Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 26 Oct 1894, p. 2

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1QIT THE BUSINESS. EXPRESS COMPANIES DRIVEN OUT UV ROBBERS. l*a liee . ney te Be Carrled la toor OIftt fainTerrltory ValU fBotter ,rr4foUoklas55Graated hj' the Govern- ment, On:ards Cool Ton Mach. buakar. anl business menlilving luiLs.b towes ia the InnTeritary. at sehi as jhua living outsldc the Terrttory but do- le; businesvilh Toritary Irans. are Immaiy sarbel up aven the calton ut aMi h iich bas made Il necceeary tor the Pacifia Express Compauny ta refuse onesey ahipoasuts ater lot or ont of the ?I,vtrrtory. "The sItulIoo n luthe ludian liserltery.w saaid iuperintendeut Q %Y. 4obi tthe Pacifie Compsuy, clu varie Va«stgil 8,cr ax. Thera lua aeolutely goa Ipratectlon for lite or praperiy IWc»t asne'g tueulah It ouriaives. ltit Continuel carryinir ut sach au iatea force makins the business tee ex peu- «Ve tie proîitabia e. bave hastn&Dir@ sipns beepaathun vseave? aid. Ly the 'ostai rebheirlua Nov Ibis Eaturalay cuL- us»', by Il se lent juet 8417. 'Pis con- tàet iet raturauC. CL n'a. sblh e are MtW hbuadle. anal oui osa anal tc rail- pesi e mltuuceaButl you au en e ehat e Promect avec a amaîl amat, a bat it wlm toi shen cach a gang as thut ai- 1~mq ta traie. 'Ph.other companies ara UIî4carry lus eeney. but 1 am a iformed Ly h uuoof the Wells-Fargo. Ibat bu '5etsaked the General tuperintendeut ta lébua an arder siiliar ta ours."» MOL» TALK BT JAPAN. Wl W i oate No Interferenete Deprive Bar oere War Spollu. RItaspsclai sesaion of lha Japanese aidt ilpt Meouoday. Eveny montura pre- ,*5ad vsusaulmuusiy puse i. Am@na :.oflal vasadopteS orgies the goreranintu tet axaelbt.edealie 0f the Mikado vitL &&'ilas ta the rastarathan or Peuce lunlte th Ib iateuse of the non oet Japan. n Intimenut af Chien.a.nduthe presen- 1te s luurbances of Eastern > aea 'Pia morial coaqiadu sltb the "bural ltaI Jupan shl ualtolerate '-CMJh ffncé hy anj' nation le prevent ber tc,8atulng tisae ultimata obJecta ot Ci& The gantai bas ce- th - b orelga Consuls ta saru the of thair goserumeuta ta avalS -.lis uera large Ladies gr Chine». ax tatlouad. He bas' alare- *itI&Il japanese reilsuts of tItou imhotaraus 'tawalog igi- a %balreglular ai le ita ly o! jIoln- S. 50K Reporte have baea re-~ 08t sebouts cannecleal vlîb the ser'vice bave beau biovnuUp ut ba l iegitu pacsons sere killeal #o voumala uthea isater. IWASHNo AND Vl8EUo. Wsurim ta ns Ituilafenouhese hore Ues. tOme. Isfladt. Pioneer Min- 'ue labbLathra Citerait n ionno- f i 416banS et igbly Nor ersgan bava gotîez, as fax as Victoria. B. -ltaIt vaJS bu Bell.% Oole. shene wAt &bout 8&000 of tisir country. »tarponestablilshlg a nav Nrvay te Briish Colubia mntains lJ*4nu selta la0 iiteeof thelr native lieNorvegiant pacposa engagîag t os tains anSdeveouet or the - "ftelbaria. Titey aratte finit ta adivauttage or taeBritisht Columbia ,$e e V& a'snets $armesta saullere. aNe Water te Drink. A, Atuinprableaseaîtroliaig the di- Set 1New tluans andl cuburban lova. do»tkaes sitars tej'art lu gel vmiter nIfsl rafus acon. of '66 iProsent bihtre lu naprospect, The ~tbeu t*aDnov ubont %va moth. a,0 rna narîy &U aemplr anS the 4Rr th b 4gi iapple Sepend im uent en- 't'11VIR eait suppiy of vater caugbt off *&Motlte bo»a sClet erns. as the 4PIRivervuier laeauDft ta dinlk aute&euat ul 'VIes Precident Stevenson sas accordeS a beam g alcoe. by itaepeople of Joplin. X& Kau addresad a large cresal tram a gétatem rectad t tlitemrsecion of Ivo *0f liaprlaclPSatreete. Be attributeal "nOM Ul osam hicit the conntry bas been -, f= lita elagllatlan o! the nanti acilarsal litI the Damacraîla 1h ept fat vib the paople, unS *0 htPrsaPrty sIlilcama uniler »ho eepian oftae nus bttitR acî 2"aelteto" TrIp cftih laise. a llusia Bacn. Coamandlag itahe aine. lee M*40 a repart ta lte Nasy Dapart- iMMbAg tite trial tripo01tbtaveisai The ýtaM lusteS teur hanta&'Thecontructori èooe*toiamalses asalaeal. 'Ph. user- pu Ivas 1&.95 kuote and lte bigbult 11-8 Phe lvanly- Ose elles at tte Scouruse s raunagast a strang idanaltida esîlm atad eut à fikuots. k'eMmaeit ry verkeS plendhdly. ObieoUwmp luahines. Lte.OitlG hlashrooded lna atbick ClouS tepoS freonltabuaingCoely swamp. 81 l ipasible te sus more titan if îy mlirection. 'Ph* ira bubaou g fer more titun a monih und tu a lerrllony embraclig 000 acre& ROBeS bj'Ousoiue. AasNichoalson. 18 yeari aIS, ai Obl4ed ialiaerssuffering lItenseîy bornes suitained shen tbe fn..» a gSaltua Cate sae itoed bj' s viict ha ligitted la the Dollar ut Mlg heur Who"a Dsstroa&. S~ISSUl Pour raillay shopset aiWbasb, aS «Usgtt rs jast &fier eidnlght au ay a aud e cepleiely aestroyeal. l àesh aer 8100,000. opoéat thfue stock Yards faaIL Eca&.oet Malue. stooalDit a piklforas la front of the Ex - EaiSOnt ut the Chicago Stock atska te .ff0 siaclimen aud On$-thîrS ot bis audience .e.on itarsehucir. but mec sut lweîsand a respect fui silence so~i - to l»0 Verds a! tise Yankee state- nom; ar yasSMt. saut. Mayas or inuler. Kail. * b» bWbaysp*Bsd prebai; S L00P"el# boa parad Charles B.L LgLt .Trosanrar ot uta New York Soda Water Manufacurera Associa- tIn, Lefore the Lias wpolice Iisetgatlng dummittea. posillsely asserteal that the $8,500 palS ta John Brodsky sas ge have au ordinuore pià3sed by the Boardl ot Al- dermen. aIr wua acommun tIblu.' suiSl he, «ta gel up collections aud praseala far tLe captalu. Wc chargeS tLe stand-osp- ers 85 reai beaides. andi Ihîs muney sont 'or the captaina" Buigiari Gai 07005 ai Attien. 'Ph. stars o! Slcoi & Iniugger, ut At- tiea. Ohio. vas sutureS, the soae Sar bloun off vihb dynamite. anal 8700 lu cash secareal. Au unsaccesstol attempt Wua mails ta open tLe pastafftce naesItlal sapposed that Put Dlsy. sho escaped troan the juiL und sas prosecutecal f uLrglary la Tiffn a yeur &go, sud bas beau seOu re- coutiylulaAtticu, Wast the leader af the gang. Threw 'Them, Oser the Stone Watt. As J. Pierpont MorganSn Jacob C. Rogera, at Boston, sera Srlving vae# the cadet hacracks ut West Point Tbureduy nigLI.tb.hIn horsrau usuy. Mr. Morau beadeal the trigbtened animal for a atone salI sud stoppeS hie. Thte suSalen &bock ttres botMr. Rogers unSdlir. Mrgan acroisa te sali but beyonS a tas braises tbey escuped serIous Injury. Dayiight Bohitery ln St. Cloudl. Antan Peffer, a bt. ClouS. MInn., choc dealer. laa loueur ta the erteut ot $2,400 Ly a bLd dayiigbt robbeny committeal 'PLas. day afterucon. Bis money druser. lu a dek adjacent ta, a aide vindos.wvs. rifieS oft& altIlcontulucal. &boat 82.400 la bili.. There la na -lies, but the police are sork- 'ng bard anal bave alreaily muaecoms an- restsot auspichaus characters. Beaker Ronîgasal lan ConnoteS. lu tLe adisrict cîleluai coartintainne- spolis. the jury lit the case <if Enlutl&n Koilgaald, et-prasident af the tate Bank. IndIcteal ou a charge of grand' larceuy ln the dbut degree for steallug 823.000. gave a verdict of gaihy o! the ibett of 812,000. TPhe panisheant là net lesu iban Ive leaurermoraslitan ton. BooduraCaeua ues. suA TeLc a R4 3«odrss.during a JlliaVtflo. a uu aattbie$% ssase.m essuiaoge for tas îïmur Uha a Seeld sOockholders erth1e iPullmian Palace Car Csrapuny bLid tbeir asu ta touut a Chanbat. oser $2!L935.0J0out the capital stock talng represented. Dlraaturi'Goorge M. Pullman. Marhahi IField. J. W. l>oau«o, Naoruua Willams anal0. il A. Sprague of ChIcago. anal Henry C. Huitent, of New Yli. anal Henry IR. Reed. ot Heston. sera te-elecual. 'Ibo usat quurtely dls'ldend tf 82 pur chars, payable Nov. 13. vau de- -lared. -Tb* Onancial utatumeat for the ,sur ,.dlllg .uhy 31 ia as toîlsaser Revenue................0. 9»(671.061 89 »lsba. semantq .........7.274 O620 1,.47 Surplus ..............-.. 2.020,416 4,006,668 The total aumier o! cars seuca or con- trolical by the Pulimian Company' is 2,588. belug eu Incresse of Ottecu over the pue- vice* year. The ttal assoeso! the coue- psny arec11112.042.0& .la spita, of Worid's Fuir travel. Ibo total number ot'paeeger4 carrcal for tbe year sas but 15,28%1.328. agaluet 5,673,219 the proviens yeau The total manufactured product of tLe ons- pany amounted -.o 4.925.831. agalasi 318. 414.708 the previens year. Total emphoyez number 10,858, againsî 14.6a5 1he provious year. Total sages palS sure $4.908.546 and U.751.644 rospecllrely. Thé Pullman Suvluqp Bank shoeil eposits Jahy 81 of *11I56.361. a Serrease o! 6285.740 as cern- pareal with tLe prevnons year. DYNAMITEC ON TUE TXtACIL Attenspt goi Wreck sa Baltimoare andalho Train Near Pilishaurg. Wbut la bLueraI te bava boom a desuer- &te utîcrupi at train rohbarj' sas muSc Wedncsday utebt un tbe Balimore anal Oble Bocal. At 8 o'clock au essi-bana accommodation train ranoser a dynamite cartrldge muear DIssl. t a seiy louely @pot about itteu tmiles trou Pîtus- bars.'i ho lange ot orne shuel sas blosu off anal anc eud ut a coach sracked. As the tratn bal nosrhy reuchad the enal et the trip ohero sers tes pas- sengerà &board andl nooce wssinurel An examinatian o! the truck dStlucfauetvo mura posert ldynamaite cartrialges on the rails. Buad thu train been ruung luti it vosalal .,ye exploSaS aIlhttrescaririalges andsi an tlltij' uso&d. ll preattj' saii kuowu that the Intention sas ta vreck the mcli anS express. a ihrongh train tram the itacCaue a tes minutes later, but the rab- bers made a anIstake anal placesi the car. trialges on thée as-boanal truck lusteud of tLe west-bound. TRIPPE» BT REBATES. Feulerai Grand Jury Rteins Bits Against Fourinar Sata FPs USelais. The Federal grand jury reisarned tour Indlclmente agalusi slelatars or lb. Inter- state Commerce las ut Chicago Friday utternoon. Fise parions are Impticated. tLe names af tsoftemr being aupprusseni unti &(ter thaîr arrest. The names ofthe othari are: Jaseph W. Beaubart, ex. Psu,- Ident ofthlb. Oata FeBailroudi JobsA.& Bauley. cx.TraffIc Manager oftbteSOuata Fe. anal Nelson Morris. pucker. Tbc lu- dlctaments are the rasait o! the luvettlgu- tien by the Interitate Commerce Dom- Micsion et the charge ltaIlita books et the Sauta P. Bullroad Company sitow ihat milionsof dollars sers pabal la rebutes ta shîppars durlug lbe last four leur& MOIITOAOED FOR 0li50.MoMm00 Sestisera BaSs' YConipany Pute a 1Lieu on Ita Prolpertla sNfeveu States. >The @ritexoualldatcd mortgaga deS0of tLe Southema ai ulay Company sas Bled ut Knoxvlle. Teu. I lIcluSes ail the rouSheS.builinus anal equlpmentsofthie troua la Virginla, North Carotti. tout h Carcilius. Tenukesuee Alab"&s Georgia anal the District of Columbia, The mort- gage la for S120,000,000 i lavrof lte cen- Irai Trust Company of Nes York. GaIS àbusnas ta rua 100 ycars ut 5 par cent. are 3 a ha lssueal. The mortgage vii be regWs gtereal lu 170 counlles tbraugh sbIch the Domail cana It contalus oser 50.000 sard&. ianal Duputy Reglster J. L. Faulkner sili usaS dtva seeks ta capy il. Huis1Ris Sweetitssrt and Hinis-IL At Ses Cliff. I I.. the boiles or Ellott L 'l itna.-aged 24, and MaryIL DuRf. agual 23. sere touaS lu the prIvate bath house belonging go the girls faltor. TuaisLà ad $hot hlmesatlu Inte beail atter killlng the girl sitb chloraturei. Titey serse ngageS ta Lu ma<rsied shorlly. anal on Tuesday night sent toira1 short salk. tram sWhlcb tbey dal uat returu. A Reurchlng pucty sas orgunizaal taeluSibeahn. Lut no trace cantldhLu ndSoutlil Wealnesday nîrbt. Bath Loiong ta praminent famnilleu anal no roasoa can be ascribeal for thoeamurder anal -ulcîde. Briberj' Ly Sodawater Man. CHARGES M41PE BY A OEAD Ri- OTERS FATHER., Bullet* 5lj' ThblekI nt au Indien 'Tarri- tory Train kehbeýry-Movemnuclof (Cot- ion soachiug carnonsuassOad Veto- ries ot a Lanatie. Ofleers May Be Arrestad. A dlupaicb froua Washingtou Court Bouse. Obia. &aye the tlLaioaiEmîtis Welsh. orne o! lb. mou klied Ly the tnliktta wheu the moL vas lired upon. bas ruade an effilanitupan shlch ls i proposeS tu cause ihe errent o! CoL A. a1 Colt anal Mat. John a, Oueaks. of the Fourteenîh Begiment un the charif. o! murder. toi. Colt calal Le diS mot dive the oraler ta lire, for ho sas lu anuiber part of tLe court-bouse et the urne. anal Lieut. Oyler sas ln commanal. but Il ussthe ouhy tblng ta do. The moL liad broken dosa the doori ofthe court- bonse andal@h habd booe ireS atIboh militia tram the niob bLoaisthea soldiers iltea. CoL Colt says the catraner bas tounal Ibai tbe ballot Ihat entereait Wehah's skuli won a 52-dat iter revolver boit no he muet have tecu killaS hy aome one lu the moL anal nul by the aniLila ta$ IL A nue ber ut reputable peupla uI Washlnuitou Court Bouse have upenly ch.srged tbat (mi. Cuit vas dcunk. but aIl tho ucîspaper carre- spaudents <'ho wsi Lthe lraopi unite lu exoueratlng hlm toft Iis cb&rýtî COTTON BUOINIEsS IMPROVINU. ]feutues Report Shos@an ..ucraased Have- nmant Oser [ast Tour. Secretany Besleras Nes Orleans Catton Exchange nttement shaws an lucreae lu round figures of the muscruent ofCatoan loto aIgLItaforiLse eek af 129.000 baies oser the seven aleys endln cet 10 hast year. sud 143.000 oser the #sme delys yeat Lotore iast. Lut a Secrease for the saine tême lu 1891 (tLe year o! the 0,000,000 crup) of 82.002. The amount Lrought lotoslgbî aulatheIbonasi ek bai bren 480.803 baies. The muvement lu Septenaber show. seipta ut ail UniteS Stalust-patte of exporta for tLe seek have Lesn 207.15 sgsns 18,31 aityen.maklng tc ftl tous atiftsr fle &eanon 098.63i4. anit 508.9d2 lest year. or an intrease aof 189,693. The total takinru tof Anerican rtailla noria anal coutb and (amnaetbus far for the ses- son Lave Leau 40:1,468. agahnu 249,674 lenat yccr. iOtacki ut Sea.aiýralcilicesanal tbe taenty- nîne leaSIng southerat airoen- tors hase increasel1 durhng îLe veek174.- 974 bales, agulust an lacreasa aluring lb. correspond lng perildoflutIlntesson ot 105,159. anal are nos 12.296 laîger Ihan ai this date lu 1809& Inclualing stocks lot% over at portm anS luterlur tovus tram lent croli and the namber ut balas brought loto slght thas tur outhe cas crop. the suplAy t0 date la 2.042,762 bales. agaluel 1,686,977 foai iho sAme perlaS lent year. ROBRERLS ARE ROBIIERI. Fonr or FIse PoesnsKIlledla a Hold-up on the Missouri Pacilite. The Missouri Paciicpamsnger train. Na. 2n3 au the Kansas andl Arkansas Valley Lraach. vas Lelal up by tour as lise maskeat monsa&aiCoratta Sidlng. ouet ut Wagoner, L. T.. et 1 o'ciock uaay mornlng. For dej's the gang bas boau represeaiesl as boitât a& aiffereut pointe planning a rab- bery. aud thuroucb treparaltous sure eude tu met lte expactual attacit. «J ho outlaws ovideuliy ansietpated a dus- poate roulalauce.analbauais lhitur srk slth flerce fightlug. AUlte carsexoeptiag tb.e leeper sere abat tull f otaes. anal ual a shole sîndos remains. ILhetrain @truack an onstraction af cars seros lbe truck ier LolugshuntaS auto a snal- luir. tlb outilaws bavlng thiovu a ssltch for %bat parpoie. The eaney cecarosi ss ram the local note, Dorlng the fusillade Jack UlcHara. adrance agent of the licilara Minstiel ibow. recelved a shat lu the forehesal. bus serions It ta ual kuown. HBeousas uone cf the passauger coaches ut the lime. Sevenal othens sere chat, some tstally. PROCHe B TILL IVEAKER. Net Tet Uptuta he Mark ta Slustaîn the Production. I. EL Duo& Jo âWeeklyHres ut o Trade saya: Cattoan bLobs cents and sheat bLobs 6b cents occhi over tInuecer &Ince preseut classificuiansvere kuovu. export of guiS lnsteail ut prodalot utscb pricslu Octobai. Are tLe cuitent featuras iluhouai- musthe vent sec. Distribution of. gondls Ia consumeri goes ou !airly. sith gains et uearly aH pointe lu camparison wshL lent year. bat not yet at a rate ta sastain the pressai, volume otut nanttaciuring prs.duc. lion, no that prIces macaken a Ilîthe. The alusesîla tracte ruported Ly rallroad eorn- ingé lu OctoLor ls & 4 par cent lesttaun last ycur aud 10.4 per cent leus than lu 1602. The paymente tbrough the principal claarlnig-bauses for the veek sre 2.8 par cent grater Iham litIyeaî. but 015 par cent. lest thon a 1892. a1 ho dally average for the mantb la &.8 pur cent larger thon Ince year. Lut 2&.2 amaller tha n i 832. With mauy faaturea ut encouragement, business basen mt yel reacheal sipoctations andal te18evideut Ihat the lats ut pari of tLe coin crop anS the unnaturally lus prices of uther greal @tapie& affect the buying paver ot millions ]PUROLARS KILL A WATCHRAN. Charles Pearson Shct Whle Proteethng a Wealthr Kansas City Rsn's Honte. r At Kansas City, Ma,. Lurglari forceS the .cellar doci anal vera euîcnlng the Lame ut A.& A. Mosher. Vice Presîdent ortIhe mie- court Kasicasuana Texas Trust Company w bon lhey sere surpriseal Ly Charles lPour- son, a vrîvate sutchuosu. The Lurgiars %hot ana l klleal Pearson anal escaped, leav- Ing no chue. lu Mosher's banse sene valu- able cliver plate aud the familly jesels. Lut auly a tesw bandred dollars lu cash. Hadt a C'oimmission tsi WLIp CorLait. A sell-dressed stranger drus. mb oNow- castle. Ps., the athen Sj'alusiginq -Coma weag la Cffloblo ub U M" MM ~the Eccuas selilul te tjeffuo f le t,.scf» Cincln2(tuii pooa lereapamtet lu wsh iarlcu a IL, cOér. Wedmesday. 'Witli %ho. aId of the Olate troupe 1he las vurs pro. sert'edi ald a nefra saseal tront lynoblug lit the banals et a maL of ezciled citîzeus but i1, sas ut the cet fiso mon kililsd sad ion serionély woundad. William Dolby. the negro who assanîteil lira. Mary Boyal. a sas the man nripon siaaîo tirs inch sîsheal ta steak liq venzcance. nHa vsas takan tas tao nTucsday nlght andl there sera ru- toars ai once thal auneffort vooiSLo mase to'lynch hlm. &crosS gatbarealattbejail sud tLe force ot deputicasasu aideil hy the local mîfli. Wedamesday mornlog the crasal lacreused lu nunabere anal the Colum- bus nîIllItia wsasent tar. Befera tbay arrisual Dolby hud b oeu trîcal and con sicted luaa burry and senennete 0teraty ysare la Prison. He wa% takren lu the joli. wpslcb sas Oon etormed bY the mots The luturi- ated nicu listenual to no surulug. brute dosa the riuor aud received a volley ot bllets blth fatal resulls. JUDICIAL WAH AT OMAHA. Jualge Suat attlss thes R1osewater Libul Case by Diamlssing 1t. A thousanal peopîn crosalei the criminal bruuchf ut the Ditrict Court ut Omaha te situes, the second cLapter lu tbe canflict )f authorlty between u .dg c ott ot that dopartmeul. anal the entier ilse judges ot the district, nespedtat t'a. trautter oft he hIbel case aguimi Editor 10. sesater. uftheb liec. tu couac other judge owlng ta the ullegation ot peejioienmadeaucaalusi 'cotl. Atý or cîlticisin x tbe other iii liges for lu- ertnfcnrg lu «lb. affuir .tudgc Scott, un mo- tion oftheb county attorney. disrnisaed the cause. declaringtat ief ho coulal uat try the case It -LouIS not ho trical. Preparatlans bave beaenruade by tbe ailier Judgca ta secure Supreme Court misndamus ta coe- pel Judge Scott t0 trcasfcr tbe case. Mer Inherli a Milin Dollars. Ml,@ bMille de race. furmerly bookkcep.. or fu.r F. Silin ert. tace nas City turrner; Nlits Mag.dcddeRH.*. ber sl,ter. anal lira. Etr.coia Boland. vidas ut théTa laïe - ,dzl bMich.el iohil. roi- roiveà luturmetion troua, Auzusîlue de Boa.. ot l.ouisvtle. Ky.. brother of the De Roise xdater4 annlie ut M-s. lRoland. la the effeci Ibat 'bey are l urobbhei- n.ss10uthec state "faf crulalice. William J. Findhay. c veult 7b, LieeoutDaylon. Ohio, The estate i. csim.ted lu Lc sot uearly 81,000,00(L Wiii Deepen Niagars Psitt. The bld outHIngsion & Woods fur dcap- entitg Niagara River from lolausnda 1t0 Niazara Fcil vas appruveil ut Esaffalo. Msach outhie sork wviii Ludon. thîs fail. The saine Brin bas practically cunîplitea dîIlliler tbe chaunei at îLe head of Niag- ara River for a etixîen- tuii vay tu Tonua- sranda. This aperas ibat barber tonrauj' bousta t dan go op Buffalo Crack. The naverument engineer Ibloks that the ln- leruatlonal bridge. piaced as it lis oser a led rapla.ll. iikccp .laric cratt off the river. CofliOsO Dnring a Pog. Duriez the heavy tag Frlday marnlug a llgbi englue dn the Alegbeny Valley B.aud rue taie a bana-car ut the West Peunsyl- vanu&juactIon. There sers oignît tubor- orson the car. Seven of 1 hem jnnapoid. ail rocelii serions Injuries, but the elghth. John OKeat. sas siruck Ly the englua anS plcked up lu a dylag condition. Dafauater Crazy lu Mexieo. l la learned Ihst J. C. 'Ihompicu. the abscaudlug cashier ut the detusaci Firet National Bank ut Sedallu. Mo.. left the City ot Meiîca several d'ays agas Bie trIenals ciaia toaaeinftormation that ho is Sementeal. anS tLe next neye ihoy ex- Pect tu heur ste bhl s dea" Tva Girls Crenasted. The resideuce ofr erian Gracu SPrtige. Ohio, sas destroyed by lie. Baîtholal and bit aite and son haroly os- CaPeal yutherir lires. anS tva danîbters. aZed 12 andl 7, sure Lurned tu deuiL. Red Hat for gatont hIt ustsated on autborlty ut ans af the muet emIncul ecclesiaatstof tLe Roman CstLolec Curch lu the UnîtedS tates th&% Mgr. Sutlli le ta e ruade a Cardinal ln about îso seeks. uoi Vietinis Nuinher Pire. Theodore Ammerman. wounidafi y the mlItia duîhug the îlot ut wasblugtou Court Bouse. Ohio. al deuil. maklng a total up la Ibis hou, of ose kihleS. Tventy Millilons Mised. Irregnlurities lu the Bank of B.uzhl. ln- voiviug 820.000.000. bave Leecu dlscovered. Tbey occurred during the receut revalu- lion. Lesoeeal700 Ronce. Ad vices froru Sun Domingo @al ibat a cyclone bhss evelcal 700 bouses there sud damaged the coitea crop lu Haytl. M9AREQUOTATIONS CRICAGO. OATLE-Comon t0 Prime..., $i 78 2 BlOos-hlpplng Grade$ ... ce... é M SHgas-Pair te Choies..... ouno 8 50 WEBAT-No. 2 Bed .............. 61O 52 Cois-No. 2 ....................4gdo se OATr-No. 2 ..................... 27345 26% BszI-No. 2....... ..............40 't83 BUTTEB-Cbeioe Creaory..., 2s O 2i54 Boosl-Presh.................... 14 ta le POTATOES-Car-lots, peu..Lai 80@ 70 INDIANAPOLIS. 1 TTESbpLn............ un0 O 0873 HaOs-CboiceLtghtî........... à u05s26 sagiP-common taO Prime... n00 g asu WH aàiV-No. 2 Bcd .............. 48 @ 48)1 Coa-No. t Wit ..............52 (0 .2% OnUI;-No. 2 White............s32 (â 8 ST. LOUIS. CAI'TLE ......................2 n07 Basas...........................île0 fi '05 WNIRÂT-No. 2Bcd .............. is (1404 Cosit-No. 2o................. deo0sd OÂTs-No. 2.................. 28.à 29 B -o. .CINCINNÂTL CArLa............ ... 8 0 M50 Boa@ ................... 3.525o Sarp.............2 g0 (@8 23 OOL.ORED LEADERS FOMENT A Thora wlU lis bed îRvi'ê RACE WAR. N. : J., a 0"bO~~* comile boftyove ofcrtOID hiU*iY rlk ireaedmoldelua aCool Mine fer rhiry't nvol eu Pointu Willh, 'f it roo. Teas'a-1rolken Banks that WIuîay te CL tnla n elu OB!n, vu ptaoIzl 64'u t 0pruoti. o 01 the doctrine knoa o Pari-Morderons Deed o f nndth Chr tt an qSél n tluheIL nited *1ates. ) t willl ailes, bo a lama stop inaibaL fleahen.directiln. Beaising ths the Sol»s- Vengeance Asaioht Lyueisings. il ti are going to mair a great fIgh1,4 A rinceton. lKy., .tispatch &&y*: Thora and op oued wtheti mnand a eually do. iu much excitement la fEutb Christian. ia terminod are the dociora. Pack of III tbe uslghbbohod of Lafayette and Poe aIl la the death by oonsamlpion cf q& De oser the effortî or cestaianoture vo iig vOrnalI camoil Sudie IPe1, or leaderi ta work un a race riot. -the tiverrn. saisons la the haaLing of Willils Grlrfei. 85db begS ta cougb about toix wboae victin.. m isi Lena berry. matithe ago. A ph aitin vwu cou, Ilivd lu Lofa, etta. lie au bro.i;ht huoeselt -d ani declared the girl ta h.ala for sufekeupint and àa mon lyached hlm. lb. *arly étages 09 consumapilo. H. Secret meetings have hbeet held since ihoughiAt Jsibl or ber 1 te cret ampag the uegraes. troan house te hause. provlde.d t a ccotiattentlon voi 1andtbuy have Lucarne goa Lid la tioir ut- gi ona10 lber m.dcallv. #-Sa c9 sadWea terancos and threats tirat the Riey. Ur. iendu, bearlng of ber illneuu lusa Gurrutt. a Itaptist minIseer. procialaoed Mrs. Bouie T. Glenn, a Christila trou, lté puipit dth& le, for one. vas ready ucentiosi, W ber, aud aftr one uitiar t, *honifier bis ,ukt~ainst theanes- with the girl the latter vas uo lm. mies of the colored race; that th* negro« presed witth a boee In the o ran' berd made the scultb for the shitas. aud power thai sei old ber parenteslber, shun theroi yuced oe of their number hud beltter tel the physiclan moti o the limeu ad coure for tireur, ta arise eua&gain. This thoy d d ntI Rd agulnst auchb ecta Ma&r&b'ali eave,. an. f tund hersoîf @ciel/ In tb. bands of other leader, v. Iced the sam nietutmeuta the voman. The whîtu citizens are alarmed. Sadie'. cough grew vorso. Eut lill se hat! faiih in Mrn. Glenn andti bt. BIG FIE lx COAL MINES. woman Intimatot! th t sho shonld bave, Valable olordo Foporift a'Wme recopenbo, altbouirb shlo, h VaînbieColoadol'roarte )a Dnge' declaredti haielle Dever, iook Mener. or Iteing Ugelel. Iu ail 85*1 vas given ber, uaile ail the. A fre caused by siaauaIuseuSCoibulti0ontime ge ting wore. A f..; wveeku &go lu a bill aisva îthe tosu of Marysahal.Saildie d'Mra. ulenn vai nm ota- Boulîder (Conty,. CL, thirty yeal' ugo. paient to give a cont ficate of deaib4 tiarOetns tu cuuaauneuteto 'lie 'sueUd- aud vheu the local physiclan wu &p- jui valuabie coui Leids and render thein realed W o aief unu, asiti v aji this wortbless. The flieut& iraiteaitiedcoui case. and te Sadie'. deatb ba t 1hob suie. thon il qtlCifl in l a duil-ied reporiad tW the cornam r. In Novw1ert- glas. and nos. de.pite yeurs of efforts to sey thon. la a law wblch provides thal drowu It ou& and sali It la. itrases a person Who practicas faih cure op tbrooizbuut an under--roiand area of troan under the guise of Chririian science 2oo Io 39o acres and elouta daume. ciuders atiempte t> maire canes by religicus andl msoke thron.tb a d.zen oudet@. each motus, Commit@ a crime and muet lb. ot %hich numight vie lu app4arance sllh the u4hdbntle hothtyes Tcruýe? of a eros ngvo)t.aca Property ulhe yc I lehathrydu la juil non les,% than *1)tirlie, su wvho wortb milt1loun .doitaras b de-he .iofuCt. af the. ea. a raile i6 atroyed. Friedelthe flanacu tram bLonsthe knowledgo 0of the jurymen. iboy I)ur@lt trouzaLsir surface ot Volcano bill vere but a short timp coming 10 the and the mouth ,,f the drlft bas bocome cztucluobon thai Sadi. Flol would have chokeal up >alili tons ot beatod rock and iived Iongn had a ro2ular phvulciani Clay. ____been emplye adhavngî saf ba TOO MANY CIIILDKEN. Mra. Glenn vrai a practýc mnChristian Ssientlst be was held in bail to avuit Georgie, mas Kilts Inmeaf wben th. Lasi theacation of the grand jury. Trwo Camn t Once. Whou her case cornes up in court Harrison Smith, ut AisusIsia. w&4 as athe intoreit of m n y 1arrsons îhrugh- humble citizen of tiret clty tistote thora:1 <ut the couutiy wi.1 ceutor nthe liti. vas an increa&e; hi- funerailbas us ut New Jerâey, town. and t Mrs. Glenn ju been heid. Eunday night Harrison Emitb î onvcted i is ent te prison it twill b. vas the ftler of cheveu chilldren. the ereacait blow Chbristian Sce-lem Ha sas happy. There vscbut a .o.uld recette. othen States.00o, May single cloual upon the horizon 0! t akacuturel f rom Now Jersev aud lava bis future.but he vas net sorried. (f a similar nature may go on th. Mondai surulul Lis vile prcsentcd hlm siatute, books al oer the United with tslna Wltiont a word Smith vsalkad St&ttLa toto bis roou ecok ua. a platol and chat ITH OIIA WM himsuif througb the beurt. 19 la cialmed INTH _______ SIM by bis friends ho sas a man of great super- George flenny. .0.. the Repubican L*asd- stition and shen tbe ftact tiret ha sas the ' . icknig' itit Mahon t tastnun cbtdrn aOfrut pa ît-rest le Coirge Dorny, Jr., Re- hlm i sas100 u~h.publican candidate for Cont ressisnl the TWENTY.TWO POJ.S<>ED. Amhland District of Kentucky. W. (-1 1'. Breckînrd 0,* Discbsrged Chînamun Taoniht ta Hava old district. Ver Put strychnine lu CoRsae. yeari Judgo Deun A. solasaleaitempltaIopotison ihe lu- thhs enon fie maias of th* caunty horipitai at ColuaL. W mosi prominoni ne- O&L. sas@omade by putting strychnine mIa r pubica nsi n ithe tha caffe. Tweniy-two patiente are suf- State. He bas earned t ering ftrom the effects of the drng and ance the honor bestowe4 ,ean bas aircady died. lira JIgrate. the ujon hlm by lbis baut ,I s ae f the superintondont, s4 very @eck. work for isParty. but the physiciens hope tý a er.e The HIA oolitical carieer ,coffeepot sas examnud and traces utf the vas 'bagun b y hie poison sere tounStherein. It lh suppieed a ection asà (ounty tha% the sork sas douc by a ChînamnanJid go o f Ganrara h o L a d t r o u b le s it h th e s te w a r d a n d a d l Fi N T . a c o u , 'In 0 * . T h a . and ssure tu have reveuge. f the Republican Siate Centr a Coin- ______ BNKDIIDND. m!ttea. As a delegate frem insi dis. NATINAL ANK iViDNDe. triet heauttended the conventions of Creditors ot Insoîrent Institutin@ste Get 18,14 and 99m < ('hi«go.Judge Denr a Portion of Thoir lame stumpad the State for the HepublictA The Comptioller of the Cutrrncy bas de- t% omisn.Bndly eetyn lCiared dividende la tasor of the credîitora oft, ' o iuesu oonrc a. Iuscrivent national books as toliOss : aelfortLieto emn t orntaiefCon. I Ten par cenkt.. Pirat National Bank 0t Sun-nci yteIe,)tai 4aeCn donnoe. Wyo. vention wvraone of £leaiteparcout., te Firat Nationsl Bank of the. leadi. g andi- Cear allu, owa. dates for Goveruon. Tventy per cent.. tseFürst National Bank Mr Hadty ne 0f Dayton, Tenu.Mr edlyr- Ten pur cent.. the Northeru Nationa) Bsnk of aides ut, B;i iuepo)rt, BlgRaid. itat.I as a repre eniativa O Teýuai 'Ue..te ope'@ National Bnkt of o that dity lu the Payetevlie.N. C ______Cnnectic;it Canomal Weeain l Chicago What. Afrso blav, and was IV Great excîtemeut exIsteS un the Chicago C0585Picuo Isly a& tiv . Bard of Trade osvcr the aniuncemaent iu progressve logis- tiret &ome weviily wheat hadl been taken lation. Priot- to hic out ot anc ot the Armour cievatora election ta tb. Stat t A good deal of aid sheat isaetored Logitsltture heserved lu cicago and a etroug suspicion bas for many yeoars as .s.nL. 6cxiotad for a long tlaoe thal rame .udgu of Pro ae ai tîrldge ont. Hlé iof t v s not In soud condition. This bas 1s watl-ec ooled in law. le pra-iicalanti caused shîppers to use unusual vigilance motho lical, and a man of equable dia. tu provent anry of It Lelng vorkedone ou position. theru. andl îbey Lare placad n- spectors ut each bateb shen baSd- ENVOY TO MADAGASCAR. iug auj' carguas la this case tbe lusuector Bces tal bave Luen caugbl M. le Myrs de VLIers lieurs Franes UI.. napplag. for a laie, Inspection bY anoîher thiiatniiita the Island. insprectai shosed that the Armour wheat No per.ýcuege bas beau more Wo the s as ful of seesilI. This leaun important front siuc. the t. ttmpt , f the French imatter. snd a thorougb Inspection of thec b establish a protoctorale over Mada- j heut lualte dîffereu l rerutars vilii ho 4gascar iban M. la i made ut oece, The dlsredltod cargo i Nlyrve de VI leors nov en routa ta Buffala FJrench anvoy tW the Trb e.Eitor Kelly Surreder..Island. H a bas de. Trbn.gave blineoit up lu Justice Mr-tire northea itom4~ jrti' court. BIs bail vas fiscal ut ..00. - hambor, b. oelled to Warrants hbrd beau sauru out agait hlmj France: that @ho cou- by (ounty Fupervlsor Strange, chargiug iraI the northeru pe- hlm with stuffiug prlntlng bis ninbula, and ibat, t ryChns urd 7 concassions utfSay The hal roth C intborinneS. orkinti b. lnvalld un- a gretat lire ln Cbunc RIanx. oner Hang esapodbyer Kong. 0,cer tbirly people wse r ueS lu MXLE NTSC 1DE VIL-lu short. France lu dcatbI. 2.000 boussedestroycd. luclUding l a te dominaein luthe t-- --m - .àa ittal Ios a oon Io sland ragar3le2a of other pooiple. The, 1

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