SE P U A IjAK IU > u h1ca ai a- ou- llr-______ sngr IUIL , Ew4 herI thre--b-w Il WhIl 04 Cb- HoTUIwore 1.t at Fr.port for_ hl , ovr aa ve, tht Ih t d O ERO1TA T INrFAT - siuldn o atrwok1saem M U"!RE E gS P O __________himLha I e~ps1dhLm 1n TE siho. st reio!wuimnaa&wBlair.wa'V * A S ab i rds .eri an Sto y. riten foeTh s f( anrouhLot. Iechcioedat lrur. o 2ognntaL b i l a , a v o irN ewan dk , h ar & C c iiIu d D a n b . d W i s dld m wallow1 a e ose ithat , I Sld R Roo ai-StaR TLINGtc I T H- fued tosure der Moit laur, Offe, ti.R..Cintiom on isioh sIl.- b wuld« eetAbr og ywth FULY swindllngd. i W P0. AIENIIENRSa.. - . hi-thnhow acch u tstemdhe b o ~ nttUnTi bo t ar Taz tedéPoria otSe & lai waas1L y À p n a d' m r can S o y feorThis ,,,.fics te harm nhlm. But iesnat.chd - esat todath u a gon or l g b nt lal , P a e y P i l phrg a a .1& e nob ox yf iro m ilhlm." mIn r t ou an al r S the d P i sh s tloat Brareg tin * ,lle. Vra e i otry fo r 1r g gtr.tii. S.nak C1APTER Iii.-ContMguodolu a wa littie short ut maduefa.eAtY os duar- 1 .---ti cropodncJaeg ?1esrn hbahecnutr rafstsees s fn a ffr a o cu believo taita Jh soupint,-a farmte living fed abousuTTONL alm foritdamaue, o sth long struovuhehth tarif. biH comieuicidt"lve mls west o! Sycarhe Doul'ai a nvlctiinn t o ri.aggr. gwilng." 1 thhehebair nd tee rnh tohim.visitPr. ho rturust> te hoso ater evening. wàetho B ose b y avotevOlvbisohCt> ChnH rer IIed toincedhoihad thy ave hoprteofmaly bIt t o- .Dld thon. A wât oma lmeady ta o! anotswFermer A mifromNew ave Ixe Ied agaistforhiag. came t) hanco * (ioclaok Mondayr a ,nuiraitesaicertain the 0id- d i lIttie dimEcuity fcund what ho wanted. it open, and frein a hook in Ade ou. - )ove she repulses. Anyhow, 1 k 'pi ýgallons et roof paint taelio put ou hi. est resîdents, of C >kC-uuty,died at 1H2useac105 eced tfarom furth r oooel Th1 o a treprs o fa- pends a long plece et cord, by whlch a the box away fro:n him, anid 1 suppoie1 bouse aïs a adverAisemient, Alter the his home lu River Foreait, agod 87. erto 'teiloaeIosiacp,-ýHo 1 Trh- BOxS craton oe therbshurceoe cp seulie. Ho locked the box away, said porson lght easily do coud ta the Iiid i.Bt1lgte iad!pitwspto otlcr a e oscue iea lciiiipsto ate64&iedget MW noeming ta anvody, but watched the vauli beow, or scond f rom it te the tord bhlm ho muet iiistaiitiy go aw'y, as lcieved by leaelson frontNew York whlch destroyel severai homses ..d agree te the sâme. hwua a coe s, vapors caret u ly. H al e ong te enoum abilve. By the trapdoor she I expected Albsrt 'If ou wiIi clear1 asklug hm 5 t hObars.Forvauab hrsspeise. ,c rfo heSoae.T wait. On th orhmrun ara lcs the HoahedOf bre o >od, and 1 c'l omisa net te tel card, stating that ho was the iman ad- ONE man and twe baya vireakihled in da an abJOîute surl enter. I..,rueLust how in a buttory, or wll, dug deep for liaving thus drawa attention te what that yeu have nl her.' That 1vrtielng the root paint. Soen autamn oeljuagythexnterssige lrcl uI0 hb ll o fathohregn Dh-sudônat cmil course of events i lut 1 te sake o! couinons, undor the hous mght nover have beon Suspecteda but 1waént aliogoether oul t f ty for hlm, Jt rom Aurora came te cellectet bl ndtome oe nue b hee- Tut' e rw ietl u o h where the prsuner haed lved, lied for ho"- indication, shte rejoins ber hus- but beosuse ely reminder eoftny con- aud throul(h adeep laid scharme Isgrael- P >tsnaesdlutocpîo pgion for been found the dosadbody of a mein bad, very sooil alter commttig an- nection wl'i hm aways made Albert son was hauced te aigri a note fr 843,i, gren. SeU. esysndInthacpialr clanofe ulplay,5tand who, on oxamin- sînce his lawitn s'od ta by one who ldt epbsvait segncret. Wall, caiks et paint at $3 par g c,(edc-be po tdfor brver I i ddne the House cinforroos brd stood i h gol ,wastoignd ta have Iluishiersgrasps tefulsiguificanceof thelunci- epectel Aiburt home ta suppor, aud, ing the ton gali ns given ai irat oail duriug the labar riets lu the oseclllyon he hre dtphed s.,é s1ffonet arsenic ta kili thre eocfour dont, and who, In followlnir up the okn u e h ldwIswhmIsraelson desîres te sue the swindler.i, y.rd. tiiestompor aud v I e cfnd it Jouie - Iat the moue. The man was woll cluthod, vil l oew thon Ilenring,; ail the fco i coin. He wouid te two or thuoo but thoy are net tae h c und. THos. BRICE, missin Inco July , uos f culiro ar ..0,u th n ourished, a d In i . poc kts w as p ie- hom e t» the w ' m a n t t la . T his gen- illi utes b3 ore ho co uld g t ta th e - w as fu nornath a! Sij at hea pe a dYork fmIeIS mnyHowas identiflod as tlemanl, on ioling et the inunde ,went' hou o, but tonswu n wayfor Mi. 1Lft HerForn Ye ra A., lirng. le hard lesthie nort d doed er iîdiciifor ns îa tte Dend. fflqf Yrkami Mecrt ecp ihu, heseelu teI inin ta h euioaso ýýLmont an R ryMercer. stralght ta Ho-sac. Tao towu authe.- Mr t eiPew uthugo Bank loft Qulncy lu 1880. leav- f rom oexposuro. the -ouate mli ho cunsible. ta longer -brh W.s. nrdceawteswaitics bhal thought thaet the manl might 1hîm. 1 itres bat 4 &* ted, and Ilga wifo ta whem ho bad been mar- A MASS meeting of miner.aet Springeo hoioaeblladtattebIThe it 1 wIll tostify te seeiug a man enter the haove gai lu alter the twa le. t, aud nadi think Mr. Mercer wn frightened eai ried about asviear. Ho wrot lher grog- Valley voted ti) accept the Colu mbus ,vilng r'Th, the ies t oneabught itha mlae Iuat ysueen ermn oria or eale, but Manager i>alzel rofu>c-d ta1ras lu dospenato jeopandy torced th* Gergia fore the pair left, but hoe saw Dur ane himself heiaw: but the medicai evi- thogutr sapaet hree yeare, and thon the corres, ond- receive their cmmitte. bos uncast m~it ol comaeut, though bis work kept hlm douce praved that bha baibn dead a idelti.'1hr sj' sytiot1oo cao. ows uArzn, i 0 ONtrtLt.and an unitnownman 1'l'ho Demoe,-ati conferrees othe Hou»p bave te olgot, nos n teky a og.I ocredt oita, ate thlng had beau heard of him for ton cuarrtted charged witb robhîuoe ' ut aât admittc-d that they weo t,eea 5 ad pini ileur bv tll iitwhen Dawers hlm- 1least bthe da.and nthe ae ' da e haie wae s boa place tae stay lu, yoar. until the gather day, who hoe ar- thse f tthe Hawkins Flaurlng Millà sud that anoilier vote could not b. ai sel! c me homo. lHe ras not close 'udh h anir utop and sahe ight ei eldt e-irvdtanbsWetr oe et lae hteart- oic 's, th( ugh ho could grod P thh eeywlr 1a uasem,> - ota bsWstroore H Cmaya s'une tltrnee i h Snt: bih utî*<a eaaiy hae berd acry baald&bore beaun s7cure ly botedf rom rîthin. But sus- ;main thora tonne lIme, noe might hlie lourdlis wife manried tai anota our on, o =e1 d q oud o 1houpien waBudt certainty, and tiispre- tempteî taievsiikuief. Thero ras mai, Audrew J Grmmpr, sud wh -n Go.Aî.TGELD offered$200 e >ard oithethe i,>nate bill ornu) b. L - sr luose. dee. but coud ceeonhiwn 1 oner weuld have reached the fan Wesi tlaudanum in my cupb»erd. 1 hall used hoiecallildo on rcho declaned abc did for the conviction o! Joseph Sa-diekie, The whole queilon was preclpllated zlontain lbshat suebuman ýdsecwitn ug no. to ~dntte tazrwail for tothache. Sauraswhisky ws snet kuew hlm. Ho thon had lber ar- a andth odewl honsattecacshld~s t!io b Wteuft muehsrman havtes avn-tae'd lbtonpadcdie there, ton, and I poured out a glas>i (f resiod for bigamy. The romanbail WLIlmanlskl at Braceville. Aug. 1. Ilouse couve el, ai wbieb, aler as gre o meor 0 tat D Ibs t .i 1 e vo eu o, n io tseiec il, droppn ina s safdose o! tac lau- marriod a shant tirmo alter Bîank iSxmt')Y night.ohn A. Wi'su)n, a theroi gh roiiew o! the situation snd nea of moaaga nrci"roachu'd the spy rithoutl the inquir-y thon belng heid. The ne- danum. nu ci t kep Yeulloftisud ho, hearing oa! h, came back farmner and man of faiiy, ma at uSIieeeheCsp e l ave g!recWilng by dtem a, What SA f contrai Muet have been ber, uit 'Ou1knew. The ronmn ras warm,' I sald, 'aud 1 nl bide yau un ta makre trouble for hon. the lack with blird abathby anunku ian Sîcier i pual-man Wilsontsutallem that sho cou d mcci hen husterd with bagtbctimeitlBn n-tecla uible1 sul ]t r. . As seanof a11»I.ssî atuU ncr. nmle s the ale, t sa- dIII oan &Ltkemeo n a mie and ait at supper w ith h n that i Tilita prison tuawaait her trial, ýalter that aï> possileouI ou c itniaCaritMiro! catur. the -ou at ii sep igedbrlle mlo nlgbt, however absolutely she night 1Que rcgana'sutllcientiy admire te asioep d am lite ne, sO the'he eotoId ce 'bl;,At needteseo heýnos break down n tAie norrr lu eue gaityaaledp tomOn etota, amateurnd0w du nt 1te State Boa-- etfPlc (huittoî, H sa 'n>(n in uA rn n lacîingc ai, imon are sugrandbrbeo . shr eur shnon hde neas nuch and tective, wbo would 1puta haetepne b hdage o bs-akugr tehalilaceoto tothe tîmao ra wiiî,-otîn aenuu mrlnmefetlsau 1 0 n, t:-~eds mhont ouha ba il do, u ichdfessi'onal exl)ort. Woe vPi place hlm1Iwanted te savo my husbaud tram institutions for maintenance, building, t* ¶g. arei. no ue ta theper- tlac'to an ercor.l aoi a et ýv mr hantaman oogl.'do,'cude hyer f testnaa u picii wtl'5 n uoundcd jealausy or corraw repaire, furnitore, etc., rue *1.21. ta .55>. ero Tho niohuilitio,. )'de beri hruby-Scrob e nteitn <orpicplwt-s ay acln r ecrdid , 30o.>4. The total el tte the Stute. pcrto hdilis drcunc Tie program atr hearth, the nurdere.d man hludei o 'On l,11.3.Te vaacoe A TiE mllntt.eClubiMn.awara- dMerhcerusws a iaou Te.i st ii udantd rotCHPTR vast'2. hi. 1I.lwored hlin rite jt$,10',8 ,3.Teaesonme f rEnl !leClimba~rw~u~dl i acswacrim u berfee. htesetwih udante fionaiCIIPust Vhile -but ho wua lIve-net deuil suad lumatosiunail the in,titutiaiii 'as i'aper t' mpan.r aiLyndon bigrned totii~,>the lettoe. lu lie Houqe alter au ý bot r npt the ,naliest trace around et the l)in the ensuing day the case aintil wr namor tau don eo,re Alb-rt 7-,i.;l: the avorago gse cost ot the grourri. Fi.ecaculoada oit tanu --io-al )giaottr.1 - sani __ victlm rho bailvisielilier. ,totMaBrrswecmecdl îgaeutered theogroom. We hadl oue sup- ujaintengan o per capita mas *1,r5.22 atud, Thscneio.10> re cuioci-> met promptly. Thono Wst murdered, buceu d ethue c' privt f)ý,ýn sion ofth eore. 1,0e as plir, and ent te bodearly. As saura as andI the averagerost te the State rus s825, >i:.):lsurance, ,$'0.U(Ci. mu-,rn) sait fur a quorum. Whoua ' . civiizi murerebucoudnble hiinl leponsfrenvtt)lnlct n'deasAlbert rau so.ind asleo ulsip7oed .,,,., 814 l.¶,. The total number et umuitois T,sc: ,St. (barbe, Evaporatei 'resu) ihaîntuan Ilolinan b - ..he 1sKlu Sei bina, Lut as it mui,, i iigpaelpo.iieli h ititAtoiclof liooened tetr dean and during teyear, euigthoso onCompuuiv, rhi!cb îcently cnesdwith bhlgaülthere uoo ei1. tIomiers 1 al the smite ttwftnw anudtsubtion f os x et opeuing a 1uraplacd o.t I waaleipte M. Mr ontHe dedcatln-e1banoetMn.e e!inicrctitas Ho442difdunatntun- aobaud aiY thoad fuberocritingminuesslter1v44 . af thsedim e nextraordillary mec i .stand and made e l tfy awhat 1bt hhd md -)m in owjodgn4mwr mlsan ,O2 e hcnta foivr ulsuted, il m.ade ifer iortil.Femrintbesltyn wu yin- bi ou mlie heie i d t an<, as fo-Betore isyligiti1Icaled males. The nimber ischarzei O l as-ignent ta C. L, lHa den. The as - id ýte ciaîuil,c;. 'I lero was fevenlIt d cears Foro udibellstely fi w liOie who iadn he ar.edde a1 t'not elauIl- hut as',iu. faiat iaciat>Y4' eîactnc < eeritc.Ailoi b To ofb0nf rig il a h d se rap- 1proudofmv wribut a nean fi luai ta hum. butdd' e n e betws?6ý, ,t r lcda)6,1' xx('ae e r ac l at spae. The iluside tsstening oathle 'Otiecurywelaothin iewenod by a raet' a coud, noisoee Sancent roman. îBot fer ny evidonce îr sdwndw hoI hu oba.Wrk cf ti>....- <-s.eety. Td mpannueal rounbon of c ,îînîanie A, the -yeýs i u cuDy oe on -ltem danon-e-t bIsri usuel buttery bai about the poison sceeu uin e ses-nua lcibmbei up and gene uway lu thec1The IlihnoisiHumanc Sx-ictv repart. F. atud Gof!thb- tartietI lilii ,\ o-ali(lf i eutrtesevsol -e ue fra long tino. Na' It cleu, and tirutet on ho huand abottnight. 1ssalth lrwtilta înigtennh tlyI h' aur>,coo tAiei ceaiaubt" onîituthulctuc-- uî was for Abert Igurers te quai, atonoe9ith od scwud e îintla Iroi oct th uelatcd u (ic oicmpiuns.lauai epe o poeu u. a ,mncouîdtdal hn afndott,1in((1 o ftciiui.1 e a r mrk> allit: eut a! ight a'> a defraudeà na, bave accu suspeced. Whï hul 1 put truthimbcî r9 atIsmo sure, Ibat lie îescuod sud remudiethe codition of th be hreodevis, und orominent Iouk 0ft le cuiu IveiS* or o 4 l cr if .Morc -n showed himeeol! moci hy lie sîumbernug authenitio on lber baildid o e iarsenic. Sanuîhing thiitenchiliren, surndered ire te ens trom ail aven thecoutYt unt eo ,.t adeýr i pe urt wnrisuof oi t hiàwle*. etrati,ý ad atullyco- rar? hehal d)l ef.t dits itr r.c n sotir thbis tnla bi wie nietieui ctalycn e rni bildnc me tne burin:;,in bis conditian had made a dose fatal nstutulions by or.Son o! court ou peih- huard. " sented taoleuvo ber- teber iap . nrsuey siauld 1 haieà doue uny in that ho couli b-ave ealoi any oldiîr tiens, placcieleven lu institutions o ) VNS tS.Loili i gi. e>And >uîuiatDlit!if relon iit1 tn " 1,ul t e nt have loft, as lho came, by leuîing a iuuted soueure chance of time. Weil, Aibe!t und I ste eur ttuPcr&luily, prosecutei seven for venîi>îug agent ftle hi'ag - 'ae, rîpiitv.' chies illiésdoar? saivulien, and a 1-*fo f !laie iti 'ho breakfast undin mrdo readv to louve thi FCriuoty tean rimais, laid op Itht- arisansudSi.Louis lai-ooutl iwaujinm'ni.lIl Min mu W. sme n u sane whe lu imu-mu m ho boseres iber, for the main- 1bouse. Stil Ihene rus no seuni fromoi eightiberces as unfl tfon service, . ri î,e ruet V i unei~ke- aiisttion iTbeîe more ktel* l agination me praject aur gaze tupan mring et bis happy ex"etccc as nom i the h gltaninjî eved tuio iabd anrimais by Spigovdenrut p asin m'iei toika -rianxietwh Thr e scpvmorp, e kim.%mole' ltai hare disantled i 3m. Wsella as e urely broken as lhens. For oeeoutiaeiug Mn. Mercer again. But 1amuac. iled im-istaban- aeroii te waiidgroom. mla tinl'aice et li c usationheS."' man wmite.'wbatever lho mey bWe beau plece et roticencee Iuer congratulated cintwsihimta die dam there. s,) dinai and incursi nmas eni 'lepl i ligra Ch cf tbnler-ac.ofthing bcuàlt othvirsop - taober lu lie past, bad siuce pce.bly mytel!. I had made no mention af the I loft the nope for bimata limb out by,' maidl forty-tbrec locin t-rs uni oti-cshîc aiîud*(> uIae iî- ,eendpobbe lutctoe. roete.Hohd eemoodIemetngLetsu o uiMecn a dth oo on hum taeaot-jiiat as ,ore, Imposi *2.5 lu fine-, sud received ment bàuDsansd notes, sud ail valuablej,1c11)4.. airecIcar mni sîrocîs "Wbal woman ho bai once laved, aud returned the Snow Hole, and Ih mas ual devel- bas beau testifiei ta That ls theo , Su)f ront its ceutributmre.o i ?àa vl h.(a(isi,ý,wïtel ai. nta leshre bs prepolty iii er.Ho oel l Ih evioncetha tho baiu ruti, yaur hoxio." Sbeseemedtesee auhiep.rmn.ivil)li,'i'a,-u. î,,lru1.ttt-h. tpieerld.a fiund ber mare 1I ounîlul titan avor,lever met ater tem rseparulion lu Nome cewîî i i f u iOsî Fa.,tsp riol e A W,Lm.-TT'rsEI E )mais îmeeting ai ý-oinü non luko John DeWitt Warner _ - , 1 appel and probably lte very Ibought et tak- Yonk until bis fatal visit ta ber hoein l repatui Tbicandîstinerusol- d'>ouWi lard, aged 7-, 55e, tic WIliison (ougaiv tax-payers saàsapeke îeoennlly fuir conlnulnglte - - ci. ll iug hter srsy tram anotien man eu- on the meuinisin. s ho ý me tir, pped dead aibis homo, tir-0o mgies îcîd aut.Marion la decide upon a plani figit.îlot tic nujorlîy lavour- me bancel lber value lu bis net aven-fa'>- The oîurtteok a nocasa.,sud asten t g Tu e. ourd.jore" utlth e souticet a! Bîureu, mille iarrawng etpayng atf lie counly's rairoasi renieruni lie pr-om pt Fcollemnenl o!fltre lliu ii omatt aebste precesdinga rore resumed mit an duv,and Mou maes talionback te ber Be had a chair te sit i n wmille ,nilhug ban de, whic ane norltiare yeanuover- tlb' count-ver-4y aiready muchi io pro- - muen riitesu tlibr e ile homi-addness by the iswyer comployei te de- frii1 oicyeceianbn urr>sd it top1ibed aveo ir h hiim unidmten due. Tiere arc outotuuîdiug *100,U ( loogui. nus'i orbemmnol . en i utnaleH pk ic n 1 g bvni ler accolanit olite , -latence srri e ru. <bdai. 11c 1bonuds, mhich have bolon nunuiug tlsoîî Ilr -.rir 'lz.1. Srrr,. 1 h rbevo rnoalha le itadh.ic inhiedncou-cul ettici utBoHe iSsete etscon--àiroe;ean'> su irugiug . per i et. T d t H -- und strsalulug er ye. on bier proscrt sd siderable legt flie ronprvousy god d ati et HenyMer. or.'ceed stl t kw . si y y ar t-t e 3 a. nd rw ng-p r n.ltn blvdparterstp wton.S enutatien, uni I fet o viucodby bis Bitlerly dud 1 regret the puni 1 bai ag. Ielie Fdisn mneutaIASie. inleroal. The laxpayore bave ai lut ,Tei so h o- Aoetightiy Corral muthaecuose talapanue maasis upan ihat point ltat ho baitke a%911b11ud.,irctiy usapaying pro eniy ho Nus >cnluici te iotaupon lienisîelîos au- " i an i extra giagd, placei te pro- disau lu bis deman s. or- ho meuld net bai-e uotimigoustantialupon mhlcb te rely dilnt eiesm on tci-amaung the icavuesi Aolior. eftrhuc olteor issue et bande drumi-ig 4 1>eti-ont ou iriion, harmug snyilè,tng of lbe lie I tkea fom lber bads the cup et milk foran anacquittai. He ;-eeme tly d - ri ry a degie satetmon o( o-ban i nd b sr c ip r m ila agi e e c t in N u ir r nnc not, y. ith ouet ls ne t O mnh ebogtln s atelmeten, itted ini tic Rallery corridors, ana Il - Itu ', b i wt hhseltiirlxdti caedtta bsclet asuîbngecoith dcmei lett c *,Uea a t îlfor<îugl2lani ebenioudn ali iewi o u oitv alter gioui etfort ihal the -,cu-1 1 poison. And, straugoîy enougi,Fbie bit bis utternue di nul ce.insmcere, teSo el ehurv h u-rbr1orsu tiatttn$11aad;bol,'nsogata i-ums ndcu aepn - -mm muai have aIea been pes.sei u litte sud tic case et Mau barrbos tmas 51 t, n wulmîter hwthpr- - tounilu ticai, nmc, se mat tme boromasersi, al, uttr aesbss, nuet ho nude 10 recover tiremt.l le aîes oeaeo.N,s'. N...1. Miller. - hE twMurekali ancide e'que- t .\s i re-,m'ninfte tromsiecuu etl trngarridy."ctae àt iohe Ies isfrs iucst>L' i ', 'ue uteu mreTie.cning Albert Dawers adn d ansIauty fetbanding ticcie ta u, u aerchnbe b- rr- ute-hhi o IlfttecýI irai baud dîîubiy doc- hal answered s,-mo preIiminany que@- 1moaie tlieu itriae chbrierail lromer the county fr -ý ý as l- toliithe iho ht coil, Ied a th tnns Lthoterepaliaiuyt.ig tonkmde.he tualblieil prm he cl t.anlg ras, l wtksdandthe inat waen.t sifoimtioc agolii g ceusibibs '1 . ca unci poti drangil'ethtriite tic the usritero ne uneaytbng tîsî tom uta Housse.,sud ut riduiigbt me l iar'es Belle iecit, oet hckford, down utince te a e. Since lia imima oiinuu ,îîrus ail questions tulibsUd A'-i îisscting iun Iciinlclruge ieredrdo otaraykam hcmrea h otioWi a e 1 attenpted to polldom a iaugiug lanp destructive lire broke eut in lie bicý-. proinhî:lI-. 'ftt glesn u a bn >iiaailngs Nogvaýdii octed te give an acu'ounit o e h bai snopieauni a luntern itmigitu i atg tIa oaeIae esIule thi iy n i ae i adsaa>eeubtnt u- - - g a s u g o n e , ii u l i i t h i ce 1i a t o e d -5 d an ue c t i o u w t bl i e d e a t i f e o n y m ua l l i te n e x p i e t it io n o f I n e l m i e t is ca m p a g u tn i ]e a i u ul d d . 5 c î i r he a ur o i l y , i u u uonou I . Ty a n th e t y t e u n it ui ohe c u - .W i , h cii e ;i b u t o e ; emcile leca0fti oio sdli ercor. saudiccib u nivdescent. Stlom os a Ie i a yb.ln-t ilhmna _ui'laciiito < e îiiocn: tai. li stin Cepp1kols. sank dem muna ,.ulioithiat sic kneur1 'Ho, iiicame ta me iato ul ith tu i ms ae itau ciidntoei;efrintodoser S niunne n -o udiainti5cii.uscnnt-enuîl li'siîi-nirsd ho lt mcioil.duiu1 ha u tneaa aooo elteit, bsTic stuiy Albert heuli e rapc, anc - tho occupants fran ticcuti de. Salle - ter, ciuinPasuii 0ofthlladung 1 OiiO.5 rvilme - i ter> non lie sîl-imporial îî, ,c S have endoul ubru:)t1y lu deati. aï ushèsi, peakiug iitidogged calmues>. eo t l.icti ras flrmny las-,oued a-llnt oioesîlc, ws> vereun'm, by mt in vetgt i' utnfmte iut<luurciro mosredr sk.ibysu rlcciun 1i scdhuhtat, uni mhAt ho arouni nx mai,uni, miii hliighted amake uni bîmnueitocdeath i-Mr. il- irks a ni auutiorizei lie-n te a asun fllic re-.aluitliu - l!rd iv peaker .. l'on crime i., secomplishel, hut hîoîvmanici. Hoead liai lie luved ne- lanteru in my baud, 1 aippeî cauttans- lcniock und iehonmotion. n,>. -I I-.P atier eleutian tor thu' purp,-o,. muid- ,(,t..p )te ai-cL tiche->nu-l, meu . -..y, ta bide il' Se, luiber e.wander Iluat he ba lmayslinvoi me, uni ai- hiinssePicle< c a i-Fou updfo it,,cn t ulîr1<11 i oesa co - bill wii srhap.- H: i itter uaîd thilluer cuer tic walla - i raya nhoubi. He sasîny huuad ilu tance of tuliy -00 foot. Then I cane Ermi ur lioi mre arileormueil tueyrrlu'i t'ght ciii honcma'l on, ' 'î iieutetule i cuu> 1u. liteilei--uan ic iiertimugi ilc li sigt obeavn, ni mue habista a lavai place, looard iy cdean, cleai ltter prohabi v ata ly, esiies isu ing ani tie nenoltiloiub'ftio. luoil.rie>cmoie ii siemii ns h'>buv egimte mtnt c n ni 1 ire, sud embaddei deepiy Iberin 1 kemu. but tli a i e ay nmeti)awrs ou the budhlm haonuaintevon tait ta au ay d1srlehucie r ybrlbsa 1 SKVt-:iAL h. inamno n hlai-a 1>ci aleSpitr nout aea: lireil er gatucetalis ou a di'> mr. ht lri o ruiui rc o o s-fully dug ut balons trust- Ri.I. 11l-sottthbdw' aniliii, l'sllen. luliioiiu tiitîiltrm Iiat cu. s r colereil ring level riti lie loor, and humi-ni, uni ras just gaing t gtee mnhygousest-ay ei auig."rtalrlif.rinti eribebu>fu keulmoilon euit' i- srceby vishbe ,uîe letatoe wivia istant part et the cotuntry, se as teahobfecrrlut yo 'iurcu'.Tlui nîh ucaucuis huvine- deciai ta stub S kuommuere te look font. Sic creep:: tara auy trainthe places tiat itad sBa ypoe oeeshbla s t nub.a adail nay oal-I ola wrrabout tae h i--euflen. tic test ruy te carry eut Il .' tonareni, 'ex sppme'Ma'.tsi isl Sue.FenBomnlnitic ulual trealmeut et prisoners, wmi, n ftcl-lou su o,t:e ni-er. ,-ý flerer and mnert i.Sho e ulsiminder or Albert. Thinho gai c- amsnicl, te ey prtepMe&ticrsud luuoinbuth mpliign, roBuiianesm-- ieostnin reoîam ecac Iu domsud drags ai lie ru-u13 ring. A citea. le blanci me. He sii 1 bai iy brontaot honpatculas.andthonu, oa iu, pingiiehi, Aunimaîyuîîe s1h intd.e ee>1ih EAHNACOLSIN squarne da,.about thie rwih of a donc an injuiry to hlm as great as hoe ySa, it albgoui et- lWtch Pnin-oner oints cane -ýrepnilandroluiiuthuy e11,pnihnin 1suu bergit ta ceas abbaik loi,-anduîtBarries landteraoson- traina. Alreaiy tarm pastinuge suer'> <iderel li'> mnnta omit tic shavin., ru.îaîWr- 1 ci Ile Santa Fo-Two KiUW.. ,- vorla leabcte is dlc ain, sud tfhulrgivc untigito fr te"t.e age rful expa'inioco and luto s revenge' aiguscf revival, aud lunaoinstanîce%% IIu' 1 ei11 otch-igpaoa in -bIdib oe a"teJiefub altemipt ta duplicata itiitrsgedy, h-cern lho a totaliaisiire. It i-ieven lire- es. a - ho eiai A ul isi Irusbaoizh, coJgýllision1o..ý husbanisbody. -Close ut baud li. a asede. hbai asua aved lebfont t i aeadca ieSaa eulia ho euas. but if-iozen o e! mn t ý coilI ofccd.Sic dcliberaloly cuiii'tb l alliiIbai ui.estnaysud sumJ1 itd - y teSaoBra htte(iani c nceuici in tirirangloi bainrre Adiso le Aebin Topliioka , hatsu u"Ifede bsîi hm u eaent thanint t hm, a dloftiber ta finish ber ite iure- - crop nil hieo 7uper'cent, o! au ave-age. sd1iednàma ttonra tendhenî F Aaltre ekatundl lun plan nelntant aid hmsotepoac eorgigte sud asad hedhapplalonfonuesn e ur . : moaes one portion fast anauni ihi, body bthe ncply. "HIe gave tien ho me ton atnt Taa n a pi'ness. ___ - 1he',lr< aitoerntaFetiysu li -,ale. xrutwnrn o. beoomthe urmpits, lieu miii lie trvo safo-kecpiug. riion wne reoliving le- 1i _____ WSnngi, captor i mehicritprotesitionteulii uh- uîdui xthi o.4 euds draga Ibat buddled,' beipi>'> b'iy'gethe i New Yack, und mien mo Sure (Curc. hernm onuiusou a"uuiCrufr o i ,tedbis aitien te M\ayîîi bouini. cohuiei. uni 'tre rai f, : easliy ocougi saug t l onr, until lie !partedi 1bniugbt thein ,A-ay. 'Tii i -1Cfilsca uGeneson andmpahire ut hrse a nd Huptlu-, uni ras intocned by tic cog- mnok1td w sG-m 1pasnfr Opln Square i. neaciod. And nîum legseras bis ruluatien-se h si-oCh re .G re e a ps ie b g yute o u ,Iw sali-co ne h tth r a c' r ildan eea ase g re.1 1.1 omes te met dillicut part, physi u ni liai maai>bai as bis doception judge af IbIs century, mas very ier- IENIIY LUT/,a funner nea an go-geI îineo-.X -rican îresîy pnîedting expri-se udh1gg cr mr u -ally oetlber otrprîse. To blruit o e i. Soie arguii utal euewrmoug vutnilrtb ,bisweemîc r, ruwstai. tll - beimîg COS.ploeoy icnali>liedai. Accondlug te, hiniocîforemet dowtat pit rouli auglit ta atsettf-e otior, sud woru ha lieh usualiy founu meaus of on- cau.git under a tractian en-'ine wriehci I taaolie r Z(ýtYdos h ran h es-.y unuugh, yet, miil aIlsrei- coulite ha4ytogetior it I nauld de -1forcing hîs desîres. While lho mias rau ita br5idlge. AITONsteutexeabmueigily on hib rans ore te bave m. ( ans ol e niu synbuibilityIos btAllrny . ulaa ererliinmn ~about leccuigy1rGbsadi is abicgei No. la sert ,itoifg s court lu ane of the nati- F, AEafrne iignoar stage et rater lu lie huissisil)Ii liiver. laîciîo de-ýs. Tic trains met oun &I , hcugntrn ,rett)ohs teugi rdcrime, but eusqitiveuoss te cruellv - Whatrwas thenatureaolte papers?' emu counîles, ho as munit annoye<' sFai Canandelot, %Sus hea'en te deati ýThe lomesi point reconded tfur nsny currauanicamne togetiten with te9 butsito u t niug erBel taibsle Vhe coughing etfte sectalors lu I by his wmile und iehonpuaneiur, mia yesr.alsauoe ad tiree-eutb fe--tabuve 'tafrie. 1101h cuglneers applied i bu iltaru trnc' uel is i dot rigbtly kuor." aibeuan-nerai . [th', counreu.rom.couteesei rien urrealui. 1er rater mark. Tii> as lait l)cb'1brakeei uni revers-i tierorengins& m eman's oe,ar sre, lowered ilam, se '110omas mi ielup limia d--tscatîon--I a oco f c1eîi itiro rasIrmrklv n'sîoipci î e. lie reterrci to Il again and again, hmfls MARY WOLF-E, agei 2l, diel ben, sud that mark ms tucii sa sthie pus eugen'aand tbeeo - ma.ybeeteh tun.u ae3e--Iun ee o! tie(cenu aaa cnwil inrusu apr ay ni fina,,' ut Beanishoivu tram an averdoe eouitWeduesiay. Navigation te ail, avec*- ruin cue.î irbu> emeaunhuri receve Il .2. .' . __- 1 onhie dinsou y u w go druugdmt steumboats luuu alroedî fr0 uu tua siick t lov ro-cued the1 . -. nwpictune b o îcng on u e-- t' ur-.eti ehosu, drctitîechtlhtarinio totcI oreue i sinan eaieim siieuIb llnisRvetat-ae itie EguerH_ bau , h'> ootta he itbis hea lu guilt 0fmreug iîg i li mlmalor tt co rt-aam lie nex ma m i an mli.sucid i .îc_. b i e o_ _u il-_mun-rciht.i>.vi.. ee.o hi les c i e su ' .-. pou uitsoua bs tut ventheeige su lii h c ldu clai-bimebt ~ l suîîu Vi auiene. IVE cre e!oui> biouAn taJea- su 5 igi irugi oxum uonhastphrys f N. 4masfoui a hI