. pr r Ç b M- 08*0*m -mm zvoï.ýonswb t Zà,en 04 ËI Ue'telO" awhite nultuerofflejurisitiuswr a dtaaaI ae.au «i Miners. ..-8.i. ewWsit andts l i. Avusa- amulst.lug lundisud preparina u td oUOliiV nttaIs.bus.fPu NeUw G0,usd bi» of the Odden- luge for the laudable work gw»t Uw55th WHEN WILL H4E DIE? -poi»»d 11~~»t,10nornd la Dssrt.d. rsoTixyff et l Nr USIailne mu m st5UIUfix utDd Great Aurlty for the fltesof the KingPaeT l.ioetuW,. ofg. am 5 iait ~dsordrs of the 1oneavfial change was made lu the ta- of tomlt The ligbt. of God 1-3 coucea .d urdar The French marsbhal, Turenne. wai 11,1 D4SOOIS te iu~ ~ bls f hebase-bail baeff by the Teasrl sujco ovra ilthat shînos," says the Aveta, ito- ar.ý& goersan sd hi s charuu*Ler ~lef lvat. t ili*-t" e loslng gaules. it. wa a risa 0f cit, e1. 82 L invaslide r ai sorts torth t. Lui Bowsovor the lion lun eafgkok là the candition of the rotrs sacred book; and as perfect tboar eaminatlon for nobllity. He Me ta tber ne*" 1tn r theatl. Lomims eam ha4siamose minsr,h. When will liho dieY Uity lu body and mind la the oua ats oise* esahiwasg rot.mi.Many >uidents ut Burid f M@Feters. bee fathe frnt te ptinnt hsWl.at wilIlhappen t.hlug important toW orjastrians, t1jh.wbi are related of hlmè how bis Bsarlo la li. Pater., eau frthor rom t(jpunnn-.Ptre n lements, the air they br -athe, modetv. generoolty and honesty, ai> CA net. of trou fetters waa axhumed lu season than lever be fore, bad an tua lions like thesa meare IOwater they dvink and The t arth well ashiî courage and milîary abili. WAL1I .14 ahurebjard of St..Andrews. New-. Reoaluck'hai beau lu former year& heard on ail aide& ft.he t.read muât b3 ke4j.f rom every i y. A 1>11e slory o! ou o!hi..iGerman ~&1-nony erceut.ly. lt is mnp. The Browns played thoir tat gamenst. Bis deat.h ha@ boom uflelan influence. 'campaigueillustrates his rare scrupu- t. ha a malefactor b.d beau home and fort.uuatel . ueasyvW lieth Ciuciuustla could uot. do Iudeed, not.a few jwi lit eIb read, or what.3vor la of- lleved, f rom the movoments of his Fou br full nam*suad addreus tal wlh ht (l t:usbelieve ho la dead ted the n tW est..aud trylng t.o pro- arm,. tliat ho intauded passlug through .*b,0*k m lt a . 'îdlli u. aa yywter t..Loin le w thu e vles ud iîi and t.hointimation soirve purlty snd trut.h mong their t.hei tarritory. They saut. a deputa- Uot'n ,rth saeral dolas. If aeil by; Ished lulnMth, place. At. Louisvilleo /wlthbeld for *tat.a people. rom their yout.h up, ar îale ion to h m whlch offerôd him a ager Q0 tfulafivantage.o' ea. rolnwnon n otci Chi- res-ons fromthte cublien are inLlru47t4d lu trathI ai- sumi of money if ho wotyld aitar the di- s 10 I tetion. DoS .ly.Bcag j uo u. sud lnuteselhtOflacego oral pubic. The unom, lndueîtry. the cut ration of 1 re rection (if hi., march, aud bava Frauk- * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hc Zb.luwubyatubo.o ttiserlt.ha otâeal hplacem- foralgu represeut.s- and the reariug of dogs. Bore are fort.uumolest.ed. GO" o rD t, rains. auces lu the yjar arane Te e ING wor AI.l ives aven shareacloe texte iront the Açe,taand nTheu wore sr lu d nmora wayi; è,Teapeh&alargerortiOVO 01 soun o 1894 est an eau. t ~ Ihe general ignorance ou the subject., LYiug and borrowiug go hnOun(t anebv bis apswez. Geutlemen,» hond drJ. G. ac say otrlt rhjchaRge d'ai- hn.ihosl.My conscience WILî net.1erîult popoethnsyohrrlt, an record of sll thea gm 4p.yed by ail adJ .Sot rts hrh ad ta.hbrafore, an excellent. bralu food. the club lu the ft=oalLea"ue fo- fares, doemed it. aivisable 10 brilug "Long sleep, O man, le not good; ha me to 8>cept your mouay, for 1 have 1 BLIVElntrthfo athriy ndlow& s hos. yvictrien dowu suother gunbýst f rom BonrKong who riss irst willl coma mb l'Para- rnoer lnt.euded t0lisi my army mis uhrt o ri.e'ch club won f rom ail the othr clubs, lu vlew of the alarming rumors in dise." hogyurtw. ____au____________for ________ how mauy test ouitet whom, and t.he high circles. The state of lbe cty 'He who plants treos, who g:.ves- --1 t1clomu position of each club lu the le tia one of inteusea eemat.wator t.o 120 thir4y eart.h and t.akei Ili TIE elephant. la the long-ý3t-Ilved Ira U!race: Il bas beau asqerted ihat the h ingr la awai whou 100 abudn. ho hoira land animal. and the whale the lougest.- Swe5Og in __the________________ but ..ufferlug f rom an attack of faver, tho earlhý but. te hlm who tilts ber uot llved ses animal Bor "Lrg tct 0 ~l brought. on by residence at Col-ai- abe 5555.'Thou wilt IRg>tW the doors of - au LUS Ie 0vf~ti LU ~~Chang an island lu the Gulf cf Siamt. ot4rand beg for bueaid in id lene abtoi aie B111 unale on MyI h asi a t~wva thon wllt kfor bread sud gel but le bientw ouesofteice. Fohua - s"Prct.ect dogi for six mothe-chil- Hisdau~eiIw -5I;c; 0 u favorite drug of the gondw.NWBatln. ..... .. 6 4 àSiamjean 1120na reh , A Vatuable Book. va gtg ov. New York& .. 6. ;il s 1012 and uow ls Potion- The largest Bible lu the world le lu Wu.glanlà osB eacs 6 s ;s t9"Oas affeCta are toit.t.he Vatîcan. il la a manuscript Bible, aumed t1efir natural Philadelpe&. an~9858wtha aaiy ht d wrît.teuin Hebraw. Te bok apeaan, nds..i CkYM 4,6 Eetirely Fre Pittaburg-o. a at4! 41ss., osi ecovary. tory ctnected witli.h I.&Sme Itallan .... Chicaa 17 O 7 . h> le I ave obinled s view of the praclous ISt Louis ... . j,5 rý 14>j~ i~ saVjrni trouis trouble. Orc hldion vere Moiid 1Cnonuattl.....2î 8è4 e 21 r,1 :5 I~the Crowu i- r inacao, volume, aud tlId their co-relîgionist8 V» #jpoils otmsaiso a veryfat),.but tis sson Washlugtous .... i2Î213! >4 elo ~. sadé-t. so-i o! Chula- .of Vaulce o!f1i.,'The consoqueuce wam tboi bave bora taitu Hode Bereaturl2i 01 ~* 7>Ol2î 3 41 il 4 . ogcou hthat. a syndicat fVeainJows an- té m ayafied theïr blocd. buit tISsu up, and sx~y probably suc«ed hisx&vý.vaUsUW8 .desvorod Wo purchase ht, offoriuiz the tmybe ave butsfa isfroti!u lln"ssthis vin-! Om« o. est- ùèýPerfather.. lu Siamn, however, the rlght. Pope the weght of the bock lu gold&e Un.' E. IL BLACIBU9S. Orgn, Missouri. BaiSuave h1a. Won L et. poa0d. cof..o!printogoulluro e ifot mu7 yreog- for h. Pope Julius IL, however, re- New Yok.* * e 46 1. -69 nized as a fundamenteel laie of the fu a I tbe offer. At the proeut price Bouton ...Ur s ~ . - 0se 42 i6v realm, and the Sei abodea, or Council of oold the effer was one ono lessthau n noo£ sý>71 Cu es 0 -5"o! State. upin tue death of the rai u*î SILO,OOO. This le the largest prica aeve in ~ îg soveralgn, may elact akn. eiknowu thave bei . orabok Moode Pille are purely vecetasble. and do i3tabu 65en seis 2 .901 Crowu Prirc-, whooe full rame le Som-- BringB comfort sud impievomeDi sMd am par"e, piel or grive. sold by aildruguiste. ClitafLents 132 67 75 0O as4',detch ChowfatIdaha Vairunhis, le but A Cur. that Cures tende to prsonal enjoymont when je Cncinnati. 62 4 75 3 .4I19 <ar W1. th1e klud nmost people destre. SucS a cure rightly used. The many who lirebei S»htLO 13,'1 45 74 0 .44 fi IIîsoâ jabules, but not a cure fur ter than otheirsand enjoylii ore, with LauvI& .. w 36 96 2 r.7 COINAGE 0F SILVER. everythlng. They aire for ail liver and leus expenditure. by mos promptly a ________ ~~stoutscb dîsorder. adone tabale glye re-. dpigh ol' ot rdcat MOOSI4NER CATURD. Dollars te 8te Pumber of 1.397.*23 thepneedofphysital beiug, wiil atteut 0"____ Te Mn ve ad u etuk-r.= Out ortheb. MCDL 1colIClettO IDaill . the vaine W heC=thof the pure liquid 9& la Lir mon.ee Evr .Md BDyK.ete- S3cretary Carlisle made a statantent Thr are savon collages lu the1 laxative principles embraced lu the Me. Wenee ed ><,mcouc-rulng thea ccnage of sliver dot- Uulled Bates which mainta1u dsilyjremedy, Sjrrup of Fige The largest gang of moonneorâ lIa-s unde, this administratIon, th@! newspaFers, amaly. Harvard, Yale, lie caca lance la due te its prenlg E. that açer eft the Big 'Saudy Valley coinago being tuoder the un> epeabed Princeton, Browu. <jorueil. the Uni- lIn the feint mont acceptable sdpi. Pinkham'ls pae-d through Aehland, K<y, Mondav p oruf tf he Sherm-a st. It shows, vr2ly of Peunsylvania aud 1he Uni ant to the taate, the refreaiugan tly ou routa 10 Louisville, where ther ii =t ice the administration cama lu- Ivarslly of Cati omnis.bnfcs rpriu faproil Vegetable bF noryesig u e utel tW p.wer blî,.Jstandardiliver btie efctuall lersoanen i ytm lutsCut hecodtrsi charge dollars have beau coiued, of whIch at.2* fetalyceasn Co pud of Uni"adStates Marshal "1id « Gg Per, b.u < ave beau siguloraga. Tue Hal'@ Ctaryh Cure uisaeling col...beadaches sdfovre. C*OlnPOUn cf .lohuson Cjuuty, aesletod bv s score Sec> etary mya; 19a s costtut'en al'CuMries7rce ta Itan per act.yuin ctfiatlionn CURES ALL of daputies, and îoproseauted 1h.ehaute %<tie t.e, <as proviisth&a% redeouisd mt lh ifiq sapprovt l'ot anmdca of Ivo monthapPa t.. lu the rint six reaeury Dates JMay li cisue& i. lm.u- Luxuriant Vegolallon. pmesmon, theausrO h aca1othe K - Aliments of Women, mnonth i Grear aud bis dopullas have ~.isau ex Proeslimiteton epon thse jovtpowecfrssvatatmesro esior sudhommetam othteaki- b VIII astiril ue te a ofdestroyed thirty-sei-eu set arabe sîte . -0 re:s»ue b>' declaring tbat -uo greateror A ocofaisv htmsue nliLe ndBwawtotwak 15 vil ..ttelyaun65. au uâb s*um ad thoisauds, of galione o! their prod- -o" atsuut of uch ntuteb llie ut-b e svon feet.inlu ingth and a joito enigthe n t inhlaperfoctly fie« huom lagn a M uogration, y.inMa uct. ccmmouly deaslnat.ad moou-.tfltg81D lt hanlise CSI of tbeet.wotyluchas lu clrcumference are eeyojcinbesbtu Dlo.imeakotbeWoa il epomisqent hne h .e arrasted about 25 .iîver tu lion and the standard sîlver dol- ivo products front the fart of EL. a- V botonbesbtne SpiasiWeueuél .usl aale fedr u ta nneroilisotherà, &rd colued iberefrei ne 50D i th 1e Lusk, noar Ste Adrow'aPsy, Frida. .*S7ru1 of Pales for selsby &Uai rer (f.- j as accu as I emeurpurcismd b>' sucb ots..____M_____ instre.MI botties, but llat USnUan te .*.Ch"" egeOf L who vîli ha talion sâs s so sorsenidluel Wu l on r>ee isrsifse thectrd 91 hlfiis7~ yu s s %. earset notsaare ode<nif in otea itun l t6e rteidlîtyaoffer-rs.obu theUtdcapturam e" cuise waw lensto'obOotacm i ID tise y vsyeà. luthe irture-f borela luobetaceulaohe valof Umr aidensy lts yCe.eeoyulg mwhces ita Ce olay proa isdo a pr Zey . Myoaau rsedjr &o ved bua ointkiula.the vart us g ange sottie ihrillltng Isue. becau s scb redempilo. o. o isiff" onoot vus iseien very as henm, yupc ig, it11 ààiet lfailUble i ei. s e so. iédi. ds u b @&rs onr oe.Cv hn ne -sMd expels Tamosros a to work ha. beau done, sud coma narrcv ..ffect lthe stock of stiver field la the tre&bS. eredit for using Olennus telpisur Se.:. sd eg tva e yro vi lo f la M arty.laCeof devol 14 MDad cheks eacapos experienced. Seven of Greer e ury aunder these s o f J air4. 1890.but aisen and__________ luformd e il o Mynauj mé o oenhm.Tba* I '<icers are uow laid up for re-palre at "Ili "o r rdeed waitS silver coluel frm u GRAT ITIK, sBay$ soienee, la the accePt auj subutlitte if é050 different tovus lu Floyd and Johnson the bhailon perchased under thal &et. teey monory of theii rt 111etIg-ow F Ilg oulâie, hie oot weyoft e uit lb. restred and canceliel. for cuber- ahst Coutie, huescut ven. ! ta iâe thon soalat! lSe.after the redoniptIon ear pai on rt "bo&euw un. moonshîu"rs are alec ragalu(ng thair sud roi-Be. s greater suioueit ut notes p b.ou otuatimwsiorsand.'pamernsusua carisi by streugth invarons np.Sandy jaibe. ututandliaorIsas thecolt of tihe silver % Rb ir,uM M W uMWr1 o tu me. Vndeoe a iorcnmaotero iltsbla Thezo latter ahilfoilow thoîr mare oritinally i.urchassed and tIns h -bul5 bummnca>' vtth te lava tisaSguittethefortunste elob ove Louisville sud 10 reasur>'. aud tt l lnoxpressy pro ld *in"agVoumand la aubaimiléanwatim the penitentiary as soon as their cou- Sy thesatusit& Tne purpose or C h obs os ,~~ ~~.. ~~~.. ~~~ iton wiii permit of a change o! quar- ~ abc .ud5 5 f~~ï se -Co , Ê»=iou u .sIou. i s 1 pevist 5e dupie cacfs rco- j SJCL1 SIL g E.861.55145<5155~i. thegngMudyvre11ofei- tes and slvr purchasod vîtis thenotes 1.7_ IL___________ me,___min__Ith_______________ff o end "'Idlie outatandlDg as the saine le. - or. 'Peirugo.raugil rom i t.50, Tressury notes recelved la the erdinar> ~~~~~~~~~~and nb the degrea o! their crime the e course ut business. or redeened lnufictid or i __________________________________ was iln oe mal variance. S 'ýme o! the oxcbanged for silver dolsrs nol colued mou have growu olil sud gray in tué front bullila. purchaaed ender the e t ut Z oncoma biait followed it ut a Juiy 14. 18>0. are nolretired sud csucelled. N v boSaIe. eî,, 11, Rd eb..rv,.e, Te---- soI~t hlhe arral ush boa th'1ecAil ed ganutolr-rosed. rîslg rom Ibis 4. F r ca t orOc o ort.whle, ohar hadretllad15elaît dey of July. 1891. silver dollars 10 the spirite for theataakers. sud othars h5d inîount of ffl.iI8.264 soie colued troui te .B.D PssERMSINor Tues colle%dieEare they ar tseed- ut ncmrlbillbbd lo uubo tbulon purcbursd uiderihatact Theso RV.IL . IKS (The Storm'Prophet,. ileasd05.ar ie r..~e n l otb-tetisll ui ot. h ali aaseiarteaiio rn ii - eouts1sseuite.ceot yehermnd.boys vere usually the sons Cf the od coAsseswu$ tâ.867.803. , .hb..espald itan,âdjAeVd~ursa.CSI s. . 4isiseo le, lais t ui trT. îveeus.operators, vho voie f recai lto the the treasure 5.5 sniîscellaneous receillt, ~OCTOS~e. 9-October begiua bright sud cool, growing varmer i lut wt S 5uee-'<~srsudPareC.,f,îmllfrSX ork from chlldhood and lltarally knew l.avluîr. t29 48.46!10u.iehld sa fond ta ~secondsvy &eioracrfin ront aud te 4th5Proat>' ughts viii teilow. Aisother vau > cou>. isn .0. su ulo. ddzsa -~ ase.S~vral oma va ;de for %lh. reaemption of the treasuy 4. aorn wv illatabteset about ath, bringi ng rain sion;irls palS t0 the esit Itn l% 13LE CmOLu L uai. COU , N ntin es S eal me r nte.as provided by Is. a . durmE 015 utojothCold snd trust vOl attend cearing conditions ieiiovlng. The un-1 77 m_______I-_________i____el____________ atolcamn helt .t, rm Lutonres ou tes v u oni4tS 1101ad fosyveatissr -7 wUf wetrmlurie, bot heedates. The ,sthtS 7sato5erodf0ce BATTLE WITM BANDITS.b> SolS Venus and Mercur>'. Storme ou lakesasnd asouvîlllie .dangçerou& s. l GRAN SIE O TH WOLD.espectall>' truc of the reactîcuar>' stornes on and touchlng the 23t, >615. Venus on Three M iod lie>as Sethera racineia 3.t, iercur>' ou aIlS, New Moon .lth, sud %"Vlcan" reit, compose a combinstion tisal Jlohn W. sýebbL«ss leeta ta Higis Omre Express ln ArIsons. rendors tise cluiug days of tise moui)s precurions ounland sud ses. Rain, tur gto oUiKey cleI b teh. Oild I'eD.woi. The boldest express robbery laver NI j~ !I Johni W. St."bbins. teceuil>' o!acted lnovu lu Arizona tirsmcommilteil near Vg D . .HIM L A Grand Sire of the vorlil inOdil lliow- Maricopa Mouday night, The train %7,A.LM a=4%o fc>ze tU«b re4%e IL1 5, Vents a~~~hip b, tha Sovareigu Grand L-Oige, 1. ho il up vas the eîsiboud Southeru »jyoecotiig h wnefd6edciso h j~~UsluI~tcesekaoeheii ~~ O. 0. F.. at Chatta- Pacific, sud the desperdsae - onyn mtiigts w drfdrdùscfie ZYNOB M*nsuL..noocga. Tenu, le .<5 ieveil te have securad I8.0,000 lu golil. REV. IRL R. HICKS, (Thse Storm Prophet> years of agea He le Tha robbers ivoire pursueai andl in s es NOW fflKADY. s or No anatita of Nov dasparate itgbt. vith the Shorlffsaposse If yonrdealer bs netgfot one , seu sive wcent stamp top % t r C r dYork. sud residesataoeerobber vas shot asud anc lb r-cap-e tx . ýcLn. «b? vntýzaz f3 00.1* of ar.81=184aL. Ru tu e ur N Roce:4r. Altar tured. Tco of the bandits wbo a- sud you viii receive eue by retur uai taremai di lts sturs aiout tise - us Ie rte u Seendeand semet.4 - ulnitegehac i- he third. vho vas a more boy, lelhFrcs o coe.~ ed in Ios.oranr ulth rsriess. for vAls no came principal of was no. The robber vho pro- 4,.m EX.AMINA'I'ION Macedion Acaiemy.vTuhyisibe uolta tri TheS sesson te dlean up the systein by nsiug ~ -nR GLogefi tmiBi 4*EI A trE4TTo ouPA fly I ..Ho tuciloillav, vas ca tureil the heail-brakeman sud > Or. J. H . McLEAN'S Liver su dnyBalim. UîoeSl4Uoelemuio.Ii4ou. iadmîtteil to the bar compoliail hlm le turu ou he air No timesaboi lie ltou lsking it. There are nodstsu ICney ouas kidus> au jinculer5f3 vas elact. brakas sud stop the train. The other t roubles. Keep watt Nov la 1theterne to put ou boavier clothing. Follov up tise ail a 1e Stta eg-bandit covaroil the angineer, vho vith 9 c-4d ve u thelilver sud Sîducys b>' a course et i isbtir.1asot haeraema vs cmpibLee- g Dr. à. il. MeLEAN'S Ste'engthoning Cordial and Blood Purifier. Rouedees. Rave r OTnlus.of the committa. of back tw the express car aninduce the Th1 4u.rPul pr-sed itnumt%=. tif eu, cf vhlch Hoace Gmaoioy vas a' mensonuger ta open the door. The boy panudlaniudm set louttaoinambar, which draftethe tisîtrma cf vas thignshovedi ntu e car White _________________________ l Tr i leg< o oareeeme t îa-i W tothe uuîlluo eho e as saarching for express trea.- hl . b , al.h olil Whig party rfiifftrmsd l vitS the Repluli- !unes the Ivo bandits guardeil eaoh J5R IL u * unmmuum UM&is uiis aua. Mor. Stebblus becème an Odil aide of the train. Whon tha boy camae~D~~ l luo l 1850« He vas Grand Master front tise car the tminmau, who woeFrw n y e r Wafflugse= fr tvo terme: savauteen jeare ago ba- under t5eélbadits' gune, vare cont- i iscelayGant r * ~ U > i a i samo a member of, the umand Lotgaplld marcS vils the bandits a! Sct' mlion haa benenodrsed by physiciam a e i iii - ~1 -ut- randaste, su Wsme.sor.ditne--o- h u--. hravee obd -ai n ecebotil nrelanaD mU ai ci Soto «v oecË ERBAEEN&i ,a au eDau a W . L. D kt me Aoer im &a C.tA NDKMo., PMI »eê. ug& A004 Zr RUPANS o TABULM&.,, a ibe houeuboaL » by UMil. oas b1l.13=1mtaiteI u> RIPAIScamAeOwl a 00 U. a.. CRU&"s sali D.T. HOPKINS. Pr#Ieî, 'opulist mu expense. For f u!l P&ZUallaalms POPULIST PRM CS00. IBox g47. l~O