Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 1 Feb 1895, p. 7

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S-5Vfurgeol). ôvIý r.Drus Store. .lit ~ »~ h&resGalloway, pfoein LoveillaS Drug Store. Dr . .TAYLOR, «OVer TrigE £t l&eu ?BStore UUSAYVILU. -ILLINOIS. k-DR. E. H. SIH OWNU» Ver LVelie Drug Store, Libe tvil - Illnois. A W.ZIEGLER.DP.08.- O094lCA6O OFFICE lS~a uihg, cr. Biuis asd Ndises st, mWafiil. Saturday only. "lb USaI O s tbor. Taylor. Oo:Toask T&y lors' store. Treeth Etraol*,;d wthout Pain. SuALWOWK WWATO~ J.H. BRUBAKER. PHOT00GRAPIERý go ene. et. IMMU.faoOi aured to everyofll RALPI DMIT'S BMIU-MO -l1,now tatuetin1 te- Where you Can gs et yeur "iavonsg. mir Cutting, reil -In tbe Laicat Style Ofttue-- (;ive me atr'~i. Iwili jiieiise.iu *alph DarbY, -Libertyvilte, S 3IMTH & WIW'T'S- iOdies end ChilldIf'a MITTENS 1 r FanCy Work Materiais. S-TAMPED LINENS. LadIes Neckwear. Ruching. etc. BmITH & SWIFT. Lake County Bai Wright, ParkhUrst & CO. LBERTVVILLE. ILL. Issues interest-Bt1ariflg Ce' Uâfleates Payable on Demar Chas. Kaiser, ---ADDE.ER 15I....- Norme .Furnlshing* Cooc ROBES, BLANICETS. WH'P8.- rtRUN%5 AND VALISES. And ail gooda usually keptinl a fir lass Haruess Sbop. ?ntts StoôYo4 miyss aaoi awatrlns Neetly and Quickly Dor BUR«TYVILnLE. ILLINOIS FOR Ionand BOY AI Les tliai l C MUST GO. Fe.CeSmithi & LISERTYVILLE. Who doeseyen. prlnting? Do look seat and atiétic? le ther Wbatyou want? Does h coréne pm iaxpectatlon? Car It lie Impr <Xt fiour rmie to do neat, c W«- at, reasonable Pl gk work -iurned oC Try us and- be 0. C. PADDOCK, *ltwrou iqD Paop. Patioleo of Informationi Oatho1.d Ms ei cac aqieII by Our RustIlng New Cathorers. RËaiph MacQ uffin 18 on the sick Itat. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY. 1, 1895.- ~ <ug .ayIoshn,. Mrs. John Sedam, who bas beenA ., Church anid society Directory. have friends ieinùg Y014 or Yoeu are sick, iii convalescing. BWHDa~ . biMeouffin. Paetor. POer ingto g i aPartyl, M»icale< or ?ecp- Mre. Daniel Lee bas gone to Michi- ~t~a: 1 ni Eworh eaiue or he yov ureh or aocietygan to visit lier sister, whoil, qîrite à..; I',seinou P.i. PrniYer Meet Sntempliavya proceedig, or tchen bick. lu ns. d eY vouing ut :30- ou seit, buy or chan~ge your ,-ei'enci, or Albert Barbour invîted a number of « z lumj Pa RrERIAN - . P . Macoin. astr lisu or9or r- friends to his home on Park Ave., seve:Preacbing. 10:a. . n.anu 1:0" a eeiignhoroflt ;as.12m.. Y. P. S. C, B. 6:15 r"e, or nihen pour 5eihbor getsao Tuda eîignbur0fieh tisw tte Pr trsys t arMeeting. Wdedeytveiing i:15 h ti w a h ritrs ___________ balb9, or, in a wrord, if yoîi know or hea, îidy Revival meetings are in progresselit go aor . SýervicS; Vkirt Suoiday eaeh rii i the M. E. cbureh tlîle week. The ilin1 E Auil.8. .. 2 n . S. cil Bund . Ch i i o en ii n of i l rcthe 15E E I e er et e p e et alreu - o b Qs t o B NT will glodly tendance.olb v as t o u y 1IYILLUE >1. No. 492, F. àA. M. L maegua omuncatob2dad i-l - A ten dollar bill does jiot ratlie in Balph Darby bas moved lus ton-to rie u an a hsw e, o allyWOlcnmed. J.. . LUI,..M. your peck t, but two niclkes do. ID sorial purlore into the Commercial m. M.00Wn. sac. -yr like mariner the man with two grains Hotel where hie bas established par- bysi eg e~ dh of sense makes more noise than 0One miment quartero and will also eierk printer'sbo adh gu se h c Rooms to rent in the Higgl' bouse wjth a lieadful of lraines. for proprietor Mason.rxon up Jus frfnC lb le 1. B. Ray. Il itil lin ht dancing mnakes girls We leuru tbat J. M. Barr formerly io eu .J s frfnC lb 1e ýJ . Fort SALr et a bargain-Do you feet large. It lealso sald tlîat tee the poî)ular division stîperIntendent have a try, and here is the resuit. want an organ clîeap? Inquire Of W. trotai produces freckles. Doctors of!ftle C. M. & St P. Ry., je 110w Geni'l iC. Sabora at Siil's store. are of the opinion that hanging on the Salit. o! the Great Nortbern Ry. with FOR RErN-The bouse recently oc- front gaie produces rheumnatiim. The a correspondlng increase of salary. cupled by Charles Smih. Oood well, chewlrîg of gum disorsth ie moutb. Sherman not only repairs watches dlatera and barn.tApply to F. Protinie. Pla)-l.g the piano destroys the beauty1 and jewelery for people in Milwaukee, Tire reguler meeting o! the 1iea, !tebnsadwsigdse Chicago and Englewood, but hie lias T! YotJ wApit Socet ws e)tlond neweek, luis causes chaps. Most girls dislike t0 watchee corne ail the way from Sunny- .èE Baura oenn d uaco;ui 0f the wash dislies, but tbey ail likechlap)s" sil. ah-,to le cleanied aiid fiuitd O e a 3 d gan intense celd. Sterling papersar booming Pro- 0 ela d i in It,s toi tin-the suit you are trying f essor Alf red 3ay lies for congreesman uirt). ih epann o ted,,Wma to make iast ywu ibis winier. You fromnt te tenth district to f1111ftle Blirt CWrigtnxa plaing He atendain ' d: ltWfrE1 W wouldn't make tlis atteipi, even, if vacanicy caused by tire deailioo! Geni. taenoted youg an, wye.Ho e s at you knew about Colby Cos prices onotsft. luysltoionhepeoldevPrf.Makte liesmark in the world. He will Co TiQ O LbYJJUI suite and overcoats. Btsis ac etrto a t an ofecplt re .don btless become acelebrated sebolar Collector E. H. Wells bas etablish- arcia 1 i de nd le a fine and logicin. ho give- Moie & beier ed bis Ofices ai M. B. Colby & to's.', speaker and a bard worker, and above Have yen visited Ralph Darby in store wlîere lho will tbc Pleased to ail is a mari o! excellent character anad bis new Tonsoriai Parlors? He bas zoods foR Lil21e uoncy rece ve catis fo ilweart: ready turidie~g: Hie canvase for StateSu everything fixed op linue, wiiba new te jîey ibeir taxes. perîntendent lias given himn a wide cabinet o! bis own manufacture. The New Year resolves are eaeily brok- acquaintaiice wiih leadirîg men o! the platce je tcosy, and be wilî give you a t ç a14y Ir N a. en, but one whîch Will be to your State.-Ex glad welcome. = aeilgoo(anx l uacil roitto A. Lincoln Kirk, o! New York, theTiec u ty maerial uyand fuietciDryofitnd Hon. P. H. DeLaney sends -us copies celebrated eloc nîlonisi and imperson- Iq o uy keep, le: Bu>all eur etDrly &o.adOf two bills whick lhe bas introduced ter. bas been engaged toi give an tbis-eftfI--~Li4*&- C. ilathe lower bouse o! our state legisla- atrufmn iUcUincîrh ____________________________ AcmZ ampNo., 176, M. W. A. will ture. They read as follows: etrdlmn tfl no hrh 11 m Cmp'Tiîrsday evening. Feh. 7, '95, for Lgîve their tlfth annual Matsqiierade Ititrîduiced l'y Mr. DeL;tiiy Ja. 1 7,bneto!ieLhrtileplcF ra so ton fths uz ieg Baul t Commerciaîl Hotel, Liberty- 1895eelto h Lbryilepbi go, ville, Fridey niglit, Feh. 15, '95. Ilead l'y titie, orîlered pruiteil col.Amsinaut25et; F ra s lton fth p ,z g Music b> Prop. OCenrior and orches- anîd reierred te) Cu.uinîittte un Roads (-bld.reli 15 cents.,_ i ra. Danice tickets 75 cents per aîîil Brig-s. e are pleased te learn that orur- b £ ce(là: z For ail ad 11::1 î2ov :Z»2for themUd!HC:d.CG olby & G o0 Ge. asil r i tijt it ch3s l.ri'.ed ioi fsaloonn now siîperiiendent o! the Cascade - Jnuryba bena on. ad heborks iPtwiisliîps and electleuitprt- waY with a large salary. Hie head- IIDRTYVILL, - ILUIa gle latter bult, a coli meiitl. Tue -Jaiu iict uidecîde iicirpoirated dcite, ail ut aurters are ai Leavenworth, Wash. ib taw" ibis year c f brier dura- illage.4, f-teliiglieuoy ary as t tu ciînnuusioutia 'ure. Biton, wbo le î'iuitirug friends lu tien. t siarted lu on the 2erki andfti he <r c!edtion iPiecioct là Ill at la etintuton-ohv S, woutind ni> wiih a frigid sat on the siîci uic d]tann elîtu are lecated, for lt at assnSnrucln ebv 2lst cuie wîiu'ctie tu weatie lia the lu înurevuig uebaglîa> sanultaîir ocul paced îîd tortlhtti _______________________________________________a__d____________tilt_____ conitintied l below the freeziig jpoint, biulges in sicli îoa s tir electîcu ir~ue ,sjririg %% lien tbt'y will eetîîblisb Ilicir-7s cii cUe. lhome on the 1'au-i i(- vonit. [y the ihermorneter regi-iteririg.Irom zero SF,î'î ioN 1 k oil euuuci,(l by the p>Uî E.A. Flood, tie big lolicitirn or te is degrees below every mering. ple e 1/t ,ile of Iiiure, upc ,tu i rrc.alecuo snsf ui l Fity ollrsGien vvy e tnil i i lunty. Tîat ail tutc> syo Flt olasGNnfoyrcu'et1r draiu shoup liceuse ssuicîl$21 a uvek sliry,Ibcèsigle perquiites 'lo raisers (f îoult.u3 , the tuust woni- j)%.ceuulit> Uardlocrt te keepilig ut for speninug is luitire lime ut'le$8 i dertuil andi valu-dile mintlily 111F. ul ra iuulàetirsalumi' utsiitede ciiles state a clitol, pald lis respuecttot ee POULTî;Y puîtli-jbu'rs effer au vlues at'iwiisllulf5. in iti uutts llEEIETWensuy 1 ns- tftiv dullurs tree. Se-îd fer uatjie umatder tuot ruelip rgîuuuzatutur. and iii Senator Cccii is maikirug a lîigh mar k .k copy free aidl -, bw.Any cf Itle cierhon Iu pi-duuts i euutc i a idîus a stutesmaru.'Ibi ulîrceer- !ulluwiîug bau-k iiimbers , woriit a islîprgallizatt 1011 shah lue [laild sîecied l'y ever> body; everi the rail- dollar but sent postpald for ouly rive iii er >- tire ccîuîty treusurer tethie r.- ronds turriihtiiet free wlîen cents ecdi Breuidere, trîcubato 's, Ai' l r'li ljlitycuuruseurcr taid wlerever tbey want te go. iuin Po,1eultry Hanses (its. sAu iclu leit isliimand elctiuuu lredilts ll' ini aliclu eauclitutsslelu drain e (sîutîare L. J. Striairetuîrrued Vediieeuay to 'lSU, Aug. '91. NVertb $lia. Poultry respeted.vely ltutated. te lue h1th leni hie home ai Fairmuurît, Muirri Co., liouses, Alnii '87. Oct. '88 aid J uly'91. useul ini îlu. inibruuvt-rinutand viaittrcc Mii , wlîlu- lie seetus te cousider the ir-5u illiuî-. Preserviiag Eggs, iSept. 'b7. tionluof!tte roais anîd hbridg~es luuated tGarden et Edlen for Itoor tarmers. Hel Ttirkeya.-, Mar. '92. Peuitry Diseuses. iii sticlu towiisliulîe anud clectuuu lire a-Cut lucre ilire c ure ago ani] beugbt id. Nov. 'S7. flow toi Feed for Eggs, cis ru"iectivelY. a quarter sectiern fartu, wliiuh baîs = Oct. '91. Ail &bout Lice, Oct. '87, Wi îEtEAS, Ir le et paramuuutut ifislic ielsdinvlefrm$,i t 1) Dec. là1. 'lsting Eggs J une, '91 and pertanice te hue peouple of Iais tate slc rcu ivleIut 27iit Jnne '92. How te l e th u t uithe rier anid lke uî,vanages $4,5oli. Land rises trumito i l;j lier a uke Bt i thin anid adujacent io its bcidarîes acre, lier 3 car. 'l'lay dont lhve arîy 1 Am-iIHappy! ~Vatr IcubaorJnl '87 Saîdelie kelt lunlrper condition tfor the bard urnmes out tliere. Tlîey alays L. fret. AddresseThe poultry Keeper r&iirnyitig on ot comumercial eiîîerpriscs raise gooti crops otf sprtng wîîeat,IBo htA l a er y hè i Co.. Parkesburg,Pa.-e.lwcei e a'crof t cl saIe aîuîicern, otatees.e. Stock arnd aiurr o g t a elé e lBl uîlier states antd ceuutries; and farming le quite profitable. Before BARRINGTON. W11ItIIEM, 'l'lie Iterhur ut Waiuke gigbclecle toî sitm-FC\T \ r~ '~ ret lIte i uuiag îuu.ule are thlue uî Ae gan, IIl liois, liats beeiu patrtiaiy li garîd paci e a ebsueriplerit aum X ' 1. ~ L .M J ligiuuaag là) Lhiig titeir best guis out Id aidaby tue Uruiled Siateat Guhavr tutuai ide.iiiîit hui ilje vt ii iccd ut u.uthie INI)E'aaIl)NET keep him îosted imiroverncii ini rder te liillv inuet abuit tie dcinge cf lils eld Lakev P'rof. J. t. Swal gave au Piuuu recitaîl tciel t ik iItu uluounîty friends. T eJ w le.Je A e i andit teretore tue if The Massaichutsetts Board of Healhl ,~~** Meniday Resulituai ur Seîîaloson h a 'tultve devlared frozen c rse Mis. J. Il. .Atuaiuis. uo! Lhiuago, as- gr-ess bc iiitructei, andi our rc;urcscit- oranges peisonoos after et cureful S ied her iiece, Mrs. C . .1. '%l aleutatives lue requîeeled te abtaiiî truîfite f e w diu etla enrl oer-ietanaI r)Ir ari)i al> sis. Many oranges arc el T iec gae llil wreirv e iirOeamlerretiiotha pe itioerishipped Noritirainthave been ailýetted1 etif>ict h i rîul.îy Icreuiccl criment l*guni ilte liarIbor ai Wanke- hy the frost stîfficîeîîtîy to en.$0 0 for oiily . acccut t fhie culot. gal, Ilîlinois. tbem unsafe to eat. Buy ne oranges -. R.olo-ed, Furiber thai ftue Secretary thai are not perfectly sonual. Mi. andul is Il. 1). A. Greblie are çcf.4taieles luerbistieeoen e- tuaiupy over lteVîa aival tut aiotlier littile liied copiles tof' these resolutions te *'rhane.e W eekly .Ipter f~ daughter tueri laat Frudiy eacb o! cuir Senaters and Representut- We wlll close our galleny lure , F, T h Mrs. Ccîîiliouse, nîcuiier tf Mrm. ulves ini Congreses ssembied. 9th. From now iîntll next Saturday Price: $1.00, per Vear. Lepold Krabii, dued utilier bolute, Mou Adopted. we wîi make sittinge every day, rein k' day eveilig; aged 79 years. or shine, front 9 a. m. te 4 p. m. Our Tire M. W. A. entertaiumeîît was AîyTeByRceed studio will be warm and ail who wlshî" h ~ ~~~ r cewith L. B. Mulford, e! Plainifieî4 h a r er ' 1 o t l daytu. til aepaehsF N. J. lIi itle boy, Ove years oft p week,as passible. We will offen extraofIi d.wau sick with croup. For two daya lnduîemenis on work for aIl tIh. week. o Rockford, 11 Prime: M50 Ü Tire fanierai o! Mrs. Wocdbridge and iigbts lie tred varions remedlesnre- Rememben ibis may 1lue yonr last Hawley s as leld ai lier laie nesidetice commenided by friendsanduîl reiglibore. chance te, get aruy kind o! pbotograpbs litii'lursday>, 1ev. Robert Bailey cf- île eays: -I1ilionglit sure I wotid los@ at your own home and cî-ery picture i1. ,o Ig urt n A i liitii.lim. 1 hitmonseeiu amberlain's Cou*h guaranlced lîrst-class or no pay. And 1 L ake C o up J JIpdei eï iS. Fritay afternootr, the fuieritls of Remedy avrtsd n tonh ort L~1mulAN AnTi rc:Co.; u lsh da L b il igicIne t day aîîd a tuir ws fee. npduîilmrîiug a teum Sivenad oI . Pbih i l the.50 Cu nty e ws, ib r wauikegan.

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