Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 8 Feb 1895, p. 8

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a K K l e Iin, By. hns MeiesUbarrck arne.4,,Ferrr, Offriâe O TH _sM.X ade (Chama, a s USINESs. Jl,24Wsr cf Fytt, Hubbaîd J=m i ~iw~ît~rno'-, JUr=.cef Paii, aie srttet.Bin es. Delon *Mais ,ïIftke ome Inviteaite, za- weawby, Spencer, Mileuru~ c.uh wwm»e Bw g »naO» 100b aseutive Dprtment-Snedeker (Chair. îomt ofai.u llale mn man),. Ollarnet. M erriit rsru.iuk ner. Qiad-. Lowentha. iicrli ovy bwiWewfflPuall Aftmdwmao . biia, l Brisos, Weudel. McDonald of Moutrie, Woley Huffman - Drainage esud Water Works--Elluworth (hairman>, Ralloeck. Dudley. Aiken or ot Holeu.. Cosulttes. Wnklln. Daugherty, Reveil, Kiele. Wylie, kioe legilatlira bonne Tue,5Jay uir. Shannahan, }c(arthy, eton. *Ho- àtWtay aanounned that an ,i - ,r. Jones of Cook, labil. Steiner. Spencer, rudetbetreseesof te Cicito wna , Davia, meil. Brignadeiin. ill~tii. trat ee nt MChag fisees]aeconsSuiiJctsa-Eiv Chalrman>. 4lstrit had een Xtefded Perrottet, Reveil. Siarrock. Wallace, Kelly, Uteo the amebers of tih bougeRammers, Wylie. Wilson. liarules. lulrlluan. p etaad by tbem, and tha a 'Oouneil, Poindexter, Rondeau. Thomp- Vu oUid ha placed et thelr dis- Libmrres -Bovýek (Chairnin>. ,Gibson, Xe"y thea lng the. lina of the. Smth. OMen.Mjenzie, Iiaiiock, Butler, ~si*l o eiabe ii.memerstoAlkens Of Cook, illier ot Fayette, May, Darnes, Green, Stoskopf. histcao hewr m Ea ngrsc BllsHo m l ermnan). Me- ~*1. eourscmentfor s t Crtby. Ranmera, Pleh-reill. O'arnett, 't0.Finn.Dearboro. d ti intsse btr, "th chiisFiPtaad Gaine Laws-flalleek (Chair.- I~e atitetha r.raantintsman), Chaliacombue, Murray, Ellsworth. . the. character of which I Stubblelleld. Gower, Merrll,'Iltic, iKlein, 0f.d on. " (Laugliter.) Wyiie, McFee, Oson, Johnson of Fulton, r Meer heu na-nedtheRatMount$s, Ferry, Caimili, 1-11lgrli. Breedeit, nler --te orith oueas ondxeBurronughs. Rondeau mg emm~te. o!thehous, s Lcene -Kilcourse (Chairman). (1lad.. Kîine. ogieo MýCartlly, Busse, Piotke, (chat n). allèhn. nbubert, McFe. Needipa. lSteen. Muiac, toule. hainn)Callhan. FIT, Uchwab, Cody. iitzsimmoll. lireunan, Wasids Oaan.(,vha, hffer, Mlabone', Deariiern. Fleing. M- CuSoo, Mitn- B ltk, ic- It Fenal anad Reformatory institu- Unr 0fB ck,- Di, iaiieW. Butler, Uies-Perrottet (Cbairninu>). Thiemnnu, Mc- ~kM. Cdraf8ts, MPtorri uetsDonald cf WiliQian,n tConneli, Brîsco". ech.Ilnq JSonscfGrense. oVii duel na tittlton-Kitz- utand csc rcn.miller (haran). IMerriain. Kioclmeioc, Le- nta I i'rs-tioelby "rOne.Bns se Ioo, ee li To 'Viat StUte Charitale lpnstitution.- 1" fkený 01""n .Whte cf McLean (Cl,arnan), Kelly, Dun- Bale,,0Grama, Wcaton. barn, StOakOPf. Black. iima*t ryMconnli, c a, Soldiers, Reie sud Soldiers, Orphan 94U ialg '>nc.- r om-Merrlam (Cliirmân>. M1SIier cf icîy- i MeuleéIpal Cii-service Refena> ette,-IlubbArd. McTaggrt. tblfcd ààlaijCaa. iU Bryan, llogd, D)unh augersoli. Armstrong, Ferry, for- mSâh h- iler 01 Cook. slib', roughs, ODonnell. Miler, 1McCuire. 91wauLWilbob, Smith, Luiweu- Farro Drainage - Douglas (Chiirmanni 1 Navet. Wtss'uln.on Fletcher, Mûeee. noliblart. lPayne. , Shaker, Ferry. 'Wallace Johnson of Fulton, Joncp of 'iro. 0Oa-ili doek lVairensn) - aw- uci dondo, Dunlxam. Brimcoe, Deicoreat, -3 a bu OlUi.So - .Wx i.Oenaly-TeeL- ~ii abg, Seli, s.daiStick- Parka sud Bolevards-gcebtibert (Chair- l[,uaJoes o! re=n, ~e;u , a.mon). Dahrt ,Manritzgon. Cochrait, ~,eeurley, Hhlawort,b~ale. Moiae, Rme. onlin, iiicklier, Bryae. AleJoues oVok. Jonces of Cook, Cratta, codiy, Farrell. st ohaie.- ttandi County Fire Bti-iter (Chair- oin. Buss, urdock Kil- mnuPiyne, Klinl. Johnson of Cook,l- fillicu. rahaa Oion, in, erso M11cllr of Cook. Haepr. lced. 'la i-ssnua~ rataDear- ban, ip KtWeedeii, McDonaId'of Meul- Ki XIA k, 1 181n B kaCella, trie Teef, Thouipson.'Davis RIlts cof the Minorlty-Crafts (Chair- maa)ý Morris, Joncs or Cook. Sto8kopf. Mer- scmaturtamon, Me 0% O ufinl, ritt, May. Ferus Farrell. Snyder. Lymnan, ~0et Iroquois, Johmoo f l'o- Back. Jones of âreeoe. Mounts. Dearboru, bshn rei lgD-Novîk, Muigan IIWbBiaaiclc, .M.aFrDe- Horticulture - McDonald cf Williarnon (Chairmean>, Miller of Cook, Johnaon. Fulton, ft , 1,ruVement, W er- ner iuter, Raiiock, Grahame. Lowen- quu (Lhalrmaan), tuoghrty, hai awieysNiigArmstrong, Recd, JOlajsenuocf lfub. -;e:ccDunhîne,1Da ,1112 isoe.Fonulxter. Teed,? 4q. Bock. Wy] Ii.. itcher, tondeanu, Tippit, Owcusby. Ruffuisu. I~44 Cahili, thb .Pi. _________ ~ona Docoret.,Flemng, How to Keep u Alligator. »-Ols f Cook (Mlai ,en , To those wbo may thlnk o! keeplng .Istalabard. Bluey fan- ~TU~ià,i'c "Il,. hra, an alligator, a brief descrlptioll 0f the JtrkaB e edei< beet way to bouge bhlaMmay be useful. ~ly, hrok. JOi Procture a good-sixed box, say two or le1. ,amr 5i.W 'le DoQg- three feet square, and a baklng pan 'Do 1. L uJhlln. about haIt the. mixe Of the box, to hold .4 aireGOwer (Claalrain). the. water (whicb uiauild be cbenged I Kwalcylalivban. Mflag- every day or two), then Cover the floor N aras, Greena, Mer- of the box with sand. Put glass or us-las (o birom. mer-ý wira netting on two ofthte aides, andi Olie tlekney, Dudley, on top of tha box., Glss la better, be- Curtis, iBotter. Moado, ' frrltt, Joncs et Cook: causa It retains th~e hast ln the box; me.iiarlklaw, Deporcat, but You Muet be sure to treely admit I Ddi Jutlnus - the air. 1oaWhiet of For foodl, raw meut given on a traw,T ira Umr, Payne, te seem alîve; files and Worms, and A Cak arU Mrritt. emaîl liva fiai form an alllgator's fa- ~lt~cDonli c keîtrie. vorite iet. But as ha lu not demon- p~yal5EtloM - Buamahanstrative, bis air ef contant liq apt to Slead one to nagioct hlm unlsa speclal A ~ Buine L~antAlchre la talion. Re-member that the alli- cf <t gator la accustomad to thie beat orf is wayCharmua). CurtIs, Florida, and keep hlm ln a warm room auir Elsworth alHdi toi rJelasnc et during the. wiater. ef Pniamki, 1 amn sure that alligators are More rie . Mugîo.Inteligent thau ttiey are generaliy - - tiiogttobe. Indaed, I have heard F..iekrGuth0. bWite uî Wiaa, Goer. Payes, cof ona lu a South Amerîcan country eklaw, Rndeau. Fil- whlCh, hbaVlng beeu CaUght Wben very s- Dniiey (Ciinen), yoiang and pmtlently traineti, iould 1. Merri 1,. k. Miller follow lie master 1k. a dog. and was 01ic, ubbart.White * ,Wl~~ Weudell1 Plai- perfectly liocle.-St Nîcholas. Gr hf.o! du- Ml.. Womnaandi Decorative Art.. > eDoald cf William. Yeu know that delicate an a woman's * u . liy.tler . DoneamiAni hand la tiere are many extremely deli- et I.Jlroquoi Mcinffl caete forme of work ln whilcimen wii' ~saklia Metamu )iey.ce- asa ber. As 1 km a painter, taik me.Armto O'Rsrnett. Ouf- 1ng ln the. studio, let me take the Cas( ~at~~al. icarth.Thiop ul the making of the finest brushes for0 aui Bnilu-Curts Ch painting; the bout of these are made b a.No'ioa ¶burie, 4 'Il, the workmen, not by tbe workwomen.1 Sdknuey Kent, Merrîmîn, Fils- This, spart from the recognlzed fun-- ,Mats, (ýraft4, McConnell, Me- kt ontrie; Joues ef Cook,. SChwab. lion of woman le our social state,t r an Township 2OoIzatlon -- whicii may malte her legs anxlous tet m (Chr, an), et icl, Kherroci. cetd, beiongs aise, probably, te a bIZcI Ely, Coude Ferry, MeCon- lesser faculty 0f concentration, uot lu1 ~. r e n4. Brecîàu, ii4rroughs,ý Indvdu ls, but la wom ea, as w . us- [ L*-Gn1thrie (Chairna, Botey, ually find them. But lnail theo minor1 W= I.sfft Stubbefil. Oower, divisions of art I can oee no reason wlîy1 11s.Wilson, Hnhebart, Chatts- womcn shoulti net, even more tha lu1 4 Biens, ic reil. eanen. the past, do ýwork of great menit, anti an ai . Tlea (har.ottea of a peculiar charm. tu.. ,,s, , trIe, Wul. Tefoluat decoration, the wom-1 orsc. Douhlseine t.eouglit te ied a fair field, usnaliy,1 ,-Bo . Dn MorrisHamisee.o'lowever, a field better occupled wiîeu Bria Afir-Cvna tiey do not direct If, le decoratlon,1 P tecu, A i n Wsg th ley coulti take as muci lnterest anti %et" Dydaugiarty. show as mucli artistîn akîli as tliey liadan uder. fkai a show ln trlmmlng thelr bonnets, we 1r (ChaiçmakNoing. siould have fils whole of decorative W6a>5 vaaleaugh. Gua, rled tFelg ltr i ter in a hlgh plane.-The Ant NMi - rris, lurritt. terhn. ~.Z~ad Homestosi Auquie-l&-_____ Slimas). Nl«. cDaugher- JfMcLose. IMuriioci, Chalia- Who W&@ Calnas Wlfe? Illaite. UC?«le ee, The. question as to wiether Adam »a., hguaDio, Dranen. was really the "firat mun of ail tIi. (armnearth,'" and, If so, where-Cale obtalned, e nu CbisMris l wlfa, Io osUR open for discussion. (USlrnaiaEslascfThere ara certain secesand creeda that P W¶~hc, Pa~ai belleva le a pre-Adamite creation of t~wr 'ltarnma. o! The advocates of thlm theory be- THE'IW -lTcxi m -Sift-cngs. A MESSAGE 0F LOVE. Now, iorcury wears e suit of gray, Anti bis twistetl stick lie bas given away For a bag slanug over hie shonider, While tic featbcny wIugs have lef t hie feet, Yet lie hurrdes along on bis daily beat. Tbough tbe veather gi'ous colder and coider. Ha brings me a letten fromt ber to-day. Now vint lu the world uvill my lady gay? My mind ie in wild diserder As I tear the tiainty palier aîîart. Whee out talla a bloti-rati velvet heant, Witi a row ot lina for a border! Weli, 1 pick up tbe pnetty, tîseles. tbieg, A.nd love it, for liere titi ber fingers cling, Yet 1 cannot choose but wontien ls it au enablem, a symbol truc; WiII shc pierce my huart sa, through anti tirouge, Till lis ticptbs arc tom amunder? 1tbink how a barsh word iiurts sud mîings; I think et a thousanti bard, cruel fhlngm: For on. gains witb love, anti ]eses. rien I tik etfîey dear one's isweet, pure face, Andi my beart again at lier feet I place-- LUt ber plant tbere mast wbat , a choosas! A.nd ber. plu-cucion-wby, n-itiout a tieubt. ro. pins wcre ment to b. taken ount! How blieti 1 have been, anti stupiti! Ba th!@ ia the message abe @ends to-day: Sha viiitake emch mting foemy beart Rway, And undo the work of Cupiti! -Besiai Chandier lu Harper's Bazar. NETTIES PARTY. "Stop! Stop! Wait a minute! 1'm go- Ing tu have a vil-ntine party," elcouteti Nettie Smal. te attract the attention of the ginls nti boys swiîsging tbeir book- baga. taîking anti lmughiug on their way te scbooi. "Ohi. oha! 11e nire!" from the girls. "Hurrahi! Wiaî fii!!" from tlie boys. "It'a going te bc real cote! Mamtna etaya ive migit try tIorîcîku somebody happy ounlicet dey andi nllitce yeetr; andi sbe's geing te laelp is. She soya tiaet eaci oine ot us muet write on a little pieco of pepen wlaat lie oulti liewiiiinq te do, reni truiy. yoc keow, anti senti it te my bouase before tlie party, ant-wel, I'n net goinx lu tel] yen any mure about But 1'm afreidti Iat the itien %wag net a pieasing one0 generaiiy, for ou St. Valen- tiue's eve îauly four boys ant itiree girls appeareti et tha pnrty. But tlaey matie more noise anti fun than a raginieut, Aunt l9atty said. Mamma Smuli iedt prepare thtle party rootu, anti a littie liter the. timr vas tirowe open. le tia center steoti Granti-na Small's great l'Swlfts"tilletiwitb eight akeins of yan, the eî>ds et wbicli vere hlin l grandma's baud, anti on one mide was a table wlth sucb leuîpting tubhes of or- lingea, cakes anti geotiea as te meake the hungry boym caut vcry ieugiug glances toward il. Firaithei yarn met b. veuni, and Bob Mnrch, be!ng thae oitiest, vas invitedti t select one f rom the mny thncîtis belt in Graedma Sniail'is hait. Then liael.egae to wind-bmckward, of course. Wliat ivkward urork h. made et It! The girls langbeti et hlm. The boys called hlm oit Pokyl He tiroppadtheti.hail, anti It roulet areunti ail the tabla legs. Bob crawlcd atter it, andi huipeti Iie hl' right nder the orange disb. Off tumblei dia yellow bilse, anti wiît a scurrying catchi tic preelous tlie. The "Swifts" were upset ant iere nc danger of lsrenking up the. party. but for- tunately blamma Sanali came la the res- eue anti beipetiBob tote a-e of bis akein, wbere was tied i is "vaientine.' Meatuna Smal openeti it, Intirent fer hic alonti: "l'Il viiide lame Sally Boauy'm chorei le the mornîngalII" "Ob.dear-it 'teint tea cold!" crieti Bo, rubbîeg hlm humpeti spot anti ieekicg rue fui1 for he.tisliked to get up eariy. "'f 'taint ton coltl' Ne, col ye've goi te. aeyway, cold or bot, mc there!" sheulý et Tom Parsons. Then it was Tom'le tume. Ha vaLs tel o! br.ed, antissean came ta Valentieq 1number tva. "11 will earn te uv andi keit ant ib haatiy, se to balp Mother. 8eh. huaV wor mnoliard fer mer' t "Gil-boylI Glrl.bey" shoutet Bpb. "L awt "1 1- in.--* t1d ÜERN ST. VALENTIN& "I iii try te ktep n soft tuug!" "Goot! good" crieti grautipa. j»unnig bis cane on the hearîli. Nue White next viirlet tIha Svittr anti got:1 "I yl net quarrel at hieme anti alinu.1 anti kecp my baudes dean."a Se ithe Swifts apaciaround, amni demcg anti sioutiug, liricagiiig 10Sukey Alicn'm bandth le valentiiae: "I wii wate upon grmmma anda grampaj without grumhieg." To Tim Akers: "I wiii leati llint .olnny ihiti t hIunia every plesant Suîctuy." Te Milly Flint: "l'm a-goin' te turu over a aea lestf and bhc su good that uebody viii keow me ne more." "Stick tiowu the corner. Miliii!" cniet grantipa, sliaking off bis glisces with laugliter. Tlacu came theleset akele, anti ly-away Jlack Ilill» began It. Hie bail ivas one'- siteti anti"îvnbbly." the children said, but the promise vas stralgbt enongli: "I won't kick If another boy tries te ~crow ever m! How they ail sheuteti! Graudma lip- pet ber bauds softlty, antigrantipi tim- meti bis cane border than ever, makieg oIt Dan bark tMI the room rang. Wltb ecd "valentine" vas given i preset-a iii mufler te Tim, a werk- basket vlth ihchibe, scissors snd neetiies te Tom. perfumeti soap anti a nail brusht te Nu, andtinoccn. I ivilI net say tuait there were nt mcme failores, for s year ls s long (lue, but 1 do know thatthie cbildrenas eurts grew wanner. larger and more kintily le Ibis ioving, hei[Ptul service te cAhers.- Yùuth's Compaulon. VALENT1NE'S PRANKS. Cas-s-e Casce..' istes-y oft he lawy- ing a nig-A Picole for the Gil. t Valeutines are poovidd for -ail.l lke( lie ran, tliey muy descentd upen the juM t anti upon the uninst. Tbey are ce be1 fount le every style and es-ry vuiety.1 Beautiflivaie'ine souvenir *paoosaiire2 seen, andti tey are ont oetbe ortinuny1 mun of spoons, ln thst thi.euenofthIe han- dîe la iu tise forra ot a cupiti, anti cupitis chine ecci ther arousathetictwiiteti ire et irbicb the haictle is formeti. lu the1 bowi of thme spoen feacy lettera give forthj the legenti, "Thie Saiât cf love,'" ant i upon the reverse et the baîvi there ara engravedth te initiaet fber irbo gives tbe spoon andi lier wbo takea it. Very tew people, wvites Cannie Care- les, go tirougli with the old forte of val- entine eeting, andti bere is uitIle use, theci, for tic tlsplay of the fan-y coienet piper with tlae prelty verse witbin andi ligures tonc le tancy piper îîork opos the oulsitie. But ever ao mnny pseople wie h ave net liermittetl themsel-es te grow bard anti nnaentimentai love te reme-naben the day by smre litle token. te ludieute tht 8t. Valeetine bis left traces of ifsl love le their beart». Perliaps yen liave heard the lexead o! St. Vulentine, but if yen iAve cet, ber. it is lu ai mmall a nutaheli as sub a saint touiti be veli condiense*: St.Valeaitine h-cal long age. An entpenor nîlet i hm, and tlie omperor, n-houe came vas Clauti- ius,. lecamt' very jenlons et St. Valentine, or Fr. Valentice, as lie vis tbcn cîlleti. Anti one day Ciautilus ent Fr. Vnientiue's lieut off, aet banisha ie isremains, me tuat nobody sieulti know that lie hati been beheaticd. "Now, wby dit Clautilus do this?" yenc mk. Weil, h. tit i t because Fr. Vuhontiate à becauce se great a favorite aill youug Ipeople that Clautilus vas net in their af- 1fection& at ail. i"But hon' dit Valentine maka hinisalf 't )e ta portunity to lie alone and talk It over. Now, Fr. Valent ne wgs a boru match- maker, and le wasalaways buay rnîklng matches. If lic saw two young ipeple iooking nt encb othér with sbeepîish eyes, he east bis toga over bis hend a 'nd sat stjjl, neyer utirring for five minutes.1 And noc Fr. Valentine got himapif die- iiked by thc Emperor Claudius. .ind after Claudjus had eut bis head off the. young people cunoniacd bineand, apon the gond old saint'a birthday, wouid excbangc lit. IN Titi KITCHEz. tue love tekeus, jusate keap i@ bisemory green. The people vbe baîl kueo nSt. Valentine vhen on eartlc toidthieir chi- troua about hlm iu atter years, anti their cbuîdrttoit thein cbltireni's eilidren. sud no it bas corne devu te us turcrumany chltircnofet hiltirea. Do net, dieu. deMsp.e the littie bit of sentimemt vhib primups peope te te- member Pscb elier on ValantinWe Day, beeanse et ail the festirais of the year lit là the one wiici pîmys mont set4etly upn tie heartrtning» ofîtail, lu the posteffice one sers msuy a maieitiendsi uy a ma- tron, m-tuy a yeacng mac uni] many à bauker steppiu.z fer a moment in fronît cf the percel ninsen le drop in a n pakage, ail too;precioe te b. intrumtet to the care- lesu baudsetfmessengen anti office boys. htin5 thé girls in Ibis Progressive age wlie(Io mucli efthe giviug. 'Tlicyoung men dle, of course, the greater part et lit. but lit la net cocisitia'reti unwomuaîlyfor i girl ta maltelier admirers presuta ef ammlmiinemenios. anti, thercfcare, Ilie "JACK MUST iti-ER Lrst'EcT IT cOEirs Filou )IF," girls go te tbe ful tatitutie nhic lu i- lovesi ln this direction. In Mqeting î-slaotine mereentos, the dear girls preter le tiisguise thein baud.- writieg, because a valentîne gift is a love gift, anti ne initike about lt. Anti ge, witb papa's stub pen ira lant andtone ot Jack's big plain emveloîces, tbey direct thie lîttie tokemi whicb carnies wit iilt the pretty little message wbicb neojmue, i-b la a mue aI aIl, woulti miscoustrue or teste ativantage et. Uupid's Day. Siug he! sing bey! For Vaîantine's day, Wien birds thein mates are ehoosing; Wlaeu maiteas tain Witli furtive air Fout missiel s anc pamusieg. The joliy sant Witb peu anti paint, Sly Cipit's îork la dolng; Mis skililihe shows le verse anti prose, To bea n ech wooleg. The pestman greans With nchleg boues, Anti thieks It quit. a bander, That love-sick uvains ledit. sncb strains For hlm te stagger under. But maldans gary jAnt iowos gray, I Aid -!e ybaepelers forlora, STÂ T É CAP WHAT IL.LINOIS' LEGIBLATruR I8 DOINO. Au impartial Bacoe of the. vet accomplimoti by Thom. Wla Ira" Our Law@-lUoiwthe Time ERu em Occupleti During tihe Pant Wt. Doiagse ofResteBde4.. The. Legislsturc reasseinileti Tue.tY, andi Speaker bMeyer aaneounce thet .Con-, mittees le the Honse. Cook Oollety ne- curet Ilffteee cilirmanahips. The. coin- nilttcc on appropriations ef the SOute ordereti favorable reports on the miUituN7 and Anus Insane asylun buils. A mrna rial te Congre«s in regard te Governnieit ownership et raliways vas preseaitedIn the Senate. A resoiution providleg for ameudment of the section of 'the consti- tution regsrdiîag taxation wi s etarreti le the Senite Mr. Jonu, of Cook County, introdued a bill in the House Wcduedy te aholWISi high bats et tieaters. A largse nuber of other bis was introduceti, and the Bau- ateuù park lmw %vas passeti. Tii. Sestea Atter the introduction o! scieral ils,11 struggied al day ivltb Bartling's rasola-- dion fevoring Gorerniacut contrai and owuerslîlp of railways. Itejreneutiative Vooney lutrotinceti a billi le cHouse Tburstiay wblcb prac- iicaily defines tbe Aucerican ProtectiVe Association as a cnuspiracy. andi provides that any persen wbo belongs te sncb aé- sociation shall b. fined $500 te $2.000 A bill waz efferet ilncreeslng the saIary of election jodgem* to $5 per day- Mr. Merrltt offereti a remoludion Ieokinig te In- croaseti use by the State of Illinois ccii Thse mltary dellcieecy bill aed the bil mpprpriatiug $llO,tOo te rebulld dia bon- pital fer the.Insane 51 Auna, lit-1-oe unanimoumly passed ilutdecSenat.5ub- ject te the emergency clause- Inmediately atter the rending o!t the journal lu the Seuite Friday a Messge was receiret f rom the House stmtlng trait It bad concurret Inl the !slcKtoiay joint resolution provitiing for the purchase cf Illinois Reports for Cumberland oeufty, the reports cf thai county having bessi destroyeti. Mr. WeIls vus aitovodte wînhtiraw hi. bllI appropriatiflg MoacY for the expeuses ant i mrovements oftthe Soidiers sud Baillera' Iome et QulnCî, frone the Cornnittee on Appropitionsla and refer il te the Committec on Stte Charitable Institutions.!Mir. Paisley la-. tr,îduceti a bill provîding for a reduetion o! lnterest froan sales of land undar oece.-, judgmeesand ticcrees fron s 8(o 7 per cent. Another anti-pool selllug bih vas introdnced lenithe Houne by Bnen.-w, of Cook,. bAr. Dudliey offereti a resolustil caliing for the appoiotmueut of a coassit- tee of neveu te inspect the Insane hos- pital **: Anna. Tt vas adopteti. )Ir. Mer- rtlt iotrodnced a bil 10 amendetitomlsr- suce act sue opermit religions sedoetiff te do a friterual msurauce busémssm Both bouses sd>ouraod tiii Mouday oves- lut Et à o'ciock. Sénater Crawford intreduceti a big blonday provlding for the incorporation. management anti regnîstion o! paveeua sociedies sud limiting the rate of compon- nation te be paid for atiraces, etorage aud insu rance on pays.sand plieges Ilie certain cames. A message vas receivel trom the House rse.ortlu a joint recule- tion asking Congre». ie appropriste sut- Scient money to partisse Sage ferrlth. deceretion of soltiiera' graves iu the Ne- tiouai Cemetery le the soutb. The liens., was la session onîy twa minutes, w"d about fifty members, A Taie ef Toombe. Robent Toowbs gamve au acciant et bl» last day at FranklUn fie State Uuivernsity. A puil thero a-id euiy 14 yaars o! mga, lie iras caught eue nigbt by eue of the ttra whîle at a game of corda. Convlac-d fiait b, woult b. expeledthte mDxl <loy vian informationtabou Id be mate tue ia t- uty, be repaniredti t a lavc:ailunîth lova tAtbaŽns, Gn..> whitbcn, by happy accident. baticouac limaIvery day from bis horne lu tba'» ad.Ioiiaug eouuly, Thomas W. Cobb, a United States :heu- ator. wbo was bis guardinui. 1-11 ho besougbt andi prevalied ulcon for u Li-t- fer glvlng Iaserini"on tu witudrciw fron tbe lnislltutoum.lHa obtaine-tifroia lb. jînesideut carly lice next mornitug bis lutter ef dusuissal. Sotue tlis af- tenwands, lhe tutor's relpent hniiug been sent ln, lie waâ met ou the cam- pus by the tlgaltciry, vlio begae te up- brui int m iti necustemet mtamnie. lie bat uttered but a few word. vis-n Toombs iutt-niuptet hlm flus: "Dr. W-, you seemà to torget, sli'. that yen are cclv adtineaung. cot s member et tlals institutIon, but a free citizen efthle State of Georgia anti ef the Unitedi States." "-Wbat titi the old gentleman sny'* askat tone of as. "11 dite': beur is nejoindcr; but witbout any uuecessary dciay A rau off te %In. Cobb."-LIIppincott'L liard on the Landior4s. Prince Etytird uofS5Âe-Weijflaert. lite commander of the forces la Ire- lent, once toit Fathun Heiy fiat ho foutd"blînt mlootng" prevailing to a depiorabla exteut ameng the Irish mli itia negiments, and thnt he intendadtot lnslst on greater attention ta targat practice. "F or gooduesal mie, defl't de tint. your î'oyal higinens!" exelalm- et Fatier îîuaîy. "Ift u aketh îniltincnea gooti abots ticere wen't b. a landloe'd luft tI the country." wVater Cdoks Ila Italy. Absout 150 B. C.. tiat'nu waâ a vater dlock le use botîlI taly, Greece, andi Egypt. Tic. valt es capeti trom a jar anti feulo to a receptacle beneati la wliilicatet a sucali car. wbici by ils nising on the Nittrpelatet euit the holirs- Sictiatdle, the. idea of atter rout, disper'sion and i eontus1o&,la pnobably orIrhîli gin, lu a veralota ofth brishnalNezù Testament if la wit-t ten "1 Ivill amîte the ahepbard, - Su the slaeep o! the flock shailho le gd dol," or disperset. Protousr William B. Clark, wbo bu fer soea years beeq. ut tire b" Ot,. the àWi4tt.W a* *'

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