Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 22 Mar 1895, p. 6

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TtDA BIG STATE himsef through tbhe hert whitlehuntflg. s1pi ______________Falrbîmry. b>' a majorit>' of neari>' 200 votes, delared for a cit> forma ot guvaru- MEF COMPILA TION 0F ILLI. ment. UNC NOUS NEWS. Coal minera lunte Sattgaruon district threateîî tu strike rîmher thun acccpt a raduction. MoILmIaY'e Credîtora to Flght for the At [lhe peîcint elmection bt-Id at t-airtitry er Aaa eath of Mrs. Mdargauret tbe propositionl 1 ercet amîther sicbomu a -Ii»el4ad-Broker McFuriIn 'Comlfibuilding lta <ost îof $1.f5W0 w" carried. uac Xot @tend Ris Logses on Tradte. Tmo nmen acre killcd by tbe nortb-bound Ela Denver express oot the Chicago andi AI- ton Itailroad threecutiles sentir of Pout- ViliIcontrat Poademen's cilm. tiat- Thi 'Two hnadred of the deîio.itors lu the - ba~anbso elli meetinig at Carlye White atteniptitmg to get on lihe levator ed by Wsetha-purpoue of disctîssiîmg tbe adciiem- t tire Walston t-anitiîriiuî. Decatur. Billcs .,Of e contesting tbe $:fl.t0 lO ain of Miss Josie Hoîtît of Etuory,- was crîtsbed [he I kay a sChicago boudsmen uiamîisec bl làaf»nd te pal- court coals. Tflic Lewis Il. )3.iiinuie ilisapîteareti trot» ay «edit.ts&Il expressed ta deira lu conleat Decatir. Ilis body %ams foutidli the lofttrater ui llaim and sabacrifed enoagit cash t0 of a bain. Bîiiesa reverses drove it» nmore 3lmmtecests 0f uits. The creditora aill ta shoot imseif. igbt 14 greseted by Messrs a. .tnboorleî The ashburiî antil oer n ifactur- hii h-lin.&ýiiv a -... ing Companiy- las maiude a cul liti tbe mages Allie eraaa bl ea-bit-b a -- ornteof nioufutils emuçloyes at Waukegau, cour 4 f 1 iquldurngth av' terni of the lind 1)0 have quit. T ^111out, Il.hafot unItil jiet. T u l b t n i l lh o b -el l . J o s e p h B r i i e y . ig éi l ( 7î. -a t c h m a n i t t o n m the ltentt-îl-r t-<al umille heu r -hl ' -@ottab. naue Broker Ends 11l14LIfe. %vas fountttlend iniiiis office. Heurt dia- lion1 Defisoted and disheartemieulhy adverse casea-as lIteecaise, can ~Wmgt onthe oardof Tadc,1-'rmmik Silan $eliers mnoastîtrutuîtoff 0f lte Cli.-hv '&McFarlin. uf Chicagi. irote aluctît -ugo. îiurliniîgoiiandi Quiwty train ineur revol M'.Msaloat lbe course tof speculatitit liec Jackattnvil- iîî-tntkilloti. Botit legs and have 4w bjeaupursuing an ud ee bis life Sui- namiami iere c-uiIoff. thel ubnitmg uviltuvo blmletq lbrmiugb V11 ,acourpstnatran -- t -aheart. The letter as a-rit Iî teu uon . L - b.pstnstrad ex-ctue , iEsMtionery of the L.exingtonit iel. ilMayor of l'eoria. ia pionper nuiîtiDeno- _ta uýp«lm nb ad teucil. Tite portion litmi nk er'tic lenîler, .iroîuîed dmad lu bis store "'a Wtodallai Matcht 16 sud renda s toltrs: otfuttiraigia oftheli lieu rt. %vll '-X bav,.tried and fallet] guotteti glace 1 Goveriior Algehti hiar.restoreti the rightslI 4mQun the board Ibtuti nt ut at dis- of citizeusliip te- Williaut J. Waliae. of bmeeud and give up. This oct mu>' look Chicago, a-ho serveti four years lu the 'xi$,* *X4', bù, thonka te sote more geit- State prison for burglary. iÏ~oiiiý. opiuiomtidiffer en that 1euh-- Rtes &t4nnu. ot ic:mgo. have ptirchaeti _Jrtý No aue knoas %-uht deuth la but te Elgin gunt tactory a ottia-ll a-ork over- oýbéele wlto uses it ast the oui>' escaipe ime, sud manuuta-tutre Imbutter. They wil ' *uot fate. 1 mt deteat agaimi yesler- enîploy about torty men. ,4tb%,blcb ras more tibait I cot endure. Wehster Griggiey. ageti 26. kilied i hm- I n1 iaI' te. rm &Il lonest mc se0ho itsxm cq dihe oard. My heurt laq b sIfelat Qminc>- by tiking morpitie.. Ho ~~vyad ai> brîmn 100muci -intoiati receuti>' quarreled witli bis rite. Hie taàsil4 write. Good-by, eceryhodi>.paetlietMtn.3o ;2~wMFail."On-te bock ofti The*Sata Fe Ilaiiaay C'ompany local. 0%f wa.s ras m alin l pemiil. il, a cd a statiou ice males somtb of Lacon te ,ÀËL"bArdy legile, the wrds: '"I hai bc kuowu as Iloltoi. andi havi moade con- Sdoing thils et yesitcrday. hbit tracts for an elevtor aund depot. ~*BLewa hope ot gettimi gsoule mîou- îsaih Best. of Ereeport. aiîo sastainad ý *ith Wicb te ix uniut' Olses, but serous injuries b>' talliig off a Chicago, q dlaappoixted,. anti bave waiteti for Milwmaukee andt St. l'nuni train la Chicago, 1da.Mac." This letter a-as markcd wahi site the compan>' for dantages. ~mgbic" a iu. 1ev. Alexandier Allen, recor oCalvary Live Nealy aCentry. Elacopal Church, of Sotilia, Mo.. Who Llved i'ar a entury. bg andeti lu is resignatiout. bhalreceiveti a MWhmm. Marga xeret M e itivewiu. calt frorntone ofthIe largest churches la » Mitb, of Vandala, dieti Thursao>'nt Springfield. la' oir amelu Vandalla. The mecesei Snpemntendeitt of Inuîrauce Durfea Il- -wia. Ilnra luButlerCo«nty. Ohio, Marcb euseti the Commercial 3lntuiol Accident 'Je 180. Site ras the sole survivor of Comapany'. of Pbilodelpbla, l'a.. te do an 10 ohI stock oftIhe 0hio andlKentucky accidentl inanronce butsiness oitItie agacesa- XkI40, andi ras alan a cousin of the late ment plan ln lilintîls. ,4ptrJ. B. McDouald, of Indilana. Ediîn A. Bergin. of Auna. Union w»Wel acquaintati nith (tin. %%*itI- Counîv, bas beau otge inlujoiliat Spting- $WfrIlfflisos, andtinl ber giribuoti Ield1 a-aIt the action of tbe Unitedi SVas al s'e qneat giff at tbc Gen-« States grand jury un a cbarge uto asf 4metable home lu Nortb Bimii, countcrfeit mnoue>.pusig 4v oh.» msuarried ilu 1528 teW ii- ~h. Id stith', nt that tinte a prîmnl- lra. Tlmotb>' Baker. of Quine>-. gave .I*lst xereaun aMlamisbutrg, Ohio. and blrth te triplets. ;oie -iti chiltiren î*e.Idad iere untîl 1PÀ12. rben site rit- are gettlng aloxig nicol>' through lit a- , li.qsd te Vandatilo. Site uls rela tet b>' sîstatice of nelgI.-bors. The Baker font- Ti -Noal and marriago lu) the tîtoalt roui- il>' la ln dasîtute cir-untaaces. - ,"t fanlias ia the Miamil Valley, ho- Fred Willliams andtiCharles Allen, cou- G l aten Hamilton outi Duyton, Ohio. icted of robhiiîg the post offie at Car- la@ . b. mn, a-are senteîiced nt Springfield la .0)~-te 1 Record af thte Woek. tl:t prison for one year e.tch. Eduvanafii Thkomis Dufty, 30, of Dixoti, shot and Raymondi, for granîd larcen>', got oae col ý uofl d ia"Iat ai Cton, lowu. >'er.db W. T. Gordon, evatigeliat, melosetl, a Burgiars enteradtirbb Holcontb pa t - tit ;t:.dugat Effiughanî l ft-~' fice and bleu' opemu tire safe of D. H. La- cal imeuty-tro conversiou@. ment, hardware denlmr sud postmsastar. la »ai Puetstueek comtaiitteti suicide Several hundreti dollars' a-orlb of stampis tai Pailtty ' b augiug. Rcnomse for in the sfarawre orerlooked. sud uni>' a tii Irlir m et Bouhant & Davis, cetieral The Forent City fiarnitttre,, plant at f uetludlse, rt Prairie City. have matie lockford la ldie oni ncout of the stike fn "a gssignineut. Liahilities. $,00. of metn uumberiug 0-00, ucho kfaso te go wl ira. Joseph' Weilhoeiker. tf !ielrose 1teîcork oit accout t fie aublouuccment gu 'towurus1p, rieur l.ulncy. ageti 7'9> st mp of the intention of the ctmpauy 1tecmt . e the aclipse utfte uooi. Site e- doni the work te eight homrs intteati of i*ure..ntaIil o'clock, onui tiediately ni- tem, ae formeni>'.tm .-dýrarad sho vtostnueWibliamti. mn. A.Doerr, a-ho recemîly 'conduiebei U 1 ba ero niWlimBmîin Dorr*t4 Opera liouse at Qmincy. sceutredTi Il 1" brm! bauds on bbc ranch tif Davidi an"aac et iuîHmnlonas *Fgfte Pi« tL narCarrolîlon. bectinie incolveti om i e ht hycnee , la difbculty, wirbn the former strmck the a date ut Doerr's Opera House fiteen a, . tt1~ orer tia beaud itb a ptlcfmrk and metht s go. The Hanlous deciore liat , àow ahi. Doerr receivedthebb proper lagal notice oft g 'Adjutant J. Mcflauiel anîti urgeomi E. the chaugati date, anti that tbhe> imd bis al 1-flý OatgoimerY are PrePariug chafrges regîstereti letton cmiît to that affect. W -1.ý a«aa acb otiete b.' tîresntim ntlitlIe At Bloomingtoti. the jury lu bbc case ot if , , 1ýý1meeting of te trtîstees ofthbbcQitine> Wighbmaau va. te Chicago anti Alleoîtb Sushileus Honte. l is the resuit of a Railroad Company' reporlei their taillan ,lu.; standing qutarrel. te agree anti a-ce disebargeti. The coae ti . , ,Ltot aprng, t Citantîign. (lemrge M. %vabrought te relcover $10.000 tgmauges. il 1 U 1M aatudeut. Mlle ritilimea ibicycle, igbtmaau claimedactibtaibisproperb>' in 8 j*lqi awitb 1da Bell ('arr, the girl'sis- Cheuoa waxs tsroyet b>' lire caused b>' a 1 tuWsi a fracture, motfte mollar boule. sparka front sut Alton locomtive, Il ha- il IMM îarnta brtuxbt sut andthIe jury ilmg allegeul that tite contpuys right et 14 lpiw a verdict cot&1'.20 aguist lîlîler. mu>' uas negligemîbîr allowedtetobe itereti t] Edmiard Resaler. of Maftvoutai, maid a wnitb straa-. TIe jury itood te l t l luet' rare lanlte Silcer ('nek liottoini, tavor of multciug bbc niiiuay. A total Il tVm tllea wnest of Masenntmîl. andi milc ut $300,000 lies behindth Ie decision out tiis Il Imadibg a double-barrei sbotgunit ita-as ca. *eauaaàqsitally diachangeti. the aboie 1usd JiieWiirtu a mtant b p »Il abamudsht strokimmg Iessler litite peut laken b>' Henry' Arnoldi, of Simith ion,I Hbeu e Rincnnot survive. Thte young mho was oued soule tinte ugo b>' Carl Tint- sialonla 10 yeare olti. malg, oftheb saine place, for services ren- ThbeossMiller, lutobfmî ansoit. uca tieret inlusearciag for aa ite ton Arnoldi. 1«*d at (ttamma for obtatlniimg moue>' Tlnmig ouedi ton $1040 ant a a liomet 1 isprateagsafront Jacob Hlagi, a $55. Tlmmig's monk proveîl usatsfac- lartli.ent fa-mer. Mahers rite, ha- tory, ati Arnoldi sturteti out on is onu &m m arriage. loaneti Hugi $050. taklng book andtegot hat ho ranteti. Timmii bW note Miller stole thienutle antdi'mam left omt of the denansd hotuti the g , oseg"4 a ponver of attorney' dîretblng sit. Arnoldilla olti nd maaltb>-. Thet - iltaxi %u in a>'int the moue>'. The latter appeal ragatoi aposi thé groundt thatt itou~ ati Mherthonleft th Stte.matrimonlal brokermge la nt a legal huai- 1u~wF eudseti t luleg i dit esa lu the Stale o lios EF 1psymtandnîtibroghl su-it -tludia es tIttos <iMoit Court. comuîeliig Hagt a Mrs. Wilti keeps a ut orîiug bouse naI t1we note ln tull nith interest. 1 478 North Lincoln street, Cicago. Mou.- AtManVeonapli -u's day atternoon a wecl-trensed nan culiedls - M(ant Vlinant ubli mcctîo aouldrur Iat ttig.-A . h-u n. H >AIN CALEE) IOWN. CLE SAM DEMANDS A PROMPT APOLOGV. retary Gresham Inf ormea the Spais- ris that et Reeurrenoe of the Ahli- ken Incident May Land to War-Our lag Muet Be Respecteqi. lTart Note Sent to Madridi. he mont bellgarent massage dispatcb- ) thfis Goverumant to a forelgu power ! the mamorable controversy bctween Hrrison administration and the Chul- bas been couveyed tbrough IMinister or by Secretary G3resham tu the min- 0r f foreiga affairse t Madrid. A m downrigbl assertion of American [s was nover ultered by Mr. Blaine maelt. Il amonnts practlcaily tu a ring tu 8pain thal a repetitlon of th, tars affair will bha oosldared by Ibis ntry au a decia ration of war. 'le hItcldent in lookad iipon lan Vashlng- asu more than tbe blunderlng imparti- [ce of a naval commander. The revolu- laI Cuba has been supported hy Ameni- Cubans. Key West aud New York- re furuiahad the rinews of war to the olutionists. Public men at the capital re been open In their declarations that tinte for annexation uf Cuba tu til itry isn nar at bond. Tbe assottît ou SAlliance la taken as an intimation St pain will stnd nu turther triâtlng th Cuban affaira. dr. Gresbam's retort la extrentely fier. substanca. he comtmande the Spnnisb 'TI ALLIANCA, TUE COLVINBLIN LINE -MAIL STEA.Nt'%111' FIllED vermnaatu1apologize andti 10prompti> 2slmuettIs naal Icommandeura ot-tti erfere with shlps fiying the Âmerie.- ag. The friendi>' relatlons hatuveen this untr>' aud Spain have te ha considereti lien wr talk beglas. but there lu no tubt tatinlaan>' other circutslacas e toua of the message woalt ie provo- ative of a conflict. The message ln uttll as tolera: -e 1 ,,Tis .Ipartmntuinlainformeti that on e Sbh imat. ltae Unitedi States mail eteam- ép Allianceou ber boinerard Voyage 'uit Colon 10 omYork, wben uix miles ont lte oast of Cuiba, off-Cape M'aYsi. was repeateil> fired upon b>' s Spanuiai rnhoat itb soliti alt. mbict, torbu- iately, fell short. "Thte nindwrrt passage whitethIis oc- rrreti la lie natunlanti asuah hlighwaY fr veaseis plying betwuean ports of the Unitedi States aud the Camibbean ses. *Throueàoit scu-oral regular lînes et Ati- ifaaîff id cotil aitsl ugr--a weeki>' n'ihin slght of Cape MaYsl. Tha>' re reil kuowu sud thain voyage en-- nrace no Caban port of caîl. Forcble iterterauce nitI' ltentcannot ha claimeti a s beîligerent nct, wbetber ltbe>'posa' within bhree ntijee of ltae Caban coast or nIt, anti conunder no cimcumustauces ha toiarateti, mhen no sîate of wr exiats. "This Goverumeul nIli expect Prompt lisaovai of te unattoriad Oct land hue expressiou of regret ou tho part ol Spain, and il mmtsisut thatIlMMediatt ati positive ortiers lha giron 10 Speulii tarai commandera net ta labertene weuh egutintate Amemican commence passinê, througb that citaunel. aud probibiting ail nets wuatonV rimpenliug lite aud propanti lamu-utl>' untier the Olag of the Unit&t States. "Ion wIll communicate Ibis to the min inter ot foreigu affaira anti uîrg thdi u porntance of prompt anti eatistaltor>' me sopouse." One ut the precetielts wierbithavaehet unearîheti anti broutgbt ta the sttentilo ot Acting Secretar>' UbI us havlng i direct heoring upen lte Allianca Incîiaen wqet tontiIn the proceediags of bte Ais bama elaIms commisalon. In onaetftht thec court beld there was no authorlty for the stoppage or detenition of a mail team- P'r wbicb ia partuig ber usuei route, even if that route lay eit places wltbin tbhe tbree-mile shore limait and no within the marine juriadiction of the p~ower seeklng to stop the ship. If Ibis le beid to bct soln doctrine. then, of course, the Span- isb Goverument wili make reparatlon for the action of Its cruiser, even shouid it alîpear that the Allienuit was witbin three muiles of Cape Mais, as the Spanih min- inter la Washington beifeves. Onib e otber bond, If ibis dacision lan t in efiect then what la known as the beail- land theory of Jurisdiction will probabiy play au important part in the adjustmient of the inatter. Accoïi'dng to the conten- tion of Great Britain ln the Fortune Boy fisharles case, in wbich the United States bai acqulesced. the linof marina inria- diction is drawn Ibrea ailles trot a Une runniug aurons troi» beadland to beatilauti in the case of a bay or a depresli lunthe general Poait Une. The Spanlsh authori- tlen evidontly take the position at Ibis tinte, in tbe absence of exact advicas, that the Allianca wos wlthilnsc a line and no ivithîn tbelr Jurisdiction, althougb tbe il may bave bau acttially more thon tbree miles fron tireassirest uhoee. ig couditiots. Sont., locailitien report tîn t- look as unuaually gooi. n-bile others me- port bhe crop us Llînd>'bhmnîomit 01t ganti>'ltnd tir muîmh iloiageti. but laie- son la botter. W'bcre nain bas falîcu .'m'ently there is a maarketi improu-ement. iye bas beau sowu in quite s numbmhr of coaltin .andi isgeucroll>' goot. Nebraska reports are quile geoti. ai- bhongb in soume stîtti>' oelities the -mohi bas bean u mrl îy hîigb ucintis ln-ing it out. 'Toc, «y i.i repitrtetilu inote itsen. mut a greal malt> couitleq have excellent prosptects fîtr a croit.Ilye la. on un aor -rage. botter than rheat. Ia Kenituctky î-ontitiîms are ver>' faror- able. mos' morrespondeutts reporliug a tigit cotnditiont.Ili a feaca-tam aier- ha cropt e istîî%- îoor it luim mrtîving rap- di>. The ana- ut the. poslta-o molthu tas prorati of imminense adtcage, giviîîg protection front the moIti and noisture for spming deceiopmneîu. Itye is gencmaîl>' bing Weil. A.s usIalagreub man>' cotinties il mm have sanno n wiîter aheal. lu bbc other ellunties Ibeme appears a greal vari- ation in condition. While a goot ma>' crrmmspoutients report the (top lu fine shape. nome se>' Ihat la their emnties the omttook la bati. Oua says: "Ilait croît; toc dry." ltyc is fair. Wisconsin çrospectis trretiot gontd ut îîrealem. The situ ams înt go ranch-i of a protection as in nme olt,-r States,.nti much of the gmounti bas becti bore for nme tinte. Titis a perutittedti haîiug anti frcezing tuojip alarmimîg exteni. Il doas not uppear ta beclpossible tonrlthe croît 10 escapie umithîouît a serious diguister, except lu loc-alibies uvhmeme ana- hum mc- mnajuetiou the lialda tIuver>' mecetb>. Rye in nolti-or>'foiin luconditioin, butl is likel>' 10 feel the adverse conditions lems. lu innuesota natithe Dakota@ lîtle bas beau growany> year, anti the conditions nili aot great>'affect the crop, of bthç cuntbry. The c.onditionsa are doubtful, hotb aitltaurbeat and irye' niere the haltei bus becît sowu. It aboulti be borne litimiud lu reodiuî the, ahore ani-.mary that thte States thal gror flue lurgeat amtouit utfn-inter Who, report tae condiltions gond, anti thot thé adverse condtions are quille generalhr ne porteti fron ttes thal gnon- compara, tiraI>' amali quantîliem. Fron thbilt ail bc seu that thte general average of titesi trelve States is gnou, andti hut a hargm ucinter rheab cnep ntoy bc hooketi tur. REBELS ON TH4E RUN Spmieih Forcem Are l)mluing Theti front Thoîr Olrongholds. OfficiaI information b>' the (Govrumen of the sibuation lu Santiago de Cuba lia justb leemî giveutiont. A disputcb redoive, h>' bhc îuililtmy govcmuor ut Santliag froin(.encrai Gutrrit-h uctus torum-rded t Haatut. iii ittb! .-ssmj'm. < en-.rul Got lb. roofs 0f bouses. Tho laseugeats veto r ý ThtectaimilI ha an important factar0 iti the commercialiadsudu. trisi1îleveîop- nient ot the iî(-uu.yilter. ('oell, a hlm-b. mt irotin laforint!Inluail IbsI dim- triet. in shîppet i li li parts of the coutn- I te>-. nou bIt anansd ever>' saviug in Ibm freigtîl a III benefiltte omtireFuniteti iStates. Abolit 4.,0000 tons of lb are sbilifiel atntuslyhi> vessaI. front Piti- bîîrg t th e hîtuer (Ohiotanti Mississlipi t river hiot-.I.. iuli entilith Ie irun indtus- t tries aloîîg the lune oftheb- tanal ta senti iy jiritîuit-s tii slipîi îg iltrtsalmît ut «t371ý lier t-ent.tif utlinI i L itst etreslent. 'Th. c-al ui - Iprov jue thei-tonalîî I oreru- mient uitb ait -asT tua>'to di'fend the iukm-sli-liose of tîmr. Il u-li. b>' bus ihdtuîg up the uvaie hplac-es, ut-euse the rece- i anues oft the Statea it traverses or uffemits. - F-ront a Pitisburg iloint mît uiew. the canal mill boomth[e it> as it bus neyer te-eu nu eibettîre.I'itsKburg comamra wvit t tblvgeaî.Iakes linmouomré,. Iuber, et-.. auuimtli tii abolit 7OOOO-opet ycsr. Alonz tbe rotîe mot the tanal there a"c ifI) -sevcu tttrtiat-et. îrmtuciitg nue- fiîurlh of ail thle i ru 1rtîtut-et inl thls a countlry'.0 ('out it as5teiae's 3ouuuger brotber sn in, Nemi York looking ion bitis. Thbe Presiticul didttit 'l an>' dutîks, bmtlite kejît lijiseit onut reach of ma>' humait geese. This laq golugts 1 be a bati yemîr for the rAldeat Matou; lie bas aireati>' tieti luitia Sttea silice Jaîtuar>'. rWe kuewm lb uotuiticorne e 0pas. Soule wmnt lias talit a lot of iIoaers t0elGen- ry. a-ho killeti bis ma-eeert. tAlbany', Ore., bas reducet expanses b>' t iischarginx te enginear of Its ire eui- egine. Il a-lu trustte luck anti volunteera in lucase of a ire. Sont.. one saya ihat part of wuon*ns thealer Itair jel îît on allh lier bat. Noir etitose buts mllcontî off. Nb'bnîlauccotîlt 1 nItdo alauîten miii. 1.nI. Chappeil. ut Baltinmore. uvoulm nîti muair hosuedi for trîkitîg lus utite for fliring lu church if lie ball kept bis on sieyes ou the miuister. Colt)îpipes are sai to be une of the imi- 'test affectations at soute of tbe Eatern Sclubs. Each meniber la suidtu tohave bis oui-utcol)ataut]bchave itliut bie club. o If Mr. Wilsont. our ien Postrnastem roGeneral, . tea illteplectures oftbila that - arc being îîriîîtemîlbu a111 bave te keep a -mirron un bis dcsk to ho suirq Ibat he le ît la gratityiug to Icarn Ihat tîte sur- vvinîg batik robber nt Adel. Iowau, milI noltha l>'nchçti. butt ahyt>'huareuport? Iowa ceasedt i e part ut the uilti West mon>' yeare tugo. Hon the streetilwlia>'compaîties miii outre d't the neas thal a Savannab coui- pami>'buts been compellet b>' a LUniW't States court bu railaiis tires! Tte>' noalt ilika te mou'e their euire plant tu oegrgla ud tieltorjpalrons. too. - Tliscotieih whichlmbas ban uthe Mus- ~ Îaetlua tsilae oua.more th&n a coasin, Minasota and the Dakotas on the condition of trînter wheat and rye: in Illinois the wbaat crop bas coma tbrougtghe rinter la excellant condition, the racent heavy blanket saotts having preved a perfect protection againit sad- verse atmospherie condition&. Very itlîte fretlà ont la raportad. The plaut la .11 1. lasema loeailtlcs, battt hîs wlll prove oftico greot momient If tbe crop be aot bubjeeted to bsrd exlieriences la the' way of tbswing and freing. WVheat oit elover and seemas doing very well. R>'. bas heemi quite extensivel>' seau, sud la doiug finely. iu Indiatit the conditions are tbe saine as lu Illinois nuite largely. Little injitr> la reporteti from freezing. The suow gave i t, maid îprospect% are now gooi. tiîough tthe plant inIsl ionecouitiea tbi.i on tbe grouid and mail. ltyelitas beLic very e.xtettsiv-cly sowmi. but in lu average condition. lu Obio the trop 15 eccryn-here (air te) good, though reîmorted utîecen in sotu. (-nanties. lRye lé dolug wil and bas beci qulte exteivtly Sown. Michigan repiorts conditints gooti. se for as kitonibut anar stili cttcers mucb ut the crop. Tha grentest danger at present eomes from ir*e binuîkets formed bY mu,.It- ing drifts. ltye la goond. The crop lu Missoutri is nul ail Ibut moulti bc desireti. A good miati> connuies repiort il on ly fuir or poor. trotui vry'itm od-tut tions. Ton dry wematlmer bast fail wttnone of the princ-ipal rauses of tbe jireactit voiei- ditiot. Tîhe #ano eiasdonc uueb tte, ni- prove it. Euuutgb moimtes report the cuti ditiou as goodti 1 briîg lbhe wbole lItai, up to an average, of fuir. htyp. a-ber,. lmtin e nerouly good. Ki~tnsi. ameîtial. r.îtxrts gtîatly cary- defeated witb a logs of fifty kllied andq wennded, wbll the GoTerumetît troop6 had but six men kilaed. Man>' hunes and mules rare killeti. la bis message, (Jeh-. Pml CGarriclî eotumends tbe officer. and nmen of tbe Spaulsb troops for their brav- a-r>. It la also reporteti b> the Goverament that Masse,,amie of tbe insurgenît leaders lu Santiago. gays ha ras mislcti. bat If asbated te surremîder. He soya Ibere are mni>' 700menîc bthe mocamntt atSan- tiago, ti-o-tblrds tif wbont ara negmoas. i4eveninsurgents surrenderad to the Mil- ittmr. gocerimor ut Sauta Clara. Troops whIlbbacc bacti pîrsîitg the insttrgents lu the Catrliiigeia district bave returfeti,1 as tbheîrmovinc-e l isnw ranquil. Ail is1 quiet lu inte plivinees of Havana. Puerto Principe, inas del ltiu msid Matanzas. A ATERWAV TO THE LAKES. AWtçusgt Be Connected wlth Lake cbt.-ottem-î il'ttàçhurg vwltb the grest lakes la abot te1 becouja a resuit> sud Pilla- lttirgs mutot eleriaheti dreant and ambition ail i t. a niîîterial ltîstcad of a visionar>' Iprmje,.-t. l'l[îtîs for la-o differeut routas have beeit ireiareti. ither of wbich wouid1 lxi. fcmlitl..onei la froma the mentib of thceIteaver river, via te Sbeuangn, te E itneaumt i i 0, ., the, other tbrough ti.. Niiilois!tîg tali'. via W'arren. te A..btainîlm. ). rhii.eîigtit of tbe canal I)Y -il lit-r 0,11ea iidlie oabout 130 miles. on it li fîriiîrmîte liere mould bacc te 1, Ifilj, it-ktitml on ti, ti-mîer oue-third mess. tlut-,î st 15 estigt-fidut front $27.- .. Lite. .. eond emau tbakt '. F. te Bav Beauurlî-r. " No. iale-nIttpc Wekt a , e1 t lne* D eier. olbï, iten oa bsreoo u'hora lt iu cn' olz.ot a.ia oit are . ahr ul-ait7t re oru t inl aouu the belw1~ nu AeaoumlIer.boas*h. en; M.etu ltoe snite b ge1 baveng rîatho irkt Clilag-o it y'r doiersa <'tiri eon dîtilaou sec ach eham Vhatne9. B.l-Saone or tnp acrot b. Nco.lttalt fine roo11)a ilagof. Hgets IUt t lut aI l Ih [udmn iriouhieuothl ehappyello oultiu'l t - lm.nboynie YlVa gS bI iuk f I 1uiaJ wvtlaper'sBzr -l'ilu-î-lou a ectriebad.t No;v- hu1 ni> îumsand ba se nt mt jeus aea fnt->'cii)p etilIw n'ta - "re a oaathebeosre?-or.'-Sysa ila yoar sIie snmcet lang vail a out oon lChicaousnter O eauUfllI ,Cienever sotuh-egbu 10cl.pq etdu ape otîii-.---oln MgW ove laghs u r li de . su tha>' Ha seltiobt lite anala ile, Lites. d itot l MIs 'ialzr e u bv aoti lae nroua>',buteher ealud* y>in 1r craln!- u mite, IsBIur.- -No buituyiiir>'xsoue oha sent for tb le_ net o it oes ult'rgti, and eutm" &>iA -waaltou lgflium -, Iot n land 'lie tblu"-luChicago h l'ove laîofoi a Wittt Dîti y Mnit But'oumuluEtitel. tla ('l.plazeran. a Foone rrt"Oin tidon'ttaoishe' s Mis portier "N u dn' ha a la fornd beo Ithe nse guinatYond if yr(en scou sd u i ment ovei- stiti-E lierltoinier ut tie, ltistnlose beimilistou've gI Iar le PIngso"&M fot4r it e 4-z eeute."o-4'blabsTdebune! d Pln wyer gitem ut ofuu > su-unI aite ret ellleeygobttbatte aresý 1n hetge. Amatreur lppupp,.-tl cowners thegetlug lut thet-oo Couts- ltyconert Daod ontetlnk? Wageuteul des ou'kuon. Pigtbad ly beeaiialkt l ofîcu ecesla Iur>lra rItbe o* bbc peror"or.1oa't tIie Jo 1@6j Ifaagh, ant te oni anba wltb Y l.a ngti 'Ib ri yalis , t eie. L - sIf theou meut heti. gatr deou nîlu bava ilaIl te soawmestb4s.1 hou>' Chappu'e>'-! seeIa t -goow yfo r a evaeen b'-(hioma ibune. ld Pbl aeqtuentlou. 'ou try:.eâ latnti t yo eertwadObule'? qý ares aiunthe stae mtu Bpp ding ake. Ibut tt a-eo ore. oti Decsrytô ieboy lharil e o y'ouwoantheud au>' aIma l xoy" the animldlhion. ha Tf ou If yoa bti oprvd ar. ou mi l)rctavegilothe mngitQA i, lite oInn I so fult pobab "trlîumln qsts io.t*t. ouNied tyue, tv"ba

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