Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 22 Feb 1895, p. 2

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r-, Li ES ROOYOOED SUODEN SUMMÔNSES 1 B DEATH. ieffl UrfisihOS aNew, Scn,.tlot- « siýlu O.rmany-No Vota on ] it* sente-JBUiOa W. Sctti »mýR miCbkagOPapers rew ni in Their Beds. 3 PrtJrlqN.Y., Mrs. Jane Court- dgitded guddeliIWSunda.y night. This »vmoen unexpeclod deaths la this Ber husband. John, mille dram-a ba lu 1842. feu insensible tram the t »b& ansd hetore selghbors could get itsa ý» a bouse h. mas dend. A sîster, Mrs.j .u*ut.w Dingmun's Ferry. Ps.. .b en ber way home t rom a neigh-a bWg4 bel dead. Fine yeura later, Ira 40oftrtiit a brother, aI Spanrowbnsh. *" tfowei dead ln bd. Another sister, $ . N. Ferguson otf(Iroonville, was à iiet.und dend. Mn.. i. P. Mead af ÇWegviIe, anethor 3ister.-,died ituddenly. Zthuhtaad, on igoing ta bed in thte eneni- .tde Jouad ber unconscions, and lunsn 'ltMr ah.e expired. Aiiotber sister, Mn.j àissbtAynes et Quarnyville. mas toundj 1 eo&dinlubcd t the home ot ber son-mn- ,,Uv. James Van Gelden. CA'? PAY Tht DUTY. i*W ftn: 1lmax F. MAy..wli W. MIcLughllu Alexmader 9. WWliji Potine Inspectom nsd t*o police captalins, rite.. numes are kept secret have beau ldk-tid by the apeclal Grand Jury eoftthe Court a! Oyer and Terminmr.The. cpe- lail Granid Jury bas been ln sesion sine. th. beglnning of January. Its main objeet W"a to investigate charges of municipal orruption. Witneaaa have gone in andi have ieft, but their tèstlsouy has buen guarded caretully frein the publiecar. It wonsaaid three weeka ago that the jury won prepared to lsnd fltty-two indictimenta. Municipal and police oflicIais Implicated n the revelations betor. the IexowIn l- vstigation Committee have been aunx- 'ously aWaiting for some Urne the first big butcb of indictmnents hi1)0bebed iown by tii. apecillGrand Jury. The amuît of the speciai Grand Jury'a work was certain te b. lntêresting te the pub- ie, but the aise et the sensation to h. cru- ated wasnet known teauybody except the Presecutlsg Attorney until Friday afternoon, when the news leaked out thut th. foregoing had becs indicted and that the papera were then being prepared for snbmission to the court. BAI) FIEAT? JOBS, 0HI0. Mforria Ceai Compauy's Great Hopper Burned-S00 Men Made 1dbe. The. Morris Ceai Company's coul hop- per. englue rois and machinery, and set-eral Hocking Vlalley coal cars were destreyed by fire nt Jobs.,Oie.o Wednes- day. The fire originnted lu the weîgh office, and la aupposed te have bes ignit- ed by an electrie wire net properiy lnsultit- ed. The fIre extinguiahing facilities were inudequnte. The cupacity of the boppur wa 243 cars per day. Eight undred men will bu deprived et empînyment. %vlth Two liv.. Sacrilced Throuah Itiece structien of Train Ordere-Miehigaf Tax SainesMay Net Stand the Courts -The Outlook for Buaoineas, N.alcy Qees te Je,,. Bet-ween strair bondanhenasd the ef- tort. et bis relatives, How-ard IL Cavelle. alias H. C. Kimbail. remains uncaptunud nt Chicago. Bis bondanan Josepht A. Nealey, la doing a lot of bard tblnklng lu a coulu the coujtty jail. He la ideuticai with the masnire iras nseaogen te fur- niaIt bonda for prisonera ln Judge Chet- lil' State cour%, sud acheduled a W0tbi- cal six.story fiat at 5762 South Leaylt street In the Federal Court. When Judgu Grosacnp lnformed bisaten a fermai investigation that h. would bu held te tthe Federal Grand Jury In the suis et $10,- 000, Mr. Nealey replied: "I have mY bondamen bere now and wmli furnlsb that bond at once." Turning te Commisnioset' Humphrey. whoesut with its On thP bench, Judge Gnoscnp remarked: "Trhe Commissienenwili take pains ta setint this bond la a geai ene." Tir e mel- dressai mesn.irbe bud nodjled te Nzealoy mien tiey enterai the court. and bad sarted toward tie Clerk'a desk. gave A, frightened look at Judge Grnscup anud wont pncipitously out oethte court-raout1. and ton minutes later Neuley mas on bis wny te tb. county jail. ]IN TUE WAY 0F TRAI>E. theap Foain Producta and Uctricted Productions. R. G. Ddin & Co.*s weekiy renom etf 5*A..«,, ..iit . ekaeu so tii.ef Tiiuee4oih adwsqships i the Jmnese ar" lu full POMie, i" of WeflaHi-Wel. Itlunoffidiaily émnnebile that Captain Nurnof etthe J&aanes aquadronaoepenn;at We-Hal-Wei. r. porta that on Tuesday one of hi.e enmYs ouhbOati approachei the Japauffle fleet glylng n white flag. She brougbt a mes- sage frets Admirai Ting. etftthe Chine. navy. effering te aurrender Wei.Hat-Wel and bis vessels providing thet the lives pi the soldiers. croira and tereigners ire secured. Captais NureeW report added that a fermai surrender iras Yet te ho an- nanged. The commander et the second japanegg urmy, in un oficiai report ot the operatlenb ef thut body butor. Wefl-a ,Wei, says that its lapses trots Jan. 29 to Feb. 1 were eighty-tbree killed, incîudiitg itre effcers. aad 219 wounded, lncluding General Mters, and tire. other officers Durlng the-asme period -600 ef the ueemY wrr.killed. 0001> ON ANY BOAD. Preuident Signa the Bill fer Universel ,000-Mlle Book. Traveling mpn ail avenrie country werit jubilant over the action of the President la signing tbe bill amelding tiat Part et lite luterstnte comme(.rce net wht('b retors te mîleuge tickets. For severai yeîtrs thu Trai-elers' Protective Association. tihe largest erganization of traveliug Men lu the. world, bas been agitating the mileagte ticket qÏiestion, sud it bas mast carnied itz point. iUnder the old aystem ail a Mas could gel:iras n 1.000-mlle ticket, good ovçer just Ithe rond that imqued il. IUnder the noir loir howili lie able ta buY na i,()0- mile ticket. good over nny rond or nuom- ber of ronds he munts to use it on. , cpped by Amenîcan Tax. ne prospect ot securing mark elsewbenor tit, ansfrs, ontte.,r 1Y uyBinsTes eis àa speciai report ta the blute Dopant- a-ich, with tth. existing snffering et min- gold and milhdrawalatrmlerasryutDrnsT n cth *mt upon the production ef Germu» beet rs in lie nllcy ou accounu ot depressed hnve bous almost enîirely aiopped by tie Nol mince the big ire of Novesîben. 1889.i i"uugar United Slates Consul Muti, business aud conflicta af eue kind or un- cotract for pnt'citses ot gold trois lias Lyttu. Mus.. iicse a coufiagra- ~-Ui~dbfig. reantisom tats rbiirotiien amounteai monkers. urakes the. itu- Mosans. Belmani ad Morgan. lFor tbei in miti scb terrible resîits as acctîrred toimi in a tueusure tbo persisience of atien ussume n morenppialing pbase. maoment business only mailsi te k-soir in the "Munroe street district, Wcdnesday i tb. Oewau Gonerumont lu trying ta se- mielier sales ut American securities anti nigit. Titis regionu. becase il was mali- t eurs tli remoyul et aur dsrmntn SUFFERINO IN COLORADO. mitbdrawals of gnld trots tbe treasîîry ly covered miii til] ention firetraps. bas i $117 avq9u sngur. The report show-s thul -have been insiingîy aloppeil by thee ne- lies tie dread of ttîp clty for years.Tiat 1 *VM ibis %Mail duty et eOne-eti of a Ktreine Weather Beurs Hard on Des- mankable increase of confidence. Tii. dncad was reallzed iii a fuil meagure et f tmt ar oun mens gret dal o te .tîtule Seler-Stock Perishlng. tire obstacles wmmci bock the pati jnst barroer ite i linos et fine fietuen inere 0emet or thud ess. n re o at einlatic- Considerabbe stock bas aiready periahoil nom are exceeding cheapsess oif fartarendered us n sacrifice sud sixteen otions iý «M lepndeupo aconsidenabie exten- os lie ranges af Coorado in cossleqnttiTPpreducts aud j-estrictod operatiens iit lie more injunod. neneofet lei fataily. Tire t est. dpondu pos ~of the coid.ansd l la teanod the lbas mlii industries. Tiere bas been ne gain iii lies n e Iris niaittg. The denjtio ** t hm sgarmanet s tteiflbu beavy unies. a change lakes place wean. prices ai taris producta on the ihole." of prtîpenty includeti fotur meeden bioceks t'otatiesan sd se narrowis atbp mangin Mauy settiers ln Eastern Coorado ancanud the guitiug etfta ite brick building. Ii.*eop Iont'sas.owing ta ovenlnasufftrisg trois coid and-iusger. Jules- DAMAGE BT FLOODS IN SPAIN.bttheticdestnructiont of lifteansd cois-c - ctloa sudtoreu coispetitios. tittr0titis nrg npots oxîreise menîber bas bes - equence thut imakesti telire a cnatsîr- 4MjtW io e aehevai unden thesolsightest recordai for imenty-six days, te tiser- Severnl Ctiez Have Bees Iuundated pie. Thie inireumore ai mork uonu iqtiicap la dalles on chtarges. Consul mamelon ranglug frais 10 te 30 degroos by the Rapidly Rlslng Rivera. lte moodes block aînned and oceuîîled 'Ilit* ays tlhat tié Germait bel stgur bloir zero during te recosi blizzard. Tbe Riner Seguru, mbicb flairs through by William Heniry Huichinson. irbolesale ibtby le passing hrongh a sentons Millions af anowbirdsaun rabbita bave te Spanisi provinces of Mircia and Al- and retail hardware denIer. laits, ail p.There bas heen a great increase inl boon trozen.te doti. Denver lis about caste loo hli edil.rranean, ban aven- anti nariai mere in te building iu large sto, trois 24.5W.000 undred- the centrof ethle rogian affectai by the flairai ils batiks, und consîderable dam- quanatities sund aise ammunition lu powder lu 1n 802-88 te, 27,500,000 in 1893- present coîd mare. ibici accrue tuelbu age 'ha. been dose at many places. A sud carlnidges. StiddJo ibet'e came a yeux theo crop wmliireacb 36.000,- backing up ngamst tie Rocky Mountainsaportion ai th. cily et Oihenila nAlil-collapisoetftthe ooden #«I5e. The kiled '1M huudnodeght lu cossequone al lte may frets Citoyenne. Wyo., la El cante, la inissdaled. sud lbe railway aud ljurcIl iremen n ere an the roof and ffl ubave ben talling belei the cast et Paso. Tex. _____ rain tire. lathe City et Alicante. the on ladders mien the buildinîg collapseil. *,dnton. la 1893-4 ram sugar sold __ , 215-100 marks pr hundredweigbl, COLLIDED IN A TUNNEL capital ofthle province. la subisergeil. and lie>? more hurliedboucaut e debiis. gamilb. actual ceai et production tounfi The River Tagus is aise nlaiung, sud lteé *e .elie on tho rong aide, but lie, Five Mes nJnred snd Twety-flveC5re taira ot Aranjuez, about îtirty miles Nebraka Panniers Rob Cars. pusntsasen mililuosa greuler las9. Dttoishod Near Pîttaburg. aoutheast et Madrid, mier. thore a s a At Kearney. Neb.. about lltty tarmers, _______ne m nie ttoCsbtse oalplc.i irueolmi uîda- mvitihit asns as>?tennis. broke imb a WOMEN ARE TO REBEL. Riioaw o ied of the tnel SeannoMe-oyaan.aTaceroyal reionced i ise i u a- car oaded witb relief îprovision& aud1 Rairod cllde inth tnne narMo.lin.Theroareie by tirelmainr. an commencoi liepisg tiiernseivma. The irongabola. Ps-. causisg ose etftee rst ger of bisg ______ autyComisiotorthiei l sop itsi Would Set U PanRI vai Governmesl t f reckg tliaibasaoccurred ou' lie rond i fe15e tatdt Their Oms lu Kaunas. a nuuiter o eoars Fivu ises mer. burt Two Killed, Thittees Iujured. but eoiuld nul. andnte iysuaih Tbe wmenn uffragisîsai Kansas, dis- anti as engine aud îmenly-fivo cars more Thte Tezas express and a tbroug$tl-dine.aany ltey mer. brougit book byi ~pa.dsudindespair by lie refusai ot densaiiahed. The locomiotives mt lin th lie train on the santa Fe coiiided it, DeZdth, police. ____ ilo mme ai tb. election lait fali tu gin, conter etflb.etunel. lu tho crah thal Man's Cnltire miles seti ot Guthise, Car ilohber la Canght. , tbi lb._te lght in, vole, sud gouded te tolinmed lie mns er. buried in lb. de- 0. T., ai m ndigit Saurdny. The ps At Columbhuts,. d..lentiusyivnia IRail- 41esegtoa by lb. indifferene ofethlb. Ru- bris andl hhir escape tram deah mas luttle songer engiseer juispeil and sured ils rond Detectives Mitchiell and Zossor ia- *hbtinu ofethle Legislature tle subiit short et miraculaus. Trafficma deiuyed lite, as dld te treigitt ieman. Freigiti caîod aud urneasteil a mon mitose name ~.pupoulios igait, are planning te set ton sevonai bouts by th. accident. Engineer Charles Uplcby junipeil. but bis thley retnsed ta divuîlie ia ose ot a punîy Aê Ï goverument oft liitoms.sasys s bead struck te rocky aide of te cîs sud ibo ihave ton a long lita. bren robbina dls*palch. This stalement May NATURAL GO EXPLODES. hoe mas kiiied. Passeuger Fineman Pat- treighi canrs snd tie treighl stalles at be er&ted generallybut it iiaftact - rck Coîdros mas caugiti u inte c1auan Jeffensonille of merebstidise. ~* tieso e Intelligent momen ip Kan. Two Buildings Wrecked, one Perses sculded se badiy hoe diai. Bath englues, ~wbo c.utemfflate just suchba slp. AI- Kilied aud Tht-e Injure&. baggage and mail cars. and hit n dozen Bnrned White AsIeep. S-,xà ter bave usdtlbetiret draft af a Au explosion oi saturai gaz ut Moud- treigit cars mere demolisicîl. Screuly Thelieuse et Frnk .Joues,.rieur Dren- àoiefiiticof Independence, and îîey ville. Ps-, Wedsday mnecked tie store bead ot atock mer. kilied. Tice Passetîgernnl, binngs.Ky., -sught fine a bile the 4. ~ engged i te prparaios a d dmolisg et George H. Butler, kiiied coachtes did not louve tie truck sud ni tauîiiy uer. sleepiug, nti]Joues' tri!. .~euIltltlns hd e bile igrtouomilleGeorge H. Butler, gr.. snd George IH. But- pasengons mero iîndly injuroi. Tiheand tue children u-ene burned to deutit. *.lwpro bill f o rise, anii wo e le io, Jr. and seriously hart Mnm.Cutlet wreck as cauaed by ar uisinlerpretnliott loue» mas su idly burned tirati Ie a-i lauthig, sefar nethe prposed oyern a d Ktie Stack. Te bonns ineicoin-ofeligrghiyehe.fmitat nuli necowhen.tThevec. Te ncha baillodes ut .%nr. m~blg, e fr aslieproosaigavnt-pietely deooiabeàl audthie ruins. huking thougit tte uas la pas. tie jîrssn-îrait Jons a rndl tbe inn hireu werne fouird. peerd lu eoncerned, tho stop, should they tire, mer. cempleteiy destroea. Tic ex- Gutbnie instend o ut a Seward, tri o miles ,%eIwudoeranmln tegt posion mas causai by a ieak lunte main, soutî te itwreck. Violnlcd Ton-Heur Law. ~ te subject oet ma auffrage.Tiretire escapul gaz igiling frais tieoffilce A rolntegadjr rsn Wh re vIluAhtheolyntie gandjur iesele ,~us5l li moemct-cth-store. To Test the Lezalty ot Tux Sales. intti-tnir-nts îîg]itt lBt.jaiin Norton, spéImSy it wouldlb. caIed if mon mer. ilslsH BokofGad ais Ue-*rt' serions, sud thcy reaily bellove To. Liboral for Universaliste. Bil roku Iniî îîîrs mesideut otft- Alatîr R aiilway -loin- tbtt they. could carry eut ther purpose Rev. A. N. AlcalI, an.etflite mont capa- hlls u tax tille d.d for a-huitle 1aid îîlny, antd tnIn-ritttende-ît Dantiel J.. '4luld tiey înuk" ustat lintLbhe mînialera eft hoUniversalial denois- $86 .60,tpon te Boy nion flts, estitustei Quinr.,itsrgitig tht- tu ih violattion of Isalion lu the West. btas been suspende-I is value ut $50,000, aud upoît Ibis decil lhe ten-Itor r an-. "lbCUlCAGO ?4EWSPAPER DEAL. trois the foloirship of thecinneit ion ai- demanda possession of te prprty. Cor- loge-I hceay. Tire charge is tint hire l nelius Clark, as a truste ut a liotlgge Perlshcd lunlthe Stormi. beett Bays the Ronald aud Poat, sud b îoa o bss-lsa iea pon tie propent>?. begansat t have n~ Il la kuowu that the. recect alorm, ceai - May Ot the Tumen. cinreit. M. Alcaît iras lie distinction ofthIis decil set uside. andin doing so alîseka Gloucester. mass.. nisete-u lires sud tira Ipitua W. Scott on Tuenday gainai cati- bulngth tiretns pastar ole ho sspesditd ,> lie entire lui sales in Keut Couuty ton nessels. besides titousanudsof dolians' dam. 1W Iof the Chicago Honald and lie Even- asm'rcanuta ie nvraii1890 aundtalie vlidily outhlictax rails. ge lu ress miili %meoe annei. Nearly lmg PuaI. Johna U. Walsh, preideotf teilowaitip. Mr. Alcaltinl secr.lany et the alicging groes errons and inegularities lin r esl rnîit cpre ufnn e Cicago National Bank, mit, sinc Ililinois Siale Congrensaofai Lburi Relig- lie proceedings._____ISr.La 0,00 * 183,basbei a ia-bira lierst ii iIons aud pater et a large nnd istinestirri Negro Wls. lu an Oratorlcat Conhent. The loashy te buriug outhle Dobenty M"ssd aud iho bas iold a like inlerest Uninersaliat chuncit in Elgin. One of Ot tour comîeiars lu the ontorical & Wadowot-anlsik stills nt Patersun, N. #a the Erening Poil ovon aisce ilmus thie peculian liluge about is suspensiont content ai Bloamington, land., Prestou E. j., la $300.000on buidinîg, mnciuery and *.uaded, bas trsnsterred hie outine hold- troilte denemination i intai athlb"tsae hirgleson, eueetflu-a coiored aludeula stock. Ose lionsnnd bontds une tirais baistuir M. Scott. Tii. deeAlmas made dîneelhe retainsa bis position as nominal lu the coliege, îook tie firt houons. Hie out ai eunployment îy te fine. taisbthebuate of approxiusteiy $2000,000 pastaeolite Elgin citurcit. Butwmilehiis sutjeel mas "Abraham Liaealît." Pres-____ fer lie tire neispapers sud lb. prepent>? Oms congregaîlan hcid bis patorule open ton E. Eaglison i. lie sou ot n barbon. UA.MiugoTlonâ W ail aorte belouging te them, Mn. Walsh ion a yean the Commitle. on Foiieirsiip Hc mIl represeul Bboomitgitt aI i te uecelviug lu lb. uigitborbood of $1300,- ethli» blute convention frounui ou bits blute oratonicul conent at Indiasnapiolis. iîa-Ctle co tsl pm. MO fr bis Interest. At the saine tise merk aud laok summum>? meusures. Titis Te tencntaanaa-n J C uns $t75 C 7 itga. aititiit ingrdes, $. çmm* tb. nemu et a probable conslde- action, Mn. Aicoli soya, mas mitoet Theu-- C. E. Comp tan t W .Pere. C @rs,$.7(à 50; lte , ai a iolcgres, 3.00. Omof etthe Chicago Tises and the Ber- aient and gironntter as Incorrect inter iL-_______ui o hic,$2kff.0 *Wu. M. Scott sud the ow eofthlb.pretaties eft houeszeofte churci. Be Aged Man Suai ton Divorce. 42r1Notit. . 27@2S0)c; r,. N. -'MIme., fillaunuderahood, have ugnued upoti mliiîlie an appesi tnom lhe comiltee'5 a il-or er aie nnbaJ 2 .c@; bîton t%le2 crctîrnc.ry, 23No. Imaitisud I l i lkeliboed ithe pla efdeciion mblch ii bu beard by te blute MarareetUJane a O a nr 2(5e utr hieceie 3 tnMUoi4hon wmliilb. pefectedl very sopu. Trustens imhis tie neît ninely days..ahanai lites joys and srrais, sud the 24e:; eggsi, tresit. 219e'2c; potaloos. car TO Fn tu Traeul. eresy trials sud contnueorabos are n. mariai reîlaions efthlie ageni couple itîay lots, per btic, TOflSOc. To fllBatab i e mttee onApry. item thlsg in te Universalt church andbu anuîtici atheii.instance o e iet. itliniplsCaule pping. 130 prie bul s Mnat ee ommueo ro-u lin. Alcatexpresse.groat surprise liaI bie filai suit tan dit-once antd charges in-5.54>; hegs. choice.light, $l@L a;seep, Nonaydelde t rpor s &5minster aiould lh. suspended buause fdîi s ns ele idl.H acommun ta prime, $2@?~435; trient, Na. tousgidaeutto seundry clvii appropria- hlaintee ibertai. But ierai chancir îork- 82 y.unî aiand rsenaieto 81 y. iei 2 red, 52@53c; cors, No. 1 mhile, 41 4h Nlfor ie manis et $100,000,000 et ens have hees amare ftanose tlime liaI 2______ad _i if 1 4c atNo hie 3C3c lcaOtes of lndebteditess of h. denots- thons bave.bes dissensions ameng the St. Lois-Catie, $95t.W0; linge,$31 hoslosdersOopoibasSale et Paupers. 4.50; mieat, Ne. 2 red. 51@52c; cerns $20,8 u cntlte rs fordtinyem bc ladrgeoii dsmîuleThe Missouri Sunstu ha gascon record Ne. 2. 40@41c; ott, No. 2, 30011e; cors, -4Me3 fur the parPese et aupplylng the Minlster Gray »cad. us opposai ote enid nugrncy laiunuder No. 2, itZSSc. tgsmuy dedelcency. Uwh tts iue atu .Gu ilcicousîmes iane bet diapoing ai, cliîcPlt utii-CatlMe. $.0l1.t:hogs, Unid te Ma aiste scl P.etGray public e e o onleed ragruts. It ibas $ff4.75; siteep. $2.50@.75; ibeut, No. mitron Mcm 0f1peuoni a te Ctyofyexcopassaud a 1billrepealing liai section fet iO2 515;crN.2mxi 44~ w1'e menaîvt lgtl tii. eust l fuiiThuraday ev.uiug. Be bâtd bes uncos- lai ndauinsg ecies and loins leth tea2tafl% r, No. 2 mix02e; , No.%2 q4 maino vote iie buied ou tb. Joues fretlie train inthelb.Amiurlesuipli.tapunîsh nagrauts ouly b>? lmprisenment. 57015ge. su" n ayTedydeoe nad Dr. Bray piaced lu ch~arge oft1h. pa- Hooorlî .sBnd Detroi--Cnttie. 82.ri005.50; boga. -< OM~S bil bowe*day-Tuniesdydunhedn in.TepyiUn«ý ioc hr om o hlrnBre4.50; abuep, $20l~4.50; miteat, Ne. 1 wbite, ~t MI sowe cociuavei liI 5 tint. ii.phyielin sw a one ler. The West Chester temporary homeon 015 ffRle; corns, Ne. 2 eiiow, 42@43 eulmtl of pressure weuid hrng about a mas no hope. and intetnmod Mm. Gray liai OM sîreet, White Plains, N. Y., ma te- eî,N.2iie 3/i%;re o -m.,.54If ie sing1)11 vau kpt u- er tusbud oul se unehmety-eurtsiiy destroyed hy tire. Thte building con- - feue. Semas a i Iwîeld realt in bours. -lie h.d Juil reburuet] iro ai Vsh- taîuud 200 ehldren, rangitrg trois 1 te o TldoW 15N.2rd,504 *<atglaporamlo extrand oression.i______ >urs ot age, busides s dozen leachens aud corsNe. 2 mlîed, 42«43c; oeu. No. Sa entra desalan.WinICotet dtheBond liane, nurses. Tire littho eues mer. soundm ilet05tj; ye, No. 2Z 58055e. AI Pbuladelpilu tb.Kalgits et Labor'sa aleup, but liey mer. rexuaved satcly. whteu3ffai-Ctte,$.0gi5:bg,83 gords S1rili aved Ban Lire. gensi executîve board decided tlemeni- lurel b>? Falling Wall&, 4.50; sheep, $305; uheastNo. 2 red m'1esrgeomuat Cooper hoilal, Cami- piey embiet lamyons ta test lie vgiddlly Tt udaSretMhoiiCurct51~t8c os e eli,4@ bannfoui tisaI lie bard Atrcn of t tii proposed bond issue. Thiis stop TeDna tetMtoitC e 7@_W on o elw 07 MmLavinla Stl5h1uitadavefi ber hbeau en dvocated by Presîdenl Sover- et Londion, Ont., mas detroyed by tire. oatii, No. 2 white, 35636r. -- lermanurous humband fretslte elga. The çroeeueilîl lebu e Fins Chief R. aud FluestesMcDonaid Mliauke-WheatNo. 2 sprng, 5WC Thie bail frein bis piste> bàdai oInces. sud Bldeu more serlouiiy If sot tataliy 54c; cors, No. 2, 430144e;, ont», Na.' &gomier *kali. hurt by falîing malis. Leas., 8300. iwhite, 31@31%e; barley, No. 2, 530156< Bno Expllos Kilts Twq, rye, No. t. 58@54c; pork, me-,. $9.501 A lange bellot' expiodai Il te Cohh To Repeal Sugar Duty. 10.00. *of f aueta lMexco. samili, lw ileses ofe Tomauda, Pa. Tii. Senate Fiuance Comuritee bai New Yrk-Cate. *305.75; hoys, $3.5( a uecareulis:g Theottons Peucil, fîtremnan, aud John Mack, agreedt t report favorabiy lie Bosse ill @4.75; oheep,. 8304.75; wisaI,No 2 ned e-Situ i i*. a teamates-. mens intaqtly klled, andi nspeails the ose-teuli ef a cent dis- 59000e; coMNs, 2, 48049e; oatm, wibi éhtyuti of Cor, F< r naniMYeru, a Mllibaud, fataiiy lu- ertualuatlag dnty on sugar Isported frets Western, 38042e; botter, creamer>?, IN jued -bout predueing coutnles. 25c; eusj Westenn% 25026e. y It 50 .1 l a] ai i ci ti Pmu-Fi Cents Wew an s uiel I""9 -0.14 Comiug led bren Es11 usê-- seflat. Sprliigsa&Olver sur'iri»-l-O ligreatena Great Deasa. To. Mueltsof a Geod Tuasu. The huhky mail daily arriviaat the lanvitle. I111, pont oMeie lu roios10t Eds Brown'& letton chais ban becebS a ibjetet Investigation by the pest eOMM ithoritien. Inspecter Stuart etfOice ime d.taied as Inspector te moite Sp a Wert on lUi.statua ofttlb. affaira diere rb. pontisaster. whônsaIary. la dumil. it upon thes valuse of the. stampslhe cati- els "ld set upon the. anount o et mauil ecelved, la tbreateulag te resigu ufiosa ie Goversment corne. te bis help. On Lu average 5,000 lettens a day ane recel- id sddnesaed te Mine Bnown. 8h. al- uady bas receivai tes titie. the million mnceled staisuaeaked fer lu ber tain et letters and refuses tu receive any more eoflthe mail. The pestai Inspectoe bave bes notifiai te intercept a waggiah ttompt ta annoy the pamaster ut El Paso. Tex., by a chais asililan te that In- roduced by Misa Brewn. Local iraga have delugai triende ail aven witit letra. requestitig thomin isturu te muliiply ten limies, and tQue as ad lu- fnituis by seuding cnceleid statups te the posimaster ter. OPTION liAS EXPIRE». 1tothachild-Morgatt Synd'eate Muet Now Bc Given tho Bonda. The option undcr wltich it %mould bave ,en possible for Congres. te substitute a 3 per cent. '.gold" baud for the 4 lier cini. ~on bond wblch the Secretary of the Trensury lias agreed to oelilthe Bel- ment-Morgan syndicate oxîîired ut faon Monday, and nom Secretary ('arlisle muai leliver the bonda le the purchaserasa [s ast as tbey are called for aud as gold la de- posied te muet tbem. The Bureau of Enîgraving aud Printing ban bees enguged for set-oral day. linîîrintiiîg tbe nom bondîs fromt the id plates thut iver, usai irbot Sennior Sherman was autthe bond oi the treasury during the Hayes administnatio. rhere will bc iîotbing ta dlslinguisb the new bonds traitbe nId 4 ppr ceuts. ex- eept tbe dates. and fiic signature& of the officiais. Belmeeli $8,f.fwmO.55and $9.000),. LNJ< ot gold bas al ready lioudiosited ini anticipation aoflthe tirqi paymient, aiti evory steamer unilisg froin Europe 1 n tbi direction for somne îeeks lience ivili bln yellow coin, whieh lthe syndicale mill draw trou lthe Bank ot England sud ui. on s ources,,. BAD RAILROAI> WRECK. Ose Passenger Killed and Anaîher Fatlly lsJured.L A serions W reek occîirned an lie Non- folk andi Western hiairoad genouauMiles West et Huntliglos. W. Va. Trai i Ne. 2, sentit bounil, ws ruulting aI a rate ut thixiy-fivo miles an itour. wn-otle englue juuiped the truckt, taiiaird by two couches. John Adiîs ai Wayne CCutly, mas kliod oulr4gbl; a lady iron to- koy. Midi., mas stiek un the bead sud miii die, andi Engineer Jackson sud rire- sas Ganza acre senieîsly injuned. Strengli e t bc ilonM. The streiglth oft h. frocesino er iii the Sonate mas situa-s Mosday by a rate ot 30 la 2-7 hi take up lie Joues bill ton lthe unimniled t-liage of sirt-r, lthe Gui- erament te rotain the eigniorag-e asnlurîfit. Witi aniy a dotes uonkiîg day. lu wthit tri dispose oiflthe grenutînpoltiation blla. lthe ailer mes. ronscious fut hei sirngli butieclof t tonsciîuuie. îlot-ileiltut take up threin favorite scli-itte aud k-uîil os lie bourda. cit-r furntg a vt-c u comp-lihing tise -alhig utIf aiextra at-sAtumu lu lisatthe appropritiinbilla. May F.scalw a Flood. True wivun mither out lie liaIt ew tiu s bas bal ils cifect ujaun I t-ie iunlthe rivera ut lPilIsiurg. T'ivle ru tIre NMjtuuuttga- lit-la iras ftuttevuît iehuî ick andl in thi- Yuugbiioglielry il resi-lieul a tiu-kneaa îui ta-cnly-tbreei-lt-a. If the ir tîn, enth on ccontinuesa il mi ii-aiik thIre --to rot grauîuably antd irociulide tht dngrgtn ft!L iloai, but If nuit rets iin tlrre ha gravet four ut a breakittg niiinlthe rivera winuit- t wouid resîuît in griot boss lu lite boatag trozen intittong the sures. A plot O tivtles innoheitg ituurden lias hi-eu i isconeredin l te 'ramdea district. il, tic asshstant nesiubctm-y et Buuitcuzorg. ou the Isalnduloft Java. It ast.thr- iîîîcî tien outheotirerîbollea uirrderaIl te En- ropesus aud ('bitte.l in thuistricti fîtes sible. Ail tht.ebiiet nionens lun tie plotl anîd ilty ut their faluner» avii.betîtar- rested amiditiaceil in irison. Captais RIchard Treveblick Dead. Capti.hard Treneblivik.lte a-cil- kitoitilabur it dv trutie irndtl leit iciati. i ed ai bis boute ini Detrouit oif iarobysis. nr.'ot (Z). ('ouI. Tncu-elick tîsalteil lu tie fuir- malloîr of sevenal lirbor unganizatonn ot it nattiounuaI citurît er aniiivas one oftheb teunders ut thue .reeîtbaek îarly, lresil ing oo e henational counuiatof ai tu body iu 1880. Houer Susun B. Authony. TIie Political EqualitY Club oi NeaN York ield a receplios ion oretf 'ils SusaniB. Astien>?, a-ira eleisrntedliter isevntuy-lillr bithday. Arciduke Albert Deud. Anciduke Alisert dici Moniay ut Anea, South Tyrol, ai contgstiou o! lb. hings. lie ma luils 781h ycar. pug Dos Pretcmred ta Hubble. AI Newv Abany, lsd.. becauise i.a-lt allowed bier putg dog ta kisa hon and a-ould net permit bila tic auine piniilege, Pieton Baaftnara asauîlted lien. Tirasons attnek- od itini iiti citubiqand riactuired bus akuthl. Tie boys riere arresterid iih ac-ed iii juil te aitail thc rosîtht ut bis injuries4. Twolve Mes But-sai. Tweive mon are suid ta hav. beu ftali- ly hsruud by an expliosion utfga at 1h, West Bear Ridge colliur>, sean Aaiittdd Pa. r Fine mou urnve been luken eut. Nous efthIem mil recover. ruglint Cleant Cosviced. j Thomas Clear>? mus connietedIn utiti ,),strict Cautt H lenuMonrt., ai man- sisugiter Monda>? for kllllig Frank Dom- rlty, a gambIen. a tom moulis ugo. Clen mas t, anc tisse a remiseut Middle- meigiti prize figiter uand once feugit Jack Dempsey?. LawmaatOrUet ia r A bill pnovIdicg. tortth te tii. Ïenate Wedaçod W A neuelution snthoriiug.,, liai. te oel eMbonda af perted te tth. Boum.Ls.ti Mueans Oomiitoe.A, Àcm >of- contrant mas aise snbSltted. The. Houa. Tbursdar defuutad esîtien eofttie Presideat to leuléO wbereby $1.00.00 Inla t*la bave been saved . Thu measut for the costruction ef s now building at Cicago lias bees President Cleveland, lu re@P"s queat Serretnry Curliale bas met Seate hie figures on the tesi reserve and expenditures. Ll~ misslôner Wright bas unhni1u outinlng plans fer providin;9ouIl * the worklng peuple os eas7 tCILS The Spnate passai the poutfi e POrm' priation bill1 Friday. Senate bouile AWOM- monta belng del'eated. The agplctdtkl billmas tukes îîp - booster ChasWude Inroducud a bill te estahlisb f&M AlUie cas ports mlsere toreigu rawm atrw Mar bu manuactîired. Slrong oppoosîtiet t thebe ill uipropnisting tney te hum mnore mer shipawtas dteliped ou tii.Ib oet i.Houa.The lieuseComnlto* bu Commerce submîtted a report tavoelsg £ rdeep waterway ta consort the. oeean, &M grent laites. Tie Nary DePpartmetit 1£ adnlsod tni bhea-ar sblps Cbaloble asti Yorkloivn are reaeuiu Ameican iis t sienaries at C o citarged the I'resldentut ithmistatit gth* financial situation. Senatars CulickmiiW l'aimer aîipeared betor.etib-coeu*- 8tee.ofthe cSeuste Appropriation CMM#- ntee anti urged an ansendiseat te the êfUs - dry civil. bill providiiîg an sppnnul.toM tonrliie beginuiîig aifitie on on the 1wO5e. yased item Chicago post offie buinea< Tbey liave reeelnd a letton troisthe Ueo- rotary ot the Tressury recoistnidliig sM appropriation et S400.000 ton boglaulut mark ou theeitem building. and ot $20000 for tempupary qularters firnthe peut elles ile the nom building ln ln cours.etO 9 construteion. Titi lasseToti te i11- creo ie t avy wihhttre. battis shiliS a nd tiroir. lorpeda bouts. mas abarpoly î-niticised hltînday lu lieSm.- ate. Seint tn Gray nigoruenu?>?detend titi Presibent. By a rote ot 30 ta, 27 the Senate îcld,-d tta ko up the Jouesbau. m silvor bill. Tii. aricuhtural appropria- lion blwu masssed ty lie Sonate, an AI-e lemptIo a lirninuthe lie rrigation clauis beisg di-toatei. A provision ftoelb. - suce etof t.0015>in dehî couIiBcSeat iras ineted lu ite sundry civil bll b lthe Sonate Committes on Approprsim i7 à T h ic nn e p a ssa i lie ebib ll eIn a ", ie a pe-nsIons af aIl nelerans oethe MeId s ir $12 per menti. A bll for au n t- national commiission te lnvusuhigte lte condits eofthelieu-la ns avorab>? ne- pintatelthe Ileuse, iiae, conflerffl refuse un acnee ta tIi senatc's Hsaa ,. calle ameniment te the diplomatie sa" consular apropniation ibill. Mn. Viles defr-tued lie bond contran bu s [tain-lion sîu-cu-h inthtIe Sonte Tuee- day. l.tilvrites mine unable le foces voit-ou titi-jues bill. lut mIlipuéa N-MAurtion der-lani[tg lu faner et free ecoin- sgt-. lui nt-jly tg)îa Sonate resolito Soc- netan>? ('nriale fars nut necesaiyex uta inn îunoviiling for a ul-tici lais e revenues I)r--iiit.- tiei,- îrtrel. i! lIs te Illtinois men- lut-nstotftti-heuî,ue, the Senahe Judiclary t 'ujttltee rý-fies tii repo)rt tie bill ni»- atng ai u r I iti tîal tdiitrittjudgo. CoM- sidl,-tationuofthle- inni al apropriation lit n-aist-uiàtli Iii l i thellîiu.' A uuaer o)f iiueu ns wecri tuaiwtt A favorable relIinl lias iî,hî-nei thle Houe iotiiiiitûu îtonthe bill to. ta-saon survivors et the muniu arn. Re-îrescntativus etof lth-ie t ifi rurîi elda t-itifereuce iihb lth I luuise neganding a ettie- lctfth ie debitr, lihe Gonernmot. The Curse ntfSeotiand. Amng lte rensonsa a-Iy tl i sofe dlamndts lutnsiee n lIiedlb.ecura. of Scotisul. I1lIîlnk 11mb lbe tollouiug Las ual bes ginluf "Iliaînonds. uIta ot. cn1led lie nurse ai Scotisuil, troi Stchaleli netuh ofe 1'arliameut, part etfa'iose fnusli7 armsa la lIme aine ot diamonds. nebIsg for thie Introductinof tte tuait lai Ie oSeat- land."-"Clironolagy; or, lbe BIit- rlans Cinpnulon," faurîl i ditiob, by Thomas Tegg, Loudes. 1 I=,p.30 (Addiendla). ('onld the ursset Daniel Camiphel et Sltuwt1lit. iieitber et Glnsp>w. Mon tain lteanenolo7enge»? I.e boue esa. dcslroyed by n niait Iu 1727, becamsue b. was sîspocelof et " avisg ïgl;- en ganermutlssî luiormiatl O 1 lte babils aud stahiates o.< Scutiand necesury for tire prepavtlU efthie malt tsi, as Weil as of baying:e posed a systein o a nnuesofdutiUu1W lie Scola tobacco trade."ý-See 1I$3 et S-otinuil.,b>? Jobs BIIb Bsrton. lInlte Index lu lie '*HIatmry" bell oet aild'a Chisltlir an mpve' gir-ou s David.- Tien. lea aGeorge Camupbtell etui lidans bavlng caused li le - manda te b. called lthe cursoof SvICo becauso ho stole aine issimla qtl tise rayai cremu lli terelgB o.tiz Stuat. lu cansequence oet wbIoý 1Seiitbtrtd ans taxed.-Notes snd 4i ri-es. O44. aud E"de. Tire original di the facenthen lb. dallar la lilas Auna W%'lieau tarmenl>? a, teaciertu ittise Phb sciseais. Malunzas Inlet, Fletida, a e by Ienendez ta COMMe m m*i k -, tory ovor Rîbeul. Thte Word,, *ruasaiere.' y India rrsbber used foi 0ralg s-arks vas kitoirulaIUI Ir »siTTo.'A cubeoefltEr square ceaus ahillugaL-

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