Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 22 Feb 1895, p. 6

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.( of ýis &tt orl wblb us»a ne lelldi& lo ube-fs ebôt o! lre 0tohlge ôt bt- hie àIh >~Iei i;4egagti ï6~tiiik Do burt' Tx'rC¶r4f C( Love and Electricity- --W ritten tw, 3~wý aper by Ingersoil Lockwood. ?,~ hi [CepyrIgf. MI l Bic-ts lieserveti.]1t R 1. "Strike it, Kut," lie wiierudt f o heen the custuni he, wifi an ouf h. "I tel] -y ecin onîe of h r Yorkers n-ho are tiem. New- York milionaires! A bundre ic atlaS te make a tdlars As nofhing moeuanef0hlim feu à Woods of their oeufs ta us. Came non-, Kuf e, tbît's a j the sunmuer ta gond girl. Yeu kuon- I love i-ou; help i-aur c e -change lu mode olti ian ont ut trouble. If i-ou do, Fl lasth! dlaim islie lui'a non- outit anti go f0 work ugain, f > te undo flie evil so ure as ni> name le Jack Caneff. Wl-, spugoai lite la fhe Kate, i-ou folfihe tbiuc- lae asîy as fel-. ere, far munioved i ng a ie." keamea, If leSoms"lIl tfeu no lie, Jack Caueff, for you [t>' ta foîhon thie anti aumman like yi- o h u li-e!" r te noto the cou- "Sfuff, Kate, listen ta me," urgedtheli aud fireti nature, hushanti, blai sobureti yhiis visions of lim ta renvIve umder golt. "Play' a fric-k ou it a s iou usedtaf Of flic Pure ir,, do on me wnn in-s ic." Andt with ot plue anti bi'c-h this Caueff gave a raftiug, whectiuc-, b0ceg -O'5nare ceg- tiunken augli. "You kuon- lion-te do Iduos untier the di-iti. Go ialabis routa a-cryiug. Tuke oui Wboover bas been a i; you'rc a prtty ivoman, autei lI - suci tfripe as this fuel sorry for ou. Tien, n-heu he asks itu BUurtsall Tylecr, t-buthfli trouble is, sai- flat 1 bave just s calleti lii vri'- stolcu a buntiretidohrs tram >ou-your Sy,114 the liffle st- savinge for a n-haiei-car!" ie tvoods. "Neyer, Jack Canuf," cieti Kafe, beru Izapper and 9 gide. ei-es tiashiug wifh indignationi t thotîgif code as a cifi' ma ufthfe ma's jitam-. '"Neyer, 1 su>'! j&e anti passages ot Came non-,c-t an-ai-tram bere, Jack. sa quartenr. ver>'- I'vc ad enougli otfi-attfor a n-ble teck!" ne mre than tio seAnti aie pushedth fe drutukantiton-andthli -lgfato tiseuosas doer lu se vigarous naunner thut h ad tii.c o!a uceiari lhati-ft F'-bave accumulated cciin flic street buef ie cw -atht lit eoiae n-ru h appenedt i lt. ~to sy etra or -Ili spite out ue's îctc-rnautiou ta uay lib-tn-olt no ls-no iedtetaJack'5 vilainotîs scbeme, hie ~'~~tidindue hm tords rang lu ber ceuaÉil the aexf day, lite.usual tees piti aud tic idea iaunte-i ber wltlu a trangu fascination. Ton-un eveniug elie kuac-k- ,"1 n-as bis sterco- cd fluidly nut'Mn. Norri' door, anti nheu >0, btter guide iban biddeîtieaf go in matieBomle elcuasfota bo lys'.". b er action ta flic cffeccf flat shie ladnt ver,did'f savehin> lad fimu ftti>' up the r maquife asec-une e mian hi- thcnaine tul>' as sic- tauft'dttado. ýk bàd bhen une ut The bunker n-au ittiug lunlis shirt tanti trustworthY sicuves uicar fctie qufhsmknbi h nrougit bis down- cigar. Thie iuufmuîionltilt' sec-mn faedis- untortunufu hhabit fnrb hituin tfllast; iAu Rtc loOkeul ft f0 Impôssible for un amid, pîcusanthi-: emunt eui ustrove f0e "Ah, Kute, l int au?"- -_ -1 1- -dti Al n h ylrer b>' sai1g: sfault. Butors lie au st f0malte a de- stewell-sainetl"iBl umt," fou Oý fot 4 Aches lihis stuc'kiîîî, i~à!escime;, ut phystcul niait. # r'ft'od lu ibsoc leat ber. Wunet10 ai ounceou t suprflaaui #lm, &addtetfis e fietctfi l tbcne enuugb te pse us ai "-hutIsebig bron-îei'es hat bo." ni -ldin ifhemn, anti you'I t-ita o!flhe popularif i ue en beeti. finlc shaîteil anti euicmfdY o n bis c-et, bruni sîiuîulersm, 'reil n-th a sftrag groîvfli of tiurk AIr' S a thougli lie toti nec-ect : +#ébtIl r nas a native crace la eceuke, andt fl our greîv sutdeuil>'un- -even boneaf h lier fet, ts shu prefeildut f0 arrange flic tan-cle ou the rack andtef Ir nipc fie duet tramnlic plain boaurd mantel. "Q-ohMr. Nonne, n'liaf a beatitil ring!" i. cric-c Kafe, as sciecaxght siclit of a dia- moud ring ounflic lit Uc- flac-cr of flic batik- is er's lft 'and. it "Wl-, NM. Namis,"l shmu rafthet on, clad te f0 tatisomethiuc- ta nu lien mmnd for a oa tat net mumya aiun-s.a =7odeât o f he Nil iew êOf hl at '*he t rode ~r tas Dite a Greclau fltden, nai, adure thofct. met , overcrown boy' uieif, .ý kouner peasure flian f0 àat doea nstardi- oig-u- .-~ h' tussed lotno the air as il lbbr-balle.. Alftougli troug --~KATZ TOOK TEE BELT lIN ERtRAN DS.' Sert uever a efo telo -- pwti4ect aweak brotliur froua momnt ut the fuiblu toati upon if, "you t4lt.k HIo;st'emigh n-as cita- didu'f u'earihiat rnug hst y>' eun uuîia tal.- H hai otteu buen n-eme np bers. l'in cure i-ou tiit i;lovv &P thl ather offa buck's heut i tii iou, M. <orrnus? in4k, and te blokia '>îouîdecl "lotu are riglit. 1 titi îot." uun-eret t41wr, aigicbng 200pousitis NrAs otîeiut the sic-if o!flic- n-aa i l, ible crip antil a con- -h tadsphboundt, nith ber c-i-c Mhiafh hlm. If seeme rivre d uo lic- gem. ÏIubt the. @tory'lis tohi or Tia' avr' fine sfoa-, :f. Nomms,' hringmugglis sn-etbearf to th. Canef, wt-I bparticulur att-cs! been 'rsiting-hc lieinu ", I u, ha!" iautglethuebbcunker omteniît-hIer bol-su stum>-"Wei-l, n-cIl, t-ha uotd have expectedt- t, b % k g o u o ! b e r a r i a s S d a c n n is s e u r lu d ia iio atie u p lie r '~ b na es Wheiuuaua l inte North> Woods. lia, lia, lia! liay fieaiapleltedi) it"Little Katu, n-hume tqit ion et i-atm knuivct â.wnas nont bu cit AunaCame>' froua?"1 e wss betruthuti, althoutgi sie iýOhiI 'aiîas a0 u's muid ininarie Omgt-SI - oiAiitiA mahn-ui-lied f ami ltAlliai'.'" replieti bute, "*tandl au bnudrcul andtfncti' Pound@, mîstrese luit ac-eufticai ut dinniiaî 1-117 tutilies lu tiVelve boums joteir>', su I haniid sangle haIt, reudhing Oiroy'a At fbis insftnt flic nomuu'u ci-es fi dl ÀpL46relithi UnÉffectedth >'fe upon au objet Jying uns fie table. Ji font' oe f ut sruucth. Upouî ictiveli- sic al)ihuret fadivuinue ifs u& ** frAna'& mofbui' ton making andt i ct Afiashedt trough bler liii th; soahs1,ýé andt aking te isk If wouhd lie more prapur for ber to fuit f>ru tu, in, rt ual>' sule-lignorance, auti on. îhile thue voicu of!hb W la"bo rt t I, moflier." drunlteia nsbanti rang laulier cnrs ar a Ptrns Woceimecg--tflicroota seenied sentdemil tûgro urf ze-wédos reri' iesr,teas ChareBnce sam dot 4»b W<l'uOeiNu Yr ak Pra>', Mr. Nomms, du tell me n-bat il - wl..* *ae n> us'atimting Ie for?" >me l'Thot Kter' repli Nonnes. "Wh gy lýeMtlon Vras tfn-o nou on- stupil i'Ôu une, f0 be sure. Thiî 40( tWoo411, e'eryicaruud only a muas>' boit. Dii i-ou cver seeo t*iobkli tbb "renïhiUag ih" ati beu re?" ~W~aiI rxtrorhnay.Ho "Nover la myIllhie, Mr. Norms," n-as i rad 1*> iq uc- ne, about auswer; ant i tifi fat Kate fook fie bi evM7O-à Àed L, kllg pae.In her bane n su naulif looehy, n-l ~~'iedî1woi otut;leàlbody NXoiris looltd on 'linan amuaset n- ai ut Mr «M d 45>sul, --Whou I î nibed muefonisheht. Hat ibe- ~8w i cult Lamn elfiservdalitfl. more lose1>' lie n-ouilitb ~et~go.; hi-fI>. tili at lien bauds trenilleti ant ih 1p t~rleau often utake hlm bluth amebard. ý aubbn'n te bak." n aInomeaf Kute quieted downn.a hlm u tie bsk.J tieon, laiic-inglyi, remamkett: IUI. rrive'>1151af (a"- Here's wlere -i-u put flic money ln be was e tcuitomied'f0 stop suppose M. Norms." ,Mirraida>" wn-h ie b adTyler "Yen. t îfa tige flueauce, Kate," saiti N huseves gfnli, thelr 'aliaris, as b. puffei an-ayicalnili' at him cig Mteuldemb'lseaIlluc- o eli tic "Anti I suppose ytfi'v c-t a simili r 'i u Msjieau te ut. fe hllrti e tuteketi anai-in boretfils ver ma ,- for xman ude olr nie M. Nonnes," counil e n-omur lh'oY, aud-sornethlag f0 evei'ibotiui "Net bi uni' menas, Katu," c-une fi «Pua or childl-connectedti -i Norris nifh a mi- citickie, "unies$ W Onu peroot la particulay ai- cal six or seveQu hunded dollars a af k 'sPeelalPains tua malte brself fortune." bp ta làb.,Norrit, sud tint n-as -Six on neveu hundreil dollars!" oc-l àteL XCïs tefe n-ho n-as bort- Kete Caucf, wth wlde-opeuedi cies. EMî-andI barmaid ail la oa.- A louti rap at flic door tartleti lie J oux. rolickiuc- sort ot a thittaiue lt itic mouey boit fahi ti, W ^~ t beart, but n-esk ataciu. tu theonafinace o! <'e' î wasBurt Tyler. Ï&R atidespimdti "AI> Burt, gladt usei-ou, nid tel' ~%'~jiMfrUll ~coeins rigltin l; It's ouI- Kafo. 1 - I 78140>bridge, Burt," lamghed Norms au the g boulet is towert tinitepais chus the do«. Kaf eCaneR dlda't dame ~ ~êup st Burt's 1onest face. - If seeumed *Wa~bort tmat Gcm lane troma hi758 swq Wl5qk hber tbhia andb 504tinough. "D i-jà é . ulied. ata!" Norris celed gbt îset liror à piéO, j3i 'à1 ph<2Ï u . Suth~e Dbuker:tome trus, wl 'U 0we tart to-tfoi'Yow for the Z = b. oibd t f i*Ittâthé neit tuora in J - ex-Js re, et the iret streak' of dylhI~collent condItion. h zdrulplly- erything l ednw.Br? and heafilg properties of thie air 4ad ai- SKETCH OitTHE MAN W b "Yeu, sr," mald Burt, "everythlag, and ready hegun to steady bis ner ves, andi le THOUGHTS WORTMY 0F CALM MARY ANDERSON4 TO ~ - ' you don't getfu tired we shali make' ttaeked the cuit] chicken which Kate REFLECTION. ýoy's Lake the day aller to-morrow, Canef hadepovided with an appetite bulre I ean promfiset you three-pound thut wouldhbaye astonished bis chutas uf out pretty enough to puteli a rain-bow the New York Clubs. Apes AlstrninadlstutI o Pl4 e ettad T$ eI 'n I it'h." Butwsdelghted iwith the vigor at Pua eLmn, and hrestnaItractBO Booithaet md Cýoitbu "A>"came front the bunker ne hi. app:tit.etofbis patron, andi made the for- ~ LuosdWeeI e . (ijsî.N.LtaC.1L, ,yes brightened andi a smile epruatiover es$ ring with one of bis buntinig songs, Pound-A Learueti and conciueseR.' Oe otae Most 0f Aieriatoa 415 in spaefcIike that sort of talk, wbieh bu poureti forth in an uncultivateti vlcw of the Haie. . Norton. Bora lu the seontb #X urt î gve te ewlie.wausmybut magnîficently full and round volce. of New York clty forty-Sil eur$ Luggish biood nps and sondas a tingle, to 1 They reatched Coy's Lake late in tbe Leasun frFb.2.friands of bie youth vrero ThulUBaW- he very tips of rny flugers. How 1 do I afteruoon, ni Burt ai once seut ta work Golden Text.-"I amn the Lgbt of the Keeus anti Frauk tjbmnfrau. -We Oui ng t0 fuel tlint tbree-pouier on tbueud te repair the bower bionse and piteli the world."-Jobn 9: 5- Keene a star at the age of25 andi NortO pf y lne. let, Norris looketi after the traps. Our lesson this week la talkon from John 1 lu the dower of end umnsubooti the o 5&' faon bukr fdrusentrs bis chair in clctith, pine tipts for the bedding andi 91-. «I andi tells of tie meeting of Chr iisLoîsltL a» is excitein me dry was nowrpacias the o ugîuterGadnTetrli as@o" _fnadIa o aigtegathered gomedywo frter and flie tais bons blinti. At (thmntoufh ith Lwrence Barrette i rllut " or iith lÎi hsis thi n; jnuabise p)ckts 1éuinpire- After things bai begun f h yooosates tect0fsudatrateihe ldin the Mwth sudi bis heu ont as if in dec-p thougbt. look quîtett hipshape, Tyler sursiedtet the jerusalens, lay a pool of wuter. cluar anti Charios Thorn@slat the Variety Theatir Suddti-ly ~atdl rn fTlrsbne n re n pleusantly, "Goot beautiful, calleti Siloata. One day it» la Ne* 'OrieavO. Eariy la the CeteuàJ bair a ovt: hnub Mr. Norris; w-e »hall nowvlbu able depths were istrangely stirreti. A group Yeur, lu Louisvile, Norton met our Mary ý,Wh, VIIIushameti of myself. 1 t. pas.sia comsforteble niglit. Yeti mnet came frut the direction of the sacred Andersen. then a fair yoin grl wbo es- forgot ailt àboat if, old fellow." bu a littie faggc-d ot; so throw your bMo iy mvu wflydlain 1e vopired. for stage faine, too r lé "Wha lailMr.Noris" inuird te cty, ovig sifty ad ladig ele he.i r orton s ow1the "Wu eiM.Nrrs"iqtuiteket dowu for a baîf hour's rapl, wbilu 1 lu bis muusifest blintinese. c-yen seeuied beto anad ne 1l lwtep uide, witb a somewbat puzzled air. step down t0 the luke for a couple of mrearanrpi lbsmomnt protur fume Mr. ndora tue u t "Wiî, Iintndedf0 ec til Anubu-trot."than those about bini lllos p owaihe wal Louls. the Du 'Queàme'ibeater, ltlfbui fore we starteti," was the bankur's reply. The trullh tas finat Norris buti sonie- so dependent. A moment onlY they pants- andi one of the tetockholierà ia thA wbaf oyertaxed bis streugtb. and glatily edti îpou the briuk andi then. lugug in, a e' Extravagants CouîpII)tY. avuilud himoelf of this opportunity tetheficbli maun sas wueliing bis t'Yes nWlf One afteruou earinluJue ho habbli "catch forty wiaks," us lie termet ii. li pnsu m bis New York office ou Broad#*1 Bur cugh u bi fshng acle n tfie turbiti w tcr. Suddeily liuaue nd encoristeruti bis business mnanaer, s Brtcauli upbi fibig tcke atiandt trows al) bisface towurd ilte sky, GeËorge Xtlanus, wbo li ai alsgo beonIa ily strode off ton-ai- the luke, pramising to then titiî a snift buîîgry glauee- about ruieumlatie miferer for tivo Yenrs. Nor- bbuklaushrthat ob.ilta lie bas lenjiet wiflout takîng the ion nwastsurpris 'tatMe aul a& dis- i Norris h~~at scarcely faileu juta a daze bltgbusblion ahm n rm ciîrdctibistàue. Who citrudti o? ho tn-heu a noise ike the- crackliug oftsi dry te aaiIte neketi. -I cnred myseit." repiieti Me- twig initier a maî's treuti arousei hua andti e watl'r ad i) the -rîî>ks ttwardthe l inus, "wtifDr. Wlliam's' Piuk Pilla." bue calîcti ont, "la that y-un. Burt'?" cîty agaon. "-etc-s," tlîey cry, "be.."I was eticouruged bty 31r. MuMans' îtec-eiviîîg no auîswvcr, lie itprang liglit- sees" Ifl l the uuly %vorîl they sic-îk, as cure, aud as a lent resort triedthe ic >nk ] y to hils feet, tirew bis pistai andi passeet tey busgteîi vuulring atter hinsi.,Some V'ilsui>-sei." saîi Mr. Norton tu a Chroli- cautousy ot o th bo-erboue. ut-h scene as liis must bhave bec-ilesn- icie re.,iorter. -'You baye kulotn mo for Neuitherlîlaut or heboeur se vebo tt uge.t y -iu.c-a ît zt i e en~ sd kun on- t baie sufferoti. ai1hr iai le bas hy. dnring the entamer uf 180 1I W" The san liati met anti the n-ootis were - aîc-îflic îîîidaL ' <of »h ouui nsy back ut the NMullantlihi- Hospultal, 4 * ead u-apîetiluitic--p wîigbt Norisson mpea1ks. in this clty, four weeks. 1 nas put ou the -- - look hait a dazen s tc-ps ainng the pttb Iints ant I llustrations. old s sica> of dietîng, witb a view t0 oiu- -e %ith he g thoe acidulos proportion lu May blood -- ..~-s---~î~ - leatiing to the lakeibte intention of This chapter uîîîîy he malleu' fli basis of thast uedical theorints say in tbe cause of huiling Tyler.EPLOED. a profitable parlar revital of a ilcvotiona.q mi rbeunafisza. I iutt the bospitl flel- - THE WO ISTOS EPLODD." Snddeuily the Rotint] of a titel) agaîn fell sort. Wc- îh'av ir Browvninig recitails log stronger. but the iret tiaap n-eather "-I atdt akt iraotyu alpeu bis car, couing fron tli direction wby not a Bible reital? Befort> us ou brougbt wiil f ose exerucleting pains prnsig arlue mie slips out lapecr, rec*-llingltg tlsu n l-in uthe legs anti hark. Il -ntv saieo jîraciugmariae.WhI't mOnt b n-ilcaught siglit of a îman's lbond anti arm tobl.Afrsittiugdoafra tec tt fuke place, Burt?ý" reachliîîg sfealthlly arounidthebc bon-cr terestilîît exercise, hy n-luthftlls Scril> - u 5vle. iniVse theçin% screwed Mny "Next NvmeMr. Nri, efln-og, vlc opltl he di l'sturc-ias ontce mîade- vivid tethe flc-mid loes lto a kufnot lien arase, ant il bob- Nye. Sovieeui, N ore.thie thigbuse e, rcule l b n santi vital ftebbhe heurt. Itn-il a rituîîy bled as painfuly as ever. Aller 1I bai Tylur. "thliS'tui bugc-i btd-theieoneflicf flicfigure.salrenNorrirâtcooxtofrPinize the Il f il- day of that moutiî, and mnother matIe me ation the liautiscieti Burt's tistol boit, i-menesu u itetae n itbxo Iuklls. If struck promise toen-ait mtfil thon. It bus bêla n-hlie bhadtitffliangiuig tuere, andtidre%%- 1rayer înectiîg lin iletuetliglttul "Nen me thait fliepains n-une les rubeom a pety ong jbMr.Nuri, t witthe revoil-cr front if. lI flic- îîos instanît uyuî'tsylncrugtittt liattte iltretinsoUSYt aft ntherbx u egu i nkI fn-a long ycaru. but I'd nuit feu rallier the man stepped bllhi3ont triat> bliiîîlshore. A nticijŽatilig Ia sîîîaîî attendamice, uinconc1iii- f0 ve o fapitlulthe P1lnui litnlose lier, .%Ir. Norris. She le tvorfh flicbon-c-r beloteaîî ~~ and i.1ýid tIe andti ~kiiîtioft"Itou ïîd fabTè -inferviewn, ispîfe. 1 tioud sntrajdekforanIheour il"pistai, gnowled 0onf: tepastor lheu ditideti 111)fthc cb'îtc-n anti the tfnlues ut rheiuiiitue ilthatic- '"$ 0 hit e , B rt," cri cti flic - bagi k r. "Y u or m -. M N ,r i !"a cr îing f0th e ,ra uatis personne. T lîty com pt anied m i- riei ug w erp su m ildi that I cent. minice luef year. Yotî'rc- a iacky dog, The fn-o ueoe -jaIl lmost lut the fln- l'baiâc-cs. thei pa-renîts and iflic- neiglu two n-eekti, tt haye liad1 ii-i - mini- Tyler, tedRa trvsc-lua prize. Marriage, saille instant. Ctefn InuL jitIe liii Ihors.T'ruaslîps oftIpler uc-rt' ubileti rc- ealrbSLlis li hedpu my oyin moe lttey, itha bni)nothiug umare. Nîrris raisei hituselfit on e<tivtily wthutili-se i,noms,nit'le back thie rbeumattimm i, -idi1tcoller f of lIdank tickets lu if, fou. BUt, Burt, 1 bistes; lis ian- felu: bueguepeti, grî,anc-tl.crihîfure parts iaîîprbiîriiîfc ,îîî'l îttube-dsufficieuf andAreliable test ut the efficacY ike i-ou, anti 1 ikc-littic- Aunu,anti I wnuu pitcheti bc-avîly tor%-art a stt-p or tua, îîround. Forecxanîilc-:Tic- liler murki,îg ut Pink Pills, 1I nav aise a tilet the yan f0 sai- fa ber flittn-heun-e conmeouftflicn wnlt te flic-grauntilike ai1 log. tf lic- bhiiîîan'e hart iadti uiaoi iîîon it Pink Pisebave acieilits a foule oun0My ofth flcwootsisnl September, andtl1 have___ verses 9, il, 12. 17 Ili.), "5. 27, a93 toisaîci, -bic-h I thousigit ias n-cil aigu he- br aal aî fe1hîfI ae363anti 38. Thie 1harimc-cs, Iun tic other destroyed the litîousaîîn lune alleted bee lira gar'an fel fnit1 hvereniedies 1 cunsumet inlutbe pedt fils bloati c-ougb lun my veille fatieserve being CI T l1.baud, erseus, 16, 17 (1,t), 19, 24, 21J, 28, er"_______ culîcti a luil, that 1 inteuti camiîîg f0 sec- Burt Tyler liati .ust hookeil a fine troîif 29) 34, 40. Thc-iîîtc-rspales wieru ilet lier for a certainî phrpose, andti1I uon' n-heu rtc-tuaiie%%>lis t r> lt-erd ubi] . flc uor. Il 1rovet ilaBible reiuliug 0it n . mîind fcliug vois uliat iflenfor. 1 sup- Hieatiret flînugît >n' andtirai> ue rotiert.uRohi-Bon 1eur'spantings are scat- pose you'd lu ejcalous if I ,idn't. I kaoîv ru back f0 sec- îviît the matter n-as, hut Ilu is wnitcrttuliy fîriîîiîîg flue Gospel tereti ail over the tioriti, anti netuiany lion-teloiv eutt nheu tbcy're lu love, go eager itumliîe fa landi bis isli, kioning Story, if oui ie fbcallowivel te speak itaclf galleries haye niore lisait oue or two Bort, and las i-aur heurt le about a pount ie i Ir ors osiesfrboldt slsagahro elâi vY le pcmn.I a hrffe-n da bouvier fliaitait ortinary man's, yeti muettfratît, finitlie had ieuîodiiculty ilu perstuati- tclasesiara ine)ratereuulîti. W'intîhopte ulmes.if wht la rthetat e ot a bu ust50ainhicrunkier thau fl ic n- ing blînseit flnt thbe baîker ivas mcrely i sth e m ml etle ronî or t hu ien acltti'thfou-thnelif a tesA bcjs ouul rigapistil, or a cutamtînt or heur l lcfml'l igtb reitlh rofit. to tî'akato-ueMi ir fryac oer"hlngtre i iit i nw el For nid in suc-h ;tneeeiîtitu ne append na rtlacu gh dhlov l l h ber." s ta tlie wttrictai orthie u p. ile ru li .t he o fhe npart , a i astiy outlisied oat filic w ere Jo few er t ien ninet en of ler Burtslaugoti hearilof utaliebunkerlits:t le.n-us5,î7,- a5shrtthait ile frou "l've nriffen fteni>'peuple in Newt'hficcampt, ant fiefaavigorous hîuhioo siso- au.J'ts s -5 ,3, ~__________ Yok, cntntedNori, 't snt m b ould reuch hîjin- if h flic-grenfest eam". 31.41 . NeighhorR: vst. 8, 9 lsf.), 10, 12. i- ayFeb. 118,Lillian tinsseliwil exlrcs t li cui f eutenhu fucrisp se licefulis t usîboc tet os lut- Prn :2(.2,2.Introduction admake a nul r.hlc- production ut flue Chicago onresu l h fnieed ollar te-"Brt mt h u i s sA, nhicb proveti te be a fiac one, connsection ut passages hi' thefeachen. o ra Huue. The u unptuonus revivel]tf 'aetreo roet ntififfeen minutes Iter tvas speuaiag Another practicai sggti 0 T-resl -and wtliwhcshe a A~5ttu~ t profeet.liku a ticen loîîg the patl-uting to the a lesson lure ou tht' tiseutnitî. The bas autonishetifid satihears faul j "Do't say aantir, Tyler," criedtheflcam.chîurcb that puts it8elfith lisse ut the ('hicago ai Mr. Hendersau"ipopuat'the- biuker, "iftvll do nono d.Thsuo qpue-i. r r NrrsIle atudoutg dynoliîuvie flic i§ ilpuurh int isulet.stigorngthgpot orniimunnu sue befn-cn ltf e Au tret n. ".'%r. '%orris, I bave hua, but 7'Rt is, gel allitheiel)srtuelltg of flic n-ic-b iill i tfeuil tbe revival tot Offea- adme; andfti rll1infenti phtciug inlu emd jlcyfgt I.Nri!Nr.cuc oooeainadto xet ahi te aoieoea L ei une ut lier littie bauds anti closiug lber lenîuc ck ultIn oni!ur brblt alierf ong filttin expt"flbî-Wol"Ther fatie c-na a, Issusn- figr ruId Atandîti il ber tatilNarrAs! Wliabtvenc iou firiug ut?!" God'e vlsittiu lu is ns bcoe"Tcetieumai tahu fingersarountteuug sfowsfeu 1uple ave bec-n reheur'îing As a ittie ucst egg t-hic- bcshemuât put "Nu auster," inuttereti Burt to bimselt may bu i-cryi-mple ivankinif. but ifndhiat tire-I e "M'hv, if's vey straiige- araiest eh!".An o 0ek"eihl'fo orwei at n liue esavinge banik, lu case uni- îîngta cnediles sfa las esl i theAnl dylaves fie pntbo"ton i aur e'-cMsas.anti for h a p p of a c o meoluihc u tiyc -lre u s.aI file flic-ctIr > ' p l a c e F r e e n a n h ua s a d t i r i u a i l . p r n cn ip a ls , 1 iaîîph entt iow vil ob'etrmiif(ohocninei seb outfotr thetIew 1s uf heavt'mu. Juît lion- i-br isun,] onct-bren, t-very daty pufling Tyler grastiedthlc- anker'e baud antd WmasSftanmofnac. sine ut tue arc- iouui-tnlîd uabout thte boyis. tbc finisîinc founc-hes ta fie preparatari- gathret ii lui bi hrtvu c-ies; '-usi Sonishi g n fl unc e.ii> Wnho speni f it'oge-tiig a-aY frot Uu, n-ork. ui.ann-lie tfi"costues itc iuitl tic tetirsge roflenin httfiy bitgiiehtoi'ts fftniu scnerv bave aIl becu catutlefeti andl have -but Norne n-oti dliste» taen expressiout keU csid, vrsprirideinsin heaîo a-amrie-nd theflic 'li-go (liorneHouse ut tiauiks. andlsa fili converation ol aîkcfif 'uue.%10toteiliaeu speirIli.-ea'it lîf i' i- tut-rî-uuîîîfîr tise. The 'c-oc.ttnuies wiihIlie tiirnil tu a natr uet i vffi. lsgliatae. -Iii l .1 î acon-aî'tiaucoufrc-ttns, ci..,iîi onutoti>tt îlr i u littt ut hescu-y o trip. But >i ehitri uîî al tliiitie-a neglar tran iiiil' -concomuitants, eioi fei a. ofurecntforiT't wtilihu title , afion nuufin tie ut ý1W .ra AsBitrs eIi i arnga<ît- sac.a,I-.lo ! I've traveleti a goo i lui belialf ut ie(,botys. i teicmnt1-gtcs 8-efoiurtuai-, ui-h hl cyetuuhffilopsc if flic large bit, ant i hîcîti >) Ily heatl n îîîosf t f.8."e i i iui l<tttn' u iollell1hioi suaetsilii"EeGin - RneI)",e 1 hugtI g a Peri holu" bas bleuu sécitu ilis'hicago. iluati brillinuf euî vî-in lît arcad cnpeoublec-aît utc '1> 1- gI -ecretahae t1iaulps facc-ueaion>c- fi"lfeia ictia og acsAc isClle Cîef. thiagifiistiile pia frin0 o m oui theiiladls ought îbol'î uttnit iieit-c-ruut-i îî reieniher t -alie t fhsu-l iitit ras rm thîree bullefs Insideu'o' nie. Ive chotandtîte f a lmlied aid gi-n eoniît-fiig fui do. andtihfic-sc-io-c-aulicetîry ut the loves "Doi't t'ear blint nti tic-î-oîîs, Mn. bec-n ioet ut. atti -t' yr licardnti touul? lèic-neltt. n'ay owui'îIîch hiaujustet sud fortunes Offlitheîvo Street singent. 's,1,NarrAs s uidti Ittin l lutIavcontutlcntilt88su>-1I iadut as gotîcl rif ais tîîost feiler,. lîscît to tic- sifuatiuon. Aiuuuilitnti' tu Perichuole aud Piuilli. The role ut La folepoiîtuîgli le nîu. " uoî't moanisis tllt's gauli'. But alit onte'Finul atk-vth milicfe bing appuuiutedi, fli-eiiîouiu'c-nut P1'cthole is unetîvhicl shouliSatitMisse r.ef inelnuate fiat flic-Northi WVo earc- Atome l'i let bbe oid îvouîun knoîv tiat tvus matî ft' ti lese tirethlrenultold mec-et umèelu.upDrtliurl il.ftib ~> truqueuteil by uni-ligiît-iuîgc-ni'gentr'y,.lier hot biscuit w n'st Ai w'heiu t's like *lie bys ofuîat' îviîx re -1Idy wcl-iteduait ioIthe uclaireaopera. lias tCub .a eihoe il oplayed for huit one c- st-h s I al<lsînîîl tp tiivu s.tlfaunlgaolfId uisl sf .Ajpeal n-au matie ta tic-muotive of iylty, tt-u'c-k, begiauiiig Mona%,yFeli.18anit Y. ront itvi hit ia îgufkokfi- t-arfot 'ctone ut lots ' t'lac-s. Mut andt tyta lads repuuuî(led Itue fnef niglît.f.ilue end tof thuf finiae tflicssnient EugI'h e u ctie goiîc rfl, ryorfr n ugn nbe hisanti tabAcslureia s w-c-e rt'-arrnigetiant i autar, Mn. Bcc-rboiu r ne. will begun a lise i iglt uatch n lu u fantid u ke iou lo e t ak t at li oullogeo f ici. 1)y- p in if ti v u n- f ue c-u chilttu tuigesnatetut a M .fen insne -hafrahitit for'filue kiug' tafutle." -th.îi the I ruar ouf ieuiI c-fiirjuartctar ieuotra uo fo hr fiepbus, [Mtuilrteaemeta.Hndm* Nurris euileti altflic guitie's enfhisuthik1r.rotwin1g vrs !au note on fapr o h l n It ti u r i c -,o i u rc-dl>': tnfa e tid k N o, ir. W h le l'ni r t - iv ere thucy bai u ic ,i cn t vers tio Ii (--1 " N n or . P r s n i ir l o a "If'e alI!'> c-lhurt, tu ay u>leve bAn yehn n' ket'pilnbac-k hc touis tutres, Tuzzles, etc. Tbnue-uIuarters of un blietilac-k forty-tn' u tre tmiles ot clternug behinti, but 1 liai te' takea if off 'i ."-1yhlkc ýwse ututinfur- feur filic-ah urlotiraflint, tho'niflue sanie leugli utfligne ie iiga r na sa odn l-for nc-rly a i-car, nuit very' utcl doubt nmnsais licen wokce Up by thie upsol. givt'n ta Bible drill, "Sec-tiug utp" (c-olis- ' _______- e, th eiagfi f.Hncvrno'eu dd' c aleg, uit lc uificcexercices), orgaulztllin flhi-A % r tiu, l -X LE rA fiEYfo o' utmight, anti off if camtes, tflftho fiuger cms tlo-tug>tuîuuba- iegî ntiflt-hahle lasiug i iha briet uttrees Thîroaf or a Bad Cougli or Cold, ube go Il l.un soine pructicul moral theune, ail 00fut pIroîipt'ly lr. Jayue's E'xuectorant, a useihl cr Su suying. Nonne hjladuu d& tic- ring. mc- scalp. >"N'Vbeun-we iret hitclucd, 1I O'cloc-k A Boy' Eî-niug ut fie cîurcb. inefîcune f0 ke-p ln (tae bouse, bocause of ie -ugt1wa i pr i ednt s.lagreat helptolas ln au ai uuand'i'l ruaI id anti bcgan uî ggiug a al 0vu cutI>' that fbulfIwa smcitniu;but. tif-C Andthion, riglif uong n-ifh file, a girls'troubles. ______ -k, lie drove ta, sharp c-tge iulethe flitcel, tut' a 3'ear or twn'o0f argylu' flic- lut. Monda>' affernoon ulthfic cbîrch. Put- if causing thfl lond to flaw. - settletid, d ttxta slat-In' the car it ow 'irecti>' afttur choal, ai- tram 4 tÔ 5 The furnace and flic 'gulki-are Coud ut "There yod are, Bu rt," saidthefic bunker. wuges. 1ILkn lit-k uni man o' run> agi' p. a. Have iuging, a lit île murcliiiig. inleuds. - " lut litf le Aln takeurcae ut if for mu auJ! site,",enîud flie oua gentlemtan, bang- penhape, ut a ducunotîs, n'bnlc-ome surf, a ___ n-bwile n-c-are gane. Good-aic-ht. l'Iluie lc lcslntbe lf l nu~îu tori'on tîva, reports ut sua>e special n'urk It'S ruadi- for yi alt breaîk ut day. Good ti "Ill shoot, 9,'aud upi, or rougli-andîti in doue, sutggestions regarding nun -m Re .D mie uic-ht." rends for ftbu c-unch andtihficStîndtai- oDr.FPa ker'I "tiood-uigbf, M. Nonnem," replie-I Tyler, tuble for coin; but, w4en Ibuuigui>- st'ool, au cxchange of gond books tufor e. îvs so u u nîemi li as lbu cose-J bhc don attenita, antihm-bt ubar'g u hu ala' ae wneek dii- reatiing, smnegond ativice as t fa J> f h tiveW et, rieti home f0 httle Anau, tho n'as begi-u i' ymuddy 'boutslan' heufr tbe uhd 'Vouul- tiuy living, a îra>'r anti a cordial -oaci- it Churcli ut Faro, N. 1D., and lim aimo hle- nilct fo neter îvhut lad becounu ot lier an ask If tliat's ai-c, I tell you flc-estti-cluhi-ye. Sureli fie heur wilîînof bu spots* beea u tor ia i'rovititce P.L, New ler faîl lover. cones mAc-t ouftcv' me" vaitili', anti ouf of sncb simple meetingcs York City and Troy, N.Y. R.e aye: ah- .Bumf's heuartt-au flofull fiat uic-hf 0 __t_______couacsometimes flic bout fruits andtié f I. regard 11Eood'sSaupaetienb t oiblo ,vec kecli tramt uninifover, andti t ouc-blie I>r-,wuhng. suresf anti suteet .accessions f0 ounr parler, and I.have gooti reuson for tlib optai. ler didif tel ittie Anandtheicfolkseilu hrhs qn .awl tht -as n Sctchl fluber t-tIlt bave ai> lainuluuce.--- q.i plain n-orstie i gond luck tn a n SoWho c-ut bell flic rupture ut thtut firsf o fslFu atisoefrleic ubnuidrl'u lcrnei le tha# n>'one resc-îutl fr-la ont e t utvisionfte tan borat blii! >uisc55,Yx ulsatter anti promsiseti ber thaf. sic n-atl drownluc- will b.--lg hanutefaflic reut The bandage n-astaken off frotfie liff lu .. r n, I golug faec-cf somethitic-.tyhidli would c-uer. Equalli- tuaccoîmntabhe la tfuiîr boi"s >yes utter flic opuation huti fully iis -M bkM malte liervr'hpi. -hafred *ot the sale sUrvivor etf1uni- doue ifs n-omk. For a moment lie gazeti àeý Inuo bdyts VY , ët

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