Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 22 Feb 1895, p. 7

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y5~ ~ ---- Bau wam Bot exatly the Ikin td étiriteent "Why ow ,9Vary Thie Mlnîhers huit W44 dljaitiy tTiig oeli ae oh,' ndl lb Ia.8om oddl Ad yu ]row m ~Autit Char. LAd empearlt<ifille aî*boit f the @eu; - ha aredt aem.ih Ohfé and AlIcta, aunaitll7 the >? Oh dear, ig ci-,d IhVV tringti bOtsh.met sh MaBrown must cbocoe for herseif, wben the. door h o w atr a n lge I 8 0 . 8 ! " n ti . p r d e 0 bis m i tre l y . S a r ," lie s a ld , a n d g a in w e n t b a c k to re d Zo n e .. Be'OhndYODlauehgo. u nywas)hltiquit. bi work, secretly wonderng how a 4N t p g y t a *'~. en renefunylOhIf~ 80 îtrange lu hie eyes. a inan tt.Admithstn of the hr s.Younfg lady, gifted wlth ordinary menue, Cptane crioe oal kewliw uniy onar,"credworld, who went everywhere, and where, could be8itate for a moment between Idntknw"mi tecid agn:lirhg lumade new acquaintances every day; Just where cp)uid neyver bie told; the. caPtalinaend Fred Jones. adIdntcr.rn hwaamsdand pleaedwit For ail were giided to se& and fair; The niglit camne- perfect nlgbt for keeper?" aak If grahny cornes herel GrIanny! ilnpeso the wondertul dlscov. There ne8tted one string of gold, 1 lbn xeîiosadmtelv. "WUyug li e Oh, deart oh, dear! And If le.knowî ert de upon bt lîttie frIend. algti on e rdand ruae l pac Win*YOU gwi" me?" thia Place! Oh, doer! oh. dear?" and "Oh, y., 1know thein al-at iea.t, And whntever tonles the î>oct brought edand atheroda ardndsbting ownpackt-ngawdh, Mie ehle siook lier curly hoad with eyes 1 IuPpOise f do."h le!d,-I do fo rmth ne i wkdhmSlig ht ey, das if a smin cfsîilnger w ae that brtmmed over, as if the rnlrth of know thie,o vr y lntimately, md; om the wusi wail un frnt sepnWieY sI ano ivrwr ae Suc I a suggestion couid nover have an mu'bt tiot Dut 'me through'mv facinze hrligsourd came creepngdeuingtewii oi."fcus, adFe,£ end. ~~~~~~too 8everely, but 1 have cetan met"fcus, a re,Ï1 àM6M lWi 1e l uelerui otetadn ad am n t"Coujldu't lbe tter weather," naid the Pect te makre myselt aun uIt b. fu" esp nded oi**AndErCI.andy Ricami.' 'or higle aboi-e bte pulming 1 et, captain. "Sam, wheme are the. nieigh the city nti~ u- The nce youofayharn," endotde tii.veAnd Ethel, and Alicbut '-J tranger soberiy, *thouzh upon my "Sot that 1 remember. I do fnot me. Wthe a -ug ue oftii'sngand athe hir el"heîs?"lTh word 1 did not know IL. Young ladies member any bMiss Ra mn.1 WiV ondmr lerada oemr "Dunno," said Sam. "There'n tiiem Carrie, a little Irritait7m o urae," rmntaîly opran 3~h hY arwetd ige ms. 4M av ie i.garrot tient used totue sndc i ae of Jor a a ber ")lbut t aregldnstinlyudquveMclfît.lrsl ttR one o heD.e at j2, forberface waestngu arîyyouug, menuis* yet. Ethel la uly a year cilder Ti odnîrn ol uvr beiong te Deacon John Kendrick, tint to sec hlm again. Wbaa Ithoughbo wua taitienougli, I ur than I 1 , ad AW *s y age. Ad8118pee u rmterpio a atervltoaywr n hr n o m I te revolutXnary warand thorocutter tistis ,adho enAPTIU IL-Ctàaue& about atone, or with onlyrnountain gRti weuty? Yes, the Raymond 1 bars mtetocwel htà yJn oe r! t1. trlersny aghd a n I s v whd at at if vour nw muet lb. about 20. A xor? As the woridttugs îtoppeld to listen agtsuupwtails c"rie hg "Cni;e, etaunonl arin," Illace us , __" "OxfordOfor." nd buh o..ehigbyîi h Pnhaw!" aid the. captain. "Do you tou.ued up thle bre ad "I taetiwih lm t.b~ouse tuis s tars, taire me for Rip VaxtWInkLc,? Tbere'nIlîa ls DMyifot even toucli "The real danger was what you dld year. 1 rernernter hum perfectly. Tait, And dut] eycs 'gan to g1lîten. aIpetymtte trle omwbre for iibtn "l t e %hie rod! Snecl a clipper as it i,4teo! yourself," retorted Jerry, with a 5sud-; andi fair-anti-" w btemwen Mr@. Kendrtck Went 'euam!madFr r l'Il do it no harm; I arn used to, rotin" e den pount, WhounYou startled me like "Yes, that la Cecl-why, tt le Cecit, Anti those wbose grief bati cioketi themn out day before yestertiay." i a at1 'lc tng~~ etretching ot bis band un the covctýd that 1inmlght have faien off very Of course. Oh, you muet corne down broke 'I bain't seen Boitil' on 'ém," said I a ot1 1ioke ft& voueion was jerked lu another dtrec- e ash7l!"1 an'd sen hle. Corne alougr, qutcki, and At the. sourdi of the. harp into nobng mtoil.ed nlea adcreo* iI tlon. "Oh, I sec o hw it l," contlnued J"à ou rnight, and I can only gay I î wellî Woet the 'noat. If w run own îFor ila every heurt an echowoke Sam, orn, antint ak.ou-before retirin to tetc uge ho, "yen have 'ne Engitb,'andI iun- -hatinet ealted the. sltppery state ef stralght fnom home, ws can easily head Front the gold tri ng andtiratsthrobbing. selfont ny stpide tfabyou re b fortuiiateîy, have 'ne Gaettc,' o Üt«!th(- rocs-biut anyway 1eurt lt t t hem. and gt t i.po ls.Do corne; sl u n tpdrta o r ySrih n ofral. te0 bodon.? (She's furtous, the petty bave doue IL. But nov," hie added Cc ii ieun tonieet hlm." Anti mortai@ thought that one' sweet note nature," laidetih.former, iaughingne-ntagtadc fotle " vixen," itie, "I muet appeatée ber or vtwth a qemlle, '"care yen ferRive and b.c "lire tis?" suggested Bellenden, Had lippeti through the great Pearl ctbeiess, for the. captain'a airs vere eve thnt'a old John Kend li v. allitcorone te ntews extj Hey, frendy? Se, I1 rost hurbly eu. for 1 o kl fit t ler andi then t bhln- portal fast wearing ot bis welome, and hi o re t Ile a a ,po Yon na e,1 a.O,8 o artion. I arn a total Itranzer hue; 1slthoug jtelitl,, w@o ie onth iadepthI f@pcnfla ecretiy sympathlzed witii thi.mucii- ponsened on the. barn cae e Bave fennd veur tengue ut fast, have Knew uobedy, and being strandeti for 1aPPeaace Only lho hadi ig doubias. To eamtii fron the choir ininortal. abuseti Sam. 'tame te Yeu? What le it? 1 cant for the ire tif he nizht at the. Inn d evu tiere, as For= ebi.mie wh. @asail tght, ou eb> Igus h yr u l h u . Yu Catm. " natn i.ta uy of meheara muter ike hatyou'toldby te god wonan ho ke ltýerruitaly ad beominly Rons heY'e curne hetern.ifue agaîn, poast undh tr' et e har mutorliktha, ~toli b ti. got vean ho ec t, utyuitblyant brutingBut the fountain dropspiaîh with a hmd better go wlth hlme, captaîn, if yen jet me eut!" inuît î~oak louder, yeo kuei. humban d h e leu cally er y w as- uc b a Jerry . nf. uP c ii xpeLI te fld 'em . Our Sam la dread- Slw ly te farier fted the ise .louder" noddîng ut hmli te utro.tu uu nt h epcal'kuei»veilithat Young Oxenlaus Weore On the brook whtch flows tae i.seu, fui tilck-ieadcti when lbe choses to te 'tg place. With rbeuatc, @ihe L Bot addrcssing me at ait; tementionedti s Pool vithiutic greundis sensitive on Ourie.points, and net llkety And uc are but drops in the atream of bc.", ne" lhe cllrnbed theieqnaa, deeplyoffeutied Isupposo; anti itisenlv'Of Incbrnarw ('astle." te apprectate being baileti, even on a Tirne aKlugl ti bo ro f te the other vilti man of the, oods Suie tii?' crieti Jerry, lber eyes Highland iller, by Higehiancjcousins Aatncist tent."ooaog m iefie, u d "Hw ndl eoktottcae' - 1 1îa g wape u oilkhsand toppeti byn. s 1s Ass s s ti o Le Cupean, m luae Sin anti alcol tatoshevi ondecendiet. "but bis, '*1 xpect esie nover thougît of au>' vesters. te Pan olrigSmadmr ie demando. InWcay, lPm o Itnrpart, andthfeia mite Imitet oee ese being eut oou ci a div."e "Te bc sure. 1Ihuiti orgotten, " owuetiSd hr aeadw i i ai~îrglghmofi idrcino h liwereouot a-eteigbridlag wth frinbs hek a o agh u io Sh, hati ne business te tinafiabout -the tittIe lady herseîf, ceioring sitflet- M'heu neyer a long r rmains unsung, rra barn. "We dou't neeti any lautemu"rn utedonac eue distinct, uninistaktable sentenceIL itSe knows that thls is my bumo, 1Y linder the imputation. "I do oek A in hegayirti ul gaielst otheewing lu tii, mSonn!"t. tliat theue ceoîforf Mud thz deliveroti in accents viici, nanti thut 1 koep it for nmyset!, andi my rather queer, don't I? And Cecui nitjegayuiIdaan l oung. "W'iere arc tlie gtairse"' dertraunld hm"gspdti lfn *Pite ci their chiltiish tre ble,1 md a frients." ment frigbtfuli . dreadfliîv particuiam tue captain, as tiey.entereti tihum.n bi et catrigw g t fcommandi as voil as the. reflue- "Oh," laid the dte ydctc tfolga h mao iie ih onn eadls e"tb chatteis tun young 'maun, antiteisuntctc o runever 50oTii. meanoue," momulngtriol- mont of modulation. Itmith burst ne on hblu,.-Thon yuaemuch If lie ver. toc se. me." T-ittemed mth. bird, lu their wildwood "i'Moe, adhm ".ald nti. "VU on' sthepacd l'Donad. tell fi gentleman from Mina Campbell ef Incbrnarew, " ie said. "As yen il.aseMy," nid tuelbowr, er. me, that tuis je my burle,and that "Oh, neat toast, Imen1 eyrTiey rustle<I their little tîrouts anti grew "Up viti yen, then," naid Loganu, but .AmYupes, aith 1 give hlm ne louve te finh in if, anti CHArTER ]FIL tbought abouit it. Graun>' WeUlt have ýmsrn ai-wo h vif tbatlI desine hlmn te go away at ence.", - 'BY JOVEI WRAT A NICE CHILDJI' indeti, Idaresa>': but f hen yen vilii Hait mat i tti joY etftthpassing bmur. ** wofldf't, Dot fer $50," saiti Sum. waflot npleannt. "'1m, Il even tables were turneti in the 'But 1 @bal] beptat ms.Umg loo,. Det 8se granny, unies,"-anti &gain the. Tii. nîghtiogaîc pipe I lii,, lustjest iay "Olti John Kendrick bauged hlmself -loYthis slhiould have twinkting o!an cye, tii.-wcre nov upee vbon.the b0«Ir. tac»o a ft. round voutifchck a utsetiby a (Now was the. time for a tune or never), freintue midditle beai fourteen yeumn thougl. i. l talk serlouisly tu Cht altant voung ie-guartsann, Aft.ertfils admission it loerncd aita l u - an you vil) collehome Tii. sweet aoîîg rose ant id ai way, ugo, antirelire say lbe stand@ np there .h"O Win V' "gnashed thie CaPt. lrcterick Autrustns ellenden, ne aei h lusrle wy h ihmad-lBut the. mtustreVsbai-p vas stiliet for-witb a -noearount i hs Docik oey l'il break every bon, lan hi. t e g r o a t Y m n o f t b i s f a m i iy , a n t g r e a 8mu r e f h ut, a d : w r i t a y i N,, t h i se , a d t e v r p r o p o s a i B o l . e v e r . m o m l ueng t "B u u a t a o snith oltebave benmad a seemeti but a minute or. hee had efferet I sieuld iktumonse.the Ilayinond2 Thie breeze i utn wetti tig, "Stuif anti nousenser, cricti tih.e a ft go oven te bis grandmo $0ol et by bis own biund cm. amspcfui lianti dowzkthbantv d> again," lheogla etboucitfuhiy. Bat 1t"uera Ic-hoedbcn.setfte rngstain, lu accents of confempt."yen mileSserinesîtue snow fields, te Thene vas o n e akînu the serions- tlfeette i asp vbicbbati con- Perbape lbe rouit>' thought euthfe Anti the mouruers suiietiasufthe sun went cowvadly toutgtay wbeme yen are, the nîgut, and the. oaly peruon t De.. il fie situation. veyei hem np t-anti tic two vomi moment tust h. aheulti lite It Der- doiu-, tien, ant I i go myseif." ti a u l r.Knr The. ragot imp. te whom the. order 1eiiîtting ava>' as long fhaieut .b rs it vas only the remembranceofol For the.'golde'n string lny broken. He lperauglilgbtiy Up fie roundset ytu îhefn. entmustei, e -t-strai t o u-ipoina i ae g Ir, ý r ej cti n w s h ard a d n ddi g, iaecti g. nd p. t ic close , tu t y, h sky- e king liffe -tobert p. uis i u the o ton Journal. the la ter an ti diappea ed thro gh the You've leut your choie, fotruseleden susumîRnejcton vas hertn, at e edtg n i~hn n at th. ferry",'wbh made a chance ____13 tor h ad goihroel self, ant inlu lsown tashion confirmnic1 ooeenear the fait for sip)eoch-anti hte 01escaping freai f sotuctive; but uaitrop icre ilite" le cuheti.o umbou boy - ,t le t'l",ieveaien. mitihbas. ît gue byonbr Ifonîbvith. sport began fre4h. -Ia> at i.ufertunate travelen fout SA31O T IT E 111TITU"brn rmth ligigp 'eThe leddy layset ifyl nef bo lier. 1Ater a sucesntful beu.mor sgeoal- tha forth. or teati ils oui>'hope.va9 'boum ot? ii, wlndphe idle ry Leu vilii 68h, Dol- tuh urnyen willtsbfitoh dn nnrtopoàe ti me . urtir ut). te bang on to Cecil Raymondi nov.undtieneby tewnYwun the.p lacemy rd oe rugtCri, t-day. Thie lotdyit>ays it le Von whe the presonce of the nev-comer î-einqtî tnee i is lite butor, uau mc s- Famelen khlltibrengit uIn n were--" In bis nov cutter, andti terrie,. wili go vicre 30da corne ire.anti louve a-cen)tet by Donalti val, fie steîiity Iquaint.ancesl,.turned up such truunni. urifîi of snow-covored loesfront, fhe "Biockituiut! I men fe string ef gugeti." " spin...:? and infu*if hem iemensm-a- coumen te hi, kind, an te hre it Loti' t i lia few moments il tie dwodopîîe ut tie nettiiend te boliuse, belle." The Cuptaîn lfot the. nerf dey: Mien et1tthevaliditv of hig autiiorit>'. Low upen the' best of ferma. fieealbuen fercoti te contemplate pa-ssng a thmOwlng tiieuldown en the gronle "Look for 'olle yonreît, sauiSum, Mr. Fred Joues hanever leea 1 .~ ity simred ot a cianuman PeOintud After thec next huntiniz-gmound boitlut-kiesnigit in a tiamp, rougiilb.dbout-th iiu-ti a Lnoise like a minuit ourth- sulitil>'. "Idou't kneW uliore tioy lie: since. Anti when tii.uffuinrn *klh.edîvlnire ti he ninbat hecbeen iolteute ul>, " where next" ' ea ntcas blirtin t ii. beau- quake, iwie Cnt-rie Browneturteti up. anti, wiut's more, Ition't cane." huam get a picce o et otdiug m ad . 1arn fra.iî we haeo n o t er mciii>' fics of fe an ts ape it u , anti ith " l'he 'cick! Oh, 1 t n e no dea Itr **l l settie nth you. My fine fellow, enougli te Rive biein dyspepsla m at.. %ef " e a u a ed t e r od p a e " e le fl o com panionsb î , au i s vu v s se inf. I m n o g în i m .' w hen I co ene tin-n," sid the ca îtain, ueek.-Boston N ew s. Got ea- « i ctuei flc 'oipac, elet u 'ug nOsto, , ale bisugb1tustbc vihio e. amazeti Belietien. aîtmest apoleticalty, for 0shIe * fnw hu itwihn. -He hat buen josi- 'Aiiew nie teu ccompun>' yen, Itlsa tiît-atentugiy, as hoe groped about in "ih"shieketi Donald ugalu, oanxious tedothou lera alfit ei>'assuredt abt tiier, vas no po8 tion.-the iu lîgit, uilci carne thmoUgu a LITERARY FONDS. polutingelup ho heiand t-th'is it tble t bn ve sai toein me;'l îurtl iîy it> ef reacbing bis trient'5 abhooting You'lî let me sec yenhoie,,Carnie?" ebn-ehdraped intdow ut itiier cuti dravtingeleut) te baik. anti ,,tilefitilyhet b-nk e all tithn ein , y. o e uteril the îuloiuvhnmornung; fiat Wrhes.ep - a va> on wo,;lid tnow Then. le nue but if yen wouiti lite t on aan >tic bot on wtuctu ati niifr Captain Legan anti Fred Joncs both efthfe burnechanmber. Boimetîme. lvonNov an Ai rother wa)- but tbat mero-" Sie.aied. siyly. for if prieeeting up flic loch dut net go lie- sPoe ut once, but CariI.sbook 1"o' utyyunif uu"rji-vseB "But 1- 1 wantto flsb icre." "uaagreat ovent tf0lber tu L'lve an in-3ouid tue ferry on that especill cuti.otiSam, lu a .ioeing feue. Probably the day, are gene b>' 6enhe ictiti>'auve- 'itation oethle kind, antiesie couit get j e fh et :athfetf ehet uwe rfr enui oiuoe, u s i.caîun lnet noanuidaIu cut hp eiicvelm~ et"JSurci>- fie lady anti ho glancotinoeturtier. f e i u> hn eb oewsfr utgyy enrtir -snJnlandthle strnngsix-peunnytIloxan eanly qurto Oet 4 1t idoutftllrotine-"sut-i- fie "To-momrotv 1 au, afraiti 1 sîall b ei o aeuji hie quarfoms lut Damne l"About the Sieîgiuiug Part>' te-morrouv Ofbelle, nuspendotifrftre a nlii, ut bin hhakspeumes pht> or a rare tract Ou-ý -E viii do nefhing ofthfle tinti - saiti inkginsteat i tib~ing " 1ilahit bý e esparei-oe. Jerry, vitb a samp. .,(l."sait Jerry. ."Tiat's n pity," If ut aboe a sort-y teck-eut: but if '"I iav-t'promuleetCaptuto Logan," f et teii-clfingers tint lie couiti but "tinda' ef more or legs inferest contIaeeýW The nexf instant sell v as siding elle attiej simufly. lati been mitigtet b, flue dame*s suidthte village beuutY, a t-os>' tint eut- strt. te ho madie b>' ieen bock bmater.. j». about on thc face et the wt site sîip- "t aue on mc uv te lÇinuu-ig. - cet- suggestion tht he sh<uuldt ate iie- sig bhe hck. "Oh!" suidth fe captuini, nerv1otsly. Gunettofethfe Brittish %uen., tuit ery rock, nt ailogc-fber froc frein tinuodt fho sjeuk ' , nul.on llug s 00rot, anti biîughem in sote t-ont 'But, ('artle, 1 tiiotglît Ifrn-as set- "Ilere tiieyut-e. Catch 'rn,,salle! tieiio! iw t tradisman ut osweatî.y lad iW the danze r eo f81i l,Îngo. e r eit Ilier. anti volunteet- a lttle inýformtation ilingtte lr teeInehmraucuburn, nef a mnie licol betmuoco you aundie t wo week,. IVeres fie ft-up deor?" cIiunf lleisPossession books to wsblec heat4 "'Gooti acs:* gineaculatet icbe- ho peoetgetfing 111ne in ut-n. orof.wiich but-n 8110 assut-ý en lmweuiti nguuW excliituetl Iretî, wuti a ft-oii. Ant i tock tewotthy cpanf ytachot ne importance, but wWeih a ldy,: lontien. for lie wns now alarinet on ath tîngs hehal har bfor nd ho bcinIi ne tialaltertfee t-nb, anti was "Wns If«? 1arnsure 1 bat] forgottcu sixfy seconds tmore teeaizo fiat tfei.tntormet bini muet he ver>' mre. h, nev count.'Tht' noxt instant lbe bat ritd)ily coniing butit te liiidurigtenote-t for is front. i"tudornscosiaîdftnei, nr.ubtt eteathnts'< thnov nitBie bislevnrod. cluspedthef i lient sportto tic pont leuror f uo.and ti Th hWti-tlv an nd lnet adleo Fret] w s sit't.cuaptaîn Logun's the lower site. He usluedt te wnu- ritl Msu.Wogaeah vayiug ortin unbisiakamis, seizod a if uns, coi the WhOe. atet-hnteresnjr tu lefsin Isbs e-uas fe fu * -brcien brînce vitb one lian, at elaannd nue i ealic>'uartietifor the bondtit o e, icsmnotfi, sOft-tunet ucice bt-oitthle ni- tow tindthrmw If UP, oni>' toe socSain price for tbem. on.etvas hlm Anto wu@ svingîng iiutne.liant i is but-cnon etilittî wi'h oftan hetres, who .- 1Y.o fg ni thes e lcplat-e, anti tht ltne. spetiugnl ire e ill. Sherley's lWits -Newv D>'il,pnbliab i&f ceampe e ae>. otue-nd poet-t a t. 8e -y .o.u cJg, , an' o, laugt tepassngwithin fie "I exact ne protises," uce sut, gal-uil--!" ylel Cpaun Lgn u140,c vih on'eueotier Coe~ i m e î, ff ar e " o u e st r, an i o n d y, eb es f e sta t , a n d gr a uest I n i ra r e g r u t s i p u tsu it o r sp o rt lv n tl , " bu t if 1 Ia m n n t p u c tu a i te t iie "C o u ie a ck , y o u s e ua d re l- y o u fil. l n k ueu v u t e buie lu e x iste n ce. loiue prefusintof et iniug hait- haitmort-in the countfry. A part ef tuis w ould bc inan awltuert preducanrt.h(ut-anid tie spot, Miss Brownn mu>(onititoiiet out-yee tmp et ovil."1 frdthecrmso mev ndcheekb-t oyrno as okn- rpresent Sbu dtrutt h znlra' e rjv sarlofr frr ok o cmth i ms n ntrle e-y t heor vas e f in e w i f Swh i en ba ut The tii, g enfe mt ar i e d a be m on ncon e-Insons " 1S ne fu mn e t roun t an ti xecuted fr in bookselle r , W ho do flt a iv aja . 6 a t u . n u t > ' t e r ' r i n ie tt bomg c n g ;t. t h e do t i n g eer . x -u t o A î d C n -r i e v n t h o e . t h a t p e c u l l r g y r a t o n o ff it e f i n g e r s li ns u > ' o w f i 'he o m e p e s s e e t i eo f stA lovolv gil," thugt the strnger lie uu-s going te shoot oenfle tctiowîug vut ltb s;tedyhi i e cx-nwt telaaloguwilhten Aogte rvt eol b. t nce:N î: lvbîta bletiseti teel 1 bive day, anti auceu-tingi>', 1-1am, on >' ceetiingîy tlad, andte tifreiin hiii le was iery pt-et t>,tfils brlglt-eyoaCihctoiut u înu ru -îc ît.Anogfepl-î epew biate of myseif." Aient hee merel>' e- va>' te Kincraig, ' bc begun; hut Jerry been se gmefy umrited b>' it-c- e- New Euglunt tanisel. Fret Joncs hut le suluposed te express tue extremît> ef offer bookstsefthe emusenni fer sale are: Imarkie: -Pray, voung lady, as long ntrruptet ceagerly, anti witb fi. cent raina.l, au cocuddt aut tic littie l<vet lier eu-et- sinc. e> ue-eclîrtren scorie. a large Proportion Wh h llit fiat a au von live. remeinher te buvîare etof telasurubie excilemeut f e ui host3 miess veuitiardi>' bo îilowet eut, arit togetieruand Cultain Logati, ulo hadt "You'Il flut tIi, ladulr on f lie bur, bookmuuet necessutnil>'li rame because ftandhng gofleur fuie etige ef a slilpry lii ecoinctients anti even2ts vu, rame.fliat. uta i>'rate, if thc vornf carn, te coue ton-n te suendthfle Christmas floor, cap'n," hootedtihle Younîg rebci, Ir le 100 ylgars oit eo' more. Before thi reck, e9peciaitv if yen are ongag t n "Kincniig? alle criet. -Are-o yengo- tie vorttheitrînger vouit suv rieti- holtultys îvltihbie cousins, the Keri- "au' or't h. att-ait etfdice host; ît's greut catalogue vas matie finds weill, an ahsorbing o cupation. Upen rny in, testa>' visi Archie Kinerai ' iug about tuer. She tidt ltthitit lie dticks, luad beoiuuose tnoto i0,.very- lartuless if you ltfit jue." eecistinauly madle luaflicniusenrn it-- ,word. I thougit yon ver. tovu just 'o n> rient"ni 8Cnome 'r il. venîi uen tnouvlhemriamne. nov" akngoffhi cp ntibrshngHe. N rei, ouo er," atbel.T0BEO uN ). briglit blute tyes anuit goldentliai tiant "BtSallt, Sait, ceint' bnck. 1,11,tu soif, antioven uowv a volume Wil oe*1- how. hat aceinnffreica i.nd us ticu. I -, owve,"sad ee_ _ E ONINE lizlit tirolouiget lis ulsit f0 Jauîtr3. bclieit Mi-. Brown'%, ut liait-puet sienali>'ie roundivuwli libas special lu-'ý henit. Ugli! 1 can't thinflut ' O.Campbelli, otcent-se; but vo ciii A No-l'angrlet Sysse Wacch. 't,11 "Y wOrd, slîe's et regniar beau,, ct-lt-k.' tent anti v'lue on accoua t ifs bld- 111 hutiDonald." sait Mfigs Campbeil, bien Atchie Kincraiig hcause vo are A curions application oethfe phono- f3 . saiolthfe captaitu, eturig ftrougl "Dou-ut-noy!' bauiei Satm. M Ing. lu oflier cases a beok vOl lb. but In rather an altemoti coice, for-elle, al Camplielis her. I 1shouoi bave grapi te watcheslitas feecuamue e- Illie liuYii> W 1.Itoî tt'ut fie retient ('ni-rie nvoîuf wunt jouig befome Mu- fôtn te bucna abindliigrmati, np >t tee bat buen fr:'giteti, ant ia oirit heen callet In.-limarow if 1I luet ben a ceritî>'b>' a vafeimaltenut Genevu, Iuug figure of 3Miss Iltown. Fret'Ili tuon hîiit." louves of mone titreet-t l'furncmonoval. beel quit. uae lit addoge ovants tfileuman: a, if Is, I1an'Jerry Invîmîrce' 1Switzerlnd, in whoe ropeatung F1tt'utes iouket quick-iy Up ut hbie, Te ipt'titu ced ut)ind l tioi- ,n ulîle tlinn fe ebook itseci. tanger a toe minutes ifot-e. because, yenSeou, I amn the heut îthsfi )11Inep;ei > cr s i ' n-uldthavte lltet te knock ititiii'ioriitie-tc ot-oasuiî SienCaeofM . lT hat 'id," tsait liellenticu con- oe t hle ho-ina" anti ugain e cu'ur dîsce ofvuicuîuî et nulb en s 0%eult-C t he fitelliie'but lho retmaluet v rt e c et O h li temptuousiy. 'lIe can fate qîfeet roeup lier veu,îg Prenduigiureand Latiariswa, himeif. I doci e, e ou aitva,'?anathe fie l-asposet y il fi v ncisl tinettu ofuiîî ny s itcîi deinuist ration. tSuiieie te-Ci'c-s c h tl. îave ,savy an Aulee ne, lrDn.édw.) giaibn w nco I lmîeupnIe kuit'u- iet-y uell If lie lossesset f lit'Txn a-e' u auu'hn oteo at the imement, sfeppine trou, leige te skia ceatfit the grucecffie uncon- vitlb pbenegt-iphic ies correspondt. "A heut>," ut-nt on the t'lfaluin, T fBua ocni uen iOqenasl' eie ry on holiajf 0f bis eli ledge off it e i i ti> p ounts as d uintil> ' sc io ns m eve m ent. ing t oi a etrtain er es et spok in w ord s -. nuit lt'e ia th ou 8zn t lu mi l e s h outtld e a. n , w o a b l g tr e f r l rc y bd ava a monutain cat migtit, 1 **Yournoname is Campbecll, 1 tuov," ut-e splu aly enitruveul. The.passagebc it-ntet un au>'ofethle ceunt-y huttu- Ho suit sliluerlng toîvoon flue lia>', Ti ave' oos -ss hil tm hat ceuId a litile bit oi a e-a-, sit Itielendon, amunse 1. 111 as ftieta i vbratlng pint oven fteslingon tts n-luevogetat. auîorug tiese n-iitu'm. Tef wbe vs eluîg ne aotrliwen tir. tiu ent t e yni f yeu a great deii about Mise Camnpuei! on cause-, the vufch literuliy to tellthelieiusses. Satu, yen young villinn are Slltuglevul'u i out i antipartielle thtîevtu the. prison«,, anottier trip litti,?Do, prat', tii. liut, unsvo tassei Inchrnarov Cie- bours. anti Otit, wieiu tesiret, te fliese heots o iet lue ijed yot?" lo-o'fe îiuat iuîg h iluseif was meved te tours, 4and v1ï - if. Do You-yr parets tnoung>otitue.'" ear'Jet-ty Inch- sound an a unu anti awaken thle "No. flue>' ln't," naîtiSaui, crossi>'. dsaged don-nbarfî'eîî a raci tîelwîî'luis atel oyeswtumneetantik . d eapaeliefl-.Thfi n>'îln rertynseeper. If ibasibeen demunsfiatd "I'ell, n-hat's flue reasen?" rwhocîîît ,în-it iu e iuyteazony .ure nd 111tuoaveefno ni>'entpl."" fat fie pointmu>' pires maiy "'Cause 1 ain'ttead finie."1tejr egz o h ots e heaved. bsi "If if liat, J migbfhave bec a littie thonsari times ovcr the linen on the "So 'u findtmlnthlt. <inîcklI>. scending unuter fetclt-ba o f is client, antigay>'If tue>' coulI tutte e, F ibha, very 'espec- quiker n gusing w o 'Jerry l c - ds ih u e rnrt em a a i. fc's i h a tan n a le c dneo t f lu te oe arotiti ls JIve fat if as possible for a a" ~ Smîly; Ibut you muet have somne on- mraev' was.»1 pt-e labi>'. Wbri thh. atci si-,euteeucirbinhlm i e n-cnt guyiy nip tie cktn u -î tai Â,me guanlan-" Sh, tingluet. ler vnuf itbut cou,-te fui it.Isvlb eiat Itntsam.pgiut suug.vO l iet utn> i.lwe -sa habvva gadmte. ltuu'gn vfef etau'vfl lst eo Juf-'s Im i i-u'e uu eui1,oiute reigans

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