Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 8 Mar 1895, p. 6

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I ILLK I 'l'. ale of Love anc for This Paper bylI a [coprighlnt. Al CHLAPTER II.-Coutletueti. lb vras, ia bruth, aseseno te totaub the Isrdeel heart anti awaken pity la breata log anacti te It. But liltie Ana acina e- * covetuatiber mlf.pocsconand bbe nId look et bepc anti confidence t-ame back te là« oyes. fibe pauseai ber bandi lovîngl>' *v-et-e Bart's enni>' bair, whit'h c-itteed arouatibistankan temples, and h Iisper- e4da feir iorda la bis eut-. 1 Wbeh bhe court coarenîction te tel- lcwing day tbc defauseeoaniteabcdilIse!! îslul>' witb showimîg that thte outer dont- ot Carey's bouse nas ranci>' or net-or loeketi; that Il iroulti have be he-e b aul- est1tdia; la the mut-ldu fr the ntrderar te slip labo bbe roont hafaie îlayight anti tisus bide bbc blooi-staincîl riumg samy visera île tiscoi-ery vioul nîiîst surely tara bbe people's touglta çawni>fnra tht' rail nuitdener. Bort Tyîer's gainil tha ne- t-r. gantle disposibion an miail ah-knoi-tî tic votion te tientis wanc lumisîca iitpon as ebowlng bbc almost'uttî'r intpoRsilility «i ,bis hein; the a'nminal iybe bat perpebral- e d this awfnl tiect. la partia-nlaîr the de- - ., taba dwelt apon the beroit- dc'obion ilhown by Tyler il a rrya; te hait>'oo bls Patou nearby thinty miles tbrougb sionna and al iuknaaa, rathen titan lent-c lb la tisewilderacs ho hodot-on cd b>' iilti animals, irbile ehbatoeatite aroalse the ceuir>' la hopes that i. prompt astion tulghb recuit la orerîskiîîg the ct-minai. Allhbougit urgeai hy bis counsel ant i m- aiqmrb i b> 11e Ann te testify in bis own beisaf, Burt obstinalely refuisetl, sayl;: "They WIU net ballet-e me. Tîtyaremm IteM dte bave I ir cmown a a." At dybreak the couart boue bell soin- theet bcilllsger. te hear te treuti ,Ipdauet wbicb the law iras about Ici Psag upom Burt Tyler, ton ratinr bat aI- atumabi'$Prend abroad the nëws tat athe Jury a"l tounatim utglît>. ('ontrar>' ho al tpcbaties, and amiti arotheretiex- clsuaioas ef admiration, the noble girl uttereti neoci'oe!despair, une ayîlabhe of ve as thc airul Word 'Iguiilty" feltapon a- thé c et diath assemblage. A faintesiile iptedt er enbr pale tnt-e, suda, pressing qell band maon ber bearî. sho laid tht- 't aoneaBvrt's heati, anti fixt'd ber 0>es sape, blg. u i 1111.Ana! Pour luttIe Ana!" be rIhlSPereti an genhi>' that onl>'thbt e e sading or ittiag ha the hmnidiate vi- ehît>' brarthedia ords. Wheu bthe Jutige calleti bita b>' oare Mi aud esisihm wbther ho had tiaaghî te maY wbY sentence 0f tiealh shouiti net he poset lapon bina, Ana Carey', aaticipmîing & rgufuas on Bat'a part le utler a word lat bis ewn detee, snk upen henrkîteca iii'bia beddanmatimuimurcal: "800#16 Bart.Oh, SPemk, m>' belorcal, fer littie AnDa. ake. Ah lemt tell thant aOî t1*rIbar 4 iýeTb* lit- anti tavaefaril look fatict fralb$~V q., bd aflut amle Play- i=41dcnla. 1 ared tenes, l~st~lsily adIbe te carthast Il* 14414 ,-b. mpokeauai tlloir.: KCb"=Om..jutie. oh us. ou w. ued 1 u lesuit yonr- moka.. l 4 -tla etcime, anti I MI-lu I i-baget i fect iftMet ~~ bath tee 317 'wreteted le t7 au. Yeu arc wlcome te Ir,.,. teltbaut 1tidn't kli Mr. N9eI19sd90b. huair diat I paî thIe ring 1*a- Uttie Auasbeibetora w. irent lute "Pu.0 , word more, my>' riants. Shoalal 'l» clefge Yeur nmlati atar uy Poou- bons are laid te test, rantumber that IiltIe 'a IW'al b, AaIiBib.there. 1 bave ne moe CHAPTER 111. (a -Wbeerer bas ball occailon te attend the *aawslcof elmcoat>' outt--.--cclly dur- u nadler trial-la neeoftthe far- re- «66tiveýa" saitspzelY settlei coanthes - ottise deporaiisatlon whicb annaes - msélîIe renderia; of bbe verdict. Boni- Dm e la ucgleted, tdialune.analtaenus a*.oedqd, sMithbbcnulgence la alce- bell <snis lureaas oatfold. <tWhat de you sa>' nw, Jt-k Caneff?" frimid ontheevening iito.sse."Do Yen -tl Basjaeoee?" efStr,"' 'Waa Jack'@ short uhoMatie a motion te - ýthen conte la antI drink »tIe >'ent-confidence lu yonn 90gued the Min, "bu t bang i 40manti it, for it tiacti l e IIsvae 0 f >our.finat Burt ap >'ônr business. Weil, fi'm lit, 0 oue.n"n r beaira>'front the Crouip ltliQ4W hdey gayeti hiru auna a ajw tok ap teir reniaIdnee ft, 5o tisaI Ana miglia ho as * emudeaelitaiasai tea-. maIl Permit. $lilconsola- w*4 Àe = k 8' pater, iear>' .ii leuxering ofet Ils puaîga Ï Mafei'oldiat Burt t-culi pithiat inamamuch u iliras Swmlteocudmict the' bli tiebeginla; o! Sctmbuali" lita, if taken by *b'electrit- abot-J qp CWqaeym vena attend- minellt amployiag epe fetanEaer'uti'c -çrjtg abs>'by ta>' "V~c .d baisfui E SIJNDÂY SCIIfooL. 1haoter léc&to al IÉ qt wltb thse a; thesdat gbe, b. dettly conuecteti twe dZIse.le...1 thraa wlt thdae eetxsîýésasd g8sd d Electricity W-X ritten "aeyzupnth "plaisOft aenite lieinsrmn h" hse a the palmn of his band. As Burt fat h itisefge 0f [ngersoll LJck wood. t! aitPeU aYcant moat taugb ho 9iowY OPened ieIs yce auatgave a Iaj- guid, Bsenlg glance.from ne aagrenp6 tbe assistantis teanothar, then bis breoil, Riglits teservaîI.]dep t-hast sent forth a sigb, and bis lpb iroveti au ha whispered: - .Litle Ana! Little Ana!", oercflowing wtit it tiality, oîv lay tpon iThe electrician notdil, andthei village e is narrow couacb more belpiess titan aui, 1pastiar, aotlaig the Rsigugd. began ta prat ainfant. The eYes alone retalned -tîteir witb a broken and tremaleus voice, for bis -eldî th bolie forth wheo .car lied caiight bbc words wblch bati fait- 1thougzhta o! the iwno!g leb adl suffereti cn front Burt'. lips. mcmiii, ne doubt, te ) dittedt troîîgh la iàfm: but wbiie 1111e be bis lent spoken oui earth. As bhc prayer 7Auna at by bis bedide ail the glare went encdeil with its solema Amen, die lec- 1ont o! themn, had they followed ber every tria-ian reat'hed ottamdtinet the elock- miotion with a look as tender au that et work la motion. The clergyman ratalacti hart for its iad. Afler the lapsue of net- Iblis kiteeliag posture by lIae'Bidaeofthet cml weeks word <cato tathe jalil uthori- 1 lectnie table, bis heati bowed inaallant tics th51 the atroclous nature of tbe ct-lie prayer, white the cyen of those ppraant of wbich Burt haitibecu convîctet iantos ivre iixed la strained anti palafulasert precludeti the posalhiliiy <of aay inter- upeai the face cf the condeminet. Death ference on the part of the ExeciaivP, nuit seemet alrttmdy tbbav-e entereti the Cia- Burt was bold that bc tuant aflakte up bis Icution ebumber, suo ethîlike urne bbe pi- mimd for the worst. e ute iwbicitresteti upon ht. Ile receircd liai neivat îith indiffereoct'. l'or -ai full minute utuw altoetieadiy cur- but frain that inoment rédoubied liscf- i-nt bail heen eiiirsing îbrough Tyler'a forts tttornsole andatcoîforl3ittle Anta. giatt frami'. andti yo n the aligbbest "*Don't worry may bore, lutile Aln,' h lie la- huilain lnîl mnititelf Mani- murmiareti. "Vîtu heur tîliat te do<'lor frai to lte luakers-niu. The electrician'.s îaya aWout me. It notalî only he a qqiios- litas are[iurtcd, ail a mankeai pallor basl titan o! a year or'so before th~e litile 1fe renrcd bis fue-., lie s"es that ail in that ia leftinlume n-oîld bhed uStp If tnt well. l'or, look tîluon the enend tîîey will only put me ont of misery quiet- Wat oairfiebnc a tkn lc ly anti quickly il ie ail I ask. Don't mite inthuit wmsted < cesaneîtc! lils degtb- any more efforts for a pardon; lb wili not like lite ban diamîîîa-areil. anti- -laIfs bc granteti. The mirderwas sut-b a ber- alentI a rosy flood of bealitful coler baz aitrenti front check b aleek.ltbs »large browîî cypa bave orieneti wide, and Ibeir îirnlruditas natta glistea with a wlld butl fasiinating gloîr. Iua deep anti migbbyt cclthp-aires liko a tstorm-ln.shet ses, ii aralotte the! r rigiîity, bis luager. - straiigblomî ad bis limbe si-cil tit the skia igrîtîra irta nti aoootb oete bm! Wtb a treminig andîtinîicerbain baud tbe lec' trician turna on bhe dcalh-deallng carrant fto ilsttitt limit tof power. Breuth growq-shaort anti heads of swent galber on the lialliaI fat-os of the lookers-on. au, tliey bond fnrward îi Ici ah the elfect et ,,,,~,,~,,',,,ti thel- c xumbent fornm ha'!ore theru. Anti yet tbtre in notbiîag friglabful aboutI te spectacle. oaly iti l&tsewoatirou*ly sitraige anîd atartirg. Snleauîtly aonvoki et- li aze ljwen tbe faeof dcaîb. ther se denili vanquisbed atîà a o'w ntnatoner- futiIlife ittainging frota jîbysicai wr1 k antid nain. Look tigaiui t that ac.Upeý6t BUTTEAIRS RIS AIVattt LOOSE." ivto e ickethie giiiw o! beubtb 'nef' rible tbing that 1 dont llaine thet-na.Youhuma as if bbc ires o! former ycars*wcre only iWear ynaî ir, enoar heurt outt 1 i-n alilg wlthiiî taIt giant heart. and sec these efforts. Betweenti Iisanti tht.lit i 1 K traigb t mîndi cir araigater these' day lire Only for ae ltt-11e Ajîn: let lte !eiplîleilîandes and foot becoae. wvonld alone. If thcy ('taltoaly do ithat Intatsl. seeuing honte. go tîy. The they say they cau, rny it-k lîart will flot mort' tinîjîlof the usltttiîta iriakr bat'k fcel a twingc. Il nill aibc oven in lems andt fartben hackwatrd until the Tory wali. than an instanît. and you ivili bat-c the sel limit le Ilacin est-upc. consolation of knowing that Burt is ai With a terribîle effort tiirt has wrnch- tant ont of tbc reacli o! bis enemies." ed bis shouldens loose andtb owsits boit up- The statute nequired that the contino- right. lus archet] breat beaving cent-i- cd abonuti ho renvedtiatthe netîrcat it chy. cye imaing aindiinger. openbng( State prison for execution, anti hi-oct-anti abtttiag as enaily as if bis dreati &il-1 prailaraliona werc at once net on foot to ont aiut aî neyer lo-kadt tem with bade transport Tyler tb Dannemora. where o! steel. The elecriclsn's lips move. but1 the executiQa chaminer bail heen matie give forth ne o mont. 1-o pale and hchjçma reedy fer tbe work of dcatb. Te Cer--lha stands there that l woff ient5cmas If cys wcre parmittedtu bfollow Tyler. nti be anti fot thé coademned iebd ben ta littie Ana was cecordeti the priviiega o! @truck by bbe lit-e ligbtaiug. Wltb a hait ittlag by hlmshatiide dtithe bbectira shrlak et rage. hlaIt t-t'of triumph, Bant nigbt whlcb precedeti the day ixed for tears bis arme loose anti. rearhlns dowa bie exacution. to bbc Icather thong. wbicb bint isb ody Her lent words ta the condamneti were: ant i lmbhe t the table, masps theintla "Reummber, Burt, 1 believe lu your Inno- twaia as were tbcy of paper, anti mpinags ance. more firmly than ct-et, and 1 kaow to bis feet. atnaighteîîing bimseif tt, np ib how brave yen are anti ho« maay tIntes bho tera aloft like a Roman gîstilator you bave faceti death witbout filuching. Who bas turocti to face s ravenous Nu- Be brave to the anti, my belovati. Thet midian hol. trud wlI cntaeutmont 4p, Ikoo h. Offiaers andi citizen@ alike auhn away I testiti, anti that thougbt keepa iiiy pour f rontbita as b! tbey femnredt at bc migbt heart froin breakia;." slay a tiozea of them wth a single bîow. By tisybreais tbe electriclan ln charge Sbieral o! the cooleat andi bravent o! the reiortat te bpîrisont anthorities Ibat tht' deputies tirait-thein revolvers, antI, with deatb-dealing upparatu. was in perfect their eyes fixed apon tîte officcra la Vont- Tor axoreuin bmbrnmsalag maistand ready for action. square reent on the grounti (toor wib Takiîg ta stcp forward as if t cent-inca ThbetaI! bat il waa îîet aIl aarcene of archati cellat anti with several wintioits tiref ntat i Burt g aitfri a ce e large aaough te admit plcnty o! igbt, but dfae ani t a'mlc nliratoit-fae ta tac, bigb front bbc for tae taIl for atrect ace n hnele u naviet ofaykiati. lathe caittan ef the -bmw- matIe eat-ciebcboldcst qutail: o!ay"Wliare arn I? Wbat bas happencdti ber stooti a hemvy. long, low table o! bard me' bpemk. I bcg of yoaî! Arn I not Bort1 Wood paînteti blsck, upera wbith ailt'ryler? Andt yet it cuonot he! Where are1 that wa left o! the once giant forin of my ivmstt't armeandot banoti? Does no 1, Burt Tyler iras soon te ho laid andi ex- cite knowîrme? Oh. 1Iimplore yen, bellF posedtatethe fury o! the live tbundenhttlt. i htla hpee'O $tont Icathernuthono. wilb beavy î aewhtlisbapent buckles te hiud Uic vriminal te the table 'Lt tai-ana, ir," cricti the clcc'triclmui, as1 antibolt inl motionless, n'cre banging bectircw a deep breaîb. "thal yoaîr execu-t front the aides ln bal! a tiozeo tiffereîît lion bas faileti, anti that, altlaougb ira p laces. The dynamo, or eîectnîc geuicra- liai-t' u beoit able ho kilt 'ou. vie hare tor, waa locateti in another part of thb.c shaltetreti the bands uf tetel îrliih yourF building, but the iires leading froin i dreati disease bati fengeti about your1 enterati the execulion chanther tbreîîglaimlitab.", the flon, lu cloue pnnximty te the table, "Bait you u tranIby agniu. ir," apoke uitp their antis beiug ittedI nith rntailic but- bhc uffi _r 1in(comtand; "thbb o nset for1 bous ceed wth'cbarneis skia. fhang- the exectîtinît bave not elalîsed. Proceti la; on tbc Wall, wîthiai easy reach of bbc a t once. tifficens. iezo the prianner!" 1 officars la charge, wms tbe helmt-an la- "Inposisble, sir," cxciainaod the edcc-1 strument intendedta teencircle bbc bea tf triltian, atdreasîag bimself tlutbbcocen- the criminal and holti the electtoîbe nmating officer; "a cannent twice as pow- presseti firntly agaiiat lte scalp. A enfuI as tItis woîuld not mutit-e ta tiuîtroy amall apparatua consiabla; ef'clok-wonk, bbth life iitîtin that gigmutie ferta., My tuaI plate, etc.-tbe purpocee fwbh iw coîtna't tins te kilt umen, net gisai." ta complate tbe deatb-tiesliag circuit witb- At tis moment bbc foldbng doons ot the ont the direct tout-h o! Uic eluctician-1 ex oeution chamber swuug open nti a wasa alize ati the Wall near the hesti ut prison officiaI ruaheti hreabbieusiy lia, ftl- the table. loweti coaely iîy n woman Who. as ber At a signal f rom bbce officer lant-barge cyca teil upon Buirt Tyler standing, wilb the foidint doors of the execution chant'-'flusheti face anti fedt ar'me, ereet, beati ber weïe tbbwa open.andua the lwo pby- anti shonîders above thc guarti Whbch sur- sicians requireti hi law tg ho prasent, anti roundeti hiat, gai-o a shrick et haIt terrer, thea "twelve reputable eltittaus of full age" hait woatierment, anti woulti bave ale% entitiedto te cprlvilege o! wîîitnsaug ta the fluorIhaiti net one oethbbcofficers bbe axecution, filet] sîewly anti nolueceytbrown bis arma arounti ber. inte bbe chamber. Set-ca deîuty amenff. Thauik Goal lb inet tee laIe!" saidt sperially sworn lu ba do service On Ibis Kabe ('nocf,. for site it was.e occaaion wcre alman attenidant-e la nui But that Instant Burt Tyler'a eyes feil1 outer rom. Af (r a moaa>et'a dtilu bbc1tapon anoîben weman, hait carricti, hafIt SERIOIJS SU13JECTS OAREFULLI CÔNSID1gRED. A cheImrIy llxpeitien er the Lessea -Tbeugbte Wortay et Calm IRefe- tien-19mif un ou"m Utudy of th, acriptures-Time Weil @peut., Lcocoa for Match 10. Golden Texi.-"Seek yc tirât tbbc km; tientoetGod."-Matt. I«: wi. The Rît-b Young Ruier liq bbc subject te this lemon-Mlark Ibo: 17-27. lieacorneif gnother -mmii Who wisbe te do soetig that he ia> iuîberit aber ual lie. Indeeti, ibis cine aoma an liki the lswyer Who .calleil forth frein omit 8at-lour's lips the stor>' cf the GOW Sa atan, racentlY abutiiet i Luke 10: 2-5-37 Ibat we mlgbt hoe int-lincti te tblnk tba.i ,one anti the sune pet-su, were it net foi the fact 1h51 Miatbew la bis gospel de scribes boelliantrviewsu anti disuntty sep atrateO Ibea (Mati. 19: 16i, anti Malt. 22: 35). la the case e! tbc Yonng Maucon- saierc lnlatbbclemmon befote us bbc, mo- tive sems te bat-e boom bighcratine.nq bler. But the taihure te close with ou, Lords@ otertuire seema on tis a-ceunItail bbe mnore asti. Mtay it wptrn ant i atheb muiae tinte tria itan>' o!oum Young mca to-day. Points lu tbe Lesn. Christ louves the Young. lie- haa just proven il la bbeverses itrecotila b>' ta!- Ing up s chilt inl bis armas anti canesala; il. Ha goca Yct furtber te prove il by beholding ItIteek. looking at) s Young sian,antilot-lu;hlm. O, that look o! jetel Hou- coulaI the Young man resîst il? How can yen? Andi yat the, Young man tirât mougbt tbe Lo.rd. lie cama runnin;. There la a rigbt as wil a a wroug impulse in the seul. ln it a relit- o! Eden? The Ion-or nature donuinates, but thene in a Mweeî instinct in tbche lul, apparent inut et aIl] in chiltiheet, that lifta the oye anti thebon butheai-ear. There in net anough ln il 1e)Bai-cus. but Just eougb te brin; us bbouglat!uhiy irabo the wsy wbeac Jans in standing wailing anti t-cadti> e Impant bis ewra efficient spirit of complete derotion. "Gooti Maatcr," cricd tht- yotmng mamu, ant inb btat he sîoke uteh. There la aoâc gond, hbat eue," quielth('bnisl, "itîat la Goal." 0J, wby tid nflotihe yuung nman lake the biessetichtelatadgomaida-ry nuit atnd stînilafurreîiiehr, like Peîter. "Andtihion art Codl! Thoutart the Si o! bte liv- ing (loti!" But ilt vns jîlat tii positive anti atirmativc <oninitti tuait bc wns un'iiiag.te maake. lic e misa îtorthy Young Mau on tbb laegaivc ,il.,"An these hart- i cbserveti." lit' sutd. "frota Mny yoaItla." Butil îîoîce he egmires: "Io aloi commait atiultery. Diio notkili. Do not st-ni" nul. net. all the- iai-. Il was Old Testament pluty, irlîteei-nutltha positive failli aindl faaiof uhe atnwtdi peasa tina. OurLort-ul lla inia si oîîîe bis fatal llack. "('otît naît," ha-,sgays la a-ffcî-î. "MNaki' a plain anti orpent urren. dtie (lie oew kingtom o!fibeust's seli nbat you bure, break îviîh the oiti anti conte. take up thet't-toas anal feîlow nae.", What was thit t-noss? The- contioa elearIl' inticabes. Il ias bis wcalth or tbc glving up of bis weaih. Whmt ie yoar ct-osa? Theu im; you arnetul li- ing te give ap for Jesîta' sake. (lirel ut, ant iIl ln a t-noss nelongeç; it t-m- bics a eron-n rather. Anti he weat away and antimont-owtful. Thena were bweipeoule thaltiaere tiepl>- grieveal banc. three laalci'aiThTbyouns mnan was giet-ciibéauminl bis own way, wltbont s Positive antI publiecoacmntitia o! ail he n-as anti ai lbe bail te the Lord, ha couit naît obtaiu wbast scometigosei- Mireille. The bat-leur iras grievot] hetause lac cotîlt sec wbat the' yotulg man was turning bis bat-k upou, for lic bat gi-ter richtes te imuîarb. Hinta ant Illustrations. A Icsun for Young in. Christ waala. tbe Young Mca. lIt b eari ycarrîs toward theat. Looking upon thena hé love. them, WIilthaY Dot lot-cbhln lu retaîmn? Plain. ly a large per cent, of our Youung mou in Ibis country are net Christiana anti evl denlly alun a large lier v'ent. do net aI tend churab wonahi1î. Wiiy do the>' net go te t-burt-b? Mr. Bok, ei-tai-oo thi Ladies' Ilome Joaurnul, bas beca recentiy tryinate toteillus, irlUihel'iîstatapolitan. A Young anhimacîf, anti wii wurnu t3lbbat-s Pmfor Young iii, hoiebas t-bnon te toaie tht- aide of the- lîcî rallier than bbc ptlpit-tbe qruîîty la-w. It bassaeetid te bul that the Prcacbing of the day i n t dry, or distant on aiamal. There la te(, mut- tai abot the prudigal son, anu. afia from wýihLortiîan> social restraints will witllaeiialf-reaîîecbing yonth. One rep>' Ibat lias beea rendoret-tothis abate. theugh lîcacaât pion for the cbhlaul guilti, the moralisti- coai-ut-a, ant ilitforgete titat the cannai heart lairai enmuity agaioît Goal, naturally so. Tu sut-b a one muien of moral beIesvior are maire aa-ecîîîahle than thbc preacltiog o! n sil-Ifîenying t-rosa. Trhe Young mata 'n 'ornae le Christ would pnobabiy have corle again bati net Christ plut bbc question e! aitîful aui-lief and et Persona] t-ross-hearing noeclesel>' t0 hlm. Uatioubbetily if bbc puipit irouiti go te prenebmng ctbics andtihte improving et the moral nature, sud tionhld clothe thul p-est-bing in persatapive doctrines, il would bave a langer foiltutr-ing-at the finsi nt lamaI. But jult thia lPanl sait ha, woulti net do. He sîtoke cf the burnan heurt au proiligai aandtinafuh. mad o! tbe neceeasiby o!ilieu' birtit by the power of the lloly fibnîut. Let preachers ant eat!b at-s in tIis valmîrous day o!ft-ribit-iatnlote Paul's nnrds, "Anti 1 abra'rn iren 1 came lau Yîîî,am oe net 'titît oxcehen-> tuf sutet-laoruf wiaia, dti-aInriaîg untît Yeti lte tet-aimoîaa ofy o! tt. For 1I tii-on Keilei tuata'lIlîîg the abiîrv ait .eau.Yeul Pmred wlth Englishmen and Ainericana, - iAmerican drenchea bie food wlth mus- tard and red pepper and corrodes bis tomach witb violent acide, wbtêreas Ini au Interview Wlb the Chinaman Chouet hi. condimenots Re'vicwe Rer Bu neot only fromn the point of 'riew of deii- the BRami Cause Oftt cacy of flai-or but aise front that of (Fi-ou i» rrita titarapeuticeleficlency, as ln uho,%wîa lit da, have long bnowua the Ilberal use of ginger. saffrou. and icth. Mhehsnsbnad, other roots of medîcai vîrtue. lie al- of lber friends know h ways balle iorseradîsit, blaek andl roi covry; for the bhei andmutati ttu rînviaglot lwe îîblîah itlto-da7. j " pepper, admsaJtimrenvn igbî > card agoab wa. nine-tenths of their (tory proîx'rtles and i ervoun prostration, and iii, reducing them tii a delirney pungent "with musnlsr anid à Slisn. It affected iber- painte. suitable for alil (,te t if monat. bond. l or feet limamis,~ IThe Chînese employ largely la ordin- voulti Wear nothing ont 1ary cookery flai-ors olitalaieti froan rose%vere' drawna il ont of and llyleavij'Cassn. udst iere mWolleîî %bat more, *nd lly lei'e~ cassa biaIs Srn*- time, lier kneo jointset berry abruti, berganiot, lemou verbo(-na, for eîgbteen îaontbesiah geranlum, ait] many other lîlanîs. up la lie draeed.Oae 11mb They Cook tomatues witla orange jule lin-lt- helpl"sit.and lhe a si nil crait-ked tiii. t iwouid and tewet loulou péel, and i iîpove, Ili-ie eight y cars sh@ bnd the flavor of blumid tish vvithlîitolied hly a score of physilatt., lemon pool. Vegetahle gelaîlîte lit pro- sprsît muachtiate at Ana A curîl rori he eava t tt waler ily t-n medical advioe. AUlmi eure frnt he eavs o th n lle liy. am brituglit titi by baod W-r Thîs4 la used nflt oîîly fui' Ils intriligiac tineditine would nul cure, 75d mûrnts but for a colorlng substaue n<-' lu t.e oniy ibing wibich ei After tallitIin live withlieot varylng elîndes of green. Trbî->n'a'o she bat-mme eatireiy beipiamo use linie watt-r largely lit cocklog, hlar-n-ont cac raine lier armstOe~ve ticularly for pensons wbnse itystemis antfight. The interestiujr put »tory foilows in ber own %vordo,: are deliclent llfie, andiln foods whlcb ..l wau unrgedtu t ryDr, W Crow ln a dry aîd miandy soif. They Pilin fur Paie lteople and aetm$ aleo employ condiments wlîieli contalu la tbree days afler I ceo combinations of phospliorie uid. These Pink Pli],% I ctuid ait op and Ief. and after using thena six are uset lnathie cooking 0f vegetathles Went home and 4eommencedw wlîlcl posseNs an ext-os of water, and contimied takiîîg the plI16. ln te c'onî-netioîa o! dislies for persona begin io forget nay crutolie.,au&" up andi dor a seps witbeut aid of adivancedi agi-. tuber condhnuents îruly a 1livîîîk woder, wikleeI are comomîaetiof Infusions of magnesin, doors wtithtout assistance. @ait, Iron. ppîambl. andticric anti tar- *'Nciw, if 1 eue nay aay 1 tarie acials. Il lit in thet' aleate blond- t%'se W iohae aIaderd de meI lag o!f iaviont andtitni a apropriate appli. lîkeoufferara wvility P cation ortifteuw lItat tbe thinese excel. lutg b dIréetions ther wli 1av fi o afaAtha th vriat; renh a-ih-tnk tod for creutg eWb» It ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~t laafî' la 1einnsFec r-bconquen that terri e dme1 o bastiadors 10 Jaîtau. Nvho bave incinded tient. 1 bave la my nwa In tlaelr suies cooks front l'artsIa.vie recommcraded Pink Pilla for 111s lnvarlably tilmitimei theati afler a brief effects of la grippe. andi wcak wu exprleet-witi 'îlurar~ Tîewith tinpure blood, andi with iMOe4le- expeiene wth-Chlamp ook. -The tilts." latter, alier a iihort apltre.nticcslîlp tu Mrg. Todinl veny trnagn laber tfi* Irea-i 'li'f. tarîtasm theat ln the preli- the curative pou-ers of! Pimk 11 arttio <i Euolîaa dlbea-Nîw Yrkasys tbey have broaight a pourh nritin f 'uopin dibe.-(,v or cipple back t0 do her oit-n mli&cg $lun. bng, washins. acwiag, knitint, 0"un -~faet & bout ail nt ber housha 01111141% Pi'rncipîatl itKer 'r. Waaitingtonu (ifthanks b Dr. Wlliaina' Pink FÎ1I.. the Coloreti Normal Institute, aiTus- Dr. Wilia ia ila conti U, elmente necnsmary to 811e11. kegee. Ala.. wbu lma nîpeaiiug for maont-y richnaia te blond and resterae~W for thiat insititutionl, la une of the ' lc.aerves. They are for sale by SU. known coloret men ln lte south, and gicla, or naay he had hy Mailr Williamns, Me<iclne Cempany, eà%o la esteeiliîet by nl who kuow hlm. fl;s lady.N. Y., for ZO.per box, or dm i Wm work for thie coloreti race lins receircît for $.0 the fiuaîiciil nti morail ntioritoflnt of The Chinose balle-e tiîàt lm wat* a large tniberortf Noriberii peuple. obtaineti from meltingbm ge itiîlid zrowtîî ofthie linger nails la polaonous, and that ramn water l" coasitiered to luiclate good bemltb. fallu on certain foast da ru vii nM ' aiue andi malarlifover. March April Arc the Bestt Moathsin aWhich te Purilfy Your Boe Andi the Best Blooti Purifier la I4ood's Sareapari#.l WVhich Purifhes, itializes and Enriches the BkxLoo At Ibis sesson et-en> one sbouId take a gocd »Pt-inqmedicime. Tony biood inaibe pnifled Or Yomeul UI e nagiectin; yeur b*ùaLb.There la a cnt front NaItre fer halp. and asies. there la promupt and sattafatony response yen rfiJ b. tlable eserions lmas,. Thim. dand atiaaouI>' b. met b>' th. pnnlfy- la;. enichtng muid Blood-Vtailizng cicrirat' tti, efcnd lla iloodà Sarsapinua -ym tl iw. tMr».. Slabebli Wu., a the migaetf72 Tears, raa attayked i th a vrIe- lent forai ef sait rbeunm: 1h apread I al avez bar boudy, and ber bauds and limbe ware drsadfni, ho look aI. At tb.esanie lime my lttis e gi tcr- Ctara, wtelie m uat one ycmr eld. r t taeked b>' a almîlar diseame. ike scfnla. It appearad la largesort-s. rbicb dligired emcb et acet ber ue!k:r; e ba"thse àiêD ocae f te 1mi11>phyllsa m"d ther bins for a long libme. but acemiaed te ; ov resus. neatiof aimny Peuple mured et Ecrefua r ibeed'a Ssmaparula. Ai socs ee amvem~ e gaparbIa te Clamn se liras(4gatbeWoe. and befot'. the fini botte rasua~eisese«M eaîtie' bealcai up. madt aqte bae s»Mesb@u amY iu cf the dinemme smnes. e ua Heaîthy, Robust hld. Her tradmottier tlacis Etr ed anaascg ata the saintirant ud lb. sai t rhMmfsaesee< ta violence mud s parrfectmureWu nosecs efam- cd. Il tocS about Iire menthea fer bev acte aud ab@samilies lier saad b hlt zbeugl ai ber advaed qMat Hgoad& Ssssgala. I ba& cerWani>' beeaatisesi te aMy tamily.- ANDHOD Pt "You can take that soi riglit back and chan@ I WOUld flot Use an Every woman wbo hu SANTA CLAUSSd~ knows it is without a equal. Sold everywhere. M sdet n The N. K. Falrbank Comrpany, - hlooà fiSay Aye 'No'- and Ye'lINe' er- Be h ried." DonWt Refuse Ail Our Advice to Use L. LE, - * -

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