eueSmnith lot BUllI9Dd ~iy<g~T~VN~tITSA C the 'hica Ti NIB~RG {N Y f'i lockberries, Mrs 14. A.Smith lot Eehoes ofit-e Fair. IrADleL o 'M'M- à the S0,000,000. The average la 900&.- GooseberrDies. Col. Hlbbard'a. bbservations. ClvladPilan Dealier. FRIÂI'SEP. 8, 894PRE IU S A ARDD. chnvkrid- Vandrblt wllbSTY<»P--> The PeopIe's Paperý _____SEPT_28,894.urrantS WAR, Schanck lat. There bas been some complaint that unies. willie makes an unconditional §UX- 8, 12, and 16 Pages Daily. State-r Icet. FuitSand VgêtibeS. pîsieutter MaeButterfield let gouda for the Art Depariment were render of bit nightkeY.-WwblfgtOfe2tn8Pre udy Republican ttIlkt Horace Parkhurst, SuPt- Mrs George Smth 2nd. brouglit in from outside the caunty, Post.- ~SleTtra........... Bk NY wul»FF ')AOSUerClr .iiJri goods macte by professianal, extra The Vanlderblt scandai show that the" No grt'at daily Ili the United States » r em eT. P ucIr uctiOn .. S. M.ry, lara1. Yille .s teone thlng money cannot do. It cannot 114lu. J. FLow ER AdiroudI s Potatoes, W. Wheeler lst Tomato, Mrs. B. A. - _n ith lst skilled bonds, and sujuggled inI tO always keep the fanlii keleton ln the ~5 'ovyiituhwt h soi *UUlee ity. . A.iDULLA11D ( -fi, slt eu uter rs. George Gridlly 1 take the prizes from Our peopl1e. We eloaet.-BaItimorO Herald. as THE CHICAGO TIMES. l k m t é a t e 5 f r t ii t 4c . E d E . M c L E u l(, e a I o r t h e Et H ,'W l l s t e u r B u t e , F UIMSw e r e a l s o t o l d t h s e s a m e g o o d s i v e n t T h e V a n d e r b i l t @ n o l o n g e r h a v e r e a s o n I t s p o l i y i s r o p rê s i v e , . I i be r a d th OEOic. ro. LON aly Re s, TrpteIst. akere Ms uhîtabout the state frornfair to fair tak- te ho jealous of the A starsand the Gouldstolerant. epeOfttVG.M d Eio B.J iC . . L o ae " >yIs l c b risM ssB s b e w y r m t ep ol h r a otigtheir n es ln ail the H i-tt od t a eit oil Fonp«naip.Sh i GElR0E.J.IECK uofl keG( stBasp iug the prize wy rmth îopeT 2' tou tnGloe REprB iCA Eu.NT TIC F.T. oW t 'ti r i l eeveryw lihere they w ent. If these pape pt n lob . IHte al ' dli ffhok sthut coniti n scal,. ugeB .DCN C U N Y T E T . W i t e S t r , riLo w I sB u eIf th e re la t e h c a d iv o rce i n th e V a n d e r- If h t C l ti i u tr i e î lt o s r - »OoU ty JU g ....D W T . O E 5113y 0110 J o h Clark lst Guerin Gvoose S cbanck It thigs are So tlîey dem aud a remed3'. btt fanlly, why doent Sioux Faila have n >t foii><ttd upon the îîrin ile of »MeoUnty easIrk. JAE UaE2dGueMeBte'll s Everybody üan't get tie blue nib- a lutile style about it and offer specli e tujai rights to.all and Sîseciai pllv- 11111r...1br...... ... ...... iltuti H. IBROWN Alexandler2Prolifli, 1. J. Hoyt 1't', Cheeries, Bush lot Mrs, Taylor 2fld bon an everythlng he shows; several teinst $10t00t000 t ner Chi ame, n ee s Thta nne. xsigcniI n ýdVwnty supt. o bof L5. M. 1 W- MARv'N W'ieeler 2ii<i.Currants, M Oe.Smith lst Miss popelearned tbat last weeW, But t 810,000.004> l mrani n saige ha ne xitn ldiin a _________White rose, Wells lst; Straton 2nd. Schauck 2nd. -tbey are not fools and they don't get ments, Mrs. Vanderbilt ml earn ta for- justice necessarily las(dote tbe mss of .D.oVati Sat Tike. Dkaa cdTrpto ltcitron, Miss Bush It mad about It, as sone littie, narrow, get Neilio Neustretter.-St.. Lente lepub- the peolile. fi elator.......... FANKINt MACVEAOH Ninty aine, Trîptow lst. Pears, " "catrated mlnded folks used tai do, lic. TEE TIM ESise oiti w on May fllo fiupt. of Scheelo............l4MENBY RAAB e aiyGS 1t lm,""dwn tu-New Hampshire, we Teive ihe cojugullicflicitîco uf the Vander- tiOlis as tQ 1wtis onitoî a lue Tresaurer. _..BERARD J. CLAGOGET Nbelleve ilý I.bllts shuuid lImpresal familles lu the hufli bc, ameîided, D J .ULIA HoIMES SMITH sweet, Gl1as lot. Aîls Mrs. Taylor Ist it was. hier walka of lire that it la not monry and While tîrglng Its awîî bellefs strén-' T AYl [OR C. CiN IDEN qN Wisconsin beaîity (luerin 15., JELLIES. Did yau notice bow littie lutaxicit- palaces that mireé appinema-KAamwflutsly and inteiligently It daes flot. W eoBnSiCe.. AIC H . LEAN ifriaRd, (luerin lst. Ape r.Kiils;CaaS i-tian and disarder there was, on or City JournaLl. dismîss witlî cotemlt, or wltbout a CONY IKE.Jordan ProlIfie, Oalloway Ist. er 2ud. about the Fair grounds? We saw but Inii e norlety given their tamllY trou- rSoonty Juuge ....DANIEL BREWER Pppr, best show af, Epker lst .Mrs Crab apple, F. Giss li; Miss Beck 2 twa persans that was the *'us for ohie th andrbial pay thé enalty beaofirie doets fotmseo.'~ jile Trensurer....... ..... W. B. BES1.EY PWnaind Vld crab apple, Bock lst; Mrs. liquor" and they were very qiet, and wo wealtb ant esoaroinenbcue wIch ViCar.....DSIIN IiUNTINGOIN Srta 1tWels2î ute td ol o rdtapios aosur i THE TIMZ.S la fearéss Ilulits utter-' Fé Sérf..........HNIY KI CcubeSoniy ne bit of a sorimmage wbich -Chicago Mal. ie u iiwr'ugl t ealf » WV i .. e o .. . M c i z G a lit, H . I. NS m ith ist; (u s s 2n d . P lu m , M is. F . E . C lark lst; r . I s e b u l e m n t s r l s . P auis ls sai t e ta ho a w lcked as W e ll as .. . . ... . . . . .H N Y S I r .a n p an y s e v g i n l d ot o ___________Banool, .S. Coiby ist. Hamel 2uid. Ta sa uebrcodfraford eat city, and no douht much u h att ru ,d of th' 1Oîe Ph rohibitionilste beld thir Nest Egg (Gourd, Ciss lst. Quince, Lusk îst. W . wîckedness 1s attriutsbefo atepo TET.iE ..i'eife peh The iltheirfair. But most of the 'ecider" we saWIleutf Paris, but tu foeigner wbo go theru thte f rtee oinaige of silv..r, anti radical eo0unty covninrt the Towu Hall, Husk Tomnataus, MNorse Ist. Ctîrraut, Taylor Ist; Harden 2uld. seemed ta ho wholly Innocent of allqde ta Indulge ln vics they would Diot dam tu ta ri f reformi. Libertyvîlle, Tbursday, Sept. 20, '94 Vgtbe~~nc îdN e- GalBrua s;Be n. juice, dnd we lbeard corriîlaints t xii thue-e ok~> THE TIMES billves it gavera- Disîiluy of V'egetables, Batîman Ist. Biuc-berry, Bush ist; Schnuck 2d son of his father, no douht resent.s the ment eOlltr') falîuiîîlm)oIi VoeCountY Judgt' HARLAN P. DAVIDSON, Prin-u rotîdyism we-dîd jot see. idea that the public shoulti bu muade ac- i v-4, recémi CdeMark BE oi, Bi.fleuO Prn uhLm eîi ooiteb: BsbryMs caîkit Onîe tlîig. we regretted umong our' quainted with bis family affaira anti ont, THE TEMES in' .î~~sticb a tax o! Sbcli...IEu3N %lLEi,0jDeun oBe s - Wiooseberry, lrsnlt eck2dv ic ho d--d !-lhilaelpbla Inquirer. Bhriff .... Asaza iluOwN VAsai', o etnTmte:- idgae rse s;Btk2î oiîg manor euista upy f er3 ionatesicdtdieet, bp b urdelao i iîîî"as an malirthe e %RN.BosofNewport. Yllow, Mrs. Brown Ist. Blueberry, Bush ist. vugmi,*rvr a1 ftîm Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt demande front, rcîsuîî~fir.r uîlmk h eýc.. sup el . 1A 'N aîWN o e î roîund with (cigars lu tlîciî ber recreant husband al lus bouses In owîî,r of VîîIul-l iNprolîcrty Isa> This makes three comipleecets Liviîigston Beauty, VîîseN Ikt. Biiubarb, rsnlt ek îu. mubwlile.escortiuîg yoting ladies. America, tne custuoti i lîe chiltiren, a bis juîst haîure. in the field. Now let every voter Perfectioni, Vasey it. peur, Bush Ist. Nwi aafu ht o.brigîyyct or two and $500004) a year. By ETIE hlivsuiie is pik out those whom tLe coniders ftle Early Michigan, Vîîsey ist. Tomap, Nwit s ae some shroghyYahtrange oversigbt aelle ias unitted tl U E EE wivsIitew »ç; eu ffir the sevral offices and Pear, V'asey lst. WVtermelou, Bush îst breyîuî u il l!ui Uide a bu% at the opra. -Chicago Trlh lmliî ou tii fth wi ,. tiuîg. Thut voung men lu Lake ue THE TIMES Isaluts ail the uews ft1do iuty atd Ijiemaals a T his s pîîm, Liase s C.anewbH' C erry, Cîut u llaaat aî tir William K. Vanderbilt appears 10 bavetm ilh'wolllamnurl- Ire coatl5' îîd~ve m~ ba a igb Sptte Lia Baus C.audN. ChrrplIaces tliithe wesi dIo it la true, bat! proctietivith bis a-llan love &flair tu'-r'itiiîg and isiui.tructive ta ail the to mako bis own cboice af candidates. ick l*t. MIxed, Clara I.'Miiller 2-1 duitonîy proves tht' Inferla'r t% le 0f very nîuch in the Parisiaen Style. The î'uuu Our ocil cutur. ThwordatlrgeDeauville establishment was likewlse con- 'W. accord ta every man (yes and wo cuîary-Mrs. W. L. DAVIS, Supt. PICKLES, <'ATtCEI ,oî scaetlue.Te Fl t ag ducteti very îouch un the princîple ibat SEND FOR SAMPLE COPtES. ~Ia îoa> te freedoun of conmelejiëtO. Weî rula'yut r.(e. Cucumber, saur, Mrs. Sciianek lit; soslO .ueaesil liuslitetepbi ul ohn.NwYr d Ro h epesPp Grdeist; M-'. C. W. Taylor 2îîd; Mrs. Wells 2fid bît bred peopîle, vertiser. Re - h . *es ffr Sheriff--(ýeo. H. Brown, ouet bread, sait risiug. r. lt- Ccub',see,'cack We have attentled niatiîy aIrs ri iAccordifla tewell defiuiet reports, lite la m.pbiiaflNoméeforShrif. lr st rs.E.Coo 2u, eaches, sweet, Brunsetter, lb!; OeEs swt sl h Vî,b-paris bas ben iu nuch for William K H. Bownla naiveof akesides runniiug ancuor two expousitins, Ing for the appearance uf a protliguillInhe Oea. H. rownls native fsLake hea bel d comrsBsiettereatTyl uan blt. Puple bu hve ben wtch-t.,VKeExîbi2 eOounty, being haro la 'Warreîî towîî- Ms .Hmtlt r rnlte eaa werulte s;K I2bit we uever s-aw aÉtier, more Inîtel- faniily ta disipau.s@onie of the Vanderbilt The boss exillitiat tire (uuiluty Fair ahp184, moved wth hits parent to 2ud. Aluplea, sweet, Tay~lor lst;, Bruns- igelit, wetl bred aund well lebaved set meillions will note the dt.veiupiientm iftire thisçrwt Waukegan la 1855, reciVedhis eucl- Brown Bread, Miss Townsend tt; letter 2uî,Iot yoting peuple than those utt ie letnsa t ilaowt% nsa chet-maeb .V ic -Uoh la thé common scha1"of Wauke- Mrs. Gridley 2îîd. Crapes, sweftBhst Lake Coity Fair, last week. Y In Ibis wiciketi and Iconoclastic ag ment dealer. le lia)il allarge touit 40) taa n utilthe age of 7ý wbieu eenter- Corn breld, MIss 1. C. Sh ie s. Tomato eftstîl, Uaru S. Miller 15; eesemoeswl"tysornehiageunin DrauztfrueX.o %llg)4-S.)nhesd ikJ d the Waukegan Commercial Cal- Gaa raBaseerlt r.Wls î.rihly dressed, more "Iigb taieul" sacc ua ti ,,. ra tspi.usiueior ut tai uiri leg. ttndugtht chol for two Churchill 2ud; Mrs. C. W. Taylor 3dI. 1ralie catslu, Afliaoii1; Bute ~2 o0inlcultur tîîaw ut our aye uîrt' i eoi io fsrusL, tl thîsugli ie e\lillte i tirlem> 1«0 Atendng hatsch Bicui, Ms. . J eil cltue, hénulorlul iý,ù ifus!tl.c l>x4pie'Appaetly ibliggi,. sui S etc. ie-e wlcre oîly ..d aaa s mI a 811 e lisedin C. I. BstM s C .Keiril t; Bruns- Mixed ictkles, W eIls lat; S mith 2(l Fuir, but Flt mort'relit geiuiiuîr- riglît i oîs siir1 lsuty uhc, tena 17&h Reg. 'Vol. Cav'. and served utnli letter 2rud;Mrs. JohnîîClarke 3d. Clîlti sauce, Smith Ist uiowîî mafîîîuess and %wmaîîtiivut lîlulthe laIa' front vsirîle utIir Nidileeiass il 1ev ,,uu[s', .keiîl tsuil lisieguiar tât close of the war. The litiyearaf Huli yeust bisculit, Mis. Taylor la!. Wîiieimelouî, Buish Ist vwe hiid lus! week. aornd the i îrViii KVîiîurilimiluil iî' b 1slk-au'Wals.ust l, itsst' o ick lt ..bI army lite wus spelît as ulerk ini the But1es, 'Mrs. Franîk Brown la!; Mae Cider yinegar, Clark ISt. Buirt W~il fri4 %IWllanKVnehu Q. M.depatmea. Se tted uatrnB tieltld 2ut; Braîîletter Md. cx 2d. Tlîe Wasukegaui Luîmisîr Cu., is lus -Clus. go l îîs't11)fosho.j Jarmn iri 166 and lbaslilveui there uiiCkMs.H is s. Pickle Bausme,a . B a! Luk1fa te cartuîy. Ilcern ofias lse id l) THE WARRiNG ORIENTALS. e.'i u iueuulsiselît. Mlg. Ct>. an amemerofBoce Aeler Puîid cake, Mr. . Luskleri. Picke leanus, swee, J.Bai'b tra fi Likc urgt calîerul )r tu e usiîs- f.,, teii's, leite iri-C.and ever sine; is Lillie GIidley 2uul. Iickle Cherries, Ma3- Hoyt, lit a steam barge,lsriigiulg their 0w-h luim- Chiîsaanîud J.piîanseciiî t's)lut baving a tlii.. E.îus llgMy uo.. ui Albilsî, iMch. O.A. B. post,wus is rst ..i o ol adlickBaslte s ber direct tram the 1iluleriea ut Micli- verY 11 iu'î,e.11nIf )"Ii dlulîshîif, a.k fiue lIt ieu.4st-s ll sUl o3 f B * Adjutant; la amember af te M. W. ol ad n c k ,B ailte i; Domeslic Manfacuers-M a H adtf, Sîlp. al.Tley have 3ads lut botli M'u- poiratt -lbuts~ îl .~ ,î ildIail kiîs'l. sI. velaictes '180 A.,Ivaîh e C mi, biiu is iirt ,~.M iss selîiiu'k 'Juîl. Cîirhtl F aicy Q il!i, lBock it; A. Drasoli 2 k'a îd S u b~ ' aukegauu luere h is s 5,> Win ,w iu Jlm in uî fii sein tue uCl i II îiis ut liui tl. le s.ui; as been a member of tieaha utckb.LskIi acwr sclLk aA ' 2îîd. Hal.uveau S fid a large fuil stock. eThiieN etn;ui.Piiilbi ie xlusts 'u I i islypo yeas;wasta-caietarotthi twn Fig cake, Mae c SlîaulickIt; Cîrt Lgcbuuutt r.F. Nielîuls 1lit; tî la osgrow, wehl aeusouues], low up the Jepanemc hi b uuprsb@r fhi itic o icrytwuyHrvy2utu thoemerîtlue ae vr erup wabcas ocout lo ieiu'u li uawi i et Freinant anc yeur. Ras alwayas. ilr2 C~îîti lîs'lin hs. Budaîpli 2îîd l¶ueîy dressed aut. Tlîey are luoîuctaîlve Lb Huîug Chang a bloiaing up.- 1 sîslîîuI landulrt'gkilltecilev ~t1ilee levers Chacautte akeThe pri-sence of the Korean with the Coucoiit cake, Mis. (Clarke elit; M.t Thuaug, 2audm t M Th n ,2i Jpare tno szriyut hna--Pide l uîsw w ciiP,'v e'li e Sar i ~J . pply bas coniem te f Mo F iiey BoI e tud. S h uc st W orsted crazy (i iilt Nettie E uiger New Loke County M ap. th a the king ct Kurea ilsi en a is vt thé eamy. It is Ite u, s rfect!ridiiig it; Strang 211d Prospectus of a Proposed lllusirated phia Record. a ba o e w a ýi c e f ei a e e kv . r . Blte s Q uilted sîsreul, illaxuctarsl lat; lBerg- Farm Map of Lake Counly, Illinois. Japa nis ilet la cruîling about, "unableo 1 ' tiaisg e suulks' uîip oîo ult ta fl211utetidChluîa's sosa--is. -' lerhaps Japan IOttîl~hYîestiOliuuise lcg lIraleoffr. He ,on te ill wxaes aiO eLu ctsk k 2M1nBite i brl u L I si, laolike the rauîup wbo la alwutys looklîug uue.îuusOicositictîiuu. Thiere 'q aruiel u Fi lI ckMtleBus; Drason 2iul mile, iil Owiers.' Nauuclestiliîte t.-st l roit FrocelPress. I . wunds, tram whiichli le ili seth!e Cook 21il. Crochet ilurekaul. MNrs. Lux Ist; iluerelu wtuere îpossilel. Jaîuau islbeosuiuug sossluiut impuden t, 1bt-,iu s SIstulg. eitsily iaudlesi, psciety as maîch as they wsli, two Siîxer îcake,',%Mutile Rouie 1st. Webîb2id. "ubrLanduus, Groves, B]lfIuis. ttc c, t uuIS.s.Sev &ut'îu tink ihat litenseiiu ijieî iî'lih 5iii ajuct!ait aitres or mare, ait ue raIe af $3o ler Spuaigs' cake, Mrs. Cuiil 2ii. (uîiuesaed (ui uguîlt tc ilsI'ls.s ~ulîts llt Mcre. Coniderilî g the locution itnidi Cookies, slgar, M ns. Be.'k, lit; MsOndli in211 d lucutr It; teu,iie u LuT- awLs,î iials S ,il ltie ber u-ithewi.i S grsueirs iutuf bliius uu ' ts t' s iti fi wî uu tles tubéavailabilit oftftlîe taud<tfor suîtu Clara Muiîouî21d. Quilted eomrurt, î-auiaî, Slîcnrvaod Rivets,('tecks., Wsg oigs tsus,. î1Lil - ~ uîuiî u rst irpupeit tcsi3lig îsîîuauutyi diisonmi tWi lts tîi i suitCa Cookies, giugcr, Mrs. ( 'tl' i, ut; BFkond- riuds, l'auiii i lusiioca, I ltl ,M iîillthu-s . 1glîsii çt w'lerul e ro.'îug'isli 'tsueutuysor remaable 1rce anîd iffilue SocietyM Iat st;;Bis 3u.QuitBe.c mft, 'ki n,.E hcoleStisslIIslstheuurls-. îîe at-tfssî tesretlat tt Mon obtaili Suflicielut grahîlîi 0uitIeR' DuugmorwolMs.E."leuaetfoî il ointlat teef ileliîtleay Hgalal iiyi il Zkorth for tieercetiauu af ilîir uam- KTrt2uî eadlsuk e ou',mfort, esttuli, leck lit t uiîavii<",e. lwcietiigeeyptciai iawntro -Pteate ppite the j udges statîut, Fruit Cois ileGiIetlst'eIfrato mleljteaiiitii ocnuv hn.Ilaie8 n iiviii eiieadi lia will doubtess accep of Tied omfortthwol, StraigIsts hvi Stsil husilut', .iCiii.l 's Iv tuC370091,000uspulationo'lr- tet a jaist k li J Turu, ibpun.itl-oul oveiigi tsilake nd M bla offerihich alsa lucludes an sop- I.S e n si tio t th Nlsn pec o lad n OI al foni1 suIs flicrteports receivetl trou> the orient is tkei îu'ucliiss. 'ls as'lile ray Means iut; Shiwol lu-lu po t in .Jsï ileoe s has' utiofgreittul'e si th e tevotin ug sputilg tatt Peurs, Mèr Butterfied Ist, Mrs Crochet sumlue cobelHtrlels Vt'l'ars ma)-wChinlieeolîrîvy.y1lle Chiinse .avit apeeChrssr kt ,psec lu rase, vsfia, e w Iduaitî1s cl ctassiao Braslete 2ud.Wiliams 2nd euptaî gaé.aefot îîi ait hueon the riny deeup, t.sls aud kuii uuic esék Schîanck 'ut.gMia.IeHltfuul T whofeas i1h issald that the Japanese mairo Cl.A))e' fe ote ir2ad. 1 eb2O h uleanîd irivide busilitngs fgna ilsadhaebogtl rDv «, mnRbuîbariu, Schîaîîk lat. Towusciîd 2 K,ii Shîawl, Meons 1. the caunty il llhustruiteth le muttgiuijeaus State. infan buyng i yeas ag, whn he Cherries, Mi's. Keirîli Mrs. Taîylor CrotelîetiShawl, Thate 1; Sherwaad 2 of the Fmut). -7 hlescmiid ~Uerd I fa ba th lîeset iice 2ud. ScniPutnan'l 'lie iupreceleuted l lieprice, $5.00U THE FRENCH ANARCHISTS. Ot buggies anud carnages thene were lxrdifr af h recitpic.21(.Scr, uma .sliuld lisure tue iîecesslury patronageabae'dauîuuaveyspro 'Wit tht hgh roud tey au ear C îrrants, Miss Scbunck, la!. ipa home made Yamn, Barburas ta warrant ils publication, I lias The acquittai et 86 anarchiata at Parla abkr'dzi i( eympro 40u lltei od uldng aderct Gosberisit;Ruolh211d. Acen 21 yéars since a large uMapl, f at leaut ahows tint thé triais are net con- lt of itue Elms' ccnîIpaliy make. onaoseberi'ifres, entduoted lua sii fa idc ens-o-Thèse carniages are charaterized by JwÈe newBlack Baspherries, Mrs. Taylor isi. Faciliatar, Mrs Lindsay ist Mrs Set- Lake County was matie, and evérvotis ton journal- -ý ftus eqirmets o tis Red " " art 2nd wiîî admit the néed and importancet2 of supeniun Matériel firsi-class workinan- Strawberries, Mrs. lianel lst Town- esd lpe8 atl oltt ,~t ~ >s ep~fî . but It bas at éat serveti te show what ship, élegusuiceofa!style anti neasonable -y& grund, her spcttor ea sendI 2ad.'1st Mrs. E. Cook 2nd Andreas & C., 41,5 DearbarnSt. kInd ot citizen& are la anarchiat circles. price. We liever saw a finer lot of Vmc h ae ion h nié Grîlies, Mrs KeinlIlst Geais Waolea Kuit Sacks, Mrs Bar- Chicago._____ Thieves and' -feoce"can hardi>' ho ooked ',Mune.s VThisr lat MnsBron haas lt Mss MansOfd.upon as social irefonmer.-Philadelphla buggies, aunreYs etc, 011 these Fair Xom for the removal of everything f 2d oleit isBrw aa s Ms en n.Kuit Floar Mat, Mrs Sherwood ist; laquirer. grcuîdb.The eusilions are of the. ild Gents Woien ar inen Sacks, Miss The acquittai et the ailegeti anarchistea inuesi Eîigliiihbrcadloth aîu h ih fom thé lateiar af the rnîg. The Blackberries, Mrs Hamel lat. Maî e r Braa n.Mrs. Barbaras 2nd. lTai em l hwta ule Yicnp op tagaî uirabe; la s Crosssstitchrs RuîgrMrs. Drasn tnPearsestnet uteosho tahaS uenythln tuidings beiag aoî the bill can hé seen Crub Apuldes, Mrs Keirl Ist. Ladies woolen Kidit hase lMrrs Blan- is;Crss Bcek 22. . frasn ter grentqile wa et irehat th mou opyitopsrytiig ais drsle;ain al ~oui dlaaaeeand hus atrue axf BluberncsTOuiî,Iid stKert2nd cba'd lt Gets Boeak 22. lacsrgtoranteI t wasfr wat they hav ràe ée rynags. Tbey aeirn aIl ~~eres visiiîîg tranges. Le's A1iles, mithilat Shauicl2iid. Ladie cattfi or lucu ase, eans Brbara lst.Hera' buy ore raud aa spraelaur- CrauerntusMrs uskîst oue hatthe> wor pu on nlal-Boton broîgîîut ii thabei m rounisaa