dus -g musa tisse te m.hhrsi. 10. ,ei' Yns. soÙbjeot tW tue deeoi opa*, III. Jane 95ý lest. -peb»for County f ud>je. anounce myseif s I eoffie of county *0 edeclaon Of te D. L. Jexza jgâididate for Sherlff. auoaemyscîf a * Ce1 tthe deoision ~L*lc Oow$y Bepubilcan Farm for Sale. Jbillgley famk-ISO aes iuae of -sY bewean Warrenbrove ad isp 0.l,ad four ailes ortb out ie. Mli.; vi linps'oid, under pod %M4 ofe latisU6. No aste tend, good tftoro irm er falag saprlng sud fiewiag ue.Tarm itberei1 ÂPPIY te 1. J. ire Nom* Ownere. If ou os.aepuer and dou't te a sure aigu Mat th"y sê1Oelrtesth AS& . ne s iatbe LAk. Coaty Faro vho ~gbIundeetuns Itng thi.- 4$ipblloanCourty'Conevntion. 'ôrder.Is% Usi. l *m. butoxo ubwwb iLm Oomey pt0 R 8 ie ai twàlam8 Pr Ve t*mmSu» ON-'sa s à aob beS pl he ld, opemeî 0flbe om l -freuh 27vf ol ~psivmu e r otumçie. lisit eeU at s. a Thoie ee - d<puUletlegqma"lo ........... o~tW caui 7Wo Fe1qi. GR ~tfb~y~~.,LakeCoqI J 'USG10 fairNta E6fthi l ois ?"»"5 Faua,Il., sept5. M # «e*otth<le basf tédé? Ma EixaAejour paper'ý tS4 POUe ohliola s ountba l Qupttlr eiid or thc peopie, s»4 etands upt ýT 41«ed a"t hd oeleaspoI[ticî,Iw"shtOiniOMniet~ maummdo sSe<t cad ieSo ithrough UtceIsasaaenmri, to, bt x0à en l 4on#ewt dt 0" meau trick~s the «Qourt o~ ~OO VUeS 501* ~bave vesotod, b seur. <the ~Uti -*e«xiuo t9,ý>' l!ý 4 W.mut~uv~O~I5e.tien oet udr ticket. Asde veil *044~ ~~s.c~" many promalucotsude'le8iln 0 9»« hw by ýèèeber,#1 publloeffs bgve been. vorklug fW' s«v Ifye dwoicitbe, « àk4POliu ernd recgniaed écim a csid** 4,t la", rue. Mis iai'r., h>'- juFove poujto o nac M»of tbu teko w-4ay ffculiais vho oam .-rein1g«";y tÏeSu aré~e tfoot.; lhey so6uld serve for a. ro-eleofion. 190v h ***~'~W~r 50their poiltical "in Whvio aeln power, bave'drW*1 ail the . »M inSuenilaiofthéir 0>, ~ip~<ti» a>': nte Wta sa s>..ia vçcu tOi atd Jurymen on the motder o"t 's~G ~; 1<, bc beatd la Wankegaa. 7Pr i ~*u. tasu 0"flua SIy bar*. a wotýacur twir several tovu eau* ~. 4.Wdo. u»lIlid to os , uiefduos te funa4ý me motyasudseintIlgis e vtlho~~~ee. pie Irona cxpreeelng titeir oaie 40eciftenot too late tu baffe tbfr PýoutlCS m *' unboly schemne lu Uic caucumceasi -Theac Jeebes dé'S tvsly&etic the convention, but if tioy enoceed tu às~eSbot vlU i ace.feeling Uic people nov. they age Winl51 t e diisles aaiu*tod at- treated te s dose of their o"«=n di 0* t» *Moiau ticket? dune ut the pou»a. We are Dot -au MVII h.epbliasn be wlee-keop f0015, if ve have thus f a; vos estnù th eol a. nmna othe ic"@tralght repubilcan tioel." Mr t_ PopleandnomiatetheIf the party pepetrates such fraude )Ot Us.t on Uic people Do-w, it ueed not hope Lm *0 fac<ionsapar; our candidate for s vlctory ln '96. MPua p.r &'ettdl he job asud ve dou't sali ______ dds.fbeote l r »It «e Wla Republican Party Wreckers. b. oigoeOfooty treasurer aud no The "Court Houa e Bing," tearlng 10 oomIwmof Uic other tovas, their lues ot pover, have resortcd tSe su"ët tkI roa be. oxtreme measuros te defèat teG. Thpmrbodout prticpat lntheA. B. candidates and continue teM- Thpe wbedou' paticiate a thselves lu office. AU o! a eudden itey aucas 5-day. May as Weil mia>' ai have cauglit a commeudal' zest for ioine eotlonday. hereli bc Ont>' Uic qutck dispatcb of taw and eurn* ne pat "tu 1t'" tiIs yeat. moned a bpecial grand jury to investi- There wM ibe a iivety conteet a the gate the reeut murder case whlcb tg everal towiu caucumes PuldaY we caUied to meet at Waekegau, Friday epeet a large tutu out aud s red hot Sept. 7, taking great care t0 select laie at te CeOuni> convention Satur- ait lte strongetst supaporters ef. sud 1e. -workers te boldier candidates. It isat the best oripeut vothycnn- CoUnty J'a4de. Hon. D .. joncs of waukegaa Udate thal yull capture thc Pume Couaty CLkrk. Dwbiton 6 m.ng,. of Gient. but thcesehrevdest mhemer vWho en Obmite George Brown, of! iout. tue the sharpeSt tacti en idumaSn ferfa as 1 eau learu, aitl te republi- mMieyi,gs the apSination, n dmYS. eau utembers ef said grand jury have Ce. 8upt. Marvin la the c o niyem beecu taken trom the ardent suPpiort- didate Who eamlok on oomplacentty, cru ef above ticket. Among which without four et datent, white the are the follewing: Jas. Potlock aud other tvelve candidates spar and Geo. Kennedy ,of Antioch.-Steveus, brter for lte remnintuli our cooîîty 'of etv5wort, L. Z. Manzer, of Aveu, ufficoes. A A. Paynie and EJ. Payue, O! Peliticu la gettiug ted hot as the Fremouit; Jobit E Balard, of Lit- auineroua candidates are nearlug the c Ot-leC:AiI'riee, of Wauconda;. J. home stretch., Noue et theni freni A. Mason and J. S. Griliy, o! iudge te sheriff, bave a sure omet oOn Vernon and ethers 1 don't rernember. the nomInatIon vtîtoh May net setlte Wbat le Repubticianlsineonilng te, ~ie eeetlo. ~ ,when te party leaders wil remort le H4 lton. .Jusl ccoe tsuch underhsnd ruethode te gain their tevsî-iie erentett~e voters0,etncds? The IIiDEENDE-NT column vil remyù pecn of,.. .A.. n I r-show a larger nuniber et votes thîs Là5akadem ./for Judîm --N-'. *-'e- lu e fi a bc or el bl ol t Ji el mains te be accu vitether flae Bepub- Dlaa vii Carryout the WR ofetPeu- ple lu th; convention, Satnrday. Sabid purty feeling la ftstlooln ita Influence. It geta neisier as itgota usetesa. The fruit et ht le fülMëd te b. speckled,sad heu a puer rmarket. Levelhbeaded me o le emdtealu pçtimOst Seitete, need te getid or te befogglng roanîts or mabld party feeling, aud 'the prejudices bora et blttemce, both lu their ovin mion and la tiroir leaders. ýCalaznity bowl- ing, stigmatislng, mudtnging-ibese anrea et astes er euergy, ueeded nov, more thitan ver, lu eandld la- tîgation et tacts. Lei's beer> Ceok A reporter for the St. Paul (MInn.), L Poneer Frts closes up a letter' te teé Pialred (111.) Enierprise as foiloirs : Thre people can hope fur nOthlng frein thce ubsidtzcd dally press ot tihe citles. I bave beeu conuected vith City papote ln ait capaclte. for neady 'tveuiy.ftvc jours, sud I1lueur thelute çbe htut>' corrupt. Borne day I Conteteplate vriiug Up a part ot My expertoe .One oa aitoasut admire the bouesiv of the average country editOrm even If t e dees net &gro. wttiB .tmr and conclu- stons, Tb* -00=07ty u4ton saie Uic sait e mrle Iôr hansdlu their bandaeul=ObsrlaMy-lIe the future ot eut ceuntry." Tu-day there aie tbItteen repubîl- can candidates for the ceubty offics to e te Oed by election- itWat After the conuvention gritàtday ihere wul ouI>'be lie wtlih V. Suppo6 e wii seetected troni the tellpvig anxtous candidates: Hou. F. E; Clarke, ony-g' Hon D.L. Joues. etyug Albtert L. Heîadcc, L1 tycir 'nDigtton Granger, outOer yeur thon ever befere, if such laeticu prurail lu the~ grand old part>'. Wei are treemen aud vil net audmit 10 suct treacher>'. We wvlU support te prineil pes and party that shows prom- ise fer honest geverumeut. AU OLD BOLDRx. Libertyvîlle, 1IL, Aug. 6, '94. Atitoch News-items. George Browu, et 011mev, candidlate -fer sheriff et Lake ceUJRtY, vas ilu Atliocit, Mouday, teoktng orer te poilicat field. Thc enitool for a del- egailen for hlm from tIIs plece 10 verY favorable. The geulal John E. Balard, et Lit- ertyville, oeeo th- ettctnkowu laïitgu contractera lu tispaooite ceuntry, vas shukiug bauds vitit Anfleet aequalntances Mouday evening. Paso te ofices around. Liberty- ville, vlth s Mach amialter repubtican vote than Ântlecb, bas hte coutY corosor for aevetsl>etiis- Anîeci- veR If iad the offce uf Cont>' Bupt. eue terni, lu over ihiri>' jours. We went te treasurerstlp ibis year andi are golng te gel il, or kmev the tesson why. ' Jutige Clark la grovîng elti, some younger in muet eveucualt>' suceeed tint.'Tho present le a gooti opper- tuni>' te train some eue fer the posi- lion while can auvec te boiufit et ttc wiiseoouffsels o! Jutige Cldrk, vite cvemy oee yul admît, tas matie s gooti offloor, but Irasbeau aufflcecoît>' iour- cd by tte pari>', by a tenure of office et over Oteg jeans. P888 ttc houers .ruud, sud ibis jeur. lt Llte mant tallian the aloulderti et D. L. Joues, a neptrWiaucoQuef>' covelien ait ~ o, 'ps*y FI A~~W4KR MON.a'. PRIVE. 6 Omo!t1 Friday, Sept. 7.1894. tg ut peul ma 1mmUN -8 ir àii laeuOn.., ~ .U _u o>s a $w u~ m . ..the.n »W Mayen l pSUIa e MM la a if sol pmItettaning.ber W. - a« utrti-e Mboxaye t ftwili uuisont *4.,. »oolwttlo s. ~v.Noras wIuN. ru esh Mr*t basÊbeon ebft ag *tâ onds e W4qSgeetdbr d«Met. Thon e uw m '"I. ibrl eadt h hourecol opie MondJ.yWen iùplmndvLe oho t W, las Kte Zvetes tyacir. W.a tBmpefnceletren biel . B.Fm Se hoi, "Haylnle s ÈIgbt"W .. » Wdte h4te rAovte the hou renly ocpm g .J e S, bian Lon aucueuAt e the Wri. GB. Ciey sud vile, in.MB. gNnte. Wayne erv.yud. ,eow vee ainoaipI tove It-e atuti ut E ahem sattlot vnso rohibtion ie et.lt has. T»y onsenteabo i wfor Aiechr Ls ien C Dderle latiti lu icb The truistees are laYing a nuvi wati t tle lalrsoflage, aise aepairang cia- ta-ril. Alfred Biain le ulgitting a thareateited sick spel, sand got dowîted once or [n ice. 'rea ere fifty utrange faces couuted at ctrureh during four Sabi- batti. Mtiss Uize Andre relua-nadt tet city Moîîday, atter lier visit te lite îoarserîsgc. Mru. Dr. Taylor goes te Milchtigan titis week for an extendeti vieil vitit relatives and filnde.. 11ev. Tuiaddaus Smnitht, a b4ilburn boy, preacited au sarnesi persuasive sermon bere Sunda>' eveniug. Thea readiog circle tes re-orgauized vaitît nevi blooti. Muets next Monda>' ev euimg wîtb Addie Pollock. Go. Our baardera have been a pleasant andr nurnernue lot (t peopie titis stim- ruer, brîtlthe>' are miostlj gaine irovi. Miru. Lawarene, vue vis burneti out, receieved a pua-e et $40 freinlthe social Club. Ste vas a surpriseti wemnau. Misses Jeannie Thtorn sud Libitie Jainieson aire off to seltool for lthe year. Richard Brojill starleti for Beloil Monda>'. Shah vse have a University' exten- siont clamu? The proposition ot the Clicage University' te sendi out an tn- structor le teiiig ceusîicreti.. Tite Y. P. S. C. B. Vote te jelu lu1 te a.Mtueionpy Extension Campaigu," iitaugatrated aithob Clevelauti national conveuioni. la a greaf mevemont. LMise Adie Peflek openedth ie Grubit scîteel, Monda>', Uns MunIe at Sand Laie, Cora White at Leen 1Lake. Bd. Taylor viii teacthe Hock- ada>' acheol, sud Raipit Taylor preside ai Lb. Dotige aehooe J. Il. UoftetIer spoke lu Ferres- ler' Hlit buredy eveulng, under Prohibition auspices. Titere vies ne mnisîtxderfttandiugas tla vitl e vise tslkilig about. "te hati a geoti lîar- iug, censldering lte auuouinents. The eitertaluneut sud Fair giveti u.)3 tire Miliirrn Social suid Literar>' club, wausa glati auccess. Tire attendt- suce and patronage vas geuerous andi appreciativo, sud lime prograiu vel given., The UMisse Baies sang; Jeesie Bwang sud Joute Bai ntrumental d*tt4 lph- l8pffd, 801o; IMamie .ThM csstat h.ndW swltb bar $1.601 inà LpàKI ZURICH. Cool eveuinga. Sunimer la going. The laie la getting low. Leamn te plap baIl, boys. Honry' Seip.fom count>' eherit. Mma C. L. Day la on the alaitl. Fred Wime'a nuw barnutebcompletedl. Tihefritars r ua>' cutlng.cr.. Bd. Nickoey viitei Chicago Thuma "aY. iles MOud Fox la risting in the brnight vatchmas hmas klpped DeýýnisnHuntingion for cuni>' Ais Annie Aieyers ha, gene tu Chicago. Fred Selp vies a pleasaat calter Sunday. *Chus. Day rtturned te Nev Yerk, Saturday. Undertaker Priehasbupurchaaod a uew hoaseu Wmn. Schaltz sud vite callutiet Pals- flue Prida>'. Be sure te attend the county Pair at 1E. A. ies sella the bout met paint ina ic market. I!he base ball boys bave put up a nov baci.steP. Dii Hillman la expected boe froin Nebraska. J. H. Rlelier called over frein River View, Thutada>'. fiater flelp vili depart for Jackson- ville lu a tevidaja. 1%é. Selp tamily are enteriaiutug gsmt nob icago. Wm. Hilîman le nov employed ai the Exqhbaligu corner. ;MiesZoa Nimaguru bas returned frein Vaiparaiso, Imd. A. T. Basse and vite, et Chicago, are gueusts t te Zuricht. Win. Siitt snd vite rejeice ovtr hie.airival ot a littie boy. Don't forgelte h ave Vour pictures taken ai the ZurIch studio. Ailes Brus Scblagle reiumned lest weai, from, El. Peso, Texasa. Traina are rnîning la fult bIset on te B. J. and X. R. R. nov. Ru UhObgtt ansd John Meyer reçot iiitiutRiver ViâW. X~b iMacabe., ef Palatine vas mae on eu tritas last Sunday. MeMaggla ink, ot Palatite, vie- lIed Delià Seip rat of the eeci. Misses Gueta andi Lena Eichmau tcf t Friday, fer a vieiLte friands. Wm. Meyer sud tamil>' et Ivaultoe -xere gueule et H.Iliapie Suuday. Do't torget t aie lunte grand liarvesl pari>' ai Fie'supaviIion. Cliarle>' Clati, ef Chicago, le a guest et hie brother un lte Spunner place. Tte Joli>' Pari>' club hati a plenie at Ficie's pavillon, Saturda>' eveuing. If jon know etsu>'noesitems cof inlereat te this paper, please sendt iem George Gratter vient le bite cil>' market vitl a tondi of grain, Wcdnes- day., L. Tiogel aud ternit>', etProviso, viere guestu of E. A. icite neveral daje. Wrn. Nelihatait, of Chaicago, le building a fine resîdeuce at Laies Corners. E. B. Clark reeentiy hland a nevi steel lover aud wind mmli ereciet ont h ie f arm eat thie place. E. Brantiing recont>' liadth ie mis- fortune le te kîciot b>' a home, but vies net acrieaus> burt. Louis Roder aud tamil> eutertaiued hie bretter John sud vite, et Cicago, several daje tibIswei. Heur>' Staffer aud two joîrngi daugbîars have gene te lieneouville, fora vieil te his parente. AI. R. Ficie reiurued hast Wednes- day. alter a Oive daje ride on haie bicycle Lhreugtoui lite country. Ru>' Fox played i titthe IVaucouda tesa nat Palatine, Saturda>'. holding 2d base, anti gave couire satistaction. Ttc telepie neeu vs put lu good order aglu lest Saturda'. 1H. D. A. Grebite le now ou tte Barringten end. Tte familles of C. U. Patten, John Robertson sud Win. HickasIhave vacateti their summumreeldodncesata 111e place. Heur>' Sctwsrmanu la experieucing a geotideal et trouble vitit hie vheel; the chtanesa are ltait e vili gel It baci agalu. H. Schelirmnantsd I. Brandlug amade lthe big cit>' a business trip Saborda>', aud teck îa peasura brip tu Milwaukee, Suiiday. J. Jackson, accempailed b>' a f riend, acame fror lire dity Saturda>' cveniug, rto 8peud Sunday ant the former's soin- rnéer residence oit ttc Zurich. Edwvard Nickolv bas departeti for Cîtampaigu, vîteres lie viii attend tte etate universitv a nuniier ot jeats. We viaitEd. much auceess lu ail bis studios. cn» of lthe coul cura ent over- ýboard t ithe chutes, Batual, -lmSs 15 itappe of pa t be aceoSiaio WAUÔD Matry Baseley Camne hoiu free City Monday. Prof. W. Il. Strayer vash4 ý couple tisys laît yack. h-very refreahtng and mueh min fell fut several bots» Aq~ Wmn. Cioîgh and Iwtt, sa relatives froni Waweapn uv« day. Nesrly a&l thé, suommer bave roturned tsr their homes la~ City. Lott. Groverior bas been«7 set litt but le more c.mfetrtgbbl, Mmts Platt, of FlitCeek, wm plent calter at AMr. Bage satnrday. J. A. North andi famlly took p v abode la Mrs. Walmsieya bousee bot Tbuiudgy. IL &Hammouti and i wfe, of OblaMe, Mo st guts ot ber parento, AbAé: 'Oak& aad lfe. Capties Demtsy returned 46 bomne la Chicago aftersOperdnsg~ weeks ta Waucunda. A goodi many ef eurt terns pZp vent te Grays Lake to attend ~ reuriton and Canipire. Ret. Pises ansd famtly yUl sW" leave hore for North Carelins vheu* they go for hsaltb and reat. Grandina IHammond went to Elgh, Frday te epenti oeverai yacks with ber daugbter, Mr@. B. Watt. Among thoee whe vent from. beiw te) the Woodîtock %ar won Meslai. H. Golding and A. C. Sj»e. The Kickapou Medicine O.., opeA«: up at Nunda Sept. 8. for tow~ and are expecteti at Wauconda #»eL Aie@ JonuaiWright ft ISt departure for Savanah where m-W teach echool the ensuing ftgIffe wlnter. Quito a ilunier from here ettsuq2ý th. MeHfeury ('nutty Fait ai t~ stock tant vieei. The>' report a'l~ attendance. Bd Pratt iaves here ls wveel ý'y QUncY vitere ho viii attend ", beto?,. undefluite Lime. Bd lu onue ofdur boys and viii ho misseti. Our mehool did net eninnie b&' week as il shoaild. on accment "0 he viiilas iboire teopdai. Our bond pîayed ai G, Y, remanion day anti ve bher wr ot pmaisa tfot theni. They mat tale great credut te themselv* their young leader. Rev. doue>' snd fanrily retured t their home ai Evaîratoin OrsietOf'w weei. Tha>' bave ii ad@ misa>'fr* ' hure durIng their brier t a' i regret to have thein go frein saoý The Wsnkegau Regluter sya sg Selp, et Bia township, lthe nomnewl" fer eberifi, la a promineul demoers& Ho bas s gond aleizd German folloviug aud le popular in the, eoulherîî parSt< the ceuntr. irs. ArthCool vas a Gurm vieller over Buinda>'. On hot return aime brouglit lie ether hait e fin» prisseut freinàhie elti triend Bdiore, Artit tnrned hilm ouet huai a heff lu the laie botore cold weather ses la. WARREN. Thte part>' giron by th-W. 0. ell*Y vas a ver>' pleaâant affair.. proiîbition pieutec wes quite a aucaWW, a geodi>'number voeePresotit andSb - speakers itebog smong lthe test hau4is4 ltaeit subjeet ieIl ....SehW ot ý district No. 5, commeuced titis mis Tidinian, et Waukegan, p ....We understand Lyn Woq andi Roy liaacter, et Guru.., u monday for Chieago tn. take s of ituctiaon lu a business .... eo. Scitarber went teol on busIqnes lust Prida>'..: Lightheart, et Waukegn, bus seuding a fevi daye with mis Reckus. Mtht returned te Waukogsfl"bigt echool vonda>',.. ., J. 3. Feazer le maig smela ment. building a wagnbeKlee ' Steve Young lae crpUteý' ; Dtd jeu attend chutch t as av~ Grange Hall. [f noL, part 8 p. me. >ou viiiItave another'- pertuni>'of Iletening te Pmto« Bsa-ris, et milbiun. Bv8tybWdy" vlied ...We natice mt. Guruee, le making sonue su Improvemaunts unlarlng hie afler uieviug Il up uear lte main Se va suppoae ha vilt be.nu eupply jour Sflts ln hie lino ai, auj tinte-..Fred Potter f G, lies sectireti a position t utthe Lakeslinber yard. .Wo ltai ilit eemies eut satidutt lthe datt etof4IîÔ.Steamna vwbô lits homte lust Bat utday neêt" lingerilig ill»ess -He o ueu meut respected cit1meno sud mucit misuod b>'hieol4g- ueighbort. Re tiares a vife dhidrea la Mmn 1 htiie th s d vite,a