Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 25 Jan 1895, p. 6

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41VeIAU»O 1tet proo.ta mleY l M » 4ble 'te amy fbe gwetta gathered la tit aland tare zneklng gte métRn the moralntg," this- p«dMargaret, and 1 promlmel ler that "Good, lgýt. car flanc," mer ber lait S wo«de. andl I tepjied tfthite the dark- ame Aa bewildered but happy -man. I wandered about tle. streets for two houri le a curloua state of mnd. Wbe,î Max- )rat Durand lied refuseti me I1lied been ýý*4 ion Xesprate for a dîne. but, porbepa ny eur- ~ip~é .wlt ~ ienttla nse "adalîtable," 1 i ll ully ecov- ered and lind allowed our lntereeîm e 4P suosyon u1gy i'ct en the. bais ofrieidabip). Not I eteq lolp'ras obllged to falIRla love wltli ber again. f tai net n very difllcult task, but 1 rg- ittet lu f Mt tof gretted thnt I dîd flot bave that cotrat o!'etMy ove elcctrlc flow that Marcua lied- ee1aoe. ney loIsCBed. @ho àmawerpd [e- The lglit of apîîroaching day bhailbe- mie feu ila theg-n t en-lmer ini the eunt wben 1 threw aryalf uopon my bed, worn out wîth the t»'ýùtteat te Ita truggle of eonfliltlng emotions. I tas, sa d tei up again ut Il and hourried to a jeiveler'e. aèbiýé yen. The haudaomest engagement ring the ilirîaldçLu nid A toro bldaRd s oon lnlng, and 1 drove et 1tSroeuls1 gamu once ta Madison avenue. Margaret re-, culved me wth a sijeut peagere of the 1ne seeeem* ,bl aud. She Ioked pale and ber eyas ivere t. is o heuvy for leck of îleelp. She smUled And- »a £ ln AIr, ly, almoatlatlessly, ai I placed the. ring 1 upon ber 1nger, and liad her lpa, Iesu bd b".ldout ber red thon uaial, te seul our lietrothal. -~~~ed~ ' aetl "I am' afrald," elle faltered. "that you rý nd,1 avetotîwlI tbink I bave been unwoemnnly." %ahorn 1 *. ' Doe't iny that, Margaret. You do oe OUd friands jourseit a wrong. Â A&lave who bas re- S îceved hie freedono iwould lie ungenerous ereda& ý o«i Xta barber unkind tboughti of bii henefac- Mfy titouabte tor. I love you and you bave.prouiiied $*à and Eodneo'. te be my wvfe. Tbat ene reflection la ail vêttum wtàh bini that My mnd bai room for eow."1 Mbe aucumli li- g_ »d__ 4ku -l - Want you te de îometbing for me te-, ewet'riet me for day." aseiald. K14aieel te tho lit. "williugly, Inter ein." I plaeed my arm et t~frieniid areuud lier wialt and fet ne inclination 884110n'"d tu move. I was deligbted te observe tbat ha"C~O 51 th- redJnîtment of the ctrrenti waî go- 1"c' " bisng forward iun anlost ietisfactory mn miUki bekld. iRisuer. n'u&44 lais iteriag "Yen, later on," elle murmured. "I ZL Hlm wbita tant yeutne .Marcus Rednoy and' tel ati~d liestaed bhla that 1011 and 1 are engaged. IIi iareft Ad fnabea,, Yeui?, olt Of the blinne 1 tas iurpried et the request and etion *ted we rather dreodeal tbe tank îLe Lad set me. la ience. Mee "Muot I tel l Mnto-day?" 1 nîked fee- tbom9h lho had lly. 4 MOd 1 tuliipty "'ca do. I nant ini te knoîv et tt be'Whloibered:. once. For-fr-I amn afraid of hlm. I m't. tu- -o the hate bim. But Le la a peculiar man. He lnaoeeoe those elistinate creetures wbe ~eI1?" h neyer know then tbey are beeten. He e zay Wl wSh ould net permit tbe temen be loveal te 14 IlOt cm . fOr becoine a aiter to him.", 1 "pd t lu -7 1 itarted as tbongh my curreut, wbicb dP 0* £ad IlrT- tas llowiug in the rlglit direction, lind W, 0ORIUvf Oer bean îuddanly reveriad. V«n lIPO. Are ne "Wbat do jeu men teimpy?" 1 asked, FU4 1ie bah' ia rielns and lookmng at ber wltb offauded tu loie eùe of pride la my eyes. »14% bq hVe "Bit dewn. dearl" elbe exclairned, prlug- St oi ' Ina up andl tbrowlng ber areruiarouud mny lIubY ueck. 11I have neyer beenu anything te ut1at tz IuL' yjeubutteýgirI-yen lIv", bave il Andl 1 >st .W. iq goig te b. yeur tif.." [~'" > ler argumenta vere Irrésistible. I re- Misilliuioi edmend my @est and had the ceinent e'* ro~k. fImm plenaure of kuowing that the. currenta q . ~te darli- had net been petn'anently disnrranged by my ebullition of temper. Ho* tbe next feu' houri tare pammeal t la needleite reenuint. 'Tbhila net a tale to of epassion, but of science. Buffieeit te that thon I loft Margaret lete lu the PIÀYrieternoen I was willllng te beard a thion- - anal Rodneys lu their den. Thare in gothlbg like love for a teman to meke n MIAu I tas ite teinforni Rodney ef Wdunr liehrothal et once 1 haiteneal te tbe ~kw elul. Ha tas alwayî there fer a few plgbotta liefore hle dnner tint. Ai I weut MW g p the lsteps a M onlmstanding &Joue et ulgMe ofetthe Windows. Hi face lied a "0e 41001111, almoat depering expression, Sate A eha pid ne attention te my.noal. -$ 'n', s"Mo are yen, eld man?" I esked as I hlndbm. .4.%gmm~â. Net easy telR." he answereal grîîlly. «But yon. look chipper eaeugh. I suppose -thiAmariret turned yeur way te-day 7" - e *e Noï exactly. I baven't beau te the atreet, but a lttla fiyar I toek yaiterdey *.pW$ akkely. pame nelut exceediugly Weilite-day."1 wfar as aomethlug la n'y toue whlch 1 li e med hWm suspcon@. Ha looked at me abarpir, andl the pacullsur pewer of bis 1 ' e oWe qas e mainde me abandon my deaigu. tq,,xýk* 111 iii procratinate," 1I nid te mysaîf. "Have-yeu madle any engagement for aluner, Itedue?" "Weil, dine bare with me. Excuse me 4, 'you ga4 5uluu a po ment. I tili go and give the ex'Jer." SRe boweal llently, and lef blahm. segUlUt fIteeS We toad a very adsmea alner. I ç"týt baar vatial te beget l ihm e condition ef gr cgdrb«koutgoed humer liefora I lireke te hlm e plece W. 'e .et'bavC thich I reueale would placé me '3oaetly atheii nupleamaet position. By the tima *0 b~e . . lsfi"reaceal the alal hi* face hldl be- z7taiit gant brighten a bit. If a men n loea gaeghv»r Ire-ilcteal, c= manage te preserve hie agoette -be le nt likely te break bis ha*.A vo" IleWsitemeel eema te kéPt»O aetftthe affections Intact. «& - tbb la Iloiug vaiR with yen Rn a b.2h 'aw t" 1 askeal tevard the end Ai "Yem~Io viibe a mllouelre lunflirea 4 "toiuiI6*u.tired, oRd al n. Wby den't ýr piuo overt te Europe fer the winter?" ý'Y911 kuo-oo n'eil hy I don't. I il l0#100 ou ot isûch a quesion." Omotg.ued, "jour affaIre la et "«>Ï ,Thl te if4$lump luan'y threet, bp pr- 1IbéIdly laled my gas 91 am- Modl~ peoff teivord n'y lîpe and said louprea- â"lï1 _ : " »V.7 1, repem os at, Letff nîw *gait ' YatIo, %hall par for *au4ea eI.Iamaeedte.To have a ive opey for 4e el te whlch 1I lil- vîteS ilni jîroed flot h agnlty veld stop et iiethlzc la Itirsearor revenga. I wake) ha;tily up tovarl Margeret'm beome, lit nas a Pool, ciear elitbtanal the bachig air seinewhet raatored my aqul. "le Mina Dnrudi?" I aiked dervoui- lIy atlite door. "No. She bai gene te a germae et thie Oluej',. air."' Thais a trauge. 8h. bld It et- lng ta anc regardlug mucl a purpoise. I laed pietureal ler te myseîf t&lkingaver lber engagement te ber mether. and, par- hep., falking lier fitther Into the ueert. Oece Rn a while lu theoe deys parente are ifrmeal et a girl'a betrotbal aiment aa on us lier Rtlmate friande. However, as I baed beau lnvlted te the Olneyu', 1 de- cide) te, meOl ber there na k for an ax- planation. I stqpped e pamsiig liausoni and rollet) op tg>*n. My mind w»s eppreased wnitb vague miaglvinge. I belal Margaret by amcli n liglit bond-feôr I kun' duat îshe dRal net love me ai I wimbed te lie loret) thât. In'es net pleaseil et the outloek. Now that Rodney lied talion the n'îrpatb n'ttb hie current eoetrolling epparetua I 'feit almoît haîpless. AUila.f air Ru loe,, tiay Bey, but tblm rather nprincpleal die- tun' nas laid down beforae eectricity tas kueta te man. My fevered blrean'n- ploeet itself ln drafting a meamure to lie latroducat) et the next semiion et the Leg- lIlature meklng It a nisaemeanor for auj eue te tiin the affections or n toman liy auj machine, device or contrivance net readily olitainable by the public et large. "We'll have a nickei-in-tbe-slot courting maehie.yet'1 Imattemait, h«a4yi --sthe ceab drew up in front of te Olueju. The great boewnas cren'ded anal the cotillon bid net yet begun. I said n faw tords te thb bostea sand than bogae senrcb for Margaret. A fat moments Inter I cauglit sigbt et bar leening egaant a aber and talking ta a barmlais youth ot tweuty ivbo lidalrat.dy become blase. At the serne Rnstent 1 mat Mercus Itadney enter the frent t)rawing-roem-end great tbe boutais.' By soine atrauge impulse I deideal te dater umy teîk vîtL Margaret, keep inyseît lu the bac'kground and wae Marcus liodney's tunauvars. CHAPTEL IV. Unleps a aman la a itior it la impossible for hlm te do just as bc pleasai et a social gatbering. Wbule I stmet) eatchiug 1Mar- garet anal Ioduey, wbe bed net jet seeu aucli Qtber. I tait a ligbt touch on n'y arm. Turmng, 1 met the snîling glence et my bostais. "Let me finà yen e partuer for the cotillon," sha said. "As oea of tbh e tn duncers lu tbe city, we'a nnet mpara yen." 1 n'aq fur trou, being pieaiad n'itb lier suggestion, but I set et once thet there tai noesacape. A fat moments Inter, tlierefere. I n'ai aaated baside a vapit) young teman. tho seemedl ta feel thet @lie bat) mecured a prise. tlbe siilad and chatteret) lu a wny thicli $hIlled me anal couvincat) me thet lber current anud mina toulal neyer flow' la theaanedirection. Margaret, witb the seablase yenthb ly ber aide, was seateal near the Leed ot the lina. Roduey, wlio aid net dance, stood lu the ibeduw et a portiaroent the anal of the reoul. "Thiaisa going te be a delightfnl ger- n'en," impereal my partuer. III fear se-if I ean't pret'ent lt," I on- stare), abseutiy, looking toward R3odney. "Wby, that de )ou imenu?" abs smkeI "Oh, excuse me. I dîdu*t quite catch your remerk. Xci. jas,jeu are riglit." I- fait that the girl n'ai tondering nt my stranga damener, snd se drew myselfto- gather and pait) stricter attention te ber conseles tlk. But 1 could net get my mmnd off the dranmen'blch tai pnsaing lie- foe my oyem. I kuen' that Rodncy n'es vatchlng Margaret anal myseif, andl I ceuit) net diaevar wLether n'y fiance bsd seau aither me or my rival. Sliebl net lookad tevard me sud ibe meemed te be unceumeleus et Reduey's presence. "IWbat a beautiful girl is Margaret Durant)" ren'arksd my vis-a-vis, rather envioualy. "Yen, eud lha knowim it." "He? Who?" "Ha. Thaj. Anybody. Evarybody. Bes?" Again my pertuer gazad et me lu sur- prise. She beal bagun to tbtuk that I lied beau taking tee, mncb aine, I suspect, for bier higli spiritesmuddenly daserte) lier. The orchtestra et that moment sgtrucli up a taltz anal the cotRllonLa lie egn. Margaret analiber partnar set next te the leaders, anti soon atterivard 1 wa@ danc- Ing itb my fiance, wlie lid loyally given mnalber firit ta ver. «WIuy beven't yen apoken te me?" îLe wispered. "Wby are yen lie?" I raturneal, "Becauma I tantat jîmt ena ettdance before I1n'as laid oni the sheîf," @lie au- atere), rebelliously. "Wen't jeu for- glve me?" "Of <course I tylîl." And I dramvlber a bit edoser tbon the etiquette et the iveltz litrlctly terrants. At fIat instant te pasmeal the portiers etfi teutetofthe roem. I "Good heaveem! tbere'i Mm. Roduey r' exclimeal Margaret, lu an egitatet tne. "D1idn't yen tell hlm that yen promise) te?" "Yen; anal it wesn't au easy bit etfn'erk, aither." As 1 laft bier et ber sent 1 inn' that mbie n'as quit»aeaanal I returneal te my place forebWgly. 1"Why la it tht nsemn dance se mach botter tien otherm?" aikeal my part- rier, tho lied Just beaun'waltzimîg wttia #reoAnd l n« gaier. but etupt. ?hisi ut&,ee gY.mi food for theuglu. Wby "lishl feeling toterd met se snddeuly clieuge? "Wlet aid thue leader ay te jeu about the. next figure? aejial ny partamar. life theuglit I vas lylus," 1 remarlaii quic1d, sthe explauutloa et Rodneycs change eofmod came loto my mndou fie mIntant. "Dance, pIease," saidt)hUi leader te uni ut that moment, anda gein I vas abla te encape, tha consequenceti et my lapem; The atrain I tamunuder bat) begue te [vair upon me I lied net hbal n'ynnia amen i ecp the.prevffius niglt, Anal I realiet) ly the rigged mnner et my dlaneing thet I was "Pleyed out," uùte aying geSo. Under sucb clrcumtancei the posit ion I1n'asinlabecame torture. .I etetcheal Margaret clouai>'. Heu' beauti- 'fu llmie n-as. I loveal lier more passion- ately avary moment. I longeal te stand up antd cry eut: "Move an, gentlemen, Mise Durent) baengm te mer' Te ait there Il u cha state et mind eun) ce that electro-magusticen-ak peiset) toewmnopî dota on bis pmey n'as agony. I alter- nateal between hope and fear. Perlis ha weuit) net get a chance te speak te ber; porbapa lie dit) fot bave bis device wtfl hlm; perhaps, if ha thought that I bat) lied te hlm, hae wouid dater bie expert- ment until a more eqlvenient tîme. Ou the ether baud, why dit) ha coma te a dancing pnrty? Anal boving corne, wby dit) hae not "move on«?" Wbat dit)lha menu by standing iu tlhe ihadon' et a cur- tain, luke a stage assassin. making hlm- mlteumspicuotis, aud worryiîîg Margaret anal me? 1 It n'as net tntil the firet intermission tliet I obtainat) auy suceas froni these tantaiizing questions.- As I passl tbrougli the bal witii mj iartîlar on n'y -*Erjn I sate Rotdniey goifï l u >tnfrs. "À'b!ý' thouglit I. "lie Las given up the contait for to-nigbi. lHa la going aîvay."' I fait like a net uman. Nly spirits re- turneal anal th e nsensucai ittie crea- ture et n'y aida eemedt tefeai]ay ('Lange et meet), for bai ,voice ne Ronger treînbleu n-ban she akct) me a questieon. '*Itodncy bas taken bis leave." I1n-is' pereal te Margaret. andabîemîilied fully lu raturu.'T'he Jjous inotes ot e taltz resoundedth iroigb thaelieuse. andl Rn my deliglit I grasped nîy partîter about the waist anal n'iirled lier to a sent. 1 enjoyet) mysel iinînmenseia- for atilme. I n'as tondl ofdanci-ng, anal. ieing îspu- lar, receivet) ninny favors. W~iîli a fickle- nemi ' hieb lina nRways pertaiîied tu îuy disposition I torgot :111 about Itôdîtney, ait about fatigue anti lack of teleî,tint) re- membermet) oîîy that Margaret' wai mine, tbat nmusic anal heanly and sweet calera affectet) nmy songea. anti ike a lotos eter 1Iahnbeioned mi ef te tRie Inetient's pleasure nitb au eatbîsiasm that tbremv my foiish uitile pnrtner ioeacstâsiea. "Step fiirting," mid Margaret te me during nfiguîre, anal1 I trieal playfully as theugb she bat) trongeal me. Oh, youth anal bealtb eut) plensume, n'Let godasye are! nîy inicet eut. Wbet cae I for men nith eiectro-mag- nets cancealet) up thiar leeves, as tbough tbay toula lient thLe tend if tbey cout)l. Sncb men ceunot dance. Sncb n'en muet skuik an'ay ai tbe tun grews apace eut) eut ont tbeir ticket) heurts in olitutde. Currants. dit) jeauj? Wiat etîrents do n'a nee t tit the bot blod, the gleam- ing ejes. the full, flushet) cheekit do net begat? Curenta? Reserve tbeni for the taiegrapli. the teephone, the cable, 1111 [non n'itL them if jeu 1k.,. but coneflot te us and) measure love by volts anal carry hatret) lu dynamos. Sncb trinmpbaîît tbonghts fillat) my brain as the music ceumeal anal I met îoî,t. n wier te briîîg unsusma lemenae. The garman n'es neililed, the favori n-crs beudsome, anal 1 coutl wmeaby the autres- ien on Mrgeret'a faee that she n'as ou- joying te the utteruicat ber lent appear- ance lu thi e rît)au a girl heart free. Ais I eset sipping the couling drink ana lilîten- lng te the gessip etf the girl et my sida sndt)euly Mercus Ret)ney appearat) et the opposite doorn'ey. "Goot) Goal"' I exeleime), eut) my part- uer jumpet) as thougli 1 bat) strnck ber. Straiglit acrons the roem strode my riv- al, anal I observeal mitb dismey that lie hlt both banda behindtâtbi. 1 couRt) net stir. To hava made e scorea onît bave beau absurd. "Pembaps bis beaals are et bi lied fron terce et habt. Perhaps- but nô. Ha makes traight for Margaret. Heavens, n'Let shal 1 do? Wbat enu I do?" Was ever a n'en placet)inlu scb a posi- tien as I1bait) et that moment? 1 kuen' tbat n'y fiance. n'as passing tram me, tbet e powear grenter than. auj 1 could bring te bear bat) barilulits gresp, anal there Iet compelledt tesip lemenadeansd taik nonsense te a iigbt benalat girl. Rot)uay mioppet) lu front et Margaret. anal snilingly said a feu' tords te bier. I endureti the torture efthte demnat). for 1 coult) se. fiat &he vas trangely affecteal. thougli the. expression on lier face n'es oeeoetrepugnance. Hie tilI n'es stremîg- or flan bers, hoîvaver, for ulia arase anda tei~ bis arn'. Thon bolally dotu the coen- ter et the raom tbey taîkedt) gether. What couRt) 1 do? The apartuient scout- edto tabe golng araun ut)Rna circie. anal the n'en andl vemen liefora me seemet) te danca about as theugli thay meekeal me. 1 seizet) my partuer's lemonede andali- lowed t et e gulp. I>erhaps she touit) havaelied me erreitet) bat) net e cry et t)Rsmay et thef itant ruug tbrougb thie bouse. I racognizet) the volce. It n'as Margaret'.. I rusheS t)enn the roern anal tors lied the portiere, behînt) n'Iich Rot)ney eund Margaret lied disappeamet). As I dit) se my fiencea fa)) fainting into n'y arma. I lait) ler upon a sofa, rau for ivater, anal upann'y ratura fouet) that she Lail ra- gainet) ber mnies. "Mr. Roduey?" aine nid te me couvul- Nom -* i iàd êIa a I L.iin for Jan. 27. Golden Tèxt--Tbon ar thflicClrint.tile 17Nonetftthe living Ged."-Meitt. 16i 16. The (impaf Confession la the. ubleet tqr- thlm weea. ,founa lnRuMstf . 11M-2 À Raison et confession andl a lemaoa, tee,, of, trust; for te ickaietleg Chries'.dI- vine Savlorbiood ln ta tiret oummalvea. la our ovu undenenesi, upon the oee vii savon. We amp veai but lie la mightr. anti for the aluner fieraisa a Sa4lr. Talre hlS for jeurseIf. "T1%. dbîRd lnns, on Ite parcnf'i lramet [Leves thoaelRs cames, eut) la et rosi; The bird sits siuglng by Îles neet, Anal talla aleal Ris trust la Godadeut)l u lleat 'Neefi everySdt. Ha lias no store, lie sets no e et) Yet sings aloudmaneu)deth net beet). By flomery stretmn or.grasay ment! le sRogs te sheme Mcn tho forget, ln four et neet), A Father s ane. The heurt that trusts forever singe, Anal feelà as liglit asit lied ingi; A aRI etf pence vithin t ipringe; Coma goot) or il], What'ar te-day, to-morrow bringa It la bis n-ll." "Wliom deoumen say thet I the Son et n'en am?" Ilii the great questonatîll- At the ceuter et men's fhRuklug stands Christ. "But ivbom say je?" The verd "je" stands firmt anal lu the amplatie posil. tien lu the original, Ya, mhat de ya s8Y about nme! If is net seornuch wbat otheri thinau as It n'aour selvesa iblu. "Theu art flic Christ, the $on ofthte living Goa." T Lare are tour capitae in ibis sentence et tan n'erds. it la ail eapitale n tie beigbt on. eilteI it» îipikeac.Tri ýtq. flilulofethtesc mi-rds as they terefilrst ilttereal, ana leRt the niarveloni 'eRt t then' camne don-n upon yen. Tliay cama tram., beyetia anal aboya Pater anal muet have well uigb taenuhie breatb eway as hae îttersd theui. If aiîytLumîg mueaihn edet) te prove te us that P'eter n-as neti the rock, bis ôta errant anal nortis anal theniera rebuke et the $avior nt the clotse .,,tibeilessen ara enengb. "1t îtL"a lieinal me, Satan, tLon art au oRY,nKe utie me fer thon avoeatnoct tRie tiuga Ibaf be ot Goal but those tbat le of mien." Hînta ndIul lustrations. A cotl tinie tItis te n»k the personaR question, " 'ut ilitil e et Christe" There la tue one (bitibas net nsea iouglit r-gardink Litu, soute conception et bis naturîme andl mission. asal aise nome ides of liii etu individual reations te ibis %vont)urtul halig. lieing these vague thouglita îe epesoIt tiRi de the fiouR goed. itideet) ail creatien n'ay le Roketl upon. inuoeeaspect, as greeniug anal tmavaiing te intter lis tbeugbts et that îvbicL is aboya anal thicligave if exist- ence. "'TLere lane tree that reafr lits craut, No er mor flower fiat cleares the mSd, No bird tbat sings aoav its neat, But triesite, speak the neume et Goal. Andt)diles then if bas doue its beot.' Thereetire mauy fanuoscenteslomu la Si-rijture anal nitliuut. The nueetf l'salm. "The Leaveus aleeRure,"' innre'u confessien. Hans la ihe lemmon te bave i'eter'm confession. P'aul, John, Jenia.. anal otbers cat-li ale confession ot Christ, a confession manket) by tbeir ove lnaividnality in thouglit an.) perepioti, but in sschc amse true te the divise-bu- mna ture et the C'islt. The Apotle' creallphrases Rimait as follet: "I beliae lu Jens aChrist cur ht,nt), vhe n'as con- ceived ) b>'the IoIy (bosf anal been ot tht- V'irgin Mary." The Siceu.eset)e rends: -I beliem-e ie ena Lord Jesus Christ, the oul>' bagottait Son ot Goal, wbo for useinsu anal dm aalvntieu camne alunn frein beaven anal n'a incarnate liy tbe Iîl)>'Ghost oethte Virgia Mary aialnd as miade man." Tbe Augustuna à5a: "It h seo tught that tiodtheli Son becs me anal tam bora eft he bleuet) Virgin Mary. anal that the mn"> natures, humitn anal divine. inseiîarabiy unitet) lu ene permen. ire eue Clisat, tho la trua Go a un'emn." liera is a confession et Napoen: "The gospel possesiu-a a sa<-nît virtue-e soe- tblng n'Licii onka powertuRir, i varmti n-lich botb laluencas thue uuderstanding andl penetratas thie heert. The goipai Ie ne mers book, but a living createre n'ith au) agency. a [powar thicliconqieri aRi thnt olupomea it. Here ies tbis book on the table. 1 do net tire et reading it, eadîle se daily wnitL aquel picanre." It Is wortb rt-meiffixrug Iliat Danlel W4ebster, n'Lo ome titus saidt) tat the gnt'ateat thougbt that bat) eser coma te Rîlîn n-ms that of iei individuai respensi- Rlity te Goal, anal tho on a visit te au aId frieud cenvertet) laie la lite, permon- aliy assîmmet bitaoetbis on-n coniviction of' the tivinity ot Christ anti et the power of' lis ade a pain anal ax- plicit confession on bis deaihbet), the anie being necortiet en biste mbetone if Manîlilt. On tlie day before fhe greet stateimen's decease lie sait) te bie triant), (k-orge Ticlinor Curtis, "I Lad inteudet) te prepane e nork for the press to Lear guy testimony te Chrltiauity, but ilfin non' tueeate. StiRi, I shouit) 111e te beur nitneas te the gospel betore I dia." Ha tliereuî'on dictetet) the fuiiuwing, whicli stands, ai aboya noeet, over bis place of saputur: " 'Lord, 1 beli,'va, belpi thon'My unlielief.' hilosepbRcal objections bava sonietimes abaken my retisen nith regard te Cbristienity, especieIly the objection dranfron' the magnitude et theunul- verse confrenteal witb the littianeset tbis pienet, but n'y beert Lasn aways as- suret) me, anal reaanrealnie. thet tbe gos- pel ot Jesum Christ la a divune renlty." Coufeisi Christ. Eveunet the elaveuth heur contemi Lin'. If la our ouI>- salve- tien. Next lýesson-"The Transfiguration." Luke D: 2"-6. the emate a Inon et e" tSiae the cral s.eabi e lnitu ra eipe Tbe neoml ttu ' onhmoiIon biaSI Cu"etga ebulgl;* careel anl euctatl liy again anti ael*u utl accueitt1d or vhleh J retur l mre uiiha pM ning fiat sincere dvoia ofthfe peeple oet fim SteI5 vals beaun'i lirsitedhSê "To bo seieefet) fer tr hl fln'. as the clil erU o~ the State etfIl*neloi for t U n ite d S ta te s l a a c ni e i g houer n'y ipprecatine l Le utteret) la tenlm. fiôns etfnMy heait, andiju ' fergîva any omulas or tslml;i par totemeot the ueeds etof 1110Ua "Ii'aiom-ctizeaFyen ai lmi if te b.e ur greantprlilege i ta ail the rlglits and beur ail the Amnrlcan cittasehl> We ui ciste anal foot proind eofebe fie great State et Illinois. i oeil te tIsse pivilegesa " k formi a part efthtRe membei.shp of publicîn pet oettiRs nation., neyer torget that vs he, Mb1 cana, hua a meut Rmprefnt pmw* ing the blute>- etflith onl ii teeuih century.' W. casene.' tht ivabave iunfed s fueeu eouutry sana af 'abave 1q the trieastliich accompeaiedal 1 tien andl salsitien. We cas malt that me bise grevia t fe ment and fruition et enlihià alht-, upea thidli tLe leut justice an" buiaaiy iu clear." Fetlcltou speecles vtre Mesmas. Wîiitus ad Adam. vore vote à reiolutiom via piimenting Wm. a Magas for 1!âe iepublîcan party. gensteai Houai iu the Hause Wenad Commtee ut alie There are ver>' fe é1 hane, flou, tue cioak-roem Janitagis arnaeusar- as Iiobeeii; thà u et State n'as direi tui.faut*l te muenera anal clarks. M, untuinous congst. ietrdat au emtergency clatuse appropoia OW~ for the LScidatoi kxepM preseef Generu Amembly. Thinialesit ac ofehet is oi davotedt te i ntroduction ofet l ty-ivo tare iuiruducet). A hui' tho teri'f et otfMajor faci, steat) ef tva anal pcualiIegthat e la Chiagoecau Le elseted « a. m cesmor ta& intreglncat)br es Shangaeu. A billte mepeat limif la civil actiausferdrng count ofetpersnlIDJ?âlmm The O l aiseextenda the fihe lui meac ation. te avoe ius. billa troduesal tome routineea portaut. There vrse a biEg grW effared in the SeasiteaRie. àA piatiag $62OOO ter contlngui s et île asseinbly v» as se& l previduigi for alsng et pui cutiRas et20>,000 te. 20000"Aiem pasaid. ie the Senate Fi'dar igella1 emriGîli appolatet) Seateai Ut et Cook CeWi4tl, and) Nlebean& * çouaty. a comnilfee ou joint ru)j cortieuce n'tb the reolntiom a& day previons.Bills voe rg fte Seanirs Humer. Berry. amilDviü day lu the Honse n'as giseh e0e1 duction of'hUIs. ltewuhutii>os I Gen. John A. -.Mc(Çleruniai i«a for pension ver, unénl9ioeAaI Bath branchies edjou;;àati t1il Digbt. lu the Hanse Menday Ife Wê troducet) a resciutli ddliI oif the danabter et Vice ruf ensitn, vhich n'as aiet t vote. Thora vas lma1 a m ieîbnîprement, and ê I 0 mode te trensset ftirthv ator Humer. lna e99geg Gev. GIl, calheà l*Ueti There tare fen hnepi sente. The bRlut solfle, 1 Rouge, Celiigon PlrujIt L'engratsut mpport afli lD ia thero peniemotlibug0eL.job* là. uanut, n'es recelveal.ItI: *ci the rules, lies. M."' . irj of the Sonate. u laefemleg t'* lit touchRug tarinis eof wn death oethfe dua lre Steavensonu.- Victorien Sardea lW hix 04fli jear. Re luegea a -.,Iay*riglitulai184 wlth/& tire. At flattais ue a Every gond beuie =pe roels or gratasIîm *i bavlng fila l'eni hte lein dÀ leu' rap» fthe tlWf41.

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