Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 26 Oct 1894, p. 1

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tit Jn.I.'95, for only 26 cents,,esq,It OUR A'IM: IL) PPF.A COD, iTELL THE T RUT!-!ANS>MAKE MONL Y. PRIC. 5EAR P PP £&ï,VWa VoI.3.No. 2. Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois, Friday, October 26, 1894. 141e.fCounty # Independent, *auende Independent. Lake Zurilch Indemendena. CUAYI LAKE INDEPENDENTr. ?h Iben yftl ay A LIBRRTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. '%Ibe etai, ef Lake Count>-> for ibeIr several UODWMA"advlcfagl. g ir&l the Voue:>- News a asile Ihoi eff lulte Ma".«Ch a nd ail eUn1dm41gsout>-papers. ADVERTIOINO RATES. 7e lvfswîawî lfulamîemlum 1>-r 1141 llmelIa: 0 1 iS121 1 g M pur enont sddltloffl for Front Pagu or *MW PO$eWon ZI...l N m oU.tnn tsrer ltne foi Orsiin. 0111Uth.And Ove cet. per line for esch addi- *aqol lneoln. Thome oarrylngs andling a"* ses lave lbealsat à cents tur lUne, traiht. Idemb II.OO pe Inch for rl lime andIt ffty' niW pen Inou for each aubeequeni insertion The above rates incîude advertliing in ail 1111 ]sapera. IÇo etra charge for changea mode Uldvcflnolenta running by the y car. IIIfolefr acirc'tlng andt Job Priiulg arm fan;c mipar" lot cf ecdimonth. Job Prtnting la C. 0. D. and Aîivertimeni., COMINO £VENTS. Electlon-Tuesday, Nov. 6, '94. Registraion Tuesday, Oct. 30. This wlll lie the hast oppontunlty. Those who negiect it, can'î vote. Thanksgivlng, Thunaday. Nov.30,'94. EDITORlAL MUSINOS. We staried oui oven two years tugo to make ibis a strlctly non-partisan, IxN"zPiziDxT county newepaper. We have persisted lu our purpose and shahi malutain fi as etich, so long as iwe continue lts editor and lîroprlior. We run the INORPENDENT On busi- iness pnînciples. We have ajuace to nent for sny legitimate picrpose aud. dlaim the saane rights and iviileges as any tarmer, merchaict, batik, on other enterprise,to0obtain our living wlthout being bamuered by partisan politica. We treai ail parties alike. If the Poihicfsiis were strieiiy honest, andi wotgld unI> -onLst eu tious- iy nepresent tlhe wliole people, ht wouldn't make so mîieh différente wliat psrty wa4., lu lowe.r, s0 they were'intelllgent. One y-car. cuit in advance ........ .8 six inombae, caicii adi u ....c ...... 17 'lbree iiiontis. caah lu aivance ... ... 4 One y car. If not poit wlthln 3 monthe.. S.017& One y-ar. If Dot paid wthin 6 montho . .U AIl settiemnents ai &top~ gcmade at the cate of 82.00O per year. GRAYS LAKE. E. B. Siierman ls out of town on bîusiness tiis week. E. B. Sherman the jeweler received a cati fram bis brother iast Saturday. Mrs. H. Il. Neville ententained ber sister Misai Grace Parker, of Cary, last week. 1ienLottes %iseil el out at public acutiozi, Wediiesday, Oct. 31. Rend liat and ternis in antuthen colunin. Mesrs. Whitnîey anîd Webb, o! Waukegan, were bere one day lait week looking over tlîein property ilnterests. Mrs. Barros lias coîiciuded to supply a long-felt want in Grays Lake. She null furnish home-made bread, cakes and pastry almo lomeniade candy. Give lier a trial. J. C. Ailema lias goîie iiiChicago. Ilis niatv friends nere will be pieased 10 learîî tlîat lie lias been offered a gcîod position witli a viboiesale liariiess anîd Saddiery conipaciy. Wiiiis Gardinier's gray teato got a. lîttiethie start of their driver, lumiter, aiid sailed arounid town a few minutes Moiday afteînoon, badiy slîakiîîg up a new gasolinie stove and creating a 11111e excitmnent. llenny D. Loyd, P'eoples party caniddate for forigres, will md-es te public on live issues of the da, a B.itterslîail's liall, Grays Lake, tlîit Fniday eveniîîg. Let'a ail turîî out and judge of the populistic doctrine. 1ev. Burkholder camne out ho prsiacb lu Rev. liarisonis stead last Sabbath. On account of Mr. Fraziera tuerai lie exchaîîged wîtlîBeyfliai-ris, o! Milburii. Everybody iu luis locality wouid lie pleased ici hear Bro. Burk- holder lit the aear future, Little Jesise Loîigabauglî was knock- ed dowîî and ruli over by a horse wlule piaytng in the street one even- iîîg lait week. H1e fa; rapidiy recover- ing früm quite seyere ,iîajwio& - Jen did ît see the horme and tbe driver o! horse diii rt see Jesse lience thieae- cideîît. Mrs. Barrus lias moved lier M.Nilliiiery sud Dress-makiîig establislînît across the treet ilito lier new quartera wiiere aie lias iiëal and cosy parions and wiii be lîieased to have aIlthie ladies en Il andi see lier iiew gouda. Slie mill showv yoîî ail the latest styles in fl and a inter Millîîîery. Fridav October. 19, *94, uit 3 1). ni, Gilbert Frazier passedto tii lon uug rest. Mr. Frazier vcas bornîli Jeffersonî couuty, Newv York, ifty-four >ears and six monthia ago. lie hasklilved ini Lake County many yeana. Two Vears ago lie removed W0 Grays Lake wlîere lie lad buiît a bandsome inie and ini wlîich lie ioped tui regain bis already decliinîg Iealthi. These boptes proved vain anîd lie gr.ulualy grew weaker froni day to day outil bis final release. Iliii at words were 11 arn gouîîg hoe"lie was a cliristian mati wlo liadi mnîy fnieuîdiansd he watt thorougli- ly respecteti by those who kîîew liit best. le leaves a wife, two dauglîters and one soit ho mourn hlus bas. The fuîîeral was lîeld ah tthe Grays Lake chîîrc'l Suîîday Oct. 21. 11ev. S. A. intermnîit was at the Grasys Lake cenietery. A ver> ia-ge concoîirse ot relatives andv friends assembled h(, lac s last iriliîii. lii heir uelarted uieigiu- bor anid frenti. For sonjetinie pa2t inivitationsiavase beeîî widely circulated ho a graund surprise. Tlie cnature of the silair was fully expiainetii eacli invtationi. The frifends of Mrn.ud lira. Benjamin Drury, of Avon Cenître, were pi-e- paring for a celebration of the gooti couple's fiftietit wedding auniversary. On Tuesday, Oct. 23, at about eleven o'ciock, relatives. frietýds and îîeighî- bora to the îîiumben tof ven two lîuidred gatiiened at the Avoni Centre, scliool house anîd forxing a procession of over flfty teanis repaireti to tue Drury bomestendt. The surprise was complete. Everybody brouglît a basket of eahables andi was prepihned ho) make mrery. 'rwo tables 80 ft i lengtb were loaded and 170 per3ons were seated at once. Amoîîg the pre8enis were a gold Iieaded catie tu Mn. Drury and a gold bleaded uinbrella tti Mrs. Drîîry, $72.50 i gold front different parties, 110.00 in golti fnîm a frieîîd, a ilver basket lined with gold and contaiiig $16.00 ini gîld several qther gifts. Tlîe presentatuon speech was maide by Eugene Gilbiert aind was responded to by George Gage, of McHenry, who la 81 yea.ra of qage. V ~bllAane.hoai ro lstng n pe - The Bepulilicanis andt Democrat8 «u=unt ithun are fully able ho 1ook otut for theni- c- S~le-tes ceta ecb. forSi. selvesn, so oui-làsmpathies si-e natuinal- Subocniption Puice, $1 .50, pefr Ye y lh l asrPepe' udPo fi. C. PADDOCK, Publisher. Iliblîlon parties. Our inclination la __________________________ 10amst tbose wlio îeedl lelp-the i oorer classes, laboruîîg peoplie etc. What They Say about t8e Independeni, 1 We st.and uîî foi- oui- convictions of Th Ti.Lake County iudeuen it faic-pineiplel. tw0 years oid anti las enteret uponj lithird >ear. Ih is as triali>' ant One man's money is as gooti as lIvely as a youung. cot.-Waukegan another's with us; but oun edîhonial 11eister.1 opinions are not for sale andi caL' lie Tise Lake Cohîity INDi'.P'E>DE.NT bonght. Lt is a wusie ut euergy to eomileted volumue t la ssI aeek. lu-> buildozlug or coerciou on os. Bro. Puddack fa a Iliste aîli'(udgîves Save > mur efforts for a lietter cause. the peope oven there a gti lîjaper.- ________ N4unds Henaiti. _ Soule people Say tliat the Demo- Bmo. Paddock liai jiisi coicupleteti[lis eciat.a are ho, blame for the droutli anti usc,,rd Jean ait dic e liftc!hc ibry &lVille lu>EiqMNI£NT uanditis file he short polaho cnop. r pnduo for tics mews9y, wule awake paper liefin giving our Lake couîly Fe cannot publih aunonymous noiglishon. The Gazette widlles thue communications: non communications IDUPUNDENT contitiueti pospet-ty. coniaiuing insinuations tienogatory to ._-RIcmond Gazette. any person. hItla not fair ho ask fi, The Lake Count> y oEDETtf nor cneditable ho a îcupei- ho (Io il. Libentyville, bas enleret iptîon tle tisird year o! its publication anti Look ouhtfoi- cumpaig caniards seema to lie roaJering. Its c'ditor, close nI. ho edction. They are lies Mr. Paddock, is a liîi',le-i-sadtislaiiîventeil long ugo, buit kept with t-ai- PUttlUg lu lots Of WOrk 011 the IXoIE- 1urîhil tut-yt-ali e' alîuiciid toO late ho PIMDENT antidoe--vo,, liii'stcess admit of retutation. Pay Ino atten- thai work seclinîs.-Waiikegiiuî G(.il-ion 10 an', t-xil reporcts concctihing zette aux cai-a thhe, pltii tOîl )on tilt'ex tif The Lake C(jiiuty eîE1iN ,eoi.. pubuisicet iut Libertyvulle, lias jicat entereti on its thirti >ear îof publics 1, 'e regard IBenjamini Hanson uas tioui. Stai-hediifi a tiiwci tiat t iii bi-inie-,l ant iolie ofthie satest for fit ewspaper tailures, ulai> men who ever sut iii thie pi-esidenhial dictedt lat Bu-o. i'tioe's itit-ichai-., TIc misakes o! Harrison were wouit pi-ove unsuccessful, hut lie buas novpr a theme fou' discussiocn; for lis w* aucceedecl lu establîslîiug a payig pîublic antilîril-ate lite lias licou papen anti etjiys a guacti business. .,igiaî-focfomte. He la deoemviuug of the cordial tsippout , __________ree ________m o! the people o! Libertyville andl Lake Couniy, for lie la giving theni a iist Theoilbitionistareu- not sudh big claso local paper.-llarvitndhieralil. fools ias 50111 miglît take them for. _______________L. B. Mouse, the dhairman o! lIeu- The newspapen propietor labons lut couunh> committee, was shap onough a dlsativanhuge In a hume o! montuy ulot te get caught by any legal lochni- Satringency as comparîti wihh a manu- cality of teflic balot Iaw anti lad the Sfacturer. TIe latter cati siîut down pai-ty nomiunations ratifleti by ai pohi. bis raill, but the newspspei- îublisbcn ion, thius iuîuring fie piining o! thc never fintis a time Mien lie e-an shuttnmes of the Prohibition candidates dowu bis plant sud la> off bis cru- oui theofficTtiail ballot. ployes, ountil lie lias ho do so for gooti. Tue uewspapon mont be turneti out WVii' excînde flc Ciiinese fi-mm Ibis M eulanly, andtiheî'exiieunt' continueto toui-tu->, anti admit thue Foies, Hunga- -right on juatthîesanme in duili imes i-ans anti Itallanis? Tbey are moi-o aawhen business la boomitîg. An> tiangt'rouis as lemonts of hpopulation -rotreuchiment of the readuing niatter tlîaî the Clinoat' cvei- a-ee. We *ilumediatoiy bring a lîrotont f romi oliit ho prohibit a giest many for- 111the ubacrlbens, yot many o! thhse igciers froni coming ho thm countr-y. b 8ibr falî. to tlîink of piîying The> tire not familiar witli ouri an- elr bhls.-Ex.guagi' or Iuîvn anti thoy conistilute _______the dangerous classes iu out cilles. May bo able to gel a largo ety~> Foreign immigration tii this countryv ~filledi witb murtiers, scandai otgît to cesse. lken fights, etc., for os tissu you pay ton your local ibei-e will bcie tn tickets on the rbut thon. city weeklies nover Officiai ballot, astfohiows: Democrat, vete your cousniy and niake your ropublcan, prohibition, pcople's Inde- petty valuable. They do not help pondent panty, independent u'opulii- ý:,foùÈ_youn achools and cdurcies 'can, 1)oople's ilver party, populiat, thtey do nLot publshyour.connty new independent democrat, andthIe Inde- they nay nothiîng o! you on your town. pendent people's party. Tîcre will ., And have uo Intonest lu you. Agoialso lie on dishlith iopnt itewepaper la as much ativantugo ho a addition ho tho constitution, an town or country as are gooti scbools. amentiment 10 control contracta be- 2! one o! our farmon tientis shoulti tween corporations ai-i emp oyes itappen into une o! those city offices which wilIlie voteti ccorr' g cais~ ho voll4 finti oni in two minutes thait ,b)idn~~lcmeitnh scI as le A New Veraion. Wguls prlnting office ah The politiciuuî la nîy slueîîhîend, 1i alal 1io~e. ( l ý ~y your homeo aer hiot wani any goodti ilig cduricg tuhe j»ana'-~yyu ant isla vii on the carnpalghî. le leadetii ne f uiho the 'looout on yur lterets.saliion for huy vote'a sake.le fillelli _____________ ry pocket witl cheap cigas,aud iy -FarersMontjy. glana o! been nunueili over. 11e in- '\Preaium No. 1i .FrresMnhy qureti conceruing my family even 10 0ery subscriber who pays $1.5q1île foiirth generation. Yet, though I C l InAdvance, for the walk ihrougli the auiud nd in 10 vote 76e«a, w. IVMii end a for him, snd about avoelt blu.r S when ho ilsa glcted, OU2tw.Y h _ omeaMotan-. Va-hw-- WAU CON DA IL. Harrison fa reported on the ick lât. Mn. sud Mms. Cloiiglc were n the clty lait week. Il. Golding was finitie citv oic busi- uom lait week., J. Malioîmey, <if Keîîoslîa, Wis., was bers lait week. Mrs. Plumasti, ut Chicago, is a gueat ai B. K. Duens'. Eta. Cook wlll occupy the Langdon hotuesitie comfog wiuter. Mr. sud Mrs. Jobson are enieriain- li;g frnuts tnom Chicago. John Murray made Wauîcouda rela- tives a short visit recentiy. Jas. Slavona, o! Chicago, madie Wau- eoud a a short visit lait week. lins. H. Fond, o! Kansas, visited inf thua vfcinlhy a few tisys ago. J. Taggant aud 'vite, otfAigonquin, were Wauconda calleras unday. E. G. Pa5ne, o! Rockefeller, matie a trip 1t is burg a few tisys ago. Wm. Marbîe ententafueti a frienti trouaithle town of Grant lait week. Wuc. Marbie sud wite apeut last Thursday snd Friday ah Waukegan. Z. H. Osman anti wf Madie Wau- couda relatives a short cali lasi week. N. B. Duers and H. B. Burriti each loei a fine cow witluiu tbe last teii tiys. lins, E. 1)av la about t10 move 10 Carey w bei-e8sue wili open sarnilhiuîery aliop. Mise LUcy Anidrews, at Gilmer, ia apeîdiig a few (laya viaftitîg li tlis piace. R. Bonnen, of Nîuda, caîleti on Waucouîda relatives anti frientis ne- cently. Mn. anti Mm. Jas. Monahau enfer- taiuied soulli Milwaukee relatives ne- centiy. Davidi Potter is borne again atter speusdingthie summen lii Iowa sud Dakota. Bey. Father Rhîode,of Fremont, was the gesat of I. Maiian sud fsniily Mouday. The Misses Sirnes also Mis. Fishier and chiltiren wene pleasant callena lasi Sattu-day. Dr. Daiwsonc lai not as yet returned, but -wo expect; 10 se. hi a ltek muet Andrew Blani 1.îd bis uother calleti on Lfbertyville relatives final.of thie week. F. Ilicks, of Belvidene, passeti tînougli luis place eliroule 10 Evans- toni Friday. John Muilicu lias renhet i uns faruiho Geo. itommal alio aili take possessioni tiextilhionîhi. A». (,. shoxen la tr>itug li-i luck at tue liisu-aice business. We wvcsii Iiuni auccesi. Mr i-aîd Mrs. Cari-, o! Riuigwiai, matie tlhe atten's parecîts a short liait first of thie veek. M.I-s. W. J. lhouglîtoiu. of Grasys Lake, calleti on Waîucontia relatives tiist ofthie week. Mn. sud lira. J. Aynsley, oif Diamonti Lake, wcre Wauconda viators, Wuesday. ,meas. Wood & Fosten scavengen anits, of Elgin, are spendiuîg a few day8 lu this place. miss F. Boggies wenh 10 Chilcago ist of the week andbti îiin-iased a lot uf mnilliuony gooda. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH DENISON, HUNTINGTON, Candidate for County Clark. lira. Coi-renfla S. Huutlngton, moih- or of Ilie candidate ton County Clerk. was born at Barre, Vt., April 13, 1811, maried John D. Huntlugton, April 17, 18:13, and came weaî with lier bus- baud andi family, iandlug lu Chiceago, June 9, 1842. Tliey hought land trom the goverumeni at 81.25 per acre. anti located the serne year lD Ehartown- slip, Lake couniy. IEl., where thiey have ever oince resideti. This home- stead of 240) acres stilil remaine intact witli no morigage non traesters since the original goverument patent, ex- cept tonty acres deedeti to tle sou, DennIson Hunîlngtou, who oeculîles It andi manages the entire faru. Of the five cllîdren,. two snu a H rison and Hamden, enlîsteti to put down the Bebellon, and i ded in that cruel war. The father dieti Oct. 23, '75. Two daughters. Mrs. Chas, F111- lips, of Waukegan asd Mrs, Watson. Markiey, of Minneapolis, Kansas, antd one son, Denison, at home, stili sur- vive to comtort the mother, who, thowh --aver 83 years of ugo. ilaa stout, liealtliy lady, and stili peroron more work than mont woman of hait ber age. She la a genial lady o! 11gb chiitiiîn characten, fully ponnessed of ail bier faculîfes andi a gooti business ability. >lie takes lînide lunlier dalry products sud hon butter ana cheese are the best, taking final pnemiuîrnai the recent Lake Couniy Fair. Deninon Huntfugtôu la oneofo those stîîrdy sous of New England, to whom Coi. L.B. Hilibard, that distiuguisled writen sud nolabie autbonity paya sucli higli tnibute. Ho was bonu at Hartford, Vi., Aug. 14., 1836, andi came witb bis parents te, Illinois when live yeans ot age. *'Den" Huntingto lshlghlyreapecî. et b>- ail bis nelghbons and acquaini. auoen. Be lias been houored wih inany offices o! trust, aU o! which were tollelited on bis part. He lbas Justice o! the Peste, bis ffrai eom* mission belng dateti May 28, 1874 anti signeti by JohinL. Beveridge Govenon, of Ilinois; o! subsequeut commissions hie holds one signeti by Ogiosby, two by Culioni, one b>- Fîter andi the last b>- the presentgovenor. Denison IHîntington was electoti aîssessor ot Ela, t.ownshipj in the slîning o! 1884 and seryod as suncb, five yeis ixll spring of 1889 wlîen lie was liromototi 10 Suponvisor and lias hbld thlat office coutinuousiy ever aluce. At the lown meeting asat spring there were two tickets luthIe field, but bis nume waa on both sud lie received ever>- vote. lHe'vas appointeti nocretany of the Ela Mutual Fine Insurance company, Aug 22, 1885 sud bas beeu re-apointeti anniually ever ince. Sali company bas nine directors wlo are electeti anluali>' by the members. Andtibe was cboson as onie ofthIe officiai board ut Iheir lat meeting. Ho also servot i s town hbree terras as achool triîstee. Mrs. IRolt. iHarrisounlas beentuhie giiest ut Chicago relatives andîtiIlenuts tle puart two weeks. Geu. Reader departeti Tiuesday; saiti tiat uie waa giig tUc Labiiiîiaa Alie-e ie s lhein 10 a fortiune. Mi-. auna ira. S. Rleynolds said Miss Rosuia callet oui Mn. auîd Mis. J. Specncer, o! Avouidale. neceuiîly. M.i-s. Win. liane, of Michigani l vi.siticg relatives litre. Suie la the eldeat daughter of lMr. Taggart. Mn. andi lra. Wnc. lHicks, of Palatinîe, calleti on Wauconcda relut- iveRsund filoutaThiursday Liat week Etigar Green spetît part ot lait week viiting lu Chilcago. HIe brouglît tx'c'i uitrses borne witl hlm ho wîîter. Mmr. Peter Johinson anti Eitiie, IL. F. Thlompsouî, A. L. Mullici. W. Gilbert andt Geo. Wragg weoie Chicago visitons asat week. I)mn't tati ho cuill sund sec Itiesample Phiotos Ktah he Wauhcouia Stuiduio.If yîîî go there, >ou woî't have your lîethune takeîî ut atîv other place. X'iaihons ai-e always weicouie. wlietlier work is ordeneti or not. Tlîe Liienary Society orgscîized lisat Tuesday evening beld its ist regular meetihng Thunsday evening. t cer- tainly fa a great benelit for those wlxo take part. We undenstanti that the rnèetngs are open to aIl who wish ho corne and act decentîy. illoLotie Grovenor dieti ai ber hei li Wauconda Oct. 19. Boni lu Obloaço la1878 sho vas pat1lyeara Ot the 9 4 e ath, Sne v4 The Domocrate Shut Out. Theî Coîîcîly Jutige, Clei-k ai-d Stites Attlumey , mcithe petilion o! the Repul it-auuCîiutty committee, have decideulItiat the names o! the Domo- cri utl minees salsl not bu printîti oui the official ballot, because they ditI not have a candidate lui the tielti andti tast lwo pen cent o! the vote ut the specisu election foi- couuty ch-rk uliohteen morthus ago. Vihe Demo- crahitu Couinty committee' have fileti nomination papens teahIthIe vacanclen wilb île sanie candidates; but île -iink lias taken the mather untier utivisemeut. Sionîti le refuse to file same, tlie commlttee wlll apphy ton s mandamutho compel him ho do so. Suich la the newa froni Waukogan. Now we are no Democurat; nover bave bien, andt nel-er expect to lie. But we like ho secetair- play. Wly shoniti a large numben o! trie Amenican dti- zens bie distranchiseti on accoicît of a ahi-ai ietlegalItechlictality? Wholio itl? What ton? Who or wliat will it lînotlt? W m't 1h prove a boomerang? Wili lley stîbit ho il? Wo wouidnii, wo wouii hlgîit fou- our riglits. Wo would have workers ilînt outsite thie prescribeti 1110 fot from the pohen anti pontt he votera ho ci tien write the namnea or use paniers, thus glvîug evcry voter a chance to express hie choloe, We'll publsh the hatest noe on tht.niàtter fext woek. 2.00 300 10.00 gan. 1 ER.! s iggmes, Candidate for County Clork. IIaviiig been noMillated for office of Couîity Cierk, 1 have to m ýtke the race and shalh be funi for the votes of ail my My home ditties set present MY rnakîig a canvais, but If u'r wii serve the public to the beet of M ability. DIENISON Huwrî»<oTo. Ela, Lak, Co., 111. Sept. 11, 194. WANTS. FOR ISALE. gTO. PURE BRED PLYMOUTH ROMK Cockereis and Puliets for sale b Mrs. Thornas Bld weil, Gurnee, 111. FREsll MI C ows ANDi uisPMU y, MILLEcR, CATER & HANDy. FOR AiLEar a Pure bred Polaa4': Cbin 'Bat,2 yearsoid; aso 0MW 13 inîch Rose Feed cutte r, apply t& J. W. Hart, Rondout, 111. (52t 4) at là cents per lb; also a few Touions (Ceese. APPIY to George lierrlck, Lejthîtoî or Libertyville. g TA mFOR lIENT, for «-<s -ýet Yeats, 325 acres weill inprov.d, & llrst-ciaste dairy fanm, pienty of watoe btxi> a Priiigs and wells. For tezj* appiy tii owner, J. 1'. Noton, , M' Premiseit at Rockefeller, Ili., s5 miles from Chiîcago (en Wis. cent. R. R. Farm for Sale. The Higiey farm-120 acres situ4o" hli wi>' betweeîî Wsrrenton brosa 0 irays Lake, and tour miles north., L~ tyvfile; weii lmproved, under gondjstaa4* M cîiiiivation. No waste land, gond sta* çrl.4' dairyifarmi, neyer failing springandfet A sîreain. 'Terme libe.ral! Apply t.e, IL Higiey, Adm'r., Russell, lit. Auction Sales. lienry Tliles wii Bel mt puliteautaJ8' on lis farm, 2 tulles north Lake Zurich «M 1 mile west or ohumer, Mouday, , U '94 Commenceing ai 10 opclock aàa tie foilowing Property, to.wlî: #3 Cows f remil »oon. others ofa during the winter, a Huifera 9-s. t 2 Wonk horses 5 and 0-juan old, Uev " pige, Sfet drags, rlyuîcg dutolanua Seeder negrly new, Binder, Xower, 'truck Wagon, pob.hUeI. iaay rake. Sef rake, Fannlig loM scales. Spring-tooth ciliIvste ac ruscorn tu aho.i* mass. Clock. 4 Mllk canim, Orsl. Shovels, Rocs, Corn kuife. euc.7 Tlerc,îa of bgie-Ail surms of *ee # under. Cash over .0)0 a credît 0f oe» yse wil I be given onc good approved notesliher-. - 6 per centI interest. Heniry Sellp Auctioneter. wm.skil,ice li&iiîg recited flsifar osi11-o a terni of years, %% fl sel l t publiac U ou flice miles north.caaset Dianond Lake, and aï nmile., soutb.weutof tlie village Liiertîv' 11e, Tccesdav <ici 5,. 194. comniencig iiît 9.80 o'clock a. as. sicicrpftie solowi leg property io-.vlt: 4 V'orK icorbeS, 3-'.ear-old colt, Clipph, mower, Ilay ralie, liay rack, 4 Piove, 1 lireaker, Roller. Pîilverfzer, Fan Mini, Sulky (Culifvator. 2 Single cultlvatoi1 HorNe ihoc, 2 Pair sieigbs. A number .<' bag%, A qualiti ty of .iQve wood, à Serapms.ý, ,rruck wagon, 7 Choice cows, 10 Shoota, 1 Sow, Lumicer wagon, 2 Set draga. Jkm~l wagon, l'op bîuggy, Cart, 2 Sets doubW Iarness, 2 Single Iarneem, 800 bu. cetu. A quanîlîy o! lame hay, caciidmn keil., '6 acres torii flitsliock, A nilmber of fene post-. A nuniber of houselîolcts. Terniso! Sae-Ail aunis of *10.0O ami tenîder, Cash; over #10.0t) a credit of » Year wiii lie given on approved otsb6i ingO percent interest. 2 per cent discol. for cash on atsoe*0vNo eropcty to bc remomed untfi settied for. WV. B. Appley, Auctioncer. Benij. Loftus will oeil at public am- tionl on the Cyruîs Harvey fata, ose hall mile îîorth of Gray.i Lake, Wei- neseday, (Jct. 31. Uommneicng i 1* o'clock a. ni, sharîî the folowlr property, to wit: "0) ('oses, 6 Springers, balance mlJk- ers, Full blood Jersey bull 2 Yeats. oIi* 19 Piîge, 2 Luniber wagon, truck wagoi., llorse nake, 2 Set bob sleigbs, Ploie,9-0 Ilorse drag, Mower new, 2-Horaeécuft&- vator, flay raite, Faîmilng miii, CMg ~ sheiler, 2lluggies, Many otiier artieo, tho n hînerous tu, mention. Ternis of sale-AIl sunis of Slf>.0 and utiden cash; oven $10.00 a crsdSe, of 6 runiflis, wilil ie giveat ou appromw notes bearing 7 pet cent inter9et. ýý per cenît discouunt for cash. NC> , 8111 perty toulie nemovedutil eted fit*. WValter Whi te Auctioâeqe. Mrs. Kaie llerghorn mili sell nt pnblie miictioni on flie Fred lBerghemn f*PW2&1 mi les eat o! Lake Zurich, Weda.m«,. .ý Oct. 31, Cocîimcncfcng at 10 'viook a. M* Sharp the foliowfng property, tfrwtt: 4 Weork liorses, Bull comfng, llîcier 1-year olvi, 2 Lumben wago.1ý 'Spriîîg %agon, Road cart, SccdeÏ. Roy rake, Bradley mower, Deurng self Chamnpioni seif-rake reaper, Freedum 'k iirrov, ilose 1hoc, Sulky culg4v*Wlr. Faccniîîg îill, Dlamond.tootb culttvuOg4. 2 sttibhie plows. Falrbank sualeg5 ý nîarker, Two bey racko, Whe 2 met dunip hoardâ, Il Choi lce 12 fresh, balance aprlngers, set bob 6 Mi1k cane, 2 set double hansM*M , . V. rAVVOUK. EDITOR. $1.50, in adva", PRICE, 5 CENTB PB£ CO

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