Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 3 Aug 1894, p. 4

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~IAYTUG. 8, 1 894. Our factlaiseSai t t.eAoutoeh Newm llasu. roty gnd hîmganog whlvh re«M ttie fullaîwng:i ?IutJudge Clark la iot luit t, that v.L. Jüues la the man and wlll bt' ý>ast Couuty J tige. 111îlt AI Hendee hail better get out Ïâbu&Us iêf be wlshes to, hold dovu> di, at ln the Cotîmty Clerk's office. a> James Murrle lai going to dltIt pretty lively for the otlier viten-ahIte thandle thîe My funds. -ýÈ6t thse raoe for hrif will lie Ï* ed u k witiî Brtown ndm Ï*A', with.Brown ut the pole. 1,,tt,. W. Mattiel outd be beaten q* vom, but will hold tihe îeuant J Snam al eorners of maseuîline M .a ts cr01> of aotitcs la gî'owimîg O'pily ani thte "young shoots" willl lftowd the olaler brand-ies. abrat n-amen shotîld vote, as t lia-y 6 ase a ruie, more intelligent than àan of the "bob)os" n-ho axertise COMINO BVENTS. .»emocratlc Colmnty Conivenltliniut 41het> ville, Sataiadaiy. A ag. 25, 94. Lake Coaiuity Fair, at Libety-vIlla-, qlit 18, 19, 20 aiut 21, '94.t Adreaiaiiîg ruiaaittlal ldIve- n-Ii ha afllwca dolîtirai lu Lai'.v ('tutiy.ava't Ttelmlaue tai8ie (ie. seiiiii w4o have licei su vutalit l-ciagua re flvédêa day fur the irvit tal i'.' gnim t auad i l'tr litithtIt-vget ut tée me ai 813 dollasmiat er iîlu Eli 4x. I lybesai are dîmlI lime-s andtl iov p*take, 'butthie liti'A S t hllifut thait th4s offiv lias J0uI) ý04tIug eniough to keeli tî s bisy. eïlive rogrular patrons froin distanit nm. orts, soutti, eîisti Mud wesl offlnow and apîîueciate good iv' ik. Admnl.lrators'a Notice. M ,fM>piA50Norus aimeat>g>t-iI ii lt Miop.AmAnigtrutWr aif the ebluaitta tiMai)> 00 - Jougho, tleevaaed. viiall afati tha-1 $OWourt of*Laba- touut>-t a sta-m uit mittL Mall bsoiden ut ihe courlit .i n Manka- 0& k it Jaut-, ton the t-u.Mtuaalay uià W@PaWa- noe". 150, wnh id nlitre i% -eirs MW baviaag elamis aigaisaci saaid Evtat-, ai-t- Iiwiledanal rvqueted 1lupi e a lietie tiW t diCutfor aajud leatiiu. iti v>aisoia HuNitir-i., iaitît Ot 'VaaiSogvn, J u IV t. . si. 44î AdmnAsratorNotice. r-1 oltli- citate tif Ferdi- Naer. -- aed -hI steitilthe- lount3 tg0 Lie vom i t ataeurnithroi1 0' le holdema et the Couirt Houit1 os Wsukeaan, in sail ceumt>. suitth& ~fo4ay, uf Septenilier mexiI M4 ,wîaen i k1eeaIH permutaits liIna a-ainisata.alitu1 ire -cnotfflean ad rnquaateal 10 pi-e-1 alme tosald Court for w1jualieai in. . sijuamesl, 1104. -3-4i ExctraNotice, Executos > gi-eii hL ista.L, Uxocutrix. olie Lasi i wd of .Joeeph Cliarke deccasotI, nii 1aai uvlçant' (Couart 0ofIsa- aiýtiiîtî, ut mgan, n s"id It outl ,til t lairt ot4ugîat aaetfl. w. hen ut sîttn-tr- hsvinq gtdaImm againlat siti Emtata tffl d ~eJroqueeteai ta pi-t, mth# -toi W Court furaaljudleatlInt. a SxaH Ôau.axExmiutii. aueogan June ILh, lm1. il cJsP. WILLIAMip The Weil Known suad - leoNNA We11 Dtgger, -<WHEEL OF FORTUNE," iVO unettibklaigut basing a Weci daîg, amooerepeireal. 1Danimqite sure t1eai lmsa Il pou lt me dlg aeep euough fnu * fal uluaM ost W eln-ls. «W» about four fot lia diatueler. tirrsa a - xgt 10<ot Si (li. megt lu <cetsu1.50 étatW Uînext l <et 83i.0b, pérfaoot. JIK:ft lin diamteter, tire t es lie. sfor vellselght fa-rt u.00a al bàlvitaok doue mue ai<mraig[h board brioSl for veili sd tianier for curbing. toaly ont jotte vithiai ane Malle of 1vil buvrnt my- slf anal belp; libe- -Ili iabs a disauat of uf 85.010 onmieser>- 4ho eegou2"test or oser vathout wqktobedme lu a gail worluianailî Mi h csf. lu go daivautig bat >lime lfleovner emunot Iaisaevt mi mes, (lam ail thitt tan um S.thtvli lep MYmib uautation sud 4«&Wnalrepagred 2w5a --tlI it fr r)l %isoul0f jo-t" liin ont-!autile ol gev vellsaudli m-eay lhaik lia-> kIitifcoeiime ilsauan-hidi la - ho-iaymime. 1 eau gisre the ame 8 Mly . bl bgog. 9 That tliey pssed pou. priv aad reud la that <SP-off dey. Staisd pou down onC hli a»d hauchty. And doeisred lion nide and naugliir, With pour iaugh toc gay. Dld It vez pou, BouDctng-Bel. snob-sniet'OW ear. Db Fou tell pour gomgpe funup. Bird a ilSe.oa d trolle Bunnp. Thatopou did Dlot Caro Yet pOu blushed. My tapside pet. Just a tender ftush. And pour Swsetneas grew the swoose. And jour Dodo a bit disureeter. la the vesperu busgh. Nover Mmnd Is. aBoitugflet. Bloom soeuar the way; Sweet thîngs iaeed sol Care for ftarnln, Need fDot hed a» db Nor that neilhbors ua. -Harffer. Young Pele. THE GILA MONSTER. Tragie Hxpmrenoe. witb the Strange Avnma in Ar1sna ite Bit. Alwayu Fatai-How a TffSmg Maus WaS. Weat lmona» Ala&..d is, nt. Escape the Law met liAs Dath. More deadly than tihe rattlesuake, more dreud.d than the mountain tion, the Gila monster ssaut leatthis merit -hli neyer seeks minu out, and la quit. content to keep wrthln his own lair, but when this la intrud.d on none knows better than h.e how to resent in- vasion,, and iu a manuer that usuaiiy teaves nio tougue toi repeat the story. Tiie very appearauce of this srange creuturo, Inspires a horror whlch the mo8t veflomous serpent It i ncapable of arousiflg, and to stand and gaze ilu the lidless. unblinklnir eyes, even wfien iron bars interpose, la to experienee un uncorutortable &ensation along the re- glun of ofl&backbone. sud set one wondering if it svas flot-jusi vnch a ereatître tlîst originated wlth the un- cients the beliet in an animal w'hose very gaze %vas deuth. The Mexîcans aud Iudians of Arizona will tell you that the monhter kilts by Its breath everytLiing approacliug fleur enough to inhale the ickening effivium. this bellef arising trom thie lorror %vith wvhich tlîey regard it, and f roin the tact that it is usually fonnd oaily ut the bot- tom ut some old mine shaft or mnoun- taDn caverri, where the lieav.v, mephitic air serves tiio oercume the luckless bc- ing who ventures in, and wlmo talla tàii readier victim to the monster*t bite. It is a popular fallaey- that this crea- tîire iv ofthe iclzard fsmily, au uver- gIRîwu chama-icoti. but its vinait,uake- flie haad, its slitmv body ot a hideous ltrtwiwsli gray, ivithiassîivotl white, belly. suggests rallier the serpenît. but the tatini short andi stîimpy. Miy lIrst introduction tth e Gha mon- siter %vas a tragie onie. 1 ivas spriding some mou ths i n I 'ien ix.A. T1., antd liadit n My cinplty a young Mexicau, namcd leîîc.wliu serveti1 me vn body servant. grooim anti èuak in the modeat menage1 iaist set up."pre fer- rang te dictste t-sy owîa table 4are to eatiaag the peppery, înesses.wlaica are the sole diet oftheic Mexicari popula- tion, snd wlîicliare- gratually a opted by Americaus îlwellin., any lengta of time in liiis ciiate. 'lo suci> an ex- treine la tis lovre'of retil iot pper carrietd by the foreigi c.nent-tlîti iv said witii traiîtlîtaI av o the car- rion caters outhe ri-gion i viit ot luch a deuil Mexicali. Tbýis boy h -niader w art a tiinid, alTec- tioaate laid, %%Ituse 1i111V vice sea-iucd to bie titat of galiabliîig. At titis hie speint ail bis spare time su ilis entire wages. ofta-rplaving til tiiiglîl. thouigli licr- !oraaîing 1hia iluties ut-Xt day as usial. 1 ressuuned n itlî liniîin vain. and lie ssould ie again sud again tliat hlie wulîd cessýe the îîieaby lite bis propeiîsitia-s caused hou te to eati, but lie ltaadatîvays ai) cvii aliffei at la18 biile ithe i.s a pe tof a li pýc e -inîrketl halt-breed nained k'rauitîcto This man, takiiîg advvîîtage ofthte bu y« weakness, '.as atways aiutliaîîd lu tempt hlm lu the vinait gaibliîla-Il frcqucîited îy unen oftlits clavs, sud thqnglî 1 torbade hlm îaîîgin, aot my premives, hie îvoild wtayiay 1Lean- der and %% orc un li i love of sport un- tiI thae boy ivoulat fait aOin.-ý Froun inquiries 1 inade, 1 lvarîîed thait raucesco matte a practice oif relrularly clîeating liii out ut lii. wages, bait Leauder contailîot be 1bronglit to, sec thia, but played on, hopiug to regainDomoin.btis lognes. But une' uatght he uaw anu uniaintali- abte taise play on the. part of lis en- emy. and as 11h the qaiick fury of lai% race, billi leap.d acrose the table and hitdalrien bis knhfe loto, the breast of Fianc-esco. 'The big liaitt-breed dropped 11k. a log, and thinkîng hlm deuail, th.boy broke ont ot the. aruaty and raui'for the motuntains. NexI morningIr was totd of the. occurrence, and whlîe 1 deprecated wlîat ie hail don,t coîtd Dot but thlnk the boy "dait ome excuse for bis auger, and atter afccrtaifliDg troun the surgeon Francisco'% wound would not provo serions. 1 resotved -to protect Leander b.dl lw~u foi ar of tise oaelà" not, seelit 1 tumbleit pfecentky ovo an objeet that iuy across the path. 1 teaneil forward tosee what It waa, sud hait lust reoognlzod wllh a thli of horror that tt was the body e4art mian moat slekeningty swolieu and, discoloredt when the man wth me emdd.nly jerked me tu on.esid. aud micharged bts pistai ,t a tark, gliklng %hape that was making l me. l'Buck, back. *seor!" ho crictdradggtng at me. ,lit la th. black deathl" Impelleit byl hlm, tsommgh not nderstandlug tii danger, t beoket out of the place, sud was then talai that 1 haitDarrowiy os- capeit a bite trom a Olla monster, and that tbo man w, hait seen was lu &tt probabilty my poor servant. though 1 woutd nover have known thst ghastty, batteneit shape for hlm.L 1 conte searcoty prevahl on the man tu go back wlth me Into the shaft. but at last hoe conseutai tot waik behlcd me and te boit the torch that 1 mlght kilt the iteaitly creature undt bnlng out tihe body of the. pour bey for hurlai. W. fond the inonster that the. 14exi- eau hadit £red at writhlng about, evi- dently wouuded by the &bot, sud. qnlckty dispatching hlm, wc stooped ta lift tbe deait boy whon my nostrils were amitten by a fresh whlD ff finde- scrlbabiy offensive odor reseubtiug that of decayiug raw meut svhlch Ouled the place. The Mexicais sud 1 sprang &bout ta sels crswling ont of the iloo at the far nditot the shaft a se=oî monster. Aimlug, cart>fnlly I1flrcd at thse moving torm. but muuvt have misledthe reptile, for wlth lucre-dile swittnesa of movemeut it reacba-d mec aud seized my lft font. Furtuuatelyi 1 had on thick hnting boots reaca- lng ta muy khee. vo that as fur as 1 wuas concerned the cresînire %v-as harmnlevss.bat the lexiean witlî 0e ivas bure footed, aud cria.d ont to anc lu kilt the mou.ster betore it could turil on hlm. so leaning dîîwu 1 placed roc weupou almost t ftle thing s ha ail n blew itg bruins ont. l)uriug the saine year tof titis oîclur- rence a young mîning engiaicer <rom the esst run away with the danighter ot a wealthy Nle-SAican rauclîvuan. n-hi ohjected 1.0 the marriage ou the score of the young manî's poverty. 'Tie couple. pnrsued by *lie antzry <alliar, a man siho hlldthe reputation lit lbcbg ssvift tu kilI. uadle (or Fort tirant. ),lit wa-re ubtiged to cross the nunotalus A storîn sas eowlng np. and their driver sotîght nelter lusa deserted adobe lit.t wlîare thcy seere Ikept sU uight, 1lo this place tic, were tane-I Ii fatiier. but he found onlyV ttree dcaJ sud swollcn bodieestu the but îv#li tntý (;ila monsters. 1'bese slaosveiliglîit, but were killed. ândl the heur»t bruitak-o father returned home. On ithîe rive-r froni whiclî tlu", 're- files take their naine aie fit -tilaîi- of aui extensive dwetl iug hottîse nicît-I thi Its day %vus s marvel of archîitecturte quîl ela-gance lu the !ula"catts. lî' ownr %vsia aSig. Na-silla,., hlcîiati bea-e'ducate o inthe a-ast. anti u l.i had ltrtugh t hoine a bide fnr ut s. ,îîî uîîrtherîî state w-ia-n lits r-Qiloge (ltlaN- were ovear. litt fitr aIllihi'. altltittf Aima-iles n ua tnt-vs anid etilstitiis the t re- va-tgeftîl ¶iatiire ,ît'is race liv-t-i a Iilm. *A sîr ilotie lifter t-lamiarriago lie grew jealou , tif s fricrid wlio Ihall beea a classunate of lais snd wiîtî h-a iaeçuîmpatîietl hlm home ttî sec sunie- tliiot of flte coîintrY. 'lo tite sus- picibais Mexièau il t-mcd elthaut lais *yonng isife ittukeci ivithti 100saniling s cotuntcmîant-c titilier cotîutryînvn, andt in lis diark immd-h li tuned s revenge' unique iu ils w-avy lie protta-red a pair ot Glta inousterx anîd pr(tillsed l hs rauchinen a rare trat, sometlîiig Letter autni ore nova-ititan a bull- tdglt. Mouarcl tif lthe cutintri fotr mites about, Ci-eew-as nu une toluiei tertere svîtl lus gr ru pleastire. sti (tite day witltlit warning lie t-ai'eil lus guest ttî lite stripp-d tif Iti& clothirig axcept o(lai lit garmerît 'and shut luautie court of the place tormcd b theIle tat w-ali -otf tuie follt conuecte I buiildinigs tlîat fiirtile tC) raneilîtiî Thle via-tiiu %apr( vided wîIvil a sktî uc and thlen ithe tioutttrs were lt luto thîls imupruviscil areas. 'Ilesilla anti bisenmcisat tiputi the Ion- roofs sud %watche<l the combniat nill shouts t oflsughtv-r and cl--versvasthe reptiles andth Ie ninîsftîuglt. 'llie Amneraan w-as unan arc ufthe- teaîi'y charucte-outftlec creatures lie vas4ar rayeti a'aiist. and, while bitten agalu aud again. tlaîîugzllt lie is-a tlglttiig tfa-r h i%, lifa-nsd succcele<l u inîîallY kiti-c iug one ofthlAe reptiles. tîtougl i le poisona isas fast reuderiîîg hlm bliud asuiîick. At iast he <cli îles]I on the body ai thle mruner lie had s'si n n-hile thîe otlier, Ithough tîmuuded: tasteneal ilseif upou the corpse. !Alesmilia had forced bis wlfe tai Wit- ocsth Iis horrible sceme umitil mile bsd taiuted, aud now that the rinu as dead the cruel Iansband bail her low' ered luto the yard. Avs ue reached the. atone psviug of the place. she rcv ereti couscîoaisuess and, lieelog the dreaditi tom of the. inster crawing toîvard lier.,lîastly suatched tromn th., dead man's hsuîd the. kuifo with vhicai he hait fonghft aud ptuuged it lu ler brest, fallîng tîfeles . eide io.rcun- tryma. Mesilla wslhiog, haiwever, t10 satlafy himself that both of them-we-e A ueswais aPtM the feue.. JaM mut e. hm crowv Bis gsalfSSctlOD la iene.. Ai l stp SUD" ive gr.videces That Ibis is no. ÂAther receter sees him tbere And heur.hum cao.. Wluh liapplng vinas be cloaves (he air. The fonce-top lastuoo Muailt W sare. And @o tiiep ight. asud scratch. and tenir. II> dovai tbep go. se 'tilsi lte. Whema atpan (Sets uMinent sorne »&SUSom rival trie. to plan Some vs ta dlown ahlm If b. eue. Ana l fh. inuupeets the van, Id. <ee1s contenu. -SoinervtAle Journall. The Canala, Little Thint. ffben baby vakes 0f moraiuugu. Thon 1I's vake, je people &Ill For éciother daa 0f Boug anal play lRa* corne stour darlinge sit? Andd lII"0hegels ber dinier. Sb. muSes the ncIblai rng. - Anad .5e wesbt kbe tti1MI uhes à"babr The cunalitule tblng Wb.D baby goo a-wal5iD., Olt, bon-ber paddlea Up!1 For that's the vap the babie s ay Tai etber folk~p-p Tho ebond do tieW ise ber 4 mbirde lai rupture glua, Au thelO stsands analgraves ber band- The cumula' lttbe thingi Whou hAabj g.b. -rocba lauber bed &teop"1day, As bldo-and-seek On ber daliilp eheela The dresmeansid the allipies play; l'bimn Ileve.p lIthe tender iste Thme guarallun amgels brins From the far saeve toimv ysweeuestlove- You etnDin' littue thiaig! -]dra. (G. W. PetiS. Jr.. An Chicago Oeroral The Hasppy Brooka. Spto-klJmgatm-aitho hillidetle r saaiti cool adse Singimue ln Lue sb.dowi shortsthe itramt-Se utecu. Lacîglitti a tiait. ilrilng. n eaîh peltttlp Dittî. Wbuha aTiierru- felb. in(ho motuit-jin brook: W'h.tal *hripful spirit t i i,',tberri ttuies flîcw he tkthu W(-tt moitirouît oftfutî Aie IL utnîor mintlhi Ite IL tisrkor brigitu. 81111 is song DMih v oer of f iis bo..rl sda-iigln 'lhtou siograivext douttla ofI luhr rat .orid vatooti. S-eeli this ltibe precscha-r In the- leuify - -i ctch bit týheerful sPIrj> leuaru hi. iitrrry .u,.hait ûttttc te happy mv lie dcî'.tlalong James Bliantba. i '1L s Ttueu îH.. I mvealmy jODait N. tne ee-or a-.; AilthOe vurld liaiSviolet. 1. ber e-es tif bine' 1l1- 1Iloveai My JeDDY Oaip yJenny bues: How 1 loveal my Jonc> As the roses love 1h. de w As (heo-rIi the May. 'tiho. 1 lavoal ai>'Jeamip liar lips aaine conivi &y. lots ilaïed my Jenu-- Slna It for aie..blrdt' An-oaa-r me vllh your rotuste, S.sceter tthan My wortis lie.1 I uveal mu-Jenny - Sig fi tlame' bird. Slng I( an-col. andtriii Il. Song a-Iras. far anal naur! Wrsnn (he orlntu IDmoloal,. Till ail thal 10-e shall hearl Andt han sing ho. mu- Jetai f-,"s me snd baldi. mý e.,na -F'rttk 1 t. aliLon i Alanta o M. E. Ghurch, LiAbe rttvilley, Subject:- Stjnday School Wark iri Rural Districts. Subject:-F10w 10 Conduct a Country Sunday School, 2-30 Opening--Thanksgiving for past Merc les aTId presenit Opportunilties. Rev. J. F. MalcolM,1 2:45 Duty of Teacher. 3:00 Duty of Superintende - - W. M Heath- ent. J. H Çronkhite' 3:15 Duty of Church ta Surmday School. J. A. Gage, 3:30 Teachers' Conference, 7.30 Sang Service, 7:45 A Look at the Field. 8:00 What amn 1 Doing. - C. S. Wirn - Jonas Steers 8:15 What shouid be doTle? - 1.-, Mrs. Dr. Krligtt 8:30 Who caTI do it? - Rèv. J.- B. M acG uf f iT This conIvention s irtejded to a a.erI arl irlterest irl Christeai work al-noug the people liviTI9 -i the rural districts. All waOrkers are urged to be present Rev. J B. 'MueÇuffin, The Lake Colllty Indopondent Proposes to issue a Daily Edition during the Lake County Fair at Libertyville, Sept. 18, 19, 20, & 21, This wiil be a rare opportunity for Advertisers, as the Daily wil have Frere% Distribution four days, and a copy will be mnserted as a. supplement to ail subscribers of our several weekly editions of the Independent. The moutninandl the furevîs antdthe sosu. Oldo-, of mearners aith pauheti toulae. ADVERTISINC 1 Vas ee ae à anatural m-lt' ail helr osai. -et in accord sith huima. tetile i-&O, tender. manifold. Wiiuul Ismareseeu Tnsu waotIand niloitesut suntMore One Page,* Display, 3 m litiT 1 'ibndimpieti tuean iihe a Iaaghimmg rhiid Tha.- ipit. anti roui-a s leI o oteea%, fat Page,>Il DeAicht'm i v-ltme ocean o, th nshahr' Lahe; h »letquke;wih efel. ole--uarter Page RATES. days, $20.00 72.00 The r0ck,. tire r-tt. Tît-. oh'amid ith&%(jl 6Jluni6" . Ase-ni rut-k se vint tetstnota" - lanes. c~~ Ia. ... lt6 Ye mountatits anti se tto-tand îe eas IlalJf 'CouLL&J--LJ6 3.(» The mnottluînanti the-fora-tand> the mses% 4d 4 6t6 Have est-h their niot, ith lSo¶tr moitaI l 2urt r0ol inrt ittllir esait appesso , 2.00 oAnal muunit loI - lîau iti r. ha- asnoie4464 0f soild-wn-itetctene-.a. tenuer reseries. 'One Inch, 1.00 D Ilo tnibut ta-ibiistte ttntttrgot. Buto ait Ifs-t. urboruo- tohttni'e- . 1 Hu ilt ii-tttuu -t.ututt. h7 aeLocal Notices, 10 Cents Per Line. Thise , e ! 1 ci-c i ten ooIitbeetp-r, 't- uti sci wttthtnedu1. 20 per cent. additional fe'r front page or b, 1 aItî. k t-but- - . kit6 ai itait' Special Position. Hoe luiS'-C i - apucIta-orn, aa-liter Shakos'the hL5tt roufi. btt h en the lord cf c il Eaeh display ad. il reeive muie local 1 -poia, th re us an-c antti-,tu lt (ohal ISeta" notice, free,. Thon. A-s imersa-a ihua Rremir Tw.ln th' ir. wsrmJîîiv, Those ('aItryiiig display ads. eaiu have i One aunlilt ma-n. '%t111.'n Mary Jana 'nlIlcasa 1s~s.~*i n-Wus hoeiit crn- leas t cii per Iiie.- An' wfor ail ads. ust be lutroutW11 An' to*round beuant thh li Fur milwum vveet on Mars jane- uBull S inw-. Au'1 i dlied t gise 'lmipan- FurBilli. vo linon-. lied na-ver dreaapt lu ail b s lite 'Au Mary Jane tid te mu-n-ie. i lookedIto ît'ar sparliîn oes 'hr sra-tutnath, till- As fair ass u- summer tltîs- Au pitied i ll;i leur. -Mary Jane. il utS O nie," Setal1. *eofse utC onlu- apiee*,, Any gai rcfîuse me' Nu! Thet coultin t lie Wth tn-lnkliiu ee-c.'n rcizekitagion- STue suidt' me. "A yesrIl pes an-au-qut@ msuan- 1 Spect V marru rameai-at Joune." MY ote hue amasimea the ciodddti his Liko giats armi Ther' eetn-acntDa ariu ii t pour illia Arounath' tarai Fur (t Ul iiill th boy, voitsae FUr Mary Jane t'rame 1 me. Ah, me'Th*' uearsi cone n go. An' heartsoli chatge. An'licse th'sterlin'vtîrth theu- ia-on- Fui- gode thets Sstrangie: Va'e@e.thewn boys&a-amp a or th' piaint' Thoai ida sa Bill% n'Mary Jane e. -Clevelantd Plalntiemiea-. The Lutin-Su. Oh. ieî-ei van. lhy brolient'ai-s Lie on Otcenindlag meudo a ua s Anal bu-the Stream long shadosi Dling PromnIlion- ta-aev t h etgeusnprig. Ob, les-ci suit hy rayq-pare tipped Au vanals lu thy sofu circle dippd;i Lov-ftylig binaIg. toucheti as heu- psas., FlIrt gildoa lonafruai grass to grass. Oh.l.vl sun, Ie obroben raya 0-a ab"Ir sà" of «1&»-- hands iiot later than Monday moon; Sept 18, i. CI. PAIDDOC K, Publisher. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .- r'9<i*.t iW & 03 sJ-5»V n~ 08 tut ?V qpo pijqii~i~iuml- t sf Ctv :1 t l weigo utoa J0Uq15J.ulm naJAmliIV op n*~a;n ep.olia b il*aim pusil o'i'ima * utffotisoiemcs Hon ta n-rIte for a nen-spaper: lot Have somelhing ta n-rite about. laid Write plahi, dot yeur l'a; cross your t's; point atntences: begin n-li tcap- lt.alB. 3rd, Write shon; btiste point stop n-hèn you have donce. 4thm WiitiP on oniy one side of tbe lasaf. Oith Read it over, abrldge sud correct It tintil you get it inta tise shorteas space poesibte.

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