orl .P. Ew iN '. Ib*ù. il 1 h. k edMarrie wu ln Chiîcago lest tf DISEAES MT4U YS.barlea Meyer ba@ retaîroiti to liitéeta y Diu^£ oirTie vit hmeAt'ffntey a. Shaifer'. fâne new piano arrled e4ciI ttantom igiasgtiithecorrect hri t u o.Wedmdàuîy. otting et laffle. nother anow torm tiers e *inàing 8, . Payne, u(if oclefelier. wua " msliesuaday uternoon. bore Tuesday. Untitl 0 . m.-Itut. S > M- Auguit Miler and wîfe visted wtb Mrs K. B. slîermn isl awtiy on a ena " " 0 P- e. m - triend s laut Su ada . vîsit tiia week. RocKBF&Bgond m tto. p7 y y go anîd M.Bmgo las hlod tmîfiesek li1t, theti <mUW8At~<WC.î,lta repirted cibîiîy.Aê'cett J. F. Clark speut lest tunday wltlî Patton, & llawley iîî.W ilmieP control Mr. and Mre 1). G. Whit1e <are Ibis a mily, o h uiheýair.L)rit tGo rteikm (Jeu. Liii. (i"".uîîîcago. ut tta theZarclMr. ebbt ginîryg grrig t(Jn.Fr iwk ~mîav lUihi brtlirli.iWThWes lir Wbb e ialeim gret - Yo willIdit t he lax elec<ievpry Smiay it Ibs ýoter là-awThoasprovmneiita on itsi18Place thîliyenr. Tîîesday nt J -.4. M urrie's iatore. obPeC Miss Lizzie Kmîckmmck lit stit îtnder mi" Vlora Ilardien. <of .Aîîtjoclm R.D . Cool ii d M . a nid lira.W iII the c re o f D r. W e l ,; o f W a uîconda. vlsîted in thiia vieiity 1 94t IltciiuicdidO Onfls Silîe ima je brvallit« and thte Mr. J. 1. Mmrrill la sil véry i, Mondtty.edical fraternilty are enjoyiaig a 90M but h6artrietîdmi tliiiik euhe in gatîîing. Will Kilgne werit to tre city Tufsa. rl@ me0 )iyilgpoeatnid dayanid Wedlieaday to anppIY hi§ 1 Sonie o!Laie uh otP flaPryut raham a.gpeupleofteome triade wth furniture. Fous<uLale5 Rîlieg t Zumr ich e r ligr. and Mrn. J'ttw SteMPel, uf bonse. Mim a ylor, of Wamlîwortlî,ila visit- Long Grove, called on Mr. and lira. nbeBotUSWBIil.Pof1bs Berghor une dy lest eel. Henry ilman Andt wite were enter- lac e tttMeW l.Iiiyu u Berhon oe aylutwek.talned by bats ol@ on the termipae Mrs. Jeaile LUII wua ublIgMi te Sunday. Ray Wilhutr'a lfast roaeiter la4 them reunt)ber home i n ée CtY On Wm.> Btîe#mhnu ndfail fte admiration ot evorybodY. kheui out for 0 KER» acconit of thre iliiesa Of ier datigher ta n any picota At tlîeir ltatane l"e r Ethel. d6. Mr. Utiderwoomt fins reiovgd Ibis ~r n r M. Sidney Monaeaiiad sons rturned Atnpîaý Bergman. of Palatine, wlll Oc up theîower tor!. toMn. J. F. Clarks a lst Saturday. sS do buainess nt the Excage tePto ngbàw4otfr ci,.., î1nevha'bîeen viaitiang Mri. W(K)d_(.owneg. .lIe-ptr. w11 .-A . -t l i P4. Pnomk~A Je- L' ;Lz j f-a *~oe *i-~ o '<i5 Vour. Grocer for -I- V 0 TARTUI FODU -- y '-' H Jlisloaiwy. Il ai- iWOti ail qamattomi eouioatmiug tii. bla. ng, pan. rna.slagoiwuwdi ~uaeieUom md 9 ofGU 0, i 1Y wfooi.n $af" #~w bood F41t. and FAubbers- at'$f. Of0otftfl& ý Al kinds Baking Powter at Ic alb.. Ali kinds Soda at6c lb.. off izes, Mens' Woonsocket Arctic8inew stýck, Mfens" Protection Alaska, first regular price $1.25, our price 85c, Ali Winter Caps at 20 percent. off reg. prce Ladies Pebble Grain, Caif Shoe, reg.Puce. $1.10, our price 95q,, 6 bars Dingmnan's Soap for 20c, Ladies' Warm Winter Shoes, regular price $1.26. rnow for 90c, Méany Other ag sLîke Tiiffee FIWD UUBMI Ki Savage (SButcheryl MODEL, Te4p;peWaukegiaP le hacked off 1-3 on the price of ail Uisters. e iopped off 1-3 onthe price of ail Over- coats, e sliced off 1-4 on the price of ail Men's Su its, le knocked off 1-3 on the price of Boys' Over- coats, Je carved off 1-3 on the price of ail Boys' Su its, le cut off 1-4 on the price of every pair of Pants. hese Reductioas only duriaîg thse Cùntnuance of our Semi-Annua Clearing Sake-whach last's only a short time longer. The "Mlodel" C1othui HQls bem RT aE, ýn Chicago. w prd atMua.M n i Miii .1 P. otin ~a ceimtto'Joisii Frolicli sud wife vigited ttteir mere oiiduty (ifecuarse. Mrs a.P. ortn ws clr(gLitodaughter Mrq. Kreuger et ILonig Grve esnb teneranin tth Evealltoiî ta8t mek 10 care for blrSuday. Rueuirteeietiiuite u daugilter Mary, chu la verY sick witli Taka laj i lp nianeqiie-radm bail et churcli Tuesdav eveuiiig February 126. »îieunionile. -Queutin liait Tu aiglît, e good tine ley siIt ciiil be guuK.. Some uf our towiî people attendeit anticipaleit. M' euî iltuiore vlitted lier Lie lifterlio)on service et Fairtleld con- We bcd several davas of finsp winter parents@mver Surgilay. Site le etteiidéd dncteit hy 11ev. Mouey. -Elght yonaîg weaitber tilis week and aloigli rides a busmiess cullege in (Chicago. peuple were takeil into the cburcla. were ailt te rage. âoiîu C. (iriffiui, prieaflent if mthlie I 1ev. Barîholdier occupieit the pitîpit Traiana n)the E. J. & E Are rqiniir Metrmîpoitatii Lee Com.. was up fruon lust Stind»y hoth mornig and eveaiug. namerouis et preicrit anîd the Comaneîy Chiicagoi Tueslaty oiuinss.iîmW, lie la a yoiug and eluqueit aspeaker la doing big basineis. Il. F. Iletidee hes a sale Feliruaiyw and liii discouus were epprecinteit by Illl Hilima la buying cattle to 26i. A lonig liat ol articles in advertaemi ail So hard lm. hlp. Ami ne lîoaviug uld cannere ho Mr. Ilemdet expects to aiovetW [J)wa. A very pleaeant valentiime party wag% dispose ut, wili do well tii cail on l IhV. Everyoiie je anxi(oiisly loukiiig fir-w helit et the home ot Min Mary Llteb- Doni't fortet thme Achool fritertaiaî- waid tu e action ofthte village board fieldt lait Thaiday evenllfg. Thouph the ment to-niglît. The brasa banul wiii on i ilare litimdreit anîd4eeeaty iattera.w gaithorlng waa arnaîl, evoryutiO enjoyed lie present mAnd reimier unie <f their We uadertand tiere la tii le agi tiîemaolvea tiigely. Re.reabments chice selection. entertaisineat at thme cliircl iiext wprl ii the gu il erty eurd. e Lait Thuradav waî matiig Ue. Tuesday evemlig given l'y local talenit. wi whilà he uesa dpared.Couid ice posslhly mention thrat any Tmiuday eveiliig twfl leighl luiis of two loving hearta were mada une uon Deyo Morrilil bad the nisortune to Roekefellen yoaîng people called on vlontine'as day? luae àaÉlite colt lait week. le wîia Mr. anid Mra. Wlleofl'a yenng people, Jh driving il double Adid tl fel lit a snow DlaaondLale glimg hen a John the barber.bas left usaieed gone hank breaking a leg. ofDaodLke Ctn hes eyt Chilcago. B.fo re lie loft lie gave cordial surprise. Music and games the neason for moving, tono mnch cold A load troun llaiiiet4vîllo attemded e lielped to pain the evenlug atter whlch and nu wuch worl. ltrr etn tSuaukTWyTl retro.hmente were sevel It la eleiterary m eiiiîg etsegtîkeraday 'eig evidont the young foks bave made some pe.ple tîini hie! are wuadiiîîg eîîîi Tue yte is ~itajîflîî «Cod lsm ut theo lelgthlng th!@ wlnter tlîeir owu buaineae wlen they pry imto liy givimig their uighbora aurprises. ther'a affairsanad gottliig t ini the The Ladiea Aid Socimety huIdt tîeir neck, for thiîkiuîg tlios, dobsa tlîem next meeting wltlîNIrs. E 8 -Simemmai. HALF DAY. good .1The iast ue waa witlî Mra. Dr. Ltckey Theliat Dy, omeSoial club, -Therase*@@nie pparent great es- and wa a verv eaijiyalle gallîeriug. Te li vea pI D ay, Hoeraebl tcitaient amoimg the fermersanaîd stock Items ot aterest wîîicîî yîîîdeaire Twn ie nz Railqaierde F b ai et6.oldera ut the creamery aiice Measers putîliéled wIli receire prompt Attentionm Four priss Wlie give. twu Wý the Hawley & Patton havaeuecuned coutrol froan Y@ correspondîent, if addîre8see couple wearlng the bet cestumfes, taro ut the factory. tW P. 0. Boz 46, Grays Lnke, Illinoia te the couple wearlng met COMIC Iin t expectedthtait tlii winter wilWl .iilyws ao uCicg cuotumes. Gond muniecwll betfurniih. lait As loingas if. pleusSe. iVe hopte it .B lge a alàt hcg ed. Dune ticket@ 50 centa. Lunch wlll aoon pleuse the peuple 'one aaid laat Sitturdey by the serions illiiea ut 26 cent per couple. Admision e ail. 01 couls tîere are elways isterm . Laton they etu n rp.rting ipectatore26 cents. No porion allais-cronilc growlvna. btue ater boter tre ept ed te dance unti 1l o'Clocl imustsss harley Stefeiîi drivesa every fiseth iteboer mailed. Everybudy Comae and have e outilt; girls catcha on; be eu >turntalît Notwithstaidlig the change lu good tume. you wltlî a Contrtabla home-, you correspondoflte, lra. D. G. Whiite willl know lie la aumeebt baif i, au help 501 as agent, mai ormerly. Orders for pRAIRIE ViZ9W. hlms out. Yeu C"a. prlntlng and subscripttoii may lie left il tomi amvaiTOO»Immfalm.it ;W.ek.l Wednueday o<'eduL e marriage ot wlth ber at; the pont office. Mr. Kneeler la etili on the ific lit. Mi Mary hais te Mir. Henry Schwer- Roi. Dr. Tomplna will cona up- nmiï. Rois. CeitOn olIcIn. We frous Chicago, Frlday evonlng t chose' 'IranI Foot. ea o."d bie Cty wil the. happy coupla ,nch aucceisthe metlpset our cli urcbs. W. proiery.tbrooàb lts'$ joumney. underatand a nuniher ut new, membero J. 8. GridIey shlppod a caload otf Everyone abould tarn out and make wlll ho recelvod muttethé chureli on steel Tueidai ntgbt. thi.e srtalnwnt alt the uchool lieumset~occeaon. j.gtanUolif talle of buing H. tonlgbt a grand suceus. Bemember Bemember B. Y. Ileadee'a big EgglbeJi liebuse and lot. paccaidu for benoit cf ucool lirsry. Auctien Sale cornes off next Tuuiday. COume boyp wht'a the mtter, tbe omtie eue and ail for a gond tino. Bon la- a good teliow, evorybody l11e la liasit the watbar te tale your girls We have tigr lumbea rilui Zurich hlm. New Iet'as ail turn out andduse for a ride. now Hume a Hillanan and Fred tbbe oget fair picea ton bts ituif, Kuokclue&A Co. S0 yo.amee therewilfl *aam, frne lunch et snon 'for a&l who Whatt la t'ge matter wth Prairie lie nu nu te go eliewhere, îhould you coule early. View? Are the gousipO aIl auowd lui, need anytblng lu their lUne o. 11 ' h VxPpt mehgls or his the cold weatbOr fromeilthe firme wilhh tale eetlmate, oit buildinîgs "toel orcat o pulrietirg tacnt correspondent. lIn? Forn.oET-mice r tunntliîng material. etc. wfour e aitills ag oeti Ntcket la.têter. a ssm i wlon]oen, audo.d. frtefi ilg lcin oh Who near <o hla" b» aild. (item. Reoeved tou iâte fur lget week) 111e a good atari. If outr peuple "I wute U o MWzii take, Wanted li Zurich les dog and alwaya put up as trahght eonsclentlous "Iat oit . ownancudfamly'.s aki' mon. there mil1 nover lie much jauîgling i19iliorola one, lt Mlm Pn.goslp. la' uur City affaire. Anc bave thoeuaier <o hemnéet The Misses KetIug were Elgin TeFlrayîame !Wmn QUENTINS CORNERS. kind leaiet band. This las a wouiterfui Traine on the. E. J. & E. are lîttIe paper and contaia it ucls ut (Jeu. Hana made a viit te the big runnialg numeroua, lately. Intorest te oenen. as lie namne e lty. fland meeting Aisaa Tueaday aund Indlicatea. You cars get thîs perludîcel John Witt'@ chlldren are &gain well Friday eveagilage each week. the weelly Inter Oceen and Lake gatter a pull et aloîneus. John andt Chas. Meyen visited t e (ounty IIIDEPENDECNT, ait three une il Nicholas Baker la 'round again after Lulig Grove twu day a lest week. year for only 32.00. llaitn't yîu btter 8 belng aidk for a week or au. Fred Rioland heu been on the aek t17 thetn?1 Chai. Meyen luit une utflis tiet lust,,but le now mucti Inpruvet. The revival meetings have been 1 drlvlng biornes i wtl bruias teven. i oikîwo n tm tuea cruwned with succelas. A nainiher of1 If yu kow f ay itms f nwspeuple wihi et once nuaite with the Wm. Wiehrdit l again abeit with please âgead thean ii for publilcatioan. curh.Rv.ComnaiDze Ilîewtse ccnd tirne tlîis wlnter. Kcep up the. town by AUl mesua eud have made unany warm f riemidaliere. 1W. lini lias gune lu Chicago tor doai't give it a hbad recunimeaidatioai . The latter genitlemani will 1111 otîr medical treatieut lls lbealthlis it Tite farmers aiprovedtjTteir tiné pîlit aext vear. lie is a roaîsîng verv gouit. hauiîîg tteir anmual sîipply of woom4 preselier anutd ues at lack for hiarers. whie seigiuglased.We preuiet a hriglter Ifuture torounr Wns. Busching Sr., of Lake Zurich, eliesegai ati.ciuîreli gidîer the «hble rnairemeait <f nmade a leàsit <all at the Corners WVaa. lilescliig was Mh 'tailesMr. 1)zy, whiu thonigh a ptlai man, is . last %veek. Corntera Tiesd<ay amu i«t lirriiigtin, An eloqiieît anîd coiîviamcinig speaker. il .Bockelmtmui"s soit %Willic e~~i~dyuîi,'e. FoAîmo'i le sthe ril izpi h icku't fîor . dîîwi cith itiîîg troublles,.btutera Thiere c iIllue a great t nie onHithe vflvilge i'lectlintu lelield FPcb. 23. licitter thie Dr. sayq. lake cutting huttes as sciiui asithme lîiii Foru Presliîîiit. GO.Tli<iipsoi; for 1 Fred Foliletisle aow very buuey law opens5, if we durit getl soinus uitd triieteéq, F. C. Wilhuir. F. 1). B3at- miiking wood lixes anîd chîoringmîg'und weaitber 80)011, tereiiall, . B. Neville, 0. Il. lharroii, .the bouse. Des ci redîit, Fritz. Peuple w1<o like ta liear tlimelves Orlandlo Richiardsio anal John Wicks. Ounchesefacunylagetingunfinlytalk, always îay ton omaclianid the for village clark, E. F. Shîcfer. Tt'ere urertse fibe anaryigemeint utfinl L mani whîo lias aîothîiag to say ie alrighltbing xno oppositiuon, thiese are as good Buckelmana udis gentleman helpor if ie dogi't talk too ranuch. as elected l iems a mnajoritv aboutit wm. Kùgge"seratti"-write othr namnes'ou the TmheKigge4- i otbctal" ballot. If any canîdidate Loolout for a double wedding in Tie IDEPEI4DEIT Offce la luishaPe ahoulit thajabave aufflielnt batelons, this vicialty very suon. A sngle toprint. Sale Bille on short notice. lie mîgit thui;e l egally elected. No îv weddlng lu also a brewing. Boys keep BatintactorY work guarantoed. Froo une cars curtail a citizen'a rlght We vote l bohm old lUn pene lui rouets. notelu 1the puper wltb weary order. for whoevser ho chooe.. ROUSEq ROCKEFELLER. 1 have decided to quit Mgrchandie*t and go to faring, so (rom now tilti Gxroceries, Dry Çoods Clothiug. Boots i wlll Rotait my Entire stekorand Shoes, RIatis and Caps, Underwear, Notions, Etc., AT GO,(ST oRBEILOW. W. quote thse Lowet Prices ever IaOWaa SESEWHAT 4$ WILL BUY. 00 lb. Mc L G ra ulated Sugar. ... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 4 10 80 Ils. Cholco New Caitfornia Drled GraPes 1.100 16 liba. Chulce New Cauîtoia Drled eachei . 1.00 3 1 le . C h o ic e N e w C a u ifo rn ia D io d A P ric o t s . . . . . . . . . . .1 .0 0 14 1 a. Choice New Ca liformîla Pruines..... î '- . 00 2 Iba. ChOco New Celifoni<iluose lttiiîa ... .............. ..... 1.00 13 caie 2-1). Gouit Corai ... .............................. .0 1.00 7 ctils Ctlifurai a Taible PAcli>s .. ..... .............. .00 7 caiis Catifuiralli Talle Pliits . . . . . . . 1.00 8 c;î<e (Catifirmiii«Tabl lult ers9 . . . . . . . . 00 .t Is. Go<il ltiasted Cofîe".................... 1.00 Ai'l kiute f Frits froua 3 tu 5cý ad. (ilglamsý frnu Tc To 7e a yard. A il %Voouteii Gi odeIfor tes thiaîicot. A iig 10ofu Mots fr tless thaii cie. ()() Il pe . bM ii in e t a z F I MIir fo r t .7 -3 - The above is but a sample of the Bargains we arc uPu ing. When You cornen wo wli show you many more. April let Robert Rouise will take possession and regular prices, wlI be restored, so take advantagc of these Special Closing Out Bargains. -.~~.JOHN J. ROÎJSE, JOHN J. F e I RIq Temperance Temple. Waukegan.,