Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 8 Mar 1895, p. 2

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W TO MOI, OPOLY. NTIONS FREE UEE WHEN MEION PATENT EPIRES. T~sa ax Pr.omilses Reter Thunan '.*Mat R*ptd-Biz Strike Inattgurated1 ~a Pittaburg ltt-Coloathl& la 44*p,«ea.v-'sti'ifllfld Convention. Many Millions ui Stake. 9 Tite nse of tselBste ltefrigt'rabor ('un 1 gsuy #ala.t Fraucis Sîtzbt'rger & Co_ j -, èm wltteb the' quesi ion of Amerit-nuta-1 eIw expire îî iem fireiga pîatents1 'baiO beau previutusiy issueu, ias deîided1 et Washinîgtont it att exhaîustive' opiniout îr justice Harian o! the' U. S. Supreme emrt. Il inestmmateul tÉîsbnul less titan $$,IO00 ot captl inhîges onthbie devinu- bo4s ticitdetertines te sattîs ot mamy -ejabepatent». Tht' court heid tat te liciTention for mhich Bale rectiveul a pst- t was previoual>' pateuted it a forefia èmU a7ndaullat te t'nited States itat- sUît c wlrdmtithbie fireigut paIent. Tht' déc4Bision ia aganmt te eletrit' aîd otiter S»thaltU tavoiveulii inte deisiontif titis wWt Titere iras nu dissension. The' cast' 'àa*dlv«.tht' consructiont of sectiton 4887 tîel ilsRevisesi Stattites, ivîicit troides ý, iAWét rt'r>i paient gratiteul for un ittret- it&wbich bas heen prevloîtaly p1ateîîleil lb àforigelu nuti'> @iall he sut limtietas te exproua te sainieime asi-be torcîgît -ç@jt KUasî, if there be more tait onetit, vte ane lime ivit thbie tunt' btviug te %but tri,. sud lunito tase shil itlbeh more tin serenteen yeams." ljEht TROUSAN» M14UN GO OUT. ttla tihe Pittshurg, Ps., District -,'-Ob"~ Secret Ordere to Strtke. &, A ohke among tht' mincis tif te Pita- 'lirgdisrictla on. As Iteresuit uf ne- '- taken at Monday's convention, sécet' - 410" lto spênd and rematin t for'ta ilte be rerseul wltereuei the' con- ey~4t~S could liereacheul by wire. The ~q Sw aà unexpectedandiualbeurs ont the ef tht' district officials tuit (lite *t~toro wonid ot have 'twemty--!oîr nouceinwbcli bu hretare tor te aln.len bliousamd nmen are affect' > teconvention adjotimned t'y- 4sieate having télegraphie commuai- A*Om llh hi@ constllut'ncy oiîeyed in i0mtioms and wireal home tai-tue sîike on. It l insattat not ttntht' liumcesof ot il e untidt in'Jthe'utorat mii o col I i' mnim te l iît Itent brecogaîled. T.M. C A. CONVENTION. .~'eg PogrMme for the ]Interna- t i Oa atiterinS at Springfilid. T hé uar of thet iity-flnt internat- S convention o! Younag lMe's'bris- A»M5O4tleofo!Northt Aierica, urhlci -*M hé, b.eld in Springfield, Mais., May' aý-* 3i Ig'exi, bas jual bc-en isueu. Tht' - - &trationai convetion bt'in luNewr met et Lowellinl 187?- A vigor- i atla belsg stade for s stroug aad W -V - programi. Mitei matemitul con- la te Hhaoilenl Loratur ilîl wihexliblts b>' tht' Sprng-' 4** Ci lelago tralnlag scitiols sud tse ,WoeM àtW.tute. One orthlie atternoons aLidvoted io thietic exerciaes. ilIus' récent prugres lunte pitysicai de" t. A large part o! un aflemnoon gge te, b aluphyslcal, educational sud Lphase@ of lte work. Nias parlur wfenc uil l e beld onouaoter atter- OAXUN FOR 'filETREASURY. weme 'ax Etumus May' Fout U .0lrv-06S0000,000. &ccIdSg ta a Washington dispaîcli, "m . ber of prsona anti corprlations - tc, taxationuder ite provisions out OWiObeol ait axmw pasorigimaily esti-t »W»4 &au 5.000. I ls hnuw heilevedt lti ÊàÊU"wli sitowr tai aer 250,000 indi- 1 Sîtm1 satei-s and corporations are ini1 o1 annal net incoines lu exceas o! ~ fash bu-le henumher o! $100-' ýW«t t e out i-o revenue colectora, b iat supl>' pioviug salireI>' matie- Smother 300,000 lui- ias priai-et, no15w -tems are store titan haIt gone. 14« Inaformnation offeret b>' revenuie col- lotOemita ,Counisoaer-o! Internai Bey-' Mi 109ses as opinion i-at ver>' litiae ýWaIs la pilasteb e experieuce la cl- lâtinthe ax._ , t»LLIO A MONTH FOR WAR. t et Colombla l1asses a Decre aux lo DtqfraylEx penes. New York Herald's specuiaiel PtuiMnuaaya: Peauideul Caro, ot bas lissue a deceesautloiziug lm iof PAO,000 satonîli i-ode- the'rimueofthlie wir. Article 27 dueedaclares taI in i-le coUe'- ltbe>btatcompuliti>' mensures u>' and lani-le case o!fatcessit>' Mtasures mn>' lie atopleal. la ~t Illlieburegarded %osol!>'sea - and any persan ruselng lis toi- lia e lmprsonedl ati considereid ltulte legtinmate goverument. Ily Nwt Wbile Wre tling.- Xvîisi, a minter ai- lr'iskliiî, chsIlc"d an>' utan i-o break a iteM un hlm. sud Joitn WiI- bite uu Mlen trueineffeetrial ?1tobreait fita olWilliam, a0, btg hurt antI une releas-' bouc, mitere le îlled fort>'- latar of rnctuWe o!fItie spinal lad. pltojuertyl> îtutd aI impiaateidqctîoyt'iI 1)y a éè1i eit rticit aauihiuaîed - ,idCoaa Paul Er-' c- m er. star- *pdy et iha regidnce 44sUew fof lte bride.- »?betpCorrigan ~îrIal. ua~lou lucreaseti Appreitenelunof Injury ]Rt" porled fron Four Shale. The' CinctiunuaiiPrice Curret ituiar- zes te crop situation for the pusI îeek1 as fohlours: "A trying periosi for tht' miteat croini nowir iungurtisd. Etilarg- ang areasephori- more appmeitensiuu o! unjur>- frin freezing andt biaiig in Kan- sas sud Misuri and soniewtria in Illi- nitansd Indiana. The average cumul ton lias eridet'aIy heai loirereal. Theme se almoal umiftit refereace i-o loir irieai sup&)Iiem, suid t>a* te>are heid toi better lrices. Th' Week'g packiug o! huas sînountet ita 370,000, against 300,000 for1 te correspoudiug week hast >-ear. Tht' undicatedtlobai for four monîlis la 7,100, MO0. agahasl 4,8M5,000 duriag a like pt'- liot lu 189,." Front Chicago tlu the Ss, a Oua of tite muet intenesing sceenes biougit forard ln llils country %%"ir ai- rotacea u inte Seite lte otiter sai b>' Mir. Allisun. il la a resolulioti to create acommission conjoiutl>' utih Canada te unveatigat' anti report upon a aitip canal fmointe gmetslaIkes to i-be Atlantic. Titis sceeatesdeaigneai lu make Chticago an oceau port andti lu naiie lte langeaI ocesaîtfreigit steamers i-o steani troinlte tend ut Lake Michigan i-o the t' lantic at te mounto!flte Hudson river. A coin. pan>' to consi-muct gencia i-anal lias beau sireat>' iharlereal in Canada, anal a na- tiumai charter is noir sought ah Wasiting- ton. A number o!fîroinltet Chicagot citîzens are amattg' Ithe- inconliorators o! the compan>', o!furiici Citaunce>' F. Dui- bon, ut Pittsbumg. in titi'original hîromoler. The plan bas attmacteal a great dent ut attention ia Washington, andsi ome o!flthe leading men iu botibouses hart' beeu luberestet b>' tht' mai- possibilli>' anti seming praclicabilit>' of lte enlteipriai'. Tht' untute lte proposed wuatertuay 1' via thte inkes sud tht' Welland Canal, iric ie ill bt'deepenetd n sal la part. lte course titan tiverting lui-ht' Niagara rivr. To pas»e itle, a pacumatie aud tydraulie iock la proposel, i-o raise or loirer ships liotil>' 100 ft'et. WilI Cheapen Malleuhlu mon. George Harle>', au Eaglisliman iiviugg ai- Springfield, Ohio, cdaims io have dis- covereti a inethoti of making iron b>' dola> aira>' -ita ecosîl>' naileabla îimoc.est and tharei>' hinging doiu tite cost uf btae produiet. la 011cr irords, lie cîsimu te eau make maileable lion direct !iom i-hi muid l1ke ordinau7 cast iroi la noir made. He lafia lua te lisekesi b>'Citicago, Newu York andi Detroit p(arties, but n'il mut give their naines or allour outsiders lInt bi$ little stop. Ht' bas formsal a coin. psu>' a'lh a capital o! $1.000,.000 mmi litas been incorporatesi uîder tite laws of West Virginia. ___ Boycott Prove. te Be Senloas. Autrem Steffin, s cigar manutfacturer ai- Indlanaliolis, sute lime mgo disecargsi bhirty-five tif bis men. Thte union titet declareti s boy'cott ou il shbp ansi'i-be figit lbsn ieeuiterIu. Steffin annunedi lthai-uniese lie wirs giren assurance ta ta auîti hoalloivedt lu ork mitboutlu.r terfereace ha a'ouîd aI once more lu Ciîta 1 inualî. Ht' laOne o!fi-be largeat manuý facturera lilthecit>'. Kiliud fo'r Theîr Sunartues. tThte minersa it aadance ".Thradaj- ulgit osner Pratt CiIty, Ais. Lîquor flourci 1froal>'. Retarnug home, z croati maikel up ite railruadtrtack, among ilium hein,- Liezie Bilford sud hiena Joues. Thte) met s train, aud ail excaht-thet' -o 1momn eu lefi- tbe track. rtbe>' boodt ibei grouad lu fnigiten titeir 'scortsà. andti ni L truck b>'lte engine suit feuirfuil>' man. gleti. ___ Aimrmed hi Sutailpox. la St Louis Ove detalis rou> amalîpo: mar re-purbt trust quaralinu We<lues te disease in bc-hng ropidly tauupcd out ufabi Amau afmougste citi-ans il spw lg lb. ittthat aver 85ý000 me eb" 14«"te d4fi4 th -pwot te sermaaîy ad yzuce Likely to Oct Their Own Medicine. It 11111 be stated iritheut hedge or equlv- otation tbttt the admnistrationl is sert- *;zsly contenplating a resort to retaliation as the' best, quiçkcst and only' sure uvay of bringing (iermany and Fiance 10terls5. and foreing tbiem t0 rescind the' offeni "t' di scriminat ions agaitist Ainerican <'atttIt and Aniericun ment products. The i'r's. ident sud Secretary oif State tire clet ing a ms f statisticali information bearing on oua ierewith the., na- tioni%, with the 011wl*ecud in riew of findU ing the weakest point 1 t which 10o begiln an attgck. It is nnfa lis~te for the pur- poses oif the' campalga retaliation thut the United States seilsiboth France anoi Germany more property titan it buYS frOmu them, but il le ur.ged that neither of tbent purchastes our grain and oui' cotton aud other ne-esariesof existence b)ecatnse il loves us,' but hecas eil needt; these things and catne get them-eiscwht"eun cheap as in America. The logic, of thîs argu- ment is that an interruption of t rade re- lations with France and GermanY will in reslity be lems bazardons to out luterests titan would apitear on the' surface. OuP Governpient is re-elu iug help in titis mat- ter front an iîexpeecd quarier-troni thc gréat oean transportation lint ovned in Germany and France4-. Feeling that their immense interests are beeomning endau- gared. îhey tire liegtnning 10 oroe ctner- geticailly 10 repress the' growirtg tenidenc!Y ahroad 10 jumît on Arnerictiui truductat, thereby inviting retaliation. LIVES CRIUSllE&kOU:T. Five Klted and Nîtîcteen Injitt'td bY Falllnig Walls in New York. Tivo buildingtt, une in c.ourse uf con- nîruction and one' in course of demolition. collapsed in New York Fritlay, killiint, five meit and fntjtlly injîîring or îuainîig uiueteen o~thh-s., The firaf :î'cident oc- curred about 9:30 uclc in thte uorning. At the' corner tof 43d1,l arîet and 1 lti ve- nue a hous was being torn doivu by about forly laborers, and fell witit a c'rash, cîîrrying severai workmen to the' basement, three flours below. They ivere coînpletely rovered by tons nf brick, dýy mortar and iron hennis. In titis four ivere killed sud seven huit. The' second acci- dent occurred about 3:3,1 o'clock in lte ta fternoon. The' central wall to lthe four mdouble tenement bouses lteing ert'cted at 151 to 157 Orchard street crmnîled and fell. Witb the wallirwent portions of four fluors, leaviîîg a great rent fifty feet long9 and thirty feet ivide ini the center of the' buildings. Il irîs like a pit. at the' bot- tom of ivhicb iras a mass of taugled irtiu and broken w~ood Ibat corereci many men. Froni tintt heap in an boum had been takeit ont one man dea(] and tircîre injured. lu botit cases lthe contractors irere arrested. WHEAT LIKELY TO FREEZE. c- -nd rilval orF laine, lu a Dl is 'I. MEXICANS COM PLAININO. TO UN- I-re, ittded by mnu>of the scelles of t-he great conflagration of 1871, ctius&d CLE SAM. tbe total destruction Wenesday of th"' _____--Charles lICesîufm & Co. building, 247) Jiefferson street, and a sectiun t, ot( Last of the Chicago Tintes- Chicago t<> Crane Ma.,ntnlnctnring Gonîpauy's big l'urge ler'reuî1e.-Flaneu DO Great pil ajoitîîng on the' north; scomelieti Datuage-SltockingliRecord of Brook-' niany nielghboring structures anîd placet] lnTolyAccidents. the' lires o! scores of panle-strteken girls lysi Trolleyand clildren lu jeoîtardy. Tivo hundretl -- atd sevenly-live girls employed in the' Mexican Efitmns Are Dry. Lantcaster Caramel Comptany, a block Th iti Sît4' l)î'arltîînttblas a reîîur away from the lire. were ruaddenetil y f-î,î I te consul utt Patso (le] Norte,.-Ni'- friglît antd rîtsited dowu t. ttarrow stair- itiat te fartuera iit itillitty'ar' wtv. ittIhpir lgitt set ral feu anti iere of iltl ttig tî a a<-ity of ivater for îrmpleîkd on and Naerely injured by the' irrigtatiton. and tire liegging the' l1ovt'rit olters. Tht' greediest. angriest and mnot mnlt oft Mexivoto 1ptreseutt aims itgniitttit whippittg tînmes that bai-e batlled thet irei the V'îited Stattte eltcouséta aosl ail the dsiparîment ýpr years cunaumed uver a wtaer ofthelii'IttlGrantde isdtised hb>-the- baîf million dollars' worth o! pmop- people uof(Coloradlo ttnd Newr Mexico. lu erty lu the short tume of ixty minutes, the' opitniont tf te consîti. the' questiont scurclted a dozen or more firmuen and nigltt be si'tîlt'd ly îromptîly actintg unt suîiplied a sonthivent gale wllh loudao! Presidentt leveluttd's auggestion tif s cindera and bransis that irere carried inmb .otuiastio to tiintrtet a reservir above telteat tof the btusintess district oÎ the' P'aso del Nurte ftor te stortage o! wsltr. ity for over a muile froni te sceute of the lit' thittks lutis îî-îy alott etauthieFUit- lire. But t agry asnte lire iras, Chie! e.! Stattes avert attitnbroglio over cai Sienit' and bis assi s i~citecke t't l pro-' jtremeuted by Nc.iaî.- grass n'hen il ap. 21dt'iî'Ini la aertaint>' ltta m najor îportiîîo o(te West Bide CHICAGO T131ESI LAST ISUE. mantifscturitig tdisrict n-asutintmminent - tdatnger. Newspaper Made Fatnous by Wllbutr F. f Storey Conolildittet wlth Hcraid. IVS U huBISOFICE. At the boîtoît o!fte titird colunin o! thte f.iisi aRtîu1 Islwtrc last page of Suttdîty's ('lieago 'rîuîrs iere %fr- Bis l o etin itu liuLawo. Iheivotîs"Th' ~d.~'Ibeygar tu rtat The lresitieît lins accepteil tht' resig- son wlytyhie presses wi're silent ilu tlt nttion out1,0ostutasler Licierai itisseli. T1imes hbuilding Nlottday nîorning foîr the t'itIeettive William L. Wilson, uf irt tinte iti oveîr furîy years, exeeptùiîir ve't V ~irginîtt. oi bc lus suecessur. i'ust- wnt'u tht' tsîtes lt'ft iîy i lit' gretit lire ofittîasttr Gt'tîîrtl Bisseli retires from oice 187t1 covtrei~tl teri.A t auîdictory titithe' onit he liewtteprnis îî ili lhe rî'sideut andtu ciitoriilia ge 'igîît' by Adol f Krails tti vii ttantdteîei it 't"t !alt a n ediloriat Iannîtîtîîtîtît'in thIle I lerti It(,blletît. M r. itissil idi n u in ac atîîîi a3igtiftii -are ta thetv luittIlt' irîrti iiemoret iie autîti,n tttt'r ~i t'eliotor w it-h conttituted it'.-fttrexvell message' of holding at siat i n thle cabinet, lit' ts tf thte îue'n îiho gatîert'd te neVq., set litt by att! mnuts a wî'allhy tian, anti te tyrie, ittthe te s tand atd ndieul the'L4 ti X lietiditres in Washintgton have grî'at lîr.r'sît t iithe i Id ttg of tht' nits- n oulted ln tt t lt'slt Ilrvt-ites lits sal- ptaer. Tite'end vîat'i ît lie h lstii'pr an,>'as a tîtîinel fic , toe ta n wal-' had vtntî'frîti iti'epreiss anththIrulleIt owîi ttcttpit bis talai'> til his pli tle in- on h(,enziie a,î e vosd.Long bi- cotîte to'eter. 4AWAIIAN SENTENCES COMMU. TED TO IMPRISONMVENT. Chicagto, Eraged nt the' Action of Mbayor Hopklnu--'irke Not Yet Over Their Deviilt' lit Arnieula-t4outh lictîsiPeople (,ct iargalus lu Shoeu. Hawailsn ,eîtencem Contmnute6. leraniia-u tereitn à f rom I-10110111111. A îuottg litr lita-tengùtrs tire thlirteenî exiles frotu tht' ilatinîts, ilîtîail Islandt. Tltey were put on liotîrî by ol'iiiials of t e e publicntteI list ittonicat liefore tht'sailI- ing tif titi' steîîmt'r. Anlon.- the' exiles alto betaîne kuown as suipporters of the' r?4-olnlionary han>' are Wtîndenberg, Creiglîton, 'et'rsu, Rlleritil. Brown andt Flitzaimmottsm. The most'iLnporttiit nî'ws brotîgitlby the' meunier iras theîle- cision ut Presiili'îî Dole sud cabinîet coin- nîîting tb intîtristîtutoct deatit sententes Imposed by court tuartial ulion Wilcox, M-ewiartl, lickar n d anI utlick, four leading rehel plol lers. Sentenes uvere commlîtcu to tltirly-iré e yîs' iîttlr'imt'iîet and tt insetif $10,0M11 t'-h. Tîtiq uteana tepre wii lx»hi'1) i, ert'iiotts as s resitit of te re t'eut retilittia iii. "T'e qtceiillsen'teuced li i t tt't t'îtr-a itîti tittnit'ît. fl.%CK El I) Y 'lHI,, NIAY0R. Cul cato's A îlermen Jlai-elthe Snpptrt at îf JohnîtP. itOpkltîs. ('ab-ugt.iig Scîtdly atlais$ rteteiîtg iras t taitl .tii uatîtu",." auia tti'e Ogtlin glas c orlmtui ui liic taittailî ic ri t oraiîatîîî-î tutittei 'n-. 'f tîb-hit tiei!-1 îhrîîagir ttih titî a- ntti>'.and wtic-b ti 'rî' nol lhî't i 1,aîti'ila> dirali I)fiy. lbut uti-eru' ut'ti-t I ýla> tlît'Vtti-a tif liîirty -t'igli-t ieniln'rs. 4-t'a 'mly li iîicîl 1iilivlhy. Tht' iu'ailcr-a îof lt-iia ' -alathe litti-km lb> tî'îtaofthf îtis;iaîîala tif t-itize'is. sî-itda jc,1 ir'authiîîîî. NIt'nizi la>îiglit Nhtîyom IIutut kitîialurti't iti' cguls otînanî'e. landtl ,'ii'-i rit- 'urditii ia-: thtu'latter ivas intaant -( iy ltats-it'l as miintilt't, ly ithe*origi itl@ titirty-eigbtta- .riiifitnu-cultî livi. Titea si-.ues iia lî it, '..ktic-il ilbitnr iît'r t-u'ii'as-1 Itiitiiag. tof ait'-i ttti'e ait-stre ti ri' grî'î'tuîl %ta i i i h î-'r ainu tuit hi'lMs. ii t a ir-tuti cf ,iti ,tshoatittt t'a, sa-tai'ndtt a ltii'illtttli tlit .Ihîtiv iti ahIi'resu Itis tîtevage- if tj1rîtih."uei'lttia--îti- utc ei'tar> a.u-tait'rii hi' -itY j-,int.-il iti 31 E\ACI:D 11VTURIKS. Criticul Situation ofutAnueicu'Mis' inusluArnuenle. <',îî.tttiiî.îuh- tal js-s ua>lite et%îia- ottttf titi ttiaîuari tire1h'Ami'rti-itn .ttNxild -if l'a îr'tgit i tisionîsnt NIarnaItii4 carîiti-al. Tlhe t , iîiit r if Aht'uiwttlîit tu thieytîît if iiisttri--titry ili'giis. aîti hu -aiis t'tllii' ,ciiti t uize andul i[an matl li'tei't,îitiýs f. focd, itdttIlathi etist -t îati.,t(i mihilatt -iitg ithe a-ttir>. JIl init - dîsci tînprisoutcd the- touli'era nuittii-% rt't trtcitglthe boxesa. 'litt'gini-riior tla. îuais iiydeittiitl it ptublic- Ilialtthei' ti.siu-nttiii are iuîport- iîtg turut tise iagiiat Mohutnmedans. 1-luts lea itirte cit ilshlac ti isprored s î-stanîrîtph" is jWtssil'at lly moment titiuigit au iithhina k uot'bte leiirIof tite jîaea-ipo1Ittlicn. SiOE ISALElS AT WATt. Clioice ou tty Pair in stocek la Re' dacedsitoSli5 A s iicce a' îsr is tititin SoutaitBe'ni]. hII-h. Ji tuSrto'i I Itttttim ttu-aiwsot'coui[-lleîY liait ii n Iti'e lien rt oiflthe btisiit cas dia- trit -t aiîd Itegit n su-i tîg msitiit'a aIry-lia pit-t' . ot oli e outmîdte. one o!flthe oldeîsl bout iai sitt' 'to liiati adat- veriat.lutsî'l iii>. sioe iii stack naI$. pler liair. Titi- suih- bi-gîti Nituitii> foron ici-k. -t-ar titis hiti s îî tît thî'r lbt anitî stuestore' a iia-It retuljaiel b>- ff'r- utcli Ilyillouie littataat-k nt $1.75 a plair. 'rhîi'se lai-t, hrtait. ivt' lîeuîîseIiluttc IIlii uititl priveîs tundt tti' nî'aii la tthéti, sthasln' filud tanti 1h' d'airs art- luekeul tatîtil liitire-ruai t inajlisaut iteil oit. Tir, t-miti-Ioîiiél iii îtu tljtîY tavails ils tirii. aillothi'i htaîse ii s sllîîg ait $1.65a pnir. - AI. GAINS ARE SLOW. Indlustries '%akes Little Prot&rea, luit ai ltEffort. Il. G.itDtn & t i e reki>' revietu o! trd Rt ît'anys. No guil gatu' out, titungi at-rling t-xchiîtge lits risen cloue lu tht' *Xj I iîguait, tintdlil tuesmut yi'etîuues r ilual lth-et-ynul it ti'as utatdeu'ait>' effort 10 î'urîitIoti' txchîttîge- market. ILondon itas sihtabouth 41i.(i01> alan-s out sock, ansilte mianketl adisliuu'lIy louer fir ai' ilroad sitares. thaîtgit a sitade sli'îngem for tnruta. 'he tti ao-k uraket wmite abjecli>' for Lont- itnati. dti ont'igittrq shiaiwlt armumre ili1iutitioit lu seI Ilian to boy. Witttiaiv-' ais ut gulîl hy nedenîrtuoîî ut iegai tenders have utot Censa-tti, ItttRince te ciosing of te ayudicte cî-tacl itarve arerugial IIE]R TIi A LARG E ISTATE. fume tai t,"lo%%ti'ri'.bitreporters, wat-te urHnrd ild ers ansi manragers uiîttairs tad galne, lettu-- O r<teHncd uls. irîg thî' presses lia issue' tleir ou-n -aledie' A relieftrirntfront te scelle' o!ftese tory. TIti'Timets lîtas'en absoiblse ciîeîînbou te luter-Oi-eaitic itailruîad ttîok lite~~~~~~ ~~ i1rhl îtî îny l tmiajbsoy l ieCity ofu!Mexiî'o te nî'îîsltaI10-4 tre Icti blt-hand olYiis usinaerand ahiito îl-adbohielutîleighty-fiî t' natindeal her- arelef tetel ifIll grat ape wh,- hsouts acre jutitentio tIhe ruina o! the %V'lbur F-. Storî'y matdei. t'xcursion train. T'eiteleft'rainu arriveul CITIZENS CRY il ALT. l-riiîîy iorning aitît sxty-fiie s'rius h vio l i ea-n injtind i'ii th îe i-mut, aud - lDn. Ahfri'd Bm>'. Dr. Frat-is (imosson mongter Mass Meetingîansu n (tien' ali1toIhrsren e sn flow Hetl lu Chicago- tî ia îîi îtgîn îîm an Pu'tblie induignaltionit Cbhica-go foui tita mîtt ioo aiter fcte ut-tu-sorf te ahisasitr rati't'ut a-oittnstr tas- utctiga 1un-tits r,'î iied. Maut>'itirsitns taere iî'ft dî> ifinît.t--alhnterml by tittti' *i i" u-'îditeur teepsitt - îîre te t rtain lîft erati on. Onieneî'îig 0111Y ltadi beau raIl- dI hi' als.of thsea-i-rt' ah lite uta hto ci]. but se îviîîesîrî'îtîî tins the indiguaîlîettjdel oti tlîte a bu ti'e rutS.l0. i-at Ce'tal ,t usie liaili ias large etnglî atkIi ntv'r'îaîtî e'r-.S > for le'gs titîtît hatheitu iizens. ,Tht'Se- Nioratn, a grauîitiof uFore'ign Mimatur amui îîegîniýt arIDOry vas ranteti. nuii Marisu-al, dit-'l fromntabisinies. thirt-ne itene sif rotet %veutnit a" Final Iloodlîng lu Onaa. tlaîdly as te> dialntaIle lparent mee-t ing. 'lt'<ui gritliir'iatIric t T1h(i -i'ry Ibit ut t-II111u titisone for r ri'fnt raia-ha-h proîmises gst'mtilonIial î-elop' atnd for iiiil-tuiîdeutu-t' in loi-tlI 1olit l-. Ni- ients. A t i ktuugimhlt'r. ('. Don-1 ther tentimen'tltu-ia thongîitio!ftir gin t'it nî'uI>.cOnft's,, aî' iatt1 i l itaIry ha le ad1 a lîeariîîg ht eitlîîr uofte mteetings-. Ercry u.ati $l.Stfl>ftur ioteuti-ait. Titis atactiasi tme itu'o!fte speake'rs made ait alîpeal repuirteui tii.utdgt'Sctit and lite nt once1 along Ihese lnes lie a-as suire o!liteuly uvonttNo te grand jury roum niîud di'msud' apllanse. Tht' troticer lits denttni'iatit Pd te knou tlhte utme o!fte Officiai. Dîîn- lte better lhe îieasedbis ht'urei'i. Peiphc tDi-l>' iifuiete eluil,. and Scotet on'ei seenite10fîrget ail ideas tif Sudayb- seuteîtt'ad ita jail. declarng tat Don- liarior. Tht'>'amuse itntefir seair - nel>' i'qould sbay ther furererunuies&hei lte>' uere particuitirl>' Weidl Plea i n'! onfesseul. - yeiied ta tite speaker: -Bit 'et»a aai."I W~hile s selt of restlutîlone tu-aîttîtîlitl At te Dlxii' salun to nIbauttll, Vu. Va.. mar a.reîîîatiî buset ttatis pro in t' Ntrtik îtnd WesterttiRond, a v-stonts wrecariretout. i l fghtIand 100J litaois ut ri' iral. louri WO0RK t(iF THE TROL.LEY-. t hersons a-t're iiiittt'l attind F tak Mttntol Huntireds Kiled sud Mainéed b> te Isttob iîltt'l!-'ata iioih'l Tht' ui BookynhBuanty for heet Sugen.. Th rollieyîantiint'5 ils itark )f îînla a i Tht' Nebraskaî Ligisasînn lins de{iîhtil uunld destrtuctioun in Brooklyn. 'fIe tu' 'y-tiraI e h ,etsgr oiybypyn ofdcentii ltait--telias 't-in 'i I(t1î'i - Itutlie rouili-er $5tlier loit fîor al licets pro- day d nght itebas peras ien'10.ttiaim.dii-eti. Titi last Legishttutre suaîîeîla't day ightthre PesOnSwereinaie.titis lau. The lItotse halul a -relt igliti oee. 'rltaîpifabut--. Ni sytu Si-iieraît.'tif iiiii, i'1hea lia ir. The bil autasiqpoiseildb! Brooklyn-i. aouiernî'd wtli sci-erai mî'mt ihi' Icniîi-ratii - niui iît-iait taie. bansiftlte rail roai otittu ittt't' of tht- Botardi of Allerrueilteii urge ti' Comîînnîaaîî PepI uredea I 'otîlt-il lia tilult an ordituanti-t-regîlattttg 'l-I'iti5 îî'attji tr-n tr-ro bbh'e1t ofd trîolley ars ald'iatiîilliuiat -St. Autgutîinie t'iity, Texns, lias sur- outpnnît i,'s t t.i theintilt h lit ceau iiig I n-îîîî-raî atliii'shérniff liM emtp1his. 'Th're f devi-is. Tiiere in talk f ut 1indaigntatioin %vas .ilrer'îaru if $500 far im icarrî'si. aiee-Iing it t.iltis lu Ir>'aud top b utftr- lîlicht itiitht' fît als tf 'il. Augtîc i ne ter sîatîglter o! si-hool children. Theti'uiitly liilstîrcunulier tuttidei-ant't.I.lIe ffeelinglut IBraooklyntis groîting lu inttn- spetac iti' utti ty. k-it>', sud itla r ntt tnlikelythuit te granid ijîumy ii akie an active Iparl tiafrelong. Fire aItIHalifax. 1Dîuriutg thét' nti ut Ielarutry 4S2 aci-i AtHliifatx. N. 'F. lurt>'lubte evalue I.dents aud collisiotns acre. reutorbeti. Fltl>' I o!f w0()aas ii'tiroyeui by lire '.uIth Atonry pe.rna-env imjurel. îicîniîy ut Deeît Water erminus. Ail tht' immiigrationu sheila,a'htarves. utEceài Barry Hill le Henice(i. antd oter bunilditngs turneal. liamryI"1lite murderer tif Maîllica à Aklesuit. uss haitgad nt Plalîstuotîit. Tio Feet ut S4now lu Swhzerlaud. r Neit. iisneck wanebroken Iîy tht' fail. lu iti'-terman cantons o! Suuitzerland The crime was cummutteul Nov. 1, 1893, s suowsturm urevsihed waitlioît cessation and urus a mut brutsi une. Tir. tther fon thitry-six btoums.Tiro feet o! snom men urere abih uring tht' confli't, vhicitfeul. ________ - ias the' onîgruwtlofuan slteîupt at roi).____ ber>', ant iMra. Akeson a neari>' beasin MARKET QUOTATIONS. 9ta deîîh by John 111l. l1e spartner, Cucg--ale osao apie ,fhctime. 1h11 asa !iimei'ly a policeman aI 'S:.7.'Yai.0: bOitta.hilupiueg grades. $,.> Washingtont.1D. C. ftA-.5io. miet, faimr1inultîtît. $2.004?4.7i; urieat, No. 2 reul, r2>5 cora, Nu. 2, Robiter S4hot lu Missouri. 43«044c; oate, Nu. 2, '.5.ii-30; rt-c, No. Frida>' morniag a aitt'iiff's pusse esptin 2. 52flel u tnter, cltutie crettuut.ý.y. 21(i It fi one outhbit aO oblers aWho îohied te 2l Yde; sggs,f remit, 26lrij27; jIKtUbt'5, Car $ an Frauisco î't'iîi'tad sud exptress agent lots, pern uhal, 70«@SOc. ait'utrdy, Mio.. Saburda>' îight. Tht' meut lmdi ... Iioi-cnte, sitippint, $3.000 là ere overfaken atai- iouse about two 5n Y,'-huga, ciiolca lîgit,. llfl50; shteît, Ifmiles soubit ut Soutituesi- City, or>te cun ta buprime, $2.0fl .01; witeat, Nu. Si-abs htie. A ierce iglît ensueul. lunuviicit 2 e. i2iil:cornt. Noi. Ituhile, 41U~ une o!fte higbitiyinwas prubaiti>'(fa- 42c- allie, No. 2 wite, 3ffl4c. -r ial>' s@hobtihoîgb titi'thigit. The t' i-ltr 8h. I.uls-'Cetile, $M.75;: hoge. $3@ ILoillher matie is escape and blis net ibecu 4.50; mieta. No. 2 et, 52ffl3c; curn, 1, pprîeled. _____No. 2, 41@42c; unis, No. 2, *2t.II90c; éTitres Big Fires. co"n, No. *2, 5557c. il Propeit>' vait'd ai t upwarad ut$200 000 Cinesiuanni-Cutie. 3.'4 .f:boue. It wa desbrtiyeul b> Sntudsy's lire aI iSa. $3@4150; slieep, $2.5ff0@.75; wvieat. No. 1- lina, Kan. A millioun dollars' damage iras 2, ' lii4CeU; c9nn, No. 2 miuxed, 42ff'4e; i- auiseul b>'ti-belire triicitorigluatedt auo, No. 2 aixet, 'tll32c; rye, No. 2, 1- 8imps4o's dry gbodls - tore in Toronto. STtji-50. Fire pavil>' detroyedtht' Hoiel Boyer ant Letroi-Cattlc-. buOî550tgs, 1-40 ritsbug.4.50; shep, $'2@4f.50: urlual. No. 1 Ïiiite. Putsbug.56ffl57%c-e corn, No. 2 yei!low, 41@44c; ht Revoit la Serinus. tata, Nu. 2 wrhite, df3'3c; rite, No. '4 il -Ileinreporteti in Muadrid tai-t îedis- 571f57e'. ,i toirbatîces lu Cuita are o! a serions natutre. Ti'leijo-W'lt, No. 12 net,54j0 Th' le Spanisit Guverninent, however, deaies corn, No. 2 mixet, 43«q4J4fs; oats, No. 2 Iythatitlb las recelvet information tai wiites, 383 c; rye, Nu. 2, Ci4CqaSd. 1- îaîenly-fonm persons reportedtei- have beeit Buffalo.-Ctles $2.50tUo.b00; boua, $4 ir arrestet la Cuba bave huen sammuiui 4.75; slieep, $Wa~.00; whet- No. 2 redt -e eaenced]. ____ 4.75; sbsap, $ffl.75; miteat, No. 2 rail Goverument la Bealun. 58@!18%c; cora, Nu. 2 yelow, 404fl7c; At Topeka, Kan., United tiiai-es Dis- usîs. Nu. 2 white. 85@36cfl. brict- Jutige Riner linstecied ei-a big suit Mlwaukee 'Wieta, No. 2 sprng, 5501 b rougît 1>'te Govc-niînent againat i-le 511e; coru, No. 3. 42@43c; oute, No. 2 . Union Pacifie Railroad Comupany' for $40,-.whte, 31@32c; harle>', Nu, 2, 5241C115e it 000 aud bhrly-'ihraa yeaW ~interemt, i la-a rye, No. 1, 52fflc; pork. massl, 910.00(0 t, vorofthlitaraliroati compa>'. 10&50. d- New Tork--Catle, 806.00; boss, $3.50 a WilM SILa thse Cabinet. @K75; heaq 100.; wbcat. Ne. 2 ed a Tha rdéitu1zmnflýian1èû f'!ajýXýà qW : t ht EVIEW 0F TIiEi*É Detalled l'rocoffdlCe gckt Blougae-Bille Pnaed or lu Etther hDranh'Qe.l~ sunt to thse Country At The' Leuistatlve GrIti4 A fIer sOti rit41vlbate u inthes e .. .. ieia>, the linancial issue wbM locketl the pnîngrells of the' nîhut ills t%-as sirelilatriy b>' lthewl :f boîl I r. lomnsSellt Ni, Mii'proptisitioa 0 tea Ruthorlzitg lthe issue of bonds. ail ivstted luintht Houle. »o fair~ trlioes ftvistiritthe' day ra.sefl, were rotierîted i.îauîeiy. it -onaldet, r'poîletl frtni the 'tîtmilteeon Buildingsandttl lritîtts. The fcon reiorts otiteliibiill tii irohibil the l"i ion of gondlsitnibontîIboug thlie. Stales mb lthe M!îlean fret' zone. 9 te petnsion tindipoant office appropt lls, wpve' gmell b. 1ileral lpei iti] oller btills tif muttor impotatnce W - 'flastîl tiy itttiltiigniblis consent. - Tht' Senait 'Fliurstiuay Itasneu lthe sad> iv-l il I. iîtilIlgle itt'msî taîrop l îg tut-r $.t>l.tOfor îugar bonitli4 'lhe ii'isltivut, exet'îtiv t ud 3ttdlit'i pa prîuîri:îlatt îai ill tistisl'tins.eile liu 4,1 pt'i' ii Ilte biateMr.Cbinher et Itired lcSittattil iilblvl)tyttaind 34W' ti t hi het'tt 'i Mi-teî'l i)v ti'tîi. The flou$&i- Let'lted ti ii fîtir nlit- tlun il% ditttigif*- lunt c ' l îr.îiditnîg for a ctabin tu lMa. S-enatiir 1iiii. "f NStir Ytk, Ititt-mi>' Meut,- "rititv foi' hi itinilesa a« l ack upo>tîBeu- alii'rîat Sî'ît tor tr;'s tsa lefra>' -ftIlle Be-ring Sea miN. rat.ra. Tht' 4sltîtitblas t'ontirmed W. 1,. WVilson tas atlýt'-dl'getw'ral and ul dg* Shtouialtt'r as atilsaitstanit jndr" la ül' 'lii ii tri..t. hiltu lprote et or klt seuls; itîtupy W~ent Vir.ginla. 10a&Ltare of' *efîîîidet lux. ath ie Senateanti-lttt'Y bill iverc- 1asut-d hy lte liotnne. The' inal ipî;reîiriaiom bill was Plisseu luM iatualv lte 'b'taî after it bail isseu tmnnitîtilt, prostde for the' building or blit laiý, î 'tsîji.Tht' auproîîrist1omt fr'- <'tt-iataî'vv Pont otint'buildinigwu$, 'ut tutu ilt.lii$hi5l,ihltb>'the' cou!erseer *titîil~.'Fite St'uale recnahi-l frotitli thé lia t-ait i - lt'titi'det toluth iti plo- 'îiit îtiti'ii lit raptîruîirialion blil. ittltiîisii lit.- ad.ted a reslutiot t iaK ine llitti t' l'a rt iii tion o tifrm In t- il.tlj,;I itryit-t- rt-iluctn-sti a t 4;lcka- illalitt. I iatt et %lirtvtartti ldita n ît*rît rli il-ls. A bill grandes A, tUtt. - a'tîi.1ihu 4. t'. Mcerntiiu t%%:;jau.st11-4tl'y ii" IlîttatIhîrugitl the et' f,,tq .tf i.tit-at $tkles. A rt'soluiti - a.»it-gttiiitlt' g --kirlriî.p as ailtft he! b- utît ii -t aiiti-I ahilic coiufert'ttce wiras inaitirî-aîiy lv ttîiby the' Boule. Mi tt oustf ('ngrals adjonuitul a nu-t iiaii l.jtt( iiftnswaa liSnse ait-i iin1h,' liltal , bonim Ex'S§Psket ILecl dndtî tti%,, ohliefriends restneil ta voleti'fîr a resî'hulon thanking $Pskut <'riait fîrmbis fairnesa. Approp5'latiom - tîade hv Ibt,' ,ngre.just adjouusi 041% Iî'sslit ttu thie of lthe Iteesi Cou.'emse LEPROSY IN NEW YORKC. A iltisititun ..Utimates 100 case.h Titent' and ini Broosklyn. A 1'lt> i(iai iti a Newa York iosiltl estiatali îttî hîre are near!y 100 case,- tif gi'ntiîî" l,-îrtxy iti New YorkMati li'ttaikh. t ii" iesient tUrne. A ntiii'ea Ie i-tise a itadi tiýf a yoîng uomntui itu ttsci-i. p iatrk ito' lthe olter day el' hou ticl-m ta ty tîtrîugi a dense Ilirong tif Sh.tiht. -it'v. asiuileed a mepnlsiu'e tb't.Ilît-*ara nt're augent ns itîa itanl ii' k, uîmiit'.nd hantias iiitwti attitvi- lt;i-r lips were lthick sud t.ea-iningiy liard: e iti atuis acre ebiff, cu,' î'reîlt %vi tt Iu lt-a. iht' ltiigers being druivi a iiii i i-ci lp n dt.s ieîr iose iras ahatîr- raithit gai t lier b ig, wvîte, sca>' iaîtd la>' -atrt'ssittgly otît lit sîouitler o! a 10-yeur- tîlî girl m nri ithe ras pttshlint' long l-'îîr îlii'l. î'îrs 'ertily, anti an tell- ilig liitititî-itlonger, ut'peuay bas hec-a Itresent lut Newr York. Il>'rufert'n'e to ute ciatrs tif jibisicians hmia nke Ms-ia imore lthait unte lersun wirlilîed theroail localitiep wia-ltproduce lepios>' subjecte% are îlesigîtalt'tlkv a ed traclng. Tit reul li'iiiig eut elop bte metropolis, anti lthe ret'urts of îîhysicittns wiill show thtl niore titan ont' person who lired hitesait Ie lite- bas heea etrieken irit thlie dmemd disease. Il in ver>' diffcuit to gel ltse-'c tual fuetluin sncbcases, lic-ause tht' af' flicieul persuusi are ver>' sensitive, sud the pihysiciensta vito attend lthent as unucitaat potssible pnniei'tthem fruin expoîre. A moitei lie lepers la Newr York ln a Ou@e. lookinor. sîil yoîîsîg, feiloir. o! 1terhmp 28. lit' laedut'ated. l'tflnt'd, lnbeIIIceu'a, bon virant. aud worlh a million dallars. Ilis aiîait,iiiîetîano arthe' ver>'hlinu. Ilis f'atiures are' ile ie stui'ted. lie livc-a, iu fahlîusttle quarter lanlt'lth avenue. gues îlriviîîg. mincies mt hIllefelois fraeiy sudinl titti îttnsziamtlc yavliuain. le diva's. taiîs, rides on the elerttelwi mailin-y, Ilte lîîîî'scars nnd ferryboats, antd gîtes tu ltheItipteaer wrien lite chiis. Te1eigruplîie Irevibles. Stalu' 4-naîte)n maukau o! Nurtit Caro, tUuclt' lit A ustralien Propert>'. NllatteavRoh<illadO! MoitI Clair. N. J., net-eiresi a letter fron Autaraliti lîtoritu- utc lina, tlai he la ont' Otftte' it o a fortunue ut$3,000l eft b>' uit oui tnclu' W ho (ledi recenil>'. Roland leautil agent for thlie Melopolitan Insuraucta Company>. 'Te utucie to iriose fortuite lie sticeeda we-nt lu Autiaila aevenai ysars ugo, bt haîl tot beeu hearal from ecertl>'. Tht' ittî'r sîieul te facts ver>' uteageri>'. and RlantuliOgo 10 Ausatraria lu cliia iîîberiîaîuce as soatutîts moure delaileijîttor- mlliout iîîîîertiltg lte ntienr r'cht's Titomas jioe la Ieail. Thomttua.louîus (iaitILaslata, ('harlest ('i. Nlil.. ýMoiitdsy, agetl 7-1 yeara. le waS te uallait a-buoss'iii' J. Wilkes Booth tu escapin îto N'irginua afîi' te assasesinîa- ituit Luiaf u.lit'Niras tiffeneal $1110015 if lue woi iatantke k ituotu-thile Iiiing phuit- ot Booth. le nefutiedi lteline>'. la Caiii- o l ,ehi,Site Titlnk. Miri. Alfredl Mihtes creai-es a saclte un t'ltrrel i t ituchester, N. Y., b>' mtshng intthlie iulit tantidai-ainig tai-te liaitu suein lte laIe Dr. Shawtt'lu a vision. au(ut thrlitIhâtbati uiitatilt'd lier bu lîreacit. nive Up lte Glitat. Tht' Ftfty-lllrt Congres ceint' lu a closle Monda>' pronili'on i-het'aruke o! 12. Contrai>' bu te tsual eusi-oaj, il'as nuessai>' l utrla iaek te hauts o! thleaecoce lu lteluvo bouses ala ordet' lu thefle lrmawausa oet bina W

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