Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 8 Feb 1895, p. 1

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,. !v~ O.PADDOCK.EDrrToz. 0O1IR A M: TO JFEA R G OD, TEL L TH£ TR UTH A ND MA KE MONL Y. PRICE, 5 CE~T8 ~I.3 No.17. . Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois. Friday, February 8, 1895. $ I5 n' 4c le onIndp#uIdepet. nt I.ak* ZudIch inde»ndent. '&RAY$ s.IKEi NDgpaiDEnTr. Nwbw Dh hlst LIBERTYVILLE, ILUNOIS. IN@ titer of laha <Jouyî fcr aolir a»»ma VUIivIcIntitsogkvo mli f3.Couaty Nova 150805 tbmirao«aigtUt f0 maSo maanmi *d.m moapliers -, fl...taa.. ira5 sauddu4oloIoP rout PW eot ~l1mWlIn.T'hus crryng standing a"a «MUm oula a 5onuta per lUme. sttmibi. Lis*la LS par Ich for trot Urne a"d lty tu* ý lch cr«ch ouboquont lusorUfl. à ao~ujtIclude ia -it-Wt U twéopui. No ext.a go efor chaum Mseaad b.*t hsflnta runnt gby iberm . j IMbrdveia nsd Job PranUng bu >artmes. utiOf mh icoML. la bwisc. o. D» Mad Adveti.îont \~h*VU OS. bau ot bailng mn opon *0 mbm1u o pm s centasosCb. %for C ~ ~.ripionPrets, $1 .50, pet Y Ur. SH. Qt PADDOCK, Pubtisher. < Our Ciubblug List.' L galrbe aomodaaion o1 mach et Our sas- a pAISPO tbmimom -deum>, btake a»y othet "Wmam oofor the emw y~ 7aiwitbtelm lI- r WDU.. t.a mm e! aTa. lThefoliw- fi leo>, à ev otheibme opopular meumpao g ,Md uslm. Wbenmom lna ne la do do@& *0 isut tebe opal4 for the sites :MUeau b.m gortained by deducUne lI1» ften-tbe pilem aanod laour club rates-: Publisbere' Our Club C~ ..JoumaL woeklr ... a100 822es dally. Idays.. 6 OU fë 75 -inter 00o«1. wookly ... 100 200 - - adayé 00 840 - and Oun'y 800 8500 ;ý1 D6d Iiy ....... .s30 to0 W(ewa.wookly. ........ 100 2tao il Ekg&dalraô lays .. 06 et Tiges we ..... 100 20ou n ew subs. 2 W Bou nata"sll'rbune. W&sIL, D. C..I100 t 46 100 24 ~% and suplm't 7 W 72 lisprym' eky. ......... 4 08 4 '% Young Pooýpl. 2 w 310 id . . e.. ...... .40tue 4gl .I rf os limito ny periodical not mentoned la the above I1«ai, eaU on or addres. us. mwe - ut. byen p5cl"lraieson aay publcation We ulve oacb subeerber choice of Farmers' cugmhly. Rockford. Ili., American Farier or Womnknd.of SprigOeld. 0hio. oamisprciluin qpatiSl b 01517 suborber who pays tor tse IWapDuO unioe full yeur, trlWtlY Cas la WJANTS. 190111SALE. ETC. FB ESII MILCIE COWS AND Si'RINO- 8 mm, always on band and for sale b>, MILLER, CATER & UÂNBY. (%QRNX AND SEED OORN-For - Baie. 1000 bushels of corn for Sale at 26 cents a basket full. Alao Seed <Joru for Sale. Apply to Geo. Du- IPries, Preniont Conter. 15-17 Farm for Sale. The RlgloY farm-110 acres, iuated hit Way between Warrenton broe andi grays Lake, andi four miles nortb of Liber. tvIlle; wIl Ilmproved, under gond tateo t *,iltiva&ion.. No wast land, gooti tock or 4aryftrm, noyer fallng sping and dowing streani. 'frrma liberali1 Apply to E. J. HigIey, Admr'r, Rusell, 111. G£0. B. MASON, C omimeal Hotol el,Livery Bosrd1 b> the Day or Week Spadcl iAcoodallons for Traveling Men. LUIBtYVILLE, ILLINOIS. WY Go Hungry? We seli the Best Flour on earth, (The Daîsy) for $3.65 per. bbl Wiii seli you loci lb Granuiated Sugar for $4. Have on hand a fulll une of 1 Gents Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Rubber, Goods, Groccries. P È1lour, Feed, Coal, Tile, Etc. WiMI be giad to quote you prices ol nth4ng we have to sdil if yi wiil cati and give us a chance s. And will 'guarantee w~illb. satisfiled with the Poilticai Pointers. From Lake County PaIr Electiofi. Wsll, va didn't vant il. No use for "aplit" tickets. JoS Bohm had a big irado. Gîte even the detilis due. Nothlng suceeda llke suoces. Propure for the nexi campalgu. The INDEPEiIfT for enterpnise. W. ant run a nevapaper ,nor feoul our fmlly on ind. 1. Mq.t people folov Ibeir leaders aud vote the.«"atraigbL" ticket. The IsNzpxxnm hieWs yoîîandl il vini psy you to e hetaln I. The INmDPibmT fieathb ll for a Ceuni>' und l enerai Nevapaper. The Fair vill probabl>' taire lu $1000 ibis year for membershlp tickets. Keep good natured; perbape YOuU lie on top aI the naît tureOfethîe wheel. Votas vill carry au election; but dollars vill bu>' thora, eapeelally vhen tbOis-lnopait. The ImN'EaENDM aeoomplisbed ise >bjct-avakened a more generai enterestithL Ie Fair. The nov board should reviso the prenflum liai. Lot the naît Prined issue b. broughi up te date. Thfa la the oni>' paper that stands up for the InieremsaLibartyville, Central and Rural Lake Ceuni>'. Nov let's ail pul iogethor and mabe Wus year's Fair a more glorlous succesa ihan an>' o! us predecessors. "In union Ihere la strength"' Heneo- forth bot ail our citizen& "pull te- gether" and great vIl ho iheir power te draw. Tho Oirsticlket in the> fleld has the advantage. no malter boy Oie caucus was coud ucted or boy regular the nominations. Over $1000 ou baud te atart ibis yuar's Fair but they'U ned ihail te move the buildings and make needed Improvementa. Nov that the battle is over, let ail !actional sifs cesse; burry the hatchet, sud if tharo are au>' dead. or woundad, give then due co"deration. ~~old atTite sayng that "te .Victors belong the spoilia." but vo tru t they' yul bu magnanimous Ibis year and gis'e everybody- an equai chance. i was a glorlous vietor>' for the succeseful ticket. The 510w WR» boo deep for us detected caudidates, but ve ail labo oui medicine good natured- 1>' aud vill try te get tbere next timu. OUIZ PLATYORM.-TO merit the con- fidenee 0f ail the people. Our oditer- lai opinions are net for saIs, sud cau't lie bought. This paper. as ia Dname signifies, is indepeedeut ln ail ihinge. We treai ahi elike. Next cornes Town Meeting sud village eloction then foibove the achool alection. Il la veil te lie vide avake, progressive, poatad on il issue» se you cite vote hniaiihgeutiy. W. sbeuld uet ha lîke durnb huaten caiiie-led b>' a ring lu the nos. Mayor A. W. Fletcher, o! Hhgh. land Park, the oui>' delegate frein East Deerfield, desiros us te lu! orul the publie thai ho doas not sanction the idea o! packiug an>' election vlth people vho are net citizeus o! the county vhore the>' vote sud lie did not knov that tht> soldier8 vera comiug froinFiSheridan till be sa w themaIn the hall. Ho favor8ana ameudment te the constitution prohibiling illegal votlug. The Fair shouîld be couîducted by thosa vho have an interest ln ita maintenance. A large numýb-er o! renewals, vith a goodi>' number o! Dcv subscribers have core ne edîring the past monlh, for vhicb ail baie out thauks. The piessant manner of oui cailers leadi uis to believo that the>' appreciate Oui efforts te give thein a neat, dlean, newy>'up-to-date uewspapui, sud li is an incentive hotie s t"stris'e foi stili bîlglier altainnients. A manuevser knows wbnt besE Ingrattitude is, until lie rulîsau colin. try few,)pirThei3îelea cerluii vlai:ss that the sior coiildiio> I l ease. 'l'b y lire iei-r sail1ec %vith a>nythig, tii)e% vi >tli'towi I iîeonphi.smeits. lui-v try tc aI>!iia-gtsanid wl ai> t boxfa! I'short oi theit txi)etaitli)tli -.0 alî-iitiemils' take thue blame.-i astiil ly tI lie ater Tie job of publiishhng thvDt-!iuquen, Tax LisI le n soit anal) from whiict Mossrs burk & Storms areauesil3 clear $750 per yuar or $3000 on theli tour year contract. The Nlews wai the oui>' paper that steod. sffl d t -q.Tres. Murrie the ouni ~j~;and hsau mesecitiaitiU La eC u t ar OU~R IL: EDOEDLIST. G IS ~ RAS LAKE. s O %otipi5li o«0 foot. la & a,.,oraiai l t.eJas. Ir. Thurada'. TSie tonbm cmst l advSs..., Forty First Annuai Meeting. e h ae016ya tedii Will Wedge returneti fromn Burling- One yOrifliaitPau wititità consideration of $1.5m paid by each of ton, Tuesday.On erife oiwt"àf Waldo. Rectmond.ChurchillîElOCted. ithe foilngD, since theist pub)lica. awece-rvr iabe vr sck Ustlsonsia0nm ___tion of samne In the INDEPENDENT: but is improving.01l. erew As predleted, by the INDrPloIDEUT, LIBERTYVILLE, P. 0- 8dgosblwzeoTedyron The Portyflrat Annuai Meeting of 0. Schreck, 2 yrs, E. J. Madole. lng at Mr. Proctor's and 23 beiow utLAEZ wt the Lake County Agricuitural Soity Wi. McDowall. Ibis place. Wednesday, Feb. 6, 1895, awsLkened E. B. Messer, Hartley, Iowa. A. W. Wbitmore baill the misfor- Bure cCeli more Interest than ail ite predecos . Wm. Wedge, Grays Lake. t une t>o e a valuable cow, Saturday fine slighlng. Pour ies as man>' votes were poliod C ms iiue morning. This makos two cowa ho Lent drawetl nigh. as attho largest previous etn Chas. Vos, f8r., Prairie View. la o u xa wowos isBk wielee a (lsai yeur). wben oniy 126 , Mot4oehiP____. ___ Rev. Daisy wa& prodent and deliver- tram MIen. tickets were registered taiat 508 Our Great Clubblng Orvers, od a very diue address Sunda>' evsning *'Mri. 0s6. Linteliman ta this year. te a large and attentive audience. the sck lI.L The now towu hall vas crowded to For Cash ln Advance Subscribers. Meetings ar eieng beld ever>' eveniîîg The bras. band la on tb* Its utmost capacity, ail standing, the fl'iW e ,evtlY andWNDBPXN91ÇT ilî for cmoraho attondance being varloîîsîy estimatll d V-00se. MnhyadIDPNETalti Pearl M. Pearson of the Cumnock W. C. Clak, of PlltIU> at troin700 b 10WO. Wo think the iat- ithie Chicago Weekly Tlu,aAmerlomu echool of Orator>', at Evanston .iil towe Tuelsday. ter figure noue to high for the total. (rifihly> Fermerr and INflEparDENT ail for giVe a reeltal aI the Gages Lake Many boys vere present and hostafo n c0.hurch, In behaîf of the Epwortlh LaGrlppe le &gain spreadtbg vomn ereavlialete eige Tholie Orange JTudd Fermner fWeekly) and Ltlague, SitWdity ovening Veib. 16, '095.luIbtis noighborhood. poli; bt te vtesof neither vere IUPSPEZNDENT, bth oue leur, for only 5,26 We are obiigod to beave out many Frank White, of Chicago, wý pols utth otsWeekly Prairie Furmner, weekly Inter Of Our Grays Lako items, after having on business Tuosday. 1 n e j e d t u e i r m o t h e r s u p .A , s iu d re t o o e o u a l . t l i F i a ' n o . O u o r a o d neeed o efac th reuit A c Ou z ansd INDEPENDECNT ail three one year delayoti Our paper oite day, waiting AM0s Cunnieghan la entettalm« tventy-five soldiers,.who had just re- forte»o. for the> noms, wbich did flot reacli us brother from Indiana. sçie the ue an cs ame froirert hr- wk cati aveou .rlJ4one JDely. itiFsneDoo. Or crreponen seet .h .e un anecen ely. orot Mer jfnthiy porlo-dicl, Eigliishor *ifli klCe noice as wvo cabt a!- foiiectyls s idan ~ o lecare0fssergeant and vted IGrin. ,t ir F oreign. I1: viiipâlir ord to disappoint ail our Lake Couiity f P he CiAt b ail on on th wining ade; lter hiehyen 10 order Il jour papersansd nmagazines readors tu accojodlaze one.Phtst 111CaiO on the thening aide; afiar whlcb nbi> hurtber nmiuzcuswr. they, rounded Up vith a frolie at the .. Miss Carne Davis, .of Waukegaî n, yutlfnhrotc saloon, vhere home beame so tipsy Notice tq Corespondents. was uflitod le marriago to Mn. Wright, AI. B. >icke wili l~ ô the>' of Evanston, on Wedîîesday leveîîîng, mUbOCiptbOiifur Ibis p5>pt. ha t a ode nt her NazI veek the editor wishes to at J»n. qt3t, at the home oftIhe Muse. * AI. R. pic"k.f toutim te sieighs and conveyed to the barracks tend the annuai meeting or the fllhi Knoz, 11ev. Reeti oulfietieg. Miss with a se ,lle tg bo sober up. noie Press Association, vhich ts heid Bei tlîa 1Vavis, sîster o!f te bride, vWs Among the great drawing attrac- at Lexington Rotai, Chicago, tour maid otbotter and Win. Whyte grooms- Several et aIsw tions at this year'a fairwili bo agrand days. Feb. 12-15. We viii be et home -an. Mra. Wright bau a uîumber or~ are ver>' sick vlt bSopiu exhibition drill by the boidiarg. The every nmght and speeiliy request ail friands in tbis comwunity vho extend John C. MoW'en rwhb'bu bér commiandant at Fi. Sheridan pro- our correspondents to send In their muet beatty congraulations on Ibis the veather for somie 'Ji poses te corne over with a regiment of itemu.eariy. Advertiiers yull oblige happy occasion of thoir marriage and again. ooo cavairymen and give a firt-ciase by sanding their copy Monda>' for hope they oea>'soon have the ploasure The Lako Zurich Tee of makiug the acquaiîîtance Of Mt. îorty cars of ltto etfl sham bate or an>' other maneuvers ad. Our paper la deiayed ibis veek Wrgit. iey'wli reideat Evanston. last veek. the attendance this year t0 ha double ber it taites time tu set type before titi, met lit Ms. Charles Washburn's TfOurslb enotinu that of any previous Lake Couni>' the paper can be printed. PiaeTtTîrdyalron odyhe m e cplb1 Fair. beip us tu always be on timfe. îuuibar were ln attauîdalico and &Il It vas a policerful tho' carneut mob, ____ . preselît vere il) ravoir utfîaving a Qiitar BII1U~ vho crowded the judgea,ýo test that The Weather. 8extoli te take cars of the ceinetten>'. egrnf-mv It vas impossible 10ch qe h »e bal-Thssth u a w nP«% hs er lots and each voter ~ ~ Reap tpyoursupply of fuel.lissteoîlwa eaup ahaYa. Iotaandeachvotr wa totributa of respect te our deaniod Don't fofgt te og>1 bfl, write hiiene on hie ticket, hand îî If it keeps on like this for s vbile relatives aîàd frsends. Wlho wouid re- barber *heeu -11IàWé a te ihe jdgee andpuas oui0fthe all r esait doubtiess have a spell fuse tu pay a setaîl sura eah year to shave orlslreusg. te give room for otbers. Seventeen Of *eather' aetegae torivdoe ei Te-u~h uhe ballots thus cat, vere ihrovn Out be- The voodchuck saw his sbadov and lu good canditioîî? Oh, the grave. suanuu~j.j~i Fromnlils peaceful bosoni spriug noute po Igili$ , cause their names vere ixot on the Cra'ýIed back loito bis hole t0 remain pré tirget napesstreolc- M4sMç register. Severai who registered got sLzfreeks longer, lions, aud bow pleased vo are whee Hi.)L gou b ié tired of vaiting and vent home viih- wuolet e aotth»,eviit a cemetery snd sms tll~ ont'rt<Hd-1nh anTlt- le;êing an -open 'wiuter.'"Ilis 110W IlVesoordpr f-ad r ipated and properi>' arrauged for, altogether 100 open and bleak to suit clteiielid iunte rmutls tu thiose J1~ umme ,t h* man>' more namtes migbt have been t 10 vitin tbay were motit dear. 'heMý froln bis stkes lWiS regsteed ud onsderbl umor fore let everyoîie tend s beipiiig betd serions as fesred lut I W .eI, maîy tke lufo meberhi tlk- The prcyers of the coal, lue and I l avt>Our ceuîetery lookiîîg ailes. Dac>'a livery' Kg i fte Cia.A brrelvasusedfora balotsleigh dealers bave been beard and Mr. George A. Wright was bore u a in as nt eo!*h~ box. answered; but wbt wllI become 0f theCiiateauguay, Fr-anklin Co., N. Y., and ls ekte*vnii s Th>o x ci etvsaIfvrhapoorpole ftbe veather don't let died aI the home otfbils, Mra.teoI 7ml. drhw wi yet h passed off good naturedi>'. The u. -Mbr, rGhtyscae, t>b. aIa, w189M5.Um i-anquisbed oid management graca- ~~~~~~~This makes Ibret> veeks of extreme M.Wîlîciet bssaa îl stik*Ile vaquseblis parents, wahuit îttveiaeen yeura old, beeumbng WoI50. i 11008 fully acknoviudged their defeat, but eoidveatherdurîngmnostofvwhichim> snd lu 1843 lit> and bis ftbler Look up of inteit.!. 0im voved te check-mate their victors uthtzero et er bas rei stre fomgovtrnmenl. band riurSa and Lake, crrsone t l if the next 'ture of the vbeei." zr oiet'dgre eo;srl'wîero îîîey bave aines reslded, villi ighteousneeuar.gI The election resuited as foliows. the average temperaturefortbe season lte exception oftwIv years, which Lite>'nasa ho attatned. Il la atter PRESIDKNT. muet ba about upt, unlusa the score la te "nteut a Grays Lakt>. Suuday, Dec. for simple chatramten. te A. W. Wado. 3M H. J. cater. i hob ovarbalancad by extrume hoat next lot, 1844, Mr. Wrightl vas unitad ln abadova andl mer pronremas. Ist vicE-PRffliDENT. summer. the lho!> bonda ot matrimon>' tu Miss Ye noeu not go ave>' ta D. l{uulugtou. 3M J. C. Coe. 132 _________ Lucy Mae Smith ai Antiochi, andi Dec. bicycle as ve viiislbltheneli. 12nd vicz-paEstoiezT NEE Ist, 1894, Mr. aud Mia. Wright Coe- liaie a big supplyiynlu ova IQt E. A. Golding. 0848 F. B.Moore. 187EE.brated tie fiftiath aîîniversary o! their troiniaîîd ihe>' viii teho Wd ai O. E. Curchil. 350 . 1.Hah V. A. Rosbacb is seeon ai the depot. wedding day. Dui iug the fifi>' years figure. Oîne of oâi sntmsprlsabJi? TREASUBER. Win. Pope vent tu Chicago Monday. of tbeir happy unilon, thtrse chldren chants viii st as amolssai sai T. Il. Keru, 3M7 H. Schauck, l Miss Annie Strang wentttu Chicago vere boin tu Ibeut, Mrs. Wedge, Mis. uno daubt dispose o!f sl" lai M. l.Remod. 846 J. JAsi r 2 Muuday. Thayar and Smith Wright. Mr. aud union, aluùo a bicyclae ub J. te M.B. ro Coy, 3" J. . Oldfl, ls Adrv trît vsii2icgo7sîMia. Wright tott their hoine ai Saîîd forined bore tu ho calied I.o BnCo. tiyhm 365 9. A.kTGoig as AdewSragw8 l Ciao Lake the Frida>' muruing previous toi vheimeu. W. expect aulem C.M.Grhm 3 rudulph Eml.eî TIiuraday. is dealh tb viit ibeir daughters, imec toeh.i.poosauion o! 06 Geo. Thomson,. 4Ru PrEke . V. hiocuin, o! Waucunda, vas steppiîtg at Mis. Thayor's, tirei. The tollov in lino vben a pleasqs l1ti *E. p. DeWolt ou botli ticets 486sest ini Gurîtea last yack. next day after thid arrivai,, Mr-w te h made thnoughout the. ees 1Totali Votes ce et 487. 2 Amenat recelved for mt'mhersilu tickets Chas. Welciî whbahs been sick for Wrighît bacante daîigerously olck and 'Babl 1371. ________ sometime, la lowl>' impruveng. dispite niedical aid aîîd ailli tai oving Everyone bavlng a aleigi oreaII caut away betod b Ib taes eoge helon ud obî Bît>, o bands couid do, he gradualiy grew goes ouI; soute vitit their be4k It an' alaysho oldby he axe GergeShedonandJoh Bityofworsa, snd quietl>' and Peacefuil>'titillers wilb somebody else b, - a man pays, boy mucb be i8 vorth. ChIcago, calied outfriends Itere Satur- pas&eti awity Frida>' moriiiîg, Fab. bat. We notice aulne biothers u*Ms eThe Leland Express says Ibat the day. at 9:30 *ciock. For a number of yeaua aeifish and tebo their bisIons OàtJ e"man ve thinik la the richlestinj the Wonider how soins of 011! youug Mr. aitd Mia§. Wirghtî caîîlt>d oui the ride; vhiie sone of our marilai0 8tewn of Adams, puys a personal People eîlloyed the danice at Wads- businîess of tiei large hotrel, butlru- tabe their triend'a vite ont Wfj d' pîopeîiy tai of one dollai and tiîirîy- Worth Frîday evoîîing. tired f ront active work iwo and ia liltît but Lliose poor bashluli joue; esq* tvIo cents." WVe voie siîocked to lîuar of lte years ago, leavirig thue business lii go out alone wlîee thereio *p - -deatha of Washington Couiverse, ot charge of titeir son, Smithî A. Wrighît. hearts viablng tbai Lb.>' ouI>' itvas a seo-saa sort o! c gaine. Fremoni and Geo. Wrighît, ut Sanîd ite>' came lu Grays Lake aud @peut selase enough totie tbebm oai.Am The tramp askeîd for food and the Lake. itearlIwio >'oars, but tint beiîîg cou- îîutioeabla Whîite the menry sieigh Ilady of the bouse pointud to the wood Mauy ot our voung people attenrled tetîtetlie>' retturîîed honte and btilt ring, îiîîgle, tingle, tingle. pile. The itineraut specîmen of the Spider Webb social aI Mr. Burris' ait additiontu t thoîr ltntei, vhjere titey anatomy gszed upon it and thon said: lit Friday evening. Ail report a vory dites.Iide espobis thibai reaiiiho Auction Sales. e Yusav meose the vood madain,plesau.. ine. Geo. Mcu ou l eaves, tu mouin bisl ba, a true Chris- TrEsDAY Frit. 15, Wm. B. ]Pff 8but you yl nover ses me saw it," received firat tirize. tian coirpaîiion, gve graîidchilsiren, W. wiloeti lit t pîl ic ation on Ibm bu rand thon ho vauished. -- C. Wedgo, Chtarles L..Tliayer. Jessio place, oeeMile West ot (brame l 1,____________Luy_._Wigt,_vi iles east of Latabe Cornetq, it Hve ou OrendNr rlaTvety ybe. LscyM . Wi Wrflâ oghî, at uiîrnee road. Uommoncing kai Rav yo a led o reatie b re>sss Carke lias a fine, uew citer. HratI.ligtan>oi gelA. M sharp the followlng ÏProp84 l r hom you would liko te be held in> Fur overcoats and ritgs seum 10 be grantd hkEstla Ttur a- ilorse 8 jearo id, S l' pleaenirmembanceuvar wee foxhie a80 on01e sister, Mis. Ruth Smith. sprixiger, Yearling beifr., Lî thee ng eamrae that pk oin efai. Sike ismîe îîîV~ Mi. Wîiglittwill bu greatly mis-cd in ittiggy, 2-seated friât101 .-, the omig yarMaie tat ersn W Stcklr las (xvd ad hs ils home siliere ie easalways.cheerfliid0uble, 2-Beated Cutter, f~ê e.e pissent o! a ycar'as Bbscription 1 Eluîttr, oce-lles thie iiuîse v;lcd lb>' ant ilial>. lie was h llv îsesteeiîiud titarly ttw, ILbghbtah it~ nthe» as a k>id fîthler. fric oi i iai - i gi >1or.iagh extaeo> totb ek 41 Pr)tm o -aoriMnhi Irs. W hu- leiilis mîiil >-Iii the l'lie finlt tI e~ i..ti iv>- I ee i v l . >»luth-plow, set duipbe d riýmN.I-anesMnhy leese i :ct>:i y thle t'l'igregatiol id L <lic: il> iiiily troiliî, 0ew, itep I~esw To every - bbsvriber w-ho iluays $1-.54 s (iinh 1Ewî dss S -Ilit-r l ,itt> 011g lit 10:301, 1te v. tii k>iii if- hiekt-im. 3 geese for bre*a,'4 ;trie.tiv CaAi litiAdvîive, for the sî jVtî lss:irîs, a ai j lî;kt liiiig. ,,takiîîg lii>texi t.,:>> in utii hlreedittg. Sîtne mmsfmall ed 45 laISED T0110yuan, wo wtl sein F ta-.tu.5, 14.î tI gs e f î't o t iî:iî- whiite St.ed 0o144, $Me ,tcyars sitiiîifor tho Farme> '« îîîer. ,>>1>l1> g niigk t>: t; iii 51 > l ot trti,iv e îtke 0 t>1iiOt Mîîîîthiiv, a 16 ~~~~~~~lfafirm rna L pub. tila lstir)ler 1>lt i ii .>g >- iiiiî%eis~tl i e iee lem tSl-I Miiilva 1 pl, oun, 1 u1 1.Ililrl CiCioi>;Dolioll Vale On0li ( II- ut Ilockforil, Illi, Price SOcnts; withilio tItiis stitîiiiier. -.iii ui :' :Ie ielyOayearî viii be givon -'i5i>iit' 1 etI )uIY 113 e ildiit 113e' aitdbe ig pr 4n. ,Nr -VI' -V PILICE,

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