Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 8 Mar 1895, p. 8

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m.te M.reo end efWr0P. m. P. BÂRISTOW, maluuuacturer oi r ~marbie §Graniute MONUMiNTSe. Cemete t yvkof1 FR ED CROKER, TtuIwDTrapD LIBU'JTYVILLE. CLIÂNINGqe.REPAIRINGI Ask Your - Grocer for y. a à IR CISAI 0F TARTAR POWDER.! Waclng carde. 7v*Woddlng stationery of the fiaeea e4oityadworkman6lh1p always coe ~ If~rniW.aTPrtnting Offfa.. We biIIecortpelLlon ln fanoy me ""e plain prittisig. W. oan fur- ýx"a ything (en,Od work a IalpWy) on as low ferms as oan ho $êshed ln Chleago. Remember, we sataatO actuon. If your. Horses are > o or don't cat weII, wiIM pay you to ile tlwir-teeth ex- i.iied. "lucre is a in at thie Counity ~rin hQ îider- inds the butsiines. --imi FRIDAY. MARCH 8,1895. ROCKEFELLER. Jack Clîristopher 18 visiting bis sis- ter, Mfrs. Dr. Ewing. John iWhitniey twill soon rnoe bock on bis farni tnear Dbiaonid Lake. A. Mt Bî4ggs and Lester Bîîrdlck spent a few days llsling at Wauconda tlhe past week. Mrs. Sidiiey Morse, tîîgether mîtlî lier soitî Earl, stiartet<l 'tihîîrsay for tlîeîr hume at Hi iîêigs, Mont. Mjill Knigge im rpceiviîîg îew fuir- nittire every few days. You slouid cal al tt lis uew stock befître îuy. Ilig. lri. 1.atirs, Kiie, (if 1iainontl Lake, is stayiu.g a few wteeks with Mrs.i Bouse. wlu,, mistmlaeu ufferiumg sul long with uatiluua. We tire glu toi stitte site is fast lrnproviiug. The revival meetings coiiuted at tie cîma«pel by itevi. tCoukian and Bursak, are largeiy attenided and at pros- eut aie, givimug muol saLlsf'rtion. P(îurteeuu fruiniIvanhloe came ddotu t attenîd tie meesting Monday eveut- n1g. Rev. BItrsk is an excellentsinîger' and deliglts the cosigregatlon i wti rnany solos. Iveryiodla is uvited tu 'Te socýial htst FrWtay evertiug watt teeli atttie . The pruseetis, telicît amnttedtu to$9.75. wast Lankfuiiy re- ceiveti. In regard touLie prograrn, we feei fiee Lu iay ah teere deliglted. Missuit[liardetu gave a select reati- inîg. Mii4sszita loekit a solo, Miss Mary Nît oit a re'italionmanît Gertie M,1se aut instrumntal iieee. rTe prize of; a iteaut i uiticuip suid saucer.,tehicit wvas awardedt b the' vtulig lmailt wiîo cou sew Oui titree Ibottonîs Lbe quicket a=t îîeaiest. cas wsonbv Lewis Litchflel. Evervomme elioye<i the sUpper apread lie fîre Llein telicit gives credttu cuomr social omtie IVANHOE. Chur latui eph iilelw tt i "bitIvatiicoe school it preparing for aaet iucrtailiumnt tu lie gVen moon. i)KIt itatike. of h (icago, matis a I ivig lbusintess tii Lu lyaimioâlat Tlîursdny. MiNss Lecker eutertailiet une of ber Iplupls, Miss Conlverse aL lier bornue uvel i at SalîltLl. Mliss Euua (ubt gave a Very pleasitit b)irtiiiday party last Friday e venitg. (>ver sixty wi're tresert. "TIs teasthie Iumoslenjiivatte îParty îtf thte Keamoit. Mrs. J1ohit t >iiles itas )eeil quitle sick foîr sîuuteliue, Lut si4 OWgttilug better. îIg, Virtz. wiîîiîuil cas raiseti it week C'larlie Lu8k iaîssedth ie job. Miss Eva l>3keii retuiuetilornue last Fridav afiet visitlmtg ueariv two weeks citit Mrs. Moxey. Mus. Utra 'laviuîr chusPeit tLwo weeks titit lier ister it Libertyviîlo, ias returuted Ln)îne. Asa Jiice teilitave lu returiluhis tax 1tîuuks early îîext week, go huaf le artutit tewitlite lney andi geL your recipta, sau lie eau close nu) o1,ime. Surprise parties are ail Cie rage oie at Arthtur RittW8, another oui James Swan'@ blrthday Saturday andi oneoIst Thuisday oun Miss Euuuma Grabbe's birtiuday. FREMONT CENTER. G. M. Tralit cas a V'olo vîsitor ute uiay lait week, Albert Grasite ivedt L te Morse iiuuse titis wetîk. Johim nWagnter cas a Wankegau visilor last week. A. L. Iliîdee visiteti frieuis itere first ot the ceek. jA birtliday party teas giveut at Joiti Flarysâ last Tuesday tiglt. A. L. Bitta lias movedt Luthte Alex Druce tarin in tuttetioutAvon. Miss Beck lias beeui engagedti i teacit the' summner terni aL Fremonut Ceîiter scltuh. 'rTe Zag property litas cîmanged hbutud agaiut anti Mr. DuFries fuumily vil! itîtve Lu Chicago tItis spring. (jeu. Hontel teas treatedti L a sur- prise party last Mouiday nigbt; tho> trippedth Ie iigbt fauttastic Lue unLîl the wee suta'hIours. AH report a gooti Lime. To te iieikiibor-s ut Ivanhue camp there is a chance Lu secure some of tuiose bnitier ibuttonms for thie îext rttiree mîintIli. 'lake Itoit boys tant see if ce catî't cauptuîre suictiter hlI dozen. -Ciiris- Tliotuait lias liii aly coul-i Seited tolthe u(18e uf isit ilte 1for e Sipri. lc s a illarfiiuwii v luiîevetvhody lils an iuitsSiue uf ClIv-r tice truuck. 't'Iîv'ii eleet litn m itIi a Ni uttjontty. At a receut candis the fuiiiîwing III Mttcket waa omntaed for Fremoîtt: **M&udtn pt. Fuor Supervisor, C. P. 'rhomas. Tuown Clerk, Harry C. P'anyt'. ~~ Amsessor, Ueo. M. Traut. vl wakwoeP. Cllector Eugene Sith, £M e1ogEra Blows. U3! Hghway Commiasoner Hiram l3artiett For a nie. vslting card or business carde give theii, Iu>ixwauiacWii. F ine new seript snd a nis&memr meni ofuar"hme. JOHN J. IROUE Corne Quick foi $2.50 Boots wii 2.00 Boots, 2.50 Shoes Children's Shoes Men's Plow Shoe Big lot of C rocker: ,Overalis and Shiri Hats for less thar A big lot of Glovee lO0ther goods in pr, Special C1osiii DEERFIELD. P'eter Zaui iislit. lwilig telim frtîrn Cliicii Sunitay tbers. George Miller Sr. tîtougi ye ill is siuwly lrnprtviutg. Rev. Neil froca Ilighiant: preuelieti intheLi eielernu 'ruesday evenintg. Mr. sud Mrs. George Sin Mrs. Voitz front Highland Parb at George Miller Jr's. Tuesiaj INi4ssMabel Iloffert, Mrs. I andt Jîtinu Meyer were accepl Suiuday mjoruirg as tuerniers Iletlheler's eburcit. A dance %%us given ut Ç. B.1 ast Ned iesday eveiîg. I lte yttultg folks from.1 iPark anti Deerlleid attended. iThte choir of St Paul chu ttrraliged a grantd concert for' e",eiîiiig Mardi 12. rThe se: Professions Ileiler andi Miller, - bave beetu sectreti for thec Tliey teili be abiy assisteti by( talent. The choir willi aise apprupriale selectiotus. The sale of tickets is successtuiiy1 andti he inidications are tIi btouse tili greet the pari Evorybody is beartitv inîvted anid lear thte excellenît usie. 35, 25 andt 20 cenits. Wben you want lu seil or farm, buy a lot, trade honses, thing else, IL wili pay you te notice in the INt>EIENDENT1 almoo tis tl brng you a cu te busness. le. Y .... Causils Doolittie lg suulerilig witli ua 1Ii. C..S m it h t tto 'ee it the st . Louis., listthepétt tw weks.E. T. Deviue inade a~ er omeofthe Folow ng Wedduîîg belle airaini. Whlli lie Chlicago Tluursday. Bargrains: tlie .ext, frieul Wiiliauu? 1 You -muât have ola gll 1'resc tClark st,id lis black tean u l eienlufaslîiuît ilt. be Sold for $1.50 te Geo. Wedge last week. Leoutarti (auild lshipposio uS1.20 Misa Neliie Bonîd, or (4ages Lake, i tu heciL3IWeduiesday. 2,00 Tti,, s : ilit. tax colîeîtor's itt~i vi r#tiug 'lie'.pareýita." frorn 85c to $1.25, da. îîin r.UI.k. '.ýr Lis year. Frank Goulti, uofI 3sfrom i85C to-$I115 jihe '«isste. Ilî tIieutertaiie.l the the Gould farin lis e îî r ý- S Miéseb I ili. 'i l .'tiertyville recenti>. Miata e a ite lck tJ 'y a Wh lesae C st.We iiideîtii ttMat F.AMains, MrK. Milton lloyd la ts 66i~ isî; Vutiîr lias rerited l bis under the skillfi treaLmneut i cost. tarin tii il iel. .shaffer. :for legs than Cost. Mrs. C. J1. ,iîg!tnà;aîî. tîee Corun1 C. 0. Hiei. of Waukegaân,. tg Fenionî of (lv.t'.îiâite.l lier pa~renits 1 te move Oni bis fârrnas ona » roportion. atlantvleltstk by B. F. littudee. Wîiî C.weîlg,- a aspart îewbuit. lPeter Baekeé lias rnoved hI$. rig Out Bargain Sale. Sinal"amen < tt<iidayto Lite 'Iamuger wbetmfft cr lx)i - The' VillagieI;ýard belilteir irst Mrs. Eîîclid leidoe.ball )F4N J. R O U S E meeting ast Ttitliisday Poenintg Il. Il frnorn Grays Lake tebere sile bmê E, Nevile wa aliliedtrut:: irer. attendirig lrs. J. T. Morriu_ EVERETT.- meetinîg Weîhîîed;y afternoui. Ladies, Weare pleamed tu be ahI. eei floîw dii yuu eîjoy the blizzard ceu utttlUli lt.the' giasi Cause. jtViat little Dlia Crippeut. à o spemt Suîîday. The' agent I. th I NitEi1FN1JENIT ulanigtlter ut V1)r'a"ti Mrg- Ricà, G.eorge litre apelît part (of tliis woekwiil talke îirsiurlio for 11118 or f lot die, ais ttated l ite Vole 114Ul ýet quite in Chicago. ally î.apet I uii iott-i id avti iit u in Oîy. tle (Gazette. IWetholîuglî t Sunday thiat thle groundT helut Ilair t's% ileJ lu ainlitie ue(iib arelI il 1 UiYftii >etI wu At P'ark hogs preuiiction was "straiglt." talkiîig 'fif gi îig thieil la TeIiil.àles, eemîlust ai itie fof *Wl achurcit MigssWalshi, of Chicago, Ajient a few DtgrSiî~ilt,(Gray.. lýke. We 1111muite, ia.4isub oinak e . olm#- <lays witlu D. Luiicaster's fanîily tliis Y. iIlibe gl t*t"E"111iit"I t iritii. fîttr lit cla-im paper»-Thoil ullti and iweek. M iVe iit-îîetl Itoi-it îiil, ttijlýake l'otiil a DiI'iY4U 'TClIi r,ý ki vlsited Mrs. Tagg atlldadughter %iiiiie, of aevotiuitl if lvthe v-rt l-(%%ek al i Weeklv 'uniepWitai#iian ty. Chicago are tlîe gîtests of 'Mrs. F. Il. iniuPortaîî 't ii.iîisîîh wl iIuli Farul -News, ail mite vear. ft ti , N. Welh4, Zerwer. 1 a%,.IvuilitlIîi'-A liiis C.*21 " aii i]i ui v aice; or we i iteti hast Martin Mel<tly is agitin ale to he Nî 'kilt ~ii.iîîrî i as iriiht, i the. sailue t'i'it, .tt -of the arofîid after lois severe slnîggle with lî îîît-î iiil. f 'iigent-raI îuîîd iweel mier0-mWi îi .ul f - hie grip. dN;Laku- ii i' ailunr. ,adtti,,TneaèlFt-l,.«MsiflvL Eastun's W1m. McClory afler a îfferiîig fronta Gfrîst tito bente ith 1ofTinie w 4 Fnrtv-rsa i hoLoetlîaeuE -0 Som@ (of severe attack of pneumouua us fully lit ail) io'I triearges a fitil iImy oltur frstriedy Il gllaîud recovereul. A reai itg vi-le li as Ip-eu i f. triîu-e tai t i t it If yoî have flot paid Eli Fraiîtzlit-ru. and the li ~muettig wiîî i Qimtraslitige aiitlit-tue e-litoyedU*b ýurcit lias yohîr taxes, youî eau etjoy a trip W to uîor a. -il iîttl. Cotue Out ail îî:.playcîttitled T h 'Ie I>siglr SIgnaffl" 'rTuestiay Watîkegani. lîcar wîtîoiîîîtvaiers Iliat. t.btsay oit! gven bltyltée'll;tuîîexville l>rantie lc la irvices of Watet-a smail tAl Ib to spriig Monitiititere.4li t.mi iijeets. jiitLvceuuri Hall. sAturuiay oveni1111 of Elgin, ilup iere. Thie time ùý. cone wieîîaii Marcii 2. Tlîîmsut tIi bail [tarlte 001: ou oc lelgatmplniaiasion. l'li Te I '-Ni.iliii.' itlarge,",, Katie Sullivan. .. .Dnue' tctetît h os le n ay tot bum (Itislegîinu--ti i i lu. ttît iiiii ui eu t.Aîa Ielt ni Louijie Blch; flo routier. ly lo oo t tîtilit n l e iiî' ilr. Aier ierMesois L. '1. le.s,1). 1.Ceea se rnfarlce an Ilw itt il the me.t aitltottost lrtiltîlîle .1 . .clleveluint. 1lAs.. Frnlt>ai, EugMu adu vn en 'e have t frum goud attlsrîty tîtat1 metiuumt tu tl ie peitîtie. suilivaui, chumIou, Yîilbirim andi A. A. lt a fui, Rendent 15 goimîl Lu put lut aitElectrie ritrii', ut ieiaer eili.lttiituL repa 10 Cone lit streest cars just ast sooi as Joli hn r ie lv l»tyfini iii - )-'Waitmnt Ticket& Lancaster sumdivides lis landi and - l ere i tiieite iha ejl al,,,friîls tIiiuliuthetw et't-t imari> T'(t isptlawuS gives us te streets.rce. W '<l-ocetheal t-ilgus .ïs It iee.O (lii.ureI1. T leu" aletà ret Our r nual own electionndrawa J1 îsCre tt.tu it'lu llerhtts vredit onthet-i'volligpeople vh '< ,r rnt anearand her seeis t be to nterst ;loti eiîiateul l11 he 'liue club viii gl or any- tsken yet as tg) chu shah l iii the inaker. liadi tei a uttsftirtttnte last aflîetenetrtauutneît Satuutiay evg- oPlace a cIices. WVatch for the ettucus and go Saturday. Witîle iglitiig the ire a. iutg. t wii e(-ouist (if oigh, rtmlta- whlch la as the caucris lit as importanut, if nut te facturv teit kerî',ene. il F'udleul iiv het amti readttuuzs,. Ail are cordlally uistomer.1 more Bu, than the electiouu. ignited i litiug lt oi, ndlîurnîîug the fi,% .iteti tii attentd. ytouuîg malt i act ui i tbands qutie ... badly. PRAIRIE fl'W. Savage*Butchejy! 1NfME1.Temperance.Wu~w We hacked off 1-3 on the price of al U lsters, We lopped off 1-3 on the price of ail Over- coats, We sliced off 1-4 on the price of ail Men's Su its, We knocked off 1-3 on the price of Boys' Over- coats, We carved off 1-3 on the price of ail Boys' Suits, We cut off 1-4 on the price of every pair of Pants. 'licie Reductions onlly during the Continuance of ou,- Semi-Annua Clearing Sale-which lastit only a short ime longer. The "MOdel" Clothillg 1101180 Temperance Temple, -Waukegan. SCILSU[TO 0APPLIES. me., Iand tii fP e oeen pi e ns lfect ., 2ln, Tablets, Pencils, School Paper, Books. Stationet Full, Fresh, New line Just Received Dry. AtLovel' s Drug Store, LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. ('harles Gittiee i tiutlamril ittu lu .Prai. reVew Iatl a differenut iwL - reunojvemtifront (lti-affîi sautlare liin i îî lu.î Suumiow îasutote sth Ie viete vonj' cwith bris Iprutiiu'illiiîîu t litf tîis i uetî -lot.ii, filil- place. 'l'et' titlie-ra %%.Il Ifatrilml t Ti-tiît ,î tiri i.wm, ie gother uîc'xt .eair. 'Ne c isshIle itnt Ti-1fi.î ws , it..pltiî5of t.t gou." sieits. M'altler (îtifr'v satu f;utiiv "itere us a uuan luere uho smye the oid, flow ive oit Aiiegtiaiiy stle.-t. àlîîItawk l>uteliniaii usedtlu say 'Wbsa There la f0 lue a tjrasna:iu entlertail j"ce du imutalaiîL tmeii have a pbeesMtl Ment giveil lîcre saloni liv;a bevy oifdat), ait the lhaiukrç lte Lord gela the youmg ladies. rThere cwatt he itt) male lYattkt cati it atecatier lireoder.*" cliaracters. A furtlutr lnttice wililibe Il'rtsiait lia, cluuictmbenl rang oou given next week. '1 lais us tiesigîtet to lits mutsical soumitifuior ,em-a lie une ofthLie rmost luovel auiimîterest- utherai, if aimy Lu assemble for nong m&W ing entertainnneuttiçeer giut.u it L Dis prausti. But fete iadti b.deuire tolp place. Look onit for it.ait se.the. Sioni (si, m i almuon *0 F. Il. Kuetker andiMs lelesu Whitehead wene utanrieti in Vaukegaut lasI Wednesday. Botyotlz Mb eple are weih ktioc-r liere anti have nmauy frientis wiîo joiru lit wisiuimîg te- 1-ou voyage on te sea of matrirny. '1e teili occiipy molins river Mr. Kuplkers stoe, ut oua-c. We prediiet fuir lieruu a brigbt anal pusîteious futtutre. 'reite anv ý(muîti frieutts iii tItisi vicinily, of Itisa Emiiv iluguu. rtf Voltt' teere deeplv igrieue(lti ti tar of lierý ditît. "Dllie as sue funiiiuun Cali- eîl, caa pirlit' faivorite: liv lier Lgentie muinners slîe liaittuueuurt lierself tri il t hoi kne w lier. A triite et irigt ianu te nirble littite wtiitit11 ii ciilie ne- nnieniiered c lit-u "luti 3 uîuug fotîks' are "od foks-a. n(aîîlîiussiuig uvtr yîuuder; Jet usi neet lier th-rt-. Don*t nake a niltake. %Ioii cau'l buy soîretling fuir uotitimtg. ou camtil geL a $1.50 newsluauer fuir *1,00). 'Tle INDEi'ENDENT it chock ful of home news eveny week in tîte year. We bave te beàt corpîs of correapondents whio furnisi a ut hentic reports. 'Ne are first lu aivete ufiliciai uees c-bile it ia fresit. Make a careftilt corn- parison antticiooe te wieawake. relabie,liton- JîtrtiRontl NDEPPNDENT. Ve wcul glattlli. vrrect tuhi mistakes wlticlu niax ci ît- Jiniit t tiis e>t il uii 'Ne are niukiitg a sI tung effomrt tut give eachit beuit cuirt 'Iv. 'l'elivst ire liahl!e to <i tutu.>o il ne uuissjle'i ;îlir nlainieor uttîx îIli)aiujeit v-it>,written inii 3 tulr iîti'tst , %%e ulîizil éýtieinit a i(l r yit( Ii iiitii aigv-ît cl iiiit iii j"'i 4G w f Pii Ili, !t1tgutti;<iiuitci>ihi- ttat it at a trille iii111iîi. u expllt~uuîiuuî'Mi. Neville' wisiiî-t lis t say tatthLe petition referteil lu wuus flot Lu stop te suate ut bogus bumtter iu the teiole UniLed States, btt tas fîîr a law proiibiting ',the culing yeiiow of any substance deuigped tu be used ai a substitute for butter or cheese andtiLuregulate the Isteful manu- facture andi sale of substitutes for butter andi cheeointhe Mllte of li-InS. "-Siiucy tuiy.' su we reaul Dr. Taimagea sermon fWrui the'IS ;*IiIT A MSowy,: day" text 1 ('lrofiîcale Il: 22. -go~--", 'elit îlowim andtîl setea hmlionina pit on a Suttwy dav.- Quite approtiate fer iast Suumutay's stiirm. Say did yon re«d tuaI sr-îont.--itaa iowy day?" Re" il and sec thte tiuree trouibles bro't oui. auct sutleculiar month for iiuhsituotr ratît, lu doors or out. A ty nial, ir wîtmanu, born In March starta unt lifes jouuey teith a squai. 'Soute uxay quiet <lown tandti e a cern- fort to tltentuselvea; but the niajurity huive a squaluîîg Llîe trough ite f.Uke pîiblisliiug a newspaper-tryiug to ujareliu p thue telingueuîts. F. Il. Foute's transter to F. Baintiof house, barn 2 lots anti 2 acres of land wa8 a Iloney Vsaviutg scieme il rented for about $36 a year, thte intereat on' Sl0ý>J aboub double flue rouf no wearûr taxes. G. S. Easton, by J. A. ldaeon offera, 30 acres for sale, veut anid bak of the. store, hotol, meat market anud blaek-' amitit sbup at $90 per acre nov renilng for $3.25 per acre a bargaîn for ary live man, for gardeniuug or any shippug' bueiiiess. 'Te biackemith @bop in closed for teitut of custom or on a strike., Copors-, tiomus anti tiLes killi single band bu-%iîîess, trusts te same thlug. Louokst like ivintg te tinter over ugiiu; too bat for Lbe ricit the poor eaui work, if delis and th ie like ton'ltget up a Strike, tiien the ricit hauve Lu geL op a. luuIiuy bInuit Lifeed Lite puîr-gee? Qitsin:Ale wt livinîg for fun or A *50 bicycle. l'ttlte undtulDance %tP ie Ligiveit at M. 1Jio1loiab'shall Lontg <itove. sa.urdtuy evemiig, March 9î. 11Î91. Everyhuoty respectfully In- .itv-îl. Cood music will lie f urnisheti. (Coulie 011e, Corne ail. L. 1l, KziLici, Manager, Judiclous Advertltulng Create. many a new buiue.. ]Enlarges maay an old busine@ Beovivea many a duili buaso.. Bacuee mD aiiy sbelbU8bassa. Savon MaY a 6ilg U« me

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