Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 1 Mar 1895, p. 6

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PlI.AT1O I0F ILLI ïmÀtà TitisSthtci'-bMdera Wood-1 ýýjxceilent Shape-Fearful Fatc i li4cyma-Illiios Banks. Cuseansd Effect. ilQùitè a-cently Y".iait. Mc m44l ber lire departimeut bY the boursi OMIs service tnstead otftay the Vmnuth. Îgdt mas moet astonding. During 4* rear Ypslanti had more ires than tàS aS tea tlimes is population ilu ýïjtry, Aadetrange 10 sny, the ,W~ceifind aloat xluively ta ~4a ad worthless buildings.. By ib Iutihe alarms came li frein %r *i the to'n, ad the departint "t<inually raclng and cbasing. The i 'ere flot beavy. but the expeuses of tçatmat soared upward lîke a lark saMW. Lest motb a change %val , ehe fireins iere hred by the 14 Thera has beenn tine mince. But aplain of base compatny No. 2 and ai of hW ie aen have been arrested charge qf amon. Thia la certainly a Èesebînation of circuinstances. Ç*"Itlim' of Illinois Banks. ,bleanial report of the State Audi- dg*Miag State banksa vasisaued, lshtcondition of the State.bsnks cffl ýp 1894. Feb. 15. 18W, the ~,-xorgVmiacd banks bad total ne- emof P34.254,424; capital and sur- 0,8;total deposts. $24,850e- 17, 134, 123 banka% had atotal 8le0 116.200.39; capitalan sur- 4"ýý00;deposts, $90=68970. aut two years tm'e banka had ~sthe Industrisi Bank of C~hi- e u» the Pîrat State Bank of Ver- pLYhrj, Crmi State Bank reorXaniz- it liations-I baak. The Mencaut' 8.kreorganized as a national lu Park surrendened is eéns decr<easd Aprîl 1. DePosts have fslieu : ésbave decreased the .NigtQb anks me' or- alielalttm'o yegas miblma II iG.A aiimber of ec- sare made tengîhu th Ie lirovide prtéctlen, etc, te ip MuLrdea'odetIAuhlcy. *ad ou the t1'alroad truck t bon ldeitlded athat et Johni of Qoinq, and the proba- be ««. inrdered. A close t -the lijuries 'hieh causeal sth show tht &Il n-ena net train. Rise tioat mas eut bi,. aud the appeuran<eet l4letss that t m'ss inlieted k*é~f or amruseraîher than el o e, wheel. la addition, s- ~thed appearance of having k 4 a buliat, *as found ln *e aoflea. bohery la sur- Po beau tht motive for thc -mebaiuaig ad ett esat $150 don whan kllld. w», Shows 3ib iasruss. ýW of theXitttlmal Board ot wpndpm est America, ~~<v *e.e hh 09aglarge oe ian. , 18M., tht haursace in terce, Io4 big "496per annuan, PU ct et management oaly r momht 'thele owest avez 6haomnt .psu hena.fidiaies ln Xki#O0. Tht.death rate mas ïàas fer ove years. *r* di the Week. r, vaugellst. la condîacting a Iri ta tht Christian Cbureb eff et U. IkDugilale, living Mple. U 1W * ahotguu. àwiilagton.imgait the 111- BhlÔd o qr huisand'sa [o Nizea bt ChutnlssNev- de, Daliy, n-be peiîed him *lt)eia ha renionstratad mith tt4lng i.sister. tel ,ai eBeachwood, ivas fined tby tht 1)ulatcd States Ceuni ifllite pont office sud open- addtoed ta anothen. iu«ly, Taxas JacIt Johnson ae<li'ea m'ere fouud gimily 1 treanv frein Thomas Criee ed-ýtoavýlie years eab lu the pndent write. te Inquini W#g U wle m's-hr luChicago?' h*: l but w. SscI wanrantaal Watthis le tlLe wQrsl spelI of hAve MuM A bsyen?. leateof thIsb aGeorge W. dddtsed te pa'ebte hy 1»»dca eGeorge Coeusitu Swgeb a bnde etat la ont of tha larg 1. Mussean, etfGreen- 1 alntad Bnthrei - Y-u»"UUO, a villae< ln lm îco1nversionsý *e'e h ada of famille. circuit Court at $teut, s fermer, am. ,i 'asentenc, - auo or two ycSas gr'Mur>oneacand s-at the maltel Qis, liturtevani ýbwO#at Auburný eed d steppe eJ.W. tIes JeSf Wilkins m'as sentcnced st Care te three yesrs la the pententiary for hirg- lary. Mlichael Berrîgan, a prospereus fariner liing near Cbampaign, mas adjudgod in- salle. A ho<me talent catertainmeait for the beitefit of the pooar of Bloonagtou netted $1.000. Congregational wonen ot the Rocktord district listcuied t, a number of mission- ary addreises. Burgiars nt Jacksonville robbed Mnfr i'hoebe Strawn's reideure of valuable Jewlry and-silverware. Frank Adkîîîsonu, wbo killed Lena Zip)- per sud trîcal te conmmit suicide, was ini- dlcted at Peoria fer murder. Charte@ Fairmon, LL. D., of Shurtiff College, died t is home iu Upper Aiton, ef pneumonia, nged 72 years. H. V. Wilson's dry gooda store s- t 0- tawa mas eloscîl by the <qîeriff on two, Judgments aggregatiug $700 William E. Winun; a feeble-minded in, aged 38 yeurs. îaudered away fremn bis home in Oliiey and was frozen ta deatb. Aaîdrew P. Bowmaiu mas fatally hurt and ismife seriously injuned whiteeat- temptiug to cr)ss bbhe Grnnd Trunk tracks at Chicago. Rev. T. V. E. sweet. of Freep0rt, cle. brsted the twenty-fifth uuîiversary of hie conversion, whielî occurred in the chutch of wich be is pastor. 0. I-.Hili, agent of the Chicaigo and AI. ton Itailroad at Jacksonville, narrowly migsad belng bit by a couplinq pin thrown ilet bis biice at uight. Misa Jenule Brown (lied st Vandaliai of consumption. Juat a few heurs before bbc end came she wvas îuited in marrisge to E. A. Joues, of Centralis.. An explosion lu the cnaomine t 0din resulted lu aeverely buruing eleven of the minera. A large îîumber of bbc 200 men lu the .baftthad- narnuw cscspes. Goveruor ÂltgeId offered a rem'ard of $200 for the arrest Pnd conviction of William Gutine, wvîo kiiiedl William Hig- gins at Streator dnriug the last election. In the Sanganion Circuit Court at Springfield, Dora Cuttle, widoîv of Daniel agaluat the Wabah Raillmay Company fer $4,000 for the losa et ber huahand. Fred Ackernmau, a prosperoua fariner i living ucar Tiiomaiburo, m'as tound dead 1 -hia-harn. I is supposedbewmas cruus-t cd ta deatb bebm'een bis tn-o herses m'ile putîlng badding under thean. Haemas 65 yen?. ut sgt.. John Beregan, a farmer. up te tm'o moutha ago n-rked on tht. fartan etPhihip WVbalen lu Si-menton. Will County. He lefb tbe tarin le go Soutbh ast December. Nebhlaq: bas been beard et hion, sud t m'as discovered that bis bunk matt aIthe depot. Beregan bad about $100 whn-he leftISymerton, and bis tieuds fean hoe bas met m'ith fouI plnay. His Inwo brothera rr searcbing for hlm. Thc State Board ef Agriculture. aifter beabeil discuîssion at Springfield, de- cided te continue tht. fat stock shom' lu Chicago. The board deeld- ea teet ou the State tair greunds at Spnugield 1h18 year a grand stand <11h aseeatug capacit>- et 10,000, s-'ia- chlany ll, admiuistration building, terins-d onchard building, dam>- buld- ing, tIrete peed aud exposition barnns, storage warehouse, sheep sud sime pavil- ions, sud other improvemeuts on the. grounds, the costtta aggregate $325,000. Newvsm'as raceive,] at Alten of the death et Henny Tanner, at Buffulu, N. Y. Ha nsethe lat survivon of that brave band otfumen m'ho fougbt in detemaa of Ehjali P. Lovejoy on that fiatal nighî et the 7th et Novemben, 1837, wben ho w-a abat downn thebc (odfrey & Gilmfan n-are- bouse in Aibon. Tht. Alten City Ceunîil bas malt appolnted a special comtritte. te pettion the Legisature fur State nidt lon-ard the crocie» et a suitable mSini- Muent te the memnor>- et bbc martyr ou er bie grave in Grand Vicm' Cemnelen-. 0. . . Eookshine, ef Sprnîgfield, tsned Ithe Pepple's 'Jlectoric RItiliway for $5,000> damages inflîcted by bis getiîîg tangled top, mhile malkiug home oee iglit, ini a lot et hva inca.Ilie was cippîr for lfe. The Jury disagneed. île next brougt sut for $15,000, aind iraaai lb. jury dîsagreed. B>- reissuîîof bis luabil- lb>- te sand the exuacuse, and te get %vit- trnesses, bhc casaemas tbrowuaîout cf court. suad nom'thbcocmpany sues the. Americai Employes' Sdrety Cumpaniy et Neiv York, m'ich had agneeta e hud tire 'Iec- trie company stfe agaînul jîdguieuts for pansenal injur>-, ta racover bhecocet er detlnidîugBnookire's suit. Au unheard-ot iîrocedurt. oaa the. parI et fondera ofo anin sbeing pnaeticed hy soea armers aroîînd Boe'e. Tbey arte >iurying pug herses sud feading tiremrta, boss.John Markley bast ed bo hi* hogib about ixty bornes, sud Jea Fiaile>-. an- fother hog raisar, bas utiliaed tht. saune kkambér. The>- psy for tbemn front 50 cents te $3» 0ench. knock bhem in thtt r hoad skia tItan. tIen throw tIle cur- *Casses ln tic bog pen. Ib is sai,] tat 'Mr. *M*rkh.ry bos ted bis begs on hornee flai 9- no long that nw if onc rides o r lesude a horse laboa the peu the hoga wll rush at k- lm su ad itlàIswth dîficaît>- tist tbey arb ti prevatti frein devourng hlm. Deput>- Marehaîl Brinton of Springfield r dispaebclia deput>- ta Mill Shoals, White Contur, m'lh ait erder remandiag *"Rick- cotty", Dap Bouton te the penitentiary ai It Chester. [t n-Ilha reinembaniai that Ban. r. on mas eoavleted la the Ulted State >Court for lmpesiuatiag William Nem'hy. a-a Union soldier n-ho mas kiIht.. at $h- i lob, ton bbc pu rimof etacaing a pension. nr He m'ai tsntancedte the penitentîary tor kt bn-e yeara, sud enteneulon bis tern, 3.but mas releaeci ou hall, afttr baving >1 serve,] about bn-e menthe, pouding a final 'd deiion bhi-the Uaited 8tales Supreme lC Court, te whieh bis- efti e "takenn, n %-appeau. The uppen court diaudgad the it appeal wvkr teke agot, but il m'as sot re untilla tam' day.s-g l tattise'emndins onder normelImoatiaite tmarcui. ,~ At BlSoulngton, the fébllwiug deatha rd occurredI 'ue%îday aIght: IRobet M. Hop- au kins. aged 0., a former reeldat of'Lez- 5 lagben; Mrs& J. J. BaIl, aste 27i of LA- cos; Mms J. W. Ilggo, agtd 57, tormanly rit ot Ilanduaky 0h10. *a. loins- getieciaù Whoseloves nt ilan- ity ltaibUuom te$M500 spts ofbritaksvu w r rth hast bushel ritM9 sR Aý SIGNIFICANT GÀTHERING IN T<4E NATIONS CAPITAIL. Woiuen froua Ail Spherce, of Ail Re- ligion. end wth Ail Reliefs Assem- ble lià Thonasade lu s Great Conven- lion-Ie Objectea ndsaAimae. .Agree on but One Point. Washington corraipondeiace: , . A national governiment of. for and by the momen of the United States-aa Sen- ate, a Housse et ltepremeiîtativtes. a Pres ideat snd posibly a cabinet--auiclais3 tbe scope of the plan of several millionis of women of Amerîca, W'ho saut reiîreseîîta- tive.state c second trieiîaial conîvenîtion of the Nationail Couîîcil ô~f Vomen ot America, m'hich commnenve,] ts sessionî lu Washington lant meek. This govêerncaî Pl al <ar bao.u am ,,. . g-a .' our own getruat f 7wîhe-Y- path>' sa purp ,sdthat an organld movaineut of omen wiii hast conserve the lgheat good et the famlly and the state, do hereby baud oureelvea togethen ili beh ongaaîiz, netteegialate. l,ît 'l4 tu deliharate iîlion natioînl aiattéra. tok- îg ils pointers trore Congresa and hep- FlRAN.CT E. NVILAr. îg te Iadirectly influence thbut body lunlai a coiifederation et workeras committe] [te laflalation. This wmaaaî' goveraimeut t the oveýrtbrouv of ail forma cf ignorance purposes also b be a achool for ivoien .idlîutc.sdt u plcto !t. gainaI the tiime irben bbey aliail take a golden mile te seciety, ctatoman d Ian." The Oficar of the. Couacil. Trhe lîresideut oîf the National Council i i8te minie lra. hMay Wright Sewall -4.x.i-lieuns hthe mnluig spinit oettie Womeii's t ongregsait the. WVuld's Fair, assisite,] hy tlie <aller ollicers ofthOe cuicil. Mn. Fran-esi E. llagley. tht. vice-president. iu a rich anailruiieat sociely leader or Detroit. Nitra. Isabella Charlies Davis, tic recordiiîg secretîîry, in Itie beal-kueivu ef the council'i; officera. tor slie lait he busi- n..sis manager'aud une of bbc feîîndera efthIle Initernational Onden et the Kling's Daugbter8asud Sonua. wbicli bas a streagil * .nt or et bsau 'd5tMM>. The treasurer of the council in Lillian M. N. Stevens, et Stroaidmater, Nie., aud bas become promi- lient tbrongh lier wvork fomr bbelVeman'a - Christian Tenîperance Unin. Onaet the mboatinterestlug ot tht ceuncîil'a officens 4 us Mm. Itachael Fuier Avery, the conne- sîsîudiug secretnry. She hud a promineut s part in tbc organization efthe Womeu's % Congres@aItute World'a Fair, sud lia îiauy other îvays ber uinebas become MAY WIHi<T SEWmALL, n-cIi kuowu. rresluent.Behind the Board of Officera corne the four great standing committeees. whn are haad iîl men lu the niabon'@ neal husi- saipposed to represeait tht. four iuit lipr- ness; te illustrate te îî-omnnkiud the truc tant fields ot modern fenainine thoughb. meaniug ut natioonal delibenstien, legisîs- Tht. tirat lanundreas. ef which Frances B. tion sud adminlatration. iluaicîl. et St. Paul, blinn., is chairman. To ibis the greabest gntherng of m'omenansd vbich alto ijîcludes the New York which the world lias ever seca have coma representatives fromi every walk of life, fromn every religion and every belief, and every part of the eounitry. There are Protestants and Catholica, Jews aud Gen. tiles, Mormons sud Aguostics, Vivîsece tors sud anti-Vivisectionistg. There are Republicaus. Democrats, Populista, So- iallats, Tillmintes, Frec Silvenites, Fmrmers' Alliaucers, Grangers, Single-ý Taxera, Natiotialiats and Probibitionists. Scarcely auy tm'e delegates agree perfect- ly excepting upon one point, and that la the elevation snd amelioration of woman- kiud. Nearly fifty different societies are repre- seted, including thost of a national scope, sncb as the National Women'a Christian Temnperance Union, and those ivhich are mure of a local eharacter. Seventeen of the soceties tins reprcestedl have an aggregate uîemberuhiîî of nearly 5,000,000, and the total representation la probably littie tînder 10,000,000. The organisation of a womaa's governaient, patterued after the national goverumeut of the YUuited States, ie.noa f tue questions which will conte up bofore this session ,of the Na- tioual Coaancil. w4lich wili cntinue tira meeks. It wilfl slmply hêas rearrange. ment ef the National Concil as It la at favorite, Auna Jeunesa tiiller. The sec- ond comnmibbe ia on equal pSy for equsl m'ork, and cetsista cf tbnee membens. of nbom nsr. Lland Stsuford sud liar>- Desba anc. bbc best kuom'n. Tht. Commit- tee on Divorce Rctorm couatist threec LADY NBva OUERET. membens. ail et <hon arecn-cil knon-n. They are Mrs. Ellen Batelle Dietrick, lis-y A. Livermone and Fannia B. Âmnes. The Committea on Painiotic Instruction in composed et six membera, etfn-hem Elles D. Keiti. betten knom'a as "Di Ver- non," s- CalteDnaapool sud ibboaeun: Firances B. Wllland, Mrs. Isabells C. Da, vis sud Mme. Caroline E. Menick ana very miichy kniomn. Tht Nationau Conucil, m'ble tha lang- est of ail the national organisations of inemen ef the country. isonaetfthe nen-. est. lb la logicaîlly tIe result rather than the ouîgrenti etfthe National Suffrage Association and tle American Amsoclablon for tic Adrancament ot Welmeu. In1888 sad 1888, he>- hgas an agitation Iooklag toward a atm' organisation, built uPon a macla brodet bas[& This culmlnaed la the firasession ef the body, inhielto pis-et i 1191, wbhie W»a ver-rmsk bis ms-acus.The second trnsaulal should bsv.e emhallu n18M but asi es-ruahM ths* màs-as-bs, aad et ha -Chitaso st t4 Maiiy women of national, AM OenerInl. ternational reputation amrenla tte»dince. Souie of them are the Couates. of Aber. deen, LadI' Henry Somerset, Mîrg, Russell mage, MiseaSus*in B. Anthony,àK. Ellzs- beth B. Granula, wvell knowu la coonec- tion wlth the so"al purty crusade ini New Yèrit city; Dr. Jenule de la M. Lozier, thé New York physician; Mns. LAura C. Bul. lard, of Brooklyn, the millionaîre; the fe- maie minster of the gospel, Rey. Annas gbaw; Misa France E. WVllsrd, Mrs. French Shefdon, the Africain explorer, anîd Mme. Abert, the Delsartisi. Organiza. tiouas of womeii ln Germany, France. Enig- land, Canada and elsewbere are also pres- cnt. ~The greatest value of the conucil," says President Sewall, "la la brlaiglng to- gether women ivbose lives are in differeut. avenues and whose interesta are la difter- ent Unes of work." IS TOMB DESERTED. Work on the Grant Monument Ras B3een Stopped for the Wlnter. The work of building the Grant mnu- ment la New York ban heen stopped for the wlnter, and the unfinished tomb looka as dreary aud deserted as the temporary mausoleum nes? by. The cold, graypilie in covered wlth snow, and it is Impossible to continue setting the great blocks of granite until the sprhig weather agali drives the frost fromn the ground. It PIîFRFNT COXDITI0'N OF THE MONUMENT. n as intended to put in place the double row of detached columnasin front and to complete the porch before the work wax suspended, but the cold weatber came ear. lier than m'as expected and the men were laid off before this wax done. The monu- ment, however. bas progressed m'eu and ia mueh turther on tom'ard completion than la geaerally supposed. The foundations, whlch are sunk down twenty-àwven fret In the ground, have bren inlshed, and the main structure has -THEIR DENS. beau built up foty-five feet fromt the' greund. Tht. eompleted daoma, hem' ever. ilîl risc 115 felshorethbbcgreund. ut uilI ho sien, tberefoee that there la af goil demi yat te lS(loue. Wlicn m'rk 1 w-sa inspeuideil for the mInter tht. finitV cernuce hbhecui reached an,] a en-ofev tht. hlocks oui the next course ef granitée were laid. The square part et tht. menu-s ment n-Ilrisc twcnty-seveu teet sheve i bbe tiret cornice, batore tbc circular parts of bbceustrucure beglus. Al eftIhe In-elve abbached columus that ornament bbc aidesU sud bock of bhc lon-er part bave bren put1 lu place. and mnt o! the ben detachcd pllars m'ich terni the colonnade lu front of the. punch anc aise set.t FOR SCHOFIELD'S BENEFIT. BDli Revlvhng tbe Grade et Lieutenantà Gencrai lMa* Beeu igacal.0 TIîe bill passe,] by Congresastor the heu-1 <'it of Geju. Scboficld aînd n-bld revives1 bbc grade e!fletenant-geueralo e ican-1 mi-, bas heen signe,] b> President Clave- In,]. General Scheiiehd in non- 64 ycara et ugo. Hp graduabed nom West Peint nith Sheridan,. MePbenion and othera n-ho aftern-srd disingulsbed themielves in the civil ivar. Hé served bn-o yeani »-ithi bbc Final Artillery Sud ire yenns as assistant professer of naturai pio@oPbY at West Point auîd thea left tht army sud becaimo professer et physies at Washing- bon Univerahty, SI. Louis. Wlth tha ha- glnning of bbc civil n-ar, bon-aven, be te. joine,] bis ohd negiment aud lu 1861 m'as madit is captaiin. A brave sud brîlliant soldier, ho parbicipated inl mainy engage- ments, m'as rapidly pnomotad, and in 1884 n-as aslgticd to bbc coiamand et tht. Army et the Ohio. iu 1868 ho n-as bre- veter major-general United States ArMY, ton meitorlous services lu tht. battue of Franklin, Tenu., lu 1876 apPoinbad suP- arinteudaut iits-ny acadamy, West Point sud August 24,1888,asigadd tb bbc command oft he army efthîe Ualted Sta-tes. Gea. Seholleid m'as marnai lan i1 1taMiss George Kîlbourne, of Ken- jkuk. Iowa-. jThe $Uad-r d 041 Company in dnlIli3g, 1 lu n,$ tuch7.If l nll orIt ae-k és-daiularwes t l.".- ý 1 C'tittie, of Deefttur, wu» gifen a verdiet 1 «HAT I.LIUNO# Au Impartial Bva Accempiaheal by hw Our Laws-How tiO S Occaplcd Burina gthé Past- Doînguof Stats sdà . In the Sonate Tueua ills ,awer azase, ,oue to e 'ie im iber o e ali nspectons luiJlbç %i te seven. sud oiee teautharlgo testablish bouse. cf creqtil0r tiir cerporabe limite.and f» aid contre] for tat purpose lm. estent of cightyacrslia tho Mr. ,Needica Iresenteda petritjoli itîzeais of Centralia, prptestliag the bill chaurgiug the termaiut,' Mayora ut citles to four yes. T rblcb MN. Kslerer's bill to pfthhit uder 161 years o etg nt m crrylt: i_ ry wesponus*as pued m' The age mwa% redaîceZ tte 14 yeure -M ents nt military academien wer ed. The bill wu&s then ordered Q, reading. The mnilllary appropriatl ? was orderad te third reaaliug sud* uumber ef billirm'eue aaivned to csadiaig. Tbe Senate joint resolutI*# thoniziug the Governor. te receise th0 ciai monumient on behaîf 0f thoeSulw< reterre] to the Commitîce on A udieWt'. A bill te prohribit tbe loRnlUg S 6 W uonde te lîrivaîte bauks or ladivid5SSt introduced iu tbe stata eglMùaatft" nenday. Committee ou Bankasa" fui. ag of the Huse favorabli reQl4ie bill abollahin& days of grace. UjQi of the bill to amcaîd the libetlow 55cU*ad ita recumanitaucut lu the Honse, 9"ailki the qurum when il m'a-ttempted te ru- eonsider the iulte. The 8enate sud Hou»a got lato s rrangle over adjournmnt Thuraday &Wn uialiy deeidetl te mccl at differeut hourN on Sstunday. Riesolutions of eomrw UL the death et Fredenick Douglas. Uer. adopted by botb brandies of the Legiaa- ure. A bilIlu repent the lam' glvlag <ha ..stholic bishop ot Chicago the rigbt *, acquire aud hold property as saoqaMM- ion sole ws* lntroduced lu the iBousl. At tbe requctest ofSensor Palumer'. a- -â.pcaker Crafts m'll offer lu the Rousea reolution iudoraîing ireieat Cloe muid'. efforts tu maitain the national credit. The loeseconvenaed NMondai mora Dig. villa oîly f',urieeu membera passeent, sag 'enaaaned iu session jual thlrty miautes. Nothlug et anîy impuortfne ma. doua. lMr. Keaa lntroduceed a bill toe1,revent gartisit ila graina, lacet, îsrk aud lard or pruvlalous, by 'nrporatiou, bruItera or others. A nuuuts-n et bill#s ere rend a liraItiaîné. uinvliug tbe followiaig: 3.iclaughlhiua bill tnakiag amine Int4pectora inspectens et weightio und nîcaisures St vonI mines: P.'ulntees billIle) estabîisilsud maintalu the EasternIllinois ste Normai Sko and Berry's bill te suthorise the Msg«a of the Sulreine Coiurt te appoint urlvate se<'retarteu. Ail of thee m'ena referred tr thc ('-uaîmittue on Approepriations. Tht Seuale did uothiug. ARE A CURIOUS PEOPLE. [he Kur.aiausWho Dweil <au Wajsw Border llte 3Mamislaul.m Ouly 4,000 Bunopeas are tu e atesad lu the Immense population oft 4000 meuls of Madras, If m'a excinde th.e 2,- »0 Eurasiaus e-ho oecupy the No hat* Laud, on the bordera of black sad whlite, says Ail the Year Round. Thia hbhnd race present~it nsoluble rhllllculties 10 tue politicii conoanlut. C'raviug ton tire social recognition de- nied bu a conjîuuily wluich origiaated lu vites of the. early Europasu cote- nis.s and seorued ulike by the pu- bîtoead natiuns of East and West, the. Bilas of the. tatletr sceain visite,] uposa the. yellom' clilidren of tuia degeneratt stock imutu theth lird and fourbh gen- er:îlion. By a curious freak of nature tbe Eu- rasian of Portuguese desceat links stepb laet) lunlt.e seule et colon unthl lie bec-nuire of darker bue than the Hiaidi of uileanisbed race, aud the lîybrid of of uee tthe. proeaut day eoibine distinctively European teu- tures with a skln of total biackness. Crîtical Logic Fal«cd Tite laite Slîerlock Holmes had s favnrIi2 edlctum: '*Eliln'ute the lm- p)ossibole. and what la left, Iîoweven Im- probable. iust be the trjth.*' This wu,; nett ait l n acerdanre Nwiblîthe ga'liig et Victor Hiago: -Nothlug la so Immninent as the. Impossible. What muust be alwayq foreseecla thebbcnfore- «eali." Most ot us m'lll agret. fro1» ex- perience, m'lt it ugo rather than with iolmes. The ImposaOcle dons nol bap- peu. Wheii 'Merey Philhnhck's Cholce" was publahed lunbihe "No Ns-me" sailles the. crI tics wcre ngreed tuaI it seemea to bc writteu by Helen Hunt Jackson. But, as thome who kuew han love for flowersand ac2uunaft witb nature, alan, poiuted oe«t, sbe could atot bai the authon. for there u-era Several id8ring mistakes ln thc namlng sud )44i1a)g of blpssoins la the. atory. Tntu n. at- terward disclosed. elle i wai$Il so, ail the theorizing meût for uqhgbfj. Louis rbuluippne knew that Marabal Soult clung bu pow'er, aud that hila fait would ba bitter te hlm. But whan the time came. tIi. future mînlatana, kith Tlers ait thein uîcnd, were aaaembiad ant- tht. Tullerles, îvblle lu the next anein

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