bo ô ne yeal; Co years oid and under 4, Luce Plymouth rocks, J . Ayers bst; Miss8 1 e er2 years 01<1 anti lnt]t-r 3 Brown leghorns, Clevt-lînd îIst. M PREMIUMS5 AWARDED. Haven ist; Follett 2nol. Leghoriis, Chas. Trejittnw lst: êljî Heiter I year old an(] tîîndcr 2.Ht-rriek 2nd<. Hoss-.j.K~r,& .F.CarSui.Haven ist; Follett 2ndt. Polish, E. E. Giii,,rt 14 andti2ndt. Hose-C J Kir, J F Car, ups. Heifer eaif App1ley let. Gamne, J. S. C'leveland 14 andtlnd. Ttt,trlNo AND httAISTEi<5. tIIDE JERSEYS ALI)ELNFYS. Batams, E. Harris 14 t att i 2d. Stailion 4 year8 old or over. ln har- Cow 4 yearà olti andi over, Vm * %%'%tîttiots, (CI <velanti 14 aitti 2rt. ness, J. Vial st. Tujqter Ist; Dar )COrMi(-K 2nd anti'KFlîY,,. 1tailion 3 years olU and nuder 4, Luce 3rd. Ilrttz isZ Ms Herrik ist; Harrîsý 2nd Frank Brown let; G, W. Pratt 2id. Cow:3 years nid anti nde-r 4, Lu ý-e Bliî«, Harris i14 Stallion 2 years old and under3., A. ist; .Guetrln 2ivi. lil KS. V. Truesdeil ist; C. B. Wetzeai 2rnd Heifer 2 y ear.e nid an(]' îndê-r 3, C.A lt 1. er w. 1Caviigtî I-, Herrit'k 1.,t: CI-mr Brood Mare 4 years old or overlwth Haenst; Luce 2nti. 1* l2iîd. two or more of ber colts, (0. BronSt Heifer 1 year oli antd under 2,1 W~hite Mîttv Harris I-t. Office over Triages& Tayidr'asStore Mare or (Selding 3 years o11 and Apîtley iet; FolIett 2nd. BOUM1(: lt SU, . I2o4p. M. itadcp.r. under4, J. V'ailisjt; M. W. Merry 2iid. Heiferceaif, Lace lot and 2nid. HO>Et t.> K RIGS'.Filly or Geldiiîg 2 years> and utider '<RADE AYEIISHIRES. LIBERTYVILLU. - ILLINOIS. 3, Fraunk Foote Ist. Cw4vas i n1veLc e Fiily or Gelding 1 yeur old and oin- and 2nd. DR. E. H. SMITH, der, D. C. Arnes lot. HItStTEIN. 8 Sucklng Colt <without regard 10 cex> Buill 3yeare oid'and over, Follettlset. J. H. Bradley ist; Geo1'ge Yasey 2nd. yaCol Office over Lovel'a Drug Store. HRSFO EA WR. Cow4yers rtdii(over,Follett Ist. Hou:( 13I1TTo5: 'P':' :)R ECERL WOR. Cow 3 years oid and uiîder 4, olt ~: ) aly. Stallion 4 years old or over, A. V. s Libertyvîlle, - Illnois, Truet<iell st. ,Heifer2 erolan]ud 3 __________________ -Brood Mare 4 years nid over with 1 Eaenlardtne 1 A. W. ZEIGLER, . . .S two or more of her toits, William Heifer 1 year <ld andti tnder 2, CHICAGO OPPIÇR Drîit-e set. FletSt 1810 Chwmpaigi uildicg, 4r. gitami ud aisiisl. Mare or geltiiîg 3 years old antid efttt Follett 1-t. Ait iwrlyqllle.Study ny.ttI5 iider 4, William Druce jet. HlevlFletlt <l iSeth Dr. Taylor. Filv or geiling 2 years odap Oer Trigg> & Tay lorsestou-. ider 3, Wiliam Druce Lst] Cow 41 ars oui antd D. Lee' Teeth Extracted wthout Pain. Sîîckiîg colt (without regardi tex 14Follett 2iî'i. ,IALL WORK WARRANTE. 1îý illiam b)riuc st. Cow :i vears olil aiiîtii unîr 4, D. Let- t ABLRIA(F.tis tIES. Heitt-r 2 vvars <Il and iiîrder 3, P. . * C K L M A N ' Si gî - îarriage -lh ore or rm are tO Var- H avenn 14, Fo llett 2 rd . TONSORIAL PARLOR niage, E. s. Elgin, jet. E. 0.3- Heifer r1I saf olti and ititi-r 2, ix. el e c ii iîtil t h ti irstt..t-t, mTois hortitt 2ii, Foiltt le-. When u ttîwanrît a N ic-.. ',rttt t irap. a Fàmiàiaslr lettr lai r <<it. or.slita <n ,, 1 Pair geiît's driving lîorsee to jtole. HEliFOil TtinrE\TP.A. Aiwa>e Coul<e ta tire George Hardenit jt, Johnu Haal.taer! Bi < 3 %-Pars nid anti nyer H. N. LISERTYVILLE BARBER so.j2d Thompt-nn 14t ________________________________ eiit's tinglt' drivlîîg horse or mare. B u2vasotiat îdr3 ___r W. -YT-Wa-ikêr I."t, J. %'&il 2tid. Thompson' 1st. A UCTIONEER. 'adl AtDLE adaSES. Bitîl i yêar niti anti tntier 2, Tho mp- .5dde horse 131 haiîds or ovt!r.'snn 14. Fia iîk Herman lt-t, George Lîîsk 2ud. Bitillsai!, Thnmpson Ist and 2ndl. Hartnughat i ueh txperiente iluctiîont-er- i 109 lu thùI- i tet&teu 3.-are, i arn preî,ared to Boy rider tinder 16. George Lusk iSt. Cow 4 vears nid and ov<e-r, Thomrt- attend slesin su> <tr0f Lake and atjoinnug Bson F4 anti 2r.dIR Countica rut <er> BoW Rts. IsonBEitlED NtandH,.IIRE *A*I5CTIO5eaa5O . rM AL tiitt asodo v-.Hry Cnw 3 vear. ti.i andi und<-r 4, Stalln 4vers ldor ve. Hrr 1Thomp.son 14. JCater 1.'t. Helfer 2 vears titi andi lntier 3 ~MITH & W11~'T'~ PUREiV.RIE LIEDAE.DvdThompson ist and 2nd. at nir2 -1g etle pI&eeif, Huy- Sl.taliion 4 years oid or utîder, Daid1Hefr vear oid adudr2 a~d~Cd riIlîSe aîd rî. 'rnmlpcn I14 and 2nd.1 IStaliiori 3 t r-re<iii and tinter 4, Heifer caif, Thompson jet and 2nd. Ladies and Children'a MITTENS, Grîflîthî le. Sheep and Swine-H. N. Maxhamn. Supt.1 19 LW dilSU110 3d SOM INULIEl B1tilmare 4 N vaiîT (Ad or, over with "AIi IRNF, Fancy Work Materials, 1two i MoreilI ut lier cuits, Grifithî ltt. Btît-k 2 vears nid anti ov er, E. E.2 STAMPED LINENS. Bîtioi ' L'< <S tI,ES. Gilbtert 1 t tti 2nti.1 Ladies Neckwear. Ruchlng. etc. BodMillte 4,, nid or ove<r stilli Bi-tt-k I1 ear nid, Giltert Sst anti 2ni. twi or morte utlier voits, H. W. Biît-k iami , Gilbe-rt jTt-it i 2nt. SMIH £SWIT. Foiiett I-t. Thret- rwes 2 veare ttit or nver, M.%are or gr.ldiîîg 2 Nxars oltir aid lir t- nI2d Ba kunds-r 3, Folir-ii ît-t.Tlîr-e Cwt't-1 Nt var olti or tîrier 2, Lake Cou.nty B lk FîiiIy2 or geidiîîg I xear od nid iCletI ad-.1 unt , olet1ý.Tlîrtie iambe, Uir -t W'right, Parkhurst & Co., t 1L3EAY ,tAI)Est.D Sutkitg -tlt îlî~îtrr-îîd bet.> Btick 2 N . ars tut antd over, W LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Follett iSit 1Cater jst. EN<.LISI -IL taE ANI) t L'DESDALîE .u takS1arndanitnie ,W Issus lterst-Barig Cr- Boot mac 4 eîît- id o ovr *Cater let aiîd 211d. ISSus Iteret-Barig ce- Boo( mar 4 ear oldor verwitlî Back iamlb, Cater ist. tîfîcates Payable on Demand. tauor"more tuf lier ctsil, Nm. Druîct-, Terve ewes ,'2 Teale nit anti ov. r, li-t. 1Cater 1-t. Filuxtor geitiitg 2 x tî,,ud aîîd 1Tbrer- ewt- i \, -arnit ldai tiiîttii 2 Chas. Kaiser, utîde-r, L. B. Hamltv iStt. Caler it s uîirtg toit t WitlIîo(t regitrul to ccx, t Three lmmi- I teIst ttanti 211d, ANDDrEALERi-t...Hlo i t- EE Morse * Furnishing * Coods, '.lKit ILS,. iîk 2 xa, o d atoi otitu -, 'M. ). ROUES. BLANKETS. WH-PSI "eam uofuorkirtg hurs-e., 4 xarT uld Stoneie It anti 211(l. TRUNKS AND VALISES. O1. v in haines,., Jolîiî1Frit! 14 B tckt-tivr tilt!ati îiî-tiî2, stîie And ail gottîs nsuaiiv keptt iniet irst- itom!' it 2îtis'14anîd 21l-1. tii-s Hartt.,s Siîttj. leJ SîuîehlvotBiklamli, Stoite 1-t atnd 211,1. Tetî .3 etî tit t-it- lit tiîite T-. 'îre- rv-- 2 ttîis vi l îi tt pfit's Stock Food Mways on HaRd. F" iett 1,0h-Il Cattie Wm. Bdrnehl Supi. Titreee eOT I ' ttitii ui 2 Repairing Neatly and Qulckly Done. LIBEETYVILLE. ILLIMIS J. P. WILLIAMS, The Weil Known and Experien ced WeIl DITeer tg DOW nalklnigweils .1t, hie own outit The -WHEEL OF FORTUNE," as ho oels It. Nov. if vou are thinklug ut bavlng a well dug, or an old unie repalred. i amn quite mure 1 eu pleusej,yu if you let me dig deep enough for bly Prices Are: For wella abo ut four teet ln diameter. Oirst 2( feet -.le. neit 10, fret I 00. 'mit 10 feet 81.50. neit 20 teet 89.00. fext 15 fret 03o.00 per foot. For welle six teet lu diameter, first 20i fret $125, etç. etc. tor weila elght fret ar-rose 82.0 per foot. Parties baving work done must furnish board for heip, brick for weli anti timber for curbing; tifneeded :oniy on jobs wtbin one mile of borne, then 1 wiii boardt myscîf anti belp; lifte- vise 1 viii make a discount of otf5M.00 on every borne job that 1 eau go?t eet or over without tu bedonc ln agfoodi warkmaniike maner andi bcesafe tu go down ln t anay time. 1 prerer tbat If the owner caunot Inspeet my work, that bc senti a man of common-sense te go down and &se that I arn doing ail that eau be donc, and that wiil hlp my reputationanda o atlafy hlm. 1 have dug and repalred tiW wellasagofur ln IAke Co.. and outot 49Jobs wthin ane mile of borne*2arc uew wclissd i realy thluk they vere althankful for the smaii sum wbleh fi cneft thern for rny tîrne. 1 eau give the narnee of every one 1have done ajobt for since Aug. 20, 184, and 1 arn giat 1 bave <ft the credit ai almnai cvery anc. especially rlght at home, fer trying rny begt tu leave them pleut>' of Watt-r. -. Hereatter I wiii aii<tw a discount of live per cent tram ahove prices. for cash when job le done. If not paid 'éhen work le doue, i shali ffl mSS ve per cent ta above pria--a anti temanti a note for settieent. Any ones vihiug ta bave a weli tiug eau refer l t"abov. 1 do flot bave 90 pries for the omus UsS va. Attention given ta alardere Cauonior address. -J-. p:WILLIAMIS. Bul 1hi trldtanîd «ider 2, J. L. Ttiaiîî 1-t. Lîli ciai! J. L, . lT îtiii. lt-t. Cowv 4 ) cars <titianîd over, Thjain IStt atid 2nd. Cow :1 ear:soIaiid uJ der 4, Tit jet. Heifer ~ 2 cars old anti under 3, Ttîain St aîîd 2ud. Heifer 1 year olti and uîîder 2, Thain ISt and 2nti. O.iADE DURHAMS. Cow 4 years old and over, John Fric St and 2ud. Heifei 2 years oid and under 3, 0. D. Haven iSt, Thain 2nd. HoUfer S year old and under 2. Orin Luce ist, Thiain 2nd. Heifer cal!. D, Lee Set; Luce 2ntl. DEVONS. Bull 3 years old and over, Citas. Appley Set. Bull calf, John Frie jet. Cow 4 years old and os'er, Appiey lSt aînd 2ud. Ht-i!sr 2 years oid tand under 3, AppleyiSt. Heifer S year old and tînder 2, Appley ISt ansd 2üd. Heifer cal!, Appley jet. GiRADE DEVONS. Cow 4 yearo old and over A5pley iSt. Heifer 2 years old and ufider 3, Apiley St. Heifer i year old, John FriciSt Appdey 2itd. JFEYS AND ALDERNEYS. Btull 3 years old and over, Orin Luce lat. Bull S year ojd and under 2, 0. D. Haven let. Bull caîf, Luce.let. Oow4 years oid and over, Luce lat; 'Xîe-lttmlu-,Stttn,- lut. Trîre-e wes 2 ycars ,tlt I ind E. Harris î,,t. ttt , r. Tiîree cwee 2 years oit! adJ o'.c, IF. Herrington St; Harris 2rîd, Three ewes i year 01<1 and under 2, J. L. Strattori ist;. Herringtn 2rd. Three Iambes, StrattonIi tt; Haîrris 2ndr. <'HESTEIt WHITE. Boars <inter 6; moîîths, H. E. Floodi ISt. Sow uuîder (; morîths. Flood Set and, 211d. RERKESHIRE. Boar <rîder 6 months, Orin i uitc ltt. POL.AND-CIiINA MAGIlE. Boar S year olti anti ovr-r, Cir-m Small St; Frîîuîk Brown 2ndt. Breeding sow sith pige tinîter 2 mu. SmalllSt. Beur over 6 motithe, tand unidt-r S year, Sausjt. Boar tîîder f; motîths, Ne-il ier- rick St; Small 21(l. Sow «udt-r 6 moltrhs, Smîîil t<atnd 2rîd ESS-EX ttiADES. Boter S yeisr îri:over, Hîîrriut lt-t. Brectling eow w-lUtitige miîer tan moiîths, Lut-e let. Lot o! 5 pigs uiindt-r 2 moittlis witii sow, uetiSt. Sow ui n<er t; motîls, Lt <-vt. ettîId 211(l. Brooti sow, Rolut. Grîîmmitt Set. Lot o! 5 luge Grummitt ISt. Poultry-Martin Morse Supi, CHIiCKENS. Brahma,J. S. Cleveland Ist Cochins, Cleveland iSt; Clara S. Miller 2nd. Plymouth rocks old, Noe lHêrrick lot .Ây reg s45 - t in>lred mîlsnvy, 1'.A m.-inîî st; 1i,,Hcîrri-k 2îîd. iS-klî, 1'. 1). Cook I14 Mit-s H<-rriek 211d. Totiloist-, Miss Ht-rrit-k 14t; Amann 21ld. Cross Itilleti toîiiouse, Miss Herrick Ist. F. C.@KNIGHT. M.D.- PhysIciar) gmSurgeor), Office Over Drug Store. hut xsrTc 4 P. M. L4berfveiIc, Mi. Dr. Charles Galloway, Office in Lovel's Drug Store. Hr: 8 t0210 o'clock..A. M. <ito 2&OGtos8P. M. Dr. J. L. TAYLOR, You wilI coine to the Fair, rata shine, mtîd or dust, damp or drought.- You know how it is with a popular stock- it gets loo< W etover and pullcd over, and pickcd over. g titr-a. vi uti s i T B . That's Hi....W.These bargains came about. W h Agrcutua ANrDu t-. . A er Suia S F1 U VVS several broken lots of spec al g~ Wî<r wiîeat, Henr-y A. Smtith 1sf; that must be soId. Heltrv R. Smith 21,t]. Bye, (). 1). Have trt;4H. W, Fttr- nleR lkrIt wm, . rror Insan eSome Men's Overals, 33 cent Oarsit'-' . i . Eu Hr5,.W- rti. i 't; Men's Pants, - go cm* (Jeaîlt-, C (. aîiN trnkSt1Suspender,, - bca Otie x-ii~v Eiker~.White L-aundried Shirts, 75 ceue STîmtklte, Ek-rirq Vork Shirts, - 25 ce"i Eolty-tr- 1 J211d.tmîn 4:Ginghams, - - 6 ceMi E I l 1t- letr 2î, M a tid.r.s. i ;P rin ts , --4 C e l Yeluw it-ît ori, tîrinîMur,- 4,All wooi dress goods, 35 ceai I . Lt)o ttttlir-21 î1d .4 1 « Wltit'-den.t (-or,,, 1,.. W. Btîlki".y S-t;!Lde m' adecif,~ca Wm. Cati-r 2fid. 1a e4 bdhndecifor -75cea Yaiîker- ori, Follettlest; Harris 2nd. Menfcocs, - 5 ,ceai -how broom corîx, M. S. (ist5. NLadie.'sos b5tco 'fra-e swer-t eori, Bert Wilt-ox et; LGdies' bto shoes, W. E. MWvid 2ri. cos Poilt1toril rit-e, Hav tu lt-t; H .A. Getjs' suis, - 50 Smirii 2îîi. Chiis' scuits - - 1 tSItring wlî-at lour, Mr. w. 1iîtmnaiî NCkid' tse, - 1 c 1t-t; Ch-m .imaili2iid. NHatsdCp i ncs F i v e to 1 i t r î t i o h u t - , C l a r a - s i1ac c s ,-- 5 c e n t ! 14t; J. W. Butler 211d. q sj a ndC p alprc . P-its .Amaîtu îfir,-t. Ckersi, 1 t. gIlt5 cenf S"11t tlowers, W. L. Br-rghîurn 1-t; , Fiars, 10ersac, 5ga lts45ce Arthîur Berghorn 2ittu. Cour, er s - 1' Pea.s, Arthur Br-rghorn 2ud. oee G ra sses e o iir .tio , C . an ti A . a i1 7p 6 b r , 5c e 9M DYke ltt; Mr.,. R. L. Straig 211d.VuSa,6br;25CA Ciýiaio2torl, xr .Smtîl-;These are but Sam pie Prices, S5ltg h-î, iutt - 'îumn Full Assortrnent of Regular Lin'e4 -t; H. B. SMitli 21,di Ttîr-ýv tail vot-tntluttalk, 11. H.AiGodaek w tm IJ Smithlî 2nd. AUvGodsar Urtîtve 1. Dairv itttter 2tt 5rotlttuit<, Mr-.C t-le-,- Mr..C.LJ Go to JVIs. P1qEO'fIr4E, FrisadVegetables. Horace Parkhurst supt. o ILN R ,D YG O S VFaliitl A. \W. Htîrvy ForMILSst , (DRi tu. H- . S ih2tl ... fwt'îuiîîî Ladies and C hildren'S FIN E SH O ES. H. rs B rs M. J.itii 2nît Iý't-r- r- ..1 ile 4 Cloaks, Shawls, Muslin Underwearl (nlt-,Nitîgra-. J. NW. Sîtîtlt-r 1-t. (iratje s uniT-ti . B rbL raultîtî 1t,1 (i--2ti 'oin-ec Fashionable Dress Iakig ASpeclalty --- Perfect Fit Glrtw Fi, t lt. I>tîro -l)>t. Crîtit 1 t tît.q-, 1ý k. Httt t I-t : - t lt-t il ( jP< tk till. Joht1it iiîinîtt i-t. R Wi. Btilkle-1ndît. Rted oniion-, Wrn. irmî-- I-t; ilîti Carrure, IDr. S. (.iillttwtNIltt; DrI -t-eont] Rutabaîgas, 3M. Guierin Isit. Di-ute 2rîd Cabttagr-.Driier- lt; Giss 2nît. Cauliflouîr, Bulkie't Set. Lima beans, BuiumailIist; C. and H,-rriek 2nd. Table iteets, 0GalioWIiY let; Dri Seeond - Salsify, Baumnan iStt. Tomîîtoes, Martini Morsee It; Git way 211(l. ptîmltkiio, 1). Lee ist-, Follet 2nd stquashi, Follet Set; BuIklesy 211(l. Ctîehaw. 0. H . Averi, Set. Ford Hook, îst. Goldenî, -' St. YeiSow Buisi, (Guo. vîieey Ist. Çhiicago Marrow, .4veriiiISet and 2îîd. Boston, lierghorrî isttatti 2ntI. Gretît Chllli, Berghorni lt and 2iid. Vegetabie Marrow, VaseyISet & 2rd. Green BBushi Seniriet, "' lot & 2nd. Wîîtermeiorî, JolitiStrattor isjt; Morse 2rîd. Musk 'Melon, H. I. Smnibhîjet; Morse 211d. W'lIte Turuîijs, Vtiey Set; W'arren Gruumnitt 2nd. Parenipe, Druîe Sot; W. Wilmiag- ton 21141. Pie Ptimpkin, Batiman Sst; W. Wii- mington 2nd. Citron, Bauiman lot; Doolittie 2nd. Kohl RaWS, Barbaras lot. coffe Bues tatton lot. W. O. TRIHGGS, Dealer Exclusively in Boots and Shoos '-q«Ma-OF ALL KINU Prices guaranteed the Lowest, and Goods. always as Represented. ISt;1 SI'RAGUE STREET, LIBERTYVILLE,,ILj FRED CROIÇER b.0 Q- 0-) 0f Course fair Bargciîns m ig %el"