Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 7 Sep 1894, p. 7

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Do re a the tortur in îth net. 1 O0Wi y la the 0f the eveaeqli 3mDd about ime. ;off for tioasMde tee, vitb nonue Io le hoIldaJ cm»n derry -ChrhstmaV' r Year>,' Aht, dei th. hole la tise A>4 ad cali il a beau*' lier. be nomue su- ion 1 shutider bock settiie revlts et glorione iasnp id rave, anti aIl lUiS dth le vay la cloei vIthout a single .uxltty laon ua b»S tllat 1 May lr. Bre le snvthint ta ml hour il Chris aesklrl of bis own ,rknem ea lU up. ,> amid lthe beavenly to thy cavezra of or of aï,the earth. of familles, Wlti thea ln Ivain fro i. voice of Christ r lb. earth tnM mns "0 deati, 1 0 gra-. o. 1 wliùbe vake tîp ln th.e You knov wien etrîl how happy ise he vent lint, b us up te bI. boune il @hall Su o-àr gice! Music lun Ibs thaI ithe oratoriosç of of banks dasheti Jeue la tle chief W. $hall see île ho V'erythat <Sm the short boom trant te "a lu Tovard th&% bar- Il th.t goa [run, Thon 1awake lu bis ,et mon anti voien, e la liat goond land hariuahips sudi be- ses 'Into the loving lien ).&Te Hlm ex- est for you to be s euit for yen t0 be It vas beai for yoti 6nd vhy il vas lest andi have Hlm point porlionale t0 your 6aying, 'lYou ont- ýai-lb coime up nov thi me ln KioaSTOI" na a bousie viere pocd Jeal of trouble oman there, "Yota tIHow mauy ln lb., 135.11." "Have you %?II "I bail sevelu uers are lhey?t ýne?" "Ait., --Al 'hen aIe Sresthed a lonelinesa anti stiti, ion a got mother D ea-ts hers 1het i down by the be- l 1 point yoU to-day M of Heivcn. oh. non u'Is have knel4't- race for tbreeseco nol yottr tiect'eptk~ se loti> of a hem't t ook face t0 fat,. ~aving nut seen yqu ili be the Coolt Sbt~ le woivea, Sut vîth Son tle aunlit MIL. soli)ain of our selva-i rosi- anti crash «M84~ t a, idi ie disbmier ictoriouse f eih.IIý n BridAgroom Of -om afar, the 4 ci-m w hile he Bandesys: 1*t3Be love! fleholti, rinS Touraey. lumblau Ca as s novel feat 4ethodist k4% jer'a apron. Dlank, domi drawa.'- were avarat4 ,vênlY-foursa4 , anner wi" On, ails OI 1,site as hol and aet ail&1 &ne, * am 'J at dk an pr ne en l 6,bi4, h I 3.Mpr cent, e té, jtRiS iIUfljAPANESE TRCVP8 DEFEATU tlon sudoerhevi fth i ~ .~b7 U SEVRAL ATTLS. Icumbered home, occupi by owners am eaud by Il os yI EEA BTLI l «W4,NI,ý811, Sud thtesh omee m.eID.fri Wula do'WDwoffloutcni - Inemubereti for 8S I9,020,83, or 42.07 oftebýdy. Bemember, i vrh.ttgvrAld" par cent. of their val, a e.a bkn In he outryoutitlleofcities ati 11W eaP - Deal-seah Arsie lRporte Pubtfl va ,lue oft he uou61nembsred home. lu ,which causeý ~ z :the ::z m r n - anu$W1,h1a97b6, or sure o Ge 87. Ï0 prer oel f thue value. la tb. other serious ailun OHN lCHINAMAN cOll'" havlng aI'toast 100,000 POPU.- ________ 0___________ alta labeau It, 55,5W> represents tIbe average extravagant. mesa Pille an spmîle. mdeffective. wtpnuptheearth =I Cf eoh cwned and Incumbered les f ane e Over M ofr cent. of the Incumbrance It takes three p warriore At ou on owuesd farms was Incurred in buyiug Ibatla ohnsst~ rosi estatl and maliing improvemenie, The ts Jhng*hsi and over 83I prolict of tbe lncum- of thern~ to go as1 peSangtha Pol brance was for the purpose of buying Chll topéÜW n mprotcig roieal linvest Ba Chin.. tcopiCt tofnoethet Royali r cet. LydIa a- larma attaoked lnîusiessoft.tfle 8 pRoyal 0 the Ja se forces the incumb.-iiuce on homes waa ln- E. wlch bn e curred te oleiur purchase money ai cause they are defic - Plnkhani's Pint-Nang passeis itenorthwest of 10 mK IprNOme te RF,.gs Cores, and eventualsU s eded PCiWn O "Vegetable drlving te Ja-snese front thetroir Rfus ea.f0Cati Troopet.o r"el ~T ee sbt tos tle added that a large number sr w&lmisoTh ei bt 1 Conipound of Coreane loiketu10the Chlnoeo tr'LseB standard, begging for arme and aaking toGov. Peck. of W'l consin, promptly CURES ALL for perisision to forti the adivarce oded the m vement to havi3 the 8tat.e omy in the use oft Alim ntS f Wo en. guard of the ces moiing troopi cal ed Oi J&fl'orce 5801158 oàlimen» of Wo en. .0,againsi the Jar anose. The Chine .regaian uMiNvw o dr an~ the voit foces et ver. r.-enforeed by 4,OCO troupe from ken. The. Governor il ovaIetroubi YI-Chow and the liday foîlowing 100ttalthe g round IhatPo dr ceumaan tW" ttad<ked the Japam lieos aIt hey the municipal author- Roi s aM .O IRowsnCo.. o~oeb~deutaqs.t o vith the t. licte&Jahn- batti net xhauBtel Vcao iq'n il retreste&. Chnes. arm §, thIr iowers Lu Iryier la hm mm emi-, l euof lm thle reportta berar-enforoed by ten trohe laws r- ~a* reuedlte orlti bas ever kaewn. 1400fri s, and ttakedth Ie ative tosmall-poi. and BKILL.ED IN SOFT PHRASES. la abeset lfailble la "Ch c»@&. Il ,0fdes-atithat u1ilite 1ice ad expab TaTunmntrm thea Uterusand theSherifs l",ei 'oî 'h. fest fTramtp Whe Bcd Naver Seea 05,5 1 dv b . htan be al beln usedte te hMetter Di sor Botter Mrroundinige, teomubamTmextent of Iheir powera The tramp, whom the lady of the I.rlg"ow F elngho cid not (51 r(ute bruie blad idmîttedti 10th3 kihen' Ouiln -downFoeilglt. militia to porformn GOVERNOB EUE, table and vas giving a dînner of her â*lq pd4 WWhtand ackobe leil uard duty or enforce a qtarantlne. t wn cookiniz, jus such a plassent- sali silil.ve6aupra" tlcai b7 -13iGovornor came 10 lb la declalon looklug fellow ih absho bcame q ute1 » lm Undt. 5au0t 51t1a m te 05 . aler a consultation with Chief of Po- lnteretoted le h lm. A f ier busy ingabu WU 7viitise lave Usai Enleva the lice Janssen, wtio assured hinm hhat the a hile she ventured i mb conversa-1 sqW@1 SM ài9b hamises se vals, police stocd ready t eforce lion, sa o the fDetroit Frais P 088. sec. the 1mws whenet-er alîp.-aled tuo 'Xou have fnot always beeu n luIis LyM L PWMmWeil PJ% 2 oelby thi bealth o.11cers. and that business, have yoiî<' she asked- Iolae PekeesLJr - in0e*t~l every caue wbere the police hal 'Nô, madîm, bc replied brio ly. Smade au effort toe i3 jhat patients «Ah, 1 lbought go. Yeu havo ee6 were taken to the hoil they bad botter dal, then?" teen succesi The tovereo- alac, Ho lockidat the fi ýploceocf pie :Ind 0 110 988 cONiCL AT NEW YORK AND Vra leareed th ift he Sheriff bad il been bg glass of cold ilk ahe sol down on callodl upon ai al, exc -ptlng in a gon- the tab e for hlm to, fiih on, and lai Japanese, Icho are Raid to bave lol erl wau, Tnet 'cil thon il dowe bils knjle and fork. dy.aa. 4,it-J mec sud thoir boavy baggage. ilt ted cr etho State Btoard of "If you meart b. better asman 1The Chines. advanced tu, Huang- Ii,, ., sl o aliie t ti ster Hotol. ho Raid, tbâ a ve b ot et swayas e. ilowand pansing too near the Tatungansd maies known hOi dec 'sion. The a tramp 1 ilrl -Yes' but If ý ou River, vhore thirteen Japanoie war- euh-re police force wîill ho ire1 if nec.-Béal vbot er da,s that-! bave ever ilhi a lay, veto attackod by the Japaîse» s-ary. and the p )ii menwvill lie or- had plos tinter aurrou'idings thau the osewb 1 openoti tire upon them, ira- deý ed Wo u-e tbe[r cl is and ilk nu- preen. iior that I bave 8urrounded lulictin a loes of sail hundred men merous or cale of ioers. l in 4se Ibis leaiteter things'and he hi sbod- upoun l¶e Chinee. At ebb lideonc the fo ce le nt stîfl c'ent t ýe She ilf will '~I viii sa.v oînphatically Ihat 1 bave soaoday, lie nitit o rts aldlie c, lied Orlon, Bnolp l dep)uties nil.» Andl tht agoOd oman vas so tlîree of the 2. aasi warshil 9 foindsworn lu. Il wi l be th 5poliuy to Iploal t'lotshe aimoiît want-d tuotake themselves agr nul. and were a toi--(lus antine imlc cd ho se, wherever hlm as a1 ermianont biourdeon 5 ward severely damnged b y the lite8 of pasile, aînd fot t ansirt 10 the so -___ the Chinese ail.T he bulk cf la ie hîîspîil cxiiputiiez whcre theo laikeUp1. Tne the Jl ai so forces, It Is forther a- r.iaranîin, autildl1le 1iiu4,-sitle 'loree To the fact that avaý nt of tone in te hystem KNci-iseted, retreat'-d soutîvard, pursued a o now or r c2ia e, i : theCicty. late b.el il of approaciegdiseaee, hoate or by the ( bine"e cîvali-v un.i night invalide have adopted ltaI certain mess of! Ea-ifinp orct and Improvemeut cisudtoppid thlatlersaà,1 tin. Cene re1l THE NEW GRAY GABLES. seîf-reecue Iloc tipendîng danger. Hotet m0" toprscnal ejo jnîveu îeh, the <h motte commander, thon tCra Stomach Bitters. Thts beutgn-ut tonte, tIn tIers hcand ny vfile vore, . màae ia de oreand tcmpedheJan Prtdo CIvld.IeattcSîstelyi r tr'otes. teln nrdtuary delr .digestion and urlhnolhrsad eooy lfe orevuthe-ein îe rer. cmpîîoîyrou:rigk.-.rC.asstiiation, throughitvtch the bond te fer- -eenditure, by more promptly te m and ca pt a:iing I uagri 0oVv. P-eaidont (-o e a d ltt once M11100 tilzed anditmaie trength-yit.dtng. Beaides theu ii.orid's brut producta te C I -tT-Ë AIO. vithIlhi fmmliv ait icîîlcd o(,wnfor baIbth nactlsfty of the tiver, bovets asdIl M iseeofphyuical being, viii attsat 1O E FTH AI short vacation utatti-ycta1des. This i Il ,hirh Iropedle à gain of vgor l over- âe "ue t ueath o thepur liqitilill h. lw. t, 1s U n me h m of " (l-veiand 8cote. Appetite . weti s the abtily tu grtfy &li vain 10 es ofe ure liindtheari Oolainh.Fasii. snth uziar as bar, tiliu 'h U )i-O lt ithout dlaconfort. in ett.nulated by til ixativeprinciles emrac1'-i tiilie- tîr he, 1't- tentionis, i15a%50O 1) aP Otinafitpln thorough medicinal cordial, vhich stan haa suedy, STrup of Fips. TIec consus ci hum iven to the dort gthe wuaim weaher, nda t-iditlgefettpnnevsW n 1laS xelencela due to Ils pressntil g ub:ic the pri,:cipal ri-uit. or the le- iO "neaIhe ar-,~n ndLils faml trinuqiet. Food en at upe nberewo su ta th. fores mut acceptable sud plea& vestigation of teai-ma id homi pro- liv vieilevery lecsr mnii erca ed de- iltfttvigurafealthe dyspeptie. Bythe uenni Lt tethe tante, the refreshing and rulyi inluail cf the st1t-' and Ji t lJi-rO týe Chio Fxectiii-o titI u itr torehnîe'teaeej )eneâdail propertient of a perfect IRZ- Iterrit)ries. 'I:i-the list jet ýti- Ilii, vife and c]iildreî i c.ubtae i-esttiiat.Fcmlri.reneimd tirve; effectually cleansing tIe system, tati n of t'le ki: d ce- (oldu'lIl i ie.l For mtanlit.reuitea ndt lupellirtg colds, headaches and fiyelsany c, ontry. 0f1th I',; . iîLomi ts111i,.el fsi n heBt uns permanently curng constipation.intle îewl î)le couuitrv. alînoi~t cjir- i Ide il' I*tc ho<îl Ch Iini-n. Itasm given smtifacîion toimillions and ct-t. owntheliîr ow-n far!nu ani :dun oitirelha en madie oie- âft wibh te approval of lte medical houiles and 1h 3ilr t lin o iX thei,' igc nn4 Ou ir stancos o suicide rofeanon.because it ntsteon the Kidi- famnliisos is ii fari-n, ti ltOlîîli-- , iSihilile ti the îermaa E.~ lys. Liver and lîowels witliout weuak- almost'.8 1or cot h %îo iecum',canmes -- pi tmrs x years.TIe intor st minl hem and lit la perfcctly fr-efron and Cir2el ci ut liat> no Li. ii--t hrlîiiceeters le the motives Iliy objeclionbe aubstance. cuinlianc.>. Tioe ,iun:i- 'of 1ota.uirc o-these oxtraortiinary a 'ta. Sypi i infor suie Iy ail drng. owi ors of land in tlitiiI itcd Siae is T ilji,,8 Teiir'gO0t proportion appear tr lave lista ln ocau$1 boutles, but lbt C la a-lî,fr.47 t hicli :0:1t Le atided any 'E R OE 0 vor 'T Lt GRAY GABLER. ccnrtat:iiutahle Wteu fea fpunish- lifactureti by the Caifornia Fig Syrupladonr h ,lbiiignte-n Tis itbve enex Do. cri whose nom srintldon evvery titfamîes. 'i lie foi fa'iiilÎe3 numn anti q ijo' and a cessat.: e ofrl'-e many ict il:noir ije'I aTtter surprisiîigE lraceutshle name, Syrup of Figa, ber 4ttiiof viin u toi'..1t.t thingu wbich make offi 'rai Ile &0 au- 1& îich extremtue lr ould lia ttbigvil lofored, i viii Dotu wnthoir furim.aim1t io o'i-. la )ff Ot in,,, li \Va.viig n. ii. fi, '% exhiliteci umonpupila of lthe esptaIlsubtitute hif ed. tlei-Owning f:.l',N or :»îper-cent,. tre t at oratîîe ave '..ttti-y sehools. The tai-I lIaI bave încumb: unie on 1Ilii'aBrmuln en cmaide 1,0 (;ru ~Gables vs hic-h bave 1- 1',o t t tIcst, t aiesfali1lîmîo this 181> 25,ýi .,er lo-tf-rt.hîe 'ar,îîa w.,ro tnuu-I provei e place. As liînow pii: iular citsnahouit, bosýever, af-1 î-e-r--etestM-odal Dscov ny îreîl. 11, tîîccitie, tlia, contil novor api ci ii, tlhowot0ohue flua Chambrs, ford oolO- oioec~tion. ltsr.OW o olait ilîîtht-ai-i ,9Pi, 14 -eh chgîve teîlevelccland family ail_________ of tihe Age. bon ila, of whîîm ailt 23 pci- leromtc e't niasoalw iar.e Garzionere s ad Farmnis cent. ow.i andi-.-, 1 or e nhure, wîîi.o Iherît toe tori-aie guets. The irom:l KENNEDY'S 0'the Owon'fanili-rt.>,)or cent. wn areli laLAv fu : nishod, a-id cevra of 'l'i-,iientouitmoeylis made Iy get- su'"5 t nvmri . mngtltsem liag-frcta-ge ho plaeortinnildi, s aheati of your neigiiborsý. Saîzor's nEI A IS C O V ER Y, itu havie 0,0> t tul nanti uel1ýco o pld af rii u N rtlitemeiGrown Seeda have hs repu- ver Nov rok bas tht> iigbest per- only hi-at but the h )rmo lîke feeling tati e. Senti toeleJthe h A. Salier conta 0o f homo tenon:-', libutit open ires oely sheer&!a)le 1 to% e id Co., La Crosse, \ls ,, for Iheir NAII ~ 0s Il1.17. >20 inilea ~ece tae ~t- Porhaps the poa.'aeet room linbth o thoî aie Catalogue, încîo.ieg a 2-cent P.LELU, r ftJAtIli*S., repre cT a 'locha ProN. cnae- uve je the sittng-rooapicture ofCNt' is ~ ~ ~ ~ U dsveeiU eoforcommon Hringing teîle rbnpopialion loto: vhich I bic i on. T' 'a îegn tli Wwe! weeds a remedytlat cures ev"r coutsl titI the nonurlian popula- oral meeting 1) ai-e foi- l'e Cleveland4, o\i f 1he thîngs tIi-I it seoms 0,4 Humor, fromle worst bcroîuisla 10n, alitai 41 pet cent., or A,224,5W thlIu childi-on aed tbeir f 'lentis. Il la <itilit for the public mmnd te grasp il ent hacommon Pimple. homo families llving o ulside of ci i loia rema-k.tbly attractive roî and boas that thoeola a decideti dil'iec e e- 211* htried Ut n cvter eloyen hundred andt otrns (<f 8,t401 teopie, otru their thvoen the keot andtihîe mlle. It la se,'çnd never faileJ exceptiln îwo rases homes sud .5i per cOol, lire. tif thl e rrlaîey about lime tu ha e il thon- iuthundcr humor). He has no\ n lits Ovning famist 7per cent. ove wtt- -,) Ugtily underatoodi thal the Iro ai-e OîsIon over tmt-o lundi-ci certificates outInlcumbrance. Tlhe value of the j M,, ,rt11>0t, bai-el îng. It booms easy j*value, ail within t'wenty miles of Ii"O ' neum0erail ai-ms a -d hIml e:îoum.'h to irne uber tâtI a mile te Sa.Send t lcard for book.. ci .5~2l l the bcincumbiaeoes î:î:ly about Mi per cent. of a knot,thie benefit Io lwysexerene from cent. of 5 :4, or 1.> per l atter bîing, appraximately, fi, 8i ot wa~a ~ om 'ce thîe value. 0f the lncnmb leegîh, thUle the statute mile meus- bot~and a perfect cure la wal on far,,alsud homoi. oven .n par cent, iiisi ~0folot. wzze rgt qualtylastaken. heare luterest at rates leta than bi per dbe-lungs are affecteti Il causes' cent.; 34 pe.- cenL t, te rato of (, Der el o>E f the deore t of the Sui pnat, Ilike iteedles Passlng bee;r3pr t.a ae getrlien nof 0!point. ou dry -land that are th Ies ae wthe t el vero 0 1 on cent.;,ant Iln pi-cent..,ai rates :lower than ses level isite Lunchun TbllaauedytedctbenF graier tIse 'M per cent. 'Il'he averaize buaile ln Cîluose Turkestan, nieurthn su lays dlsappears n a WC&< o0f value 0f eictrotreti nd incumb-et vouthern fobt of the Thian-Shan M(,uu- uigsd a foui or bllous îî wi l eacb In imbereti hom e, 0, an th e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ liai been founti by Capt. Itoboro kl loh feeings let fil average inoumbi-anco tn oach of the an airnoaphere of comfort wbich , t tlibcust l,f.O0feet. yon l ge, ad enughof I orne, li. Tiie 8 t6,957 larima ub- tIare. ritoOrleael SOUlspon fuitn water i b il i jocI b Incunxîrance are worub *3,054,- A viow le als û p-e enled tîte ex- Illoomlegdale Bros. Thirti avenue q .~ SId.y ~ D~Rist. u.~ilàu, sud tle incumb-ance tla 1.15-teir of Gray (Gables filrn vîlolsomeani1)1l I i!ly-nlnth l reNew York, offer SOM by 95,960,Mor 3 1 15 per cent of the value. itica of theobouge may le formeol TheaIl ilk-p toktItr'goia TI. i0 ',933 hoiossauli cttVo lncum- gi-ueharo boen laid out latelv ttI llttIîli. Tboy have inl prom- nooda is notrmore god taîkersbu more god Samarilaus.* The wo 1 1il0f mielorlueinto vilci a, 'auf.1U1,itho sueh.dg hIha d1gs the fact that the ig powders contain eindigestion and ents, their use is )ounds of the best far as one pound .ng Powder, be- ient in leavening health and econ- the Royal Baking A tNew Arrangement. ft PAUL. Mina., Au& 51. -The Dcv iraf- die arrangement belveen the (Great North- Oro sud Oreâron Ratissai anti Navigation Ca le one cf thé moutslImporta.nt cf the yoer. It gites Vite Great Ncrthern the blsoat direct entrance of bnl rosti loto Ptortland and toe Vtllarnetia Valley pointe. Il aiso becumiesthse short lino Usto the Pteloue and Wall& Wall& districts of Ilcibilngton. the CSur d'Alene, iso. and Snake River diatrîcto of Idebti A mkN le Vote, vie.. pcent,'To My Dear MotIon," sît-cteti oro eaI- tention a lot yeans ugo, bas ber est off vo itten butter disbes thon ebe cornes te bis, bouse, becatîse sais lend .and feeble, anti spt ta let china dishes flu anti b-eak. Harvest ExcursIons. IT I'Acrt, iIn. 'Aug .27 -Hervest Ox- cor-itntus ,argeiy red uced ratoesfor tbe riotud tript.iinnereua. Daklota. canl ittenfang Points are atioîtunced by lb, Great Nortbrn tîaiiuvay for Septil antd 25 and Oct 9. And s Good (<ne. Petmatic lires for bah, ,tauinlagos la tihe lalet ldi-n Hatll'@ Catarrtk Cure MARru.4GEý ha s always been the con- chision of love VBnUos and floxere daligbîtuc. but vo are encbnted wben t.. behoid the complexion of a lady made beautltut by the use 0f Gleonn'* Suinbur Soai: The wma iwho à@ tUred, and bhahov d- glugwn .enats±i,pain iluthe ha aae." hould lteowarning inu Une Dr. Pierco's Fýavorite Prescription le lthe best tonte and nervine at Ibis linie. ItVe a posi- tive rernidy for ail irregudarUae,4 weak- mente of lthe toai system. The "Proerption0 cureli Ulceration Faling of the Womb, LoUCloa and Utes'- tue deblîty. Mi" MAOO!E C aow- Y., maya: ibol e fi 1 asd a new fose.of Ila ateewi nd the saine benefit fro our woudcrful aedcu. -- 1 have.. MmseCBOWLETr. THE P'LAN 0F BELLING IIEDICINES -I lýI~4PERqC]E yTee jettl, K have n.ticed t. Il ondDot epeb t ftIlai aul W... it am 10orthe fuci Thet I know a vemedy. 1 bat! the **me ..perience. Xvery on- and then. And MI*l*Ate timre One of 1t001, lIlti inpe.iblotcha. WOuld on nMy face And ann100m Beyond expression. 1 hvent bad on« for ai i.o. th. 0W 1 bha" a talismn That proter:. me. 1gI At te« store. Yen have ."an th. aevertieent- 1 amn prety cure. Ripans eTabiIes là the amrnatire. a box *cBow orýnus afler dince.. Or uat befors, bad ti..e About Once s weeh a" Yu wiliI ba tnooyd no Ma.. But More beaut1l~~, WWMballewe.d Tm Ca smare e esv b lag lte W. L. Domts8.00 B&*e.. Berase., vW*aWsthe ia.eet mbis pàdof shn.enlawol.nde =atehi value hi' stamVplngheaâme and Primee ie hotor, wie prtet i'oo fatst bIgh W'=s ai -or la style."ea ttng a i e eq1tis5 W* have thora soit arryvttere etlowft prteef Clean Vour viii rma opapoe Ibu-* tuet.. Ce7e5Wl. d K s= aicontng necd FeeOà nU. ANYONEaOAN usE ST« B.d. onlyby VILAS EROS., Chiongo, 111. Sad by Q8<lERI DUOIM % PAVs? A»D wALL PAPE au,~ D~~I~IMPb o"-a tue ma A Syù.sd to teeletea Ou la thecVt a., eUWÀ niand YER. T. OPKINS. Prsp'r. * e Omoi.n.aSt., fLV. WALTER BAKER &COIi Tlhe Lai-goal Manufactureraef tpbtPWeo tnes u PURE, H ION GRADE Tea . - ZNX » ~ a ounticol ffne Oth. MOCAS ANI) CHOCOLAIES ne.roegbloo ,rZ. Yiý« reel'ats 0fCule for Twety-lte. 8PECIAL AD HIOHF.ST et. CsesdPrniCebyml AWARDS C$,.6 i.. dàee en .11 flaoi, oudsut 5iIEE OLAM4OPAT BREKFSTCOOA Uuptu reCuredor'oG - ame e &emat . c..P.'t.n SOLO Dy OROCEtIS IVERYWHLRIL clarsrsreconable.and it ltu ntho reeh ob!iL. VALTIE SAtIàACo. IOevaMUA8S i sOo8.& e lnonntu $10 PYS FOR U uGCIRjE YGURSELF '00 c ti. Fn Zr r n" »~Le papalefor..t due on race &t of prime <ILICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION., eîlg ,tu i o, ono nlmntn* 03 South Jeffermce". - oeC(he.., 05, ita&Il&"pain roteà slnd coim. 15renia c bottie. 55 Pet 1,000 te dismrIb t Crclarsif luyeur 505e. »y EIECTRIC lILT elo RA 8-nd 4dostamp. Posszs lMm. Oo.. Chicgo. Lr.Juddtseot.àucb. Watagnne..JA r.J. ]ELMoLean': ~Liver and Kidney Bam Tsin Pui#t.8m Ru&tàce@M S BImgbta Dise, Diabetes. BIllouanes, Tovpld Uver, Etc. Sold by Drugits Ezwywler. Ose Dollar a ot de. Z Manufactured by THE DR. J. H. McLEIN MEDICINE CO., St Louis. Mo.~ »»at lins ci portait a tee. ail dýebe, Xn1d- Mahne ,.U.11t No.;rx= M depth. L mm »%~- as9 matbw 1

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