Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 18 Jan 1895, p. 2

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-~ b o ept lb. lis Othe IIDepart- W'4âe b> tefr baverai a" 4bt of foreiguers , 4eQ iba iuitja t hé lti.sublime iW ,t te trie e5Se of their reliz- -~~ lit Ô Meb t at the. eef5sipover al IR t = 0*. bth t lb... ieiciare pub- ?Ttatan soleties vithin - >wt btheUods c T.rker aud those imPorted bq*',oitUULqrIeO& The. Turkish qmtb oeum«dp teextremely con- * evém , For the. lust few <b. e=iio.rh ofet ti.Amérlean ~v bda great tisai of trouble *Ulr hoee duty le 10 examinle " jý»àWjY unacqalnted îit the pm*fre by aIl Çbrlstans. butta MORS FAUT MAILS UNLIKELY. p thei Postal D.purttkent Mus Trouble Man- ,front taluing «mtm XNOW Establiuhed. ives Titre have beoit urgent requests froun ï,i mi te West s»d South for a speciai fast îÏ pit- MAil service front Loni$ville, Cincinnati, y, cod Minneapolis and other cities principaliy aplng by lte u.wspapers lu Louisville, but of- >deur fidals having churge of titis brnch of Lb. >ttom »"Sevc do not favor i. They say that the imber foet mail facilities luntes, section& are gatèr nowvavry good, andI vould like to grant d tiit the requonsaIl Congreese would make an âe en, appropriation for such a service, but If idretls the"e parties were fuvored numerons otb- plier>' ot rçquests would b. madIe antI petitions r9d to sent lu f rot other sections askiug the lecue, lnaUtO privileges. At present tiiere le a Ippled fatmail route from Boston to New Or- leane,,but each year the appropriation to maantain it le strongi>' opposed b>' those Dot neceiv'ing thie benefits of the service. To establU theb route asked. for would uelesstate anu enonmons appropriation. W'*s andI it ledonhîful If- Congres ould 1'paie a special bill gratlng I. 0,ttt, STATE TREASURER SHORT. id n t01015- W. W. Taylor, of Soti IDakota, Close* Butte Hie Banik and Dleuppeare. g, la A Pierre, à. D., dispatcb snys: Thes Tii.- flîro of W. W. Taylor, the outgoing 'hOs .ý a Bate Treasurer, t0 appear to turn ovel 11ga his office to bis successesor Tuesdny, . wer. easd a sensation. Mr. Taylor cannol d' Xud be located, but is bnnk at Redfiekd cé c41 lowed Its doons, and hie i short a large ga .t. msunt oftltae fonds, just how mach "e .p>. eaugot lie learned; the books show.that l'Th, about $MODO s0 aould ho on baud. Pnb 1iste 'lic i xainenr Meirs hue not been ablet $i e oure a' sts*entent of viiere the fundi li M are depoaltetI. Telegnants sent out fail udthn Lb. locale Taylor. Ex-Govennon Mllette, oua,én of bils bondsmen, in ou the way from ~ ~Indiana, aud othar bondsnten are thon- drstrnck by the news. CORECAN COURT PENNILESS. -o, 0 ='st of th% it odr Iii. s w7iI. p"*dace k mp io " itýaetli.rosWi ltp *mebotv »0e tbut tedlisi »mg-amtlarvit tVm ofuue b m'a.. 705 .Joeep Oaa entiral ~i~i t, bOlIIIU~ eumet~ 14 'ça>' ~em Pt*miuîent Men, Witiont Salar>' WbUle Oleiabs Liv. oft Biber>'. C4,reaa eonrt le lu great distrosa anti .""otu mome>' t preseut. even lu sncb maailiaU e e500 yen, vicit eau nolt e go togehier vithout te grealeOl difilcul- l.Aeordnglysuch men asGen. Le- iune-antI otIiers. huve obtalued no euh- sty for severai monta to re!4tve, t"oi 4Istlees As th 'a otgeau officiais gain their living more b>' biber> than an>' sort of regulan salar>', thee do nuLt eel the preseut criais lu no, great a degree.'" ae.uAd Out th. Vaunt. Onte of te lost cdoyen>' planneti bank robiientes on record was dhacovereti ut DeSnee, Ohio, Wednauday when an ex- pertfoceed open lte Merchaul',National vaiÎtÎît d fonud mid lb. vreckage of "L @Ixosion, trou *15,000 b 0,000be- lu gplUma. The. robbeny vas commilteti Me*" îynight though te burgiars bail eviGety>'beau et von sevenai thym be- t otse. They eterud the vant thnough -thi eiieling, a baie being eut lu the. Boom of te Young Mees Christian Associa- tioéi reome. Once lun te vauîlt e safe e Wmebow open, the mote>' extacteti, tIse oeck ofth»itevanit piugged, the fBourter- 10p1aý d *d no lew let te Indicate that plabi#tas baen disturbed. Thse inI f for tic reason simpi>' supposed ltaï;bite Io* vas outof oXer, andthI u tgve .tbieves twa days 1a maie good - ierecsîpe. Theolous tle bhaiceau- r e b .sIwted viwitt au>' great degres oS .stIut. Tii. capital stock of tht là $1esul 00,O0 santI th bani has a l;peur ent. Tere vere qnlte a umber r Sveti" Ipoitore, so that th osi hg e*syqjtM anyviiero troun $15,000t 'ànti4oie u l-Nov Orleans. Dr. OiCiaai, of New Orleas, sesc Srubanry ci thê commission uina te acu Ugeatmot ot dipitienla b>' att-toxin menu, lii saGe-is r port If>'cases qf djptbuia have bet treated viti thLe ý=bon Gibuëo eruini.andI jifteen witl brngorGeniau prdct.There -«i fivàBy deshitu of patientasu Inte irat ariées »dtnoue la t.e second. It ehonld -. tbe d, bowever, tt ttese edeatis oeurred amougi the irst cases. viien Il vhs mejt se letarly k invtuatt1h. sonna îiquIdb usédeaurlYi>' ithecase.. Il i nu t a.pi'd so-a - ite case la cHinicai. d- b dianeeed se dlphtherla, as il eau du il o hera. ovea 1 f pobacloiological ex. ib imaliUthluie disaesenlaproved nul lu be Bd gotlu. delpitonla t> War BEglue lnMadagascar. SNews bas beau received frt>m Made -gaccar tatlng liaIt te French hav( bom4rdod Prtt:Fanafatra, four mile Îpat h aTiniLave. The. Hovas de FeC àe the'ort5 repiying ta lte Nrenct ét liw it vwenil-diéthasletramn tb seven una cLlo»Xùrislui the armantent oi le the fot ,» e Bos. ere defeated uni r eiredvwft h eavi loue. Budd lX&Mdi. Goveruor. >b Jame* H. Bpkd vas insuumtaed gover AI non ut CsIIorÏMït wo~ n tIa>. Mr au BntIt, acoipp Wod b>' Goy. arkin &. was eacoted toe b pitl *Mueds by i - proceesion coujs.ed ot balf. a dosa M4 cetpauales of tI*iaonîgolua ant In nu comlug talt4ell, ansi May'or-Steit ma utandili the dt usbeee of lia.nuzpot 1_.. 1e . Laqr7 fîw mi. 1" _?ý e li. treslt',et FLORIDA. neF., iwte ii.a rreseuM o th,rotin r -in triod.L a pun'sReviw ofbrougitt ont au a rpuit, of, the lainotlg- ,Du$tiReiewofTrad*e-.olosuble tionOby the. dtective tiait the ruai led- NervouetsuesofaBuckae »lxar ers of the. mob ianted tO break into the. -BenstioaLu NuE Ciy Muicipl savisgs bauk. Tihe mon arraigned, witb -senati«Lu SOUX ity it on exe"tlon, bave Police Couat recordai Cicls-Beth Cf JObli BrdSwctii. and their Poitntla belng Inquired Into be- Trnua ath brug For4 .10"sentence i of n6d.àmea-of- Trams Mach Trouàh FI14- V" let iere to act lucse ofnecesty. An army of -tearly 1,000 trampe about ýIt la not likely that there will be further about 700 of them ln on compact body, trouble et prenant. The nots have 1 in moving northwardiy on Jacksonville. quickened the. governents deire to re- Pia.. frein the orange-growingsections 1ev. distrous. Soup kitchens have beaua of sotit FPlorida. Mont of tbm are establisbad and committeee are soiciting0 white men, tbrown ont of worU by the. donations. Leadlng ctizen. are g.t$ng. front, but thpir ranks have beau added to up free diiuer. ln varions districts, and bY traips out i t la impossible nov to the. .varahip in asiting generonsldy. Thé. dptect te worthy mon froux the others. United States Consul, T. Ni Moloy, bas Titis amiyla )elping tseif to the. i>oi.r. reeivedl a teleurani frein some philait- tY of the. planter@ and farmere as it moves thropie Ainericans announeiug that ii- along, and ite depredatiois are already oral aid wHIibe torthcoxnlng. Privaise a srins mater ia the. country districts. cables frota England lndicate that help The local autitorities are powerlesa in the~ froin the inotberland will not bc stlnted. hands of te im1oh, ONE XEAD, OTHER DTINo. NO CANGEIN iEB* Fatal Renuits Attending a Quarrel Nerchandise Stocke tu Proucere' Over a Cheap Jacket. HaudeStili on the increase. INear Whitesburg, Ga., carrying out the IL G Du & C.'aWeely Rvle oforder of bis father, William Brown shot U. GD une soya:ki evew0 and kIlled John Kirkham. George Brown Trader hebgiu8gofte e y and Kirkham got into a figbt over a 10- no iththehiue obegiuin tecw bilyhar cent jacket. Kirkham drew a razor and nrort i falhr fte currgency buinebsat the saine tme the eider Brown pulled brontanTh eial hang business d a pistol froin his entoa seve sud fired at sd l yt. Te aIdewata t usine onld Kirkhstn, but missed bu. Kirkhain grap- dasndd rtak e Brown and cet him severai times <Iss iad athr Iesfoundation even wi a razor. Brown threw bis pistol te thon usual, but the hope, of strong re- bit sou, îeiiing him to shoot Kirkham, vîval a littie later ia. ml cberi hed by and the boy respouded by firing four many. There hun nt beau inuchit tîme for ashots itb the body of his fntheq's as- change lu the industries, but differences sellant. The indications are that old man observedl since the year began are net in Brow n wiil die. the direction of higher prices or larger demand. There are more indications tnm KAI PENO CAFTURID. of late tat stocks of differeut kinds of goode have beau nccumlating in conte- Jupaneae Win Another Big Victory quence of past increase in production. on Chtne..e Soit. An officiai dispatch received ut lokoha- BOREAS' BITTER BLAST. Vial siy8 that the division of tIse Japanese aruiy coinnanded by M1ajor Generai Nogi The udde Drp laTemeratre oinieuced an ttaek on K i P iing. The TCasesdde Drp n Temeraturc fightinj- couitinned for four bour8,. at tIse ~ause Wiesprad Sfferns. end of which lime thse town was in the Thureday nigbt the enpeature in bands of the Japnneme. Thse ('ines. ied Chietago wne 34 degrees above zero. :Fn- toward Hai Sbaksni, wiliî the Japanese day eveuiug it was 4% degrees beiow, so in close pursnît. Numbers were kilied on bIaI the drop tbeére in twanty-fotir hours etiier side, but the total loue is uîîkuown. wvas 38% degrees. TIse cold wave swePt The first Japniîee nrnîy. while muoving ail through tIse Dakotas, 'Minnesota, Ne- its headqunrtere bu Shien Tuen, was braska. Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, -Miebi- warmiy welcomed -by tIse inhahitants, egan. Indianîa and Ohio, novîng swiftiy who mafiifeeted a strong desire tii r.-, enet and soutit. Much suffering was main under Japanese rule. addition to Lb. low tempenature, the wind in tIse 1îrairle country reacheti hurricane peed. sud ini Nebruska te ver>' souil - self, iin the absence ut suon, n'as biowu lu drifts. In te lumber districts vet benefit accrues fnum tIse clti. as IL mesures if-e .îd contiuued enon' for logging opera- ions.____ BANDITS HAVE MýANY F12IENDS- Cook and Other Outlaw Gangs De<y lhe Anthorities. Deputy tUitpd States MarsbhlHarr>' Adanms, vhu bus beau lu the IndienuTerri- Ltory for te puet ten days, itretigatins te BitteilIcounterfeiting case, hum r.- turned 10 Kansas Cilty. Depuby Adams dues not entarlain a ver>' igit Opinion Of lte Indian Tenitory. Be maya then, are nian>'people frientIl>' 10 liteCook gang and ther outaws atîd thut il le danger- uns lu be outapoken uginet tent. TIi. outliawsride ovente counutry utt wlhiani1 Ising nel armed andt ier. usuail>' beiîg n duzen la a baud il le nul hurd for tltem lu geL ave>' front fficers sent ufttr tient. Titeir frientis are continuuhly ouite aient antI furnisî't tIemnfuormaation cunceru- ing te officer' movementa. MAYOR FLETCHER WILL RESIGN. Sioux Cty's Chief llxecnllve lu Re- tire Le Private Life. Considerable excitemnoL vs created ut Sioux CiLty, Iova, b>'teanunounceioent that MaYor Fletoher wiul resigu. He bas been severely criticiseti beause ho loseti up vit bas alvnYs beau a wide-open to. He claims tint this ban noLiîîg bu do vitit bis coulemplateti resiguation, andt tit ha vili take tIes tep on uccount of bis business affaire. It in a tact, Ibotîgit IaLt e unnouneet bis intention afler baiutg n-ieti on b>' large deiegîî- tions ot business men, etc., n-ho tiedtoL gel hint to change is poicY, ant vho buhae severel>' criticiset il. 1A ROBBER ACCIDENTALLY SHOOTS M'huic Jamen Jambson Was Handinu Over Mono>' the Thief s u Goes Off. Tvu nîaeket robhers Fniia>'nigitt ent- leretI the residence ot Jantes Jumieun, residing riear Dublin, O., anti, cuvering Mr. Jamisun ant ieis ired man vitIs tbe ir rrevolvers, demandedth Le former'. moue>'. aJantiBon reacieti into bie pocket for hie 0moue>', aîîd as be dtit Lont Lb. revolver held b>'te Lb. ober cuvering bum dis' charged, te ballet ,îtîering his brain. -Thte router. beat a hast>' rereal vilioni rstopping lu pick np Lb. mon.>'. Janaisou dieti an u orInter, Thte roitho n ibe- *lievedta tohave tiieciangei hie veepon Sf nom siteer nervoufnuete. John Becrdsworth. tJobht Beunulevorîhi, 85 yenrs old, one of i lb thidest knuwnutanmere resitiingscros s the Mississippi in Illinois, tieti Friday it niglît t Clton, hou-a. Hoen'orked on th Li. iret nuîin'uy in Eriglunîl. remem- *bered incidlents ini the- bfttleofutWaiterlio 1. nad but pesunal kutuledge out inu>of 0 te prominent incidentlsouthlie civilized wold a liait century ugo. lie camne to sAmeicu ifty>'yeare ugo uîîd bat heat ver>' prospenous ever iuîce, ton b. leuves un estute ot over 2,000 acres ut fertile Illinois and uaddn-us a heuvy depusitor à- ins bIe banke. lie îvas a maît ut prodigi- unis stretigtlitand uns knou'uifon is ex- Deep Iaer Canais to th, Ses. ieSitpeior, i., diejitches su>' tut a )f represeuttive of the North Antericeu A Canal Company' lu t tIse ieutofuthLb.lukE tor the purpume ut interesting Duluth uni S3upenlorcapital in the eciteme of building dieep vaten ol canais tlu the sea.lh company bas been chartered b>' Canadi r-to di$ càuiaîs, bultI lockii4 impounid watoî r. dam lakes antI rivera, antI create valet, 1.povene. l'h,>'yufl amifor a sitlai a harter from tii. United ISte,le bul .. w be Introduced lu Congress b>' Souatoi - MlJean. __ t. standard 011 Absorbe -Rivals. Thte Standard 011 Compun>' bas uh jeorbed lite Sun, Craig, -antI Crystai 01 mè ouiphles.-of 'oledo, Ohio, andtI i )t« ù Company', of Cleveland, Ohio it t.1#t"bor stabe4 thaIa 1bi rade I of ail emel by biakqveqWele vi op utanm oh4.ao4ecoq, Solooto ruthidago Scandai,uh 1-epeten tn otcatnd b henWil, who heeet Tosvu Chicngîî. Clers of- tice, WesdChan.Chiaot. a etretoe- iii, arnd5b Chales nu 304 aVet Madso inTret 'eesalrrnstt ~'4 Westay cveingu ciîa, r argest cousîîiîicy lu eeie bhrbe Trit i airo eld îîîtder tIse (bre ut usngalsbri-id d ~e thoe teriug lu ucept a bribe. TIse arreel n'es imite un conîpaint of W. Il. Durant, a grocer ut 1417 W~est MeIdison Street, antI tbe Civic Fedenatisîn. whîîse debectit-es tenrebed ont bue case. ivili lruseesile tIse tbree men. Three Murticrer" Swing. William Taylor, colored, was banged nt Richmond, Ky.. for tIse mander of David C. Dot>' on Dec. 7, 1894. George Mopp and Bîtddy Wooten, Young ne- grues, nere iîaîged etCt utanooga for tIse uturder uof 'îoitouî '. IRoss, (o11Dec. 17, lStJ2. Vooteuî coiîftessed, imPliefnlig M.Nopp. $o00,oo iln Asheîî in Toronto. Ou. lit, mest aud $6LK,)00 utfl)nperj deestroyed iluthe record outhtIs ire ubicIs raged lu Toronto Tbunsday evening. Muts Cavain. vite outhtIe janitor ufthtIe build- ing, n-bu leuued trom lb n 11h ber bîteband and nurse.,<ied. TIse other tu'o art poseitîl>'fatuil>' bort. John Milgan Scutenced lu I).ath. John Milligan. 'tie unurderen of Gahi endt -inunuli Clark and te would-be nuderer ot Sosie Clark, nail) year-old girl, unsi sentetice tatu iang Friiiay at Penny, 0.'T,, luit tIse iie ut execution uanspub off for sixi>' days by Acting Governtrloe Man>' FiremnetiHurt. TNo lange Bnadfordl, 'a., butinesi llociu cri.'[<ortiet Suulav iornnug, caiusing a lits if $5 One>0 (iiiuîidnei incuien uer. tiadi>' tuien. andl Oineuom. anj, thse guttst ofthtti Shectian Ilouse, juiopet frointa n vidow anditbroke a;i armiand iî'g. e id Twu muutked msen uen-d te expressa car ut a Burlingtou trainu ut Chillicothe,1 lotua, Suturida> cveuîiug, anuitatter yiuîg1 the bande f lIse occupants, nobbed the saete ubulot $8,000. Three Men Torn ln Pieces. A oiitro-glycerene explosion uccîinn.d about six miles et ut St. Mary's, Oblo, caneiug bIse teath outhre. tan. Chesfgo--Cuttlee onmou lu prime, $3î 75@U: boîz. shippîiw graest. $3.50 @4.75; sbeep. tain bu choite, $2.0(Y400; wbeat, No. 2 rcd, ScîS:crui, No. 2, 4,i<ï40c; unIe, N. 2, :2's u29c; nye, Nu. 2, 50(ffiZle; butter, chtoice creamn>'. 249 25e'; eggs, fresh, 181120e; sttoe, car lots, per buehel, iJ57c Indianapolis - Cattie. shitpping. $31a 5.50:;liogg, choice.liglît. $31t4.75: tlteîp, cînîmon lu prime, $2@(t3.50; vhteat. No. 2 et, 52«t52%c; corni No. 1 vwhite, 4t« 41c; auto, Nu. 2 n-bite, 32y//a33%c. SL. Louis-Catie. $3<; oge, $ffli.75; viteat. No. 2 et, W53 1 3i/c; corn, No. 2, 43llt.l3/e; unts, No. 2, 30Qt31c; ye, Nu. 2, 51 @52î- * cncineî-Cattle. $2'.50CU5.50: bogs, sh.f@';aeep, $1.25nqj4; vIsent. Nu. 2, 55t56c; con, No. 2 mixeti, 42(iffle; unt. No. 2 uixed. 32üMlZc; rye, No. 2. rI(«55c.- Detrot- Cuttie, $2.5Mt5.M: bas,. $40 4.75: seap. $2eli.275: ltent, Na. I1vitite, 5LZ7c; coma, Nu. 2 yellow, 43@43Wc; Ouie. No. 2 w'hite, 33W~4e; r>'.. No. 2. 51 Igi2c. Toledo-Wheat, No. 2 rat, 55@56c; corn, No. 2 tixed, 43fft4%e; unIe, No. 2 vwite, 32@33c; rye, No. 2. 51053c. Buffalo-.Cattle. $2.50@5.W; bhas. $40 5: sbeep, $2@~3.50; viioat, No. 2 reti, 59«59%c; conu No. 2 yelIow, 47@47%e; oatu. No. 2 white. 35@36e. Mllvauee-Whenî, No. 2 spring.5@ Mec; corn, No. 3. 44ffle; ouI.. No. 2 vitle. 31@~32c; harle>', No. 2, 53@5&-; rye, No. t, 50@51c; poni, mesu, *11.50 11.75. New Yok-Cate, $M0; bogs, $3.f00 5.00; sheu, $204; wheat. No. 2 red, 04è,;Oumre. NoZ52053cm oate, ile Wexte% 9" ;bottsr, remun7r, 10 Mix Tlsoumad BrboklYn SestCur Men ts tke - Peetilume sud War Beclusate Oaiaoa - morieu Piatue Infest, the Beau-Smik 1(111Burn.d. A oe a puBaI nk dLieu.osoft D oteN. H., Natonthen t oc o th Movenda>'.,oNlnuia Ira" initution mdc Mi5outdayaonI that yohe insfite utoad utiectebidt bk's a ffaie bardea ofnkieo u che b'eaffaier C. M.e cage oy Bak n1h.aftnerno.on Isaac . At 3o tin c heattenhotnm Islf W.rg Attehedcauil em. andhim ns deadght viinade miueshaera wanited Statu ar al eppintearet tea bousedviht avarrellfoei apereet. Toue. laa aparnasntforebis aboutf 'e80,000 lu Abett't accouaIs. B7R ERT CARS TIED UP. TrefiluInBrookiyn c..,iete.i, Stop. ped b b>'Li. trike. Neyer glnce bte streeî-car troubles of nîne ypars ago lu New York has that section witnesset sncb a dentonstration ns; the presc il strike of the 6,0W0 eut- lbyesuofthtIe suirface. roade of Brooklyn. Ail thi- quesltion of wagas and bouts nene lurecticail>' settlcd, but lbe coni- palties iîîslsted oui thein right lo u n *"a- brasq" andt aînouuîî'ed their inteuttion ti> increnie rather tian diminisi theb number of ltent. As travel litBrooklyn consista ch%1ly oftbwu "rusbos," uoneiunlthe mnt- ingmnd one.lit uiglît.. b>' puttiitg on pleut>' ot "extrat" for a few bonne bbe coin- lînnies (an get elouîg n'lh a mnucb amnaller uiumher ut regular cars runniug ail day. The more iiextras" and bbe faver regu- lars te emaîllen the pay'rhil. The motur- tmen, i-undtictorg. electnielune uinîlothers employed lon tIse variniu trolley ralroatis quit uork b-uiu 4 anti 5 o'clock 'Mon- dît>'inorniing. lit n-s theI t int KsiIse It hiî ,-rolley sYslým ilied expaniaeed, aud vas. a unust titonîugh and completa SAMOA l>OUBLY AllIlLICTUD., Stranga Pestilence Breaks Ont and M'en of Natives lai Ragung. eAustralien uttices b>' steamuer Mowera lire tilit aisit-ti-i uew kiîîd ut main- niai ftv'trlis tînîken out lut Salttns. It le itigl'infec-tionis. Nativtirae-dying bht li.'s-une. andî ils ra-agi-suir- more te'r- rible titau ini inuittvarns. Lange uiib-u Ot Mîniopeauhi ipiaia% hent t- hct-utîacked. Ali duelors ut ailabhle front Yvarships and nîmiqqsiey Ibosis :are liard ut vork nmong tIse patients. Mediiel nm-n declare thet tIse îîisîee is u kunwn lii melical science, &ihal the nortai il v îuiiuîigpatients in large., and that ilhe dispase le rapiil> tarîrt'aliig. W'îr -le ialîlragiuig ut Sa- moa. Atitîcit ýsuyt hut the Atua <biefs bL ave giveu the Samoiîau Goternimett nu- SI-e tlil ith->'%%il] re-manie bustililieu et là once. MOROCÇCO :MLST MAKE. AMENDS satisfaction for Pirates 'Actas. Sntioltactiox yull ho demandat b>' bath bhe UnitediStates and Ital>' froinMoroc- co ton the reîeuiit hu.arîling anti robberY of lie Iigl sens liv Muorisit pirates utflthe talien bart, Sî'uiîîhi, buntuîfront PIila- Ichlîbia lu Naiples %nith a <-argo ut refined iK.tnoietioi. l'aîîl. LAîîîro, n'io omiaui- 'd iii. Sauluin. uvriies tii fnienîla in titis -ity thtat no ulîiy tîîas svessaI uillaget, but tuaI bis inren tts bount hand îund foot by the- îîîr.,ho tt-tre armedthI îtt onde auind rides. Mri. lParr SavedtheltTrain. But for lthe courage and pretenca o nint of Mrs. Isans' Parr thon. uould bave 1,eau a terrible uvncek ounte Fnieco Ibree miles nortit ut Paris. Taxasg,. 8h. dse- pivenet a bridge on fineeutean ber hume. M re. Parr took a nedtaLbie cloth and iseut ont to te bridge, %'here se atout in thse litter cuit torn uearly twu onne b- fore thse train arriveil. The engîuene s ,vilhsin tort>' tect ofthtei tirneti bridgeî tvbeii it n-as broîîght tu a bail. Robbcre Raid a Town. W'ilburtoui, 1. T.. %vas raidet b>'a n g oif liv. nîshbers. T'r itnciiual lisser tins Gi-urge ider. a u.nîuerouâ tull-bloste t'bîîu.taw huîdiîîîî. tvbîdit tiot helieve it he qntcty utfhbatiks. 'l'hc robuters kuucked at hise tor. , tpliuoi being ad miLlet voi-re <'i-thli ui thiinuchesersnanitcum- peilet lmn to give uîu 2.0.Thii, aut ter warning hlm not lu bell, tIse>' ppro- 1siated tbree ot hil escd onses and rode Dayton Carriers' Overlime $t15,0W. Conimissioien utfte Court ut Claii Iheur>' oreuz comp4eted hil eaxaminatiox itutIse caims of United States postel clerIs andi cerriens ut Dayton, Ohio, toi overwonk. ,The total antunt involvai nggregstee neuni>' $15,000 andtheb.Coin. inissiolier n-il recommnietithat 1h. gosý eruiment laia . Seventil carriers bave -en tercîl clalujîS ut$5M )andîlover. Cce>' Brus. 511k Mill Ruhueti. 'l'he machine choIs anti cugine-roon: cotiuicittil aitll h 'ieuvy Brothbie' til nulit tSoiitbilManchiester, ('onu.,n'ai gublesi b>' lire Suude>' morning. Treni tirer ZheuteY estimateq the lose eit trot $50000 buto$75,00J), wlîich la covenet b: iiisulnncc. Guindait Duan feul froin à roof uand sustainet a frachtre ut ths kit antîtigh. 1monument Pooeifor Colfa. It le proîuîsedt Lu.npiise-, by pIebic sol s-niîutioo, n fuît utf $li),Ot)for a imuni ment Luto te lutte hu>Ier Coltax, wbos gnuave ut South 1Beut, lut., le nnmarko -Ilve b>' a&ls i earng hie naîe. Hlomestenti Men Reurgutuize. Tlhe mîeeting ut thse steel tvorkers i 1-louuestnil, Pa., n'as nîtsudet b>' ubu S(,)()uen,îî.a tctt ut shom sveme bîusiue; men ufthtei totuî. Tiie îmeeting unut îîously docidedti luendeuvon Lu peetu; suciiutuin utever>' departmeut outh Cmsuegie steel nonks, us iL existet pric Lu tbe big stnike of 1892. Professlotal Diver Injureti. l Frank' Zelmo, prufresional higii dive; lu maklug an eighty-fuot; leap at Wili Taxas, misedt bis tank. He tnrneà hbu seff aut struck on bis feet, breakin bath legs anti sustainita other ijurit Aneoa Wolcott Geta 012,000Damagg Tii. Indiana Suprente Court granteti judgknt of $12,000 le Ansein Wohcc agalat the Chicago, St. Louis antIPi burg RlWAY Compan>'. Woi(ottla le man for viioth e towu of, Woloott vi ikMtId. rThe Ismages von. SwurtIti b -eu h ra Ï r al as a Il lJ- lu- ed oif )it nie the 'e, ýis, le'. Kea t1e- the Wwoeeedlus 0f she ~w - Ue,,ess.UMiea~IU~e5é iesuusd sud *sted Vpe-G The WsUemml SuieS. ~ B>' rofusing tp ,dopt s rati 10 iI lebate the HusWedae«da rejectod the Ounlie eurreto thlittelaMr. -nay-adrocm'am lnt Lbe Incogne ba% law te pt@vlêit pubication of Dames and sarles e e poration employem&ln ua tusq ~ mltting Havaîlan oreapoldanO t *k greds e .Pýreiden3t-trat«ea permlmsl4utol easeoneioth*,.a1 Great Bittaln for a cable station.1, # dIplomatié ' m*d consuls r andthéti.pa1', office appàiion bis vere passeill by~j the Hone. The latter ecarriee $9-4Z4*" Tii. Inconie tai came op for cOui4e' * able discussion lu tb. Sente on ThUIOr- day lu the c<ourse of tb. debatte 00nh urgent deliciene>' bill, wibcontainA 4 provision fer cnrryiitg thse law loin opetS-, tien. Mr. Hill offered ataie liflCi tIedigned to afford an opporbunit>' teu cn- test lth, constitisbionuhit>' of thse net. Mr. Qua>' nigo gave notice of sevenai amattd. meute, uon. for the income ta-e. andtheIu otiters te insert tie McKinîley tariff sct lu Lb. voolen eclidifflle. The, proceed- ings ini the Ilouse wve exceedhlngl' dtiL. T'he District of Clombin approprintion ill ives pasmied, ns vas niso a bill te de- âue Lb. crimes of munder in the first antd second degree. and manalenghter andI criminal usault. miutiuy anid.désertion.i antI providiîîg punuihent thierefor, andI to ahollith the deatit penalties on crier crimes. A reddoluution ivas adoplad celiing on thse S-eretur>' of lthe Ixterior for the causes of delîîy ini o1teîsng tu settlent thse landi e r-eiv(41 froni île Kickuîpoo Indiens. Thse Sd.tiebill re(;Ibiliug the law prîîîiding for bouîl4 for regislry of vsel-l as passe;tl; alsu Sezuate bill pro- vidiîîg ain Aonicaiî regidttîr for tIhe steamer Eîîee A billtù, provide for sppandlces to tiheAnîerîcýi uîcainlrettOtt. of vexsî.im vas pasdied. TIse feiatune ot thse îight scesio oflte Boitte Frld;iy was thse deliate wieb gnedv ont of thse nîteinlt of MIr. Sýpniuîgî'r (DeOn.. 111.) tu pnbs a bill graîîting $1151 a intîilli, lu Major Genîeral Johnîi A. Mc-Cl@runitd. Mur. Joues (Deali.. Va.) iaiîSîted UpOn Matk- ing the [poinàt out. nUdu,r'UD, aid lthe bill was wiliidrawn. u fitn mud-h feeling hadl Wuensiiowu. lracticaliy lIse n-Iole sms- aion oftheb.Senate n-as occupied lu the. discussion of %Ir. 11111e iamendaientt te the. urgent defi'ieu<'y bill. designeI-iltu afford pait oîup<.ntttUit>' lu teqt tIse Conititution- 1ahI>' ut the îîîcoitie tax Ian. Mionda>'nt iiduylubcSenabe. .Mr. Gîî,rnta. of Muarylantd scon-si the op- lpouents utf tue iiîolle tex. sud Mesure. .Alilson und]i 11111retorted (in bitter terme5. A tes- minun bis ver. introuned. bat noth;ng of retil importanive vas doue. lu thse bouse th-. blli b provide for the. . ullargement of thse judicial sytetîs of 1 I dien Territury n s îîassd. Debate on the inhumie tai item iunte 8deficiency approptriation bill une cntit- ued lubbc Saen te Titesday. The. Sem5te adopteti resolntions cnlling for informa- ftion ns ltIste amonnit of sîlgar imported 'undl tiiequntit>' of spirite takeu onI uf bondi turing tIse si'ty <laye previouS te. ltii. Lekiuig effect ofthlie tariff bill. Tii. -day lu the Ihoute nas ilevotet. after bthe Il oriig bout, lu the Indien appropri- .tion billlbit ni 1îrigrt'i us matIe be- ýfore adjoîunhliiet. Genem-ai Grourettur h lrteiette a relli> l anî,-itnial sent te Lb. Jiudiciary C(omîuittev b ' ..Ritchie. ot Akron, Obio. î-îîrtaining tg siplenentttl7 charges agalinst tuila. tidkde and unvoiv- S log ex-Sentr Il. B. L'avi- and uit dge - e Stevensoni Buke. Ili- askd.l for ait ln- ,vestigalout ot tIse charges. Tiie vule uofthtieburtiedToro'nto Globe building feul, kiliiug une man. Tiie Richmiond (Va.) Timies gave a une- ceenfuI vaudeville eut,-rtaîuinetit for cher- A henvy tluock uit egnthtîîîake tooL Place et WaettN MealIs, Outi., lasting thint>' sec- unds.1 BiIIl('ook, the. notomious outlaw, 'bus beau capture(]îanditlautet in jutil aI tos- veil, N. M. Seven meeket tutea jlev sopen Lb.e ste In tie Baimout brewery. Plartins Ferry, Ohiu, ant securet $200I. Iu céeîbrutiin o~f te Itl;an New Yeur's Day tIse (Czar de-î-mnted eut pro- motet saveral ut bis att ist-ne. Auguiet Trunipien, agat 71, antIbils vite, 69, ver, suffucaltet b>'coul gaz lu their home ut Bltimnoe, Md- John F. Stevens bas beau appointed chiet enginear for the anlire aYstent Of lte Greant Nuntiamu Railnond. Jesse Morison, aigitb bridge vaîcit. mai ah Leavenvontit. Kan., wvile crased front iquor. bit ta LM tvu men. Brevets ot Cinciunnati, Covington andI New'pont have entened a probeet aguinst thse proposai Lu niite thse tai on heer. J. . Williumsoni nie tf the muet lu- fluential nmeutn n est 'irgi ia, commit- ted suicide owiug ho fluanciul troubles.- Mrs. SeraIs Aidret shot 1. T. Leai>'et- Cleveland,. 0k.. lu a quamrel over 1h dis position uf a cib ot corn on Lhe vomau'a Near lHeunesse>', 0k., Frank HamrlI - shit and inlutauti>' kiileti John' Bruce la the preseace ut Zona Joues, Harrold'a ei vonet vwite. "Budty" Woudetn andGeorge Ma pmp,. munîlerers ut Marlou Rouis, vene etcnt- ed in the Hamilton Coulnt> juil, Chatte- nouga, lTeunu. George McGee, a cotometi couvicî int1h Franktfort, K>'., peuitethiy, vas se:t tenedtLu deutit for tIse muinter of, Charies Thonmas, u a elion' cnviet. William Deunhon tBell, ut Chicagoi.a une ot fittean gruduinlet ut Joins Hopinis nuut othen cillegie vho receivet a meholian- ship troua Hupkine vortit $200 aa . - - Plans are beiug for the nocon- - strnctiout of Preelilio banacs.eaI Upu -Francisco andtihie generali Inprov'uien et Lb. refenvatioti ut an estîmated cM tOf, *1,000,000. Thomas E. Bunlingaine, ex-preidet ôtf the defunel Bank ofS Commerce of liaIt, mo.,wvuenot taketi aei 0 to]W Ï1 front Parr', 0k, is lavyene esutio tonI n vnit ot habeas corpuI. 1- Adamn Wtee,,a ladina colordc *member ofS Danvihle, 'ky., mif *on lndlitits la the United 04*0 OU 4e- the i. r*ORd %,ô* et ru thon &MD

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