Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 8 Feb 1895, p. 7

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CKN IGHl', M. D. ~PyàtcIai 'P Surgeol), Lake Gollnty Baiik Wright, Parkhurst & CO-, LIBERTVVILLE. IL.L. gUSues jntrest-Bearing Cer- «fiates Payable on D)emnafd. Chas. Kaiser. ... .AND DEALER I.. SIoree * Fuirnlshllg * CoodS, ltOazS. ULANKETS. W"4PB TrRUNKS AND VALISES. Andailgoods usuaily ko-ptli a flrsi- cias Harness81,013. hruts stock Fool-g aIyS *ouiRang. .»pelrinE Noutly and QuickIy Done. LIBITyviLLE. ILLINOIS FOR 161and Boyn, MtIST GO. l'ce Sfflth & son, LIBERTYVILLE. _Who doept youuc printing? Does i look neat aad. artistie? Is tbe paper what yuu wani? Does It corne up to your expeotation? Can i be împroved uflp, I la our ruie to do neat, leaL. etyhl. work at reasonable picesý NO îR-.ia" work tumned ont ai ànU sd b. oaa ,THE INDE PENDENT.1 il. C. PADDOCK, Eo)rroat AND I>ior. *Office Over urug Store. Dir. Charles Galloway, e office ln Lovell's Drug Store. lwn:bto2Oo'lock A.M. ' it1 :a9to8 ;. M. Dr. J. L TAYLOR, SfiO. over igS &ô TaYlore Store BOUOWEB 8100 am. 204 p. n.8610 p. t. BOUE: At J. B. TIIIGGS'. LUonrTYvILLE. - ILLINOIS. - -DR. E. H.SMITH, U«Ic over LOVellIO Drug Store. UbortyvillO, - 11.11nolS. A W. ZIEGLER. D. OS. OMICGAGO OFFICE - aqaigu kMiag, Cr. USu d Iadint 81j. as* futN. satýrd&y onîy,. "eh wUk OewfbDr. Taylor. Ove, TriaI Talor'store. Treetti £xtrat*d wthout Pain. 'IIIALL WOUK WARgANTUED.'q J. H. RUBAg ERS PHOTOG RAPlIRJER,1 80 On S lt. WoukeBsfl Tu igkh s il .! wk de.. BUeactlon assured ta everyoflC. WB11HDAIB'S BARER SO -I la ow IAcat4td ln(lie- DOMI=eroi8.l a Imote2. Wbere yon oan always get yoUr ShevIig. Meir CuttIflg. &. Dressing. -la the Latest L4tyle of tî- olve me a trial. 1 wlu Piease You. *BlphODrby, -LibertYVIlle, III- -la the place te Biy- Ladies end ChuidleflC MITTENS- ?iLungrALLau muIITlELII Fancy Work MaterlalS, STAMPEO LINENS, Ladies NeckwCar. ftuchinu. etc. MIH£SW FT. Our City toulicul Shotillil iuvetigie the questioni of eloetrie liglits andI some a$)stem ot lire protectioin ali suhmit itto a vote of the peoople lit t-he Comlng spi i1,g election. Liherty- ville shouuldl o longer remain a sIeeîts country village; buit ko-op place witli the limes andl lier opîîorttuiiiti-s. Wu have e ocu facilitio-s ut lianil tliut a" electrie liglit andato-r wouneplant, e,)(11d11,.- put ilianoitperiit-d lit fa miuiiinim tot. cG. H. sohaiick lias a7 pCou b-cc enigine couve-niently locato-d, thîît wounî t1 rîiizsh ample power for hoth w ater o-orks anid electic -liglits anid 1ro[)LIuuhlho- wOuld take sttk il, suchl an eîito-ris, if the village didn't to-el able to owil andl oleruiteimre. At. hast flic mat tor i, worth investigaitionl. A Cure for Rheumnatism. For rleieîîîati-fl 1 I lisse fOuIl1 nothlig eî( Ual f it'ilîhamberlain, 'si iiiklni. It relueves tbe lî in as îiIa applîed. .1. W. Yoîung. WVest, Liherty, WV. Vit. Thle 1,roinîî îelief it adtordâ is allîe Worth insuiy tîies the cost, 50 cenîts. its conîtîilued uose adilleffe a permnnît cille. For sale iîy Frank B. Loveli, jLibertyvîlle anîd G. C. Roaberts, Ws4uctî,îdit, Druggistie. Close Up on Sundays. Ma.'EDITOit, DEAR Sia.-There bas been something on my mlîud for some time and I can't get it se ttled ta my satisfaction. t is in regard ta the merchants of Li bertyville keeping open Sunday. As youi are a member of the PresbytOrliai churcb, perhapa you can give me a uitile ligbi on ibis sub- ject. The most o! tbe business men o! Libertyville belufiug to Borne one o! the various churclus (so I amn told.) t Is writien "Six days shaht thou labor anîd do ail tlîy oork." Now take a position ai the corner of Spragîue St. and Milwaukee Ave, on Sîînday a. m. and you wili sec a string ot people going with their 'Moat and Groceries for their Sunjday dixîner. Eiquire wbo sud wbai t-hoy arc, uaud you oill find boib seller and buyer tire generally members of some ouue o! tlte several csiohsclLhry I.A gain ibhe cit-y fathers cttmîil Jos. Blii to observe the Sabhuîthi day, but nol one says a word agaiîust ko-c.îiîg tIi meat markets antlilgroocry stores opel tNow wo-b1 ai -nt to kuow Is ibis, o-lu r Is to biame for this breakiîug of it ) Sabbatb ,day? Tho- city fthers, tb4 j people wlua buy the goods, or tIi merchant wbase inverice cottrals hli wbole existence? If h las fair to maký i one close hle place o! business on Sun îday, whjy pot seorveýl I lk? - e C p déo -àthe n er oJ NEWSY NOTES. PERSOWAL. particles of Information Cathered Geo. Smith has got a job on the by Our Rus3tllng News Gatherers. Copîjlauîul arm. M'he yo goatry f1n hrm,- 1Two of Johni Sedam's children are Whenyou o awy fosa Oi7i, ~sick with the oae. have friends n-tUb-ilg you, Or 3/OU, are Heitid off thec cold wavo- wth one of gong to gire a pt(rty, niusical or receP- Coîhy's vçiLim fur îi. ion, or tchen your church or socteilJ Mrs F. C. Smith lias hoeni quiteTh Scneplales tity proceediig, or tchenl sick, but hot ovleseirig.Th 1 you sell, bel or change your resi&tlce Or r .Johni Lyon le qîlito- sick, basiness. <or gouer son or daeujhter is a mr- tbîo-ato-ned with pnetdmonia. reed, or %rio-n ycnr ,îeighbor- gels ia ne Hands waîîtod! To MIl Colby & baby. or, in a trord, if you kaow or 1o-ne, Co.'s winter gioves and mittens. of any item (if inter4 i the publie,1 Mr4. IR. D. Cook, of (ilîmer, is brint w >r end il in, an luiLe INDEPIt.ND- spo-nding a to-w days witb hlier father. ELNT'Will glodlY Publish it. Not a bone ut contention-ColbY's Booms to rentin the Hliggin's house bonieless cQd1ýsh and other delicacies. 1 b% 1. B. la y. Miss Clara Wilson je spending a to-w FoR ALE t a argan-Doyouweeks visiting lier cousin Miss Aine wantan rgancbep? n<îure w.Hardie. wan auorgn cea)? n(jireOf . IRUL WÀNTE--for general bouse C. Sanborn at Smitb's store. work. Apply to lrs. H. C. Paddock, FoR RENT-Tbe bouse recently oc- Libert3-vile. cupleil by Charles Smith. Oood well, LOST-a 3-bladded, peari bandlod clstern and barn.lApply to F., Protine. knife. Finder will be 8uitably re- Ther isan eldeic mssis 1 warded on return of same to the town; Bomne dozen familles have themn owner, H. C. Paddoc k. flnot only cildren, but some adulte; DO Last Frlday evenlng a sleigh Ioad 1fatalities so far. , f Young people from the village 1 There wlll bie & costumer trom the "aurprised" Warren Grummitt ai bis city, present next Frlday nlght, wbo home north oftotwn. wii . r.nt- -ine --costumes- - for. . the -od h newarwlhCly&C. 1 il. cîntsW gmuarali-5tîit he h-t< ak ot is eîîterpriso- and publie order..AsistanîtSfor hegiiiiier, sol. sîirit; tttî-lO.EiN agau îîrday aîfîornouîî ututîl o charge for tilly o-akinig 111) the inhabitant-s. skatos for ladies. 1'rice,ý 15 uandul1-1c. (irîîndpa ijCllt Wrighit contiîîues G EO. .M SI IN,lPro l- to set good exempîles for the yotînger go-noration hîy clo-arilig the sutrOmf Fifty Dollars Gven Away liats lo treicli o! tidOw . bint To raisoer o olt.iythe most ooi- hi oioliîoîhsîwoili dorfa i and vuuillle muitlly TH e. I touît. onr, idavs lue optenste pou j.Ity The p:u. litejîllishurts offer wtîlk cl-ar to the chiircl. Long maý tifty lllr free. Seid for SamIe lie lise to iîîstruetî ilose wîîî) led ils ctîîîy free- anil to-cloiv. Any of flic wortby precepts. tolloo-iiig latk iuutimeis , trortit u J. T .Ay ris, treeder or andl dealer dollar but stuit 1oslîtîid for otîly ls o- in highb tre-I Jerse-y Cow.s, Ull-e cenitstt c-t Iroo ers ucuators, A î S<eplercl3 Dog-u, 1olaiud-Clina Hogs ,~.... plitîico-s, Poîîltry Hotuses (Illuit t ug B rd lPlymouth Rock ciiekieus, Mai- 'bsi, Aug. 'Mi. Worth $Iot. 'oultryj m )th Broze Tîîrko-ys, ete, took ini lb- T Hutise, Alril '8-7. (Jet. '88 anîd J1 l ii. i Fair meotiig.visiied his pareuts tot (50 ilîtit. l'reserviuig Eggs, 18e-lt, 'bý7. d:ys, and l iaditlie in'vsF.Toffice Turkeys, Mar. '92. Poultry Diseuses. u,itr lmoti a stiplily o!fie plint- Nov. '87. 110w to Feoil for iEggs, iig for lu1ts. Having bo-en a [look- Ct. '91. AIl Abut Lice, Oit. '87, ko-opar iii the city, lue is weii pîîsted f Do-c. 91. Testiîig Eggs J une, '91 ati and otur woik and prices for samie, Jutie '92. How to, Make the Hott PIeutehiuim. Water Ihoubator, July '87, Suimîle We are in receipt o! the Nashuua i free. Address The ponltry Ko-cier (Iowa) Post wbiciu lys ai Its masthead Co.. Parkosburg, a. "By J. anîd E. L Wooildge. M. M. jTh e _______ 'Lurnbuîil, Editor." Tbe -bustiing I Silver end GoId. John now bas an organ In wi-te r Someibing everybody waruts, some- boom bis real estate do-aIs. We hope 1thing aIl can get by securing a eopy bie wiiî make '4 auccess of it and of Vlck's Floral Guide for 1895. a produce18ome ponderous editorals work ut art, printed in 17 different wbilli IVCeau utilize wbo-ithoefilse bise h tinted inks, with beaittiful colored agreementwitb tsIn i bebaif of the T h 1plates. Full liai, wlth description and Syudcate.-By tbe way ii's about prices, of everyting one could wlsb timne ta agiate the spring boom o! I kfor vegetable, fruit or fiower garden. Libertyvîlle real-estate, eh, John? rMany pages of new novelties, encasad Mr. A. H. Storms, the junior editar f Lin a chaste cover of silver and goid. o! the Antioch News, paid the INDE- AndIIL. 7 Unusual snd astanlslitg offers such PENDENT Office a fraternel visit while as Sweet Pcas for 40 cents a pound, aîtending the iannuel meeting of the Ir $300.00 for a riume for a No-w Double Lake County Agrieulttîral Society r 1Sw-et Pca etc. If at ail interested in Wedncsday. He is aploasant geitle-P bl Sseeds or plants, senti 10 cents ut once man arud sîteaka confidently o! u l Bfor a copy of Vick's Floral Guilde, Antiocb and says the' News bas been r e swblclî anouiit may ho- deducted from awarded tbhe coîîiract -for pîîhlislîig P o Slirst order., to James Vick's Sons. the Deliuuquerit Tax List for the nexi Ne s Il ochesier, N.Y., anud b-arn the nsuîiy tour 5-crs, or duriitg Jaîs. Mîrîîe'sNe s ehargailus titis lfum is offeinug. terni as courity treasturer eto- gratulutte Messrs Biirk &Somo . LIBERTYVILILE MARKET. iis "fat ttke.' .Yo )t correctoli bithe S,telanti t'vtry Thîirsday. UcamdLte o- atîer-croie arî--------MI (0 . -12 Theftuowîtg lathe iai t cI sealv,i ttti u Bttt. o -utu-edz ..... .......... t1, (0 .2(1N Tilhf l h ietvfe1- lo PatatoeI. per blislti--------------.7. 5 F olt. i itii; OWood-îy ler wcord------------... 2.W U 1350 charnts M. Bryauuî. Frnkn Irîîwrî, ,e (Cr, per Ituiluei. iielled ..........imi a MEiMr.. OwcnCurti.s. NMiss Nelli(iliîis.1 a 10 oLie.pdebij8el.. ............ ....2--ii e E. V. l'-ue. . D1avstm t le Br n pe t n.. . 1.ob IU MH Jam es low 'r . James 1'n nweil, m a t Mluiil. .... .....-------- . 01)2 16.411Miss fl Magle lendir, Tellrî8teinn-n A~I AnaoGutnF0. irtn le ... -isLlii . .I..u. l1 "-î 8 zd Gr; "«fýt Fedpe to ... . U .... .... .... . 0 s odo In.........O ... tee Itlsed." if aoieIalni~ I le 4ent to the »u4b 1, OSes. I -i.Ugp*P. M. l-, FRIDAY, FEBRITARY.8, 189-5. Church and socety DlrectOrY. MRTHODIST-J. B. M-uMll, Pastor. Ster VI,,,: (j-nerai cnagg. 14) aà.nm.; l'rcehi Inj. 10:M1 a. nm.: S. S., 12 ni.; Ejworth LoaÇUe 6:00 a.proi*.bif :ixidep. in. PraYer3<(tt PILESBYTEltIAN -J. F. Maleolmu. str1 l'reacbing. 10;30J a. a. pri m nS5.2i Y.pS. C. B.,615. . mryer Mee-ting. Wàedudy eveniiig : UNI4jVRaNALIST- Ik. J. S 8te1 he GànDU. S. B., 12 .a., esali Sunduy. ,Ln I.No. 92F % A, M. LwiuegullLr oinmu lictios ?à ;ý(I4thSat- mraso ab nth. li. ihti or brethen oor- illyweened.* j. Q. Leu. W. M. &Y g.u. .BOWN. 8s.acy GOUNCIIL PROCEEDINwGS. Regular meeting VI llage Board.- LIBIERTYVILLF, Feb. 4th, 1895. Board met in regular session wit President Avenul in the chair. Present Appley, Heath, Mcoregor and Taylor. Absent MCormik and Osborne. Minutes of Jan. 7th and 14tb read and on motion Ot Appley and Heath were approved and placed on file. Treasurer's report for Dec 'and 3Jan.- read sad report shows amount on band Dec. 3rd '94. 0462.46 Dlsbursemnents Dec. lith '94, to Feb. 2 '95, $295.97, leaving netibalance on band ' :~~"-f 811;6-50- Motion AP ýàey and mcoregor the treasurer's report be accePled and *placed on file. Carried. Finance committefi submitted the followlng bis and recominended theli paY ment: J. T. Mann, 82.00; M- *H. Freshmab4bO.>O. Motion Appley and Taylor the two bis be aliowed and warrants, for the amounits be drawn on the treaeurer trom theil respective tunds. Carried. *Motion Appley and Heath that8 warrant be drawn on the treasurer jfrom the Boad and Bridge fund fo- one hundred dollars lint avor of Wn- Baruett to applY on grovel acvotnt Carrled. The tollowing resolution offered hY -Heath. Resolved that we app1rop)riatt the amounlt of Three Hundred thirtN seven and 5-0 dollars to roplei2 ~the road and bridge fund, sai *amotint beinig d'o- Fo-h. l3th, '95, froîr Joseli 3liehm for last quarto-r0 salOon:icne Motion Alîpley au( Mc-regor the rosoltitiou i leass(-î Carried. !loti&-n Aî),1eo-5 antI Iio-itli w t kl jourîî. Carried. E L. Di Bo5, v illage (lork. If you fail1 ta comprehend its go ta meaning, Oolby & Oo'se Bargaîn Palace,. LiBETYVILLIE, - - ILLINOIL $85 Am Happy! Bought A Waverley Wheel of, Fies HF7iRM All ie ewe'r.They Are Ail Rigbt. 1.00 for only $2.0, -Weekly Ipter Ocea, Price: $1.00, per Year;, bFariners' JrIopth1y, of Rockford, 111. Priee: 50 cents; .ake Coupty Indepepde ice: $1.50; published at LibertyviU] ýhes ail the Cotinty News, Supervt .edings, Real Estate Triinsfers, (ete., etc. can, get these 3 Fîrst-elass for oply, $2. Cas. er. Resp't, IL C. PADD( ewiIl send the Independé trip two monthsfor orlyf.-, îen's Masquerade, reasonable terra. pride tbemseives on ibis year wil collector E. H. Wells bas e8tabllsb- overwear in wear anytblng, any unider- A bis office at M. B. Colb Y& C's -, wear bougbt elsewhere. tore where be will be pleased to Miss Lizzie Haronfimus, of Fremont tee ve calla.from ail wbe are ready Center, lasbelping Mls. J. P. W iUiam's opsy their taxes. while tbe famous weIl dlgger ls busy Acme Camp, No., 176, M. W. A. Will witb bhis "Wbeel of Fortune'. Their ,Ive their fitth annual Masquerade siak baby is g"tting betier. ail at Commercial Hotel, Liberty- Mr. S. C. Wllard came in again ii1e, Friday night, Feb. 15, '95. and renewed bis subacnion ten gusie by Prop. O'Connîor and arches- days before ht expired. It ls such ra. Dance tickets .75 cents per promptness tbat helpe to keep up a ,ouple. Oyster Supper served by gond paper in Libertyvîlle. 3eo. Mason, for 75 cents per vouple. Ms ar aebrywssc 1000 Corde of Wood. llrst of the week. Miss Mabel Acheu For sale in quantities tw suit. took ber place In the primlnary .&AppI to F. P. Dymonlt. dcpartment i the so-ool Monday and Mrs. E. H. Smith, former teacher, SmaiI Farmn For Sale. presiding Tuesday. on ccolatof icnes 1 anttO Miss Iha Sandman is visiting in to-Il my place, 7 acres witb good huild- Wauko-gan. She was bridesmaid at ngs o-a, 11emil w-stot îbetv-her sister Mae's marriage to Chas. ing- Alden cf ibat city recently. The ville. Apply to owner on pro-mises. b)ride is well known here and many 17-2q, Hl-oit VON BIIXES. acq iaintances wish ber joy. One week More.1 'No matter how treîuent or beavy Owing ta the b)ad weather, and the Storm,', A. B. Cook's man clears ehortago- of Supplies, wlîich will reacli the s[lOW off the wide sidewalk around us tlîîa week, we will remain ut gur hi-s place once or twi--e every day gallery bere, until Feth. l5th. batur- wlile auy others hardly make a d'iy and ail nlext week we will heaut patlî in front oft tleir little lot. the gallerý and W il o- pleased to bave Liliertyvillo- lilce the U. S. is getting alil iiino-oil of photogralîs ceh, short otf iînds, but we trust It will not mi..!sNîtsSu iii'. ho- no-o-ssary to issue bonds Wo re- - plenuSli the treasury. Better go slow ROI.LER SI<ATING. for al while or the incoming taxes trili ~ ~ lIIS,. Ialil ho- tenthotire tlîey are eollecto-d. Sutuduvaftrnoui udo-v-uîng. Lilerti ville is naurally a liealtby Bost of order ani eVeur lody pritm.-îlace to live, owing laugoly to its pure, lHereatter flic riuîk n iii ho-open o-vory 1toit wuter andi Salubrious climato-. i ,,irii .- --vao ni Tiiero- are lot-s o! worse jplaces, but y d 'e )r )y te tv id In or id d d- Mt si r, gi vi M tri cc 0 t TRY ACAIN. Printer's boy has another try b set up an adi for Colby. DOES A LITTLE BETTER ut it is not qulte perfect yet, IF YOn WaR.T Boxe RARa'bArgVins 'Nl gOoDs FolU wîMtEr wevB GO Io COBy's Thel giv3 WGREpI'P Eàtej gmODs for IiItLe yey ?Hal aIL 4okje il tic couNtY.

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