!4P~' làn ~4~,4of hiespo, viâfted friend, lbr over Buroday. SEPT. ,1894. JoustIm oôormk bas the oellar' Whe Nuada erald of Aîîg. 17, '9, ecvtdt~anwhua lure -,n 8-page 1-o.1 mo columnir) Mn. Brougiston and daughter May, ippr 6f whicb thse publils issued vlsited st Gages Lake, saturday. se extra large edition contairrlng a Thoue who want spaee lu the Pair kiatorical, biograjihicai and business Daily sbouid bustie la copy for saine, w-rite up of the twln ities of Nunda John Wooidge'a farniiy bas Iroved sud Crystal Lake. It sbowed corn- into the bouse wlth their son Cbarley. iuendable enterprise on the part of Misses Clara S. Miller and Aima Brû. I. M. Mallory who recently be Treptow went to Wankegan Satur San to unfold the pages of Volume day. =- H e la one of thba few editors Mr ithamoebshueol who bas persistenly labored o<l il Mr. Bo icasgoved bis boU sed hoe habut up à suocesaful business.gos utueCh o. r a i mk BisMffrta sbould beasppreciated a hsnd ur ore the People will doubtless lend him a Wm.-Dvmond'a.nd Lewis Scbanok's Mme liberal patronage ln the future. newbousse, already present baend- Judilons advertising lu a local paper sorne appearauces. oIways pays. Frank Dier entertalned bis uncle and aunt, John Gullridge and wife, of TJhe Antiocb News eelebrated lts Gurnee, Tuesday. eightls birtbday' by publisblng a L. A. Amarnu bas rented tbe Elli 4wela ae (72 oolý paper chock full arni, now occupied by Chas Kierl O!lrstlaýg in atter. In addition t0 for a term of years. the regular local news, it contalned a w .fotletenwbakmt hlstry of thse Lake (Jotnty Soldiers W .Buel henwbakmt and Sallor's Association withbibo- il mOve his family into the bouse gratisicai sketches of numerous pro- juat vacated by Mr. Bitta. 2ilpant members, beside a full ac- Wright & Son were awarded the 00unt Of the flfteenth aniual reunion contract aud furnished the fit ty tons h.ld at Grays Lake, Aug. 28-29, '94.0f bard oal forthe County Poor Farm. The News la f ully abreat with tire Mrs. V. A. Rîton. and daugbter iunes, alwaya well prlnted, aud Josephene, etsrted Wednesday on a alrib forward' in its editonial toule, short vi8it to friends at Cleveland, It sports a goodmotto andlilves up t0 Ohio. It. No towu can aniount to much Mrs. Maggie Thomas, a wldow with without'a new@paper andi the News 2-ye&r-old chilid, wants a stea<ly job as M Uathe bill sud kOeep AntiOcli well houpekeeper. She is a neat and reliabie bafore the people. We wlsh Bros. worker. Burke & Storms the sîrccess their Misa Maude Yager and brother Bert enterprisie deserves. returned to their home in Wauikegan Thierse l a id to be a shortage in the last Sat urday trom a ) isit to their fiuiénces o! 4 building and bau associa- grandfather. Win. Miller. Mon et Bhromington, aild the state W>e have pienty of help engaged to audit.or is calling for a seutlementl. make a grand successotourFairDaily. The cumpanY Bseasta be ln soule You'll be sorry if you neglect this op-1 diffculty. It !Sacria of tine easiest portunity tg advertise yuur business.E things in ttie wurld for sone man 10 camp ln a email towîî and taik a scoe ohn Wooiridge and sout Ed. have or more of people to take ast)k if gone west to develop soinseuew tain-. fome sticb aýssocialiOn wiecbîjesta pa3' ing sclhemes. We shah ail miss the t un lutereat at froin îwelve ta tweîîty cheerftil face of our bustbing boomer. 4er celit,-bîrî it nover dues. 'iîe John Tnlggs tbe Cbicago wbolesale amewit Bone liiurnceseleme..oyster dealer and son Walter came up oeme men with giib tongues tabk afonl.ct ona pn a mari iuto anmre ilivesiment lie cannot rmteiyMod ospnadyg puy for, or doesanul walll, ani lie ioses comblning business and pleasure andy bis money tboreby. lit jour haste to tO visît their numerous relatives bore, t get mnuey, doCt expect impossible To Mr. and Mra. Chas. Smitb lu i thinga. A dollar il) thre haîîd is worthr memory of Baby Erle who died Aug. tee lu BomP widcat filîîalcrai sciienie. 291h, 18844, age 6 mos. Conne unI,> rme tire Saviour raith. The question is often asked regard. And 1 wili give you rest.: iag tbe iaw of the ptreet for perles- And thon who hrrt a weary heurrt, e trians. A lawyer answers as foiiows. Crno hter and be blestl "~The streets beiong 10 teamsanaid Comurta on mie ti e every care, l And kuow 1 care for the: vehieles, and pedestriaîis have no Not one grodtl ig wll 1 withirold e m~ore rigbt on them than tenis wotld From tirose who trustin lM3ea hare on tbe sidewalk. The cross- oh suirer rruw the 1414e onut, walks on street corners, beioîag ta To coue toMNe iu love; pedeatnians, who bave thie riglit of- l'rrih, h"uly gone beibre. 17> marnsions briglit above, way there b3' law agaînst teoins. 'here be shah rlweil with e n i ~1ght, Maln drivers ignore the law, go dasb- in ibis brigii, irappy ironie; Ing over crosswaiks, endangering life Hi11 Angel soma Tiy Fatirersm faee, and limb of the pedestrians, aithoul In joy ietore Hietirrorre. once thin king tiret tbey were violating Ininortal Dow biIs spirit lm. the law by drivlng rapidly over Anda freed frour feuxrof min: eroeing, nor cari a driver obstraict This hrome au pure, so brrigi>, B0 fair, tihe treet çrQs8ifg." No oorrow enters ln. ______________Bis Fasirer wipe. wriy his tears, Frona pain and death reieused, i 25 Cents-Prem lu m. Tire former thluirs areiaseri nwny, From Sept. 1. '94, 'tili further notice Now *IlilmsJoy aud peaee. t wé wiU allow a discount of 25 cents Lbertyvllle, Ans. 81. A FRIEN. to overy Lake cotlnty surl)Ciber wio An exchange la rejoiciîîg because il pays Jais 1,isbcriptioun a1full year the*doctors have baU so littIe to do etatoly Cash in Advance , or, il, lieu, this season. Don't erosv before you K of aboya we will scren eacpesb-i are ourt 0f the greenî apple orchard. advatice stîbscriber il Q0y f3~o Hilîs The watermelon la Uoing lis work 'b@ok iMorley Fotrndl;" or we will an(d the "littie peach of un emerald i -40041thse ID.aqlN anti Weekly hruerr that causedthe de'ftt of .ohnny lter Ocean botb one year for oîrly Joues anîd bis sister Sue b bin the Pl ,42». These teris are speeial and market courtiug disturbance lit our c <ccd euly for subacrîbers reslding bn mldst. Theres8 sucb a tbing as being Lake County who psy strictly Cash premnatîrrely jocose in choiera morbusw ln Advance.season. t N ew Lake County Map. Prospectus of a Proposed llustrated faru Map of Lake County, Ilinois. It will show: P'roperty ou a acale of 1 inîch Üb Itie auile, witb Owners' Naines prnuted thereon wbere possible. 'Tituber Lands, Groves, Bluffs, etc., e. Cities, Tuwns, Villages wbll be Ioated, algo Lake&, 1Pouds, Swauapa, Rabvers, Cîeeks, Wagon Roads, Rail- xguds, Farm liounes, Ilote]@, Manu- lctorias, scbool bouses, Churches, Ceteries, Bîsekamitt, sud Wagon Siops., Quaçnies, etc. Tihe abova Informnation is heing ueured by tire Lake County Surveyor J. IL. &.LOeansd sflutait&a at Wauke- -1psu frous tire records, personal sur- vffl sud obervations sud other ral.- 1%0 map will be coloned by Townî- Fbotogrsp l a Tona, o! many :5ts ubi u private buildings of tbe eunty will llustrate tihe mangin afith Mapi. Tii. uaprsedauîted low prica, 85.00 shptdapl lusure thea necaasary patronîage wflrnt ts publication. Il bau 21 loisrs sno. a large map of ' '- Couat wamade,asud evervone lilladmit the need and Importance of jk ; ew one. Rospectfully, A. T. mu, Cldaa o., 41 ô Dearboru St. la ome"advegsiag -&nais ne- The printer 18 generally rated a pretty bad sort of a fellow, but bIs conu ct generally cousiats o! vice, nol o! crlie. The tollowung trom. one of our excbauges shows that before the law ha bas not proved Bo bad as soma otber people. 0f 3,890 couvîcta lu the state ut Taxas; thare Ia not a. printar or uawspaper man, wble tire are munstars, doctora, bunkers, bar- bera, photognapheris, bar-keepars, oooks, sud membeis of aIl oIson pro- fessions sud callngs.- MOals et the Fair. Tbe public wibh ho pleased 10 euru thtIs Rob't. Bouse, of Bockefeller, bas agaîn beu awarded the Dlnlug Boom Privilege at thse countY Fair. The meala b. furnlabed last year gave entira satisfaction. fte sayg people May expoot a fuill, flrst-olgs meai for 35 centa; mc tIsera will ha no occasion for lunch baskets, when you eau gel a good, warm meal at so roasouabbe a prîce. What a Dollar Wil Do. Say@ theiJamoevtbie Gaztte: A few days fgo a paper dollar wus started bn Circulation. It had attacbod a pîace cf p&pe, requsstlug averybody who got lit te igu thair naines, and thon trnr tirimIoney out ai qulckby au possible., it.b a view o! bavlng ilt coma laCk foMM wbence Il started. In just t*enty days thre dollar comae back, and tise M&aine owed, t at slxty persona bad It lutbat4engtb Mtilte." Tbrer laagS& puie la tris.Pay yolirs*ail db4 nW tbrSby eep tire mcuey y Get tndy fortirecanipaign. Suffiertbe Igr tue iND8pzxDE2". (éorn u UM41g be order or the day. Clark ilunt le fte6rtalning a cousin. Thaom"s Darby tu L.àvlng a new Weil dug John YKruckunan 100k iniiCîcago Fiday. 1ev. J. B. M"oUffiî occupred the pulpit bore Suuday. Mlké Sturm, ca4led old friends at the Giove, lait !Suuday. Ciras. Ray la mukhng a Weil for R. P. Wibcox at Ecekefeller. Diamond Lake waa well represented at the neuon lait week. Mrs. Lempter, or Long Grove, la visltlng bar son William. Darby Bros8., of Libertyville, Sunr- dayed wltb their cousi Warri. Fred Brockman bast a good lianre Tuesday îight, aliock ut paralysis. Our .icbo0l started Muîrday with Several of our boys woiît to liait Day Sunday to wialîea tîe bail ganie. George Wiicox aud lady fiend sperit a few Usys at St- Joe, miellilgi fast week. C. F. Dillon anrd faniily, of Chricago, apent Friday witlî R. A. Sîiihanîd family. Mrs. Geo. Ost la eîîtertaiuiinig lier brother and lsevoral triends Ironi Chricago. Severai of Our people weînî b avit- ries tIre Stian Battie at Er'.ti,îî Satuîrday. Miss--Goodmaiir uelit ho licgo fst woek to creofur lier ahînt %'thlu, very siek. M4esers G. Mitchiel, G;. olî ,ird familles accolupaurîsd by Cliceigr, relatives visited at Zurich, Suid.ry. TIhe dry spail waa brokeir %Iolliiy forîîoon by a beavy ali-day's rair), a loch everY 0110 greeted as a weicoume visitor. LIîcky for te Parties liat stole Joîit .iiarbaraâ's pers the u)tier Iiglrt tbîat lie didik't tilt thena aili, bird shot I rire liai ties are kuowîî aîd lrad letîer be a flttie more careful wlrat tiîey aie bing. 'rir concert lait friday eveuilng wits good anrd oîîjoyod by a fullbouse t l s'as fanr botter than expected grill it la theo wish tlîat they will give lis air of)- portunity 10 hear thein agail] lthle nean future. Tlo those Who did îlot hear .1 %te miraI iraY: ou missed a raîreîtreat. Roîrdosît's crack base bail team guI badly left ]ast Suîday wheîrtlhey er(i sed battu with Our uiîe. Tlrey Inouglit it wouid merely be a walk away, but found ouit l was îlo)t so easîly lu waik away tram ar jrplayers, ever tlîo' we are liot at ail Il, practice anîd If It liad nul beau ir tIre spraWend alirn of tIhe catcher iii the lasi few rîrîlnga, Our boys woîîld have walke;d away froin tlem, but tire b>taIe latialied, score 264 to 17 ini favar of Our~ team. LONG GROVE. Ida Lafroîitz îiow practices aîdiîîg ion îiew wheei. Anale Wieser froto Chicaigo visited .t C. A. Sanen's. J. F. Stempel made a laraipesatrip to Racine Moîîday. G'vrga Stuntn's famnnly 114 eîtertaiîr- îrg roi atives fr(Un Bucklcîd. A party was given at Fred Krueger's Ist Suîîdav everiig. Jouir Stempel ailselou ot next 3uîrtbras ho îrteîda 10 quit farniing. Farinera have begun ta barveat a remature, cuseqîîenrîly short cîop of TIre panty at Mat Ulabdeistock's was wei attended sand ail report a good J. P. Williams set bila wleel o! fortulro robiug at George Kruegar's with fair succesa. Heanry, IWin.ianU D.. F.Kruager weîît lu Barlngtoîî Monday 10 bave their babies cbristened. Loua Hemscbenger bai returaed froua Joliet wbere sbaa wont to attond the wedding of ber cousin. Mr. Wacbsling a former resideut rocently came froin thre city on bul. îîeaa etc., etc. Wbat next? Ed Nickoley left Weduesday for Chrimpalgu to takre the preparatory course a.tihe Illinuois Uuiversity. Several of our people should not 4elay but learn tira absveuth com. manîdneut "Idiud your own basines.," Cari Landan bad a tuttular wei put down ou bis place, an abuadant suppby o! water was secured aet the depth of 255 feet. Wanted a new correspondentî to report siews ftroma Long Grova for tIsa INDnFENDEZ<T. Saud sample gris. o! Item. aud we wiI quoto tarmes. Hlenry Kordas tella us thare are People ln . Our midst wbo wibl bring themsebf dowu tu going tbsthir nelgb- bor's bot aud steal two dora» Ibre iuch tule. leit possible? Ail wbo bad dulnge witb the smootb tongued raprSetative o! a uids portrait company are mow en- gaged bating tireumean ad trylng to devise a plan W sacure ti~r pboto- grapheansd Lire mouey pald down. Lait Wedàoeday nWglt unknowu parties UtrsspapnQ-tise ptemfae O! Co «II l<H C..& St. P. Ry Tlm.e Table. (00 1 -;0 NORTII: ar..rn&.rP. M.pur p1, Chicago., "%,e. au 9 au 1 I45 5 2U(la(, :>rwrr; lu12$1419 2366 ô 9 28 M 10 ed r'h u22 -" 4li6 14 727 Everett m42 14) 28 2 4,3 a 21 7 8 Hondout rM 41 103M 2 2 3 7 LiB1,HTYXVILY E lu.. 5 1-)7 4bu WVarrr.ntrnr Sr'i 3) la rnor,. 1, lm 3 1 asarorrh O Ili 3 13 Iu~lI rrte,41 r' 3 21) (lùO1( 43U14. Sundr0 rrnly Arn aran ..P. pin Uýj,.M, Husl138 5 17 .51,1 -Wrsdâwrrth 4 O S27 65(6 Warrm-ton il,17 S le. 1 LiIILNTYVIILS 4t; I 7 i ' . 12 3 1(1~ Rorirout 6.53 --43 12 40 54" 525 Everelt 6 Zd 7 .54 .... 12 46 s5r. .a1 8teerm rvi11e fi36;' m$ .12 68 901 5F,41 Chicago. arrrive,7 35 941i)10 2r,1 iS457 21 6 au SUNDAY lTRAI-NS. h".Litra>vile. "p. nU. Ar. I4ondrut 25 .jrn Lv ChicaiéO 1 :I P. m. Ar.Libertyylle î:îu pm W19cCont.R.R.TIm. Table. GOINOaNOHTJI. ararn. L 'P Ut. Pn pM. .fn'. Chicagorr r'fr'î M 81U *1 t53 345 *5 (Ki fî& Aî,îakisic- -.4el 614 45 . 65 1 . i.n PiairieVIew r' 42 @0 4i 5 1$...1g2 45 Leltmon . r M g9 4 @ 12 4r,5 n . SIC M, iRx-eeeller .9 Iro 89 t1s a-,45 568m 012? m Grrr 6 1ake .9 ;z SIO 08 f2 m 5549 863al SI Yc COIrNC SoCîjl. Ga artinau. a m Prmr11rrn -Ir.t Crrrý Lake s:, 7 21 &-. 44 12lu . . &- -felerM .Is 1M 71L5 1;.4 1> 4 si' -.3S LeithWarn 4 b7l 742 î ej .7 il Prairie Vie$43s:, m) r I18 r. 2 Aîrtakilie s,5 '44 775 I $ . Chicago . 7 a>lu le 49 là frr 2 1.5 s4y 1 S71CrYN YOy.N .y. itiivrr Soîrh Train leavea Grat a Lake 6 47,jrl m ur.vkefeiier 6 57 P. r. arrivsa (hirago r8 4mp. m *Dail) exeept Surrday. 8s t ornly on signai. Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Ry. TIME TABLI. OMMSO ORTS. UTATIOS. 00130 OSTU. 4:30 M arrive Watikegan rlr'p'rt 7:o0 an, 4; 0 Tni. (e UrRrrloî 7:30 ani 3:15 ) - a de* : 20 ani 2:55 Pin ...Leititon.... 8:50 arn 2:45 i ....[>îsnrond Lake .. 8:57 an, 235plu ..........rnmer ....9:12 amt 2:2 91, (le I rk urch.j 9:35 Uni 1:5pn .Lr znch.10:05 arn I :40 plu.n .. lirrrgon ..10:80 an: 12:4 Pl pI.... Slrilditig ..12:15 pn: 1l:00 iiir..... rirrerl..........1 23 pnî 7:50 ani .... liifeldj...3: 3à pu: 8.*0 ani ..... liîî,..........4:15 pit Jiwe 4î v uIaMm,. G UT' k. WiJI hold, their en. their (uexd dGrounds a, Septepnber 81,2 2 The Soeiety This YearOlfen, GREATER * ÀTTRACTIC Than.Ever Before. The Lake Oounky, En1joyis Che best Reputationi Offeris the largeait' Premix- Always payg;Premiums in. Purses and Premiu Î at the LAKE COUNTY FAIR, September~ 20 and 21, 1894. Entries cl-ose Saturday, .1 at 8 p. m. 5 per cent. Entrance. Additi 5 per cent, ta Winners. Distance ru les of 9t SEP7EMIiI~ . Ž~PTRBER o. EIllEMENR iRl. 3:09) Class trottinfir 2oi84 'i-y'r-olti clas trot.$15o 2-yr-old sto4ke rame Farnen rae. 5 :38clsstrotig, 00 2:4i l.a tm g 2arner rce. 7z . 2:38 cfral a ctr . 209) Fre- for a)l~ut 2:28<iaa toltrîg 2> l Fue or-il lic. 2)(i 2:33 Clasa trotting. là*, -Purses AIwvais Paid, Guaranteed by a large Fund in the Treasuryùrs Thie societys track is one of the very best haif-mile courses in the state, splendid soil and well thrown up turns.. For further particulars see entry blanks or apply tc- 0. E. CHURCHILL, Sec'y, Libertyville, 111. Y O)U lqfNF411DNAL*:Y. The Lake o ollty Indopendent Proposes to issue a Daily Editi during the Lake County Fai r Libertyville, Sept. 18, 19, 20, & This wMl be a rare opportun for Advertisers, as the Daily ýý have Free Distribution fo ur da' and a copy will be inserted ai supplement to ail subsoribersi, Our several weekly editions of 1 ADVERTISINC RATES., One ýPage, Display, 4 days- S2 Half Page 64l6 Quarter Page"66 " On eOolumin &" HaJ.f Column "4& " Quarter Col. "" One Inch, Local Notices, 10 Cents Per 20 per cent. additional for front P4. Special PositÀon. Each display ad. will -UF,-1 notice, free. Those carrying display ads. caù lOcals at 5 cents pr une c Ofi M j' Nol a tifll Me