Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 22 Feb 1895, p. 9

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1 t, dom-mateb St any tîme by anylaodt la cou- la- e rim C? aiâcat Audience Heure the Eto- trudlcted by ail that actually happenod. l unt i Ih quent Kentuokiu.n a-llant Effoit Linicoin and the South. -fil Woru Wee Wothy-ife I attolusny jmat here a tatar rds U liturea; 112b hi Is lsnWeeWrhyLf n about M~r Lincoln'a relation tu the South &y bâr seaMn, and 161 Charscter of the Great Emanclpetor. dtoadhepplutt Stb two cre&He iras himself a Southeru man. He il J c*Thii Ont *jud Boud Tt la Honor of thse Msstyred Presîdent. and ail bis trible mere Southernms AI- ý lOoq.tae to the John A. Salzer The mont notable feature of the Lincoln thougb he Ieit Kentucky when the merest La e.!.Crose, -Wis., you get free memoral exerciae at Chicago waa the child, he n-as un io child: lie neyer iras '~rh~motla catalogue asid a pack- 'speech of Colonel Henry Wattersun, of ver>' Young. he greir 10 xauhood luas u«,.bove P$M Prize Oats. C-N U Lonuville, Ky. Mr. Watterson begai ais Kentucky colony; for irbat in Illinlois, .et eml orationby a reference to the poise and whlat la C'hicago, but a Kentucky colorai, Coasuof armas were finI eployed lu dignît>' uf the stateanin lakaee breechea grown sumewbat out ut proportion? He gagbula during the relga t Richard and powdered wiga irho igned the Dec- iras in no sens. wbat we used te cai ou" L., and Ibècame beredltary la familles laration of Independeaoe aad tramed the poar white." Awkirard, perbapa; aigger- 4, lu the toUowlng century. The>' orig- Constitution, and irbo made their Influ- leas, certainly, but aspring; the spirit ot a IDted froni the painted bannera car- eaca feit upon lite and thouglit long after hero beaeatb tbat rugged exterlor; the ried by kuiglits and nobles. th.e chuca ut Bunker HIilaad Yorktown Imagination of.a puet beaealh those hea7 _______________hlli died awsy. itiras not intillth in- bruira: the courage of a lion benealh WorthEt. eigbtlu ~d. sitution aïf Africaa siavery guIto pli- those patient, kindl>' aspects, and, long WcortIntoa Wltta In0th srld tics as a vital force liat Congrens lbe- beture lie mas ut legs> age, a leader. Hia Aemingtu . ltir th Strlng came a bear gardea. The men who aigri- tirait love was a Rutledge, bis wta iras a Rméd Co, ofChiago.fron N.1'. the daciaration ad Ieir lannediate To<ld. Duuairay, or Wesson, Miss., one box of e No-to-bac, -wblch he purchased of lits uccessors ivare succeeded b>' a set of Let the romanciat tell the story ot'his ctaltlyered hlm ut the party leaders mach lens decuroas and romance. 1 dore tat. No saddar idyl ~rug1st ~~opleeiymuclimure self-confident. Cotiuuing, ea cal leound in ail the annals ut the pouar. =cac abt. the lecturer said ia part: We know that lie mas a puet; for have The talcnted Zimmaermann, tlie au There w-re Seirard and Sumner and w-e nt that immrtal prusa-poani recited ~4 b9 et"Slitude," euded lis duys lu a Case, Corwn and Ben Wadc. Trunabuli at GIettysburg? We know that lie was a cofiio ftorpld dementia. and Fesseudan, Hale and Collamer aud statesujan: for lias not tiine vindlcated CODlto~utGrimes. and Grealey, unr latter-day bais conclusions? But the Southi doua not _______ -------~Frankln. There were Toombeansd fdam- knom. except as a klad of hearsa>', Ibat "P.E ONWARD rIARClI moud, and Blideil and Wigfall, and the lie a sà friand; the une frieud uho hlld ut Consumption l two little gias, Douglas and Stepheas, the power and the iii bu save it troua stupcd hor b> DrsudYaacey and Mason, and Jeffersn lseIf. Tbe dirent blow that cotild bava Pieces Golden Med- Davis. With them soft wurda buttered been inlicted apuran the South was deliv- cal Discover>'. if no parsalp and they' cared little 10w ered by the assassiujs bullet that @truck you liaint waited mny pitclars iglt be broken b>' rude hinm down;n . ey n d r eas un. unes. The issue between tleni did motl Throughout thie aild contention that caer' sucue. re. require a diagram to expiain it. Il iras preccedi the war, aiuid thie lmrid passions Alibougli b> maasy su0imple a chld could nderstand It. h tbat attended tbe mar itaceif, nul one bitter büljeved lu lib inclar- rand, human aaer>' against humain free. or narrow word escapic the lips ot Abra- C able, there la the dom, slave labor aginst free labor, sud bam Lincoln, whist there was hardi>' a vildence of hundred lnvolved a confliiet us nevilable as it iras day that bic as nul prjectina bis big, utfliving wît'lsseaaite irrepressible. alurai> persoîîality bctw-eeu somne Southi- ti, - thae fait that, iu al r a rwmnaddne.O - ~ ~ ~ lus, carlier stages, cosi Lincoln Enferai the Faa. cumno us u agr Ssumrption i a curable Amiai tbe noise and confusion. the clasha- Thse Lawa of Inspiration. au l'%acase. Nul every ing of intellects hle sabers hrigbt, aud Froua Caiesan te Bismarck aind Glad- th' -cettage o ass bdte North nd thbu hnow ir tl ils gl ro- nwho rselu iene ai eve~;r- . cae, buta ,fuly9 yiaîe tebomigutfi tesndtoe senlaisba tep tateaana eaiesai lier cent. are cureai arrayed, tbcre rame uneda itubeun p erspb>st.tirglasresa by Dr.lerce' % Golden Medicaal Discoves-v Norheru camp one uftheb, oddest figures ut geometric progression, no it were, cescia n evnalrthe diseuse bas prugrcssed ar imaginable, thie figure of a man who, la advanccmeaat fllowiîîg in reguliar urdcr la Mr c tlun, eere îîngeriaeedn% rom spite ut an ap[>euracc somew-aat onut fone atter tbc otbcr. the miaule obedient bu pecoraion(iicu gh uer ulne, cri asrosaspect, iflot tihe w-ll-esltablisha'd and w-cii underslood lawa r ."reopebureatlon o fland ercu- suggestion ut power, aindi,pausiliaa ailu- ut cause andi affect. Tbay ' ee lot w-at emaciatio nl. ekacs et tu utter a single sentence that coula w-e cali "mcnao u tuiiia>'"Tu'e A] lDéo yudoîîbt that bundreda fuscb caes lie leard abuve bhe dira, passed Un anlUdfor "Mien of bbe timate."-'Tbi-> vene me' ' whose 1 lepurtd touas as cnreal b>' 'Golden Med- a moment disappeareal. The sentence wasI cancers hall a lieginaiing, a middle, anmd il Ild isc aover'" ere gennine cases ur that pregmant with meaining. Tise maia bure an enad, rounding utlies w ibl histories, w drcad sd fat iL acae Voua need lot ev a comission from Gos on big!lie Uclsiaid: full it mny be ot itercstiug andi excitimg Sb instance,. been 50 prunounccd by Uic best 'A bouse divideai against itaelt calanot avents, but conaprebensave aiud compre- ta sMd munt experienced home physicianq, stand. 1 beieve this Goi-ernuaeut cannîot bensible: simple. cleair, cumîlete. t nrho have nu interest uhatever fia mie- andur,, permanenti>' liait free aud haIt The inspircaimnlire tuner. Wbener represeuting theun, aind wbu w-eeoten slave. 1 do îot expect the Union lu lie Ibeir emanaition. w bure and how tle>' guI sftugl>' arejudiccal andi adriseai against dissolveal; 1 duoflt xpect tle bouse lu their polver, and b>'w-at nIle the>' liveaina: a trial or "Golden Medical Discovery, ul u oepe twl es obcmvdadbi h' enw nwnt but uho have been forceai lu contessabt'fbuIduepciliicaslulcm edndal hinbigeka ub Il suepassesiras curaivle power over thin divided." lie was Abraham làncoîn. Tlacre is nu explication tu tbeir lires. Tbey b ial ula fy. al l -,- nudia-li-. w-ah hIow shah 1 descrihe htai î ou? Shah rose from hadow- and tbcy w-cut iunalast. et whlch thev aie acquainteai. asI>'cod Ido su as ha appeaineal lume w-lien 1 finet We sec tbum, the 1m. huit w-e know- c liver ohaal ilb% filtiîy 'enaulsions' andi saiv him imnicdiately un bis arrivai nit tbem nut.' The> caime, God's word upon pl mixtnres, hladI laitrda in neariv ail ilsese the national capital, the chosera President Ili lips; bue>' sud their office. Goa'. man- casesr hal l oiv alcied ato ci a itle fo rae futthe VinitedSutetualais appearalace quile le abolit theun; andi Ihe>'passed aira>'. a shorttiaca. Exlract ut niitu. iliaiey. as sirasge atis lheealun>'futais lite, wbiciî fod's liol>' liglil btwecn Ithe w-unS sud sud varis larearatiaiaa' outtihe ivpallos- was theai but hait knoîvn andsi lait ld, Iei uiigbhniammn' atmr phiteshbai also bcI failfulYtried 1ail, vin.or shah I aiethe laingaage ofutiother and tela avi it lli. Frmoua finat ulsI îe>' 'The uphotographe' of a large iiaasber of mure aiivid word-paiinten? tmendalte rialions unarot smespca Provi-, those èured ut conuaanpîioss, lronchiiîiq, l un, 1w1 ooelA .M eai c ain Ihofi utman ecil tatum, lingeriag cmuaçsb aslhiiaia. clronie nasal InJnay181CooeA.K Ni-du, glgthwtofmnofto, casiari ana Likndrea- aladie..liai-e lcerCi lare, utfi'cnnaylvania. journeyed 10 du'teaîing the machinations etffthc world, -skillfuiiy rerpsaaucealinan wbook ut i6o Springfield, Ill., pergonal>', lu hecuie se- tbe flsh, sud blie dtvii. and,. Iheir work page% wlic idill lci ailed lu yous.on re- quaintad sund lu conuat mith the main lie dune. passing troni the &celles myste- o1 cecpt ut adarcis and six ceat lla as tanips. hll contribaiteal su malerisliy lu leut. ' rioslasua the>' lad come upua Von c theta write tiiose clirrî andal rm wet directi>' trom the depol lu Lincoha 8 Tried b>' Ibis standard where shal w-e ai thelrexperlcuce. AddreýsIWai s, bosesIasysCoonl cCur, ,, an -, ~ AeacA ~ oueays('lual uVur,"aalr n 1aian illustration more iinprcssive than -T -i haI~, theIbe hll, whihwas aswercal b>'Lincolan -AbrnahsaLincoln, w-iose career imigit lbe as bimapit. upeiug flic door. I doulil whelh- a'haaaeif by ai Gréek chorus as et uace 8 er 1wholy coeeald mydisapoinin flichepralude and flie epilogne Ofthebcmust j at meeting bima. Tnui. galait, uaagaaaily, inieriail îhem<' ut moulra tues. % il-cisd, it h a bonalinems uof maer that Bora as luwly as tIse'ion ut GoS, an a f wais unique in ilseit, i coufesa Iriat iii> ovai; ut w-at aiaceatry we kauw- nul and i -~Lydia hert saill i- i lin me as 1 remembarea caire nul; rearea iria peaur>', aquaior, witb t' Ythal Iis %w-astis cîîauî clasca b>'ia greail nuglenai ut iglit or talr surrouiliaiga n.latiobn t l ame jas ruler ini the grava-st1 wiîlîoat exa'ruail graces, actual or acqair- periaaaofait is iiaiiony. 1 reincaîber liii1 'i; wiîbout iamra' or tanieair ofluiiltrain- Pinkhanls dresa s if il 'a une but isferd.iy-suamff iaîg; it was ra-aenvuaf for Ibis stralage bu- Bq cooe ndiSsioiacby li:ii salailouja apen ing. laf i lite, tlulie siiailclid troua eh- fi ~y*..Kl~ lac-k veut, hali b>' a feNi, braisa bats;s scunit>'. rausacailaiu saaîra-ii' u orianiinat air -~~ VegreLu&.a sîraiglit or emeing druss, cuat. w 1h iglai- ssurensu iaaliana'll îîd iiniiaatal aitlla the Co~"~und 1> fitliag sieeuves fuexaiggcrate lis long, destiuy ofa t ilon. loioui i oniaras, alaîat ileiniaeil b laaVl Tiai'greuuleade-ns ut bisliant>'. the niait CURES ALL w-a rdies-s tuait as icomsa-aiauusa111111 iacil uiexperieuranaI d neeosnjifisbed îpublic menaci a ut intellige'nce. Ssii-law aisthe lic-iire 1ioathbbcday. w-runal adeIostand aide; t Aliments of Women. metî in tle peesama ot Abrnahlamin Liolia. vmn'sent t'suihere, w-ilai las fatas- Ttwi entireîy cure the wost formesont Ve mt doww i is llaîi> arislied pain- tic figuraen-as led b>' maseeia bauds lu the reaeComplaiute, 611 Ovarisa toblS lor and aere mniiiiuaiaeadaanring thie front and giacia the reinfiutpoaien. Il ]Inflammation sud Ulcembiun, Eslling sud nearly ftuait lursîremrunnned labina î~, Iis inmatersaf whulier w-e were for bisa or 9- Dispiaeesuantsut tbsWoib, aadcoousquess and ltle b>' llila' a lia s eala'iiFasifin- iaiiat lin-w holiy imamata-nial. Tht, Spnal NWekam, ad ln pe ati>' 5 8 tttLOd cent>- sud u-adajnw ena'dvia -Ixa-diin coan- during fturait s-aa. arryiiîg illî theun Il te ba creSmuef csessu Lsuasrhe rsafion. 1 targuI fiillihegrotesuae qi o ut-h a pressure ut reaipoisihlil ais tle ha n u> a'mdy tefl od bas aever noaui. lics wlicli so confaaiiada-d nie wlien I fi.,t w-unIS never w itusseai before. lie fihical the I isanmot intallihie lnsaeh cases. Lt dis- gracieS bilai. Itafaîre iit an huaîn ua asl@apure allasttaai ha in the cyca andi sovu s ad expels Tumoal fImm thUtae Iras passed 1 k-rncal51 usai>' mu resliacit , actions ut iaiuiibadis tlu as>'tuai bu mass lnsnerhstae6feveupiaOlsaueîia~ilusea'd, lu revurneilthebbc iaiai7 inaspireul ut God, fotaiow-ereclaie (-uIad lbe myan.doncytocaaesaIoukaaum u 'bT" listsFrt nulua ae aqsirud the wisdona sud the gnae Lincin' Firt Isaigaa. lindispeasable aiu is mission. Bearln -dotn eelin 1 saabnoadertaîkisag lu dliîcrnau oral WVbre did Shakespeare gel bis genias" esusng pain. ucight, and clsh. in in-.biography ofutAbraiham Lancoln, anal alil Where Sui Mozart gel bais umusic'? Wlosa mantl>' relias-ad and pamanntly euamd b>' pu" sos-ar ithe' usnis whici qaickly lelhand miaula bthe lyre ufthte Scobliali piow- hs e. Under aIl cicnusatu it acte ln ni) tsi lis îaaominationandassi lection lu teîllet.aid staae t ie ofteGra haruianywiîh tise laws thsI gos-ru helas ini n jsIîsU). ms ieu b iaa fen-le systasuaand lias larmf«sans. ater. mtfi uleS nsdatb pricat. t.ais, Goal, and Gail aluni': andl AUdi d.iIil. 545 . 1 etth isw. lete P-sde heas suret ai>'asiese wene raisei up b>' GoS, LvIn. Pik.aa ýMaCil.. LYSs Mas. fti-saisuu utthe' alui n tha cari>' murnnng iîspired b>'God al.wsaAbrahbam Lin-olns; tyd. L p.ký'eLaer 418. 6 ut fw-iheluh adar rnivealira Waasingon. and a thouad yeaas leîaca îau abar>', au Lidiss. PiahausLiW Pis. 2 ! lbwnsa ASalurday. 1 bbiîak. Ili@came lu Inagedl>'.nu cpi- popula i ilIltas'filaledîith I h a'jaiul nda Mn Se-an's sc nt.aa greater woaiaur, onrtba follsieal b> main amuathf e reai i was presenteai to hai. kind villa deepen feelinag, lth la i twhirl WALTER BAIER & COR spflanaarance dial nul impresasmeucs talleait;islite nad ds'bh. PbURE-EsstNsanticalur ai; i lad impressei Coloniel ______ a PUREMIICH GRADE McClure.' Iansvite ali-s'faîiiar %villa b Nts tCuheuev na ~OOOA ANOCHOOOAIES Weste'ria typaeItaon Colonel McClure, anadl NotAeand arien Ia. sumt tîska >'- - M AS AND CHU ITES "has-ilaistMn. Linc-oln mais ertaiiuay nutal sA t lxnrn ýv).i oeate Ob cte bv e" Adonils, es-c.araftler îuaiiae ideais, blere andi hat thIine aamena eloaîgsng to a Britisha HIOHEST AWARD8 aias about blana a nggcd digiait>' lIaIcoma- criiser. ' Aus inaf r sui>'llaas îreas. aon *c ba ma ssanasisirea'pi--t. Greal damlage was alouse b>' the s I .1 b' I .~F O~ 1 met lina agail thea next Monda> fora- on Chesapeake Baiy. Mansy oyslcr bouts smu u mu nouan liais apartmenut aW~illard'a H- mr recked aanuos of isi;f EXPO8ITNS tel as lac was freiaainlaa lu tart lu bis ln- A Panhandie passenger ri - a aisguralioa. audsI aas slrîack b>'lis mIsai- wrecked b>' a broken rail rieur Newk a IPIdkiiaIn.esa; for 1 causa %villa a naster ersîuan.O. Ns, unewas serilonalyhurt. In ____and___ CO. reussanng lis attention. Ha w'as catirci>' Lewis Billings. Collage Sings, la., - ~~~VIltk. the Dsuii'ss., n- slt-possesaiid, lau trace outilens-ouasuesa, reccaîtl>' aarnied.absol and killea immacît. nd1.' aa.1 P91 ndvryo -iig.1acconpasniaal lhe Deapoideaaay t(rom sickness was the 'fafd5ds a CAtra SOA t».oIsitr canlegu iathul eut trouatltse Sciate înai- cue snas5.saala 'c ber lu the eanalponlicuofuthîe capitol. As xeintwt as lposéuar so,* rgesoaa hYHR n Laoarmrdlisliat lu tac.ets Epnmaîî mtia mipo cu n the, Finest Bread and Cake? Tt is conceded that the Royal Baking Powder is the purest and strongest of ail the baking powders. The purest baking powder makes the finest, sweet- est, most delicious food. Thé strongest baking pow- der makes the ligbtest food. That baking powder which is both purest and strongest mnakes the most digestible and wholesome food. Why should flot every housekeeper avail herself of the baking powder which will give ber the best food with the least trouble? Avoid a11 bakjng powderu uold with a gift' or prize, or at a lowor prico than theo Royal, as they invariably contain alum, lime or oeil- phurie acid, and rendu the food unwholesome. Certain protection from alum baking powders can be had by declining to accept any substitute for the Royal, which is absolutely pure. uali Cînrel un mn Easter'na][slandi. FREE Tb CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR. The dhurcI bulitot curalishaona of the ERS. ailosities outhîe IlIe utf iabc, une ut ce Scysachlhes Islands iu the Indian Pocket Guide andl Map of Bouton, the )can. Tlae Scysceaies Ilands, mhicli Cunvention City'. d b> man>' le ia l » The Pasenger Deparnient uftIhe Big iesupposeilb 10 Mt b heste0 Four Rutielias issucai a ver>' convanicaît he Eden ufthe Old Testament tûrm su and aittractive Pockdft Guide lu the City' i-cblpelaigo ot 114 Islaindsand aine situ- ot Baoston wihlwiIlibe sant trac ut charge cd aout1,40 mies aat t Ada b ahh meanhers ut the Yung Peoph,"sa Lie abut1,40 ile eat f AenSociety' ut Christian Enaleavor wîo ill td 1,000 malles froua Zanzibatr. The>' senS liane 2-cent ataimps lu covr mail- sestteepl>' ouI t ftIcsea, cmlmlaing lng chargea bu île iadersiguad. This a thIlie ut MaIe, mhieb la about Puekal Guide ashouial li n the hands af aen>' memiber outhbbcsocial>' ubu cun- 000 actalun îl havi u hieocct laites atanding the foanleculli an- uSd ha nearl>' thc centen oftheicgrulbp. noaslconvention. as il show's the locations &11blase islanda are of curai gr-umîl. outI Depots. Hutels, ('hurches, Instilu- lions, Places ut Amusement, l'romiaaat ha bouses are built ut a speclas ot Bauildings, Street Car Liiies. Etc., Etc. maissive curai bawin to square blocks, Write sous, as tise edition i. limitaS, E. blde gliatan hîke whbite marbleansd O.,McCormick Passenger Traffic Mains- uoîv ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~g thmcvsl I tas vn a, Big Four houlte, Cincinnati, Ohio. ige Ia the varions tlnted greeauouthîe A Mbatter ofut yle. hck tropibcal pala, w-buse Immense "Vas, air" andl "Nu, air" aud "No, rn-lela aes gi-e pleasalt and macli ma'am," aire saai ait presant lu beioug caSaS slade. Thasa palma grom as ul>' lu bberaspccttul conversation ut hlgb as 100 tact and mure, ovarlopplag Interior w-ltli sperlor-servsat lu mis- htl tle bouses aud tle coral bnilt incas or maste-r-aud shouid nul le chardi. The>' lno the se&shoreunaud taingîl lu cliren, but île>' shomld le, coar momaitalus, formiug la man>' tainght lu ay>, Vas, papa," "Yas, maim- laces extensive forests.-Brookhyn mnt," "'No, mamma," "o papa." But Hagle. uld-faisliloed peuple wmli ding lu the Tise Keystone outhtie ArcIa former style. Abruad, clenka, emplyo- an the ediflee out baillIlaigor. wbich measaes, andl traulaspeopla geneiahi>'su>' "Vas, it merci>' muacular n ecgy, bat au active madam," aud "Ves, air," and the cas- ischarge cf the marloIssfouctionsaofthîe tom prevalla luaisainyofutheba hadlug as- uody, ouch as digestion. secrellan ot the hile, tabulalimeuti ut Newr York. Modistes te aetlan of thse humais. the circalation uf mmd dresamaikers w-bu priSe themielvei tie Iaiood. Nulthing more actIvai>' sud tison- un Ibeir guod styhes nai-ar omît "Yas. saghl>' contribuiez lu the nltasi perfo~rmane, maasu," or "No, madani." tr tIcs. fouctions tisan thc renowned, Ionle____________ and regulatan. Hustetter's Stomach Bitters. - H.w's Thist The resmlt ils use l0 a speeil>'gsilaIl trensîl. togaîber with the agreeslie con- W. off.? OuaDetiinaied Dllars remanS tr isem iiacts lItaI thee Ianue ofut ie la bain es. .1-Cfitarrh tisat eanul ha curedtb>' alls trcusgthesud-tsat one ls lsying up a stcreu ('CaahiCure. vilalil> agalumi thse anavaldabia drau lits . . J. CHEXEY & CO Toledu. 0. alida- uSaI age niakes sîpon tise system. 'tise We the unàerslgsies hava kisowus 0. J. Cha. orllylg tfluesae c tie Bttea eîaall-lefor the Imst Ilaycars, sud taculeva hum periteeTI it s relia ble safaguard ugani smalarIa. dem- Ihonorable lu, anl uasestransaction$ and fluas- luatailm andsidale>' trouble. Appebîte siad ciiallal te cani, outazy obligations made b>' a.ep improve ibrugli Ils use. aabIt pnaîleclsu1h1=11n. i - ;he systein tram the affects ofculrdiSand wKST& TtÂx.-Wolslé Drggisa, Toledo, 0. dlbp. WÂLîîs. R IiuaîAw & MAatvîs, Whnlasal Prof, von Leubaca. w-ho bas paihalcaila C4arniaCuriralatalien latenai1sella drcyupun the ia ilca sad uis-csi1auarsaÔ7 so man>'portraits ut Bismiarck, lai noix-tlie system. TetaîumonaIus sent tre. Prie@ T75, filsbhag une ufthe neir Chancellor, Par bOttie, Sciai b>'a"l DrtiUgs. Prince m-ou Hohecnlohe. -_ 111 Vaid. 1,000 Du. Potatoes Par Acre. Au ca-cumathu Soutlacrnwmrn alateS Womdarfnl i ylinluputaitues, oaiîa. hier ma11 178$lusteuad ut 189, but the corn, tartnanma vegetaibla secais. ('ut curt liais îhaclded tliaI titiss Sues nul tbis out said senti .5cpostagetluthe Impiair lis a aliuîlty. John A. Saîxer SeeS Co., La Crosse, AVis., ton thein great sacS book anS lict in a Your Veut Poeketi taimîulaut Glant Spmrry. CNU A box ot Itipans Taiulcs aum e stireS ami-a' ayoaar veail pockel. il cosla Yu Love bas tu si o b pruî'e Ibat it has ual>' 50 cents, aud ma> sav yu as man>' luive. dollars' w-orll ut limeanmd doduer bills. Fuit Whoopiug Comiti, 1-ics 'b uite a To w-ilfui mien tic Injuries lIat tIc>' snucesaitul remedm.-Mf. P. I)isa-ry.s, 6 theluseivea procure aimaI be thair Tbrouî, Ave., Brookiyn, X. Y., Nov. 14, '44-. school-masteus. Rhounatisu, Kouiraliae,Sotia okh ST. JACOOS OIL "The More You Say the Less People Remember."i One Word With You, SAPOLIO Coughs and CoUds, Sure Throat, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, General Debi-ity anid all forma of Emaciation are speedily cured by t'sEmnulsion Consumptiven alwaya flnd great relief by taklng it, and consumption in often cured. No other nouriahment restores otrength an, quie.kly and effectively. Weak Babies -and Thin Chlldren are made trong and robust by Scott's Emulsion when other, forme of fo<ld beem to do them no good whatever. The only genuine Scott's Emulsion in put up ini salasou- colored wrapper. Refuse cheapouinatitute, i Sid/orjas,> et e-SceU'* Esasbieu.FREt. soott & owie, M. Y. Ail DrUn44. 00oue aigU sg. i>'heawttla veTm d . Laretle sln île air, 1 on lau st ut Il Dyspctala ar deapsir. -Vaahdscbous 90 l le drpaiuis Undl A e Ripans e Ta.»M mll i dspeilbL KNOWLD~ Brbp lSmcmfort sdIp#i 1er th"notheromdsuWd. leu , eu1treb ade tin . the batp' the vaIne te of etl Po, laxativeprincps eitB remed, yup, of Figa Ita eceence la du. e boi lu the form mon ceeêPta5l aut tu theItate, lt.hefim beneficiai profertlea btf * ative * effectuaIly cleaitlug dispeiing cods 4%,da b 1aa pieraneuycurIi8 met with the apprvle profÉesslou, ýbeesuseit 4 nya. L r> ansd B uwe *very objectonabla gistainOcil5 uctrdby lb. Cil sud beiuag usil nt amept asiwal # Uat a o,'i Iuw,

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