Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 8 Feb 1895, p. 5

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'3MA A, Story Wi by Edv r CHAPTERhI.-ContIuc JaCk Dalton fonnd bimself - - oorfortable position Ha prenud man. aud irben lad i Mt he bad fallen lu love : ..vUthy iroman le bad dater keSp svay frorn dia objeet oe plamed affection. Ha and b. had luberited, an lucoma of? 000 a yaar apieca-aiiough veants of a bachebor, but a ver iolindaton upos wlîch tue h moulai expensas. lova lutiti manthe da"s la obliged to confo to the exigencies begetien by1 gromers, gui canipaules, sudi lsd Dalton 'vas irise enougi 1» tha tv ould be caIIed a hiter If ha sbould ask Vermi -- for lier baud. Tius hIras ti lnclined tas eject bis brother thon sud place bibi pride lun n -- JeopamdY. But Nail looked @ soate, dia office seeimed mo g Mertahnface,.<eur te bis eMiled no aweetiy-lu short, hi bh» many a proud mati bel( Dato's tUne, and slloned m to, gain a vittory ovar judgmt 'We'l stopl ai dia Univerit moment," reiaitim' heiayouni S ater diey lad deseriod tbeü left my cane tiare ait niglita te gai IL- "Hello, Jack! Hlello, Ned!' YOUug man, as ticy enieradt "Hava YOD beard dia naus ai Marudlen girl?"' "N, nswered Jack, mthuy tily. "Wtbat tlait?"crled Ned, liug 'Tbey have bust ail their no "Nor, "Te," added anoiber ardut Whlo lad joincd the group.11 Iloas ail gane lu a siso-ulution.1 trustee, sou kutow; sudden i securities simd ail tdiai.Toi& * TlWY Dallons iaft the club hi Tbey looked more chéeerflhii tley lad entèred ht, but tiere «xPression of parpiexity lu la] 'Shah uce go sud show them ymnpallmticni, Jack 7" "Tlm'd cousider yen ati imple If yon <id. Do't be a S Keep quiet a moment Iv TIey irsiked uD ibm avent rapti gait, Nsd memanngi ae dalintde i, old man," re Jack.tar a.Uie. "Atjhrsti tise loua of tdiîr mouey puti phaseon ibe casa; but h doaîi «Wn' ask girls vbo hava ke to luknry te ubare our poverty. a sentimental stsndpolnt irea btter position than n-e were but praciicaiiy our ituation vorse dian l iras. 1 i hil mîglit maka n bit." He lad ie Ing tu hiniseif, uîitmummmful it lteniug to Min losoIs. "What play?-' asked tice man. sbarply. Jack urne-I nî'î, tan toirued, tlivu lauglied outrigi "l'Il read li to you to-niorn man. 1 didim't mnenu la let yo about IL. "Neyer tund. .Jack; lilI fomgi Thbm factI l, I've beau ivnitiimg myseîf iils ym-r. W'lhold quest aithile offlîe nth tu îuomn PausJndgmneui <sueaclm altlier' By Java, aid fehion-.lit 'ouidh If our iack of clients bai reall -. un la good >;te.aîk" Then> thay returued tle el aie a railîci'bî-nity dinner, con. the tact iîtht teyn-ena' loth love sud toi) Isor to marry. CHAI'iEltIII.-POUR SCC DUtELS. À few erclilugs after thae et eerded ln the lait cliapter Hai ton and Clarence 'amie met ait Nîcholas Club and bored eacu for bait an Ih'.ir afier <muner. "I uudemstiid you are gmoni Who eSCap(,d," reuanked Ail paie, base nian, youuger Il looked.. "Yms" returncd Vane, a air haudisome blonde, sud oua o? il a Iresad men lu thse city,"and y are to ha cougratubsted, are yoi 'Yes-I believe I dld loe in, one evenlug sud propose to Var hoir <Id dicy manage in drop îllng ai once? 1 do't quire stand t" "Nalher do L But they ara bq pennibesa. Their quiht bas t ieir boumeansd i-ihlaitibeai little pocket mouay noir sud th "Il'. really tougb. Nice gIr' not ot ail baild iooking. -As Vane bail beard Ashie sonune.thdialMuîsdelaum. u urÉ vesidi tue inloiuest wmi York bild ever seau, titis faint * amused lita. Goid adds vasi *wotnan's beauiy ha the oyezso men. "Wbhat shah ire do to-nighi? ',-Vasne, sipplng a liqueur. - '¶ den't care. i'm tiraI od nitalking nonseuse. 1 have,' m n RSDEN TWINS, riten orThis Paper Vard S. Van Zile. iued. dia harnoAhc aud atIlstlc autertali luI an un~- meut furmlsbad by dia cron-dad stage iras a Ha almoot deiermnnad tenaka tbe sa dlicovered quainiauce o? île prima donnan'bosî ,e vîtb a figura Pîeasaed bis Jaded eya. mlned to A@ tbey sut aliauiby overlooklug th( ? hils mie- audience ai tic end of td i rsi aci,a ls brodher donversation golng an lu the naxt ho] abu $4, atiracted Vaum'a atention_ 1for the "I tell you I kuov ail about i,"1 saidà ýry sendaz' deep, fin volca. "Tbay have uot hosi ase matin- cent It'B all s bluff. MY inather kuoui hse nuro- ibeir aunt very Weil, sud I hava heurt. ,Oru Ilf eimd ibm detais ofdthen'hole achame. butcbems. bm girls got tirad of hahug prcposed to servants. by Tom, Dlck sud Harry sud decided h te reul- te test tbe shncarty cf tlair suhtors. a fortune. -?e'" i Marsden "'Zut lu a vare prauiy pot," commnt-i âat ha faIt d a voice hch sunded io l'aue 1ke aà sngges- CoUni Knvinsky. .0 furthar "Yes," couinuud the other, "sud it so dison- las workcd te perfection, for uobody gloomy, a bas leen umar dia ghrls for Bavera1 memor, daya. Noir, tbey bave un-arn to ac- he felai capt the frat men n-ho propose te dier fore jack lu ibeir alleged poveriy. I tel son dli sentiment Oui Of pure frlandsiîip. You cau have ut. One o? iben; l'il 18km the other.1 ty Club a do't cae fbîio than you choose. liter mari, Thay a1 .IWrth about onle uio offic. 'ï apieceansd are equally good ooking. and vaut I'd advlae yeîm te go to then ealy te. mormon-. Our disIntemesied loyalry crled a to thern lu their hour o? afilctlon vil] the club. be fulby en'rdad. Comprenez?" <bouttde "'uIly. Za outlook ces deligbtful.1 Ilîl take zea fair Vers, irbo refusai 'r baugli- ne zea oxier ulgît Ea zat satiafa tomre to sou. Monsieur Weldau '" uetuously. "Pmrfecdly.", Oney. , Here dia orchestra drowned the cou versation sud Vane setied back in Pdl youtb. is chair mil a sarcasulc a@mile on biis Tiro mil- baudsomne face. During thea D ali Itecides our lie reiated ibm acharna le bat sump lu overbeard te Ashton, igb, lan'î "Wbat shah ire do about lt?" asked l'ana. umnldly. "GO to diem ut once and reneir oui ia hnsuit." irwas an "Agrel." ,k'u eys ibey hurrlid from the bouse, an- ula aetred a csh sud eachailthee Marsilen nieaamausion in a feir moments.."The tbetlcslly ladies are out Tour carda, pieuse."1 a cîurnp. abmhe oung men rusbad doivu the munt tosteps ulItoui handlng ileir carda to tia servant Tley mare Pemlexeil sud le ut a snnoymd. Thay kuew tdat Weldon anui)bai sud Kovlnsky ivere smang tbe moi unscnipulcus men lu dia citY sud 'emarkail nould 18km île vary etniieni adysu- lhougbt tage ou dhe mormon- O? the kuovladge a htter tbey poasessed. n't. We "The situation ha mai ibtis." said ee une Vane as diey re-entermil their cab. y. Fromu "If ail four o? ns go te dhe Maradeu's arc lua a to-momoir day wmli suspect thut tdiu ebefore; achema las laskcd ont. Four of ius la aven are lu poss8essi12Onfotib secret. Ta mY play naka It avalluble oniy two rau make i-utalk- use of h. Suppose n-a ruai au equal Ne'd n-as chance lu tbe mauter sud pince the is- sue ou carda or <ice. We'ilI oIn W'ab- sounger (Ion aud Kovlnsky; tel ibeain'a kuon- about their plot, sud offer ibem a faim flimered, shake for ihe stakes. lVhat say son?"- 1 . "I see nthlug alite ta dIo," auswereul ro,ir 01< Ashton afier a short pause. "Go hack ou knon to lie ('asino, driver." They found Weldon and Koviusky ,ve y6Ti. suîoklng cigarettes lu tie foyer. a novel 'A irord nitb yen. Weldou," said d au n- li-ane. Ashton engagc'd the Count Ini iung, andi comnversation, s nark. 'Look bt-me, W'eldon. Tic Mfarsden be qîeer girls halvea ualolst tîcu n ouy."1 ly stood '*No?" Welou, a middia-aged in wtiligray hmin sud black musUtcie, lub aud knocked tic asies off bils cigarette siiemiîg cainîs. He iad bait colon for au la- deep hn stant, hoirever. "No. ihey slmply wish te pick the uheep fomub e goats. 1 sec sou are OUN- uot uurprlsed. Noir ibere are ols four man lu thcen-orid Whto kuowavthis -Ashton, Kovinsky, yourself sud my- -cuis e- self.", ry Ash- "Indeed? And w-lai are you drlvlng ,t the St ni. Vane?" eh odier "Just tiIs. mn-o of us.unernbarrassed ng those b)y rivais irould be certain o? wnunlng shoathe beirasses. ibena tvouid ha no abion, e <-liantecfor any one o? île four if n-a :lu eal uailed lu. Noiv, Ashton sud I pro- riklngly pose that n'a tous up for dia chance. tha hast- Süe? It's dia fairesin'sy, sud tde you sîso tira nha base raui confori ulemaselves su noV" wth the ahuglît ibat daey lad jus- îy be-id-,tie fnot uck." nsa. But ll'uldon's brun- nas black wlii dis- p evary- content, but ha iras irise eneugb te cunujar- secta a sI.woager a-ouid do him no goal. Ha lad been caugltinl a trup said to anti ias obllged to acapt Vaue's bouglît !e'tarins. o s E' CHAPTER IV.-iWO WINNERS. 'in sure 1 don'i lika hi," exclaluîed M arlou peiuiuntby, as sbe ibren- downn ai novel mie lad becu imyling lu vain toy# rend sud ioolulng ut 1er isior crosuly. "Wbat do't you like?"askad Vers gautly. "Tour book?" "No-our sahane, itvas ail vers n-ahI to talk about aeparatlng ibm alcop fron the goats, but-but tIare n-mme no sbeep."l (Ta be continuel.) Mghi liqka H- Cs'ookel. "lWe ladt btter n'atch dia bookkemper a 1111e," salIdiahe senior partner. "Ha. lias been buyhng a bicycle." - "But Ion eau hardy cmii lIat au ex. trtyarauce," salI ibm junior patiez'. - *'Si buti t 15la llyto makei., t At that time metrônoUtan chftMi had gone wIld over a new game.of dice. It censisted ln tbree throws oi three places, the effort of the playeid being to score, If possible, the numbei 66 On bis frst throw hoe could piacý one, two or threc dice lu any position tbat hie chose. If ie left one place on the table It nmuet represent unit», teu or biundreds. Ha then threw agalu and placed the two remaining dieIla the ulost desirable juxtaposition. If oulY one of thein bore on lis face a bigli figure, lie tbrew a ibîrd tImý -wlth onea liece In thee hope of turnlng *UP a six. It was on thls gaine that thei *adveuîurers ln Couat Koviusky's e oMin declded to rbik the bappinaus of the Marsdeu twins. e The-champagne liad corne, and atter 1 they had di-unki Vane iook the dîce box and opened the gaine. On bis irut throw hie tmmcd up a Oive, a four and *a tWo. He piaced the five ln tbe place of nuits and put ihe remaining dIce *ln the shaker. Throwiug again, ha obtainad a six and a two. Ha put the six spot ln the place of hundreds and threw for the last Urne. The resuit was a four spot, maklug bis score 04&. "*Zat la a vare good record," remark- ed Kovinsky, draiulng his glasasfier- vousiy. Vanle calmly iigbted a cigarette aud bandad the <ice-box to Weldon. Weldon was agitated. Ha was an older man than his companions and, lu a general way, more of a scoundral, but lie had not gained full coutrol of bis teniper since bis conversation wlth Vana and bis lips ireinbied peroeptlhly as lie sbook up tbe lvomy cubes, Hie firot throw resulied ln notiling more encouragIng than a one-spot, a dela n ;ud ,trey. *'Damn 'em,"l lie exciaimed, ratUling the dice langrlly. He thmew tbree of, thain agaîn aud was rewarded wiih three Oives. He iaft iwo Oives on the 'table and on bis tbIrd throw turned up a sir. Hla score stood 655. "Zoe outlook Io vame dlscouragiug," remarked Kovtnsky. as lie iook the dice-tiox froin Weldon, upon wbose face a tiumphaut saille had played for a moment "Monsieur Ashton and my- self stand vare leetie show for zee faim Marudens." The Couut'u Oirsi two tbrows lefi hlm witb Oifty-five on the table. He bad a chance te île Weidon, but fortune dld Dot favor hlm and lie sank back tn bis chair with au expression of annoyanca on bis face. "Confound zee dico," lie exclimed, pourlng out a glass of champagne froin tha cooler ai the sida of bis chair. "Zoo Miaradena wll nevare know how iuucb Zay losi by My lasi throw." Even ai tiii soiemu moment bis e- mark caused a generai laugh, and Ashi- ton iook the shaker ln a confident way. Hiem Orsi throw gave him a slx,a threa and a two. He placed the six-spot lu the place of hundreds aud threw again, obtainiug a four and an aee. He beai. taied a long tune. Should lie put the four-spot ln the place ofunuits or tous" Fi'nalliylha chose to leave hIt n tbe coi- uma of teu; and, tbrowing agaln tur- ed up a Ove. He and V'sne ware tied. The score stood as follows: Vane,645; Weldon, (355; Kovinsky, 3M5; Ashton, 645. "I'm oui of eet." crled ihe Count. who began to show tbe influenceP of excite-1 ment aud champagne. "We'il bave to throw off, V'ane," re- msrked Asbton. "But hear ln mmnd, gentlemen." said Weldon,terniy."that yoîîr scttlemeut of the tic does fDot affect my score." "W'c understand ibat," answvere<lt Vaue, suiienly. He wvis flot pleased ai Wednsvroy Vane shook the dice agaln, and on1 lis firsi throw obtainetl two sixes,t wbicb, of course, lie plared as huadreds and tenu. On bis second casi lie tbrew8 a douce, maklng is score RU42. "Thiats bhard to beat, old man," re-1 marked Ashton, taking tie box. A trev, an nee and a four spot resulted froit lits Oirsi effort. I "l'in beaten anyway," lie exclaînie<l,e leavlng the four-sp(;t in the piace of e units. Then lie ibrew an ace and a six- spot. «"Zat ocoks betiare."murmnired Kov- lusky. "One more six wiii feex Mon- sieur Vane." As bie spoke tbe six-spot turned up, i and Asbton was a wlnner, lavingv score 6634.1 "I believe iliai seutles ht, gen2tlenien.,"0 rcinark-ed Weldon. l'Permîi me io or- der some more champagne. As I uiider- stand h., Ashton and tuyself are to baven a clear field lu ibis affair? Arn 1 righit?" "Zat vas zee agreement, as I under- b stand zee nîaiiare,"answered Kovin- t, sky.1 "You arc right," said V'ane. ubortly. c "Permit me to bld you good-nigbit." "But won't you waii for another bot-t tlel' asked Weldon, politely. b "N* thanks. I must burry off." 0 In auother moment Vane was ln tbe h street. He was the ouly one of the C quartette wbo feit that lie bad acted ir like a blackguard, andtiîs feeling on 1 bis part was not wholly oiving to the W TALMAOES S ERMO 0N. PREACIIES AN ELOQUENT DIS- COURSE ON" OPPORTUNSTV." The Chance thut Nevçr Comas the Second Time-Beeneo f Comunan- chai, Lierary snd Polttcal Succais- Oreaiest oAli Opportinhies, Iu the Nick cf VTne. 11ev. Dr. Talmage agalu founîl immuait fmîciUg a vent audience ai ibe New Vork Acadamy of lflusic Sndny afiernoon, nahile thotionnds murged amonnd the eu- trances unable ta gain admission. Tbm Acsdamy wag crowded sbortly afier 3 *'ciock, sud tbm preliminary service o? soug wau pariicipatidlui b he t ironga ilmat filledibmth corridors sud hy many of tbose ai ibm dooru on bath Irving place aud hlourieentb sîrmet us well. Tib. dis- linguishad divine teck for bis anbject "Opportuniiy," ibm taxi selecled beiug Galatiana vi, 10, "Ausire have tiarafore OPPortunity. iei us do good." What Je an opportuuuty? ibm lexhcog- rapher would cooliy tell yon it la a con- nction of favorable circumistsue for accompliahing n piîrpoaa. but worda can- Bat tell wlmat it ia. Takeas thnusand ymars to manufacture s demdnition, sud )OU Could net muccessfulhy deucriba ht. Opporiunity! ibem asuring rod with Inhich tic augal o? thie Apocalypse mniis- timmd heaven could net measure ibis Pivotai word o? my taxi. Stand on the edge of ibm pradipice of ai lime sud lai down the fatbomîug lina baudunder baud sud bowr down sud hower dowu sud for a quintillion o? years liat sink sud the laud n-l flot sirika bottom. Op- PortunitY! But wiile 1 do net attempt ho measure or dafine tha word 1 will, Gad -helpiug me, take ibe respesbàiy o? tatl- ing sou somathing about apportuuhty. .Firat tluai very swift lu lia motions. sometimes within oua minute il qants front ibm ibrone a? God, sweeps around dia earth sud reascenda ibe ibrona front %bich it stariad. Withiu less. dan sixty seconds lis fulfihia ils mission. . lu the second place oppotunity neyer comaes back. Perbaps an opportunity vary rnnch like it may arrive, but ilai one. neyer. Naturalists telln o? husecis %vhich are bomu, fuihill ibair mission sud expire lu an hour, but many opporinul- ties dia un anon aftem uiey are bora ibai their brevity o? life la incalculable. Wbai ainsi amazes me la thai oppartunluies do sucb ovmrsbadown-ig, farraaching sud tremandous work in uucb short earthly eilowanca. Von are s business man o? large axperiance. Tbm pasi eightaan mnthebahave beau bard on business men. A Young marchant ea ie ists' end came ite your office or your bouse, sud sou Raid: "Times are bardl now, but httar days will coma. I have seau thinga as baid or n'arse, but n-e got oui, sud we will get ont o? ibis. ibm brigbtesi day. ihai this country aver 55w ara yeitatecoma." Tbm Young man te whom yen laid that vas raady for suicide or somathiug irorse -nanely a fraundaient teiinta gmt eut cf bis daapshrfui position. Your bopefuluess inspirad hlm for ail] tinta, and tbiriy 7mars afier rau ara desd lha will ha reaplug ibm adi antaga of yanr optimisai. Your oppor- tunity <o do thai ana ihing for that youug man n-as net hl as long as ihiLime I bave taken <o rebeanse it The Lebeauon uhibmFan Wagon. ibm day I lefi our country home ta look after mysaîf we roda acroa ibmcouutry, sud my fathar s driviug. O? course I said uothiug tînt impliad tmow I fait. But there are hundreds o? man bera irbofren thair own axpanienca knaw bow 1 feli. Ai sticl a time a young man mnay h bpeful sud aveu impatient to gatinto tbm battle o? life for himseif, but ta leave the homne- shasd wbcra avarything bas beau doue for yan. your fathiar or aider brothera taking your parutulien yon wcre imuposcd on by hargar boys, sud your motier sîn-nys -tround, in-lien you cul itbe eold, ivitiîuis- taîrd applications for theien~ho-t, or herli les CO maka sou unent off the fever, snd sîveat mixtures lu the cul) iy the iad to stop the couigli.lukinig monietimes fao nucli O? it bc-causa lu Mns Phmasalîb to taka. simd <heu le go oui. witit no oue la stand haîween sou sud tiheîvonld, gives one a cbakiag sersation at lie lIront ,tnd a boiiiesiek- nqss hafame you hava gatt ilremiles awny fron tih old folks. Tuera o-as on he leihy 1 spoka o? a silence for a long wmihle, anid ieu my fuiber began tetae<ll botegood tbe Lord bmnd beeu la buîîî in siekueuss nd ln beah, sud o-len uies o? iardsbip caime boteProvidenice lînd alo-nys provid- ch the means of livalhood for thie large household, sud haen-ouild tmp by 5a3 iig, 'De W~itt, 1 bave nl1wnys foiid i(_t Rave ta rui îlteLord." My fatierlisbren di-a«d tirity ycars, but ini ail bhe crises oif niy ife-nand tbere have bei-n uauy o? tieni- [ bave feltutie migity booit o? ibat lesson in the fara ag on, "De WVitt, I bave ah- Rays fcuud it sifa ta trust the Loril." The facit ws ny father sawtl iat wsis îr-portuity, aud bli mproved ih. ibis is oua tenson wiîy I am an entu- 'lustie friend o? ail Younig Meii's ('is-4 tiait Associabions. ihey gai iold o? sa I îaiy young men jîîst arriving in the city uil vila tbey are very impressionaale,q and it is tha ein oppornity. Why, be-v, uig ibe boumss cokad t<lus s n-e Oit eu-d mmmed the greai city. and go many peopale! h it smemadmne meeting muet bava just i elosad toe01 li e atreets lu thai n-ny, and1 heun bbc big placardls anoîncing ail stylesj of amusements anal go nisuy o? thinou lie samne night sud erary iight ufbr our boyliood bad hîmen spe inluri-gions o-lera only once or twica lu a n-hale year theme1 had bacuan enierlalument lu scioolhouaes 1 or churcli. ihat la tie oppoi'tnty. Start i liai innocent yaunmn in tie rîght di-e r-etion. Six teeks aflar «-ilie haueolaie. 'j 'ahi me n-but stici a Young mian doeu c -;ti bis Orifsi;_-eau Licgra--hy vergue Smihaon wan ici b. trmd, sud h speech tbat day opaued pi avenues i mucces. Thai was Lord Eldon'a oppo iuuity. William H. Seward was givan hy h father a thouaand dollars to gmt a cc legiate educaion. That monay gnon gon bis faiher ssmd "Now you muai figlit yoi own way." #Ïnd ha did, until guberni tonl chair and United States senatori chair were hie, wih a righi 40 tbe pnres dantial chair, if ihe meanass of Amer can politicu bail not qwiudied hlm oui IL The day when bis faiber ioid hlm I fighi bis own way was William Hl. Se%, ard's opportuuity. John Henry 2Y!tvmai hacamed a wbole week lu an orange hoî lu the strait of Bonifacio, wrote bis lu morai hymn, "Laad, Kindiy Lîglit. That was John Henry Newmau'o oppo tunity. You know Kirk White's immo tai hymn, "When Marshaiad on thm Nigbtly Plain." Ha wrotim hin a bo. by a lantaru on a stormy night as ha j mailing sloug a rocky coahr- That wm Kirk White's opportunity. The Importance of making ibe mont ollportunities as ihay prescrit ihaisevu ia acknowledged lu a other direciioni Why net lu the matiar of uïafuinems The diffarmuca of usefuinesa of gond me sud womeis le not no mucli the differenc lu brain or social position or wealih, ii in aquiulmeni of Chnîstian commun senaé ta know Just the tine whea to say th r.ghi word or do the night tilg. Ther ore good people wbo can alwsys ha di î'eiîded on to say the right thing ait thi wroug tune. A marchant selliug good avenr the confluer ta a wily custamer wb itouid like ta gai them ai lema than cogité rsilroad conducior wbule taking up th tickets from passengers who wani i work off a iast years paso or gai throug at haif raie a chiid fui-ly gmown, a honsi keeper iryiug to Cai the table raady L iiu for guasts, aithougli the oven ha failed ta do isa *ork, sud the grocer ha, inegleeted-to-fli -the order g1vèh 'hlm- those are nôt opportunitias for religion addrfss. Do Dot rush up te a man lu th~ huiat part cf the day, aud wheu a bal dozen people are waiting for hlm, sud asi "Uow ls your soui?" But there ar pieniy of fit occasions. I will point ou nome of ibe opportunities. When a mot in ln bereavemeni la ibthstrntie o ta of gospel consolation sud heaieuly jru union. Wbcn n man has ]oat bis propnt., ln the hast Urne to ialk to hum o? heaveni; inheriances that can neyer ha levied ou WVhen ana in sick in the hast lime to tali to hlm about the supemnatural latitude i %%hbld unhath la an împossibllity. Wheî tha Hoiy Spirit la moving on a communi iY is the hast trne to tell a mas ha ough- ta ha savad. By a word, hy a salle, hi n look, hy a, prayar, the work may ha @( tiîoroughly doue that aill teruiiy cannai unda h. As tbe harp was iuveuted frou hearing the iwang of the howstring, ai the law of gravitation n'as snggested h] the fali of au apple, as the order InuIndic for the use of a greased cartridge @iatort ihe mutiuy o? 1857 whicl appallad ith nations, so somathing Insignificanl ma3 open tbe door for greai nesulis. Be on thq waich. Itmray halaidnass; Ilmaybhas bormor, but it will ha an opportunity. A ciiy nmissionsry lu the iower parts oh thec.dity foruid s young womnan luwreich edriuans in. He aald, "Why do yot not go home?" She said, "They svoulÉ not raceive me ait home." Ha suid, "Wbai in your faiher'a nome, aud whera dom. bu lire?" Having obtained the sddress and n ritien to the faiher, tbe city missionirny gtai sreplY, ou the outaida of ihe lattai the wvord 'immediata" underseorsd.XIl was ihe heartiesi possible invitation foi the wanderar to comas home. That wam tha City miasiouary'a opportuniîy. And iliene are opportunities ail about yen, and aui iren t ïitten by the baud of thm God who will blas yensud biens those n-bom you halp, lu capitala o? ligbt, the word "immadiste." The Glorlous Now. But ibare la Oua opportniuiy uo much brigliter thon any ',thar, go mucli more inviliug sud no superior to ail others ihat there nre innuniaribla finger a iuting te it, aud it laelialoed wvith a gios'y aIl lis own. h in YOurs! It la mine! Iula inte mresent boum. It la the now. We shahl ucier have il again. While I speak sud you lisien the opporiunity in rastiess as if ta ha gafle. You canuot chain it down. Yeti canuot imprison i. Yeu cannot miaka it stay. Ail its pulses ara tlimobbing with a baste ichat L'anai ha hindered or coîîtrolled. It in ithe opporiuuity of invi- tation on my part sud acceptance on your part. The door of tia palace o? <jodls mercy la wida open. (Io la. Sir Èlovi and ha kingusuad queans duta God forever. "Wel," you Bay, *"I am neut readly." Yon are ready. "Are yon a sin- iier" " Vas." "Do you want ta ha savLd xiow sud forever?" "Yps." "Do yon believe that Christ lu able and n'illing to (Io ibe work?" "Ves." Then yon are savcd. Vou are inside ibm palace door of God's marey alreaîly. Von look cha-iged. Yti are cbanged. "Hailelujali. 'tiu douie!" Did you ever seeanyihing doua no qnick' y? Invitation offered sud acceptad lui as onbtun s minute by my wvateb or that elock. Sur Edward Cressy wrote a book called "The Fifteen Decisive Boulesa of tie WVorld. from Marathon ta W"aterloo."1 But the mont decisive battie tirait you wîll evem fight, sud tha gratest victory yen will ever gain, lu ibis moment wban sou coînquer first rourseif sud thon ail lie hindering miyrmidons of perdition hy gay. iiig. "lLord Jaus, blieam unudone sund heîpleas, to ba aaved hy ihee sud ibm. îlonie." Thut muakes s panic in hall. That malien caiebration lunlicavan. Opportu- ilily! ou tbe llth <of Jauuary, 1866, a collier hrig rau inca ibe rocks riear almer beadi, Engiand. Simon Pritchard. stand- îig ou the beach, tbrew off bis cent and said, "Who will balp me save chat craw?" E'wcuty men shoutad, "I1 will!" thougli 'îily seven were needad. Through the awfîii surf the boat daahad, sud lu ff- has tien, %an, i ha" of notl" "Whst la htmr @a r- llng. The answer vas, YOD rMay ail bave 1 1 , o la pea. vithi the voit, POamew AI- a peace tt ait ibe assagnt, > le sud ail ihe bombard.mnte é ir luierfere with. aiOpporinnîtyl Under lhe. rmk, i- sPiendid word lutihau i- lîrarers peai to itheadoaaà Of triumph o? ibm gospýfel.0-0 by o£ fa huudred ach. . Go b, a- ionsaud ach, ibm agel esip î, staff, ibm mîddlm aged tbrowiK at hurdeus as they pais and b 1- have tbeir preseut loy. :." More gioriolnu satisfaction. S- ibm thekingdom! Ausol00Eas r- the dividiug lina ibare wiii be ae ail tmp sud down uti.heat h it crovined immortels viii look s cheer. Jeasao? the maay esý .ls Joice ai ibe rasuit of bis .artjdi.. Oices. Deparied saints viii b. ot that iheir prayars areas es orden will ha givan for ithes a. banquet ai which yonIi ib ? ored guesi. Prom thm imperla n the wneatbs vili ha twistaI 1 ce brow, sud from the ýaUs t teof s it the harpera villi hrlg thelr bsvpW e, trumpeters iheir trunipete, 0»M le sud down ihe amaibystine rheibmcasties sud lu ail the zoom»O - bouse o? many mansions t viliilb. le ovea' with holy gime that ibis d"y, sa one plain man stood on tlhe oe ibis vagi building glving tbheoq s au assemblage made Dp frons ail ae theeari and piidupn tbsàs to chose Christ as ibeir portion ýh for beavea as thair evrlota L-Ring ail thé bells o? heaven at a ingsl Strike ail ibm cymbale aet the' sa 'Wavm aH ihe palmo brsahes at île' Al umpb! Vicioryl Vict sLa MRS. SAGES PARROT.« te- If An Intereting Ei~i af Vawiel" k. verationtil abIiis - ýe In die front wlnîov of Miii it Sag'. private sitting-rooia ilio lu a gilded cagq a big gres mra etulange. Iu dia momning. w SSagm's buir-dresser Yii"a Iur ao&# r site amas er butcher andbaluer iI icandis makmr, thm parrou pes k cording to s voman reportterW"~ n Mms.Sage eai ib i ure-lae it' ibuainesaluke. Hia mornlngua erally rendered, la .11e ibis: it "W ha, vh , w oppsy 47"m Iuuj Shut upi Blut upi @butiupl ,tWha, Wba, wboppsey ilm tai; a Coma upl Cone upi «Mmejw ý à In dia aftemnoon wvîmmi M. Y meeting ibm dîrectors of tihé i Hospital, or le cosrerrtug w Daugbters ofthibem R.voluln1w eing arrangements for'tU ii ard Sge dormitory of thse Mm ndSeminary of Troy Ibo changes tte t oleio tP » suad benavolent atrans 4 'Owa, O4oa, g d To-day! To-dayl To-Iyl- In die evening vben Ume Gould and hua'young fr$m*l tJoying oua of their deIIgI .4-=" a let bospitable aga MU.à=*7 8wlan dia Wall strae mmmb U ln formaily tu pay ihaur rsio eldesi mme ' o? île ebms Parrot raisas hie voice.sse stobe halow attira lu île drawlgn J mndars llnis inosi planing tem "How de do? How de dol? 1Corna lai Corne' lut Comne lui Gladtosteeyoul lctoeyu Wbere you bean? Wbare ySnbe ibis la daliveredlnlatîe "Anula Rooney," and 1t ep.e I aud over until ibe guaessbb , the song sud make laughlug b~ about the bird. tof ail tbm 01-irne matrone maiulng lu New York uoeaty..s, wltb he mosi serions air im~ tuai tbe veras are Hawalhan Ï& iearued froin Queeu LUiuokaIaa,-, owned lte arrot before one Hawatlau commissioneru bra4 noî'tb as a preseut to Mm. Sg furibar assena ibhat tle tahnge really requesta for breakfast, hune sud tea. Duck.Iucubatins la Oasel. I daD't zeniember lavhng »"esb«. dozen chickaua anywîare lau' around Canton, but I suppose 10 bave seau a million duels, mas, dead. Large buildings are eeb~ tirely for thaîr Incubation.Pe'i la no eanggeratiou ta say tisat oui a? mvary tan diousand OaajS ducks aver unwIr ls moihar, or kneiwa otber precepior o? ts duckiIna mieps dian ibme<dt-boy. ibe incubating buildings irere by wood fOres, asud dlided tutu waeme tie eggs vera dlfferently u ed. Fiommerly tedia erta judged by diose la charge, bat« yeams ibis metbod las bean abo@W and lu die bouse tdat 1 uaw ters irere bangiug ID every, to.l some rooms dia aggs vera- p el fliai padded baskets, lu otheis iiij barraIs padded samd lined, or other roou ibey wes'e e matig upon enommous sbeW5*

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