Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 25 Jan 1895, p. 5

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-À bo iresa.sieS1. ~ba*d the "*Wo..'pusa u p Ia.Otud lu lavai"pleasure of oaling at Orn 1. Lue"@u Én28I lUI.ldebgmk m(m 'cu3"ry opt'eplace titres miles south of Libertyville tvvcý et wblob «Bi taires f the ar- ansd vere klndly allowed to look Into tle ibmuawiy. h gëhb* trt* the ttamp Sugt tbutso bi a o l uy the differentlbuildtngs on this elegant- biey stock dowii *pou the fout vitI Iy arrangedftarin. aub iSr s e ~1m mml e d0ut E verythi ng about tbe place lnd joates trmthe etockm and repied: "Wulit Hove that the proprietor bas made farming Ir esyt lEt youm.'gontZamen kum quiet au don$ t, inmbuy question," a carefut atudy and ns a result lias hi * ~ ~¶L1aim.~ »Id tb.eiraiP, "I tellFeryUv li'bout et. wbat can weil be eailed a 'Model TeYr me. et coma Ilke 1h1. 'HO"'thiro* Lake County Farm." Is «sos. lereag 6 o ohiy n tone lis The tiret building that we entered )e7 toWard S$nydutoent n anae dy m(~tw1~, -e t wu one o' thamn deys vi>.. Fer fams as l'la pacloos barn 50zet) feet withF s1.mala oadnjuiditntbnIatone foundation, ail the stok l8 kept li muI, bsaaiiay.coma Ibrougi> Il burete en tan ai Pt inthe basement and bers, tbe tempera- th, main tod about lwo Mlle teil I comau 4aP. A. M. turt 1!HM bl.d >11Inavet knowud »uivphy Lre neyer Touches the freezing point al km1 iliu1 done et. iti muai a b'n tutu, but 1 even in the coldeet vîntar veather. * ~ vitaml of ,iet l' by rOU, ouO~ ifty Élne mlich cows were hee * -r i ticklà ter th' pik.1..winsautbout a mi* abeîtered and seemed to be as com- Mki ila' IesDornuem a Doubtouesfortable as humant beings coutid vish a '. N GH ,M.D. outoliazaon th' meut' id th' hemi. lobea. In front of each animal ther alE *Tbey wu a nice pamy placees th' was an abondance of feed and an trou M 84r adul'ime fid e an aJouir an bucket of water alvays kept frosb os .over Drus Store. lays 1 nade np mut aDice Muë,I" iyand full fromn a reservoir. We notleed lu al e p.M. down lIii paum. Ter it Dlaub eitolas tbat aach buoket vas provided vltb big= PTWUDAVSa . W ho allas taille vaaîbur, but i bol pu acve lmc e lay Obe acp ZA' juE mn. dmuaàasovattumi igîs vii'a M". 1 kno av erwihl Iaseoe xetc et *béé bed àbeo r awa y d a 'îuv han tb.beasta are drlnktng, they d badssl atry oe-m th' humob casla ai having learned te open them vwhen 1; a harIes Calloway, .vi, mé fotu.lomm etr lai LvellS Dru Stoe.oisylai~ma e iaIls Me a On th. uppar flou. thora vaa ail t au n Lvailis rugStoe. "hm? an ua inU là' si, uevwhig, kinda of feed. The building han a iimtata6ooiboe8,àM. siteaMin 6"Bu24. k bartausfwa *silo lin ivbicb bas acapacity for litio& a o ilballiae p la *1 laeme, avbm i&U v a about tventy acres et corn fodder. MledvI..-1WmM. md. Imuast bleu eos u sea anasock laissais.iW« ist t. Obhm «» , w.1 il tbe grain thet la used for L tohe waabud ut. ae pmM mmu Imadumi Baile ground at home vitb team power. ~-6vwu a vom.. 0" uwu §M mina Prom t. sbuilding va vent to the J L. TAYLOR, Jti ssi. k h unsdix.asa bennery a brancb of farming lu which f duvu ao1 vK eh' tep * m'y ei '»«M» *er Triges. &Taleee St@r. e MsbwS> i m amka oJa 1r. Luce la ,ngaging qutte extensive- i Us.1a gwdp».m ap.zrn Basmm* Sut, ' boum se dUla'«Wity. This la a twoastorY building vhicho ~UOUsAi. E 1500V mtuw ber ta% b%4t1 âM cesamlà heated et about ~an e'ven t 1LLIm-tW-*0. -, ao u,'pm * owl le. ~m~ tpa toy~ ___________________ "Ibwm là,dey dam esai di.Voe I used for a aaughterng roem. vbere Hea" éSM10111T t tadl5 i bt» i tme ail the convenance$ for thia purposeb DR E H S I H ttémMhmth" u. I 10011011dare to bo founid. hm»eh ' rotc Un W ajuguam--W. teSt vlslted the creamery andv ver Lvelle. Drug Seto#l.. é,<,. yutw an au. 1 vomumi n v. muataay for oeuvenience and clean- Uaa.Mi T m.u. P' hatber ubua 1-Mi*am tee. leueae thia excellait anytbing of tLb. %ai btL--ejDk- * OW- '0a m o'sm, aum 't»d '0'klnd va aver Une. The eream ta ail to6eryviiie. - Illinois. ji l a Ibuudt~~ separated from the miik vitb a Patent - -----» noaUbut «M t im la uti' separator and the butter la churned vu% i" 1I il sai m hm 1 ffland vorkad vttb a PonY OItIACO@PPi~ ihumb~uum *B.oui beldy.n hm t presen tbtey are mailing about C»1 luI opisn. l a isa OUa"m"*, M 1là emibus-our biîudred pounda a week. Mfr. ýM*wdp umi cl. a Nd"M ur té u . rI dm«" B'massifu-Luf eattends to Iis departmfent hlm- e-*wf.<psimm aturday only. «Ies uit. B.dflas sotboraem$ lmile to"w self and by much painataking bas Oeavmsh Ik.Tutlor. buyiacouler'. batlà icleetioa Iewu OaTl.mbowa'm. blmabl'bonm Do"biabut s hi' wlu Sb.' von the reputatioti of belng one ofG Tou T emixtgaCted oitleut Pain., blet Milae dose. i sA9 f oit me Bu mobeat butter makers in the county mandr L %WORK betore as- dea'm kaovJugé wvbut- wdo- the demanda for bi% prod net legreater0 nLas1 bSO 114 beU r gobockM.ibd athan ha cat auppi>'. Ur. Luce bad .>H RUBAKERS muo mab.jan aihibit of hlm butter et the( 4. JH. 131 remboab' rmur m $ i Bs -&WuWorldm Pair and recelved s larget RAPRER 1 ltaw,,la ab' afteon. Mb as I 8"dipiomp, vhicb va noticed on the1 ter th' rond. i1 ne f ~MW u Whu all as a fIrat premlom, vhich speaka St. BUkSCfl i ai hava by 'rahiB' mam lam~Weili for a Lake County dair>'. Ail of 4j T RAIee ce&g~ ' ~ n mus. Out 1I mIhiBasesme oie pls- au, bis botter, poultr>'. and egga are aold à%w àà d uk dm m layab.. .tin but blS dîianidirectly to the consumnera, mostoffbis ..THOnanured t *oi oeyofl., wayta in &à' boa nd smiiesebea1 il slvnj uC a ~ mta -Iinv h'uicban~ aru. i aturn lvn long'.canud Lake Uthmnk znarbe uhe'd MMmusi a otel 1Forest. S ITI & %W IF.T ',% tp on-liacusth, b'ruad, inder nw au From therre buildings ve weiîî te -la mb plac me By va1 m.laa au bou u îathe bouse vhere ve enjoyr'd a -le * Plac go BlO' Theon admpm hlarmggubreamiHami lamadpleasant visit. Everytiîing bere la- ova, the valloy ihough we flUdas yo. 1dicîtedtai notlîing had been neg. ýjj"andChlldron'a MOTTENS, 'Nov quit yer blebbutu. trumPY."; lec'Led that couid add to the comforts ~ ith*LI. mi"an 810 &«IIE'T Dy th'$; (of tbe horne or te tiat or their friends Thu travoir la viis laes eu pn big; vbo aIea>'recelve a warm velcomne. 'ancy Work Matei ; , oio mlmaandunti numa: 1After visiting titis spiendidl>' mani- STAMPED LINENS. -WuiI, se ,1 t , v atlIbn berar w aged place w.' are more than ever con- a911 an qua 1 bqia Ur Ostiak.' 1 von-jvne htama' ueua adileu N.okwuar. ituohing. etc. <dered ailmber sme muetaibuv bean un i<cdte c uteea IS IH&SWIFT. lIc>< t ai<iet beua a pretty une. Thon I farmner does not depend so muh ritii- SMIH &kîndar thCU«bt, bais as i diltia knov bot on lii ferro, as upon the m.'thod ini Dames, I li giuve ber one, tb' prattimast Whîc'h hafarina. icouidgClup I1 rak'd mu brais au fia, %~..L ~a e ns O £nîtly&&tu; %bas nwuaded bigh> ~ c oK ~ J l J L I t uned T o 1 b e n t r o de hod l B oomrs to0 ranI in Ibe lffig& ý use mal, fir bin 9" à sbout. i kadrthoughl' Wright, Parkhurst & Go., 1i mght raieri, but final' 'lowod et ab'd FOR SALE BL.sX bargain-Do you teksaine vlthut ni bovin tar refom t u ant an organ ii ?Iqie of W. LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. 'cd bau miglil plumsiiurur ail round. I ej s aer iL'stoa LIBERTYILLE. IL. ho bomie*d rnuird up a trou an klpdui Snon ýe hssoe vçondered et mim'd m.nne. T' mora i FORR ENT-1 Et bOusBe eailiv oc- Ussue interest-Bearing Cer- thotighun et tii worme 1 au%. 1 bosSa terecu pied by Charles Sumthw&ood'weil, Uflotes Payable on Demnani. go bd-in fact. oabeap botterrtban lot, Uvcîsternansd barn.§API& F. Protinle. toikori1 knowN. iiy ti'r'. .. i utv Iîs too thin-the suityou are Irvitig __________________ -set 1ti nidd tr reuk et on bgln ~te 'elstyutisvne.You tbiak uv crallii i r' fonce an imilrduolat ae ls o hi itr Chlas. Kaiser. imeftif, bus iin ie hert fsliedie. 1 vouid't militethis attempt, aven, if put t off <4i b ezdal an mld over O'.yoiikîiev about Colby Co.'o prioes on fiel ter bna u su nt ti' iht. aussdoecaa ln DAEUu.... -Idli'otemoa ubrsktam'. I culla. More*e Furnishlng a Cobda, iBut wîien et "nn.a nnup I vent dn ltr (Col1acLor E. I l l tbuish- floas LANUT.WI4PS. ti' Spîlîa ng unwsohed up. Thon 1CoI utirad bisl offle iceîM_. olby&' . 0018190 11LANCIETS. NIPI. th' orchard, isîrdin ter valS telielbe tom. ly C'. tNSJNKS ^ND VALISES l,. z Ipcoted aie w,uldit bah tbere no aîriy,1 store wbara ha ho pleased to àn il gnsuul eti aIr ece a mi'd ikuly douUp b' bruukfa'irace va cella fro a.5 ebe are ready oae Hameau Bbop> iai«. tbpa> thair taxe,. lmI h(k Fi Amum m ui. t hanVla$ a ightisbeaun1 1 neai yaled. Joe Boehrn 1a the oui>' businiess mwajuThey wca ofitrs bilg talai bed bis armi Mauin lova wlth -anterprsmi enugb round lier wa'. Sh*B 84 &ayn Il lo fonisb sheds for the protection of a a N s a t iy a n d Q u i k y D o n s .- l m p li k , w t ' li ar ho n d p i c h o f o rw a r d w b s c s t r esg or e r m l d m i 1 uTfxLnJuoI ouldu't mes l, an beitestwon vam iainbi utmr'hsefo wnad tbrougalta'Liamnuuhy. fer tbm tllai won Storml. pullîn ber along deviath' airbad. Et New Vear resoives ara easiiy brok- fiI vawofer monnlu te ber raoky, but i tlaougltmbbe lil boter vaiS elSsii e5en, but one vhich viii b. to >'or vhwb a, ciut.l materlal good and financial profit lo 'Th' bg Selei, ho puUued ber &Il litîp, keep. la: Buy aliyour Dry Gooda and tp agin a tri an hi# bor a punch vil' bis ;. <fi s.1i oueth'b'lno aallkei munbnnues The popularlty of the nov manage- cd dovt over th' uieddy. 'Me beail a a-tiruurpn awtul. 1 veil attested b>' a large crovd that walted tlbc wh outer slght, an thon tnrned eut te th. masquarade bail clunab th' fence au.siîpped dova througb lest Friday niglit. Thoae ver. seven- tlong graoe er virisEmuiy Kate la>'. ive couples preseat. Geo. B. Masou "aen eerioufi>' lU but la nov cou- valescing, 1. J. Hoyt and 1Mr@. W. J: Foller atarted Tueeday noot for a veek's vieit vlth relatives et Millangon end Sandwich. Mmr. B. R. DuPl, of Sandwich, vas at C. B. Bberman's test waek visibing ber mother snd slsteç. She retuîrned Wednesday. Bey. J. P. Malcolm atarlîed for bis oid borne lu Canada, Monda>' la rampons. te a telegram anntounu'ing tb. serious iliaeaa of hie father. AU ladies intereated lu Lb. Lake Ceuni, Pair are requeated ta meet et the. W. C. T. U. rooma, Libertyville, W.dnesda>', Jan. 30). et 2.30 p. in.. Werden Wells feil dowa vbile skating lest Baturde>', vas rua ovar by anothr r kater and his arm seaied- 1>' cult tat Ibediocter li e taka severai âÏLb.bes te close the voîinid. L. J. Srnai, o! Peirmont, Mina., le visiting friands in tI iocalit>'. He came dowa te see bis brother Clerm eho recent>' get se badl>' burt b>' a feed cutter, but le; nov doing as weii as could lie expectcd. Uncle Robert Rsay. oae o! our 'Glt Edged" subscriliers la e great readar biaeif and aio pays for c'opiee of thie INPEIiiu'ENT to li eitI 0toi-, cilîdran in Iova. Who bad e pour yaar un accouant of tb. failure of thet crops. Misse(jertie Shierman was the vicîlut or a picabaut surprise part>' last Friday eveiling. Forty-oue of ber sehoolmates, ail from ber rooai, were put-ent sud ail enjol cd tliem- selves *hugeiy. itefresiimerits, lue ceaut ud cake. The Literar>' Socialty wili met as usuel Saturda>' eveaiag. Question for deliate: "Resolved LimaI Beniediel Arnold vas e grester Generai thau Robert Lee." Affirmative MWirt Wright and Paul MacG fiia; negative 0 eo. CaLer sud W ii .FoiraItt. Mfr. Edwsrd Ells vho came liere about three menthe ago badî>' afflcled with a cancer in tbe face rcîurnad iass Frida>' te bis boeatt Ida Grove, Iowa, beaithy and liappy sud feelfing ver>' graletul te Dr. J. L. Tayor for madical treasîrnt whlcb resulted in the succestul removal of the cancer. Capt. Fred Grabbe, always gnal b>' nature. vears a broodar smie sud waika eith a more elatle atep than usual nov daya. alilou sceount o! tha blrth of a son, Frîda>', Jan. 18, '96. Bora of patriolfo parentIs-Lie young man wiii avar ba ready te serve and honor bis country vhen occasion offers. lieny'friands rajoice with tiis happy faml>'. Bey. A. M. White ax-Chapiain et Lb. state Penitentlar>' at Joliet, gave a ver>' Iuteresting lecture et the M. E. cburch. Tuesay, avening; subject *BahlnthLb.Bars."* The bouse waa Weil fiied with an attentive audiene for the speaker having thrgugh knoviedga of Lb. subjeat, dascribad prison lite Ia a graphlc sud aloquent manner. Chas. J. Keiri, baviag decided te quite farring, wili have a public sale about the firet of Match te disposa o! bis stock and farm lools. Beoyl theu retire te hie pleasant suburban home vhare ha vili devota hiseantire attention te the car. o! that standard bred Engllsb Hackney Stallon vhicb h. recanti>' purchssed at Lb. Fat Stock show. Chicago. Good judges sa>' ha bas a t4ua animai and the hast stock for n al.purpose herse. Charme>' bas e7xprience anid lesure te geL there as bmieders have confidence iùi hm. TOO( ~V*j 1&1 1m ~MJ«M&uoe~c~ oeicA&o,îa. MiPa Adaî Mleooumu le vislting s fev daya lan(Jhteago. C7. B. Young, St Paul, ie visiîiag lia cousin 0. P. Sprlgge. Henr>'Br'ovn, of Chicago, viitedl frienutulee firat o! the weak. Engene Rîton returnad Tueada>' 10 bis school vork at Cleveland. i James Warren, of Highland Park, s spending s weak et Fred Croker's. .Mrs. C. R. Sherman base gone to Eyau1StcUýee ber son Boy who le Our etreet commiseloner better ee about the loge thut block uip Sprague stract. Mms. A. H. Tmpper le able te ha up and arounul the bouse, itnproving abel>'. Mie Myrtie Hoyt bas retkurned from Valparaise hera she bas been attend- Ing sobool. Ladies of Lb. W. C. T. U. gavea caady pull et their par-lers labt Fni- la>' evenlng. W. O. Milbizer, elfge andi son, of Mrm. (lebluge. Mart Freshman bas bien sick the1 past week and John Lee acted as ieputy oit'nimaia. Nola Churchil i viigivu s part>' Friday evemng for aqveral of Lb. unda>' achool classes. SornetinesIaiis bard to find the dowa on a Young %mau'a hip, butfita an easy Lig to met the down of Colby & Co.'. Misa Teasie Taylor white visitlng at lIre. A. Clark's near Millburn vas C1V INGCQ4 1 M PôO. i Observe These Points whe,,"- ing Shoes. i Get Solid Leather, a"' with Silk., HENDERSON'S LIýýT RED~ SCHOOL HOUSE",SM'OBE", that Kind. Another Point: We arethrough Invoicngandbo a Lot of Odds and Ends to DiSp!ým at Reduced Prices. Cali at Once ý Bargains. Point No. 4. We are the Largest Dealers Il eral Merchandise in Central, r1 and have a Greater Varet«o- to Select f rom. Point No. 5, We Warrant ail Goods as 1 sented. Point No. 6: Our Prices are always the Ldi Point No. 7: Resolve to Save Moneyd year 1895 by Trading wî 1 Amn Happy! 1 Bought A lVaverleyWbeel, The Jeweler., They Are Ail RI When You Want to. zk6qm MC SBUY YOUIR Hardware,. Stov*Mg"kPu o o W ai Ai r 1là

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