Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 10 Aug 1894, p. 4

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WT1 Fletcbetfr PUgIAI.. pLDM>C1t, Eil AI i Last week I promlaed to Mention Mrs. Etta Ellia la vlalting trlends in 1I1 ________________________ ome of Mr. Fletcher's aocial and Chîcago,. , ;FUDAY. A UG. Il), 1894. moral qualities. He dosea not belong Ms oeBteA-dI -stn e to he aocal lee," or aayo! hatsisters at Highland Park. ~the Elgin Board nof Trade Mon- claaa make great pretenatona, awell ln omy ,340 pounda of butter were soclety sud beat their bilas. No one C. N. Duratnd lias a liorcli addeul ta out of the 30,28(j pounîlas offered, clasa of aoclety f urniahes mnore siocialI-et ieoltshu. trket belug quiet at 231 cents. "awelia" and deadbeata than thêse Chicago Ice Cream for sale nt Hote) lpn at 20ctents. Last week littie nabobs. ;Weil, Mr. Fietener doea Spoar, Saturdays and SUndays. 43tf tLI+ cents was pald, anîd last year nat belong tu that set, for lie paya is Bora, Augiiat 7, to George C. Green F J2 cents. hIdla, and white lie stands asaua equia and wife, nt Kaukauna, Wis. a daugh- Swittbfila neiglibors, he la flot above ter, -.Wedneaday o atweHu .A lekD Otehmls fhsfl rf ereJmro ilatn ,»Xbide, f Wukeauwaselected 10w cîtizens. Evoarybody knowa hlm, the DeKalli Counity Institute nlit ',Joaear ofth Reublca stteceai- and feela free ta approaeh hlm if tri week. tMI oommfittee,apoion f great need of lis counsel or influence. Rmmjrte(ut .Scn FWomnence sud reaponalbillty lu the There are ia every young and boom- vetian atthe CM. E . . cn- ggarnof the party lu the tate. Com- ing city, a ttie set of tnflated mor- eto tteM.E hrhnx SS sit did, wthout solîcîtation, lt tala who feel very much asa that con- ua. wu doubiy au houor, wortbiiy lie- celted hypocrite down in New Hamp- Mra. Chas. H. Austin aud chidren ýimwed.-Antich Newa. sire, whose mornlng and eventng of Barriagton, are vlslting Mrs. Wil lirayer waa couched lu these tew lianes: Sanborn. SclsorinCtUme. .-o Lord. bleua ne and mny wife, TYrs. Dr. Cramer, ot Chicago, la Glsugwîl Jolie 1,000 people on Brotber John and iebi wife, visitlng ht-r husband's fianat Mrs. E. Gslosb u r F.Wsri s tour. and no more. Amen!" C. Pi-îton. q)tjogewasllHopkins, of Aurore, îs What sucli snoba think of Mr. Wben you watit a good haîr eut, or0 ~Mou% is talleot mud traigliteat piteFietc-her or auyone clae, aobody smooth sheve camne te Ralpli Darh,'s e.,iUenaritl tîwbec lit iglit. earea, but among sensible well- bred Barber Shop. If youMaendasdllar et home, it wil people, Mfr. Fletcher and bis famlly Miss Dot Selanck gave a Itincheon «OLurito )ou before matîîy days; but il have a firat place. af apud iL abroatd, lit la foi ever loat, But ail men have their moral ide. 't MisesdaVilacnoMrcaflle ustac > z h you a-id your conimunity. To me and te, scores of other good leMse icn fMrcli ii Jllglwsy niolitela teaitbîebi- people, it mens very much wheu 1 Mrs. A. W. Ziegler feels grateful te L'M Élre agalu Lrâveling c-ouintry ronds. aay, thjat durtng the dozen ycars 1 Dr. J. L. Taylor for lier quiî-kC %bej would acare a olnt leggedi blind lave known Mfr. Fletchier, and ived recavery f rom a bad ettack of tonsil- ý Mmo o thât lie would ruli sway. niear hlm as a neiglibor, 1 never heard ities. Itbere ta too miuet, bo8ssuai itl i one lprofane, 10w or "smnutty" Word, Lilierty3 ilue is fat puttiag an clty ,pwIttSI parties. Nothillg kilis Party binit or suggestion escape lis bits. airs. Alilour progressive gracers now "sUisan su Luchia8 Lu knOw that a He has no use for that eiass af mea. make free deliverv of 8a1(1salîeti oet et nominiations were cuitrulled tty He and lts femliy are regular churcb arîlers for gocls, * Aalicliue.attentiants, anîd lie tsa e trai sup- Wright & Souis)lave aireaîbv soli Proprieto)rèa of teani tlîrt-aliis aie porter 0f every sot-h instittioloitiiithe lot20oisflarcldéu]e AviiSd lu rend hp brute law gttverli- communîity. If tiiere is a ctail for ta hardie ove-r 50 toila this seesoli. ,llg teir maalge-menit %liu on11 filee 'e tall lîgawa. iîî s'.-tht-ni aîoney, everyijody sayaret onee "ai Nwlsa agooti time ta bîîy. troble alîtsiy. pt-iîsc. a% on Fletcher." Pursimoilîous, miserNt, X .Cîîiltlaî .H II Ultlule d neia eu s tîîýît iH.skiiîllnt mci dont hB. tH.etkiîîd 0 -dua edlnterl] li (ast n L ati itlutafmen liiiav in kdofhv egoiîe for îilIbicycl e tri i 0on thir the word .itr ens-tÀ at- 0luaio.nw wleels. Tilt-vtekte lu 'Mc[Heiirv. lia tire Uzîteu Statil, ti-ss ta If a vessel la the lake la fouîîdered m etvh tiroaaîîd lisi-blazes tu git sortie- or lii dîstressa aîywîîere off tie shore- Lake otieva anîd a iimber of oliîlc thing to est or itarve. lîcre, tire irst mailta go ta lt-i relief placesnt-,hleir frip1. Ott your job priiitiiîg iow odîîriîîg is A. W.. Fletchier, and the- last mail ta Prof. Samuel Dlcky chairmnan Nat- tire duîi sea»oli. Ordiiîiîiy jobs wîll lie lt-ave il wreek or suffering crew is i01i11 prohiitioni cammittee wlll si-eai amitbted oi t te day lit %N hici tiie3 aie Mr. Fletchier. 1 thave accu him, mare lit Laîke Bltiff Suday, Atîglst 12 at otared aud lîricea atre a littie weaker tian oun-e taa, camneliiit ram a wtt-tk, le ::3» a. ru. The puiblic are ,-ordiîîllv than tbey wîhl lie aiter Splîtiber 1. baviîîg been tri tilre water for liaurs ivltt-d ta eu li-îrro!tire ltest plat- AUl uewapaper mnilkîow tliet fiue wtbaut food or sleep or rt-st of eiiy formr orîtîîlîrs. utold tonies are tir h t- ba îîtfîîiily î3klîîd. It is the iame lat case ot a rail F.. Smitlh &Sori make îîîî îm- mai ofttilg js taMateteust iiere ngsroadl actidtiit ai aiiy otiier kiiîd of ii portait îîîîoiivemettiitt lit -w att bedly ajourlialti a live %l%<hoîlt-s iot accident, aad lit bas coome ta tiass tua'Ulits weex. Hi-ad it. Cîtatomers willl %M.W enatigli about Lhliîgatif V.l iiliebi in sucii times evtrvbody goea ta flîîd fie "Farmers Home" a ilesirahîle »ver speak8 profesittiîally tu liglît ire,, Fitcht-r to kaaw wlîat te do, anîd lie place ta trade -Good-3 riglît, Pi-.-- '1tutattie wblcili cîuld Élever lieil tieict-i litvit as's a l-ayant t do whîat tie law, Fret- DellverN. ëd. Yet tire aliiîdid andîi i ilpiling Wait doi, or go w liere lie- waîil go litirr- Mr.S arahidT 1)1li, wl foof W mri letai1i1 lishat vetrylt-w tif sut-h selfr. Tîltîer. îljcd wedît-sdeav mori îiiig t mewlispaper meni tver shioe ttiemnselvi-î, \lithetIi- lile t-tort' îlit ila we.t-iMtoui-li(-k lfter aliîngeringiglllîic-, if Unwrtiy o cofidnce l'liicii). sie (1111-tlia fewv t-arsa go, Fieth-lier six ar-i dîralion. The fuiîeritl took àmtaw tislap-.rtictilitî .i-l, maîd vheii tli ar cquaiîtttwîfî tti ~ iioaie <of ttir-urt meii ta corme for-îo- îîrslvfrom tLeiiiîonuCtîilîtî tbWliture amviedl. A t hi-i ttt iîrd .itilit-Il> tt iil, and 1I lit,-- 1ev. J. 1.. Malîulm offh.-atig. ,_ futâvlstm iaèt soi t (of a tieewaputcm umne lic lielîîtd Moreîpoolr famillet-e, Tliirsîîiv, Aig . la hie îdate-ffi- -i»u always aslis. "ilo eni uctii I-l i tlithraîighil te w inters, wtiilt-li-e lt- g' i r iaimIlpii i -i.-lui te - *hlsl I pritii?' w-as tiirett-coal buîslit-ss,titban aitIlli,,tiof rtei 1)vmoiiîi iiiîlAusi -1 i )îtier btisilit-s menii t towu Ht- îot-s famiîit-s whilitish-ieilit this )t-ar ait the Aclminitratoros Notice. aiîît t-se ronîd 4éores oif otiitr thiîgs hoîme of Edinl Dymnonîd lt Jeffersonî PUULIC NoTicF er. ahta-t liii l b>- ut, ike tithecatiase, as tut-y say>tlîîv.îî(tîuk vt-uiv. Tilt- INDlEPENu.tFNT, 4Xlýber. Admnittr..iuii oif the ciut#- oriNlaroy est lei litÉa èý"Hiee el oi eoto a jam Houghtoii, deoeered. wtt attendl trtat le~lîittutwa ' eîc - test jtllsiarato ae --Ossut> Court utîuil>.t ltitini..-u-t- yai se wlieii e Deerfielld foks ask Tire Eîitor taok mi aîî yli off antd W4tobebhoden aut ahe-Court IAîuse-in Mai--Lake caîiiiy ta lsuppiort A. W . elit wttth te rowtlou tht- excursion ope. ltusai Ciunty. oit thé tr-t Moti f3 iFletu-ie, s-t know we have a faili o, Devîls Lake, T;îesdtav .Althoîîgh s îuavîerne t-lsuni, t anditt ittt, ail»i-e grhîwii maîi l îd of a mari, ane made wc <iii uaL sec the "-01-41 lBay'-hia i ouffled motoqesut ied ti-ît îu-tomnu aa jraad seaule, anîd liit at wiliSataiîic Mîjesty ha> iîg gaîic farther 4&W Curt for adjtidlesIlti. laia pîuyositiaon or offilce ta whiclî îîrtîî ta escape rtet- traul l and ex- DEmNÎIO IANTINGTON. .tîiiîiiiii it lie s elected. E-H.tN ALLEN. treme bt-at,-we liatl a - o!fi joiiy Vstkepn.JiN 1)t-lildAîi. 7 154.time visitiîig aid îîî-ilai]liancs. Admnlsratr'SNotce.M. B. Caliîy & Co. <ut eîterprtsiug PouaLicNôticz tlabit -rt'iiveuîîtriâtt ht.<îii SeoiThe Qats. geiîcrai mrerîhenliare alwavs îîp te ilSm itdbo. diluib.lrut ithe- tsit- te fFr-ai- Éiei.-followlng frttm rite NM,,uienct tht- timps. Tht-y weîît yotr trade eand goMNMg1ri. tecetuti, I. aiatteud.Lutd titi-(0 0>KankaLke Co.) Pi-i-a<d tur reasaiutio.îkt 4bot of Lake Coutty. ai a t-rît thevui-tl lufoi whaitil lea ,rth. are baîiîîlta menit It l.y fair dealiig te be hohdenlautthe- flîtri loseI- i4 ea îracteristic tif aH lîriticers rond vt-airtt-lit, oi-igiîig teatmet-î. - aNoatiaj. oil tpt-nîît-r <in«-it, ls. i-î.-<in tt tiltibtlit-veftinat tilty receive fIAK Thîey aeadelehil-oe tw ao wbeau lanwii tdti .011 lau, irinsttlittît- for thir prltihit. 'llietater it-tlit-cry Wagonîi litiloilt eutiiîment qÉO e uW&m ire1ntifieaudts h.iat -isim PM'giiiillahîîîîst aivays wiîat la terined éa for eî-t-amîttlation ofuit iistomet5. *M hjâeuue ti sati ourt foridjîtlien-tit)ii. oriîiiîîtheicmarket, lie giu-iatly Rendtîlhetir rîtw ait. lass Dtr%- .Amiusîawr iht- rnarket wNitt tu e lttt t y Tegeilaî îaîîlr )el mdeesed. aîîd by, lait ifl ira$bt.eii t-uitobserv a- FTre swnias ant- ta h-hiIaN ty gaukes-an, J u<iii,- 1 . -t io ii t lie itre atteîî tai-s tirtîli wrt a olet'%l(lia iy *-. v ..i. a.jii.tititiits ctît uliftr titi-sSome Liitrty it- blatit-s ililbe flana- J. P. WILLIAMS, The Weil Known andi Iiprienced WelI Digger, 1., Dou mailing utlis Wlth bis own outlt -Thre WHEEL OF FORTUNE," se ho callis if. aro. 1< vu are thlnkhng ot bar lng a ut-il dug, - rtill o ue repires. 1lanmqulte sure 1 tane =ygu Ifteu let mei-diep tnouirh for - l t-nsluuu laniuet Weil@. - ypnAces Are: leruella about four fiet i iamlsutir ist Aw 50, next tu fiet titi.Ou, tîIli fit t . omtlii test 82.00a, i-at là fe,t 8s-tsi.per faot. <ru ei@si fetuilun-iii&uter. I atMIilfe>t UJ.etc etc, fiaoi- ellmis-hIfe-eu t-it*s 82.M< -Partis baving woi-k doueimust lfurilh tboar-d - *bsi, brick for Weil and timbtar fur t-aibing. un-effl-Ouîy oi1 jot,. withha ne -aille 0o -bern, ton ma il bard imyéeaitand hlp:hIke- S* 1 w N il) makea sdlmuaunttif of &Î5.0iton every »O j sreob tht 1ieun go 2-1feet or ove-r withoui a.shin-awk t-ahidoue ln as-u"I wtrkmanlik. emaer and bL ale tu go duait lui nt au),tt- ipMfertbat t-lai-owoi-r t-statt Iits1ii-t t Imeti.UtAaeei-enti sman aI nomuîon-aauas tu 'MSw lu "t-bat- I amideins ail libat eau ,-,hdoes. anti that walîlheit- nt3uatioîn aid ,i- [ave dug anti ripuiri-il '215aiilSsu lfarI - ACou..antioutefo41jobs aluhîn oIuaMle 0o ,*sSMW2aueleeiltkaad I i-caly thik te: ".Ims1tba1afut for tiesail Ésîîm ahie- l tilleul fer MYni tu. il n risve t-be nue t-*V«yone 1 bae dounea Johfor alineA air z ^ MfUI ed1 am nglat Ibave a-t the cri-tlt oi - .a@mdverj' one, espeiaully ris-ht aintone-. ter M~ ry bot ta Imev-tt-em intytof watt-r. -1 -.sgm ril ahIalow a discountul f Os-cpi-. - hion aboie pt-bas for cash when job I - I mo l st »dwes sot-k I@doue. i shali pur tiet taboya iitrhiianti it-mtind ~ atleuneut. -viddu gtu bave a WiAIdug cma"frat Ildonet bave a primes fur tbe ! .5etai;ea ai e ready for fbîe mairket. 'Iheia cgenmrl t-bîwiaid ten- deîa-y o-f cvery thiiîg, but wîtiî asgtit-i- short Corpis iii fotur of thee aîust pro- duetivi- States onie miglit reasoiiabty aspect h l tthfle lricat firm clapa wuid advaiîct. Tbils woutd doubtbi-s lie the- case were it iit foir the prevai ilig liard 'imes. Butthte t-epressioii that e.xista avey ht-ne wlib ttend t depres prIces. Tha affect of short cuopa ics aleim'dy tuteu dlscouuited ou the umarkets tu a great axteuit. 1ui tilt Case ut amta, especicbII3.The 'resa la s§tr)Iagiy ut thue upialan Lbat thet picema tiit ule Lis waek a'14D ext wibb lie thaieluist obtatiable befoma mext April. TIhirty-i-iglat ttî farty cents fon ucts liiithe face o!fliard tmes aud d hiar cmilti f profitablOe emPîoymelit r. fomr î<rsaa la veîy close to thei-toP dilmoteli, especilly wbîeuî f.l. crop la - ebove lias average li the Stcs i-ast tif the Misissippi. As tii Cornamu nsd bay (Mie wounibuatîimrlly expeet theun te eadvauîce lunvit-w ut tht- drouti, butî thlty are cauly êxtiemuieby Iigli. il i8u difficut ta si-e lîw thîey caiad- ile c mt-iachi in vue"i'outthe- tact tuai Ël tuer- wilI lie a decreaseil conîsomptnphî of park antd bei-f awtug tO thie Sdepreasioui utlabor aund ctiiiaeiiîeatby esa wonk for hanses. Idb- workmaii and idel auruea do uaL conuîuuîm wintt ,thuiv wouiiit !everytiiig was nioviilg and wages ptY:: ibh gxodît(iP fanm proituctsaet taiicy liricea. t ai-i-ma evideut, Lbei-t-tar, tuai rthe fermeryligi-eta his uîafa off ai preseuit prices la iiluIiîck. If aiîy fer- dmer who rn-da tIis articte (hies nîît lie- lil-e Ltlot him clip it otnud bey il r sway aud me hlow fer we -musa the * gnou. __ _ ____1 _ -_______________________ 7,_ tal reee-ipts wililhe lnîreased at bath t-ads of tht- route, hetwet-tivlet' t- ters i-ntii buquîets wilb flY thick aînd test Tht- INDEPE2DENT Willblie- tlt-as- cd ta chronilele the hapY t-vent, bter. Chas. 'oolriduegthe liplraud papa o! a îut- iotid deuglîtem hotu Wed- îî-sday aigb.±, Ailgîlt u8, 94. The 'tyouing ady"il a l aitnsd hearty, the mother diotg well ad Dr. S. Gallo- way will keep lits eye an the- father go ie may liot do anything deaperate whîle temîîoraniby exubemanît. Grand- Ps Woolridge and famlly are specîlly delîglited bhicause its a girl, lu taut IL ta an Important i-vent in whici manny relatives snd tnt-ada take intereat.- Protf- W. E. Davis, the- popular principal o! tht- Lîbertyville public1 selioohs, rcturned home, Wedaeaday, f ram tht- Dixon Normal cBeool, tr lie has apent Several weeke la revu-w- laIg and p1oting tîp an thet lateast - .vaeied ideas of progressive iccera, L A man who wil thtvote lita sunamer 1vacatIon ta ttidy and liard work dur- atîîg suciopptressive bot weather, la rentitied ta crodit and a liberel salary 1as a reward for lita abor and tht- î-- tsultiug improved work In the- achool room Wtt leartily ta-operati- with f the îtroft-ss5in iielevetlag ft-e standard of atm st-boots andI giving -ffichent tInsftrucetiant t'litestut-icuts. .hadicious Advertl-,,lng t~ Creates many a ni-w business. c Enjarges mâny au aid busineaa. Revives nmany a duli bu&14eaa. Ramnes m » &luthusii. 10 Chanp ildiàg, Cor. %ite am~i sièmlt. At Libertyville, Saturday only. euch'seet. <hUit-W tth Dr. Taylor. Over Tris-g & Tayloms store. Tooth Extraoted without Pain. qbALL WORK WARUANTED.' F.C. KNIGHT, M. D. >hysicmoO jý9-Surgeoo), Off ice Over Drug Store. pROqM 1 T04 P. M. EietiOilleMiasO. Dr. Chartes Galloway, Office ln Lovelb'S Drug Store. flî~.ito 0 'Clock ^.M. Dr. J. L. TAYLOR, office over Triage A Taylor'* Store iHOUitS: 81 10 IL aMn. 2 to P. ni. 65to PA. M HeOME: At J. B. TRIGGS'. LIBIERTYVILLE. - ILLINOIS. DR. E. H. SMITH, office over LovellVs Drue store. -r :8 o 12: A. M. L .bertyvllle, - Illinoris. P.J. UOCKELMANN'S TONSOR AL PARLOR %.%t -Il t--Ait t p i th ir l t- 1-t î.Týutt f lia-.5*iiî t, l ut - LIBERTYVILLE BARBER SI-bP. AUCTONE ER, lias ýý hè i , oei l uth îti tw n ftin î- ng in tht- flt 1 ifi-en - kT < 1 M«i r- tîaýrî-d le ttei,ýlt-> a is n auj pur>tot iîkt-andid îjtîiting ýoi<nt1ee a NYloS- 4w ati-s SATuPAC<0i Uai"T*B. GV5 un à CAt. 3. - i hi-Plt-- I Bai Ladies and Childrefls MITTENS, FilLiUN 9SmIIUad sDUflUJT Fancy Work Materiais, STAMPED LINENS. Ladies Neckwear. Ruchins-. etc. SMITH &-SWIFT. Chas. Kaiser, ANiD t'EA-Lil t N. Hors.e*Furnlshlng *Coods, ROBES, CLANS El., WMI1PS. TRIuNKs AND VALISES- Aud îîli good a usîîally kelîIi t 1 uilr.'t ila-ssa trîjess SuaI. Pntt's Stock Fuid unssaolu&d Repairîna Neatly and Quickiy Done. LIBEltTYV ILLE. ILLINOIS Laklle Collnty Bank Wright, Parkhurst & Co., LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. issues lnterest-Bearing Cer-1 tificates PaYa'Ae on Demand. Free livery. From this date we wiII deliver al goods, and also take orders and de- liver anything that may be calted for, Fruits and Bernies included. Try our Jersey Cream Bread, 5c a loaf--a knife cou-. pon on every loaf. Fe Ce SII3ith & 80%1 LIBERTYVILLE. If you want handbils, Il yau want envelopes, If yau want colored work, If yau want busineag carda, If you want ni-at billhi-ad,' If ycu want testy letter hi-ada, If you want nice vlsltlng cards, If you want wedding invittions, If you want any klnd of Job work, Leave your order at the. InuN bak8 ~oUnt~ District 3.8. I M.E hurch, Libertjville, Subject:- Sunday Schooi Work bir> Rural Districts. Subject: Hiow ta Conduct a Co untry Sunday Schoal 2ý30 Open Ing --Than ýsgiving for past Mercies aqnd present Opportunities. Rev. J. F. Malcoil 2:45 Duty of Teacher - 3:00 Duty of Superirîtendenît 3:15 Duty of Church ta S. S. Work 3:30 Teachers' Conference. 0 =«7rýZTIf 7:30 Sang Service. 7T45 A Look at the Field. - 800 What amn I Doing. J. H. Crahte J. A. Gagie. CS Winnr. Janas Steers &15 What should be doule? - - Mrs. Dr. Knight, 8.30 Who caTI do it? This corqventioTIi s irterIded ta awakerI arl ii-ýterest irl Christiari worl< among the people Iivir)g in the rural districts. Ail worIkers are urged to, be present 'Rev J. B. MacGuffin, The Lake Collnty Indepdlldent Proposes to issue a Daily Editioii during the Lake County Fair at Libertyville, Sept. 18, 19, 20, & 21. This will be a rare opportunity forAdvertisers, as the Daily wifll have Free Dsrbto four days, and a copy wvill be inserted as a supplement to ail subscribers of our several weekly editions of the Independent. ADVERTUSUNC RATES. One Page, Display, 3 days, $20.00 Haif Page 41" " 4 12.00 Quarter Page" 7.00 - One Column "" 5.00 HalfOColumn 4" " 4 3.00 Quarter Col. 4" 2.00 OnelInch, && "61.00 Local Notices, 10 Cents Per Line. 20 per cent. additional* for front page or Special Position. Each display adt. wîil receive ouelIocal notice, free. Those carrying (Iisplay ads. can have loeals at 5 cents per line. * Copy for ail ads. muist be in printer's hanids iîot later than Monday noon, Sept 18, I. G. PAlDDOCI<1, Publisher WeBS2'1R'S INTERNA TIONÂL, . .rÎ=r ... .DICTIONAY ira aatid4 nsbould erybodj4,m an Dicimy.I-fn Itaelf.i.t aim ,rikeOne reat Standd nftoratioi uVISd yI G. de V.. .pta di3x- i.-. ki 'ut 4 't, a~i t-1- 1) -s 4 4 - t-,- t.: 1- Hv ome to write fo eaabor:ut.t Write splain dtouwr l'about. Mdu t'a;e pi dtncea: beg;n wlth cap ta; .pointWiteshor; eg wthcpi stops when yout ha ort;. thepointe so ony oead 0f th lest. e Read It onerabde heand orrot L Ra til o et abit nt te andorect spac posale. au&toi ldsa An J. A. Gage- Rev. J. B. MacGuf f irjý )LA_ '. .5iu

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