Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 15 Feb 1895, p. 6

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o vr ueet01ii. oriinalV o e ut buIldngS Iultil nor ther sItes,4 - WR@esagoula saip durlai the Revolution- I lVar. Toeuhttie etten-0 bs usIbmmpeu te tuas. bceand historinsmtgit ~aea very ltrestinit If y thte gret leader'* baquarterseh&OUMithey de- vte te tue natter Cime a cr.Aitt0,vlith the d- capot mny et tues. bâclent _&M Cer la ileiy te Pausway ln- im5 elie othte mrly istory et nOsC hi siouM dbapre.erved tntu*Cun a iedilication et Pu- Uthis article pletures are glven vme ewfthte»s lntereatitaîpIgee Ë,njt gituuen bIs geneiralu litai vera tue baekronaifer leed* 5ese important la our cou- &ainpril, 1776, tuat Weshingtona itéteNew York and ool up his ku ttes ere. Tbey ver. luaa espen sret, *ppe5Ite Cedar. n'*IeatPiile4irbC'teard tue ~ Ou bis r uJne , l ad boie et th Mortimer bous., ýnas $Ilhmead Bill The Ulms ,txa Wauandmithe un- lb' ouiton etftii.City et New IrSthkt üClse iniuei tue commani- toeta lgaîsbe.iquarterm ni tu heevecuatien la epten' ~ eremovei tote Roger Mer- lUrlemi Belghts ~~e~eCeb 2317M0, Cat Waabing- ,,,otblai iimselt et white Plains. bhàt4tattes b r er et tue Mller tsd u hcteite .noth tu t i This bous», vhich laestilI stand- pcsev4e te saIinue *st ouemEijahu Millet, ad- of . JamesDrales Westche- t n int. mms. Iýte aa ouverse vltu clapbords. 01#a the soumt a ront Preoeet Wb*CeCCa5 vi lvypatr ln âm.atetry cttages of hat p.. ashisUteft reagsteai ber. natil *SUIst *. vie e roasdI laCeNew le sa esaa h imieit at BncI- hskadguarters et Waii- Ob ter tauteemtnea- mbeaiu. 3Y sumiay, Ch. ruybai seveti MWl a Washinton ijQuat et N.iba- kea ObsutrP&.., tweaty ktL *L .Tii* honns. vaWiut et oéa n**oud New aot-ta ite above Weef lgertuylhe. Tii. ltLEt DODU- A~ vEITE PLÂtRa. tesaluel .1 Neebsmluy antil Au- 1, viemili novai dova tue oh TerI 1a4 aucasepai fat Ch. ulght neat bu. WasbIugCom maie bIs beai- ~at8topCen, tue oh bomasteai et -e.. tus Jettea, belngs t6rtut vltbu Inta inother ittr.utlag beeaqaarters et W algo tueelieuseoftChan- MeliorWtiie at Wliaiiurg, Va., wb haretiGenerai arrivai Uaeptenibet 14, Tusa dwelliag, wbieii la aCl t tanding, la ai arga Cwo-stery brick. buIlding, la ap- ~eruea stateiy colonial ualiston. lralgupon a long narrow common, ualIW tue Palace Green. During tue aerolution it vis tue home et George Wytus, oue et tue sigers oet the Declara- tion et Indepeadeacé, ami fer more than twenty yemr sole eanceltor et varlala. aime Cie days Chat Waablagton occu- pued It tue Wytue lieuse has passai tiireugh varions bande. For many. years it vas tuebe het obahnPageGovemrne of Virginia, euh etterward et bis wiow. THE WEUÂI5U EEÂDQUÂRTERS. Sorne years latr It became the. resîdence or Dr. John Mlllgago, Who was the. wor- thy friand and essoclate ef sncb menaua %i Humphrey Davy, Faraday, Her- scele; Brewter and Lord Broughm ýhe ohl banu.wùs]5O dôtor uofm thm Z home.oet the Harrison famlly. Arnoa the. associatienh of the plut connetedl wltii tus manuio ls e legend te the effet neieppolaum a « e Mer r a114. e Der i e rauteetCe ouani maia- taln st. Toi "Ci" 08Tuhugu A*"'&. RIng out, gàaiballa, ami yovng and 014 Wltii*Ott@tuthe mudio ovoîl, Ami lot tue taie agala b. toli Br toau» and canking bell. Thie honored natal dW t. her. On vjlh to e u asgven Tiie here grand by whoas stroag hani Opproessl ealu. fre rive». 'Mi l Uh. hero nm0014nt one Litas la eut betrte 111. Waaingon. Wben la the. grap et Tyrammy Our euntry prostrate bowed, Wben Wroagfield #Wu on tend and se%, And Rigtby toee was cowei, The latent ireu la patrlot bearts Toeughty lame burit tertii, Andilbai tue cali for freemea al To ris. and protje haIr vertu. ficarco bai! tue eee i iei away, Ere leglns sought tuefe ldofet ray. In that great heur of need, the. Lord, ln mlgbty wisdoun, rals.dl A ma te wleld the. leaer's uword, Where tires of battis biaaed. A man of voler, ln whose breat Wus tiroed a loyal heurt, A ma whoae hand was aerved te rend The. galllng chaInseapart. And hurltheii.bouta of royalty Back ln deteat acres. the sea. Our strieken land o'er bill and plain Waa wounded witii the grave In whieh through &Il thes. y.ars have . laîn The fatten hero braves. The. tangled grass on prairie wide, .ýThe-ieavSlu in tsded wooed ,- Th ii dfliowers la Natures. bowere Wre talned wltb patriot blood- Ah! Great the. sacrifice. that w. hat a itai dams, Lady Uktpwltu, ap- 1MigbCtesate t.fut tLbry pus edlally t e tenatsuoet C- fut fUe day. 8h0 t.alwaudresed la rustllag By biien0 et ae. the tor vas stayeah silk brocutis, and hemteest encasai la 11gb- iotaw.thvrkl bv *heeffl gipprs. o0ftuovli War.. Subinai, diamayed, , Aft e vîrng Williternbnrg tue Oea- Shatterd tueir boastfuî vvw, eral entrailtetue alegaetfYortown, Our feemea lu their uipa agala I urlng wbIi hporiod b. oceuplei a tant: Spai 'er the traclemu ses, IAfC«eii surrenier he oo up bis heai- WhilIe ladsolne notes frein myisd quarte.. t hit. ow hom.e t Mount Ver- turent. non, November 12, r.maiang tuer. until Praised Qed for Liberty, the. 2Mi*h wheu ha tarted for Phiradel- And e'er tue landi by valer seved, t tr as the autuma et 1777 tuat iabsbaiheadEuarters t à. Tkesever, et.a large Lbmut b a U, a# foq ons. lou sl 4 stand- It vas moiern- em arevut, otliialîy ai recoovei trout tue vest lbUiearyday" t vs. e sert ýiL by ikvGeorge là»- * ~ h.etit.Chare. T. sidSeiut VIey néogeffl t to stuWstnint o e préaseati9u, About ICI 1nF als asodies, vWh" m.woUoie oa frcsu wiisnlbsd bem o frso. MéM. Tb*. bam sst P!5PSC àl#ts arriving ther. on November 2X Our war-rent glag in triumph waved. td rernalng until March 22 1V Thea ring tbe belle, and yonng and old >rlag tht. l.ngthy'p.rlod bis b.adquar- W4iuhuutemles l- eusWit $brouat tthbousgieeBenjamI mm w Ne e on»BoutiBenjamin t ~ Let the. lad tale &ala »b. told ChweNou 110a outut and teetbe- Byrtongue and clanglas bell. tii h andt pce s bre. Wuln The bonored day again in bere One f te lnt lace whre ashng- Oa which te uu was given tn .utabllubed htrnsetf was et Newburg. That bero grand by whos trong hand, He. arrv.d ther. frein Phladepieand Opratn.canweeie. jined the. main army, whleh had beeTiltpresdsiouneble ont theie sn, ordred te ireceed te tiat point. Th e l hll habando ine ltttheasbin iieuu. ln which the quarters ef the "cern- - altheak Canwford hngon mandr-t-chlef wer. teeated was ituat- -Cp.Jc rwod ed on a bluff wbleh overteoka the Hudson for egbt mîtes te West Point. Frein thîs Military Brutalty. ô4atlook bie eould aseertain at once when TIhe Germaî army bas long been no the. ,nerny's ships breke tbrough the bar- torlous fer the brutal mannes tn whiel * , the private soldlers were treated b, thesiîon-cominaaoued effcers and et * er oflilcers. The systein was Inanguri ed by the Great Frederlck, and the i] ltary autherîties aince bis day seerni uawllhtng te, altow It te die out. Haî pily '1he preseat Biaperor ceemu dE ternilnied te have none et It. HI. lit perlai rescrlpt on the subjeet forbiÉ ding any offieer toestrlke bis mieannad - sone tnensation whea It wuaIsune( thtigh it was commrneny snid In anm EEAlQ1A2T55AT MOMaSTOI, X. J cirle. tbat It weuld uo» be a dead Ie ________________________ter. A lew recent cames prove the eoi riers whtib obstructa theni and began trary. te aseend the river and take sucb tepu eikenofie a ee as be dtesie4necessary. The boau.was AwL-nw fie a eet .imctedl la 17W0 a" stands today Jut as dlsmt.ued frein the service wlt I gi t did durins Wa"htgton's oecpaiier. riny for the. offense ef strtklng a me It le à plain om>uea building, wlth a la the ranks, the Emperer persnal bigi soplns roof mmciih Wgh.r thtan the, lndorutng the ordar for bis diquileu body oethtéi.bouse. [t ln built ofetuswith a severe and cuttlng rernark. Li uitii waltw taofet tiek. Tii. roof in week at Breslau a siergeant wiio w uup~orte byIODEtimers t rd<ud~ carged with ll-treatlng a older 'e tii deleae eefme t ttuw<~i. ~.tried for the offense by a connecît muaromonti.iu brt.1wwt war. was senteaced te two yeatu' im bsav rough-bewa tliabers astainlng the. prmeainent In a tertres., and whe foor ebove and le ualed *the ro et bipsntence bus expired te rejeta moyven doors and o»n windoW." "On on regimeat as a seldier et the sece S at a linge o"en iré eaosgh *e rost an oet. tadial on the beartii- stan.0onMRce106olUP th* ttilehtuiay Robert, Peel, fthe tateaMan, vas<erty.meuad a ti. unguharly tbougbttul eh, mad etb slo ettii Habroelitemhy nti 18 mied hi& fatiier, wiio wu a day becaa. .std tatii ~ orer, wltii bewldrain4»UestinT Ne. all0twaee l, ola man one sali, "That lads tee de sett fÂaeubty ln the banduetof the for me sitegetuer." enle Yett-4101,11De»."Deese'at Wait te Serve IHie 1ivé Tees.' Setempe- liockfum a» a Destructive Fi"e. Aimie K.a Seutenced' teDDi. At Belleville tth. jury ln the. eau et Anale Kahn, wiio murdersi ber bugband, a9emi h i. Ip -of-Goei'eC-cw; treil, r.turned a verdict Rading ber guilty ef murder In the lirst degree. and fixing the. penalty at deatb. Ber paramour, Cen- ,tretll, uffered d.atb on the ceffoli morne menthe age for tue murder. wblch was a pecullarly cold-btoeded affair. Mmu Kahn appeare ta e b.wbelIy tdifferent te hr fate, but stated ta a deputy shertif that @ie liait net expeeted that the. jury woutd senitence bier tu bang. Tiie veman la densely ignorant, If net simple mlnded, and app..rentty does net reailue the awfül position lu whlch she la ptaced. There ia a strong feeling lu tavoir et commutation et ber sentence teIlte iunprisoniftent. A petitlen wilt b.e preaent.d te Governer Ait geld asklag for the commutation. itive Yeaus fer Pake Font Racla«. Samuel Doms, et Murphysboro. wbe was seateneed a hait heur before to the peunt- tentlary for five years fer particlp4itlin la a fakte foot race, eseaped frein jail ai 3 p. in. Ssturdey, He was coiamitted te jail elter ree.lviag bis sentence and asked te se. bis alleged wife. While the jallor stepped eut Doeu jnrnped tbreugh a aie window, inounted a herse and rode away teward Cerboadale nt breakneek upeed. Desà la wanted et severai places la Mis- souri and Illinois. a tati man, wltl dark complexion and inustache and black haîr. Fifty dollars rewardla offered for bis capture. ls&snes Bld Ermed et 2ack6b"4 Tbe moat destructive, lire ot the yOs. la Rockford occurrerd Sumday morning at ô o'cloek, whea the Syndicete block, on Seventh 'street the principal buslaas itreet et the Swedisb district wnu cnl pletely deatroyeti. Thie upper rooms oe the bled were occupied as dwelliags.Rnd twcnty familles were coinpelled te bagle. Inte the street te escape the daines. Tii building wau owned by a syndicats cea- poaed ef John and J. W. Bartiett, Bert Pelmer, and R. W. Emersen. The o la about $30,000, fully insureti. Fermiers Feed Belated pasmengere. The thermemeter at Quiacy registerad 21 degrees beiow zero Friday, the coldui knowa ia years. Trains ran witb moue reguiarity except on the bracie ot the. Burtînglon and the Qulncy. Omaha and Kansas City. On the tiret naned rond a passenger and a treigbt train weie atuekl ba àdrift suc. Thureday morcing The pasengers were ted by fariners, an burn.d fence rals for fuel. Nothlal wira visible of the trains except the sinok staîs land the tops of the cars. Killed hi, eCoul lBaul Cavins. Ose man was kilied and sevsrai other wer. badhy Injured la KlaeWs uceni mlin near Belleville. Whlle a number ot min erà were dlgglng a hank et cealiIt cati in. crusing the. men beueatb IL. Tbf feitow workmea. atter an hettrshar work, suceeeded la dlgging tiiem, ont ]Record of the Week. Mrs. Edney was fomnd dead in bed Ri urday et Deratur. ÀAsucceinstlMasonnie achool of lati'u e tien ba@ ciosed alter a week's sessianm Fairbury. The death of D. F. Itebinuson odeur, et Fairbury. H. wns weil knowni Maseale circles. ad Frank Jeffrey, uwbo was te b. tried r the charge et murder. encaped froid je et Murpbysboro. Thomas Jeffries, whle returning tg home, threc miles frein Joliet, vas iri en te dcoth sitting la hi. .1.1gh. Henry Me&à, who, escapeti with tr otiiers froin the Springfield juila monthse ge. was captured in Belleville. William Reuk, a fermer living uveat Clay City, uta. instantiy kiiled by a sa log reiiing frein bis wagon on hlm.1 leaves a bride et a few tnnths. D. P. Wiliis & Ce., ot Perey, prepi tors et the Witisviîte mine, have soldo te the Garland CeaI Company et LoAuis, Mo. Gus Blair, the preuent supt intendeat wiil retain his preocut po no- tion. leb Charles Benzen and brother were sa, bY ing cord wood at Aviston. usinsq a port 0- hIe englue. They stepped lusidt, the re ut- dence for lunch. Whiie they wore eati ai-the bolier expioedt, compictely wvre ied ing it. ap- Seturday evenhng Charles PaSnc and le- comPetnion nnnied Laws, lluth y.)ung nf r,, weme cressing the Vandalia truck in )i-buggy et Brownstown when they w( - truck by the New York lîrnited andk ade ed instantly. le' No trace has been feund ef IlarryN 1i7 Cuiloeb, the cashier andi epers.ter et1 let- Altea bridge, wbo bas uew baen ahit 'IL- frein lMe post fer a week. IVs fritz have become satiflied tiiat hit bas lt Ill fonlIpeeajt wlth. ,ne In tue Federal Court et .prngli Dan John Cellard et White Ceun Lt, Char 11,y A. Myers and Fred Myers ef Alto p& sma nio Coutypleaed uflt to"bc 51legglng" whisky, were lined $187 et lut and sent te jail la default. vu The regular montuly meeting of Was Sangamen Couaty Teecheru' Inatit etO waa held et Springfield, wltu e very la im- atteadance. Dr. Austin K. dit 11105, i hen Ie-t et Siiurtleff Coltege ai Tipper George tswo$. boulotla-umIlm ton burned, cooaumlsg an hei.funiture __ et Henry Aliott, tue tenant. Le, e0,- r l Joha J. IcIe, &gSM 8% of Carai, va@ - ~ < kilsd hy au engine wille att.uapting te cross tue BIS Four track at Simpon' s usise Utaie s witeh. JepiO'Neal was touai guiltty et bar . ClIs ulRUltga glary and tarceny by a jury la the Circuit adi mre Cvatfuttag Court et Saem, and is punlumment waa poules, 1 Th es*,er fixed et lire years la the penltentiary. the sat for the The Lltciied Paint and Coleous.__ iding .tua fr pany, et Uteblield, sied papets makiag glyoeatt Ch. blder a e e en asslgumeut for tue beneit et cradît- towest rate et IUst hes ors. The assets are sehedutai et $2,- lote the Ml fer êr 8112.09;lilabîlities, $4_"81.74 net Vihn @mdl Re,. George Dunbar, aged 82, bas mner dvielat e eus. s uam h 1 rled Ums Elizabeth Mytery et Peoria. whîch t. te reunote tue pollies As George bas beeaurnarrled ite times tics. before, perbape le s a well qualiied te >The. cemmttes on State a"d- solve that Mystery as any eue comhd hé. pal civil service refera, ilaIuJà. R. H. Sebulte, a German fariner resd- an Bouse, Wednesdw li5 ing seven mle.s outhwest ot Carlyle, large delegetion et Chiesau ep the. passag.etftue pro noir e was instantly kllled white etternptlaî tice law. The situation la cross Sheel Creek rallwsy bridge by e eomsplleeted by the. psaumes« th Baltimore and Ohio train. Be Was 70 mmissiouers bill, ww as tyears et age. bç the cilts et police la the. Charles. U.Murphy, et Quiacy, was OIlLins, i ol M ,l I odgedin li eUet Springfield te awalt tue a aw oe la i**,mm se action ot the Federai grand jury. la d, connaît b. sumu"Iaty remoeai, efouit et $1,000 bondo, on the are ueceustu la pasoig the. raeing the figures on sîtter certificat«. arniet tbey ar e u l and pesslng. thein. Cîvie Pederatien bil jufato' II The new long distance tehepiiene trout mary discbarge et every mu. ptored on the police frei k Roekteri to New York, Washington and Neitiir bous. di a.,bals ,r otuer Eastern chtien was epened andtet- tince. ed,, aud worked satisfeectorily. the toues fTe ime et the'OmenaoTu~ I belug almoat as audible as'iUhbe speaker &U tek., q» y the inrdateJ Xwere only a block oway. mSelmutions a i -petlad o&". y it Ia tue triai et the caéet Joseph W~ick, remuMed conakk«vtloe 0ethCe ffl sn admWatrator, versus the Terre Haute vire reform bill, and eteral nm ie w and Indianapolis "Ilroad Company nt rlu wemre esntsd. 1 1Springfield judgment uvso renderfd lu The Beuate dld ne Importasi bÙ fayot efthte plaintiff hy cousent, for $1.- Fridey and atijmnai MM CS $11 500. Thie suit was te recever $5.000 dame- aight. The Hontu ts. iued t ÏÏtt ~,agea on account er the kllIg--ef the duction et everalbilbtd eW plaintlff'o fether, Dr. Aîoyis Wick. by the lu tiie way et butînes. & cars et Highland, Madison Counity. Botu bouse met et 5 'clfek MOÛ40I le Word heu been received by States At- witb uothlng te de praetiuily but ai toruey Heyecker, et aukegaa, Weaindsay, fer oun *ei torey eydcke, o Wakegn. nSl'ebrtiidey, btii tank à ret. Washington that applicatioas fer beome- bilt. regut.ting tares ebaigai kvtue ., ,d stead entries on lande wltbla tue men- man Sleeping Car Company iiav* I l t der uines lu th* Grass Lake, Lake Coma- beau lutrdeimedInluthe~ Senate. TIOW e ty, regien bai been refused. Somte Chi- peance May héepeoPtad etaa ýh cage iewyers tbought tbey mev a chance There are two lu tuaherna.otS an te apeure by homestend entry thie .triP by ltsproseutative ElIswOV* i»00 L41 et uwamp land areund the iekes whicb rates*Calljtt.more tiih aI ett11441 m lai ecme ry y ecsulo e th veeracted aow; tii. other. preetaiby had ecu»dryhy reezaon f th wa e etative Stickney, alioa g.andi lapse et years a bertii or $2 a sectionf d se Sixsantis fer-damages, eachla nthé einum heurs or les. occupancy. ÀA hes.W M e- et $M0. beve bean Intituted againot imposai for violation,.e a i < - Canton saleenkeepers by wouiea who el- gos te the informer. Gev. At lege they bave been deprived et the sup- message recommanda a oracaSf port oet teir ubanis. as they &pendail The Leglature la aproest net their money ln the saiooaa. A simlar tunlty prmeets itseIt. A issu a-. cae..w» trled a few wees age and theliter te thonse .ffered, br ed plaintIf vwas awarded $700 damages Stlckney, wblcb amesfUi ir against the saloon proprétor and the mittes on Corprie a lbp 0r W ner et the building oecupled by tue The tapI of kit gthe ainbh sel on. The nalooakeepars. are becena- bY ne ineaushéne asy eue. ing frigbteued andti trc.eoft tet baveA -- quit business *Ince the suits were coin-ANe 1biuufl.' at- mencei. A imlepbograph bmw De veti uFronce, tue cyltaiup b lc 'Phe mystery surroundiag the idestlty e or wp Insteai ot wax. 'The e$- et et e young an who waa drewaed et inera laat e og tinseWbofl*0 Mia-shah Ja. 29 hes et lest b..» uuived. face - t. coterai wltlu 1s05g*4111 eti Heary Sis, et Hamilton. Ohio, arrlved ý ý w04iof,,ui fh in end l ad the body exhumed, and et once explsed. The impre.sefl - identifieti it ns that et bis mon. whe ieft more thu aetumaatb etof tm en home nine years ego anti bad net beenf deptu, se tuet one cyliader Caa.bp ail beur<1 frein ince. Hie had grown <onsid- te recelte and transmit t»o huuu erabty anti changed Inl appearance, but à and ntty touseni varda. Aïý ,ti hie lare sudr on bis f,îreheed wl. founti provemeat that vIlIdevlop Ci r--which ,atislied Mr. Sims that It wîs his nograph laie an lastruiuitot 0 O long-lest boy. The body wausent te tiîIty la velconie. To sy aoC4llê ÉIve [Hamilton. He hati been lu 'Marshall for the. moral effeet tuet vouti bue six over two yeara, ndi gave i. neme a% dced on peple by baviag CM.v Si e.John A. Mler, hi, rlght naine being laty words prefrtei ami rpetu* t O Henry Sim.. tuem. by tue uaerrIng cylialder,.*»0. tui A deciive siep wuas taken b:P te 1111- machine wouli b.etofgreet ue lai11h ienota Steel Company in regard te the. Jolet nea&. Bomne very rch mmnhe, rohing mîile, Ordero were given te dis- stenogrmphe,,eo,,c"lhd beini a ffl OU charge every mnan et ,vork exeept in thein latbetr offices, vitulta beariag o<Wt st. rod mili anti blaut tumnece. Ail the yard mey b. naid te thein, or w-bat the lm pr- men, mechanicu, blacksmita, ronstahouta say la reply; endê,their covral Kgiý andi office nimen were notifieti et their dis- with strangers are reporteai sAS missnl. The efficers sy that tbe miii notes preserved, fer nueluacae ee îuv- wi start whenever the men are reedy tempts te pervert ncb conver ,, rta- to go te work. anti it lu for the men te de- for bleekmellung purposes. lWbISa *esi- citie thet. The difflcuity is beenuse the la lacenvenient tue aaploy st5p *lng frty-two tonnage men wlli net accept tenographer, a goed ami allant Adi idk- the 25 per cent. reduetin In the cle. phonogreph Woul iimke»u ehc Wben this i. edjustedth te 1.400 other (--substltute. anidItte tUmeMp 111218 id a ployez will go te werk. The strke efthe mîny cases, effetltelyfrsai jen. tonnage imen preventeti the uesetofite sebemes f kaaves. -ere other tiepurtineuts. A Century' ut We4ded 4 K4ë kili- The murtierer et Irwin A. Meyers neIr la this day et record brià- Springfield hati e tog wbich may prove net surprisai tg enosi ea Me- te b. the neanu et bringlng the stayer te centiy celebraeda la Blu the justice. Shertiy atter the inysterieus huadreitu Imuivfeety eti 'eat shet wa. fred thet endeti Meyers' lite o Jean Uatumary u i ndu tu-e men la tue aeîgberhooti saw a man eppears te b. a crunts benwith e sbotgun anti folie Wed by a yeltow eniey mosIl.Et tb lddog walklng hurriedly atoug a country et tisudgai ai ta r.0 risrond leediag awsy frein tue seene of Che recor&ed as havlg - tak __marier. The man eud the deg were af- 1794, et vhii CIMe, « oet- terward treekedt t a point on the Bluff record, tbey vee ofe î encch Une treel, where tue trait vas lest. The As la Hungary et hat-C~ dot vas touadInl a strip efttuber three groom muet have rab~ the ailles west et the clty, dead. Be bai been 20 ami th. bride 15, tue *tsr itute shet, eni the siiot were o e i seaize b.e e t ai;t120 andIls3 lrge witb whicb Meyers bai beeii kiilei. There sPeculvely. Nota e alate >i'e5 la little ieubt that tue dot was kilted tas- vives. 7AI- causa he persstedinl foltewing hls mas-

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