Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 5 Apr 1895, p. 5

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~IàDÂ, PIIL , 895 \~'TICIET, Reglar Nomination. \../ TICKET, B! pE¶iff oI. \.../ TICKET, B! PETITOI. For President, For President, For President, OIýurah amdSoOietY DirectorY. ~ ~ ~S. H. AIIERILL. E CI P. WRIGHT. E C .W II! waBt=eeuin v ag 7;3. PnereFor tlcrk, For Clerk, For Clerk, Haoefl Pstr ri DWARD h. DUBOIS. ES. 8, HIRLBII!! E]E . h. DUBOIS, I~~T satn6: 15 . iri Î .'.ednewiti3 eveniflg MFor Trustees', For Trustee%, For Trustees, woothm-<Jf0Lah*f B.~M~CROR .B CLY . . LY B. EGER,~~ ilA!AG.TOMAS CORLE!!, Dr. Charles GaIIoway,ý AýP T PE. E 1 i8bNK Haure Frorn 1 ita 3 and 6 toa . F 'or P'olice Ma\Itystrate, For Police Moagistrate, For Police Magistrate, L4brtrSIf, lIIioe.M E. DAVIS, E IRA R. bOY'I,W WM. E. MAIS. Dr. J. L. TAYLOR.CUCLPOEDNS ESNL oflo, ve Triiige &,TayorS Store,.Cucurmber Co tracts. RgCOU MtngIVillaeEBoard. 1gUW lto14 . m.2 te4 P. in. 6 tu s pin. Now ije the i c to ake con- Reaa etn ilg or. Mrs. Swiftt laconfined te, ber houes HOUE: At.' . iooe tracts and get'<Ur le d ait M. B. LiBznTyvil.LE. APRIL let, 1895. with the grip. ILL. LLNCs.I olby &ci's 1on na i-Badmtnreurssinwh Nick Keuberwas presented wltb Is th S o for S er wil 1 on ly be pen sh t time. If enlt: Appley, Heath, McOregor,itd Obrfars h ok FeîetAeul<b car rs- o yhew! etSnn DR. E. H. SMITH, %,(-lu întend o Pl t ckles, con- born and Taylotal5ent, INeCoriek. Mr. E. Farnham, whbhas been ili The Style is Right. the Price is Rig trait a o c ou arc too Minutes of March 4tb rend, and on several weekes with grip, le convales- She earm n isRgt office over Loveii'U Drug store.1ldte- R. W.STAI-FORD. motion of Appie>s and Heath, were 1Libcit y le. Ill., Apr il 2, 1895. approved and placed on file. Treme- Lawyer Durand ie the happy ftheir -g- *uer rprtfo onth of Marcli rend. of abouriciflg baby boy; arrlved this C r e s LibertYVIllO. - Illnois. i dvertiffl yaur business. 8aid report Shows: atron Amount on band, March 4th... $640 24 Mre Zimmermen, or Milwaukee, r hae hsya. C l na '1'.~I5E1'.NtET fr ntrjt1-e. Received of E. H. Wells, tax was callsd bers, by the death of ber J. H. BRUBAKER, Aýsk t0 see îheV»b c h whf-l-n leyo 1894 ........ ........ 64.48 siter, Mies Hattie Archer, Friday. your'Selection. pJOT GRatIE < ,rs Potiic elveyi,(ýd E. S 50%, 479 Mr. Wm. Dymand bas been quite fPO O RA Rn orden taxou evie y b'gh y o'r 179 sick for a week with the *gip. We eGOOSOa. Waukegafl. net et Smithe &s wr> Total on baud ...... i...436.64 trust hc will be out again, soon. W al____r Thb si dais et i k dueThe 1bDEPEC)E-.T bell s yoi a d it Disbursemente, rch th willlPay YOU ta belp suetain IL. April 2nd ... ...... 470.8 Ocr5ro aeovrta o e ates ag tc. M StfAtOlThe I)NDEPE'4DE!IT fille the bill for a Leavlng net ba nce ha in Lhaet spn S ny Wlt ieam.Sllyon ary am.ued veryne.County and Oeneral New9pape. the treasuryf.... .. .79 haetyngtelYWllm. eeto sE r -w qqeewpins :. laet3tyesa Motion A le> a aborne, the Cha. McCready moved ie famly Treasurer's sport be acspted and Monda>' front the Houghton farm, Mm Potnee.piaced on e. (Jarrlied. D ress G oods. Libertyville, -Ilfos Thel h nîiia>rhasad oi e tsrate W. E. Davlis'an- ""AO IlviiEb. mmei ,t4'lSt4f .,Atctt>i.mî>for thse interests Libertyville, nusl re rt, showing $,2.33 cofleted MiseAliles Fuller, our trusted typa Our Dress Goods' Departmentlà i eerci in tie p-t .eî enîeen vram'. Central and Rural Lake County. in fines, rend. Motion Appley and for two years pat, le - kept et home igvr o ua.P p lrG c prepaired tel aîtend medes in ait.y 1 ;; ý Romi ta rent in the HiM buse Heath, the report be accepted and this week, entertaining that unwel- îgvr o ua. P p lrG o Lake gnd ad3ainifl >nîîe' a "'!Lacs IjèI5 placed on file. Carxried. coae guset. tue gpip. ular Prices. Rate@.s. aUftis f l CnuarSfte. 1 hae few c Fresh Milk Finance Committee subniitted and Rev. J. F. Malcolm and cblîdren re- Cows and i sringe r le. recommended payment of thse foilow- turned fromn Hamilton Frlday mora- Il A r 1n%, J R. ing bille:- C. H. Smith, $16.87; E. L. Ing. Be "Il oceupy the Presbyterlan ________ ULM 1bifi JABE! Ne îîgMî e a r. r.DuBois, $1.40; mO. SedaJ, $S.0; plpit as wuiSundisay. --jfflw j lu tIlffi7ee. .ai nd order HoyBy..%40 J .Moe L. W. Nicoll, oreierly a ibferty- That Colby & C's. is the beet titi&s st>k t.$8..M. H. Y -l..*n, SIM C. C. ville jeweler, but ameo f So,.owm aeCurt ota e * et-yo -vi aur -xt lur *WCopeland $44.4W, B.H. O.leason, bilc; uî., with bis vile, bave beea visitlng wî,.r.y~uc'.,aîwy'g.î .c.r Fou REiET The e.~itywoc- M. B. Colby & Co., 65. Lîbertyville ber presLviWieyadtmly eho i- airctig rmil.cuîdb hrts Go ell, Clay' and Gravel Co., $1:48. he. and other friends bers, tbe petit wsek. J B . C olby 11i . tic. i.î.-t $SIiy'I.- ft Il, iteru ani art.. F. 1'rotine. Motion Heath and Appley. the bis Msr.PrlUs uadhv rZ.O ial,-à.~rtist ForSa le-) ewhoie Devon MBslls.e allowed, and warrantes (;v ne,. a tri.l. 1 il, îpîit, -Y111. CaIes fro $'3 tJ$15 eav-h. Now le eral amounts bc drawn on the Treas. cstdn70( ou ouldeup LBRYIL, - ILNI Usip Dery, -Libertyviii*, Il.;the time Me yor stock, tirer from ther respective funds. Car- and operate a pickle factory at Nasht- c*alph Oar. 2-25, la., tbe place that le now being fMT W f" in%- votir taw sjîritig sIQ Of l M otionApjtley and Taylorwarrq3ts boe"b h ain oni -la Utlias aatietwBLi> stockiite fonr wheovillageeofficere' salaries be Woolridge. -18th IlAlý l By- to-k-ofeverything l i in - . drawn otbe Treasurer for thiefollow- John Llmberry was eiected li-igli: .~. 21.d ~ing amounts: C. H. Avenu.l $1209; a>' comuxssioner Tuesday. Now, if (Sur Warren c'orrespcondenît hec dis. W. H. Apple>'. $12,00; W. M. Heath, be don't ses to it tisat we have the L.dte an ChldrOl'5 ITTES. -ket forlia itrrtî i i, te $8.00; Jno. McCormick, $7.00; J. C. balance O! the roed betweenî here eîcd lacrk."Mfo ]ami 1ryîccsmmc 'than Mt4.irt-gu 120;Edwin Osborne Rai! Day graveled. we'Illroia sr Ii fiU g!ALLlai UmE IR $11.044:; C. W. Taylor, $12.001 and E. L. and the wbole caboodie.ThllaM»t -Fancy Work Materials, rute r-.p.ttîiviti-. il! jroi>a1cly lt-arn DuBois. $3o.45. Curried. Mr. Win. (lrtmmitt tiarrowîl t-s- AP LINENS. a I-ssoiî froi he r--ilt of Ttiit's.cie Judges of election appointed vere ceped a fatal accident Thursdav. le e bt1i Ladies Necwear. guchtflg. etc. e,1j4> ndbe or caretil whom C. C2. Buikley, W. E. HowelI ndi Jno. was lns the watgon wlth bis sont Rclccît. melli a pMu" SMIM 6 S FT. th-v cttacsithtjreon th.'et rl- of 1eBrixen. Clcrks of electian, J. Ci. Lee when thse hanses madle a sharp tîriîntfët&, ______________________ H. fi. Eger Ilia ae h-atn'!at .E r. throwiîug out bath men, the-tld- that thie Wmetri telit-.k 2tnntfit-turiug Co. Anti- 'Motion Aîpiey and McGregor. ne striking on hie head was uni'on-eio'i5 le the tire. All B 1 tn ivr erne a are dor. Caried. E. L. Deutsoi, for slume Lime, but is geiniîug. cîtb Lak e OURty B d fliccliu luineus kîtîd of watt-r, or mut-v y Village Clerk. E. M. Joues writea us ta chanîge hie Wright, Parkhurst & Co., 1 refliided. Prit-e bctt it- mort- thsati ,ommonî tillvar.-. Unclairnod Letters. address f rom Waupeca ta 321 Wettc LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. ct-tcllcwnigiqthe lia4 <of lcciM.flcjttColtumbia St, Chippewa Falls, Vis.. --c The- Litenîiry Soi-iety ht-qIdaie-n v .-meLingitiozlatii.' Lilertyville Pýtosi oe ta whicb place be moved April 1-t. tion o! fofficers Satuidaeeening for =11 .1 Lw. . Street, &Wii-,on. Sa. vesesas ur former stationi agent §seues interestBearing Cor- the ensttîîg tliree mcntlc, the resulît l cailou for the- ab<,ve i>îiia'.t- v'Adve hbee jegradually'being promoted aîtd i tied.- If ft leimeiwtlie .341 Ocs tht-y wili tificates Payable on Demnafd. lieing ase follows: President. (ico. lce sent tc th-iit-ead Lett,-rOffoI5. ~sa oh trnsdta hear or Gents" Wheels f rorn $35,00 toý _____________________Cater, 0- mednî,iu eftfi;OH'.scIANcCp- m- hie holding a bigh official Position Ladies' Vîheelsf rom $37.0S6l e.-rtfiry, Mviss MNary Dav-is: rreasii- - wlth the Wls. Cent. R. R., soon. LIl.»ri' * I, tow al-'c eruld as foi- Chas. Kaiser. ier, S. II. c(iallwy. 1.W 'Dr.O0. B. Have, the speciell t i i FOR SALE BY- 1The NV. C. T. U. wiuli olti a sotiabîle RtIB!IA. DEX0>RATICý diseases of the resîlirator>' organs ..ND KAt.EN the- residence o!fhirs. F. C. Smith Tu Ccae rk. a estody ti ek eev Wirio à%acr,e N. Iilt1-0 Fic. je t :H Ilcc~ vsbr v ay hswem i. Q . R ~. ~ i~ .LI leors. urnighiflg Coode, 'Frid a> eveniîsg, A pril 12. liefresh- Aâ.asor. ing patiente et the Commercial Hotel Rouge,. LANKETS. WbMIpa. menus wiil be seeved and a musical Occuiel ht and had quite a large patronage. TheLIE T V L ,L NO AndUail ANO Vqally i is progra. gis-en. Our citizensshîould Coilector.18 doctor makes no edvauce i-barges foîr Lui ai godausuli> Jept lna got- enjoy themselees anîl help tiîd Thoca ias cl.oe 117 Edgar H.V 5 e cîsa Harness Shop. go, bisiDe. is services, but guaranstees a cure or ___________________________ good cause of temperanpe sentiment. omman. .19on H ie rr. %D a.Toe h osle ira zs~1,1 ivTs. Literary Society:îill hldimont Sbhool Trusteeý 1 speak luii h terme o! bis system of cout Sturayev-uin. andlphGebar Sehrek..I'I leny Efrig, -12 dongbusiness. Ha expeets ta maki' CuciladHny(odnwl e One- baclt vw" defective on<ce .euiout0f IA>Im0F. J.ïL fi T ne&lln oelyeccrlooe.ntCg and vas shrowe outegular visite ever>' ixontb, L13811IILLLILIOS plaoed on trial for the larceny of a Toal te.................0t9M.Ace Pal aO* *i fr rseeto; nea Village Election. Wes bomu eit Long Grave, Foib. 28, _____________Charles Kucker, Counsel for dettcud. Notice je bereby given tbat on 1863, uud died et Llbertyville, April eut. estoicmsietadTuesday tesxenhde>' of April 5, 1895. IIl eabr19, ~~tti , Villge eectin cones ext naînet, ut the YVillage Hall in the village She vas taken11inDcme19, promises to he a lttîs excitlng this of Libertyvilis lu the County of Lake and since that time bas be an ai-ni -v eut. There are three tickets le tbe and state o! Illinois an election wiii most constant sufferer. During ber field, Citizenis' Pep eand Inde- bc held for the folloving village long illnes ase displeyed unusuai lri pednt heAflesepoletldofiirslz Christian patience, vas cheerful sud Lime, D an Tile, Farm Wagons penden. Theîîo-lisissepeopl heldfffices viz ri4ri'iii~~, thse fret t-eut-us Thursday> evening, One Proasident of the Boardi, alvestogtu !oies f ollowed by thse peaple's and Inde- Threu Village Trustes, Five yersega as united witb thse A rc lua m lm n pendent parties Salturday night. AIl Onie Police 41agietraté, Presbyterian cburch and vas a con- thre icet ac leni u tI e %te -neVillag Nlek sistent and active member of the We have a new Stock of the I d

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