w7w tlengav1 fhquar, a . 0 ~ T"iFeg~mrL frittèr a&"Y hie slotngÏtL a 1-Yeûr- evt"c. "I ai bqiets 1, latiifour mmd old ras@," mald Mr. Jackson, decisive- were mre to hie iina ieho ave weDy L i lyS" tnt orote BnaeDundee. » as eaoate&aid cretul adi . Joa "By .love, that'aSsharp work, Mpi- Gilbert sliclalrtubmtad uîwilling- Min who dirnd with bit alone W.ohrGiet ltei lapltd ~.Ibsing aet ititille verY 10w down in men provido for a gatte ring that In-, peritaps the mai wh t~ough$ h voeald In b __________for any surcese which might lna@so Were pcllard oak gifted witli speech.,i. Not wuch chance of that. Theoman Revu wis redeem bie position. the sanug oval bomed couid have >od who bulight I would have gvon me of!t Nov came sPriag-violcts andi Prim- many a trirlling tale of 30) per cent. aimnt omiay Money for the~ae, z ilf I g Sihe tarted Up front her sofa aiready, roses, woodlands white aid obestnut whioh had beeu made, Ithe initiative lied beai lîcllned t te keV'"t" ttag fhaï and toteredtowar hlm îth lboom. awbathon; nlghtiagales stage, to ssem çjaly 7; of cliente lin the hie senu te get hbIt *l." ta etroehed arms. wartiling their vesper love song%. aid City whvbl monoy te tend. and were "Back agil!" ortedl GllbdÏ;t starting la M 'l have broughi oun our bab The -much more Important to gentlemen se goco-atured about iondîng. It on a! up wlth a vehemence that seat the thye litlePetwa ge dy wndyaf e iof Mr. Sinclair's clas-the Two Thou afoe mortg e or otherwi'o:aid of soda water bottios spInning across the.tine an $m pol e'.inerayto saîd Guineas. AdnwGolncm thst awfu! heur In which thé »me table-"t get lt back agtain. Thon dîtio forardteperora, is int iparan godeae.'-gong clients assumed quitte you've. -told ifto SrCyprlau Dave- pis* chW5 et br. ouofl îd ernggeentoara treyear-ld, and anéther character, and veile dotaim- jnant?o hr chu dofcors- hre rfour Giteri Sinclair vas rlchly rewardodined to foreclose or to gotthleur moîey "Tliat*s the mai,» answermd Wyatt, Tonr Mn hs aem such a d ifference in a foRe aine.bc yaymas. But happlyfo opounîg hi' cigar-caie, and affectiig an Constance eitber headed nor beard.' Gobin-lb hersiee ntirely unknown to the manenanceofo the decencles, Mr. exlremne dhbrto hiso o Sie wue itlng on the floor wth the ýthe raclng public--came in an easy Wyatto table was not loquacloue, and ciga& T neiyswlcne cll h hr ap bg-winner, and Gilbert, vite hall taken tbo grave Ooid rouai.wltb a few fine pic- "J in Wyatt; youre a scoundrel" te glatît tp er eai. vinirmleeih - hl@ traInie'm dvice, and hal bacloed tyres on the oa& paielial, and smre roared Sinclair. Dmp giigItt. lerbras. eein see, ihliore te the nimosi oapacity, won valuable bronies on the tal i c y- 'That's strong aid aotionabým lin te feai est tars over the soift, cunîy head, a entai fortune,, as veil as feeling plece, lookmd respectab!e enougb t m in- bargain. Do't be a fool, Sinclair. You sitti broathing forth ber rapture ih 10w. i-h dt& io a artlculate exclamations. -The fareight pretty sure about hi expectaionm for. sçiire Cenl oncen bmemsus pico us want te ttaiycur eite i omoney. I abu ntepcur fmte lthe Drbv.m. In .Iltepictures hâ a aube, giv. you the mono - yen wunt, and t mP shneo im ltae fmohe i t a he tiet great sucffl ibert or the furn tr ot tdyibmeffci I mypropsnty tethebelat narket. Wherebeeu chld elainggtogether thus-the li- Sncairbâ oeer hall %ulon the turf, woîîd have a dueren. But ibe laitho vronU» pier ilsoi"oüe-submttýng uncoPlpiaingly te and ho lait Igewmarkoi ifti ght ai- .nictures looked litre heur-oorne and the "Where la the vrong? You duped, wha toe veboenmt caresses.t 1ewi m.Ynkîvby il "Thank Ccd!' jaculated LordClan iîghthaie ith excieraient. uni t r tf a clietemed tate and vnhodinmai. You oeov tai vntea yLdorhi îmif SedeClan-ThUhal.d belon goint much botter a refinement that implled virtue 'aid hatethatma.Yuko htIWlda ; Ïsk a Relation, poor eblld. Shie ha,n't m2nc January. Tne mon iehd Igutte hnrhlt om h st raîher cut my throai thar give hlm 1 baktto ir vork in the grimy north. H'iacit already;" exclaimed Mr. Wy- any advautage. You know, or You . *a xi h fb. fa tosi suspicion that ve'ro de- Indien steamers voe r uing M r. Sin- att.. " How did Goblin go? Cet 'a ought te know, that my chie! motive TI , n<Me ceit'lng ber." claile scool as fast as hoe coutl produce p:aco?" In buylng Devenant vas te buipillat3 FA W b 1 rd Clan- Ho bli dchoen ithis tour for the In-it , n1e goldien lidovas loiinhto "Won ia conter,"» aîswened Gilbert, bilm, togivouMy wife the paceemmghlBsit m'wb 1 a omd-loîto tIb iatipso ohmecimuraai i i akrmflungi g himéelf into a chair aid wlp- have given lier, tesowv ieh vac W A J - aleu fncorfvs suii t litebo, k lDeonger proeelmd a idlimel ihtgbis damp forebead. "Nover mu ..the botter mai ef the Ivo, te et my De1 04U p l a orb ah foluehould tako place i lu n pnls ethi pgs lesucli a herse. Tbene'm îothing to bzat heel upon Sir CyprlienDevenant. Aid coo r a leagth fiiUght If fir3t impressions i. ballst on .. er u aonbe obi ol uccem ataiNevmarket vas t.ýe crown- bhlm. 1 vas righti about hlm, youme." yeu mindie me oui t f y revenge; you vas cosette ardlbutar beadolatt e n- hnlg mercy. EBefeit bimmeif arich mai "Jackson vas ight about hii, yeu put the viing card ite my onemmy. aihot or 0011rnlndco-a feebksl mid. Only vheî resova, once more, anid laughed te scornithe mean. Have smre dinner," sald M r. hand. Yeu. my profesd fien1- Une s=halls 'lvn-fiyrso notion of surreîdering Devenant ai Wyatt, ringing ibe ball. yeu, who have made îliousaids out oet a emdt dout 11km Pela- t aw vkar utons. CistaO e immer. Wyatt hlai ,hitiand "Thanka; 'va ordered mone.I dnt ie! or 4fon my. peor wIte. This ovninqueti ns. e e ai for ibhe state, but of course stand upon punctilio wiib you, you "I grant the ihousaidi," aneweo to m'aAns t ud~ veiigsh di otOVi oli bo glai t: oeii atain et a profit. se" James Wyatt, looking upr, and feclngr cru, b. aeoîgnfr od scrutinîse the baby tace; sbc oîly cor- The scitome for Constance Sinclair',s "I oheuli la sorry if ocu did. Well, hie accuser witit a parke o tf detianca The rt# my .ani'â blond lh agalnst iebetosin and vas happy.rmaturaion bai prospered vondorfully., you're made a heapet Morley, I sui: lu bis paie gray eyca. "Pe Pie vite and iiiiOonsience bock, t Site accepted thibby stran"er et Healt aid mreth bad retunned. and p3ýe' wani dirty work doue muet pay a go" niai >once usn l est Chitisab3l. vitb thoso tbe clèar ight et reson. "10;s; ilsa preityirood haul. Jlack-prc for il. But sa 'for nfieniship, stei me- D Wb asdlghe.T She bad neyer doubsi the idletiiy of on raved like a lunattc about bis pes remember Ihat I bave neerl Thi ÊOim;ari.bcar-. Dsrs, hoebcasseigd.e usosof lpli hIdigirl Lord Clanyar4e bâti-herse. 1 van te put on r.,îery sixpenco Pmieany prole-s.ioîs on that score.d Mov W et bitter ras- hpyiv-btmicn oi ekbrought le hont wi inter ereiing -viitt1 bal. 1 i ld tise feibow 1 sbouid bc Wtsi hiave you ever treaied me like a Mrw had, for ile ppylngnb ue-forat md asreycoti ibm hecaild te had loit. ruiiud if Goblih lest. tnleîd, Gilbert Sinclair. or 11km aiu p alu- the- fuiltY COU- "TJpon my vord, 1bllieve vou have Sitelied readily acoepted tbm story- "'Ho wo'i loee,' travaed Jackson, equatL' When have eecim n uruél Y asthedoe vasteht dg, ndtha yuxi pmthitlaeand-f ae hlame dr ognebotofkeaibnac.'cu foulte ort. taduo "of ou .ol"th W Gemi oe l etsct uaka rescue by orne klîd Grmai patts- deî'l knov vitat that torse can d>. 1 pt3 and youn mreltlng v rks te MyMi tebrGero m Iengt dothl , itsperihelitîle as ovh abrougiti Il erel te En- trimi hlm lest Marcit againsi Lord serel? Net once. Aid oertbnijk be- 1 111y01bouse, I e'~ mai te Lord Claiyards. gland, vitero by a cartons Chahn et cm- WI'deir's Cevcumlar,eîd put a bextra cause yen made a social door-mat eft] e Wp'tid. Ut a mai He bhal ltt er resacn te say titis curnstaioem, Lord Clanjarde b.di cone oen peund onhladowula ebcnsyubaeetmfeitudla %wbCovorked Ilte titree on tour heurs laten, vhoî Cýin- te knov ef t isexistence. Thm 11111e vas îovbere. I vas mrry 1 badî't carry, aid henored nme vîit youv con- la cm ailier hed d.104 stance vas sleeping traiquilly-a girl vas kieva te thte wvte.housmhold made it teuntemi îound Z neî1 Nme filettes iten yen vanted t air yeun du( ouli and heatliv sininlr sucu as &iem as M. aid Mr-4. Sinclairs ovi chili. that blessedi Coweunilar rugular grievances, or gmet oui of a dieflbulty- HO i Sd gntemn ledne kuunfo mîyvery~il~Thon. vould be urne onough hy aid by pumped!' 1i lauase,ih crie wobrd, I have bo use- Ili à ando aboutlehrise--allioihe baby foemil e t b e s te reveal the Impoture. Even Methe -1 vas honitte blbeva u intaiherse Ifui, yen îbiîk I arn etel yen my l hi bndesad Mr. Sincar itard et ibm succeas Briggs-little Chritbels d.voied oftier thai.wvsmn't l?* fi Iend, and sacrifice my ovi interests sal Ïe is -ihudr- n hat bal altoidmi tbe experîmeni, aid nurze-'-iad nover snspocted ibe trick "Yes, if you coutl. Lelleve l inte t amait unt honden te gnality our mu( soeed la, o asgli u a aicoud h lled boiplayod upon lber mis-traîner." Pite.Yen vanted te get id ot Day- l.Germi Physlclai la ite b adpressing ceume ton trouble. trema. Tite cnly memb3rnf et bmiteu- - "Weil, the requit ba3 sitov ltat ihe enant. 1 teok It off your bands, aid w ut a c bange i . CE belILituli tai badshovi auy particular bld me tht ut. Oh. iere cornes te maie profit by ibm transaction. Yeu wo MscnitIon, aid curioshly or doine te knov ibm insanad dinier." don t suppo-e I1veu specuiste lire- are t 0 i bmchange vas "EXCELLENT sASIL!1!-TUaRY d'ON TR entsfet tiis business vus Melunie Du- Gilberti me ma vuak attempit tent and-tiiniv houseid teeoblige yen?" til oIt a.edte have rrLTUaE - port. Thtlyenng wvinalaasked oute fimit, and ae euh veaker eltempl "Juda@." crie:d Gilbert Sinclair. selz- bai dhit apeihy, 1h1t If fortun in a generel va yis e Ce- as many questions us site couli renture a a plate of lamb, but feiied ln bot hng bis quondarn tieîd by ibm titrent, tih of et mid- and body, pnhi maid uncertain iiliy, as- te pur, aid bld ppeaem sorevtet efforts. mar i vtu passion.nu oin physicien aid mnet lt paticuier godimas vite mystifimi by lte course ef -,venta. "I re ne appetite," lie sairi, "You'd The soboner aid calmer mai bai ibm unvvao-deg bed p idsorer ib affaira ore! nîg mon selisore b.d been peace et Deven- latter gire me e brandy aid soda" botremnuruee".Ja s -rctrofe deatit.ham i giron te tricksanad tati, te ait durng tbe eanly ping. Constance "11ev muny b. aniles and sodas have Wyati soek off bis assmilat au ea'.iiy ss-filtmrdby smre I uiden frowîs uni unexpected sisiles. bal be.Wn qn.eiiy hap i tise littie you badl te dày?" usked Wyatt, wit t) as auif bu baiblinuthe atitiete, and (iii-t_ el kopt ber Bose$cu- IGlbetenSinclair s iev stables, bal up g!rl's ocity, aid hi ibose joys whicit air etf iendiy anxiety, and ihm toue lani lte tiinker aid plotte-. iun dor...qisttul,vatchfni, Ite ibm beginning et the pregbut yeen, the convalescent teels itewennrd et an easy goiig-meîter viticit bng *"Fool:" ho exciaimed. contemptuenm- jui tag ai sveny oeilag et brougitiLithm nolthng but 111 luck. Se ihat lias been dankened te ibe waider- use liai male naturel te hlm. If Jamu ly, "do't vaste your breatin l upbrutd- th, ssemtnw iooîfau. uivasying hli aoen ihs II-uk hatIing mi neappeersInhi al lisalg iti aid Wyatt'@ clients vont te ihm doge, Ibuir 1lîg me vitit trm.sciery Loak ai borne. li ~nater Dr. Hollen- bis t-aner aid groomis gaeeftiltsopeolauty. Neyer had ibm w= d isn coutld neyer la laid ai bis door. Look to your'ovi bouse. aid your TF; e .d fer ber Bible, te ibeir suprsition, aid ophîmi Ibai fields, the bine Apt-il Fky aid s iiîgHe garvetem sunt oodbrc nieipetriie b enem ,rsne osa Davi's paelans o! ihm stables von. uniuoky, aid Ibai nu irer, seemei so ierely iuthIbmlmyes orivanad partedait l h tunt, with a e so cIV under lte influencefetier tr iz uecoolgaeIl egeci vouli oves- Coine oui t fthor. Constance Sinclair au tbey epaift. diy shakoe tends ai tbm lest, jumi tGrmai*ph% sîcian. liare you bai un M for a great jby. nothe bati been a minder comhittei. titis yeu". Her 1o% a of mushc, et art, laere tbe dogea ais ibei. 1 maî visite tfrom thai Gerai pbvsi- ne ce Mayaise vent te the May ne, somevitere about '" mggstei ot ait briglit hingm. seemed inteusifimi "Do yen suppose I countoteitern?'"ci, Mr. Sm .Iair? Perh-ap ho limes 0 ts she bai nover oie Men. *'or Ibm grounci ted been by ltaIetni sssommaetfdarkucos. IdernediGi las-t, vit a augh. "The hi' visii soas te uoi meeting Yen. qalget ber Ililieffl rontully coeeby; vno couli tll." vitici thIese deligitis bai been bloilmi suus bolr, aid I vas exciimd about Yen speni e geci deal f your lite bh or forth tbm Whhie Crayon meetin, owever, fron t er mini.- GobYn. 1 bai a pocket full et s-ilver, uvay frorn Devenait. von m." beail ici- lte1d sunol, aid ite Sinclair Her ituaband vas telerably kin eadi' i ee i o' bn 'e "Wbei uo yen muai?ý" gasped tbm n su 4*1b Mame tatatter- stables Scot eci titie ptbebs u ber, but &peut mucit of hlm lIme avey peud for anythlng excepi brandy and ethen.di la p t, it ng hn aiibtis vas ici ail r.Sinclair htd romDevenait, und i dinettrouble ber 'a. -Theî's e rouJit vay et calculat- îreat 1ur y. Loae oatntometai r i it 0te #ioP Piei up bongiti ecollet Yoî k ivo yeV's la- sepo§o by fiflhîg tme binais îthit b og.raGermai1tien fis-shit aetennh mth ie d guest o!fofire -wlth ail hls feuilleanad Mailsieon- nackeiy conipaihois. "o'mlc diku mucit ous eetyn ur ee i 8tae tae lb" " wbovil ondui aigaemits-the engagements laiîg Mr. Wyatt came nov and thon for a brandy. illant. 1 panucularly hoavy. aid ibm faulis Ilu-1day on tvo, but lie vasithe only guest "That'i my lookout." Gilbýrt started, aid loolirm et hlm Il bWIt 1 lrong eougli le lnddin n iictimrteleya- ing tînqnil mi inglirne. »"'nsommaofethtietaret." itsly Muai.te I oter; lbhnries laliw.ed imight bc fatal te the 1Thitemi imaiters earl aMv Iibv rnyo oiig""I remenilar vhat von aid-'Watell i do I, 1 li emiste ba1uiaîl am ceronaa ncer. Thte colt vmnGblin won thte Tve Thousand Mir. Wyatt sirghed aid rang thbobellyour vifu.' I did vale bier, wvttai Md" lasg or smonen." 1veusof neîn uage oie botit ides, Guinea, adh t raiîer's phrase- aid iblen illici elargecol.eo fg anbot bmslite e alt oeIn n -bcadi a gen ýalOgy t e veont bock t0 ogy, bruitisthmovuen n pot otfigass witi thte Latitte. wblb te mu d - le a- Mtil aisveof i ruiieaid britiei vîtisfrmous mono - n . maierm ls-- on d aake Inllliunc v-ic1 ..mîp teo ou lse, %bolname-sacolt in vbo.ee future aome Gil4;ri vent urteLondon a n i~aro a eia nyehonsjnu) oic cisccoetld arouse Yen sav boya lib eSIR- agniàte cf ibm turf vouli doubileme eftion te race vwtbis petot fmeey, I irsiy lu bis lite. 1tsn ubsbhdn o er % fixe aieace have specu Ltlmi iveor lbrme titousani, or, ai aîy rate, sotie pis-lion 0f l it, in es, .Jli," lagan Gilbern. lean.in lovudi on titi. A caýse etminet robi- 'waitigg foi-; dean but for'thtlucky spliter. bispocket. Thersest vouli lapal upbsk"" maie a îidy hani io-day oiogy. oie weîid suPpo." ,l Wmb abs Gilbert Sinclair kboufhitte colt for aI latteriaVm i due cour e.':'o bld anid I expeci a bigger haut oun edn "s: 't put, I shman isng letyentif veuyi aai oresolg lon lui undn.d aid lltîy, unies-lte ad- eme oîtiting ibair day, berlng bde eaurnii i old feilow.îdn'eusen--ain ieliev t a sureau femiaaine vice et i traies-, n sited Y s-k- i o auxieus about ibm neëuIt o! ibm anyout opeareoriainest wonds." t - 'alul. a ocersbire mativio ormi a bas-gain latter race te eat eny breakfast, aid tee, miec h Fn e eo neîetfr -Ani porhaestraiglen ri .o. I .be n ea naamore titan fib lampusclise maie lu the laimi by bis triumph te eat eny di, uvnigs îtpesue hal have t<).iok tisaI, 1 mppoSc,"sai ogfor lie reaIiy ioved negniar wav. uer. lie hal, therefere, lama coin- I~yor a sins'Wth pen ent." 1ea Wyait. vi ht a lugb. "Plaîuly, thon v 'He'd gel ihm Toucbatioue and tbm pe lui t sustain nature upon brandy gotuakstats n7et tituCetarerI me u ensteuld ha eamade latonruse ci s ingtov.nay ehild. Thcy Specien blo3din hi hm," sai Mn. Jaerk- aid soda, vitichIo lanet elictly a e sui- ithurs t'estthe,"lasvlitemairt.your nye tisaiuigit, aid ses-n irongit si Ç'"dg pevitaps. The son, te traînes-. "Bues baund te comme tire for e mai ef bot tempes-. He bro'nght in a spirit stand and a suppiy tbm disguize tf a pairs- moke-coioeiA r eu wso as net ent a flynn, ihf vecau cure tai off fore. taiknd ab ut i Gblin and bis ovu c'mv- oet o4veler. ,"I vaut yen te et me etaoCscius and e gray Uiganid beari.si »u0 hi-no. vaànIil? Bne leg." hnsi getttîg itoldof Goblin &aihe bave Duanui ack, Jirn." pmuug Lorcl anynrcae as S i n oCtpsiaitay-l ueo. Thore wvasomme- "But suppoe vo doi't, Jackgon," vey n p te London, aid as-ivefi et brandy itee samait tumbler. vititout LnieCnt' d a i ÇpinDv Mmst -iti maie me trast sai Gilbernt, dionbtfiuly. "Tvo huit- Siorndilcit vtithbiespulse galleon coigaiIm nniy."e eil 'ts !" cnmCiltSnlar Igltai voîl le My dmoi anifity's e loi of money for a aid bis blood ai fever hCnt. P llo ietteqpince fer "yen-ut eu t "Its a tlie!" asrihaiyletSnclvaier.ne ilss as sasi, a" ette lamne torse, and bie engagements vhll "l'isnt going te leiet abgga anvetth plc fo ureyu «1*asrcashtyu we'r- Ï11 me.'Yenuve't de- Cone tâ a goud bi more.." have Dâ,smiani nov," tie sai te * lm- know. cevery dates frontthe hour ofbis risit." îu* St I onli- Yu a u el s orney sl."ii aeb-iem ion - Why ni?" "Yeu n kmvthis-you-rny legal ai- nom. Deai, dearomi Elb- onIlm asIlon aîytbîîg mIse, rayn'itbiug like tvenby 5boa', aedtIshall pot* eî, my dean boy," e ie î.viser -fs-mu d-aid yon 0C Mo jeuate à tmue»"yen?' ergumi of bisemplo..er's juip as niLcitmore eve.- ibm Derby.» Sinclair-, vîit ibheamiable cendon te Ibet mas-kaowng titis. criai ilalalr, yen muat net ment, aid iii net Mr. Jackson, vite Be caîk ab aio.n, and teldithe ma vitl oeiî numbact Sinclair, almost inarticnlate vitit pas-0 Ifp vu ria lte hal no exalted oioi tenable bhma- te drive te Bhcomsbury s Rere, îîtmni- "yeu'rm iii tue sos-t ef mai te play te aloi Leil sdaT~adrselsof te pretedaagreaier respect thon îg te bteronMs-. Wyatt, oîhms-vîs O aeunsygntiemau.Yn ildt "Ageia Imuei nepeai thel I n3vera ,UÔàdayafle la golsgte l ho fai. The. bot of me à la b ut eimeli "tbai beggas," vitb e col. The cab findi t pay. 'Von may s-top, yeî may profesai te la yens- fs-e. As yourb U'IleienlahIbmeyos ef bis Inaines-. "Yen let ratîlmi ins-ough t tle gr'my city s-neets. @but up stop, if you vili, but lte odon tagal adrimur 1 bad ne ight te inter-a ,'r ""9:1uit me haro ibal itherecolt te nuses, endait shuiîg hi tbe sesaing, eua, wvi et Ofslxty Per centr wl bnoi e i youn dorestic affaira. As te t :ay nu more about it. hI Ilhoa e ai for vas feu tgrediy ou ibe vesîvari tac- neîsit .Yeu unies-stand, cii teilov. tise saineofthlie ps-openy, I cennot sece rled~ Coumýtn; "I alaitme. I oughl te have rny fancy doute- ng windows oe*thme grave odsqae 1he ceints-y poop o voulint associete boy tht affects your position vit Yeuk vLeyus" a o we ibr lgtdeitit you-tbey Cone tume, yon knov, Sirvpie. pap lebvlg brontiesoI. Yn ae» ens idafa o ie GiaiaigtdaiM- yati fon my vife's ake tit's adiffus-mît If Gilbert couli bave fiovna e b bSttbt aya corneshus w etth s- il..Thy ded etr.to $1!aitroughollitdy Tsn e uidGilbert bougbt tbe colt,. .t vas leo os bc ie .ilg byvuintcl teToIt. maimbsct stagain aid sis-engti hrn, L l*i &suednes -ber aid John eecksen teck bila und ies lijoitel'occnp:el, oie o! tise oest adThmy'ne e ryfny cd oet ernovng moaey, thune migit hae mbeeon some satisfec- eî ot1'e= limes site viig, uni made hlm bis pet aid dus-- larsalhInfe minas-e, aid eeibt the dn' ik mny-enos.tinlaIbt fai tsavegmry. esoi U 4$ gpmb y o!f<Gci. ing, sbuting bilmup hau mpenetrabeo been nija ttapt te difigune a ~bouse jYouii Slind county soclety aded lmttr, btem lad neme. and tesoee ]bissardouie i1awin,0 bar, sbld. lboss boxes, aid exen boing bhla secs-et- hi wticb Steele aid bi comps nions dean boy, aid iveud e foliyta keep grin as ho boas-i hein. vwasa peur ne- lig' mtima ly inathb. rnnnng gray in emquestes-mi in y1iave bobaobbei oy.r lte mid- Iu no llcea e enatt b --lier, but ail Ibat clrUizàtien aliowei. ?M paddu a@- ock, fer freon te ye3 oettnt. nîget bo.tis viitsncb m-Aes-rn i- Iilo o pack et yeîig tools fnom Cilaber m ea tlt ads t d r.Jue esonbtai cbirea-cihIlren proeornntà aus tnceo vitioutanid gai 'London. Yen cen piuck sucit pigeons epiteislimo f n te es et le e l r t I E ý lb e on is k aes a d c eilci w i bin. aîw be r e t ei t i m i i g tr i er'i Ii n fl ng W-, vltnby bs ate l itiheds lieng yllea- A os eoleble-loking ma-ses-' nul "1 el e ne-mc eî sî u lie om ai ot et te bliibutthon. vas a p ride inJobin ot et lire y admit!cd Mr. Sne ais - botmybuIees. be cwmol~ Jckso'. eo ad a eninnns ha is e a queie isu, ak-aneladparoi « "oihig litre cne ble The ituannvas wating for hm be opaa ol e .ý spi.ko re bI n bmbolitst lare haldv neite mshm h shî~"sl îlnrekya erms pntd lsm ~ lsd, ,ilmlag clt, vh.b.bis..hIbis-enlai acre- befe.vr ok opysthiimmliI"id you aut m temGilee nait? viii vllonaiiaîmyonarel h foramte ibole pn oe etx;P*vws. sShe wow teken in viosit me hoplaie» 'maie fanions by Ibm rotation. il.s tood.upithetosite me BDatlli and, reoalled the exfit- bcoeW oilcted viethe tell o! p riso. , o0 ieilisthoaee apubilqus ani uIai 1te miné 1 meie MI h ô$ oud th i~ Iou aindim 1 h.E MsW b ce wbçrë b le gvediawr* ovu in boa 01Rigue ,or, anidb. ho ibi tof pogmn bespierre, > and ai num*0- Lheu, thrnghtysm *I tti mous lu ie aql t a m ing do*nai lî lblsia fu beeshlingt pt theo bo 1b a )n dally isuse a'.»J0 -aroi te enst. ne l e$£ili1 te hobail smu. Whîat, Vîinmoeur hmer?' -sa veiten. -Gire me blood !".ai"MIgle»Peir Iree vaRier vitbdrew.,a"d shmniY ervarda a saiguum*y 'om, WO tnessed la them oe&WbetM Mr rpir Vas,àmat«iL 4 ,Ua ipreareseinbling ithe' ibronglet ln, tehea tfrein te oven. I*, se tbe dnck vas ogs itters took told otlhow- p, nd as they bogan lu unchlng et baies coutl ie dnck vas sqneoisi i fs-oinaspoutlnthe b achine a tick, wvain eami ug blood spurted ln»' is, vitle mjelli mb t on tbe dolectatien etf Me id looklîg eut apon 1th* se Reigîs et Terrer, ho e n usal. m c abu ty Istd il t 8frquentirY ituJ tIherelIeas o! ra iltel MarfflW, on Unlvestyýl lei al il lven-platci. 404> use it stands on ans et Ie~m il, where IL losk% a fat60* ceh na s t sed ln ovory o10e il takesitirspowortai l us-k tbis guillotine.,ad W W« re ltungr3'. ILla a plea@,M'» ýe preess. AfIter teIbm " ý uen removed fs-usntb.the w he carcase lg pt ite, l5', gi thon thue qneing PN@Nmeb. Skcletons and baies, vilslIb 5 lusiai mna. ns-e crushi ed to nd tise essence nd viole ucs-of o!hIbmbird are ss U* e torn ofutangrary vluloh MM, tthec botloiea aitlla lale W su,' i. tîsmu ponred oven *$Wî -ePsts. Tise cîsteni ea1nuokd id il adds the piquancy dît',~. -e nd u te e atistaqtlon 4t', flew te Ceah M mug 4 'ti word about boy 1T cuAb*. iays n Tnexastrappe- 01 qt s-de in tise Washington Bae." ourse, lthe firist Ihlng te de te*b lave ten by experiosse loble-deck tmap je by fatt bliI10 1 iodially eiploy tltrese IS nd wc sutruindifféenet iU i it <'clos-k lu the rmoral%& ~*u lcatlssg lthe bis-i section tse boiq re set. iibl a deey bIrd o- Bé" lter species, ps-nfenably a W in the iiiterier et tihe cg. - us-ne Ilat tIse ptignacit> outb*0 rîg birdaserts it-self and ttOýt inle troubln. for as sema asi 8 luis othes- bird lie gees for lsIU mi lic mniute lin liglita UPOR M. > venceltpunch seltforn hlm lb. pruîtig anditmesings15coule-t srnulîuîneously, uniboi& Al nighlt he-e la arouai. apeak.and lthe bina are lUN lange eooni, wvicehin *l~iI~j tected frenirsminis. -AIS1j R<1o 1 liai 'about tvent7" iieckiug birs-dmklhled by a oub%- ince ihai urne vo baie l cautuions. Witen the cornes on and the females to mingele iste mal« l ivrs, and pnepanathitt eA» aiely lagun ton irais fUgt' is. Las-go cages, vuthugàab and iveter et ceirenier4 lthe route, are providmied ý , express. (0f convsie i ruts a lange figure lu tue count, but ve manage oi.e~ elîle a littm money on lte of th mbalanceale. The Gre.at Wall of obQMum4 IL venuldmeeni trosa lte tItis ext-aordinussy u'pth vas a une vitpn * lthe- smssed n ihtsemsarkatlé anai vers masters oetVI nov.n oif thebm greatest, existence. ' ' a If las ,n et n«ue « serns lationsi --lve t bIe. I as Cyeti RÉe fiw Owbml o iris are notblnz 'bwath i Wosth e theumc et< Pen ail..1 amu Ï vâent, hi Ire au vaut mi isanlons Tou hen zeatis m marital tinent,1 The ont been 'v mnakeg i tessthe dovu il otione Toiat, ati, la ferb bu tn bis bons ~aofwto edry, n blova,i