Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 26 Oct 1894, p. 7

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unite aS. 6ýL 0 tell théhJ tost ail coutasi physita v bu %ee "digw But. sIl be f444 ses OeuLe osa Qe ut bar Ibf adge Y ISIiibo e bM ,41 meult bé iste-4ia., et e! tha 0PNN ce regain"i thé eWsw <>sbls* reSala a*&,, rnaad bar M&«.UéW' esa vas inventl lat« théet osi veasahuwi nble or moliç"me. bà la Méedical 01r",a s6 Sban Dr Wilhiae av remarkabia êalonia shed or Iboeeu.f baie broubt lb... mneuce houh la ".i- '1 bey bar* beas er.' s moent eaulnent ebau- 6scrtaineil that t. pecific for suC h ele, partial parai. 4 sciabice, cour Cre beadacbe. théb.9afla ipalitation et thé on Complexion&, Ihat q front nerveous pies" inultiez froin 'itsu ta. lbey' aea ais a' peaullar Io !CmalaK lreogularIUla and &Ul ending. ls vaî anu nls t'ai ParsImouloualy enormous $Ume cd etitutions aud ndi- noon, Aie preeuted« r of a certain reo- ater of tAie bouse o dinue'-, wibh bis au wuuld net admit Motit vithin tha ut telling hlm to go loor, when tAie ueo- hlmr, amidasked bis L be bi corn, ta uoy" toe lundfor ne. Whou be had In t)i the study, a book va-i produoed, ery dirby oue, laid rector took it up, oiud not', i et 1h."» asked Mr. ecter. hardly believe hia 6@ far fivo hundred ooing thoàe fine hol r di uer," raid "But if you're nol 1'm ut tireu of tting dowu seven teman o! yours, ronce te tAie foot- au oid mon. evea n to vear a sbsbby d hmi to play ta hoe, avy i e. Mr ro I atarted trom t vould yoiir lords it beside a ebbb ris y Nights su>' vartitons 0 loin- e btreagî and mate ses Iood's Sarspa- systeu sgainet thoe pure. bealbl>' bleoil. 5 Barsa- b pa.dui. rdot Honds $ans- g11 Partir1a boUle tle sd aller a short bleus inol. We keep It lu le timo. As a bînai othlug botter." LZeu purl>' veetable. boue- rton sud! eppearsutos. S-FAIR * 1AWAI1LD 1 IO-TISE LIFE" te reputation of being vator for b.Lii ]I JEý A ge d. SALmmENT for thie TiofI of INFANTS and lu continued Fevers rmedlil agent nteric dlsqamsg :)! çonsuitatian aver tiv organs were re- nd sensitive condition L ORANUM vas nnt thie steunsch hn LIF13 aaiun roetilton 1- wol be-ilficuht to ng mare p*ltabls. SO$. 14ev Yuft, eron!y sialipat of the whest la lit ti01410 Sr.DIERS SHOOT 1r4T0Great Britain la lit or milinjir ur- Medica DW OIO SOOIpRSSHOOTThe ast rop li considered ex- covCT. lt orka WOULD-BE LYPQOHERS. coen Thore la about 2,475,6i,8bu4h- R o wadr.B et-elàof iast years whoat orop in tirnt F0M elut the ncions, en.o!Booac-L.u a.lgtubands. The amoiint neceea&ry 1tuho ' k(K 'GE it tild tfe u cur h tabout 197'.Jbuheo, at about ta sae- A"mpty wekvnea naNer.Som3,6l',000 bushels a week. Official esti- atana mfed hatY vgac.o ero 5V~ mutes ofthe crop jut gatbered I lu]vd P B Pe"=snlImam n thelb.JmI-Thrate gou. Dynam.ite. France show the quantlty of wheat iniA b L J EL U ~ ? iuLrly. Tews,-excesof the average. The harvest "MC~CNOS I.Hme' It~Shm 58*çiated i, pa Titrs KflId and many Hurt. makes Franco practically independont ______NNRKI.malto;Lti-T and nuaY arc aa____ rudana rtar. .Noth. At Washington Court House, Ohio, of oniaide supplies,,but wine wbeat Et W.. * aoisy oEt luoub t A sad-looking gentleman, likea sort as a trtug eth e tbree men wore kllled, ani about a wili probably boe mported. The whoatyof-Va.btf e mcrtidraltwha 41" e;tlh lakeua o ntfe " d-doenijuod sie atll by the op Theru Is 'lathe -.."vS forpainful expres-lon of face, ente ilthe é ICO iva ail 4 ern lBotu he ndevorye ar e, herye crop flublo a aqueer ca lu r nthe ctlee-room of a country bote I the a.d liseit p mss. la, i h ndso keep mobs t a f14yz n teyedo a-Chine a quarter in New York C thedyhldn I0-0hndaam opeso57ee f body to se- (rom lynchlng William Dolby, Coiod. eyamof at racred the ie ar-lu aya the New York Record jr. Hoisaa aîster. ehliginhshn m puilaeniceasud Vitailua Dlby agaauhodi Mr&. Mary C. Foyd, litre years. Thre ws about haitll ry ramn a pugilist, called 'Ioka ti, eteen"h aid, gothtthebody agd 66,at Parott's station a week crop of corn., "Cbuck" (Jonnors Ho earn. a precari- .orrowfully.-I wentintoa gunemith's w~I t. erosa i myb tht hef04 go, and twaescaptured aI fDelaware, l emn hataoaafl Lnoualiving by pilotln&g inquiitive per- shop to get somthing tea et, and the naton iaIfaUli-Y.=craii Ohlio h, and brought int court at Wash- off ln quantity and quallty from Iast fou throitgh the Chines 3 quarter whO man banded me this (an of powder. e tie l tesbl ord.t e s lugbon CofrthHouse..Ho pleaded guilty ye r aud the potato crop la vory disa desire o t a aChineso dinner or vi'it Heo aid 1 could go blow inyseif up: ât tue in he blod. Tu Oltn th live ingtthCoutMHngolian crt b"W ti eeuttwhch taulheip athe 10 tncd otwentyy3vara in potng. The Austrian thheat cr00 heitter lu Mott et, e2. . rofeoqiona1actori wero not wantod holdsbackthla thO IIi'ei and e~~~~-xpectod te meaureOti0,00,OjbtisbOlS.Tep&sclpoeao onr asnw hrss ayfn mtui Drgehli. 1kSte'sGolden Medcal tepenltentlary. An asgry mob b gath-vica proabliBla %ono orqsu urrthr omn fn mtui UUOU stulâtes, toues Up .ad nvg ered about the ji &ir o b ad Barley and aats haýe an average yleld, bee 8 essf l eo s tl a e b y eun-t poedig th ey anword," anincd o the «e th e heur, nourlahres the blood, and a arDob but corn do3s nol promise so wIL sceau noiIe~ta aî r odn h a ibna nho b the Muscles.,atameek sud serres etth been ldentltled by bis vlctlm, and Italian grain le reported excellent la der bie charire is considered even ipater grato, in whlch a tire was burninir. rlh ladÎh eqir.Shoriff Cook called 1tuie assistance ouility. The corn cr01>. damaged by titan if a policeman scted a, guaro tan. -1 rmsg miserablo 1 ve a mind te follow Moo1U tUeB requise. L the local mIlitis compauy. This ac, drough, à whedupnal baeto a moA u bvacbasrie n pionatys-I în.reyud l"tf ysadr go"J mourelsriu M < Sas ne B. at ~ytion tn-reaaed tbe fury against Dolby, dltrict a Eloidun wastlnany til Amogtchs I aprule UJ inoenlyaris- dvke o"oi Fi1abysad Mfas. writ: and Gov. MicKinley w. appealed tu under very untavorable conditions j orteNwYr oaota not iku ttecod 2raIs*cmtip5t for addltional assistance, and troupe lu ured lu quality. Huugar la'srilent unate chi ri lu the tenement-house dis- The wretcbed 1 ariy gave a sad, liel___tiptin rom Columbus wore sent, CoL Colt la fields yieldod l(ïT,uCO,00 bushoae ryebt., and te care for it ln a material thoatrîcal, Il' gering look and toStOfi ta" gony o e e command. 61,00M,000; and corn, 160,C,0, . There and moral way wltbo iA taking it homne. the can loto t ire. Manue.1 m ore h pind1 yUlet atme The mob surroundlng tbo jail and la an average rye crop iu Ausîria, ex- A short time ago a party of somen Tbe coMpaý y yolled and rushed out àir..Od~ court houne sltempted tu take Uoiby ceptl aity, wblch ig doemel por. amSug wbom waî the wlf f.1ar&well- of the place lu ail directions. - ~from the offlcers wheu removed f rml uatearbi omlolo on dîer1wnt ibiatwu Wben tbey iiftd in about ten minutes,1was entrdy the jait h raoftlbiberian hailrcadisez pctýdto secure 1 ho co-operation of Confor.§ iu later. the empty can was ittlng harm- «we Md frontatdur butekot at beyby the free use open up to commet c3 a newield, andi thoir searcb for picturos1ua wa:ds. less4y ou the ire. Not so tbo glaseos. kDOWod ha ee ao! bayonoe and clu y eusa Wheun«âs nowaud vigorous copt yo, a Thie round beart of the pu-ilist was Four werc empty sud seve. al luncboon- gh eddes paid brought t the court foui Dolby the tatistîclan, -will betore long protoundly tcuched by Ibis iniaonpte l. u t 9-OI L bruire dowu. Whlle brlnglng bim fi om foundlu the markets of Europe" as an of avmpsthy. and lhe promiseilteOdo Hamiet wa genre.-Llpplucotî's. Uo.l eedyfeth Iombcare adroue qstivotfrtlxl ylbis bot te tecure a child for each ot !i.d fflS mm hs ail tem hare adalmost enortaie qcn. tireasof ofertile lanarrngemen We a-,oe ucoeeded iu gtting hlm. Henry hie brought under cuivatio)n by theo h OeLD osno pca ragmn andud Bo'L1- n- ne Kirk, the brother-lu iaw of the as- rallroed. He started out lmmedtatoiy t10 tulfill wblch uoestated a change la thounculof feat emre 41<.aut_ Wcm suted wamau ws nckddown tb. hi@ trust. Connore' impre3seon wa toýIi dates ni the Anierican Extravavnuza ~taltoberedm'se. salva uokdFEEOING WHEAT. tbatouiycaseeof pecullaraud iathetlc Cm&y tegiteii spectacle "Alad- th ole e&t1epsaud badly brulsed. Anothor mail wrotchieiuoss would le sultable, and die Jr." wilii e wllbdrawn f rei the stase if y su Wh redsihis a a ufetag finswas itayoueted lbrough the inger, ]&.port ay the Kan" Boardl of Agleu: ootrvldu sddw dnysa r hear Chric aoatOperat lnî.ndo wd sda- ~~<,~o.eac iu,~ J~.¶while a bayiaiet w.. thruat throgh tue.s.ys Iltla D.cidiy Profitable. way,, pokingbis noie loto portdoor- Aladilit Jr"» sucs oIP..l ______________________the clothes of another. Deputies, wlb Farmers Can not fail te ho lntereitod ways. and making con»cientious efforts .anC Bhunespol à on (Jct. 2u,aud boginaug shrinc the roit. in te lort drwn. iaddhi rs norlan ciaborate and able report jus1teintlnd a cbild wbo was cruelly illl-used <undayCt.21il& luplace *111 bcetlkinby It ai a straugo and uninvitiug cou olby c, ried like a bah sund kept puhltsbed by the Kanu te tate Board or deformed. At ]ast bieseearch w.. Cauary & Lederers llvely epiloine of the orrud fr bep.ioldirsof Agriculture on the advantages aud rewarded. Ho foin i au Itallsu baby dow." cîaeor the ey-*tehe ai- ter iu the postollh(e; iacounOcr corudfrve.Slir isdat2@o hâ ïafodfrwo aebt red îcoktng 8and hot icgthae-enbval wth very dry ;umbles, gaudili, colored were marched lu to keep the crowd dsvn osfweaa afofrwbmNtehateldcrei.adresdy lad au opportunity of getting a condies sd swarma 0f Iles. TAe eum qitAtrth etnetAepioe farm animais. Tbecouclilslonreached tieut svay deiighted. The nexl day bef lms tli un rgbfaue nerêaarder, whirse lime hunz beisvy : aî taken tu th grand jury room. A lata, at the present prîce of wheal, trie edite -s vite wilh daiulily litted ci!%bs,eutertahumeut. ,,blc bâhai suc. on ber bauds, and wbo would tain bave'mb 'tbered about the Court House, there la docided profil te bie gained lu skirts, threa ed ber way tbrough the phoaouueual succets at th. caîlna. New hadlb derioncfhepig, ooe sdI a îr-îî 1 ette !diog wheat tustead o! cornu. in9lome treet, and Ccnuors came run- Yod.. aiandb.heformaus attendance shlch .but ber lu vain for somethlug te bute. antsou posribh leto hlmtethe lu order te gel et the trutb lu this ning te meet ho-. Characterize i lu it eel*s engagemnent 'là tbat molaseetcindy?" sho asked., tan h aicriw .apwres u tither theater is certain te lie lm- train.gThe o &orne uweeo ponrlesa temlathSe pb ry ot t he E ahest r> *eî hc, d b maînl proveil upc,.durils! the relur,.engage- vit smeuneraltytea elDolby f rom the Court Houa. e theteSceayo th asa tata "did you iud a baby or me et athîe Chicago Ojera Hoilse The polk ni. Board if Agriculture receutly setut 5 Yeq. maam,"-replîod Conoac dl- mpany enga"i el resentlug -The Pass- stlcky as-i. <~ ~>, j,' adorte tAiern u Setr okcurefuhly prepared it of questionii te fully, "f hsd the bultlest littho dago lut Hoa" 1, ona o> t sirongestinA a corn - çugair sa w the the Goveruor teseodsmore 1 000 KIwbeat growers, Stock growere, kld wid a bump on hi-i beci antwIted edy ;.y th., bare bee. oest. sberlu «Ityt ea t blglg o' tm nhaies. ntroLo he oh grew rapldly lufleders and datry mon, sud atter edit- legs ail saved up for ye, but las' night tmnailY ears Itlacludes Vetuona Jarbeau. tel wbt olk 'I ant." ombrs sud dosperation. G( .Colt. igtereletouud Aimefin lupis- loefooled lu fme" a tr.Jh anhw You neyer eau 1.1 vat a ka'Ieecnghhe eples ouaa therte s alar Jon Hushw. «Are tbey home-m &de," asaked the mdispaerse. hutait .ug te cre wd sesiion of .4)î%ory solul contribution@ 'Foolod 'jou- vas thie puazild excia- 'lever cortedian wbo bas long ago eslab- visiboor, Fitilt eytng them wartly. d esbt~~'~rcîe îbon the subjecl. Prom tie auswers sud Mtion. Ilashe a (bleage reputalhon; Chares J. 'Yes. both on 'em.BuL rntimes , 1 eers. The Pr souces vas prostrate Doia !~ oeratsu rc Y* l JRse, the brlghtest ail-arounil burlesque Ilbink IIII stp and nearr bld laythcryingtsudlimeau""g tial mon he compiled tbe folloving "He didu't know do good graf t wot vars 11111e danseuse. and Cauary & Lederers mite, l'or sop sud nover ile aoîrw ail the lime up. t-iulere-titug concluiioni: a-waitin' for im an'se ho gol tired e' original pîckauhunles. The matInOoes cf mItafo entWae "tz eudig frd cthe 1e gMes* Ol (f the ~bushels et winter livin aud croaked." -The Paqslng Show" yull te gleen an eenamoit eat up aIl tAie profits " 1 The mob kept Dolby aud bis guards sud spring nas eed tn Kansas in Wedne3d&y and Saturday. Manager Ducl And the visiter did ual pure'.ase. 1prisener, lu the courthoe u il Ip 19.1 Ihere bas beeu usei as tcod for Like -'iveet Bell* Jan.-led Ouof ! ne." lenderson bas arranged te flII cie of the ____________ n. and thon made an altac k. The farm animas 4,059,-23 bushels, or lt.4 Wawnreersoilhrhiknsthrou-" l ft vaJr nt s ItIoheu-ssl'nre- THE United States manutactures, ilta erledteoeil. Whog ecea.Woufd hoe e ted ea nresrsboieslyad u ,st ApechJr-mis on useilyoue moe ro, telcope sdlead thnet irst, Lut ah 6:45 p. m.theoSouth dor te bogs, .5 per cent. o! tbe vbeat onalyteloellght shocki. whtch would produoe irant. cbo wclîl greseut an entlrely unsc vare foorsteldcpopennd'i bis door mife1P risaesvhoe ustldsdiee - oeffecnelonr etoues. The sîilîl outery farce-raniedy enutled -The eitew ." 1Mr. an te gnr ntegoe a oe pn ineaesalIt natiae n ussel'* excellent conpa,1y eeds nu Iu- amyothr cuuty o th glbe. - o t ene, adwhl vas hede-tlbgo through the cuimal uudigo4oed-a eahl.hasnIIhfdO.beu tli iductIon tu tbe patrons a! the Chicago Do .I(uch ~naie mou, vome sdchfrn Ted-ishamefuli vaste. Vet tbree-fourths ot Of,& vehîcie over moen upavement ad other Opera Bousts. Il bas srnused thetfor g uA em utaehmeul o! the gusrdi finally fired on temo epritiepeenigingadlsturbaflOen affet wesk ueres-seu- acTerai weeks aver sason aite, lb vas Bas.rfg ..ede. th atackug ars. oueet hon tiea. tate that, puud for poe sîîlve nerres-.arely. Nervonessîte largely frsi organlxed. and vlatever the vehîicle Xm rJulia A. Rice, Florence, ltewahbrbt dzno o e abos asuperlor te belled corn atrbutabet0adyPePsia sud not-aSttuia- l îc l aet !M.Rslsat 1 eont lu the Street vere truck, two frfteighg -ee ihteUeo tefo.av rns ocmtn ftlts bave heen made manletthirreCeii Kentuck ,sra - 1i ted ourigbl sudrilve more vere oue-fourth veste. Thte superiority la aleeulesanieas. Digestion aasimilation re- lnInThtec sli !olle ow TI.coar- I ftaly ouded ou avîng SAce est mated va tously et ftrom ï te i5Mpr ewed b>'Hostetters fiboumb hBittes. a"on tz sho." at thîle lagzo Opera flouse. Fromt woman's early trotiLs. died. The wounded vere aIl hurriedl? cent., tb. asorage pl& isg the superi- beuet lierre qutetude snd noeudi reposa. The etI couid find no permanent rew. romoyed trom the scone bv frieud@. I rtty o! wheat over coru at lu par cent. «vent aitenahive oauses the lUver and boweti te Schubert Lesrne-1 Fast. hief until, one itT..e peuple vere frenziod aud As to boy mucbh lve pork may lie ex.ntte ini co-operativO Ihony w itI lthe situ- Schubert vas precoctous. Ho learu- hbreateued te dynamite thie court pechod as a futr retura per bushelofet h, whereby the strierai touetlte systetut ead te play botb piano and violkn eai year ago, I tnied bouse. Addihlonal troope vere Or- wboat ted te linge, the average o! aIl raised te té true etandard o! leslth. lInsma years ot age, sud vas tiut undor the Lydia E. derod trom CtnchnatiColumbus, Ithe anevere iojeven eouudtn. It la larialeontplaluts. rkeurnatlsmsui ad blhne>'care of lAie village or., nist, who no n Pu.'sk/um's Chulhothe, sud ethor pointa, aIso ot interest t: note that tAie cnt o! trouble, tle Bitters pendue. excellent resulli. said: "I eau tesch 'hlm uothing. raising a bushol of vheat lu Kansas W heuever 1 vished te givo hlm soome- Vee BbO8MB AT AN IRISH- MEETING. raenges f rom 56 , cents. vhere au acre Timely Warulng. Ibing freh ho know it already." C*osrPO4d yilds ouly .10 hushels down u t 2,Thie attitude of Englaud teward the =Relief then ta.nly .sempt tbuHl-- Up the Blake cents wbere an acre ylolda 35 bushelu. fox la a very serious ne; Ihat animal, That T.YfUI 2Feelung, came with ilT AieRerplioi <n Ne- Teck. The Socrotary enuil up Aile conclu- %acred te tAie chase, muet ho kltled lu Wlîh tAie exh'lsratlug tente of reuewed almsThe a«i- receptian glsen by tAie Irishi Na- sions thus: Undor exietiug conditions tho icguation manuer or net at ail. A beaithan sd strength sud internai liteau- tiouaIl'ederatiou ttu Edward Blake, M. whest bas hcorome a very unusual and lithoe letton on tAie subject vas gîven, liness. wblch fol uvs tAie use of liyrup S ately, and lat jIl, stithe Lenex Iycouum, lu Nov York, imoortaut factor iluth. grain feeding iunAils youlh. te Sir Robert Adair, a ot ligB. ie unkueun 10 tAi etw who tis âmie I ams vas productive o!some reeults neyer 10f -ail classes o faim ,tock- Itlaj su- onc famous diplomatist have not progrossel beyond thee nid- a weil woman. dreaaued o! by its orîginators. Iu thie pertor to corn lu produ, lug heaithfuL, H. bail beeu edueaîed etthIe Uiuver- lime medîcines sud tAie cbeap austi « 1 absolalely know, not toril b heart o! the meeting, and vAile &Ililil-halauced growlh lu youug sut- lits cf (Gott'on. sud ou roturuitigti) tutes soînetimcs offered but niover se- my wnexprlnc, bt - es >i upuîed upon Mr. Blake asine mas. Mlxed vîth corn. este or brail, Englaud vlslted bis unclo, Lord hep- cepted by tAie velIlu ormold. myow xpnncbu Lw et h «uZtthpAatorm dellveriug oeeil is much superior te eîher atone for pet, et Eustlu. Ou Onui occasion Aie aise, that this is ahras and ef bis meet impressive sitsoches. a vorking hors.,a. Fod te cows f le fear veut te shoot pbeasanta ln Fakenham UNDER thie treaty ot Gaudalupe Hi- sure rmnedy for: stoutly built. trowsily dressed man and away aheâd ot cern as a milk pro- wood, sud thereaiho came acqualnted dalgo, aIl porions lu thie acqutred ter- Irreulaity supiresed or aked sviftly &round tbe baek of tAie ducer. Ftor avine il givo. genorous witti bis celebrated couain, Chare ritory vbo vere regarded as citizens *I~~g~irty IIP'CS Iront tier o! boxes uill ho reanbod resuits, but le usai ai a dssdvaulage lames ioo. et Mexico vere considoed le bocome painful menstruations, wCe.ktess tAie hastee eareettlAe platform and vben fed wbole, especiaiiy vith out t.r. Fox, the best-uatîired e! mou, citizens o! the United States, aol thus of the stosiach, sick headache, le tbe lef t o! thie Pr sceuium arch. lu Boaklug. For <atle the clear wbeatla le eing tAnt ho vas a shy yoîîth, did many people of many trihot In Mexico, and female complaints generaliv.biesbsfld ho carried an old. huhky, rather tee carbonaeous unions mixod everytbîug in bis power te Set him at Arizona sud California ares legaliy cil- Thee s n ned f o y.hf g reen glu¶ham gmbrel, wblch ho vitAi corn or 011 cake, e.-els. ________ maie s'u.fftournait tolold vt%,peculiar tender- WN.OB1GV1OS Wlyugu, dh, "br e SEND yoce fulntamsned laddreste Dob- mal mfein. esi.Ousîde tAie box ho stepped, ______BE __ RNOS. yen spring froým? lins' s-oup hfir. Ca,. i'ladelphla. Pa.. b>' jïUjMts d" - - hesltated a momtent, sud thon enter- FrmGttugen. retenu mail. and! gel- fret of ail costa l'h (htet Mdkl Dscvery 'kg, look a chair in s cerner uarost Men Wh. Seoir Hith Houone ai the fluadi Not uuhsol:gthrIee o a ,rhsvrdollars, if used b>' el thie Age. tAie stage. Thie *la man loftin uaj !ti epe pose?" yon te lts full advîînlage. Dn't dels>'. minute j ~Ernest Csdy, hu mlAe emoras . ynvoused te shoot ftaxes," re- Tt swolystni KENNEDY'S It mght bave. been a Minute or tweoio Connecticut bave chozon as in phie h a. noety.TEGvrorGurleCnd e ater wbeu a sharp ro t i oi-ledrhutAetueuaiai contaLe s "uh"said ,ox; -never prononuce ceives a saîary et 850,000 a yoar. en lu the box, resoundig trough e th Ae presellt Lieuten- tha.t Word again, at least lu ibis bouse,_________________ hou@, earted eeryne rom hei &u Uovrno. H lafor t the duke vere te hear t'eu bai N EDICAL DWSCOVEIBYs gesto anatod t eIe erom Attea pom len Fr killbdoeeof my namosakes Aie wouid OR. KI L.M IM $N010 KENEDY, 0F ROMBIYMASS, Oft"an suesoke, sud thon t hav a n uonuthe slreugl 1 th.e ehrlek ot "Pire" and thie simulta- of sorvice lu tAie uavy A uc Oas discerled luncrie of our comma.à nocas movomeul t .-00 panie-tricken tiuriug the civil van, ,lJ o! prerelon 1s corîl a peend of cur potrevpeed;& rem ey that cures very ratures te the don, but even as tAiy ia ealtb «v manifact- Ripaun Taule4 do net we4b au ounce, but Id of Humer, from thie worst Sactafnlturnod Patrolman Lilley rusbed into erer arid leadtug citi- . hey contai.hnys> pounds of go. One down to aconunun Pimple. tho box, violetliy dancing ou soute- zone!f Hartford. Ho - ttiule give ve ef. 'le>' or biiosol h S He hastried Iti over eleven hundred thiug vitAi bis feet. tîhile thie voice o! w as bornuSept. fi 18-21nX~i 'uhvs edcec m cases, aud Iever falilod cxc t rti woC5LIMr. Blake' rang th roug h the big build- at Stafford. Tallaud iattcI Vssession v t'wo hundred cotIic~ their seats- "The ire s cu. Coue tber vhen but lue 7;9,~otmte httAeCîfonas (bth thundar H11-e as »wIn his ing callngu i Audience te, keep Counly, lostIits fa- TAie C,lfornia Vîniage. ifs vale, al withii twntty miles e0< )ck," erled Ibose eu tAie patform years old, sud thora- Ali etmaedt- th amon e o .Boston. Send osa card for book. vbenthe lame bai gene and lAie emoke &fier supported Aihm- ooAa SO>,0 alnv iil I' Abenefit la alwavs expeeneod trou di.sppeared. self by hit o'wtn labor. Hie educatior cossiderably beîow then average. TAieoo efistotle qnantrfect cure . s. A ilysepdl p4c pti arcie ii ntr emee lc rape Cro ufrlmc!rmAi Ame hnU ih uring trame ieawâti, IV eug tAie publie seh0018. Since 1862 lho bas beeu ruh !Aga..l oeboîte Wben thie lungs are affecteai t caue fragmeonts or tAie gamlirella a ,îîî,tr f imo!Pat&Ca auut- d 4 p tAie julce, sud in othere so f~g~KDE IE i!%,>L -' hootng pains. Mke needies psk to lt tube or bottle "ha tube vas uirera et steamn-builer appliancos t increased tAie sugar that many graves KDE IE ý L -Ç lirough them; thesamne it the = ovr on ôighýt incbes long and tw, in ci cum- Haulft rd. Mr. Cady bas tvice been lnteuded tole h made itb dry vine Dissolves Gravel BoWeis. ThisIs caused by the ducts bein l erence, and eappod wL.h a eoveriîg ofet leted Lieutenant Goveroro n bbe ilI bave le ho converted lute sveob Gailatone brick dul;in urine.,PainnurethMS ginpped, asud awaysdlsappears In a w getin. The tube vas filled vlth a ticket witb 1 i uou B. Morris. tnGe-varieties or distillel ite brandy. eg tans f intion u iilathbbik sud affr -tii. w li llquhvilcAitAie poie tbiuk TAie Republican uotmlneor o lims, udon stoppage of vater vlth preneurs, mut i tir u tih & imi. 5h5, TH¶E LAY 0F THE LIVER. Far If!thy lIter ewîketh rlght, Thy FaiAi ls sure, thy Uope la brigla 8 But Indigestion lias lAie pover To mer bAie seules sernescî hou>'. To crumble adamantine trust, And tutu life's certeluticeste dust. To buAni faith aud hope sud love, Put heaven Aic low and bei! above. Kecp ouly bby digestion clciir, No other tee my love ueed fcr, Bo vishiug for tAiec perfect Alils, 'ThAe ecm-gifle!f thie iver, I ask thre allun sking thlu, >ly darling, lîew's your liver? 0 Dotforget tbea e l does et Dr. J. K. McLEAN'S ..Very' Celebrtd.., -iver and Kidney BaIm vin Put the vorst kind of à lver late tb. besi t o odur. ONE DOLLAR A BOT17IL. ~E J'H.IA EUOIEO ST. LOUIS. MO._____ for that fn feeling ThAit cenn a a!er euiugn t'Aiere lesa remel>'. Simpls but etective -sud Imudiste. A e Ripans a Tabule. Take one 1 ut lthelime, Svallow Il and thene youama Onie vito gts sfeu lu a&>'et Der v tu lsunt otsa o hie atth inb That sensatin.te hlm, Corneslater. Befort Coiug t.. be& . W1) lme,. A. RIIPEKT. DeUt. E, O L 141t PAYS I tueeî10 0 11. orvwe c. lgt 'If tbaa 1.378 e.autry pse<fer............ SND FOR CiTALiO offCAO IEwPAPEE .r.lstonad Ad tce a.e asea motonted fr ntentors' Gude, . a Pist. PTAvantS Oîassa u.. wu FLORIDA =1. Ch',me, t N 51K IWHA'l w5iolay.NewcYork. Su onPraup Z- «Vý;,z

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