Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 24 Aug 1894, p. 4

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i>àtpOcK, I)IToR AND Patop #RID Y. .UG.24, 1894. MONEY FOUND. Cod t Isues: protection, Free TInde, istnleWjmmigratior', Slver, Free Coin- Ob*Sub.Treasury ard Other Schemes- fiWt Ca Save The Country, if no Money .lb XoIMMU m HI111, a culture.] gentleman, gWr mal wim kiogciaa bas recently pub- "M buISm on banking and finance tu book la *luie tl*te of *,Money Fousid." His I1 g oe &" and It wiii g amflyïy tMnlng man to give tbe book WsIaI pti3. fly pernisalon -e pubi&h mbf figu a few chapters for tte bene5It mr*eidem .The prIce ojthte boclk. money i tati. entdmd oe obtaine.] t thim Chapter 5 Continued. VhMan ia.umticel1 And yet the at- dâmà he peoplee igo80oceupied issues that they do Dot haexpedient whereby tbey 1b ho eoreàl against the immense. 0m fron bank falures wblch 001PItate te financial panties of the 1 Ui*e people are blindedi How lýe are runnlng wildly about *ýtoonds crying ftre, ira, witbout WDg wbere the. amoke tg eoming Psnic.stricken, ln distrass, Syet do flot know the cause. ~top a-moment, trienda, and thlnk. k: on. mInute of serions tbougbt Voften worth more Shay an iotîr of ý,4urry1n« around i ignorance. The UDOWin sink the ship; ten Minuites ,~irflplanning May cave it. $iTMnk. Do you know thaât ou feel saife 4cou. .ý,di1ijg that greetîback ti v our ý,t»eket? Do you bave any alÏxlety .4put that postoffice order yoîî have .fàyour possession? Are you rushlîîg ýver to the United States trasury to 4Mw te money on th"t gold or iliver ,arttftcate of daposlt you hîave lit your ýp" keoSbook? Not at aIl. 'Why? Because ymîîîfeel sure that itfesea gond as tie gold. Wiiy do jou feai so sure? ýecause the (iovernmneîît gîîaraite $d payment. Ito Oovernment. Ai,the Govern- ý'1-sma You bave perfect confidene $a te Gaveriiment? 0f course ybiî '"ire. Evary Coot of land and 1pentiy's ggeth f prop)erty:tiîîderlthe stars anîd ,i4lpes can h. taxed for tie suppor-t ýeýWth fb overnment snd the 1îîai metir ite debta. Vou may well have ,ffl8denca ili tbe.GoveriiMeîît. .'QWoSld you riin ta draw yoîîr moîiey malt Lb.hebarrik If ail Its deposlts guaraVmnteed by the Oovernment! more money yoiî woîld prit it ti. te bank fas tir e sct ilaco eln yoîî could keap it. Fssj.Snwheme4WIàicanrami ITt 1.ili.î '-U f~aIhe~55~fJt~**.iamdkg Bond.." mmd f*, Oum is Iodmae Thm Te Tiret The l se. &W bw5s Ire 40Aru t .lForInime T L.d,rtmmi tu ftsiji tory BmdJylaisents.. ýb, bore le a discovery. Luttîus gçàge furtiter. Wa ask a timiîuatiîd *4*-ýa hundred tiîousaîd-if titey Wtd bave perfect comfidexîce ini a tk guanmtaed by the (ioverrirneliî Itbey &U answver in the affirmative. [Mis l a racaiatloîî. The woîtder fi a atîîdly of Natîîre ili thte 0eNSmecbanisrg of te bîîran sys. IL. beart and blood ail belouglîîg to r -bedy, tatwe couid not have ,MBisbefore titat the bamik holdm F".Me relation to tha Natiouî lt ibert does ta the body, amîd thai tak ahouid belong ta the (loy- acint, that aillis daposîts cixosîlîl Suaranteed Ly the (lovermiment, j itua the bank ha made absoltîte- mfe--oonidt)tàe Le restared and Stbe no more wtbdrawai and 9s of rnoney and no more fimîculai Me. T1119 CONTiIEn. New Lake County Map. >1041édus Of a PrOPOsedIliustrated lm MaP cf Lake County,Illinbis. twi1l show: rr n c -11acale of i iîîciî tu fhs Wq wigh Owmliers' *Nsms.s jîîimted èixm wiere posible. ehiabe nds, Gruves, liiils, etc., sý 0I91«, Towîîst, Villages wilil h OWI SI" Lskes, Ponds, Swanips, z Creeks, WsgoîîRoada, Raji- pari Feraiqbuws, lotels, Msanu. pwi.'Sciool Ilouse, Ch um-hes;, LkTe1.c Blscksmitl. and Wasgonî *04 Quuarries, etc. ~axve infornmationiislabelîg bd theLb Lke Cotincy survayor. ,,«l. id aaistaiits at Wauka- btue records, pegrslai sur- 4dobservationsauad otluar rail. hMsp wlll lie colored lîy Town-. la Hait Tons, of niany id privâte buildimngs of wlll Illiutrate thîe niargii entedi ow prie, 51 the.IneceUary patroliage tua Pultilcatiomn. It lias anSe a large map of wu cmade, sud everyotie uffd amsimfupotance Of InOepoeUuly, -A. -T. PERSONAL. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Brown are in Elgin. Chas. Keiri is hauling lumber for a new barn. Lafayette Bond will teacb the Bush 'chool next wlnter. Eldon Clark is visiting bis unele et Wauconda this week. F. C. Smnith aund 3lft visited at Palatine, last Sunday. Miss Lena Rutzen, of Chicago, le vlsiting at the p)arental borne. Mi"s Robinson, of Chicago, is a guest of Mrs. J. C. McGregoi. Geo. Triggsanïd farlniio1w oecuI)y rooms In Mrs. French's bouse. Frank Wlimington has rented Rob't Lill's tarmn for a term 0of years. A COMLETE STOK GRAIN, SEEDS1 MILL-S8TUFFS, Lime, DraIl ile, Farm Wagons, Buggies, ,AgriculturaI Implements, Etc. We have a -new Stock of the Falnous Weber Wagolis. ___And the Bloomnington IW&orhpwr Riros. Riies n arriit s Miss Mary Taylor, of Lake Foreat AJC4 VL J JO % 151O7 WNWG 19 vislting Miss Dell Townsend. O i n e h m -t, Ma. John Dymond, of Jefferson ~a I a d S .T e ..... Park, la vislting relatives in town. S. C. Willard has been on the sick list-too mucb picnic and ice cream. W right 5& Sons,9 Mise Minnle McLaln, of Lake View. UWe are lw&y& readv te supply your 'eants ;- our -@ne ls visitlng ber siater, Mrs. Julia Price. Baby Williams Is improvlng under IAbertyville. Mi. the careful treai ment of Dr. Knight. Fred -and (iilbert Morthouse have rented Sol Kelsey's farm for a term Admlnletratora Notice. of years. VARIOUSLY AlI MlU Pulas, NoTicz le hereby gtven tbat the sub- Rolla Churchill will teach bis flrst srbr dlitao ftePtt fMr terni lu the Biitterfild soîool nuear A OU. unually weara the expression ADO Hougtton. deveeaed, twil attend the on ber face that in most becoming. ('ounty Court of Lake Count>'. nt aiLerm there Leithton. TIm' wh ot ci-htapaa f la) te bolden et tbe Court flouse la Wauke- Mrs . M Wheton of t. harlsgau,.In raid County, on the droit Monda>' oi Mrs . M Wheton 0fSt. harestheir wives are enjoying themselve. septemiier neil. îiod, wmen andi làm ailPou le visiting ber parents Mr. and Mrs. TuzRE ought ta be a law compeiling mul~(slIsmaltt5*J,* e Edwin (Cook. every inan tu read a petition before ,,mildsu r.c te 0 t(EII l, til1 Mrs. Jacob Jacobson, of Mlnin., le algMxing lt. iaid Court for adju.I(lltu. A wou A-'s hard worli la doue in buy- DEI)Sîc.,HI'NTENGTON. A.,îrnirîîîrt*lr. spenditig the sommer witb bier fatiier Ing .ings, a man'8 bard twork l. ta pay WilkeKan. j i 5 r9...15,-a Martin Lynch. fortei-r.__ -ÀA _ClinrChili lias been re-engag- Bv the tirne a wamte paper basket Admnitrator', Notice. ed to teaeb the Lake Bluff school, a bas been in use bii montha. it repu-e- P%,I o' iw ilm eh y iiven that îhu b-I goo reomend éeins s mnyheartaches as a grave. acre. Lrninliramltr of te etateof Ferdi. 11v flshlng Industriously inny of n ivrdeý.wl tedteCut MNiss Ada Ciebinge is visiting a trlksnartwamn nyb rt ofi Lke Counti. ut a terrni tereol thelaiesnea twna Mn mayby too la' holden ut the Court Hou"a faw weeks witlî her siater, Mrs. Mil bard days work land a fiah two inches in waukegan. in gaid ,ony. on the bizer, etiWaukegaiî. long. f1ciuiay.ofr ptieir oeil. 154. aLan ,Miss Mary Breen le visitig aitlber A courtsr recently dlvorced lat Atchi- and abere ail perilloa h.sving cdaliâ aluaînfi uncieqJ p. Williams, e few days sont were engaged six yeara la order ta gai etsk e ontotifie.!aud requeme tul prte durng ervactîoi.get ruai weli aequaint.ed before mer- tnt lthe mine tu eld court for .1judettion. duigbrvcto.nage. EFu,4NK , tdnllsrtori tf ite oi Lewis Thayer and wlfe, of New WHEN a girl geta marrled and has a .ald deeee>4i York, are visiting their datîglitur. Mrs. baby, bihe forgets that si ever knew %luk1Vf.Jn2i 14 t4 Sol Keieey endjamily. anybody before the baby arrived. But Jamea: Beaumnt end wfe, f iter ahe bellehad two or tîUn ,an Jamsj eamon an wteofthey corne ao Clame toeether th:Lca Anllmgton Helghts, were enliera at wear eash otherm celothes, the begina John Baumain's Tuesday. tao recel) occaalonally. while w.,hing Mrs. (Iinylid, of Kansas also and ironing and inending, the friends Chas. Smith and wile, of Chicago, ste used ta enjoy before ste had 60 aregueta t . B.Ayr's rany care.-N. Y. World. iC.M. & St. P. Ry Time Table. <,'ING NORITH: lMr-. and )Mrs. Demp Pattersom antd MARRIAGE MAXIMS. ar.ii.1 i.pi Mr. Haleyof'(4îrnee, vlclted witlî Nvuttitwt atmsae iltaI.L-w NitFa aut wtha patmisak. 1Cheéo, eaN- . 3o ilI IM 2145 4elSi a, J. E. Bond'm family Sunday. Nvabohb ngya tesr erinri ll M4 l, mi 64900 14Z9 Wili D3 mou, of Chicago, is cîîend- trn Bereî.î e 42 ilu 2_ I4- 1e 1 4 ing a few daî c witbh Ilegranîd-parents, Nsvxa meet without a Ioving wel- Leut F 4mtuu3:i. zc r.eIr, Mr. anid Mrs. Vm. 1)3rnid. cone. Warrnr .41lM Mirs. R. E. Osborne and Mi-p Elua NEuralalow a request ta ha nre- Witdgýorth cid l n MeCGlnnis spent Thursdey with Mrs. 'peated use',tri i e 1i12 LET Sel-denial be the dally aimt and ". 12. TE:cil iii J.SaiieyntPrairie View. oni) J .Gdlypractice of .i.ain M p .M 0. E. Chuirchill [lias been iiîgnged Nu£vER let the aun go down upon any ëM je rà17 -0 l for thte Nadden schlooi the comlng anger or gievance. Gurner Il il 34 Sb V yer. He taightthere a year ago. NiEyER taik at one another, alther Warrenton 9l 17 1 %1, 4 alone or ln company. LIsEet ; 31 1h20 4;3....12 40c 5 :, Lawyer S. 3M. Oalloway ls lttofluy NEGip.cT the whole v.orid beides EerI 6 ~26 4 12 46 'ml 5531 In itImprtntcéie o c tie bDeeerfield 1;12M U2 12 2 U25 M Inciipotn as 0b tidle- rather than one another. Shermervilie 6lia M 1: 12 551 6 Od 7,41 fore file stîte sdlraerne ourt i LE-r eacb one strive to yillsl ftenest CiticaSo. arive,: 35 YI(K)S141I'-n1 i45 . (W Ili5: (bctolar. ta the wishes of the other. SUNDAY TRtAINS. Misa Edîîa MeGinnîs, of Osage, Iowa, is here stopping with ber aunt Mrs. Riiez OJsbornîe whie î-litiîîg inî1 titis îiciinity. Niiîuteen yî)iig people from Liii- ertyville etteiîded the lawn social et Haif Day Friday evening aînd eîjoyed tbiemstîives hugeiy. Mrs. Maria Rich, of Waukegan, anîd Mrs. Lueimia Hendee, of Grays Lake, visited relattives and friends bure a few daym iaat week. Judge Butierfield bas turîîed poiiî- llst. Ha lias becomne disguatud with botb the old panries aîîd wants sourie officeîs in pîower '.vo will represerît the peoplie. MissAAlie Smithî, of Ivanboe, bas beenj engaged ta each the Haif Day achool the coming year and wiUl bagin Monday, Sept. 3. Site leaa popular f eacber. J. B. Ailamson and wife arrlvad borne iast Frlday from a three months tour down east. Tbey report a splendid time aiso that crops and fruits are good lu New York and New Engiand states. Bev.. 0. E. Burcb and famlly, of Rogers Park, spent geveral days vlitlng Llbertyvile friends thîs week. He was tormerly pastor of the M. E. ohurch bave, and occupled that pulpât test Sabbath mornlng. John Bush loat a valuable horse Sîînday mornilng. Ha drove to town, delivered bis mllk and was ready ta gtart homne wben one of bis team took stck and fell down daad ln tae enter of town atter ice minutes. Geo. W. Eils,; of Ida, (Co., Iowa, arrlved Iast Saturday. Ha came to hmîy faedîng cattle for bis western pliantation and toseuirs a liousafor bis famnhiy ta, winter in Libertyvîlie, as usîtal. Thuis l8 a charmlng, healtby place ta live aud they ara ail giad to return. It lsea resort hoth summer and winter. Look at the red tag on your paper. Et shows the date to, wbiob your' mb- soription la pald. If yoh 0we, plu»i ;*y up andti wM t1luulals you abot. N".ma aremnarieý at the expense Lv. Auîvli.:ip t *f Roî,dottlhi.>î pin of the other-it la meannesa.LvLi .-tvli niC. Ar-. Chîcagro 0:Z.5 a Lv. Chicago $:;Mea em. Ar. Llwrtý ville 9:401a m -Nzvîra igh over what ight bv Lv.Libertyvilef:44I 'p mt. Ar. It»nlo,,t 2:1 pin been, but rnzke the test of what is. Lv. Clîlcago 1:45 p.. m-ArLi.s-rt) vt'le 34111 pe NEvEn part for the day without lo,. lng words ta think ofidurng absence. 'Wlsc.Cnt.R.R.Time Table. NEyvER find fauit, unlesh it la perfect- NoUT14. ly certain that a faut baas been corn- et. e Xa rtu p. t p . M.p n ritted sud always spcak lovingly. Chîrtîgo 'u -tr't 530 - 2, i:45 -5 eop il ý THic very nearest ap ahta dornes- Apt",ieki M 2 d4s 4 5 l..e.le tic happiness on earth la ln the cuiti- ILeil.htofl mM M I iA ii) 2 M 2 .ni 5 vation on batte ides of absointe unseif- Rockefell"t 'u kIlaI-9 'm1, 45 !J'5~ .2 M, 0uays lake i .. .t li > 1) , 5 ), 5!4%4sdIA31 miltri ithness.- 1' -;1 ODO CORNERS 0F THE EARTH. .a ne. - ,P . u. G ru j.sLiil i 'I T .< 412 -' lu î 2 IN Iapan they don't throw flowers or 'Ro ufll"e'ilIS 7>125 Z.12 54 m Ie2 54 s7 8 Leithton... s, 23 - 2 I I l .. s7 43 wreaths at anactar. Tbey give hlm a pualuleviewst 11 2 1S13ii 07s2ho drop-eurtain. Aptalki-534 12 S. I F .7 11 CheWr e 1- I lu o i17 , W il2 Il915, FâëHîoNAaii.z young ladies in Japan, SU«1 ON.,. when they desire ta look very attract- Gionit out le 'ru,.iei Waves <rays l.ake I6 47p. um ive, gild their lips. Rockefeleru- 574» p. .arritte 41icob W ~ iP. em IN Australie If is the fashlon to keep m to ly ontSiora. the bbdies of the demd iii ln Stpo1'nsia. order ta mesure a large attendance &It the funerai. Elgin, Joliet Eastern Ry. Tua Egyptiana were bard drinkera TINS TABLI. Thelr irst dlah at the table waa boled gg OTL SAIML Gil 10T cabbage, erved wltb sait meat ta tim- ~SRS. SAIN. 010SUE ulate their thiret. 4:305m surive Watîkegaîî ,ep'ît 7:00c&m 1v n gypia dalrs dvore il4:00 î.m. de ~ tîiîi ar. 7:301 am hc has ta do la to repeat three tinec 2:55 Pm ...Leitliton ...8:50 amn the wbrds "I put you from me," and 2:45 plu.... ianî,nîd Lakte..8:57 amn the legaisparation lis complet.. 2: 81.'.Ppr........ G11e..... :12 amn A 'rvPICAJu. outhern Atrican boume- 2:20 Piluir î.t 1 kl'e i!,. 9:M iamn hold .4escribed by Olive Schrelner 1 :55 Put. 10:05 am bas an Engllah tather, a hait Dutch i1:40 pi ....arnîgoii...10:30 amn mother wlLh a French narne, a Sootchl 12:45 P'u.... nP""oti"il,...12:15 Pmt governesa, a Zulu cook, a Hottentot 11:00 alt ........ mue-uer .... 125 Pin honaernald and a Iaffir stable , j 7:50 au, ..... lîî!uiîled ...3:33 Pin l w il. hlimC AIllA C gfl whVV tAdlL4Cat§........ 'JIr..... 415Pm table was e Basut6. FUTURE PRESIDENTS., do you and your brother1 ever fight?" -'tes, sir." "Who whipe?" Llt-T.z FA rNT(.KCIOY-',IMMa, why do you callrny gray kitty a h1altese? la it tecause 1 maul and tease It so? Tat CRito'. -Teacher-"- 'or they have sown the wind, and they shall reap'-what?" !tight uupl-*"Air plantiL "-Chicago Tribune. lN a district school the pupila were atcked to deflne a tee fine. A mmaIl boy answered: -I know! It'a the Uîne a feiler makes fer home when a bee's tnng hia." Ausirin - "A penny for your thought&s.'jLittIe, Nephew-"I ,w as tblnlag tbit.,If 1-kapI quit. qiet asti 1 1 ÎEJWW Is Holding Its Sep1i.,Appual Ceaip Sale of C lothipg. This means A BARGAIN SALE that realizes the expectations of every buyer, and disappoints none. We allow you ON E-THI RD OFF the price o every Boy's Suit in our stock to-day. It gives you a chance. to, buy Boys' best all-wool Combi- nation Suits with Extra Pants and Cap-Finest aIl- wool Blue French Tricot Suits-Elegant styles of Cassimere Suits usually sold at $6.0o, now from us at$ 3.38; AII-wool Boys' Cheviot Suits, double and single breasted sold at 3.50 and $4.00, now at - - Good wearing Suits, douleand single breasted, sold at 2.50 and s.3.50, now - - - Our famous $1.75 Suit, of which we sold over eighty, at You have a chance to buy light and medium weight Men's Cassimere Suits (WARRANTED ALL- WOOL) which soid at 015.00, now at - 1.00 - 2.50 black Alpacca Coaits, now at - - - 4.50 AII-wool Cassimere Coat-s amI Vcsts. ncîw at - Latest styles of Marseillce. Vests that y~ou usualiy pay $2.00 for, now - - - - 2.36 1.70 1.20 10.00 7.50 6.00 1.70 1.00, 3.00 1.00 The "Model" Clothing 1Hou%0 Temperance Temple, -Waukegan. Paots!Paints! Painte.0 IN EVERY VARIE1Y 0F COLOR, SHADES AND TINTS. Paint your Buggy for six bits. Best Buggy Paint, ,At L ovell's Drug Store, LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. E)UFf1FDI4 The Lake Colllty Indepondent Proposes to issue a Daily Edition during the Lake County Fair at Libertyville, Sept. 18, 19, 20, & 21L This wil be a rare opportunity for Advertisers, as the Daily wML have Free Distribution four days, and a copy wiil be inserted ais a- supplement to ail subscribers of our several weekly editions of the Independent. ADVERTISINC RATES. One Page, Display, 4 days, 620.Ù0 Half Page 6" " 6 12.00 Quarter Page"1 6 7(70 One Column " " 5.00 Haif Coliumn "&"6 3.&0 GLuarter Col. 6" "6 2.00 One Inchi, 4" " 1.00 Local Notices, 10 Cents Per Line. 120 per cent. additional for front page or Special Position. Each display ad. will receive one local notice, free. Those carrying display ads. can have locals at 5 cents per liné. ps aý, Copy for ail ads.' must be in àma at fts hn Liga~ an 1

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