Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 1 Feb 1895, p. 8

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ritteii for r¶4È.i'sPaper irr S. Van Zile.. rfipy510GUfl ýâ L-TWO WomENý.- ibenu" e ffl8- tiare en. cts-de er metropolil MMS Young voixin W-hi abutataionce tes- thatr M mental fascinations. ý'tvlna, the daugiteça or ebAclnt vie lait !mads t"r*éanid baS marries new Towna Most ari8ts [là0 Theli, mothar las dnmeo etlier bisth, and thi esu salnt te - France te lis !hay di5 net ratura <s !untltàayear afteter a etb,. but <heIn baau<y, àp mterni au cesry gave W»eIate antres te socle- Yý bacamne at ax bo<Und the > Or»has," as <hey w-re Mvient club men, w-ri qdeuly omen moe 4- n&ercaa ln matines- 6 te< MI whidi was the Vers Maradan mad er rb 'wnriy opposaS the r,Ïotiar clique that Ma- 044 the ineut beauty. As klav <hem w-eU some- K* Mattais fer Vas-a and W"ei tiere vas a gooddean about -<is discussion. In ut fecosaary for <ha Mars- 'ka dlsttnguiahîug msark ibetrsd in public; se Vers earl- neacae te - dentit> -~~re bars& -be Ssimplex ulundîitils, te 39 teeofthé mîdulgit Lace et thae - omen a) a lwaYs createS a tqà-'Ùed long in - Wtdratood <ha art of 1tê b1çbeut manifestations, Wi 4<avn back fron t<hall IM*u arrasegd in lassis n07«% ejanean il u ne, B&àJn et Irish blood ln = ck nsand bine eyaas »C ,oeoetrliy va. due Ont tbë lgsrodens' metimar «%la- Dublin. it1!is Of wuffl, <1aithe ~e-ukolG eU of sud ~~sae Imteragathar- *i-titronga, sand garman ,pffl betore <hem a or- I4W M t<ha test et Gre- @où&, lTbenewapapera e PbGoG*l!pIl, sand evan "OUWO ooaaetd up6n MWêO oftbticMaradan sa wnn VeO a banS- ~bt Sul .7accuas- S tlre4-looking ,,os e bnt tovard irere "Mued Ita aquiet *,,09 U*ryThe mu- ftdoet roa the e Sb- MrénAht se lopenh e ewata bler quastioner; '» erInxq te îurry an En- qa LAc of the Youni an slefaslve. 0. Vers, iglit te au axiave-- rùC4 1 lova yen mai51>. yu' egaged?c* et calmnl> took- bis atm. mmc," mie saisi. "Tire jI <ha sain t<Ing te me p'o*a monatenons, n'est man baSl just fnished s j% ail distingue- man, "'Orage. As-<ay wau- 9tib '<aonsarvstory. lia bg r*due, yu and Çmev Vm se.Mr. inton? mmsoeffl * a>' ou tau Ïiore*--bordi thlngml" a pout M bW fnl'yeut 0jocked Up at ber via- #m1dcolSi>' and led lier lou 5< ber a moment, iemen' baS the fer matrlmen>', o <o hosufficlant- laoya tfSentes- 5. <agnatilua' Nov, bowvvas, rovival la In tooàevst as-amS tcjhave ekuov Ilite,1 hasi a sts-ong prejudîca against t- marriage, ansi to paraphrasa <ha i- poët, whea I1saisi1Iw'eld dieaa bci- c los-, 1 515 net think 1 wcnld lve to nses <lie day wbexi 1-- icsete voS, Now-, iow-ever, aU lu chaugsgd. I1«'sut ,f te marry. I sec only oeats te lisp- e plnes,andS<bat leadu <oe<lie aliar. d Marlon, I love Yen, liiYenulie My >- '>ife?'" i Masion langlied entright. "Yen ara ras droile. Monsieur V'lntexi. Corne, e 1 want te inS 'era." 0Twe heurs laies- Vers andi Marlon, rattirasi an nagliga, w-ese gosslpping lxihais- boudoir about <lie events of e<lia evening. XI<lie abandon <ol se- -cluslon thay w-es-c evan nuose a tract- r Iva <han w-len "on parade." Vers ne- e clîneS on a divani,cime as-ai, frein e whi hat olds oetlber peignoir bad e jianiad, treicliesiabove lier licad, -. w-lue outlinesi agalnst the lehs-ciol- eor et the conclu apîeaned <lie <olup- rtuons linaet li er sysameinical forma. e Marlon was seatesi lxanueasy chir, on eu oot rcstlng on a stool ansi tie a other narvousiy tapplng tlic 110cr. HeBr dark-. luxuriant liais-fell ooseiy I about haersiionidars, andi madle a fine I contrast fer tha brilliaut whleness cf à ber face ansi ueck. Shial 1 shock Mny -readers iIf 1confess<lut rny heroines kw-ana smoking cigarettes? Devotilento a <ha realistic scicol compels nie tc rruna t isrk. Tniuth usariglîty ansi r- -must-preval;,-e-vanýýn a n zivelist- ostands -bahinsi a boudoir potîcre. t Andihan <liera lu ne greai sin li paf- Iag a cigarette If tiecocnscience of t<he a fir meker doas net s-ciel. The iLMaradan glsshaving lvesi long-la En- i sopa, lias acquis-ad certain habits <-hIih f oulsi hava annoyesi <hein motîier andi drivaxi <hein latier Into a lit ef rage. rPoos- orpians, <bey hasi noting bat e<liais- 0w-aInclinations te obey. Il"Reaaly, 1< grow-s tlresorne," rernark- - ed Marlon, gazlng mourntulîy ai the s rilng smoea. "Savan men proposas r te me te-nîgit. l'Il hava nes-veus prostration yet, uniesu I accepi soe- rVers siîlas, ansi bookes ut liers-iss- tas- sympatliaticslly. "1Don't do snythlng rash, MaY, I baS aimeat as savane a airain as yen dIS '<hle evaning. 1 rafuscd six. Mn. Vinton vas sailier laver labils meti- o4, 1 baS soeatrouble te maka hlm undaratansi me." Mas-ton started, blusbedsi sightly, andsidl: "Yen, ieha luImportunata. But Ire- turneS te take hlmi au sas-taux," "-What de yeu mean? DIS lie Pro- pose te Yen, toc?" The aitas gazeS at aach otier sol- amnly for a moment, <heu buss inte a laugb. "Ir'a really tee ba," exclamaS Vera st lengih, "<liai a mailofet<haw-os-id alieuld iehose absurd. I caa't unden- stand 1V' "Who vers yens- otias-victimm, Vo?" ,,Weil, tiersw-es-e WaISon, Ceuni, Kovlnsky, Van Scbajik, Has-ry Ash- ton anid Vana. lie Ceunt w-as Soul cious. Ha coulasseS ln Fraucli, ansi disi a vas-y pretty bit et scinxg. 1 toid hlmi lie abouisi tal<a te privata <lie- atricals. Haelias an aw-lully ici tem- pet, s" is black cyeu anappasi tire < Wban 1 saIS thîs. Mon Dieu, 1 ain sick oret <h-oXa <ing.", "*eBo<am I, Vo, But w-lai can w-e do? Yen knov as w-llaius 1 do tintt <leue men vant eus- moey. They> thîik w-e ana mucl i rches- <ban w-e ara. There's Vinton, lfs- Instance. 1<In ade ao dît- tarence te hlm vilci, et us accepteS hlm. The financlal sak-eu w-es-a eqnai. This la a ques- ctty, lsn't IV? Mammon thie goS of gelS, suS Daigon, <ha gosi of the Philistines, ns-e the exil>'Seities varshipped. Excuse me, Sean, I dlslx'i meas o te cail te yens- mImd thai 1 knev anything about mythoiegy. My- thocog! la net cons1dared 'good tes-n' over haroé. But what shall w-a Se ith <lieue Maraden monomanîacs?" Vera lightaS a f reseli cgarette, as-- rangeS s plliev leneatihaerheai, anud acamed te pondes- tha preblain curetaI- ly. Ater satine aidaI: "BHoy vouldI1doS. May', <o lou us moeyl Thero la ne doubt <bat our s- puteS veath subjects us te greatu- noyaace fron thase fortune huniers. If tic rmor s- ent eut tiat w-a had lest eveythla Ii p nnlncky spacuisilon we could <heu Siscovar w-ho arae us- truc frinds." "But,"i objecteS Masion, w-ho lovaS luxur>', ave voldbhave <e give np se 'mai'>' hinuete maka <ha report seau, reasonabW » -Peruenally I So't ibink- I aheuld Ilka poverty, aven If 1< wena net resi or pes-mannt" She loked aroimad the aegantly tfîr- ulsad chantIer affectlonataly. in <he subdued Ugliote i museS lampe <he roont apPealed ote aImagination. 1< wa' an approprlsta ettlng fer yen<h and beaut>'. The hcavy baugiigs, <lia coBUtl>ruga, <ha epaintings hy modes-n French mamiee-, lie lazy-book-inf Si- vasus anS chais-s, al seemad to whiiper te Marlon. begglug her fis uta> whrs <ha>' ceuld look upon bar ai <haIs- pleazunr. Tiare laa sopus-t lni avery lieuse sud lnaven> reon thtat upeaks te <lieue tiat bava cars te beas-. "TYon go tee tas-, May," returnnadlier !12s-, earuesil>. "Tha Seaslifet<ha zêe iMay ho e ani'anged tiat w-a viiio ne aoblIgeS te change eus w-a>' et ife. Wa need cal>' jet 1< ho Intarred <bat va have hat »Ua bulk aofens fer. tues, and hat fan#ty hba.ebonghî thlal boM ud a loveS u n contaVont- preury rehm w midwbW hlg bad feu Ijito the guMlotine basket." "You are growlng very vulgar, Mar- lon. I fear New York lité la flot good for Us." "'Tbank you for that s'ord 'us,' che- rie. 1 thouglit you were goiug to seid me." Marion arose and sented herseif on the divan, tlîrowlng an artn about lier sister's neck. "Have you flot something to tell me, Vee" site asked affectlonately. ",Wlat makes you thluk J have?> What could 1 bave to tell you, that you do flot know already-?" "*Notliing, for I have discoyred your secret. You5are lui love.", "Yes? And so are you, May." Marlon blnshed as site klssed the face so like bier own. "How do you know that 1 arn?" "I muiglit ask thie sanie question. There ls oxiiy one unswer to botit. We are twlis." Marlon ianghied. There was a scl- entItle truth ln hler slster's remiark which, seemed to jar ludicrously with tlie romjandte mood tbey were ln. "You love Jack Daltoxi, Ve." 'You love Ned Dalton,. Ma." Thon tbey kissosi encls other again and whlspereîi soft confessions tîli flie dlock struck four. CHAP!rER II.-TWO MEN. "John G. Dalton anid Edward C. Dalton, Attorneys and Counseliors at iaw," Xvas tlhe iegend on a liandsome- ly gllded plate on the door of a maili Office ln one of the large new-spaper buildings near City Hall Park-. The sign was 80 sltuated tbat now and <lien a sunbeam wouid fali upon it tbrOuglî tle hall wlîîdow, andi the goid letters would glitter and e.arkic astoghtyng to allure eltxits by thelr very brllliancy. 1< was a falthl- fui, hard-mworklng sign, for even nit nlght it would somaetîiies catch a moonbeam, andi at once tlie golsi letters would begîi to dance agala ln the forloru hope of attracting sonie mld le hea svice. Poor. loyal, Industri- ons sign. Its ivanton smiies neyas- 'ocesi <ho coy client te the Daltons' <on, ansi as <une weut on <lie Once chees-fui ansi exergetîe plate seem- cd te loe hope, for 1< grew dingy, grain and lfteleas, axiS even <ha meut Joycus sunlicain could net make tha gildesi lattes-s spas-kie as et elsi, The saine detanios-atlon lad <akan Place on tlie ethar sîde eft<ha Socs-. Tic books on the shal w-enet the slf-coxifident tomas <bey hasi been <wo years back. Duel bad settleS upon tieun, ansi on tle top row lxi a cestala corner a law-Iess spidter liaS span a wreh about a particulas- volunmeoftheli Revisasi Staintes. Parhaps lui e do- Ing he tYPîtiesi a certain tendancy ot <ha legal profession, Tic spider wlui- esi te catch files by tsklng undua 111- estIcs with <ha laîv. The empi>' <lxiboxes, once Isesi anS invlting, w-ea.1k-e lie book-s, dust- covaresi ansi depreSsesi. The cas-pai. tha chais-s, tic desk ail mliewed igns et a taîl lulitfe. The office ln aill is belexignggs eemed te, jeen ln a sulien <va>'ai <ha legansi on the eues- sida cf <ha doos-, When tlieSocs- was tirow-n Open se <liai tic dluappolnted goid letters conisi bo seexifroin vasions liants eft<ha roorn, sil cîcuda of dust w-culS arise trosa <ho bock-s ans i n boxes as <hsew-n up <hrets-en by subduasi ands srcustlc inenriment. Jack Dalton ansi bis brother Nesi may bave realîzed il hI s, buIf the>' is ide>'neyes- gave exprio te, gloomy tiioughts. Tliey w-e- nmîci more liees-ful ln tact suit lniappean- ance <han <hein surors-nings. Tliey 1usd neyer lest failli lute<ltietmate tninîpliOfeth<le gilded legexis. The>' dîixiot notice tlie Susi, <lue spidter, nos- the graduai lbas et lusier on the part cf <lie golsi lettes-s. Every menu- Ixig <bey opened <hein office lni a liopefal 'a>'. Ever>' eî-exlng <bey clocacît u as tbîngb <bey w-es-e w-cii satîstiesi w-Ith tlie Say's business. Jack Dalton sat a'onea lnitic office come attes-nocu, w-itlig tn bat cnes- getlc w-il>' <at shîows enicymeut et thie w-os-k-ln hanS.Ilie was a <ail, sernewist unxgaînly Young Maxi with bushy, ligit bals-, caruesi gray eyes, andi a noe and menht<ai w-es-e tar Is-cm symmetrîcal. -I1ehad a sroug face, brut ne oeaw culS bar-e callesi hlm liandsome. Whbc lesaillesi, how-- aven, lus w-hite, weî-haped teeti snd a pecuihas asrangement et Simples ln bis couateance combIneS to asisia inenta-> beautyto a face lassai- <sactiva I repose. As lie amîlaS ettn he ad biaixiesi tliareputatleiot ofb-lug a ver>' "good-iookuag"mana. A hurrlaS stap ln tha baiilw-ay causaS bumtot stan nas-vonsi>'. Llsteulng ha- tcxitly for a moment, ha iliruat the pa- pers before hlm Ile a drawer la tha desk-, <urned <ha k-ay ln <he hock, and, aalzlng s law book, hogan te reas cagas-ly. Wbe<iar <heo ecoînar w-ps- a cient ors-lm brother tlie saine ps-e- cautions w-ena nelcessa->. For, lie 1< k-nowxi. Jack Dalton w-as ws-ting a pua>', sud ho fearosi bis broteibss rid- icule. He kept bis precleus maniuscripi leekesilx liaedsk ansi «os-k-adon 1l ut odds momnxts wlien Ne d w-us absent. Had ha known <bat la anothes- draw'ar la <he sain e seaiy tha untinîshesi ulicets et a novai upon w-bl bs heaulgi <huvebeenleas zflhtfffl cmtw-ixo brother liaS heex ai w-os-k for syens-. ha mgit bavaelieeim lastuodesi abouti hies ambitions as a playwrsighi. Par' hapa the books andi Un boxas k-aew- hoth sacrais andi lad <haright <o Isugli ut tte logeaS, "Attorneys axiS Coun- seosAet Law.,"- "«Hello, Jack. Ânythlag nov?" criaS, tha youngas- lroteibas schaenteraS tha oCica. Ha rasanubled Jack lu a genarai va>', but ha vas net quiae as<al, somup- wbvatntos-agrataful, anS muci darkar lu coiarlng.1i IThefomala buliaS employaS vas Idiots May Be Iinprovs-dand lCursed. Isdiots have bliiciîîîreci, ulutca<c<, andi cien eclil; uot one lI a thlin-ail lins been s'ntim'ely rcfs-a-tony te îrs'at- nient; flot cru.' inilîîlîiisls-eîlw-luilias net leicorîate n ne lîaj-p3' au-i hn.athy; mos-e tîtuxiýoUps'r cetit. halve bt-s- taugît te conitesm <o aSocial ans moisral Iay, andi rexiuis'n'-capablle of order. cf goosi feeling, andulof îr'rklig ljik thli <bis-sioeta muanh; more tihan 4() pie- cest. have beconie capable et fluc oruinany transactions ocf he, xiles- fs-ridiy -on. <s-cl, ansi cfunuSers<anding nsmrl andc social abstractuions, cf i-oriiglike tîvsî <birsuoe a maxi. andi 25 o 30 liercenut. comae acarer îtndslnefs-es-the standard sîf mBalioOd, <li soineo f tien w-mil dcli- the scrtilny cf goosi jndges w-len ccxii- parcS wli cs-luary yonng smen ans! «'oman. Tliat <lus Isluso nuere niieturI- cul flourlali is ps-oveS b>' <le statistis of enaetf<lue largesitsraining Institu- tions ts-fmor ls.TicHospîital. A Queer Znlu Cuitent. Oua Pari eft ha Zain mas-nage ces- mou>' la very paculiar. ,The groom comates-ow-as-SaxiS sts on tlia greuxisi His briSe <len dances as-rinS hlm, langhlng ai anSds-dlcuiing Ilm, kick-- Sing Suai ln bis face, dlsas-sangiug lis elegaut heanS Ssess, anS ethervisqe <at- Ing Ilibcntlc'a<vîithlm, Intanslig <o show- ha<vas not as yet lues- master. The groom ails sileni, neyes-r 'plying, anid as aie ceuses, pro-bably for abeen w-stotfetbsea<h, lbaves and reiuns almostIlmmediately, leaSIng an ex. caileS "tliae x oet<he girl." Thils la solinny i> lled, ansi constitrîtes <lie bInixiîg portion eft<ha ces-amen>. An Effective MtieS. To reprsse drunkennasa <lie Gover- nos- et St. Petesbursg lias jast resdreS <bat tle nanas and aSscses cf ail persoxis fouxis, Intoxîcated lxi thes streets, regurdless et raak or sex, shimili e posteS lI certain public pinces lu tlie ciiy anS suso prnxte Inlathle Of- ficiai Gazette, Fifi>' yens-s ago <Iey w-es-e compelied te swaep <ha stseets tor s numbas- et heurs, undes- <he eye ofth<le police. Parlulan PaS. Meurnars at Panialan lunes-aisna ft<nisad withliutile w-adaetfcetton vîti whIieh<a vipe awa>' <haIs-tears. The tearaBae<han preses-vqd, anS are 5s'pl<oW te centalun estorativa qual-. tià<e lanas-eet talnting. tbt"ne" Upton is Xeilira. -Th'* ïi that t2xere nover hâd basa tnytblag new dld not alter the general apprqppl- aten of etthe question. Tiers bUght be noxnething new et any tinte.. Thera wae a vant arnount ef lîtîgationgolng on la the courts. The servces.o the Daltons mlgl be required at any mo- ment And, theu, It sounded weii to esk a question of tuis kind two or three tînes a day. 1< prov>ed to thosamelan. choly tUn boxes that tlie Daltons were still bopeful, wlîatever mlgit ho tha generalNmprea-gion oft<he office. "No, Nesi. Everythixig quiet. Any- thlng stlrring outsixle?' ,'Of cours there els," returned Nesi' ratier crossly. as lie lgbted, a cîgar. "lThere la always sornething utirring outsde, but nover ln liere-exoeptlng thie <lut."1 Jack lookesi nt hl brother lni surpr- prise. lie hasi never beard hlm speak so gliJbmlly before. "lVhat'a the miatter wltli you, Ned? You nîustxi't lie downlicarted, oid maxi." 110w can I lielli it. Jack? I've kept up lik-o a man for <liree years. I'm tiresi of listenilng1 to the footsteps ln thie hall. I really tîixik tlîat 10~a client shoulsi enter the' office 1 alîcusifaint frein surprise. Ilere w-e are, college graduates. w-cIi readsInluthe laW. young, amnbitions, thoroughly equlpped la our profession, and we hai'en't bail a case lin court isîice mwe startei. It's a sliame. Wê mîîigbit better buy a few bananas andI orangeâ nds jolu our Itallaxi frleuds outiside <bere." The' speaker kxiocked the ashes frein fils eigar spitefuliy andi gazesi at the ceillng. 1114 brother stuilles grlly, sat silent for a ime andi theu saisi: ýWlia< of 1II,01<1 ni:xn? We have' enougl <o lIve con.,lin any event, ansi 1vQ're sure <o pick III a practicg Lnximre. Ail <bîn)gs ramie <s. hlm who waits- evexi clients." NesI nadenoaxiswer. it waevldekn< that lie bad soînetilng on bis minii that has flot been affetes b>- lbis brotlier's optlmistlc rexnarks. Hie wai; leiss pileg- nîetic than Jlackt ands more outapoks'n. IKnewing this the Phder brother waited patlently until tlie dîseoxitexte<i jouixa, inax shouisi feel inellne<i te continue the conversation. After awitle te smoker asked abruptiy: "M'hex Ilsd you Lsee the Marsdens Jack'!" "Niglit beflons ai." 'Don't yn waîît to cali on thein ths afternoon? Buisiness is flot pressing." The las< sentence was u<teffid bltterly. "Juet as yon plea.4e, Nesi. But 1 tlîlnk if w-e were wise sve would k-cep away f rom them." 'Why ? "Yeu kxiow rtgZht w-cil." 'Yeu nîcan that ive are poor and <bey are rîci. Well, w-bat of II? W~e are better off <han soine of thc meni îho pay tixei attexitioxi. Besides-a et may look nt a qucen. 1 love Marlou 31ars4en, Jack." Here thie speaker arose and walked about excitedly. "I wlsi toGod 1 dldxi't, but 1 caxi't help It. lIl eut my tangue out before 1 would teil her' ot ny love, but 1 can't keep aw-ay frein ber. It's hard, olsi maxi, fis't lt'?" Jack selzed lus brotlser's hand and tileye-; met. 111 nerstand yon. .Jack.' stI Isi lb youxiger maxi. "Ion love V'era, andi you want <o avolid tenîltationi. But corne i'ih me. just <lIs once. Ws"Ii eaul onh<iern i <is xifteî'noon fui' Ille last tîme. Thxen ve'isvote our (In 'vs axd iSlgbts t-o-orcljeuts." lie s8niledinlîy as hpi'ressats'slhîiine-lt. m jT' e> Ii'ttiiîîesl.) MESSAGE 0F TH E PR!SIDENt ON THE FINANCIAL EMERGENOY. Baya Another Bond Isaue la the Only Way te Preveat a Censtant D>rain of Goisi-Sces Vsry ond Cause for AMaras. National Iutcgijy it Atstake. The Prc'siîieut cxi Monîsay senît ta luth lieuses of('oxigreas a îissaagî' on the ,lrawr-ixg hlusaiuspont.frit<le lplani ent- l:iîesunitie<lie eusle bil îl and <itiniig <lie cul>- paic->- rî-bjcb rs'ecî o hit ilowîn uics- slible teo xiaiiîsthlis'gsîldns aeî've. TIhe mnessaxge iii as felons:1 "r"Te hio teî'andîsl ionuse osît lb-pse- seuit'lui-es lI n my bit a îîîsrîaI nie'msns- 1 coîîîuu-,iled <ot li'the nuîsv omc-eîi-itlieratiis:i of <i the4-'eîgneso <lis' condit insfulr en <jonai finiîces. sunî, ii-iincrelei lac<ri tlie atbjeci. isidnînss'î tis' planiof legjalation %rîhic-uîut t bat tlimes' s'.'ni's o fus-jnis rotection sîgtîjîîst iiîîmîss-nîg dan.x ger. 'Thuis plan linsa îîît lîcen inips3r< isi ty tuis' s'ilîgreoa. l <Is'thilicisî liv -tiib' aitlits-' <jinlias1so hilagesl andiflis ' s-is-rgeill-3' now vaispears seolmn'îeatiiig huit 1 ds'sîî 1< tiy dslyIi-<o îask lmtth<e lîîîîda cf Ill(-' is' halaI iv~e bu-ns'h sf thlis'g' îî s'nnlt ami -us proisi;it and cffs'sti vs-ai-t iîiis mils -IInsasî setniseîîe Iii cls- inanîia.lssîl to îdiss giîd avent tîusuîîs'us slixasts'r mid univuensai îlis- <rnas anions Our mpecuple. "%Vh'ate-er may k'e<lie fieitas of <lie plan outilied in mx iîyînîa '-iant s a remely for lits <lien a~si.nd au a safeguard agaiaxls' he s-tletiol cf thie gould ress'n-e <hen injlitiseas'ury. 1I cm 1101V eolvin-s'iltîat its rn,-puijouily file Cougreas@ and ioîîr reas'lî< Itlv.lll.Ptstaîlge ef fitians-ini perpis'xity- ssesiîtuadi <louai or differ-xix ngisat ion. Pasrty tn lie Laid Asîsiet. 'Witbnatrirai isrlse jpjn< isn varl'f eand îîrolîilîtive streîî?li.and w-h a PPeoIIe wboae nctivity amnI ente'Yliise saek aîîly a tain "ppontunity <o achleve national success aîîd gi-eanuso, our îsrog- s-es. sheulsi not lie checkesi ly a ft"s fittancial pclicy andi a beeslim'sudio;ru'gns ,ot sourit] monstary !na. onr bould this timislîty ansi fear whith<ley enendeul stand in tIseway <of on prasîscrjty. "Itla is ansly- illi<.'iI<bstha luis jîmrs-u- mexit csuîfrntîs mis tii-day. Tlis'nefore no onie lu any sisgre- sesis,iisjtcfomr ths' uîak-i ix ansiexeeii tien etof îr iiwilsouildfalit io se patrioii- 511<i- honei'stly unxd %jin-1 cenely at<enupting <i -"ls' th'els'situation., It{anifcstly, <huis effort wuu lio ui-cee] an- ?é's i<lÙ a nde théîsls llv li'pns'j -g d ie ,oflia rtinsisn'nijî and w<i <h naitsissifag sleterinxation ts. reajat tie te'nptaljion <o acconîplis alpnrty advanragres. %Ve mur weii rs'menemb-n tlîat if %« ane tirnitenel1 «viiihinu-risll ifi-uitjes aIl1<sur I ts'elinii eveny station cf lits- ans'iiierits'd, ands1 surely <boue w-ho rselle'r «Iilot na'cesçe1 filie lînmtion cfplint! int-ne,<aas n u ex- clse for pcrmittilig '<lin resexit trouble% <o ndiaý-sn'etessl a iarocuen,-lunisu. IIt la aiseoef tie uIsisot imp<îrtuu<'e fithatre1 approadli thes' sisy cf thse probiens tire-i sented i;s res' as pesibule freontue tyran-i xiv cf precoucei-ed opinions, <o <lie endsc ttîat la à common danger iemay hi' able0 te seek <vi usi-isiatd vision s sale uand1 r'saoale protection. Dintrnt a Grt-at Trouble.1 "Tii'rresu trouîble whjî h confronta nx eenatats lin a jack cf confidence, ivide-e epreasi and constîxstY ixicrésing, in tic ceiutinins abiiry or sitsjsîsi<ioni sf <lic Ooôvernuîent <e tîay its ibligatti-0sin u gelS. Thuis lai-k of r-<iilen,-s'grînva <o suons'extentit o11 f thse tsil liabs- andîlai)- L':srest euihlannuîssîîif-îir :t tnIiîig t<eis'c- e-ir<setf<lie Goî-sniisir ntiiiiis-r i-xieting t lai-s te pnisi-l ns'g' îjî. andî iii a1greatieres- lent mat cf th<lic liîsi liii il of effics- àgepeing j< in the trnu i rý- orn li iii'!' lig o-biigaiossiusti>irs cxjîi'iuune afts-n il ii *'Tihe oul>- ay lî-ft iiiî-i ni ili th ie én - menilt for 1tr(i-ii iizg i.'nijij.1,ytie issus' andsiale of ito l.nih. 'lh" "uilYbons <huit s(î ,ai e s se sieti < s-ns'ath jizs-.I xiea-l>- lw-s'uîy-lj a s' i-anis agss andîsars' îlot- as-lu calcsîinted i e'r li tst.-ilt us-s-s.1 Anuoiig ethler 'liai l xii lges i bsy arei maduîe payable lunî-'i h îis-iiiîof aspe-s- j cauji>-iii goliS, <iib j !ieistinug s'sîi<- , tiîîua. ds'<rai-tala rg-1> aundinja ijo-relu 'i - irig raio0 ron tîtein dssinaiîiliiy un insi'-f nos-n ts. Ix t i b nus îmeus certainu i at ( taxindscf <bis sescinption cîuîî nrci lonîger bu disiinsesl cf at a prive treililabie «s Ithe1 kia nu-a) elarai-t n sot cur 5 ;îîîeniiîielut. f --'he hinot dangeroîus ansI innrriiig y feature of <lie aiîuaticîî. bons-cien. ne- minfs to e axentjcuîed. 1<jt iîîfnuliii ' tlie anîxs y wlîicii tlie t<nsury 10 de-i ajicilesloftI<le galîl <brioobtainel'i -htliîîîî< canceliuig a single (imrnmc.t otîligal <ion. uaud solely for the hexieit cf <huas' %%-lie tinS profit ini ahippjing 1< aIronS. on I «boss' feuss ndnca tbs'n taboard it ntt home. The Stubborn Facto. "We have cutatandiog auiit ZOOO, MO0 of cunnency notes cf <lie Go'.ensiisit, fon whlcli golsi nay be desutundesl; ands eurieîîsly axieugli t<lIawrv eijîires <bal w-lien presantei ans in iletat rneccici andi paid in goisi <lis-y sauile bn eissued. 'buastha saine notes may de Sut>' siauy t <Inca lu drnwiîg gelS frein tise tneautîy: non can the fpreusa le anrested as lonsg is ps-r-ata pas-j&s for profit or îîtlîcrwise0 ses' an usirauge !ii epentinggfilie opera- flou. NMore <hnn$:»0,000,(«in lt tesec nottes bave alnendy been nedeemed hxid goisi, anSduio<wi<standing sush reilemp- tLÀan îuey are ail stili outs<anding. 9 "Sirice tlue 17th day vif Junuary. 1894,i #-.;r bexided ints'resl-hennixg deît liasn bec e s-icaseS $100,0),000 for the par-1 "_ac cof obtaining golsi <o replenlisi crn csulai reseni-e, Two igsces re mads',o i',jnting <c $50,000,000) ci--on, in i jinnny 1ais<lisi1e- i aels.A- t ,,,gjr_ fflarlInor -artfe the -r r thue yee, a adn'> two.thirda, et thmkt u>UI, oixty'nine mIlllon.% wgA * lIng the follewlag «vo me tSml cating a max'kad 4ceieretlon ô piatlng procesé wltb th int leof hu **The obligations upon whieb'lii. #" has heen drawit frossathe tre*einy' a4o still oultitandlng andi are avaluable 14 unei'lxi nep'atlng <the exhauittiM o)pqmt$de, %vithi sucriter initervalst as our perpieiis accumsulas.'#« *"Ci<tîdittoiîs tare ci'ntsiniy snpervefilq tPxiîing <o taikse the' bonds which mayl e issueS <ote)srpus'nisb our gelS lî'as 'iief«, t thitt îîîuoas. An atdoquite gold raev lm l ln II]cirt-'îîlanî,-salll asolutely mti- tel the îiiîilisigutfî-Iir Publie credit &M tel 'lie mantîenance cf our lilghimtaw clianîsser.'17 "O ur gold reserve bas again reW5 such a Sjîîti' of diminution al; <o -nrel Ill; spv'dy rs--s-îforcî'ment. 'lie ngMqkg. <jolis <bat Ilsnt illevltably foilow Proeut <'llnlitiewsîl unil metios %vinl] ertaalg les'ail ,,îîîfortisit' and i loa, flot eniy te our inet icîssl s-ressht--sandj îrosperity, and te liuîins-îi i n<srpriss'. but <o <hose ni lise jîcopîs' ihos <tek eniploysueýnsan a saean, of elv'jiicnd <o tinsse i-iese onir capial x sIllir dîaily litonr. "1it will harîily (lo to say- Ilat a simple. iiie-reas.' f r-cviî' us' w0llcure cur trouble..i Ti'te llîîrebiî,îsNî io '.i'x oiiytiin andi cou- mtatiy ii-rî-a ý.ig as <o ur finitn(i5l abili. <y dltî-isnt e ti îi-îîîa s-ais-,satioa Of Our ns'.simie. The'Ligne liam paumei Whouth* s'yes of lsve,xssrsatîroasi ansi leur people ut hou,' - ùr,' fied 'd slthe ii-revenues of livai'xttraûted ihjr uîtilî'ti(, on th<le goid of thie gî'î i-rnnîs-liî. '['ls-ns' isesisbe o fenr thsit %uec lnot jmay oui "urreni e«- pe'nties i wthl ich 1l!uiinet' am Ive bave. 'rhere i; is ,,v i I-, tre'isury a conifort- aileasirpîlussof unir- titan.V.<O.jO but 1 llm',-eiit j in îîtîl îîid<liens-fore dome flot mise-f sîsr djliffif11ty.. "thr-cz Qucuiit nNeet the 5u., - i nvîst ase thuit oîT-s-ses'f opin. ion on II-riisg <lu- citent t<o slisjbliver osîxilîi.>t-)lie s-ojss, Sor îuacd in car cur- renrs-- ihetîlîlintereli' wîilîthe couMsela cf <lie whoge duty it i teloereî'tify cvii. nows aPparlt in tiÇfssnxii sitoatou. Tbey hav-e to conusider tlis' question of n- tional crs-dit and the fs-unse.qnues <b tat w-iii Loilîîw fneins iral» %ai Vliîatevor ids',is n- t'- inr'sis-îj l ona -te)ail-s'r or bjmspt-illiiîn a lîroper scmeluljîîn of tue ques- tion no%. prnessaing uîîtl'im sil ly ni-quirce a ne<-ognîuîuî of Laid nseWei- ilus ails-ern d a conc-ession cf itfiap-rtIiuî(s. nigbtfîîily or wrtngftiiiy as-qnjnî.d, aes a of ns- <jonai s-redît. a nses'isaitv u ins'hhonorable dlas-hnrIze of smir oigaton<jîs nirble in gold and a I'adjlg'.of l -iii'x'-. dg) Bot undetstanui <bat thes-vrai frii'nds of olver desr- a conditijon tsllt iiiigit 1oilow tn- actimn on negiert ita pprs'î.-iîtce le ea- ing of <lie jpri'ent ijUs-hicy ,f it faboula n-stilt in the entire banishn<nt cf gofli froint oîr finanfial snd c¶urney arrange. "Btsides thts ree,'ury notes whit-b erg' tuinly gsboild hi' paieil is ,oid. axixlssting toe nsry $iuî1rmî%,<ers' wîhl)fail due lin 11554 $tL< oAscf bonda saiesid dur- luit the btiat yens, forwhie-là we bai-e e.. <-elvesi gslsl. anin l190~7 nary fCO(I- OKOI of 4 per "et. houstil isuss'd lan181. .4hali lihepayus'nt e"f <lips.' obligations la goll hi' rerssîîiinti'.l If tlîey are to lie lajî in sois-i a xâioausns as tlie preserva- tissu of osîr national)bîhorle-ansi nationsal so-i <'nc e>'inaîîis. iii'aehould nfot Se.ft-o.v oîr eveîiin1s--il (mir a.iliîty to o upgîly our- 5t-lve'1,witi gsîlslfier tin t îsis'ae. "-Whil,1 i ot nsît nutro-viiy toi olver, tini! wli le i1ls-e s- s' e s-'ilres-s.gnims'sieno isîss it nextsîr ii .sîiit'-lmt wjtimnl- iSuiafi-t> uîîid bh#-pre-s- vitiîsn f ns- t',,xai he.uîîr eiil ,-s-rîjit. ians etlai iliz te) Nas- , gt! irely tli îirslies front ei r t-ii :-rs'î,-y l!I - usa.'l'îîavs-rt susi I î'lgr-, g'î c't iit1w j [-- mn(j.aîe bk'crsi<ury Shoaldi< Autioity. -Ii i 113 ,rî:îiclî. tii,- i'is,s-niary of th& '*(Oxllry v 1 uilt- ai l ii,iy,l t<cissue ie -eh; ui il'-5îsrîî,-îtforer <lic îsîrl i't îîrinî-riies; i hlm1 îîlîltailîiîsg a snilicÇ:-t genh,1-,-r1 . and thelî enîjibsîiansi cln- s'-ellin .îî cf theis-1.-ni te-,lState's legai-ten- 1<-r net-9 liste] <thetrenury- îotsaisîcd fier the lî-Puî n-haies' f silver usîds'r tise law of .1111Y 1-4. Mil-ts. We islieîlsil lie relis'vesl freuin tlie bîiîiiilja< ing .rtsss'a of isîiîîg bonds n, procure gî ldte,<n lie imincsliately auI repeuirsdly î! ru slàtit en thesle ohîl- gaionis for îîurnîaîssied< reinted oteb sent-lit of aur 4 iîsv'nîiii-nt or leun people. The' pîriincipai lîsudiiit-nî-st cf these blixde shuud hi' uît'>i lt,'ou t uî,-r fus'e in golsi, bclis'îne <hi",' iliîi lhie Fsus)id ]îY for golsi ni ita reîîre'sptnive andsl us--anse <bers %%(>nie] noix Prs.batîjY lie'slifbculty lin fi-or- alI' dlasiîoging cf bomnds isot coxitajîsing bhim stipîulationi. "I sîîggeait that the bonss e issued in dénoinatiou<jns oîf $24) asîsl $5s0 andi <baby iaiiiliîuls,'I.nîll <bat <bey bar interest et erate flot exc-ceding 3i lier cent. per an- nisin. I do not se' iy tn'y siculsit be payable tifty<y ears front hein dates. We of <lhe present genlenation bave large irnotîits toelîuY if ive nieet oenr oblige- ticlî anud long bonda arc mollt salable. 'fhe Secretary cf <lie Treaaîîry mxiglit weU bec p<'smîtted at lus uliscs-elioîi <o recel-e onth ale as of bonds thec legal tender ansid treasmu-> notes te le retired ansi, of -irss', w-len <bey are thit; retîrei or r. dûs-eried lingolsî <ley aliosîilli e esîicelesl. "'I belier-e ail<lie i'o;-igious I bave sugII. geestd ihtîfl l e emtsdiel jin our laiva if «'e are <o elijoy a conîpicre raixistate- ruent of a isoutîsl tinaxicini condition. i'iey tîes'iot jatenfere rr'th nny eur- renvysihertie lrovjiiîg flrs-helieneuen of the' circutuiing uîsliiînttb'euglhah neîîcy cf lîîatieîînl or <Itats' banko, .n- ti 0 n p

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