tbeMý brftd ciPEI 44 e f og memty 1h pr gee t t1h. rameand Faret Fics.mî i 0 Atan .. .... ....... î owardam the homes whito aeltered claoo pont ..................40 wivas and éatera. The sto*7 la one ci Totl_..........................4"horror,lilghtened %e iii sncb torleî i ______are by actea of hroism. PhysiclauaetI Ai IN Y IR . i]CKK4oBEPOXTS VBOM RINCKLEY Duluth Who have beeau te thé acene of JJDGED IN BY FI E.th tré ln Pine Coly leattend te the Detuction Wroi. ltb~ ismes-Tr&i ln urcŽd a»vif the deathin luother amc- R( ___________ v.rtakelà .nd Dt.troFsd. liÔns are ln arlytbliig 1k. proportion lu of the many reports received lbe to those ln thewmetlon wbich tbey vis- the tIineteenTawnl in Three States -o3t terpible sud slcke-ning co2meî ieu the liai of the 1out wiU b. lu- thro Wle Ot rom, lne ,Mian. Saturday asUer- crea-e~d temore trau 1,0M toui w1pe Ou. acn te wireeljllpedlot e tile The country betweeu Outouagon an 1ev4 town wih the auddenie o! a, thun- Channing, Mich., whloh ta fullif um- tholi derboili. Wib bt lepi thb. ame ibr cam~ps sud .oesl the Iowna oi je came lk a whirlwild wh snob force Rockland, Port, and Groenland, buap lae ~Ifti O9" t i ta trts. or In«* te the.that trees several luches lu thicolum beeu eut off f rom outaide communies,-iILI wmb oas, te m.1> e b ..ýmum or ewere îwist.ed la Iwaia as if they Lsd tien and ilt e àfiared aimoat the sntire day wib*-W"m - 11ele, -In Tisbeen tOOtâi plka.Flrebranda we.'e section haa beeu burueci over. Haina duni *~~~"~ ~U OT1 U1I5 ~ hured into the air andi carried eighty tl la he b.Aahland, Wl., district and Doi e<mmbI# 'tesa t miWapiag flAil8 rizd.. cnly 0f ait sud tart uew confie.- ohecked îteéidames there, but lu other Ince X@4 a vme 0 a b Iakws7 Esmins grattons. The Rire-fighters- gave up places, notably ne r Biackley, where bav, -.UM" élCbalrity Q*eku ai Werb. but 1he batis and turned thelr attention the gpeateâtIjo-e ô! Ilite occurred, th. deel MIA 1.01 Drto, 10 o eaal aalety. An Eastern dovîfali was net heavy enou4l 10 Le thei Mnnesota train hal just coule lu, of mLàterlis service. the] aud the people flocked to It for saretv. The luhabitauts of Herinanaville, It i Box-cars wre couplit on and ln Mlch., wreobstiln- wih the lire tru ibeforet trejl n Mnneotaandan instant amoet we flâan cov- Monday night sud the reporta made il fo Wtaéauman am. something terrible. A1 ered ail over witli msu. women, and apilear tbat, ihe town wa doomed. 0e8 *a district h baben swept by fire cbildren. The train barely pulled oui SIpoouer, WUs, les naîtto the east ofaihei tli ou»cme amot as euddenly as a' lutiLme snd sucoeded lu reachlng a gre il tarritory of burniug forests. ay. eoom, a dosai or more ctles and Duluth- Aboutethe sarne ime an se- A uhangre of thbc nd ta the west may the bowni havre beeu deslroyed, hur-dreda itommoati' train ou the H uckley amean the destructi. n of the town. 111hIt1 cf ive hve een101 sd touand asd St Coud branch of tb. road toit Lake. Taylor C-uuty, Wl-., bas been Wl ivpepl have been etande homelads. the later point. Iae rouie lay direct- saded te the l'ai o f tonus probably cor %JusdétiWls o! the calamity are aîmpîy 1 acros. tbe pah o! the tire, and lu a demlroy. d. teIls5j) Inhabitauts are Le- of t 1e1ort lIme the train vai ilua de3s.erate leved to b. hcm3lesî. sud fears are the upulln sd t.slrye~dLater situation. Soks almosi blinded the entertainEd thai many have îcet their Wb ItlinIthe dispatiches in aixuosi wiih- eng ieer. Th eàwonre buralng andlilves. Fires are reporteà on the line il t ~wadfin h ie record of Ibrili- r~ warpiug. Buraing trees ver. iy- of the Northwesteî a between Conmon- Tbi aif4horrible Incidents& In sddl- ing acrlas the tr.ock and were ! lin zwealth uaud Meucmineo. The. rau wb tieu te tte leo! Ut. sue ad the destrnc- dashed &Ade t-y the oengine. - uldenly m tsibe heavy &a.d videly extended ta lui Iloofomsan elallhmebsepe-the tracke gave way aud the tran extingu tîh thoroughly bthe ire over ing Ueuting uaes aityn treprhe toppled laver. Fortuuaiely no on. vie the territory etuh reported te b3 burn- gro valuabieutimehavt iidesred lu ijured, aud ail on i oard hurrled for- lng. sc of vtuale tmbe hae beu det y ard to PokeKamasiathu which *a; The relu cloud that deluged St, Faul i SI a" lte icuseaWitt b. counitedl only a short distance abead. bara1y touclied with iIts edge the Flue wni bymiikum Te try of the struggle,j The condition o! the people who diti County district, and witb the increased Wi SILIsu eah rnarrer escap3 o!f not get away from Hinck:.v on the velocty of the wi nd thora le great the inusdafpopel the fire-anepi train for Duluth nas ptiable. Wagon;i danger that the cen3s of horror will ne district lu Mnnesota aud Wisconsin aud bug2 les were hurriedi,' illed i it'b be repe iied. A maIes a Iurid and thrilling narrative. women acd ch'dren, horses wore AIr, nvood, Midi., lhe citizens ex Da, -~ - -rac Theury of a foct tire in a dry ses- 4-5 ean sona l not ta t. stayed by man's lu- pF-t n qemity.lu tb3 old pratrie ires mess- IST UIS ,.tS RI i>A turca coud ba takenltetaru the tide of d»eion, but before the tierce buazes -l et the forestlîman tandsaun heip.ese j.IC'A't-E ON , . w1.e, as gare the victime of lise Johutownu ofii Aloid. Rallay l'aine are overtaken, b 1t~<~ ~S .- al whole towns ewept out of existeuoi, i; > igotated home3 bj the score or haun- J- /SL~£ drel burned. leavlg no traeeof titiekKit ,whooecupled thora, said a wîde exieni ,,.etV '- ef Cunr! blaokeued itesadesert. This Z q opt 01 ias teé story in brief of tie irfes i " s 'NEb Minnesota sud Wisconsin. 'i~ ~~ io Thé tirkiliehd averytbiug lis L 0-~)~ ~ C ownxway snd b¶s legions vere trium hi e Vêtant. Hluckiey. Partrld ge, ierr .< ' L'"Ca Sansdtone, Mausfield, Dediam. ou the r l Ç N i Great Northera. Barrouetti, Ai.el Lake hiâ.7s on tle OmahanPoplirunthe '. Q -' Ysy Ok.. GaIurday nlght and Su -day. wth the êI s -exception of Sheli Lake, where onty ih] *11, hboustes are burneld. It ii not ps- DUN cibla 10 give auythiiur lke accurate tit detaIs, but tlo Iof airIle sud RA 0MCLR~ po.,plyhaboeenterrible. The tires V .,^ * ,>u ,e J o etl ileil fa the foresta. th 1 lvrati s bwag iteSuiday lgil, &nud lie IMP . TUE BUUNED DSTiIT l~Aa itN Ilraug suddenly Imb a fomIabeUesu isp w ith almont Ueavy DP 'U Il. thiT n T.,eDestroyei. _____ai]_ y benssocl eiflyhsruessed sund lu thse vehicles ploded dynamite ai the topaff s maun- k lcg tatis ln their path. The wo. il 2M poople did the town, wth tie I re tain in the hotte o! rtrI giug r o d ueelaal flereported from Hiuckley, MiraitlataIthelr heels. Over a bhll ail rosti bridgesansd viaducta u inai a 1Uine, and v:ciuity. The e.t'mate o! they e teta siwamp. hoplug that Pari o! Michigan are repartedl de- 311. lâ s 01 lite lier.sud lu tb. aur- might prove the r salvatioi. ils i e strosel, aud etories of greal lose o! b, roù»dlug townn la belng Iucreaaed by crowd resched the edge o! the moraffl lite un I destruction of praperty corne joveryseport- ltis said thaisl-ewns&long thiey were . ortsken b.' th 3 lsmes and fron Wataiseveet, Hurle>' sud the qi ,cetone street of lnckIey the bodiee ait va o ;er. Witis s last desperale wlioe cgel. b- regi o. a of twnty-nire victime nere fouud, effort the burnlug human beingi 'itle awiuuose 8o! the desolation t wblla in alother spot tbe charred and ruhcd into the lower portion of thse which strikes upon the eye o! thse ob- hl .jr.egiiabe emluof 103 ctizen» esmp, but lie lire pur ued Iis victime server ai hie reacbes the, camp wvicisti Werla cesmieti. A ow estImat. 0f lhe sud not a Bout vai lofit ote ll the tale. was e he ticw nu a! iloc iey le stili ce à Iinsl thal townu&Ion, la *10w Ou Sunday morniug 1,ffl corpses nere mare strongy imp e-eod on bis visionul p laIt 300 persion]. Scores o! othOrs c.uuteid ou a apace of but four or liv. as lie travele north ward. Tiset moeleit vert dlaooverel severely ln,'ured, acres. About 10J romainedl near liai4Il! ted, i-ev enîlur s landscape bar. a elille 41b. IHA o! miselug vas lu the Hlnckley and look refuge lusa gravel- açd black, t..c 'ew standing tieed bu- Z liàadW&da. lal believed that at toast pi saving tîcîr ives. ingciarred ta a teicit o!f frty feet, br 600 Victimeamareon the f ari sud clear- liciTl n, ..i a ,.nwnile the groviud le o! thai peculiar ai bInga lrouoio-xl the hbuttdistrict. itAbonsn io ihgn The. bs. of- life lu . nd sb:ucl Hiuck- One o! tie metthrilliugstorles ibaltîtfbrn ndmxd ihgu-î bey Si4toue, okeqdma, Skuk [Lake coume f rom te Hiuckley '-onfiagraton ponder. for i he graiss bas býen bcried ni "-ibsin Crek will not b. kuowu is tht of the fate o! a train wh:ch ltoi vn ta the roite. A rd horesudtere, 01 laif ve. Te sriivos vr.Duluth for Hlucklej'eti2 o'lock Satur- in the 1H aki r a-sy b rrcices ot km f oe,. Te urvvos coeuntyl la anwsrslu fq .eeo ine City, niere physicians day afternoou Shortly citer'l in C yi l en Ibu is ie aroidn 4»4"a for theeluîurd, vhlle relief Duluth the smoke &long the rallroad 0, fadeuwae trim from Duuth, luonaspteansd irack becams t Iid hil as Impos- fleet feet lied net beu able tu outrun e1 slsried lu tente0eltbng, food slble,.te ses 100 yards aliead. The 1h3 fames, or o! n huinan being who .iveryh1ngneca ry tecover the darîness lncreàaed sud the lampaefinlied been ahëluiely powerle s agalusi vataetfhe auferlug aurvîvorsP. Very the ciaches nere iIL Soon It nes as the. grim detlro> r. 1er persousa -e lefi f1 indI.>'. bîscl as mîdiglit sudthe train nas gtSî OJ' cl- il- Sruv.c o! rowos lv'p.'I Ost. il!ed nl thlie suffccting inoke until- Nleee ret. ie or ili ise cud i n ietfitnu relon e aethe passengers ver. ga3ping for Seorra of the V.rtirn% Iiuriod witbout s lia lçedou, idIh ropberb>' 10"5 Le heard off t101he rgit o! lie train Iunlthe nter of a burned aud dotaa- E Veasches S1 ,O.X,O 0. Foiîownitle an sd the eucourauement tie traluimen tated to2-5 square moiles stands a green fi liaI et tonus desrayed: oitered the passengers feU ou beedless spot uniourhed by flamci. Ils grass b Baar. Bamneit ivatY. ut».cars. Chldien began crylug aid naves genth>' lu th. hot nînds tiaar îe e Ba,~~rr.a counîr. Wl.. shrleklng as ihey cluug in terrer la sacep . ng acic-s theo tricken laud; is t 0s4)111 . Cbippen Cenaiy, Win. their mohers vhifell on their kuees sîmpi.whitownîhed loe. eau bec eeu itseIdà. pin@ Coutiy.W.. lunlise saies prayîug for deiversuce. for miles. t ila God*s acre, 0Birch- &sAiaLse, Hrroei Ceuty. Wîi. The people ou the train bâtd no wood." thecocmetery lu whth le Peo- Oraau, . umuett C<tutv Wle. knoviedge o! tie de-truction o! Hînck- p'e o! Hînel ey lNid sway their dati. SAen»dCut. in lev vhlch wns. then lu prog es@. B> Borne fresl o!flise ninti, as tise (.mtm ,et liveConî. MInI. Cîtizeus loeei from the tricken tiouXitle.e cny, the nave o! tlir. XMaNP. =ÎenI~5d Conty, Wis.tenu tigged I e train sud over 150 enepi around andi eparet i t. And there iiae.Pla e uty. Xian.crazed asudliai! burned monand womlen lie survivj)rs3buriedt ieir dde" lb y t M e ahta Linly. Wn. borded tb. cars aid begged th e train- lien no' nbose bodies biey nere Seeta anDo letail Cont7. Ws. men to pull Ledk to Duluthi. Wiii the placlng b3weali Ithe Lod, but loiroasctii a, RetIt Ceunt. MieIL . eed of tise vlud tise ire rai comiug ebarreti carpse, for esch i dsrnmbered PruCe~ In. !rom Hluekey, vhîcb vas ouly a mile bixi'thoere asa a woî d o! prayeP. Tisat Cri' teretone ere epoted uasd a bal! ana>'. Engîneer Boot of the vas alI. There nai no lime for ex- dager lat, - Suda 1nlit, Cadott, il-rated train put ou aIL st3am sund sent tended services. The ttsmes Ladl atieur Cblp;rewa ,Fal 1Wls na urI iiitrain epindg b.d tons 'd Duluth. piayed cruel tInde swîtlheir vicfti recde b> nmesn sd tsepeolea! ws tclaies. Tic tirena3s siter land the biazing @un, nhlch abone cml Fs alla went ote ereacue thn8a . The roar became louder iercel>' Ibraugh a baie o! emoke, l en- niIfalemGo -d uenc came tUaansd louder. lu a moment tie red glire dereti ex -cditiim nuecessary. lté townao! Washburu, 'Wiears bureit on th vîew o! lie f rantlo pas- ior tiore te wiom t'iecltre Lsd beau litala>'!ro Asiland is nual>' een re. The train vas flyiug under a more merciful lunot utterl>' 1 ilfl aay Bu aiierreprteareliI lb. i7ha o! iteaus, but lie tir. vas oui all resemblance ta hîîman n 5 lames elseniere are Incr.asing thelr pursuing 111e iightniug. sd'ho a i denlirieil b>'relatives tut, *d are nov sdvsncilu mbthe1 Soon the flam!s nere dancing et tho ordfrieund-.,-.eseparate resting-place titrs 'tui frees Cl c Aalau su t~ iRida o! tLe wnndows. Tte àgas balgan .1 rovîdeti. Thee ws no lime bo digr JETgRNITY 0OST NOTHNG. luableu sement Thrigk b Irele- ."torriSu Mi 1nd5Mb hla Iba flaa&or nsu-TheRa. .u llevAbaa i. <1le5. o' let. Dr. Talmatge, vholsallll absnt lb. South iPacifie, bas sel.cld a subject of ibis v.ek'a sermnon agh. epreas"Tise tencué," the, ~o.. being Acta xvi, 31, "Be- ve on lhe Lord Jeans Christ, sud )u elialtLe @i." Fleare dariteduti, damp, loatbwesu wee aeu nov, buitque, ve. rse b. apoutolle Uies. a mnaglfe. 10. yre are standing lu lise IPbhUibbpl ngeai. Do vou not fel lthe chili? voirnt ibear tie groana of ltose' ercerated ones@viso for touf jears 'ea net ceu the sunlight ad. the pll sigl% of nomen wuno reméuMber air !atier's bouse sud meura over ir waaled estâtes? LUSte0ii seau. l tise cougi o! a cousumptive or tLe -uegie of oue lu bUe ulghtmare o! a eat barror. You lUsien seausuled ar a cuhpnit, hie chahna ratiling as rois over in is draesand von y. -Gad, pli>tith pnsaluer." But irel leanother scuud lutisaIprnl. le lie sang o! jo>' sud gISduoss.a 'bat a place t a iug lu! The music nos windlug tiroug tie corridors the pri son, sud lu ait tie dark nard'a i niisper la heurd: " Whai's thate? hal's 15sF?" t la tie seacng o! Paul and SîaS9. le"Y'lo anletle. Tisey haebeeu .îppe:d-,ry badlj vwhîpped. The ng '<asies on their liedks ara bleed- «y et. Tbey lie fRat ou lhe cold muud, Iheir teet ftin luooden lkets, sud o! course bhey cannol cep. But thecon eusing. Jailer, hai are you dolng nîttis e people? is>' they have been put luntDere! Oh, iy have been tryiig te mal. the. orld botter. la tiat ai? Tisai lea it. Spit for Josepli. A liou's cave for aniel. A blaziug furnace for Shati tcb. Ciubs for joisu Weley. An aamiema for Filipp Mlelaclsthan. dungeon for Paul sud illes. Au 3*rtiquake $bock,. [But cile ne ner. standàiin utise loom ofthtie Phillippisu dungeon, sa a liear tbe mîgit>' mîugling voices soli sud groen sud blaspisemy sud ,leluah, auddeuly au cartisouake! le iron bars o!fItie prison tist, lie LIeam crack off, tise solld nmaaoury bc- in te heure, sud ail tise doors swnug pen. Tise jailor. leelinrg iimaulf r.. posible for tiese prisouers sud bc- iving lu fils pagan ignorance, suicide :be honorable -ince Brutus klhed msel!, sud CaloIuld bmalf, snd is§ius kille i mef -putis is arord jhis Ownheart, proposiug niti ýni troug, keen tisrust te put au endti is excitement sud azitatIon. lut lul cries out: "Stop, »top.,1)o tiy- ilf no harll Wc arc auitiere!" Tien f1ee" thc jallor runuiuf rougitliadust sud anid lb. ruin to bat prison, sud I se. hlm throning dira9l! doat atlie feet o! liese p is ,nrm, cr.ying out: ,What sal, edo.' Vtiai ait 1 do?" Did Paul saner: 4.1t oui o! iis place be!ora utere te sother eartbquake. Put liaudcui id hopples on these otier prisoneni et the gel aay?" No nord o! tial itd. H4is compact. tbrillîug, tremen lus answer, momorable all througl unit and beaven, vas: "Belheve or le Lord JeaseChiste, sud thon oiri be saved. " Wall, wene at, ihressi o!the earth quak. aI Lisboa, lu Lima, lu Aileppx îni lu Caracas, but ne live lu a lati tude nliere ln ait our meuson> tisert bas nol ibeau ou. sevene voicanic dis irbauce, Andi yet ne liste ieeu f earîhquales. Here la a main o ha beau buihdiug up a large fortune. Hi bid lunlie moue ymarketw»vas til Il tie large citica . thi h. hoa aIro hayond l lanuoylug riva!P, osIl trade, and i. maye te imel, "N<Y% au frae aud safe freim ait possble pou turbalioa." But in I'tiY or hn 18.3 natioual panic striions the foundioi ofthe commes-elal nor-d, a&td crisl goes ail tfLa, magnlliceut businesse-3 tabliment! Rare la a mien vise las built np 'or>' Leautiful hon.e. HIs daugitei have just corne home !rom, tise Som Dar>' wiii diplamas of graduation. Hi sono have started in life, Douetl, Ici f rate sd pure. Wicn tic evenir igits are atruel, tbeere ls a iappinct and uubrokeu famil>' circle. But tise hsabecnu naccident dora atIlon Brinci. Tice young mai vauiured V anr outinluthe aurf. The .telegrap buricultlieteru-or up te tis e cl>. A eartbquiske strucli undimr the !ouuld. tfono a! laibeautiful borne. Trot and 11451801,& The piano closei; fluee cirlaii droppeti: the laugister linaliet. Cra, go ail Ibo8e domestic hapeq sud Dri pecle aud expectations. So, myftrent ne have ail toi1tfice sbakingz down some greal trouble, sud thon-e ra trne rien ne vere as uiuch excite as tbis man afthtsexte. asn e criq out as ho diti: "Wisai shah 1 d, What sbail 1 de?"I The sairne roj ibat tb. apostie made te hlm la i proprîste t'a us. "Believe ou tils Le J.esua Christ, and t-hou shaih ho saved There are somne ocumenta f o! elItt importance liai you do not care ta e any more than yaur Isat name und the., or even your InitIs, brtflihe am- Borne documents of Bo grseal impo suce ihal you nriteoutyour fuill use se the Savions lu soma parts cf t Bible la caîhed, "Lord," sud la 011 parts o! tL. Bible Hoeta cs.lled 'Jesuf sud ia other parts of lie Bible Hi POSé, u tu- odesai' iuii vsn edfcr ChrIst toittheli-D.Y nf thé chikirea te corne te LIm. i'Suffer b h*ulëgut* utIle ublidren le comae pute me "n. detà .iTherelAi set apolan te telb. hlin. t vus about I1 Wb e apolea tetise dîiooilea. 'h.childiea and rd nu ff 1 tO came readif>' enougb vîtheul m si- «e, iOfrz taion. No sooitbr did Jeans appear nsuyree etce thaen the lutIle oies juuiped fro noirei' t" îî,.ne de, ne, va ao- inoihers' arma, aut avalanche O! beaut>' d><.ng roun bsls. su - aud love, lite Lia la>'. Christ ddno& etletbsosa n a boudmdeti s. t9 agi John te put bis ho" idownsen Ris vriule e!théheu idnil l4" b it' basoi. JoLn could net belti but putt drillsalup qui curi lu the toennr 551 hboned thora. I supposea alook l euaçChrist *hall bevilt un. Ieiqs Christ wuasnt te leva hlm. amost-to ?i.aonse ultl'r. a tractive M "e1Why abrnso!daL nsa hrs lb.>' sav Chistt out Lngaaqlte hrrr fme. I wd ne htst *W l*ç etruel, th*e!rau la ir *unes, Mda caet.of u'ild lisaitnos , liey nnaspe up tainlr vu"Mas ies thon lt b earae qulcl as lb.>'00coud u iugitl themrsîL WT out that [ne rnlgbilook aetesho. Oh namtu be u viting. 50 cheorfig a1 ve home A land put sara>' thé, n s very h 30 lb aat oemins o!1lte oveah alil ees verýe brought ouI, <bld Hé iresae legs lgbed b su>': "Do netbring beforeid.eltes. le bae mou u 11e [elnl b me.11 ores. Do flot trouble Me vlth thèse l aém -ad on bu e laprosiea?" Ne, ne; there wva 5111d eaist Dastb. lolk; thon. vwu a génile nord; theré Andi am I Io Le put off for lbotzaa.d vwu a LealiIg teuci. 'Pie> coutld set or ye.na lu a dsnk place, wno ue oe keep saa>'front Hlm. îspésit te? .'Whoun-the holidaemcoMMU 1 tilul hene are mmny iyider lbe la- I"ad thé glits are olslnlbute,abafl '1 Rluence o! the Spirit o! God wvie &Me1iadd ne o ylte $L. Merny-CbnlatmuV' aayiug: "1 viii truai Hl lb y ou viii or tLe "Happ w N erYar?"'Ah, de ony tel1 me hon." And liheat net pinlt ?dora 10tlté Lblla lb. 'ï9 questiou asled b> Mai>' la: "Hon, groundte, grave, aud oSil fi àbeau*. how*e" And while,1I seryolir quie$-s.tfli plac.Cé nlé5l thora e ne ns- llon I looki up sud nîter tie prayer pefhîabursal hlumination 1 chuddér uck whlcb Rowland HIIIseoettionutierat inlufromt IL.My nboie nature revels et tise midaet o! hie sermons, "Master IL.But» ber lia glonlea um p id jbip" Han are you te trust la Chrli? liftai aboyé lbe graveansd &Ilthe rerreot ~dhr£nen la goue, aud the ns>' la cloer Jusis. an rontsîyon. Youbrot, look lnto it tnov nitbout a single vour parîfler ln u uiiec nuL h iport- deat. my Nn mey inxleiy 1. ual aiU" sut thlngs. If a commercial îhoaxleselalia Iusa' 1v glîe ou a note payable tire. motis Wa oe ethr nayhnt onc, ýouexpcttise peçseut ofbai Chili me lu thé ]estbour if Chris note at the end o! tiraismontisYu. Vonondm hesir fbi w have perfect confideaceilu hbelr nord va> rut elecito i r andtiIheir sbiiity. Or. again,vson go gmu-menl? Whai darlosaeulaUup- homete-ay.Youexpei uero îîîou my eyelldm ihen, amîdttihe aveuly 4 be food on tise table, Yeu have ciifi- dajie thon. Bckte tInil ol er o 1 dolicentien. Bodtesiiy-ca tenhave denc luiba. Nv, Iaslsoute avedarknosc, hou robuer oftait thée ootb. tie samte confidence linteL-t Jeans Fly, thou dearoiler of familles. With -ICbrfa9tYlfle e-sys,' o 'fjev ' laIe îleax1 ber Ihe. lu train fro. ana>' your aoi. ia n t eare sutmIen liemet te saudal,thie voice o! Christ a3 >. bl"îu 8,ioo.itsouuedlug aIl over the eus-lb and rail any iîtor el Bor. rsd mY Bthbregis the heavens' "O deati, 1 gle an; more? Befon. Ici-y or m7 t vili buthy piague. O gra'ý . e. I iaiho 13.1ev. nu ithl Sour icart nd Sou are saved. Why, Christ la only rait- fo b. caved te 0 al. p ni>late figto el u-d o' niI yn i. ~presenlie o! Christ. You kuon niai scorses of ieopie ever>' day. Whimt lansvsuo h s-ihnhp» - ihat? Confidence, If hhese peop ho emadie ever> hanse b. meut luto, w vom voit trust dey by day are more and vbei hé bning uns up te île bouse - nrtby liai Chriat, if tUe>' are mare Rlu voltonsor eamsiciln b. or gIo faitul than (Christ, if lie>' have doncteHî bco as mor& e orlatoiai lof Imore than Christ evor dit thon rive tierhoiso. ardli niltisof ratorios o! lieu lbe.preferencc, but Il Sen roalir lontv alcute .k aht thluk liai Christ is s. Irustworty s>' 1 iii eMorescence. Jeas laistise chie! Ihaete n lvtsHma ar'binera o! beaven. We allai fe te e 'Oth,saresthondmi ou.lu imaslgi va>',vr face liaI beameti mympal inl "I bellevo, -, Botl=ansd taire tis e ior' atta 1 oivtisaiChrist wns. bo ir.njdrop>ped ilus bloodtintmle.short bossu Bethlîehems, aid h1Wilaya liaI He tled thec lh,1wtt "dl an lise cross." Do Sou belies-e t i - ! etross. Othhim.voaut ma%.ba Sour beatilin yaun beau-t? ' rîlilllu,- b hi>' nuL hlm. rdTh or d al br-n traiethe ietloence. Yeu are launr I @hu allbegiad w n I aale lu bis 9Ownuhanse, lu thse morniig 7ou openlîeea ea uercpepen, suna>voitreat n on Cap- l Olos. ilued b fl.aia.. tain Bravehearî on irte m9« riaked hies h -knhatdmnadwmn lifo for tise salvation of!bisi.paseugers . ooa-ereimiat enu SYeti ca>: "Wbal aa grand bloie hon ureet Itluol na t tgooti laid cmuat have been! Hi* tamiliydeservea 1wtepour aIo! yonr hardahuis endi h.- «Sver'nl flecuir'"VnfI e mente ail loaes luto th. letlng tise nersDsper sud caidit; at lbe r of christ4anth lon ).ave Hlm es- table snd perliapo do Dot Ibink a!-iaiplain vit>A wu rasot for Son te be leicietagain. That la hi»torical j iel. and wnvi' Ilvas est fer yen te be en faiîh t nidorod, aud ni>' l ras be or W-oit saved 1>7 VsiUi te ho péraéculed. and wryis>'ilu sbest But non >ou are ou lie »sansd l la 1 for yen t0 e etri et and have Hlm peint tnîght, sud 'ou are aal.ep, anti yen are te man eiévatilou ropetonata le youn Oî anakeneti by lie abrel k tre!"'dquedebr.caug o n! Yeu rush out au lhc teck. you heur. feradti nthme ou earih; coae ni>Dow re amîi thse ringing o! the baùndead anti Le glonifled nitU me lu Miasen." a- tise falntlug, tie dry: "No hoe. ne Soe oue vent lita a bouse visere 50 ba! Wi- are bait, ne are test:' 'he thon. hati heen a gocti demi o! trouble usma.uts ont ils nlnf o! ire, tis e npes and mal teth le roman lieu-e, "Yot 1 air aburning latder ilahe lb e m onuelT e,"@omd i» beatona, tis el'irlut o! vreeke igil te "I temise "Yec,"ain mald. as the w va e, and on liceih urricane d c ji sulta i-?" - n y m ef" "H ave O U7 1 ishakos outitls banner o! am"ke j j at ny chîldue""Ibisve hdarlues. "Down viii tie lifel-eets:" clidren." "IWiere are tite>'?" rcries tic capî.fn. -Down it thtie "C-ne" "Ail gone"" "Ail." -'AU a lteboats-" People rush imb tbcrn. deail"' "Ail." Tieseereatheti a )u Tue hoate une about full. Boom eouyI>' Sg inlte tise louelinca. antisali, eh ter one more man. Yeu are staashng 'IIOir, 1. have b. on a g6od niethOr'ý a- 00othedock bosido tic captaîn. te tiii>e t Who oaisl l i e? N'onor tbo cap. Aid @olisere are heurts boe. Iba a tain? Thc captiain saya, "Yon." you are utterl>' broken dovu b>'thebe L- ers juunp antiaro sas cd. Be staiaatisere reas-ementé of lite. 1Ixpont Soie te-day il- astid os. Nowvoit believe tisai Cat. te tLe olernal balrn o! Heis-cn. Oh. 16 Bravi-beau aciiceti himsel!fuIj1is agat mon aid wno have knel4: In- passengers, but you believe Ih niti s ttrontofo!grace for Ilirtevtere ire laie. vitteicars. ru isot anti long years sd tn wnUl nat iSour de repi--i asâ cantînneti exclamations, wnu grief ai Inde change !or tic icaîs o! a eu ,re bis lose anti ja>' t 3eur tielivorance. rien voit corne te lolk face te fae-ý 11g Tisat tla aving fsiîis in other varda. u1ponfiim rhOm 1iavlig nUt sean Ycu, ,O niatitîubelieve nis aliltise heart lova? Oh. Ihat niliîbe ucte OI1sbap. ph sud blileve in regard to yourself. ou Lord, cet ot ithle nîgit and ratoi- 'ý, tuis bingo turne my sermon -ctic iug te leoi t! tIi'.vlves, but nith la- salvation o!fjSour immortal soe'u You tise lama recliuing on the sunit bMIL Olten go across a bitire Se'o n lon Tat viii Le lie Cavtalu o! our saltv- uothiig &bout. You do net knor nWho lion. net amhiie -e rosuad crash «M& ins but tise bridge, you do nlot kun niai boom o! battue, but a i i ils dlahagided Ih matertal h les madeofo. but voutcamne te troope keeping victorinlos tétithya' va. il sud raloor ih anti al o usi-Tisai nil be tic Bridegroom etf la, tions. Anti here is an archetinbride- bui-ci comlug frous afin, tise o! nlasie fotmhis."Rock o! Ages" lantieaning upon hgls au-m nhile hc ma bu.il b>' tic Architedt o! the wbele dora Inte her face aidas,' "Bah cal univei-ee, spuuing tise dark guI! t,.- tsouiailtfair, my love! flehold, cd tween sin anti lre ousucas, ant IalI art fair." o? Godan515 >oiiis toalailsramis , an A Nais-Drkvng Toursoey. 51>' you siant, an 1 you corne te fi, sud yeu p- stop, sud ot go a liii eons>' on, nd A Femele Columblsu C ar, ud S'on stop. anti 3-u tal bock. su)1 yen siip Contest"' ras a novel test .' 1exporiment. ioneu Ba,, "Hon do 1I1au oniertalutrient gitan not Mle Inon tisat bridge will hzout me?" lu- 1ince.a% Allen Methodiat I-p put slead of marciing on nith iuatrm slci. Churcis, Souths Stecîtnai- er asîlomi no uueslieus, but teelng thatNîgist wnoen euteréd tise re tie trengti of bic eternal (.55,1la unu- aid eehis sdeclet oui, lua a yt- den vont. 110 Oh, vas thore ever a pi-izepeee capi sud carLentier's apron. he so cioap asmpardon andi isaven are et- each vos u pin. plunk, dorsi er !ercd te yau. For hon much ý A mîh- a line had been trawn. Eaui es l" fou dllau-s,' Il is4cerlslulnorth more lestant ras armed nis a ha alum tian.tisaI. But ciesper thatisa an sd aea O! nio! nulle.Thée lm1 lui ia ro luit ove po 00. ii