Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 8 Feb 1895, p. 2

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I - 10àftil4Q PREACHER là ývLED DOWN. mbýb ,tatusss in Victoria's 4%wiwoà,eet Cincinnat- W * t Uffl t Honoulu- tçýdtes auItoePolcy. w« t gamsd la Butte, Mont, * fflit the local papers Roi-. I-ilam Rollans, ef VIwMethodist cburch, o0»eof the Cty, has wlthit preper credt j 1W. De. P. 16L Brstal, ot lbook ftom. Rev. bomgling a ses of evem semuons tdat et- 'unt an d comment, and mii tIah sermons froua IW 8tlstol, auddiaheIdentical #lu botb. Rev. M. Bristel'a -epubllslsed'under dthetie MatalZpochil" and entitlait ~issae,""Th %formation.» o*qyet America" andt "The e tOur Country." Rav. Mr. Wod hi. lectures "The Revival et.f Amerlca" andt "American -u ISo ftlaferece Whatever ta . 1 lu taQueeu'esSpeech. and ceremni dia «fe th bteeuth Victo- I~ t .ia. opaed la Londoni Utim. The customri Guy =aonnmade by Lord Chsam- l'Oc- t<on and a dogon et tha eth quew, aud ltain dia bouse d *0d lI*ned te the raadlng of bs «. o.The pronouncéinent P' 1bvo ivas sa distinct disap- It bas beau ivan ent freely 1 Bisource that if dia Rose- 4~mtln m a fet1*would 91wditat dia speech , thanateme, 1U1I restencos te ail die rs-- 6"e thé liberal parti approves, sa ~of or probable passage at mat sessin. True, sevemal hu- ire btongbt ta the church eetebtislsmamt. 0 opular otrol o edi q- b4 county pornaient fer Scat- 9Ir* te nd measuras.But la W «»é burulug question et the W0 »'formation or abolition et ,2i-uoeRosebéry aya net a CrT TURNB» DOWN. cbrt MloIdetis tuSicide aut.Aesus-aco Peici. kypes case Juat decides] hy lai Circit Court et Appesîs, 14 sed4retite ha cause ' a asule pohie>. Tise *h deualon eftishe Johna- p 011réit Court. ihichi gai-o y Usas-k, a judgment et $2,000 Wl Kalgistu Temples- saitMa- i damuist Company. Mra. biw o ofs e Samnul P. Spersk, 8Iste Seate rntmJohnson 14 ettmltteut suicida la 1W892 hils tiroat idi a rasrs. Tise NmoG le pay i insurance poi- tise a as a clause listhea pal- wq Ot ina"caofetsuicide. lIlaiy or iuvotuntssiy.muna ie ýoaBcy abonis]ha vais. Mra. e abs] iwon ber case, andi dia AIMS ROM AMBRICA. *"AWunition tfor Hawaiien Wrmlalto trqso kMFran csco.te Falsutlc dispatchi mys diat hu - y the l amlilan rahala mare à4selcs. ansittise hulaIminciskilI- jtaamî ser Cas-te as-ma ehppait -»M Francisco. Acces-ding te tise WM Of the EUghiabunan, CattDe- ý*e lasidathé as-mlnlaHawaii, day ,,baea la a saiiing vassal tu San mImes andsubsoqnenthi Csansferrad craft Thissatement, made undar -mas s-ceved hi a resîdet b heis otuue, but kapt e secretunatil e- 0. Tise armairs-claudes] on dis 4 b' Cait. William Davis, master et *bWalmaallo, mnici, curiously eWau mertgaged by R. W. Casîla, ltalaCommlssaanar. BâSctiGUE UP ]IN SMOKE. ian Waseiouse Ia Cincininati la 0 ,nez=alest ebice mmehensa, e P. 0ole eOu West Front street, Wa1I.tangit ira Sa a myaterieus *0 te boir a hole% inouthing - 'ils standing. Tises-a me$ no Me bilidlug ut tdoplace misera tisa slOnated5, and ione n aable te pre- '#" tiseM exceht lnceadlarnimm Ca iWt for tisa fine. Tise pace mas fu goqbte leaf tehcc am i ugeiensd, ahi ýffl ira.sestroyas]. Tisalose on 4IsuIated aI *2410,00, ntan diat 8s-ouata Beattu. qxbresare roportuito tea- la hintisa BlaisRiver gelit b*é Xletlme mre John Barr, wM, William Carder, Wil- Slliam Mostan,Abraham Olais clGnire iad Thomuas ftsy lias] béan exposas] teas Oîset4Q dsegreas hloir rm-. 4j, 10à' aI Pittabnrg. ra eftehumnes]te deatis ans] *my tllhy ujuraut la a ira Ir. co i. pa flag. wloejm . O IeilKtthé point havlag suttenhiy wU oi ~uaarhumetiam 14«esue bons Nordh w m astalel ààupa- Cogriçtanl isChu - s~oeedlg Br.Myrox clivz HOPE. Xe Proapeqt et Yurther Omvivota of tfise l-Emtoà ib. Betng Pound. Lewestoft: dvicas uay that vsite made to ail the varlena life-çavlng and coast- tuards stations show that no additionai iiOws han boan rocéived la regard to the lois of the North Germen Lloyd ateum- sbîp Elbeanad no trace bas bean tound of the mlslang lifahoat suppoed te cou- tala people from that steamer. However, the Boa la no rough thât many of the Oeil- lng smacks are unable to mnake port anld are beatlng up and down the coast, wait- Ing for a chance to mnu into nmre bar- ber. In rapiy to a message ot sympathy froua Qua.ui VIctorIa, the agent here of the North German Lloyd Steamahip Cornpany telegraphed to ber Majesty aaying that no hopes whatever are enter- tained of sur more of fhe passengars or crew 01 the eteamshlp Elbe having baafl aved. Captain Gardon, et the British stearnahip Crathua, which lu genemally admitted.te have boan the vessel which ran Inte and sank the Ebeh, has made a statemaent te Lloyd's agent la whlch ha "aYs that ho was knocked down by the force ef the collision, and that when ha regalard is teat the twe ahips were nmre distance apart. and the Crathia was no damaged that ha expacted her ta .ink at aaY moment. ln spitaetfthîs, Captain Gordon added, ha follawad the ather steamer, but found that she went faster than the Crathie, and no ha thaught the vassal she had collided wth was safe. GOLD cOMIN'G BACK. Vutures of Wall Streat Scared Away front Tueur Prey. President Claveland's announcement that ho would proteet the credit of the na- tion bY Maklng the next isue et honde $100,000,000 and payable ia gold, if nec- esaary, and furthevinore place tham in the Enrapean mrket direct, han stoppad the gréedr bankera -ofWali -Street in thir-i gam.etfwlthdrawlng gold trami the traus- urY h meains et traasury notes and star- lutgIl ia thelr vaulta. Instaad. on Frlday thefts miebankers pald Ita tha treas- ney $2.000.000 la cela lu exchange for pi- per; orders for $5000.000 lu gold fer ex- port were cancelled; and this promises to b. tha order ot thîngs fr or ne time to came. Foreign axchanga dropped grent- Ir, and tha men who have beau withdraw- lng gald ia hope that the credit of the. nation would ha ahaken and send the yel- loir mataI te a premlum, may now get whît comfort they mar tram the tat that they had thaîr Pains fur thaîr trou- blhe. When Europe bacomas convint-ad that the United States lit dtarmlaed to ineet lier obligations as sha han pramisad; thon the demand for gold for expo)ri ceafs. Death of Ths-ee Peaoas. Mrs. Chrsistan Zlndliiugar andt ber une- year-old twmn daugiters, Margaret aud Christiana, mare burna to te dadi aarly Thus-sday memaling la diair home, 2029 Kansa streat, Pbihait.lphla. A cet, an ail immp andt a ireaaan box tisat moult nel mark ara responsible for hia terrible ca- WÀNMAKERË 18 SUEID'. SAID TO HAVE VIOLATED THE CONTRACT LABOR LAW. .! Gutl-Covcrcd Ice Floc Mitaken for thse Chîcoa'. iHull-Naval Men lit Peli-Japan Turcs China Down- New LanasWiii Ratp. Suit Againet John Wananmnker. At Philadehie. Edward J. Brook#% instituteit proceedings lu he United States Court againgt the farsa ut John Wauamaker for the Governunent ta ru- caver $,0t) for an nlcgad violation by the dafendants ot the cotract labor iaw. Brooks, daIms that oun accaliet of au ad- vrtrisement i a London paper lie î,nun ta tIis country and iras osPloyYdla Wanamnakar's s ilk dapartînent; t b Is passage meney iras deuluct-ed; and] that, altiougli the undeatanding irisathat he was ta hold lbis position fer tiro yen rs, hae -as dlscharged ut the endt ot the tiret ea.TRADE LIVES IN 1OPK.. Probable Negtistian of Bonds u- caurages Ail Line. R. G. Dun & Co.'s Waekly Revicw of Traita says: "Thînge look btter, be- caiusc It i. haieveit that aacir blan will ha negotlated. Tuera iras nead for relief, aine Jatsuîry ciosed wth the henviast exportaetfgala evur made la any montli. and the heatiet withdrawnis ot gotd fs-oua the treasumy, $43,4ffl,108.4 the hope of a new boan becbg the ona thing which bias iitted pricas during the past fs-w idays. January tea"ss behind il the lowest .average of picas for al commodities aven ekuaira; for catais, iran and itq produets, - irol anduislver tha lowrettmuuthIY aver- m -ga evet-kno and] --tee -whece aa range aboya hu minimum, but yet deliniag rap- Midy toirard daut point. Industrial opera- Clans hava sut aImterialhy dimiaisheit. though it ha.s been a disappoîntior montli * hcause the ravirai czpectad lias not -com." ENVOYS GO HOME. Japen iRefumes tu Treat wlth China'" Peaca Commisslouers. The amtasators sent te Tokio, Japan. by China ta negtiate terins of ieae, asa mas supîsosas], mare given nue poirs-y hir omo goveammeut tCe cite any ques- thons irbatavar. Japan refuses te reat willi amy amissaries ual authorizes] Ce de- Crmina issues an Chia spot ans] espower- as] ta bindthia empiraetfChinas to failli- fuli cars-y out any larme agrtel upon. Cia mbassadere. mithi hir impos- iag s-ahnas, stanCes] on hir retumu home, having acecmuphsiseit nolhing, net aest barhng beau efficinli racogaimesi au com- missioneit agents oethia govamument Cisci dlaim te repremont. Tiîay wera pacli- caîhi lohd te go home. BRUTAL NEGRO 10 THRASHSED. 15iu555y. The bouse wasoe'uie' u- "~ Chartes Tucker Whlpped fos IlItreat- rasi Zlndlnges- ans] bis famUly et a ita îng Hia Mother, aut six chilitran. Bas-l dia hemornulg a Priuasaercle fa sa lieuse cet jutupesi an Chiatable nadutupseuî Priuaaaeree-s ta sah thesa hmp. Tisa bursuhag ail fis-aittie Cur- made hi irbitacappere upon Chirlas Tuckz- pet as] tisa damas s'praisd rapidiy. vu- as-. avicions negro iriselira. netrSm uith- leman Mmlh trias] te sainl an alarm ton, M,%o. Tucer, il is claimsut, huis tra- tram lise box nas-thia sceneof et dlire. quentli beutan i. oges] malher. The bat thé box cents] net ha t.pened. Witen odior aighl a party oft tirnty mon meer- the lire angines uthutarrive, bovrai-ar, ing iwhite caps met Ca Tucka's hanse famaesmare burstlng outontedo ors aa'] and marches] hlm e a scbcalhousae a hat winmdais. Tisa motiser in he meantime mile airai, w'ire-e haas strippesi tu he bil lefI the hause, but iras bas-illes]ta maist ans]leggad util the skia ou bi. land dat bar twa ebidren a bs]net bpenitback mas etcntoe ihbons. Thse mhitecap- taken ont. Bbc rushes] hack up te tisa pars then took Tssckcn te hie Ihome ansi amoe-filhasistairmay ans] mam touas] breatenei tetalynch is uaif bhi iiitrente,> widi bar chilitren a tam minutes Iter, bis ms>han egain. Tise fis-amen mena Campalleit te cnt a bote PAIR RAPIDLY ASSUMIS'G SHAPM In hia roof la os-dam te gel tisa bodies ont. Nashsiltle Men Impresei by tisa Airtai Torture ot Coavîcte. Pi-agie Made ut Atlanta. Tii Saviannah (Gu.) Granit Jury s-s- Directes- Canerai Wiihis. Secretarsy Kil- turnes] a senasinal praseetuant idi se- erwadMss.HlCrk an gais] e tisacouînty chilagang convicta, lbran thns] Nsi.ll, Clarise antix msade up Oft patt offenders. Tiranty-une Byi,0 heNuhvleCitusii n menarase isablas], uost et 15cm perrons- position tinectery, visites]tiseliseadqtîar- nanly. troua teartul exposure la Che ru- terst Atlanta oethe Cotton -BSttes anud cent fs-eing meathe-. Fans-f et tsanitInternational Exposition enurmntae t bava beau bcoughl Ca Chehioépituit, ansi Washington, irlire tisai appeareit betere seventean, the report 5u3-s, noir lia oui a Ceusgs-ssiouah committea in beasfaIteta bard board bodsitalutisa souiicI Camp, appropriation for a Gaves-amant cxhibit irnappes] la blanketa, emnaciat and disa- aItishe Tenesee Ctennial. 'rhsse gen- bled. 0f tise conviets in tisa CiyhespitaIltlemen n-are enthueiastic sunliseur pruise eaorlucre milosa a lg. An everisiul- et Atantas acieivements and e xpressi lng of se conviet sysîcua mai rs.alt. the hope hat they migst lie able te do us n-ailoe eyens- Inter. Six Chluren Are Prozea. Amas Mingia ans] Davis] Resu,et Blair SEIZED DY CHINESE. Counti, Pa.,, ithi six chiudren, drove e Ofcse h nts oe uba Balfonte. Oui thair mtura home te fr ftisa C n its]dKStates un. a teaua hacama osget uin a omank andCocr inpd couhi t naehaextricatit. Tisa tir emn A iispulcis ta London frou anssghai met te a tarua-heuse ton assisitanceans] saa elegram huis beaun eceiredthera wran hai returnei tisai fans]thia six tram Chia Kiang tutsng ht a pas-Ci et chihiren trozen stit. Tisai mare takion ta officers tram tisa Anricun ivarshiip Con- the neanet beuse ans] put inle mater. cas-silandes] aI Chu Kiang fam dia pur- The chilidran are liJng, butl are ha a pra- pose ai siseoting game. Thai by 4eideat embiut,condition. -sisot a Chinaman. Tise populace hacanie Infus-laCes]ans] attuiekeit, sizes]ans] Car- laquent on Butte Deul Endeit, msas off tise isole pas-Ci. The command- Tisé Inquast on hia bodies et tise itti as-Ofttise Concord saut unuarmes]foteaof elght victhma eodithe ant poirdar ax- bIna jackets ans] marinas te rescue tises plosion at Butta, Mont., mas fi.aies] et ail bazarda. Furtiser nama la regard Thursday. Tise jury inta Chia Kenyan- ta tise aff air ilauxionly awallait. Connali CammerciaU Compny and tise a Britlis Steamer. Butte Hardirere Company, in mise Ta tissenrIuiCp.Sit, maeaouse tise exposions occurres], ne- h rts tae tnCp.Sih aponsibie for Che deatis af tiose killat.' graundeit ans] tousîtret off SI. Michatel',, Theinvstgatonlestes] tan dais. Ona Amotes, The Ituni salles]fs-ouaLandau Tisded nvthi ty itoae w e-Nov. 21) fer Demanrîru ans] put lIe t. huindetas hit îamesmr x lhcie's lu dialmasus. Iepairs mes-e matie. amIne]. ______ as]dse praceedes] on lies- voyage Dec. Lest Brd et Buffalo. 16, arriviîig ut Bnrarsdees on Dec. 2S. Tise onhi baud et buffalo la existence She mas ounies- rotureittip te Londons this ida ofthdiaYellowsane Pas-k in on irben tise proeuett di-aster occummes]. tha Ras] Desert, notismest ef RemlIas. Tisaee a probabli sixty or sevanty-fiva Illnsive Hope. for a Lent Bent. beau th ie baud. A bill for tisa protec- Ail Chicago mas itastiedsiBudai by the thon oethdese animale bas. hean ltroituces] report hat tbe bull af tise test Ciora, in dia Wyoming Bouse. Violations etfis at habcseau off Southi Chicago, and tihem mw il bc puipisahie hiImprsan- hat Ches-rena Ieivinîg tuaisaboard. Fire niant lu tise panîtautiary aot les@ Iban Chiaf Swireeua once dlsîuatches] tic thnee non more than Cen yaas-s. tugs la miarcis, but tise objecC ps-oves]te bc an Iceberg, Ils seuigulîs andus]dcks MAi ]Rivai Cri jpe Creek. flttlng about itsaides. ~The dscveri of gels] 1tishe moutis ut tisa LUtile Cotteamos, igitaca milesa Ste*aship Thaugist ta Be Lest. sots et Sait Laits City, in caosing cousIs]- Insurance on-tise'steamsip Kingdomi sala.excitemant. Bornaeofthetisaasaysnom forC-tir a tas eut tram Shields for ua vas-y igis andI aId minera predlct tisat Charleston, ha. isen ta a rate otf5W guin- Crippie Cneek mUt bhai-ea nei Cuai .Tise cas on both bull ans] cargo. Undar ondin- toma site lias been laid eut undan chi aasy cîcustances tise steaunslîip sbonkd tias et Golut City ans] prespecting in have arrivait et Chas-eston mauy dais golat an lu dia viiniti notwithstanding ega.____ the veynheavy anair. To Opan Indlina Ceai Mine*.. Coloed iril oaoc Buns. Chicago unit Clevelandt captaliste bers The Mary Hoimas Co llage at Jackson, esd à et tho Wasis Riveans] mliihees Muis., caugistlire ans] ms entoly con- side f The eab hîRivema and stloeu, sutuai. Thé building mas t di tra ies-"es I inboi. sThIe Criagaoband B«line etigi kS s]mi amduthits11lietirent>' mile, sauth froua Clinton on that et osktrdli.,fer tis e olctienf et e c othe,. river to bandie the output. coloro girls.- Thsè lomsla about $30.000 ; Il blaitcoveredi b>'Insuranm ie. -ion oce Il !~!2 O*. 2 *IoOOO1. loCC Brooklyn Troley Li nos lu Undoputl Control oftho eOwuer*ý Every trollerLinonlathe City of Brook- lyan wgasla operation Wreditasday momalisg except ana. The ictriko ii ester. New matormea and canductars hav, replaeed the men Who wcnt eut la a body où lan. 14. l'he finomoen wha went out an a sym- liathetic strike a waek liter have brokon ranks ou mireraI lines and those whoee places had net been fill were tîketi back. Tha 0,000 men who went oun aa body ara .till holding out. Thay were preanred for a long siege, and they ay Ihai have planty ot money coming la daily in contlributions, oside tram what theY hud laid nway tram thaîr iragas. Tho fiuas 0w -bave enough men ta apar- ate ail cars whic-h are la condtiaa ta ho mnl. About one.thlrd of the trolley cars af Brooklya have broken wIndows. dis- abled motors, or are otheririse lncipid- tatait by the scrimamagas thay hava boom thmough during the past sixteen istys The stnîkars are noir dlecting ail thaîr attention te court praceediags. The law's deays are proverbial. and irbatever trou- ble the companias are gîvea thraugh et- temtpti ta campaI opeiailns by wirte of niandarnus. or ta obtala forfaiture of charters through applications ta the at- lurney genarpl.wilîl have ittle bastIng on tIha prasant strike. NELSONI FORMALLY ItESIGNS. Mineota Noir Han a Newr Gevernas ln David M. Claish. Wisen tisa MinunesoCa Sanale mal en Thsursday Cuvo important ausacutiva coin- nunnicatieus %werc rend immadiateli efler tisa ranting of the journal. Tisa liraI wns ulosernor Knuite Neisouisa formi rasignatic.n. aitressadteCaLieuteantt Govannor David] 31. Chough,. tus the- sec- ond. aittrc.scd ta the Sonate. notifiait'btt betty that iu vient of hI-s cection ta ba Unuited] States Senuitor haclîad saut his rt-stgiation ns Gavainos- ta-tis e te- ant Gostemutr. Aftas a briet taaevel utîdress Llettenant Gves-nos- Clougis caIied Prceislcal Frank Day te tis a sir and iras torinîtly sn-enn iu by Chiet Jus- tice Chiarles 'M. Start. Ward McAiist r Pamebs AwaY. WVard lMeAllisteit, NewtYork's torensost ,society dinactor and] orgaizer et the 4^0 dicit at 0:30 'cssck: Tiursday nigisl at-his berna, I 1 est PUlls street. At bhait.ed sude wireMlra. McAistean tsChais-sou and darhter utns] Mm. 3cAhister's brotls- as-, 1ev. Dr. Marious MeAllister. et Elisa- bath, N. J. Mn. lMeAihistes- suiferas] vasy litCha îpain dsîring bis ilhuees antI bis dents ires peacetul. Crip n-es thse imae- dinte cause of bis deuIls. Hndreds ead] Cvorhe Nos-Ch Germais loyd steamer Eib., Cat 'o ossai, framnBs-amen Vedta- doy tar Ner York vin Southîampton, bais besun munk is collision widi the Britiâh steamer Crathie. bouud fs-rn Rottas-dam ton Aberdeen. Tisa exact Ios otlitas i nkuowa, but report bas lt Chat il mas ncr.r1y 400. About twentî are knomn 1a hava bean mares]. lTli disaster occurres] -betora tnyligist Weduiamdai morning, at nL peinut nseathinty miles tram lise Book et Boihant. ____ TTPuyStrike Bille, The Illinois Banate passai thtie mlitary bill itutroduceed by Benalor Littiar appro- ps-isting $.mt,21 ton tisa payiuent <ot claIms againat tisa itate contractait hi Chie mlhitia nhile on Joli during the Pullman strhke. Chairman Ingersoi, uot the Bouse Committee on MlIlitas-y Affairs, s-aponttashue saisie bibi tavorably te tise Bouse, and as ain amergency clause in attacheditCheienenuse wli hecomea awi within a teir days. Li e. ýa te Id ru Fe kt M .M )f kt st hÈasso taUa ta ass1 Shoots Six Mcaû, KihitugPour. Two ises coulis o! Millican, Taxas, William Vurd. îo wirsgon tise sec- lion. comtuenced sho-otiiog Chrougis the winstom o! tise ss-etiont-house, kiihing four mca ans] mousiding Cira. Be tisea set tire te tise bouse. bot Miss Rickas- put tise tiraeout. Atur Dr. Enres meut tamm ta examine tis e tns]ans] ausated ie i herse n-as stoleti tron tisafs-ont at tise bouse. Brouwer & Mcttomer SusPeai. Brouwer & McGowau, o! New- York, annunces] Chair aspsiit on tIse Stock Excisasge. Tisa liaisilities amunt te abot $400.00, prnscipulli tue ta tise sisninkagaetof ccurities iu masstfactu- ing ands] atier corporatsislu mhich tise fis-m i. largelyi lites-estes]. Deatis ef a Clicugon. A Cisicagoaui by tIse numaet Fitzger-ald] tics] at anaeofthtie prominent isotels ot the City ut Mexico ondes- suijuicious sur- îosussiiugs. Tise causse et his deat inl being invastigutas] h ie anthos-iti. AmoChes- Train Raid Up. A spastiai tisputch te eAssociatas] Preasssays a SoutisenPaeillc Cru a iras hait up and robiseitocam Wihcox, A. T. Tmaaty Staoes Barsui. Tiranty stores marc isusne t aICoati- cooke, Que.. Weslnestai nigist, cansing a tons of about $100.000. MEATE AND 'HOUSE.- WORK 0F OUR NATIONAL LAW- MAKERS. Bepsms.tatives - Important utmaý.d sud &Oted Upom..Oist o1 t», The National satans. Durlng the discussion of the curmency questian la the Senato Wednesday :Ir. Ve..t aald ha would falloir the Prem4dent'a lead ne longer. The Sanata retiled the Japanase treaîy efter adeptiag aa amen.- ment te stiike out tha teu-yesr huait. William R. Tibbals, oftIllinois, iras conl- fibeu by thea Senato aus uprvlis n spectar of steain vessaIs far the Flfth Des triaL. The Bouse enteras] an a discussion et the Pacflc Raslrosit bill, for whlch throe days was-o set spart. A bill fer 1he pnahshmozut ot train irreckera was on by the Bouse Canuitte. on luteastate Comzerca. Tho Chîcago postofilce bill wil ba favorably reportei ta thea enate ii dia provision for ls completion 4n dihra. yearxs émlttad. Pacifia Ralis-aad tundiag bill mas dis- cuse] lu dia Bouma 'lf'iursday ans] uucb opposition tte seanure mas davaioped. Gorman and I M ade streaucus efforts ta bav e aSenate lake nse m imediata action on the pressing fln4uciisl question. Itla ils] Germauy is dates-mIne ta torte a tas-ift %vur upon-dhe Unitedt Statua in or- dor Ce matiaty dia agricultumni pamty. But littia outaidaof routine business iras doua hn eitiser boute. Muni bille mare lateducedt ins ech brancs. Tiso Bouse Ftriday adoptas] a resuolton ca&ling ou the Pra-ident for iuf.srmatiuu coaceas-nng the action of Britiésh sub- iacta-dnnlug dia rabettion i la ail. Con- gresusaen Brackiuridgae, of Kentucky, .aud Bars-, et Missouri, cahies] euch other lias-s l ia lhe Hus a usmare causqesi te apolegize. Senatar 'relIer, reiaîsressnttnç dh iave 1elemno. gave waraing, ot ap- position teany tinaheli plais net agrrea- able te hlm. il is statasi semI-sdbîcsahIy dhat Secratary Carlisle mihi ha appointait to tiwSa uprame beach te surcaed Justice Jackson. An Omnihus bill for the pnYment o1 Sothera wmr cdaIm. ta the amOunt af $718,60W wam dafeâted in the Bouse Mon- day. A rale satting apcirt TuesdaY, Wed- nesday and Thursday for considaratian ofth ei urrancy bill iras adapteil hy the Bouse. Hairallan correspoadence sub rnlttad ta the Hanse shows Great Britaîn has net lnterfared with affaira ot the e- public. The Sanale pnssed dh ilblI taes- tablish a national inilitary park il Gat- tysburg, Ps., and il now goes ta dia Pres- Idant. The District of Columbia apprapria- tion bill was passsad by dthSeate Tuas- day. aller ameuidments ta cola thaOlilver saiguiorage and te issue bonde irare ruled eut. Maers. Mitchell and Barris hnd an altercation la the Sanale, in which dia irards "ungentlemnîîly" and 'coutemptl- ble" wara usad. Debate an dia currency bill was bagua ln the Hlopme. Mnr. Reed. wha offered a substituté, said the trou hIe vins causait hy insufficient revenue. SNOW IN THE WEST. A PIow Whlch Tackles BrifttaThîrI y Fact in Depth. Reports camne frarn the West of snoir- driftts on thse rallread avan the Bien% Mauntainm. whieh are said to ha tha heavi. est for yanrs. Hard l)aeked snow lien tram thirty to ifty feet deep, and it raquiras constant work with -noîr plows ta ana- ble trains ta get chrouth at aIl. Thea rotary plow in about the only thinor wblch dues really effective work, :hough tha TI= ROTARY ruLOW AT WORE. pnsh phov.s are usadinlu onjonction wuts dhem. Near a place caies] Dunsmuir ia a isuga Chicago-CaCCle, cemmea te prima, drft pa-' uiriy ira e anie.-.oi $3.75t~0a.l0; Iîegs, shipîing grades, $300la hde rai tise men attampt le maage @4I.50; shaep, fais- t0 choies, $2.00@4.50; bas-o. A number et engina. coupledtet- n-haut, No. 2 mret, 5095i1c; cern, Ne. 2, gedier ake a flying tart et about hait 41C«42c; onCe. No. 2, 2tY6Ci ILeNo.ataile at tCis s ank o! anoir. anit sieuh 2. W5i;2c; butter, cisoicecrecautary, 23@ force il off tisa Irack. Eveni CIme tisay 23iX2c; eggs, frasis, 28<e5c; potatees. cars- trika ilt ram Ina ltismheaetftiseniare lots. per bussiel,<itTc bus-led ont et sight in the difit. Tisa Iasianpois-Cattie, sîippiug, $fl others naeunceuplat unit back amssy. Tise 5.50; isogs, cheice ligist, $3 @Î4.50O; sheep, hunes] enguine ara thea itug out hy sesv- cemmsîn ta ps-ime, $2@4; miseat, Ne. aers.k Thei tissa coopte on tins] amohes- 2 rat, tll@52c; coon, No. 1 whrita, 400a-$nuit ls adue on dce drift. 40%4c; osta, No. 2 white, 32@3821W. St. Loui-CatCie, $3«~5.75; hogs, "3@ SOME NOTED MEN 4.50; misant, No. 2 s-ai, 50@lc; ces-a, Ne. 2, 88fl39c; oats, Na. 2, 29630c; sye, Who ihecame Panions ta Theis- Tounag- Ne. 2, 52tlijAc. ci- Bai-s Cincinnati-CatChe. $3Zf0@5.ilO; isga, Ilitt, the yeuuger, mas la Parllainent $350h.5:eep, $lla-450; miseat, No, t 1 2, 53@54c; comn, No. 2 mîtes], 42 at 21. nets, No. 2 mixait, 32Cü32i,4; r7e, Nô. 2, Edison was tamena for- bis Invenlolis 5l3ttrj5. iran 231 Detroit-Cnttle, $2.50@C5.50; hegi, $40 Gaitlbe discoveresltde Isochus-ÔistXice 4.50; sheep, $2e~.50; ubeat, No. 1 umîita, Ibe péatulum aut la) 54@55c; cor-n, No. 2 yaiium, 41@42c; Shakpema e ft sebeai at 14; Clay at eas, Ne. 2 irrita, 33«=luje; mie. No. 2, 14; John)Bs-lgit at 15. 51@iC8. Napoîen t 027 commandaithtis arnuy Toedo-Wheat, No 2 sadl, 52ff3c- t carna, No, 2 mixes], 4fflle; ot, N. 2la ltal. At Z5 mas Empaer. white, 32@331e; rye, No. 2, 52ffle. - Bacon mas a mambes- ef Pariamnlt BuffaI-Cattle, $2.5005.110; hoeu.P$o0at = ~at 26 ùeafet Is loation 4.50; mieep, $204.50; misait, No. 2 ses].Poe s a poat et 16; at 34 ha ms-oIe 57057W~; coma, Na. 2 yelleir. 45@«ke; The RaiaLa" Be dieu t ut38. esto, Ne. 2 white, 35035W~. Mtliauiee-Wiseet. Na. 2 sprlng, 51Qe Tennayson et 33 toek tisat hlgh sad 51%e, orSNe. % 48044e;oaisNo. 2, me« s ltae pSo h lubotM lbib testS. m.lle.8' ic;berley, Ne. 2Z 50u; xut rtpolTe . tl rye, No.e. 250 e; park, mens. SO.2M saerpiece, «Ibamatopsioa,mas pub. 9J& Nom Ter-Os$Ilo isv~s?~; hoX4 l.UOl i tr!m .andt mOsIeab ~E SU~DÂY AN INTrERESTINO AND IN8TR'UO TIVE LESSON. Kgefatas of s elotiat cbarSetD-' wbetsems Food for Thogt-SWlU, jth. BeUetpturu i Lessea 1alIisw«V Md md rttablr. Lemmon for Feb. 10. Goldenu Text-"It la net the wiii et YenM s-ather which ie in hearta, thst one 01 thase l1111e anas aboutît perieh."-bitt Christ and thaebuhldren ila esubJeet hi. %vack. Matt. 18: 1-14. Ina dis less liera stands a lîCtle chiut la the midat It in a wholasoma abject lemmon for thei Christian workcr. 1,et the imprassia that la made b; tha servant et the Lord lie always that et a little chlld l ins& mldat. Atter ail me araei-amy Mach lW fluanceil by the ntimospliare or teuiper. Asfter the mords hava passe], atter ths thougbt aud its uttemancc are gan, t*0 sirit et the word and lis decîsatios in left eblnd. The fluprassion ad#l, à& lent and mysteniaus. la the effective te. suitant et il mIL We maseespeakîngtuean uagacious business mian the otiser d«y about a notable pîsîpît arator. "Yas, sic quent," hc mald, "but emehoirbchaisoanm me teel mary and cautions, as diough I1- dared net trust hfia * trnte perradlng mennse ofnsincarity." Junet or njust. that Impression discountas] ail the god things saîd. Be careful about the apIiI tua] aimasphare; Chat 19. about thse beat "Who is the greaqtet?" It la ual hs languagaetofCanaaun. The duel le&" net yat leamnas] the vocabuinry or ths thamght efthtie kinguhom. "Wbouoer shall bumbla--the saine ln gratot. Lowet-iighst.The-word hu mbloit~ erilly mans te baud lor. it doe ne man lack et spirit. os- absenîce et force and tire. Strength il laItisGod-Ilhke. l means tbe aurrender of eus- slrangth tu a highes- powr,sud the meaing et our mtrangt1à. or rather. the flnding'et our etrasigtbin hie. To iveaail tuoGod lest lova ail ot Goil. "Whosoavar shalh vs- celva ane sucb littîs child la my !am raeei,-ath me." And] are tIsai no nain te hlm as thal? Itather are ire en nesi? *Evldenlly Christ camas for thaelîttle unes, dia litle. haîplass, unthlnkîng anes. Why, te cira, lu bis nains, ton lham in tu cmr ton hlm! Withanl itoubt (*e Mark 9: 86 tht. iras but s babe, an Innocent trnstlag baba. Thay ire ail Chus-st'. through tb. ebaddlng of bis prerlons bloond, and te be good to them for tu begood te hlm. Maine anaemaid. "Wlieaevar yoa lay yeîur band ou a chiltd'lihad you am. laylug Il on liCs nothar't; he&nt" And ou Christ*@, ton. Andt uoi ha tur-ns toaspeak of on.eto thasa littlaeuoes, growing up lIe chiu& lika trust lu hlm. Te "attend" sncb or causa such ta stumlsband faîl away frocs thair simple chlld-like confidence in the. wonst cf sin@. ludeait, thera La aoting sadsler than ta sep the antlass tt of childhood yleldlng rth# .galle 1n-eoi af eau-lb and 1Cm taIse counsal.Z Wh to camnes betiean un ans] the simple talUs et chuidhood, ha Il handt or fout or oye, - migbt wel clihaîlucked away, radier isan that ire abauls loue the svreatuas. et snck as-hilova and confidanc. Andi, yat, mememben, illa th i es«t lut ar-e eas],diese only. And n. se, Maia et tise hitîla anas, Christ ssysut ues, *'The Son et Mua la camec ta sare liat irbicli ias test." It chlld sireet- ne.. thiat savs-e, nom aduit anestnum.& It in tise bloos] et Christ. 1'ar that ho came intoise monts]; ton Chat ha ta mIii abrosd la the womld; like a goosl shephard, saaking te saeanul miiling tisaI eny shosîs] îwmssh. Gire aillte him: give yeur- sel f. .Hint. andi IîInatrntiOu«. Do n-bat Jeans dope luIb is Sculptuire, set a little s-bus] in the midet. Stody thît teoiperment Pnd disposition n-hich Je noîst coudos-ive to religions impsressioa, genllencos. hiublen,'ss. aiucerity, simple neps, tht-se are the strongest uttributes for iraîl-doing. Of (.(s] himscît il la salud - "Thy geuîticucgs bath matde me gi-at To ha strong ai,,) yet gentle. to eagi-ast ans] goos], these are the qîsalitias of die highest hcîîîfulnuss. Be troc te tIse cen. traIl houghl and] motiva of the kingiteai simple kinduasa and weil-doing. The Bunday achool tache- requirs-as hia spirit A 11111e chits] lu Ihair unidet meas mucb of patient maeekusess when thinge go wnong, ans]kit is te littIe chils] In their midet, apparent Ca pîspits and] att, la the Ceuichae'<lemeanon, Clint mat at lat n-heu al] olîer thîngs fail. XC la catalnly the spinit ferthe scholar. Tobhasdisciple on a learner one munst fisat bacame e as litIle child. It ist hie stuitant spirit. pro- emlutientiy sp. And someboir Chia decile, chiid-Iika disposition islccmpliàbas ne- suits bayond ail expactation. It i. as e chls] thîntoeaentera dia door- way et the kingdom. *"Except ye hb- conrarted ans] hacoma as hittiee blhdrea." Thay askad the hittie anaeirbat madea hlm Chink Clint the great God moulut care tor auch a littie Ching as she. "Hoa«s ho wilI, ans] that'sa naugh," ias di.- nepty. Takre bimtaie bsord, trust hlm for hi.s gmaca. Ham in thesa maiinCa Chie gatas. "Be genîha, it is batte-Ja-r To mide hi love thian fean." Naxt lesson-"Tba ees] dSamarita. Luke 10: 25-37. Pige and] Thtsttein Ncotbing but constant trust In GoG cati gîve ne perfect s-est. Tise devil la ganerahy close by irbea u tse prachen tradas herses. Tt la nettChie hast drink tuat malie te di unkard, but thea first t The Important tbing la net hom long Nçe are going Ca hive, but hem. Whcii ion go ta chus-ch teups-ny fer.& revival, don't do Il on a baci smat The devll'a principal mark In te make twrong people think they are right. Gol paver seads danger te eiiy D=R ta, iboi bchbas net fis-st gîvan coquaga., Wben you meut s frash ble.iig. gtI li ti p il fi b tl Il 1

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