OF TRADIL B a" Wbogs Ob' B punieonO th*ý rade on Tue4a7' wheat went os a Chicago 0oùrte- onal traders have m bilat the fà«ý 111e cmnulhlg @o- Mf of ihoir cr9ma g o?*e omi oter Cet lu Une in the ; cloue* Monday WBs etoci à 63à ain 49 cents. Rain hoe cors te*t, Md e feeling that lb. that, theire vwm1ê1 The feeling diane' tng, w ea i. won d talion, a" Ibal ted te a ostinu. in the hua% Ihal îway tromn 50 te r wer. mode nt d o u' cents, ad 1 the short@ ap- lundreds of thon- e sold Bt the top differnt notches nd vas the ils , one of ltacus- mail lise of corn t, badl lotaàcool e minutka of the hgh or whest las ltion shaeh ta hoe LuLDIOI'B, and the t Monday con- ho Nee that, the on sa alinormai il ses were mode t a premlum of ier sha a-id t prices which mioude mase thon N o. 2 ros viater er options 01 corn & Chicago market ier, and the Aus- i, hl corn mask- the da oi 3tr, orWo[ Bltur- oted the two cors- î follovs- Wb*. COM. w 13 ai6 n h C eor. avlmgan f ilg 52ona the r0eapondn gadej rdain ta b e- tan the otires4 shel dillroui no whlch rer»yn Wo sill n Ixa - '.ke, Who t4e ro yta oand Wh thar n fe of Wh aithe dta hu deene ad shr I ar any l w a he all u- rrcn ho ra mnat, wbih ink vhaton ase thade as beeng hme a chort faill arond îcil ro lohy fort ceornarag imont [w hi i 'hela t fon beas romentai bu liag.. aor fanoe aadr ptionr oa loeil Lgh t Myora, au ost ouIe of. ta Monda lu New ;t l touis ers 8"un 0f nIdor e ad no I sleor id thenoroe the bprcae Is ane hý al onda Inie n nue îaO Svan D n ad boBl pe A 's' i ê~4 A ~ew alvps basa ve~b.a4nq v hlc ad atone snc)& valisi entis VAgel, e.pbu ailywhen tiseeaithe previous ni gh ài lireere 6101 bi tanmt I mpure and the usnem TWO DESTRUCTIVE CONFLAGRA- itbêe The wind vwu loif rm mours'hd BtaknglaodaSat TUNS N CICAO. the Barth, and it vas ln a gretnsehaI nourobed BytkintoodoS&r TIOS INCHICGO. ure due ta this foi tuailla circumanS tisaithe eptire lumbe»r district along saoo4's Twenty-Secafdbatreel vas not laid in Ail other powders ~~~4Ej-BjiB p. ontgut iene D is. se the. »Rsemrbei tre saes. Had the vin!f sblfted te the et 11-jeuu Bu. ie 00A W. est or esat, no tiredepartanent iln tbe lasn IR"aeaedtad Bi.e a.,,o. world couid have stopped Ithe Dames Im t ad u jre U.4 n Z i~that vound tbrough the milons of are cheaper "m'a de tQeb-~dy Wa-14"Liiioure Si00. ofaet of dry lumbor. 1.Peop le "WW The John Snry Lumb-r Companay rklefford'@*.arsprllBBre a1waY5 ork or tire-Bus. vhlch fartunately escapeâ the furf oi and inferior, and tedathe great tbeaecelrobult& 1' man7 thoandj.of PO ros nin the the. Dame3 Wednesday night il viise0 l'ePile remat. arile.. ar. ubirhâitI appeared Wednesday nlght $100,000 by Thurfday night's blaze. d'a Pillhe aai aiChîag vatbueeagTh isurano il15 rlydcub1le h e v .t e cdo mthe Dame&, ofCico e n b udnga, t of ~aithe leua. The burned dia- up.Th lmirfetdoth lus relà about 60j foot fronting Ashiland ver. seon more Ihan fil!ty miles LWBy, avenue and 200 foot in vldth. Belveen l a i th fo d oi 1871. The conflagration, Irhieh sas destroyedi. This vas about one- ,, praved to be lhe mgot destructive third of the lumber contaisi d i the yda known in the clîy ln over tveaty yeara, Yards-__________ etrtd n helumbar yard@ af the S. CHANGES IN STAMPS. E. K. MatnaCompany et Bine Iland ave- pillkhatm'S nue and South Lincoin treet, and, bc- A La 90 Nuimbe.of ihose No . a OA ACMPWs O. 0 ALS. E-OI -. fore il couuid bo gotten under con- AMe te Bis BEuc..d. alm6l Vegetble rai, vopiover disrict our Important changes ln tn e demonla _________ biackaj tr vidseptorauj disarict a urmietons of postage btamps are content-____________________________________ blokswA lergh Aîitnemllionafmile! ated by the FaStotrce Depatment. STOP TI4AT TI4INKING. Begtgars on Salary. An la it U amtrumi a'. lumber and the plants of a dozon man- papr and partllcal seres, but te usouss the onir wamn. y. t ..ruý Te e f e or ndhegirs olntebT he htettla.g onut anc a p iseml CUElALL ufacturuj estabitalime la vore de- reulrerles la aise te bc aitered. 01 Needed lee, steet i N te Ynk andthe rnsemndc bytellh the afacinurahe exami ner' stoyd.Th etmtei euizovr theatr h retot efus otpeo; le are vise enougl t,3 eat catis te mid tL edlscovery rmade by dilion of an app!ieant's heari boat. Au s.ta.iv U of i.Wn oen. hen tbey are hungry, but many fait thes pulice of Paris a number of years, electric pen traces on prepared ppet I.il Onp'ua I vas ou>t far h lbrreach of wi dom.,ao, when they took into cutody a the ongoing.i, haltirags, and b ecie 0.11. na UoradaO.l llm5 *'at cd heep wonhey re seoy An cupe ofbeggars of foreign ainleusglaioi iîe lo.B -reasoix serves for shortening their lty. who pretended ta be cr pies in vlth the Odelity of science the urevtit uelueafatuo<i he WoSab, and ommsqm p wans f h ehaepie a Wknes', ai" la peuli-li, a'it.5i4 ~heure of rest: and they thus brlng order ta excite the pity of the passera- or eaeso!het tepue U'"f Lif. - -lapon theru elvass tisat dreaded diseuse, by. According te thie story as told at ro»d the wmirias te LUuuUnoU There are sciertlfic writers8 on this comanîýsionnaire the pris.oners stated seatr fxahT rontrath. Utiraîs subect sho aitilthal the best rem- thaltbey vere emploved by as Spara- uaî a aeosnat, and ch.cke edy'for Ibis is ta learn te Soop lu the Lard named Nuý.uez, who lodged thema -àday tim . T h is 1i very el i h ere in u- ra angwc poeàon an e .- m u t a ie. m » 4 lm -. o «U gfrom smo mecause-v. rk, or watching, plut of grivund inithe faubou, an - h.-b" 1W « le ta py -.& __ -N uu "mm915 Crndo f F ln (t easure-you ruay have faledtoti tent theru out every anornling t __ -yp--,« MMNMm let POI34 vegbt, and 1013 isokah, 16lu- gt yourneedel sieep for a ight or two. their trade. (ln further inquiry lbI -. »Mdg l .a.- -. . Ume ou~J" saud euvcachenlycunby rTere li undoabtedly great virtue la vas aseertained Nugiiez liied ln grand -tu_ «D""uauam".le iesy~~ele vIl i.lu Ia Ls ven short ones: the art of Dn- style in Paris soiely on tho proceeds of 4, - .. .,.r.s..a-..S se isim nl saraasm.. - m ping.in t.e deytlme, for those who cin hi.sb 2ginge.terprise. He lmported ths md . 4 ~ _al , nd ha ee leiure te induge criîpln-, aud theswho wished ta W Use- oe~~~, Lis.luirea di be nad, like most par.s off asucb. Ho kept five subordi- 5.,,aa ari anatter of praclice. naste,,, ta. wbom lie p aid a monthlv sui- ' L5I 5-* ' St, it lis a bail pan ta get into the ry, and Nv ower bound b y a w iltien a e -t habit et turning. night ilnto day: and, a-nract tu deliver up ta him their 4.t s t if y.u are not kept avake byus' or td.al receipîs, ranging froru I! t 15 p' "a oOKIG EOTHWAD O~I WOD Ilnoie, but merely have lain avis ke bh- francs per bead. If they falled tý) paY ai.e. is 05 ST~EET.cause 3ou cnuld net sieep. I should ae- inah ir esribed amount, tthefie SIF0O',000. Three mon ere killedaid fOve-, ixes, eighls, tons, and fifteena, commnruniyou to igbt d'e con selueunt was ded ucted from their sa larie-. The tur,,.r ,5 5f~ sîgil the.a rajredduîra tbpro- vlehardno ir r e, iiib. antn-drowsineisso lise next day, in order hidalgo ýpent bis fimie ln looking afler rea aithefin. C etSeeie as d.Tis prsen :0andtICcen orl-thal you may. if possil I_-, reumne your rhi.; agents I-regantlv dressed aad a. mi, le t.o. ibs*-1 WA âge obligod te cui t fifty e nni-vaad nary tdamps pn.obably viii b. discdn- natta ai a-ol st'anight. ieeaples -ness is Ina led with rweli3 h dn.,a tse ta a."-..T' 'i~' bit fie-batOrbe-brootat-,e vtheinedandLU ent ad S, 1, ad U geeralv hc esuand anunfrtuelet;,iaande r$1,rar$2,d oanped î85' IZ ieIil 'm= employed at a fire ln Bný city In the alampi viile oaade 1 teatlise sries. ha'nt o - "thinking." generaîly n un I-he h-st seal t atthe theater. iis P, r,..-,-ui wol.The wind, whicra ut tinies vas It la intsnded ta reduce the nnmber le s ub ects, afler one bas retired ca, cor waascutlshort, and the poUýce w u.ogd= ii ..aa Bien ahurricarle, scattered the bla'- of deulrminatlolas of the newsra -or and lrtengitwuelr hefoithecuty etr'i oiifl . -7 ish5I Irag embers in ail directions anhd added periodicai starups 1romu tveraty-four to A w e p lysician ence saili. i.looinY t was said that ibil sasved enoit b,.,4-i.m, 1 .is. e greatly ta the difiieulty o!f fghting the tvelve or tbirteen. The 141 a:amp, nov lbourht.pr-vent s ep. The poor and from hi r netaril ui .,.,..tv, a ah d.i ieis .s mmi Ita ea i v s nî b l . re tel rino o h rtlm yth ueu tnntnat.4,riagnify an 1 increase their in c inf)rt tho tbalauce of bis daesvi s-.g i h »- 9 hii .*W. efforts that the fDames were preveral--d of ni graving and ala inting. la the masfort'ane le too mucb thinking. EPai et-, Bheur. lt .-i- ' -a md b-k-,5-a from crosin' thliriv.er adilextendin, obu ne u t iipoabiy b. 'Bie, eilelire who invntd reep. iýh .- t -=àFi-ieý iqthe residenco district. finaliy decid id on favorably tbite o- u brcrle-e ient"'a bsasI Iuil tisI ngad ,..~.Nm.i.a.ta Accrdrs t aChicago dispatcli the tinucd u-e, The newdcnomiriatiOo -rie ticre f rtikig. 'aî bsi nlnd art eqke 3M sacres ying belsaeai Hoynr aveaue 'h series, elther Dow printed bv the 1I l a %vlIoclose ati 1 p. nM. ever W L.r on the veat, Ahîa .d avenue on the bureau or Vthe firA l ime Cr t3 h. ne-1 Brulai Maielai -aclctiiaena- ' except in London,. wbere they are per-W uL K O U G est, Blue hla dl avenue on the irorthisisued lat r, are 5, 25. and 50 t ro, ig biasck bear ishi b bas b-ýen in aaîtted ta rearain open outil midnight. Maecmoisdipoeet~ and t! a Chicago Iiv -r on the soulis and SI. S,8, , 520, $-0, ad$0.aiea i i h l oe lt roei n ini odn BMs ta vnnanjand nrOeen sMd are a deaotation, a desert of aises d Those ta ho dropred oto use are 3, ,e foafwdysgturiea wh' a rnUeE apcalc fCln Ii y s d Whm n s o l v otu blake-ed e mbÎer.i. W e<d esday iis 4, 6, m, 12,'14, tit..iFs 60, 2, $4. 96 C nts, ati,. He ad I en standing n l'aî-iam ent t ilia a lit:e pu b jus bM M a àtày suDdTe n y Whomavbt. op ce 1aesoi ded wtb the hum ni i - 8.92,8, ft 51, i2: t'4, f36, 5411, and hii heasd for the am.usemfenit n.out aout of Fleet ,trot, wbich is allowdt bymr rmtyd r.Wirring m cb;nery tilled thse SIl.ý Ail the potage-due ttamVs@ have ladies with loads of young onei. and keýep open ail nig, l, ut sales may ha- $~JUcLS« S 5XP0DdttUr'~eurr ith its noie~s, sane .,I ruin siere been re-an aved uner te p-outeasl o o tin s t -t, and a;r made t>) prirites oniy. A ,trict wat hIlajt. O IU m Bt wok, vatheiIes f uni'er 0V .rd cot a-ano tgyiht1y r -duced ini si 'e1ire-nus a great citat ibici Mme. Na- i-a kept at the doc. rand, unless an ap- Î49n e f hysdca beat prodlatîst e r k atplstrlmorcv-e cnt, uIz uogveh.suE Yi puses a 1>iyecslbeig, il th b.ground and at tise dock-. lai iroru the former output of th cantras>-tu gaeIIIu.seh gymnastics were placant is vouck-ed for ai belonving te eine 'ten oalthsa ie pure lsquid I i de l ves cIs. Now a tar. Ail Ibuse changes bvI enl c lo laiga Il t îd.eape'îaîiy 'tise crafttlhe is harred out. The ex- "lve principles embraced i in fousmoldoeiug beapa < f char- ticaliy Bppr>'ed by the nlicialà, sut> i ai ho c-ldn«irem0ve tis fuar wiscmî is itence 01 the place alpearri te be eoly, 8yvup ai Figs. coai ;are ail th t rmai i of ject, howvser, toimrditicatiuuideemed ac< vai over.. kuowsin t few but priraters. Ite « itenoe ta due ta ils 5pftflltii>g rthe milii ns o! feet of lurUter. Brokten advisab e. 1-e got as Craiiky as ouli la.. and, l*9 forci masi accept3ble andPla1 and twisted cegwheela and shaiti g an- ______ even vben tise ring in hii nise ws W ~In-r Rye. 80 Ilushuelui ?er Acre. Ib inthelante, tie efresiig andI lruly cloeed hy crumblcd brick vatis mark Brîeet.tugged uttlho refusedai oîrat lv 1t0 Thiis yilîd scems enarrnuus but a 'yfell MI"-V-- auiadal poerisof a perfect lai. the ijte of thse big milis and nianufac- Sta d on bii head agian. i ar, oit at gocd irinber o! iarmer.s believe they W. il. Douai"e11111.00 Ms h. propeadtesipatioe.futie A 14-YEAI-OLO girl, àfeet and l Sia t hoe.bips could bis seen. andi IeIîw au abtalu il by sc)witg tise tew vn-nW .Duia lO l ive: effecualîy cleansing Ilie systoa, ftarie.. audthe thefor. se ipteaa aresisgona. r th!latee irmeàewmo Wpelling colda, beadachea andI lever' long t-ains tof raliroad cai. that stao n es elldied trouaicsbroke ptith ai tise nation tise wbitecapsbrrke asitis stre rIe. It. isardatpeoliisc. lauglaiîîg id permanently curing contiPaiIL cri the trackts in th m great. area. ni y lber home near a ort Wayne, Imd. as tautaliziiag roar. It wah agigravating. ast ail kinids of %we tier'It1 simpi, ,vaine bh l mmplng the auma.ai price ceth bas erauatsitien ta millionaand tl u-auu re ,an. Everv- TisE New York couslitutlonal cou- 'rie bears rwua-r easd briiina - îbids 1 ig rjt)s eei- v saar, reasrîilI s o the iif'poteye aa hu.uplo êut va ..th e approval ofohemedcal thue c rubustible te isbed in the volntion decilod by a voteofo!91 to 40 thoîugîits, apparontl'v. He touk tiefse inroiiio-the lik ' il e worksa. ulch"Iimtinq 0andaing prioe gfeasior, bcstu,'e ît aci on lthe Kid- fiar tiatswept mvita a beit nia! de te let tbe present jury systeni stand. a-miial i ilnthe lowur promenade- and \Werld'tiFA sovinter v reat lejust like We hmav h,,. nad @""7ber* ai lowrr prie«l ije, iverand ovelsvutîout eak traîctian ibis busy sotli. AT Nl.inneapoilis St. Clotilde Frenchs chirîîd hbmu P; 'ise'hooler plasc, lie 1it for sields lTise fi bu A. SalIer S.-td ntue.SiIUhfaYtSfiî.TiD Zn iliem and it je pcriectiy ire. fron Se!d îm bau roperty, heen Sn cr iii (thniic Cistre vas gutt.od by lire. trrgasudpet ie-hg.y< . as Vsstsn 0"r abjectiona hie substance. iyaeb ers0 leio3s aboualtt-tt insîrance, S117 5) trike -. Il did for asftrie, bat liabasil ttaerr-c:atogue asnd ratin;tes of "boveD,ÎgocV'%t« S yiup of Fics is for aIe by Il drzag- ýuarratydi,t<ict are onti el, are evcept RUSSIAN ail morcsaint )lave failcd aratbruartl-e boat-basd got rid of its rnecand wheast, upon acceilît o! 4 Centia lR musTsiTa, lmpikm 1 fr he ee) crpt 4 bt dFe t n 1a chai anhe iron i o-'Vstîle drc N Ni-sYork'sMauîufatiarcam -11 ln fi0canfSl brailes, but il in mn- lrtedeicro ohIaieitttg came ta an agreement i vtb tise umu 0leaudc nandwa bnnn-pl-taeU 1 ~ .hNs a r-Opiles dwi oeo5teio psi ledo1D.-ite. 1 rataed by the Caifornia Fig Syrup cotera lisem. Tile lai iest luiiaer r tndard Oit Compan'. and a fightist-1 1s--Nwu ja! asan 4)i im 4a me wer har co alt. o i U bi c r expeinta tise sater . . it a a. sery oaa To-kmi..ise0fiMte à liemsa bc;er or le sisook hlm-cl!, and tben 43 eeIa à .onIy vhoae nan inapintedaon evovy pvere reNewedotk sm tii fiuînmcc o! oteit.. usai., , carcan c lwhich te orn- FSS yul m. -m out t iremen thbiew stt deora r( o o aler aIt aho- tobu. is any day Thnrrday. l~~~s u te fi-o wer ail gale certain fi-auciai transactieris by fan lac .aned ta take jart i. T t-o~ie. wb ir niake cver v, ear I),0, .u$;)0e1 lyts ieoa e r i o tA r(- V ie Sao u g ck !Cec',Mr)n u epe s ls au- at0sot fgodl Idu Sf,)0-a-@ul:5 - ls l" vr aen l. i er up e land, Ohio. in., vas spolie i. Beaten s%,!th cvii 0 0 (if cîothing, t25:ý ,tO 5) f books and 'NM WA. SGraellit IM04CO IàSv" orks siae b aken aud t e wood at oer A .0OaNT resolulion for an amenrl- hoe ias ro:qra el te bis cas i. 'oor Pa saî S-C0,i0 !cIae A- as scorched and tlaoked by hs3 ment ta the aoutilut on prnviding tisai 5rui ir-Nev Yarx Worîd.361 of the Age.f O hlha srth o-lv ilî otsa oilute a legs]IHrea ie _____i____boat__e thh.eWhetat la ilitheueialaitcol. ih las lang heurs and bard-ilabor. redores tia What an agreeable one. tee. 1. experaenced blilaie.iconadaion. lthus caentng the door l b .& dmro ty e hy the htherto mioideJ timdividual aho ha. ta foýer tnd oaller rlrîta,~re@ýic dlstases..isbV5. m5ms WOIAL ISC VER , lre.aaceagelesoly but N inloY lo.iifltfor Yer. and ilcaîl Purifier gîles .tre-af Lb snd vigrr Af AAVBIIBW MASS.bhnodrastit illa aud ptins are sbandeued,- ralaug henith If osed if 1er s i-î k Pel." Ms 1 WU1. MLII1 UOFSISAU MSS, frîiloitetler's toutach Bitter., a falîhfnl au ,Illi enxbil, pratentlo regaitn srength ïï discavered ln one o! aur common auliary of nature. whirh duelslis wurk wth- snd bri reciavO, and aiseo ,îairdIbIM wees aremedytha cues vorout <ipant or veakenint. but siwas ,ellect- aîgitnt stuer effects. $1.00 perteiltlas - - r emed tatcuesevhîur y ThrOw pbysie Lu Lbe dog!-ansu s,. Sold ry ail dÉuzaris §MIE5'i55eueBi~ of Hlumor, irom bbc worst bcrofulati eii u îalaTheatve ..oh -.coaas,cf&mo ,thea" u"mai bas trled <t lu over leven hundrod ~.J asciesci reauta whlrh antoralsI.am veli a grat- Tiit s peed of the Eartisquake" -wara ua.îdmfosi-ailsa viSb b sify th irse ho ose it. N uouir a r gola i ieiisclc rcnLueuii c- A s. and nver failed except in two ca P-o fles uI erhl o) H- a nwlulashbit cf body, butcomliets digeion anun-,ltre by Prol.essor Lanicaster. Ho praved ,e an0fcOur* fer Way n aver tsvo bundred certificates i,....tr ialstiaonare restoresi by tliuse. Il reanîmues taVtseaeo seio nms- o nîe o .: vad aIro Clsbyum» t a> ihntwnymls a - the liver audLildoOr.. and couîîterscts s te siesniof Ilse aock li 16,000 fee01lier OmtuiismVie5d5i.AidrOU dency Lurlaeomailm. lu o osa, mile îof second. OLAisiStav Send rostal card for bcok. ec oremte Inicaswhrile t s awavs xperlnced rova ~ psible tu procure til shunùid lu. use ho de- A 1Ps ut soowy shlte nacs; neck pure as ________ anad a'perffct cure Is wa aruil l- ruse. bite paaro aized GieanasSulpiha si. bn e iht quaatty ake'15 -telnsare affected t causes Ci neaofEthetoss... ni Kokome, md., tol e,. p inlke needies aslgSCE.sE-WEs;-WARO FROM VgO)D STREEPr. on f<ogrsn aiatneic bsa bruise wsile sparrin; vils a iniend. cs boae.. -eufiLms. wlh____________________________Wct onue whiclsi isatis piptiar arad BIo-xd pisouing set in, and lho died lunltosesmetSltiriesea .. 1Oý.055 jj thmhe sase bytaidtheanFsu y'r va ooerdan1heSea pofitable -i11liseoraislng of frrgs foîi. ard. uid ail BiiOtuma i i.OCS ThsI asdb h ut en uh iury androbbd bra Lbeuten~ant day'swýkwiofeu nte oae1o geta;n.Tftia ab o rat ueuls#M andl always disappears ln a week Jo hn McGinra o! bis lire. by Mr. George. liei market. Tise aost sari-aes-furi fa-cg_ g--r--aîag_ n!m-Telas Tiuo lquo!airsansuacFms ~~bg il. Read ihe ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ftir1-a ratulalake. Tis si.ald l1AL o ERRUD , ISI M8 piis8t toqucli la foui or bllous lit wil On Thurada; nigisb at about tise sauto ad o l kde" etlaevere1Lycarclu , Tiiev are np- aIi Ihe -faan"iiiisa oIAN imas an-PA SF mlehfeelng utatist. cour ands for the second tbui ttan htdise t Divos,.ol.,frooucria i or a<ang fratis. ThoelieaeiilIle <Dr. Pierce's of diet evor necessary. Eut venty-iotlr heurs the 5lInoisand a o ha lto 0C eVnG Atno ~ohr r ~m apiarios rOC" lget. snd enun of t.nue lIn or districu vas sweapt by a cvi eVrt oLSxo G).At-,, saie lait until they ai-e a- aDI.ovn evypuifiesedet tale$poonfutl luwater ai bed me'tromof lie, and but for llac laver- ge sI c reures the rigliscpie~ndb-oetoragîsrd."Tie s-- i lco d r purifies indoux0, C70mb althegiss.Soldieras Home in i.,uIncy andsys lathepocesusecctriinhio asin r7,, Ual. DAVENPORT, r I~~baetdo!etin -southe wt 'tCA NS lIoyars hiey vfaer p- a 0 don't raeed Il aI supety frc------ a ___________ v .d ave reaer iais muet bc maditicd. etho ýthae rogias sîicaîed, shot vadnI e t ai p7ii,5 ............ .... rie, orcatagis vitla'Mboa iaited-an cïuc oilNEWSAA UNIN.