-to-houise inspection i aads aI O o ovu oiangled l'y the sa napuol. They fo-ertaincoes sffering iroin the plagueil;Cae, Ma stut-!d.'0,ania happenel à piunged aboutin agmnies an the gro:-nd 1fh e e RIot 00e WhIrh Can Di..e t erevas a tremenclous clamor. ei- kMra ou 'Mra show Ste Lrfwmoments and thon ay ,till. 150 siten 1tiseh.minuée. crsvr sse o ethe tb,3avake, aul wel, that l l fan ar es on the recoud 1 teste of an- Tero u"vl riiVicabrelgwo e vstite ntr vý itth as.-- oston Courler. Th 'ioThe hot hin nte freges Ib )enerteir hume- as th leny rigbt l'ehind theexplosiontt.rOd State3 Marshal Arnold armoîhl is pos this cesarch for 1 aCents vas morely a AlmS.La ui !Clr lal kilo.in Chienago is that mnîny whoo more nemaved moreno nt lght; thés sas ber complexion Made ra- The cause of the explosion remains reahiy a cross be tuffering frein thé dread dis ase, but diant by Gionn's Siphur Lsea a myste. y. As oe.1y aIlthé cases In isieco the Uat- had been seiected as spec'ally suit- the ammunition chetveore lischarged, llng gun and the ah e for furnishing medîcines. lu He Nceded 19. di t~~he cause of thé accident vil1 nover Fse-eb mitrail- the excited coniticn of thoe A bald esgle carriel off a bfltile o! YlTrAï MILL h dscvo-e. 1a8ut11s1.9oy3l~. I t u aY public these p'acards and rumors hair ro-tore.- f r.m Penny vile, Pa. L -, ,aET5Ml8E oyr, t aehi ased ly secci Shdfiwdasaoresaiet such was outhurzt o!'-- cema x otlusrw ia mefc eelu ht uaiimSIts atn o o fnod2s. Illn, but ise tmthetagiva uptb ouse inaspetion for 1.>- .,rn Osetaa.mont poverful das. Befone they relin uliséd it, Ivld "çpwwelsé FIGURING TS COST. .'baind a ev enavroe ver, thé y vers actuaily stoned l'y thIaic dé' Iademth pt-v.crowde wviih ioiaved tisemin inthe Ia" S1 itOu! NMe-..,tmrRd-s%. i rb iss Iulain tse Ot- Ealir.o.d Lasses, le Chieage Atone, Caumesi'der an d 5h ot. s're lqsThe pollueodelaihed armed N . -Yuam ron tha etm AS masetemiesi hi he trik MaPReah ~ 'Te meapon is of Sikhs lb accompany the doctons, l'ut mommual xpuemee, eanted i fh.e t nela.aeo heGuea aae& nta bswston upooedn ro n dMp n Conre » UU1 kigo h ito h rat Ikee.1 Ilerag e insurrection and l vas finaliy decided mosiev the Ou taort iifnd l- KIOIA mlld, con-spesko ! Iectehf1e ra tnk- y i',b an-vecanr.Atn taunc. sMusur." mait sg Uf? W ~<aoemcrentaof electricîîy -t> thé nail.o.ds in Chicago aloneb.îii es'. I utt) d tu, inapetinvas iesuméd, the !iparsy ah 'tc. u ~ S 'ythat thé lo,ses- ttho ioads mght g si h npcinwiieueteCOain iri UqD)à as igb mte*$"1t001 The loge ocra- %niageziuleo li-snative Gos-ennor havin Z le uoi a t-ole- S nf'tem, are remored aboneti by sowanded tratil!o mIlh ise *rtheto- ix12- lamatian varalng oery one !rom lnu - 2llsidaie osilaT a s1 GO. langeitem, 1lut the destrutiîon of oai br r- treln u ha ote-. i ts-tc ot c ut aiaea±0i v ~ lU,~prorerty villh'loel'y no moins a imaitigsEo In, wer oeta frdtaUOSF-M -one. I\èanly 60) Panhanole cars mere ýCanliidge Co n - the native hoapitais, sas thé Chînese PILE TUM an sd éther diâtueof t $i nuinber ninety-1 lht containel mer-ins der aOn0(1 I I haspital. on BrembcH <Orla .iIei chandi o I i ' o ces-aritbcsho. 1t --I ÇIPTUII,ion sth 1ttè ul lero- rSlthe e Cars con aned Iveon Cie shot I ..egtapie tich1 l. Tisiesce 00.12 owumsl tme. ),A, 1 ý,' unnrlwn nora ws lthhedat laddsr. none atlle? boy poees befare any computatian of lbas can and the îlx e - iA nk1î rgava ychdat SNï 1 . crhs eni. puives'al d. m bxmde Wthlthciyiiiiioor up eghîlî.hiloxi Miss. ed oand î M rMIritheut suttlng. ~s5eaj PSbt m house hav i n teylimite t c ed rs-îhomt-e'TiiiRnEEN mon aud ivoren vorkiug SRC<B~o! Tn-sr mucm rna cg n- oontsrueup.enDamo en done' a on catis The in a fieita, Delmo, l'susmia, vord . Se t ofliemydNwmtha teut- UMm tu maoy raîlroad ssaop, atd rmaU U 1? SS ie a h a-kiUedl'y llghtnlng. t1[eUitdOa~uoeeei~naî < J uns ex eodi nddbndte , -h tetranr.d;c ridge la o! pi- ARRISs G. HAD)LEY, a noted ct,.M- ç1InmlawtuSaS tat ien il.Wa h ri e- ce ya'tuaI, lhtsbeen arrested at Elwo d. Ind Wana<e yul do in tise VSy oit de- i linof brass. Ils outward appearance a - hor o mI3a' ing. i~M4a iacil redre»atram tleise avery muais liko lite ardinary shot- jTWO'tIIL>IEN named Cersis la aî om4U - m a ot liesde*Wr- gun s .11, bul lia surface 1la thiaker a m th ie railiay traok aI Bardot :0 0w&*lW ~ ui o -5 t a~ idow1 n i. en-~~ .- mes flon't Trouble 'Thons. ssuaires are so numeroua la that snake bite ii almoal&,% ire asin Iodla. But there fatal7t:es, for the native 'ered thi it a plant known» o. when powdPred and ap- twound, resuita in a cure là wycase. Whon Traveling. )n pleasure bent, or buolmeas. vry trip a boutle o!fSa"u of actae woe* pleasan tly and ef- on the kldneys, liver *Bd reventing lèvera, Ledaohe forme of sil<kness. For Sale nd $1 hottUs .by &H le IS Manufac-,ured by the Cai-. Syrup Co. only. is souri Juatice. il, Mo., man got deepoesdeol ed gullty when he waa put en larceny. He was more ast- tu a:ne emwe h ait ehm withla lav ii Ho bailbeenftstolirgcoi, oal dealer waa unpopular. ýw FilId fur osO dOf pvicng saleewoiLý... ýn- men In the boys' clothing de- itas been adopted l'y a firî -,tores In ses eral cities. Hall,@ Cutarrh Cure ternuily. Fr.ce 75 conte true 11e we are W l'e accu- hi celebrating victorie; i ss ig thein. rIN DffUVE *teUI' bSpin Tonte lu. pale. ami, kly on mIl aa noeral Weskn.Sss ute, ueveun lta sid5SM Mie"e 60 ce.at&"d 1.Me. r ui" le ON&"f us~ U uns e& Ca. OxamTU NL W. IL. DOmetma O 3.00e. me are h. l«S mae.&tete. staimpinsef i.ae eupremo bhieh pmoist jeu Agalas i gb ets Leesse prolOaur aus qk moUi ftyle. yetiefand u eUqbSm thta 1. 4eoymbero se iower Mrna tives bma uotber mata. ?aemeO. U peur deai« canaci .PPip YOMes* E 1 nau"FAOE SLFMS ~~ hein i-t 8.t .h.tth OUPPENT. Dt .E. C4fL4IL..Y.CUI ICAONWPW* 4h J*Usas eee. J.'er ----------- ----