Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 5 Apr 1895, p. 7

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lOdiose «as urely as any physical «WihpistLre Iwili ietate that Houti's qptom shows anythixsg that the or- Sarsaparilla buhanh"ped me wonderfully. gffs snd tines of thé body are not Fer noverai inontha 1 eoud not lie downo OUtlsed with ttleur nourishment. aieep on acotant of heurt-troubhe, andi also Tbey draw their sustenance frron Prostration of the Morves. the. blood, andi. if the blooutislathin,' im r o- eyas1l d endcoig u pure, or inaufllctent, they are in a state rIreyasIhtibndoîigbî 01 revoit. Their complaints are made couid not get cur2d. 1 receieî-d relief for a to the brain, the king ot the body, whiie, but nol permanent. Seon alter bo- through the nervoua ayatem, andthi litenniug te take Hôed', Sarsiaaila there resuit of the general dinsatinfaction is wa-t a change for tihe boter. Ian a ot what we eali Nervounsnens. lime 1 wss tfe liug spia'ndtdi'. 1 n-ýw rest Thi isa cnciereaonnbleexpa-weii anti amnable to doiwork of nniut-s'er ntinl o ncieh e anho e ua ee xpia'k-lo. If Iliait nut trueti lico l'aiSan upua The cure fer Nervousnesa, then, luam fla1 tue. I keepiw ht nyouse ailelite simple. Purify andi enrich yeur bloti m fm.1ke i nm os i h bY taking llood'a Sarsaparilla, anti the tit, and ail a tuer s0ftefial nervelà, tiEsues, anti ergarýs wiil havetaeiaiahsyhrel the healthfui nourishment they crave. Nothlng Like Hood'a Ngerveusness and Weakness wil thon Sarmaparalla. I havea ihlhy recemmendeti give way te trength and heath. il ani une of my neighttors han commeuceti That thil; la not théory but tact is takiiig it. 1 ne -ommen I ifoon's Sarsaîta- proven by thé voluntary statements utf rilia t et ery' uttportuiitîy.' MRS. S. thousands curati by Ilood's tarsapa- Til A tihrCK, 404 Erie Av., Wilampert, rIla Hteadi the next column. leiiyvul.B' n ure tu gel Hood's Sarsaparilfila Us the OnIy True Blood Purifier Promlnentiy In the Public Eye To-Day NIGHEST PUALITTOF ALL. Columbia MM STA»AÂR OR AL ..... AVE yetî fe2slecd your eyes upon te beauly and gr:tce efthlie 1895 Colurnuis? iHave you tested anti cempareti Itin iwttb 2il eher? POPE Onhv t'y sugli testing can MFo you knonv how tuiiy te liertrt. C Gol Cumbua justiites its aaca.prou ti ie of teStand- Mone ad for the WorkLd Andi OC*O the price is but Am Arti Catalogue sô$Ô"aî,neIurrCtlas- bnA'î or mauane . .t 4 - t i Y., . J . . a " i I.... «5'5. a.- "'. - - b0."i, &p i ~ssnhDus Ss.a l b«.srt w el ..sti . ný. , dsy À-»-sas«« s bi -Pis . s tbttusb«.. ati o rsa â asCeANDyhu l0abst.i'iaNs TI. O.u TORT ls b . l. s.IIsr Ibisol. .. ita tsn. at 2 b.4 rt,,,nn sit daCO.5. ,ni s .bes rn' TE LttitsDY. i Mten in th murntag There î'nmea a itelit-%,: Of weutliea>i iaducsenite laN&CXarlly idi, hal Nor littu Io o the atore, But toc couar weli To romnain airer. * r -Ripans - Tabule Takon aet iht, Il" sbeeauknawa To drive. away that WVernus-fion montha. And, votîd you bellev. it 7 Irhere are THIthE DOZEN IN A BOX. ULL y <flmSàuag Th'oe end of the' prosperîtuli 'îîgagerriot of '%fr. Franoin Wilson lun*-The IDi'rii'g lîîî"in drui ng rieur, Ilu ail tihe yt'ars titn Nir. Wilson han been eoinitig tii C hi( aihliehan hein t'ngageti ini l d- lng Ili a lien telt',t ho mixe of whieh i- iii if i id nor kîuow. The countan ey of hiti folluwîi n g aind itn iumnsiity hall nîow, li eei r. l w'uuadl' appa rent 10 hli nn a iiatteriîtg meulieor. Ii the' fuce of the iiiott iniliortunt opîposition nandl dopite incloinont weather. 3Ir. %Vilsoil hall for the fiant two nn'okn utthie (Chicago (Opera Ilou on jte the larg8t buinress wliih h le lia's i'vîr douiiin tibm ity.."he l>evil's [>ePîjity.'* the new <iltra bin %lile-h ho ,il)- peurs tibm year. il&iby long oddste tient in whjî'h lhe las ever bho ci en, and tihe wol fî,oufr tvt'k' of his engagemnt will no i sia ochange of1bill. "-The LIes lin 1)epuity" In n liglit anid ireezy sor tof nuu fia jr. [ut tii..niougir in a n thorotîghiy excellent n id t he libretto i- ris cle% or an ever tcane [roin the utiie-r if tdlitt-leer- ont of A nîtriva n ibre-tti ts. .1. ( 'tievor l .-Iiii . r. Wilir's nu it" ,rtlîig conti pa.n . hî'uiid by Amanda Fahirilt, Lulît Glailer. .fos.'pill iniu alii, ltliyr Thtomasu, utiti .. G. Mironinlathe' trongest oser g,,ti to ,gethi'r hi a v'omie opeîra star. rîrid unsnaionequenee the îirfi-miec. of "The Devils De LItv Il are n .11oîly i'xquiiite nu far an t ê svork <,fnthe n. 'tar n eonceîrned. but gînooiîhlngonbiuad excelilenit gourarsuntho mior <hrncert go) l-lginniiii 3iuday. Narh 25. %fr. WIl -- HîlrntuîIIn the ilent W ck-ofuthis cngiugî'noî'îînt te OperaIîliousp, lie nili flot bc noon in Ch'lino agnin this saon, aloi ivitn ho coulesl next year it wiif hi' w it h a nonsuoper.. }'uowiîig 3fr. NN*ilffous g îgnîont cornes the' neivegt musincalitraIî'tty. -A Twntîiptiî Century Gxirl." a nsatire' upori the new wunîan, sritten l'y Syd îney itosoîîifeid. the author, andl teomIIWned by Ludwig Engluntier, the vomnrair of "'Tho Panaing Show.- The airawtnialp oe f snents anîf boxs ufor "A *fweîtlitlàc lihtu.îtry Gil" sîlli iegiu 'Vil Nismintu a rîh'h2 7. Il lu bad reasoning which builds up a theory of lite ou the narruw ledge of ,a îîasslîîi.thunian nood, and faim tIo t:uke In the snhîoio rounîd of life. A BOSTON GIRUS LEF Saved from RuIn anti Defpir by the Tlntelly Aid of a Noted Woman. (.PMUL » mine L"iTarirnl&] S the." anything more trely pathetie than the cry bo elli that aprings fromn the an- Snguished heart ý'fa young girl girl wvho sees aiîead only nuf- ' ferng andlnun- Buit (oh, wiat joy and gid- felfier young ,forth whlun she realizes that lier encela sgone, -ban- i shed forever. This suflihifle and je! is cow the happy portion of Misae}Flornce - f Beacon Streret, Boston. She eften tells of ber sufferng front the suppresson of the menses. The pain was excruciating. The dectors, lnstead of removing the cause of ber aliment, plicd ber ecdimonti iith xmorphiine te prer cnt cons-lsions; but the trouble waa perrnltts'd to.arxlst. When elle couid endure no more, - prostration was imminent and future hopele's, - ber famiiy precured a bottle of Lidia E. Pinkhauà'a Vegetable Cern- pon:nJ. o llch, surpri&irra' to ail, rapidiy anrd perniancntiy currd liecr. la sritlng te Mrm. Pinkham, pourin.- forth ber gratitude andi happiness, sa ass: "lOh! that I coud make every sut- fering weman try yonr vaiubie medl- "ld ow tbcy ouldibicas youi" Mln oît. bh Itdem lutaheit atkiî., ait.bns run ver ibie. on- .iertl ta squait iwo ofn sasoteikni. d ,, t Wear.11 eil ad 1-kgldit j. A bl oôtl'ou 0.ttI -or ise t'aIsan.ItCfo, Tsr"ity-tv, t(>înt*. à Bsn. tn C.'-ie ail4Pair ofsianl h ymati or t Cone. A>mus ita aaad Imtm,.Atidrm SWIFÊTÏS TIIEWINNER1 DEFEATS FRANK WENTER FOR CHICAGO MAYORALTY. Vote Large, and tleîîublican Mjorl- lin<sriirulient of Ticket G<te in on ithe 'Van e ci il Sersvice Bajlartd îati' ........... 12,4101 Arthutr .1. Bi-at......... Ebîîr'z'i ~'rkr~ l., 51.......270) So fts iiirIt..............tEt Gvo'îrge B. 5nmifi ritl l ttii'itiri'iî1ii lîrtît ticke'rt'i itiii l tî t'lîicrgtp Tie day tiy tt n i eliirtgi:îajariîy. Vi tii thl, i'ctiîjtiîiof a ~to.ll'ii diduten. iti t'îlrl r aitt'lîi' î t onî,ry titi ig iiefi,î- .. Mfr. Snift l is eYvrrnof igv atutua i: tiveofu ('ilî-Ivîîîîutî. lus futier %%is il hî,îînî' ittd igle4ict i a tetr, tii l i el tir,-l", î% ws il n îî vî'tîr j lle h i' tno e nr,s Ctar- Itiiut. Il.. flite, îiiI îi g l .. fi %%a, irtt3- otIl grîtivii. I >niu thoi-te I-ir i re'tid.ifute thitg'Il. oaira ui îiîr er 't tie.' satiie Suia.y it 1airlîIi, :en Fr.ti ,reint and Il:ah ibcr[lut is a rtlia tli' \ti ntl.. .,it-,*.f ws. itt ,es tn a i, irihr îî mlit ttis 'liitr:eo1tr r îtîa.tra .ltîîîîs \ W t,ît.nnhoiti ranIili sur iit- ini theî' Ji. . fti'r u n tlit'tt- So ift'a t-fatigu-tl t rriquii' fruaei hi- 'a vugt. alittti vhiitgetitîtý-i'uti'f uit thue skil nîr -boutiîi:anrd laten fnîr uîane t'ir thi' <i vtigo i ivvrt.ity. lie diii liit enter litît- tiintiltii157. ins iî'î i eipe'tîîi ader- tutai t fir ite Sî'nît ht arii. 1Viler- Mayoîir ieaîtit-' li- t,amit îuh'4'e nnsitt- if fP'tblite %Vo rLa. itdin litier I rîesideut <la rliiln ts ai 1î'il trî'îuury agenit. Hei ha u'it ii it iev unrtfour ternisin ite a2iiiltltîititin. beiin.uthi ilitg out, Mfayorr ilutrnis, t'ua ne lipireid lerni tbai ef a lîîuts nlutrge' a Votte nsîuiiidlte ru it diat esn.iiiitilti'tv'r'xsfati mie, 10)4.270.h) yi' 5.% noii.. Tilti'retitritu nhitns'ed Iht tht' iopiitii f t helaw is tti hei "ttrigt- v'îti3 frtîgfut iii graiteo tf theîî ns m u sieirî' It-e toliti, agteitrs striîe. _Nix t lieiti'th urpriituir utnit urs rof thle île- priliiuitstaulIt'e dtîuîîioan tf th iti 'il sersvite - ltih ie lîtrti tatiuirnail fî'tîrtre tif tiae ulutitîns%%ais trî,the t'ntes(etrgi' A. 'Trudli'galîs i fut li.îîiliititi ,îuîî..îîîii for iÎt it trîroî' Tons tt (oi ernuocittaAre Hepulitican. 'rît'. itî-ufliass tttiiriiI l thîe t Itit ti titi itoiut gant- nitti l igltt iitil tIii' t'tnitanti hoiui tintttti' rut, renoe iithrlut'looi-t ilirnuiti . 1 't utata- rnrti lrot 'ati'ilscntti-Ayîrt trrî f ihaut lit1-14I tt aîî. The'iu i' aîalîatî's iff iat pal lutn ut-aa u rttir n i'an iti al1w lffl o as' ic %la ni dun o tt' l t i - naît n 'h.'fiî u-rn E 'inav aat ur ni R va i, tilili tan~ , hl.' ata-l'a-'llnTh .a-u CotiXtutil SiirI irIiuia'it-12. hilo BiI 3tAJ<4RITY IN 31IIttG.N. -Majority tli the 3d1 Cul io-sn. l.ur-r u'u'îîin teRai louui iut'seititi ifori jitttireo tf lt(t' 3fiu'itigutii upretaî orî'tu tî' aînd re't'ilts otf tilti' îiiiven'inty. Ilt is hi'- f iened thati Mootar. ltepi'iu. u leut iisa- rt'uie jiutito fis *4>,lBMJ, but su I ittla' in- ti'ri'st is t akoînthtfat litle e uffort is luiitg timide in tunt oftifhe conntuiits tii ota t (.tiffet e etu.rî nts. Thii tiliiit-nt'iett t"- tet' n ltthfe TIiri i a-rngrosnioîîuuitttrit-t. eainsitiîg îtf Patlat uazsa-ii.En tout. ('uîiîr. lirattiliandîl hiltlitulle Cttittit. T hilatit rI urtîs indîîjerîletht' îleitiitl at31iof a Reli.. hy frontt 11, KK tai-I,30iiajarity iii <'s 'Toili, ianidutî'oftlt-ii'fotur uuhiîî pair- ties. Juiinn V. Bîurronsnvintt ii tis hdis- triu' t n1814 by oser 12.0)<tt. 3liat l;I a frîe ils'or nutî. rTilteopiielivatntii have' abotut heilli teir os'aî. geîuerutily thon kiug. it tIhe cit)- and townsîhip îletiin. WINSLOW INi TIS LEAD. Mnay Bc Elected la the Suiprenie Bernai lu Wi.e'onahn. , ivntun it tuetoduy eleted a jiutia' et titi Supîr'îume utrt tiinueced Jus1tuaico W'trlun. iuwiîs the candidate outhIle bar titi ut getuorrulcuit for re-ei'vtioti. Ilii oppoîîne'ut ns-în .Jitge tt'orgo B. 4('tentent-t am.almîtlut auîîuîhî n t a goîterni î'-îii. iti uit liii ty uîîîiîatiîîn stoere nmadie. while tti', î-îtutî'nî s tonuture itotiinîlitait'- paru tisanu, lrirty ' i ip enî're tu aulne ex leut d rît nst, aum 3"tistlonn' nan a Dorit altouti ('hî'îton a lRepulhilui. Tuh' vate thînîgliîîaît the State w'ug iight. uni]tlai rettun luthcitatethuaI 3inleîy insected. At Atlanuta, Ga., Jîudge Newntatu, outIhe United States Ceunt. nuslainod the de' mîîrner in the cumit u the Unitedi States vm. Mitcheotu, 3InIyre. Colber and Gili- bert, eftargî'd snith contracy agninstalndt te intînder utflHenry' Woiey Aprii 19, 1894, for ri'porting (heinIllicit diatlleries. .pise eotîtluthink that heaunse Rnte dtigaaisereîi Anîeria'a site ean do ait nue iieuses wlth IL. Iiindiuîg ian't keeplug in titis casue, Sentira. Sugar la the Cuba root et the Spauos problema. Highest of afl in Lcavnilng Power-Latest U. S. Gov't Report _73 ____ MO?!AJTEILV PUJRE THE WILDEST LAND. SantaAna'@l)aggcr. Oregon Ha the Houer of Ituvlng Ithe Si foe.Nlt 01.totîîît ln tni trt. irp loiutugentTract K OowIItue a. î'ltlit(.ic lty of CIl uit tii tlit't110 i Assista n t ( 'lief (oode, of lte 1ni ted j whi Auntlraett'-t'SIti lr (Itt' g 'logle'al aursu'y. iNN-liru sn ri'î a îî 'at i i l i tt' ,Ii ittiitu . * ' I ' i o sech atn s ort'goi las u hi ier. sayI; tlylit e wild- ag Ii,. ' tilMle(i le 1.s est reglon ot the eittir nti*ited Statteosiîueî ted tutndta sjxiix lut 111114.zîtîlît's ls ait an'a tof 1,000 nsquare miles Ii'lg 11,0111, tell n. ii Zgtil. 'fî' l - fln -l î c1, :' lu th m lit'nîliîta Ins betwn t.t' wlîtbht g IId i otiesel vtli h nu ..u tCoq tîllit'lu Douglas and Cous Cint-itandsît tof t tirîttnd Shttl i. n lt .ttet'its il lî i'o. t tti. île tt'iI'inia s a Itîvstt'rltsiud i 'it tîdsnîreiiihigi. Pld -Cr, fou uin ilist'ao e c'otuntry, In s.h ithit îuun TAII0 Ci[.TV o0. TOLFDO. Lisc.te tîîltrbvd wild gaine, aloi whîî'e 1 'A *tt tItNT%'k«. 'td brooks aîîd ris-crg are ilk'îi witl wild FutANa J. ('11ENFV uates natht trtt lie 1, lite Is fa fowi. It is nearly al covereti witit a dnoituti ,Iertte (r'i)niof. Tld.ttt-ut y& and. r tiense growtiî rft pine. tir, lît'niltrt'k, antd i,'tisaforo-ald. audi ituald tîrîti W qanOne caused 'y col stn f . Y111 NDRtii)D M 1LA It'for eurtl other treen. 3fany otf tht' trt'is are tif su epN n, iCAS SURIt ilt aiaînot ca0 ît eormioun uit', unîd staudti)i lteicurcit by Illie of ni ÀL.'t t ltti t . c.. aton l tuat it in diliit-ttt foîr îmen to metttclîir tworn lo i ifre me attt 'ind .5lt. HN pl. quen t cause wuy iîtweeîi tetr. ' hvre the tt'tenes ee. t1lis tCUL dayi tutel-iberA. D.,xia. tec i f are uta n<t tliiî'k tile iieav'i'grttiu t'Avtl:uth of - . e cfbotutleuro bîiileg ot variotnkiul k ,'n ltei1' FAL ariy I 1b c ea;sramrere t'tait II place. 1It ilu41counitry thut il; illi'ii villi î ct~<atarrh 'ire'mm btak-en lntern:ilil suritsels wolîI.r't. îa 11a5i ofe ail killtinof t if lId ga tiep. i lîhl tugjj. au -re dri îrl>oun[tiretillooui andlimoi îrr,î [il at ,of..niLIii be 'e e g.Goi puortKetu tola, mècik. differ't îut ki irîliti ) I SennF.uA. C 11 Ntti LY .. i,'. . ulit0. rus t;riteE lieur r. tti uta In lionts. lieu'nuit ti( iliîr WSold by FUIk,,n.Iit,.tn '~ aunial. i inchitilinîg lynx 'un td <fit"i liiibrla i i lu uis tIrlelotit f glîli fl<A- n There are ali> tfie s'asrî't k i ndstif fusvi. vo VlIttýd of fat r artiuun l ihe rTe treannil fliasaeîun iudanie'of sio .T'iî. l'ut' ierliii :rttitti:tl litIllut'$13 0 0O ç tront awl ti tiet' kitnsrtf huit. le îîî'î niait' of Itteil ilgence, thle siriotlier tip tratei Into lit- viiîfs n alrtzeuiîumllî'n andti ti ,aaw thîng8 thtît tilled ilîu niî isirdi' l.0hn at thte vastne'nn ot the forest nt, tutiatt Another <One <une ltighl. t U., it t'A uInit nny one niiotlti attcupt tiu lin'e itiil.-- ".l uq a,.ny iglîtfai i:t lier-t a ' twn :;î'i o ~ . Nortlisnot 3Magazine. boxes ot Nu-tu bar't bituglît at telt- nia r <1-c't iLa." a Bieaslng store here. eoniptletefy etiret inetrItI't Ii Itiso bae t es n ogtwm tob;tceo habi t." are the tlt'%iivordis~ Ir~'s$.0 Ttlatohae trngneve, itl owInnYreeledbythue Sterling ltt'ttuetiy i.,0.ta0 i t ,Uci't a i- nlggardInlutitis respec-tt(ata enjoy nerve nîgor Chcio rt .H luu ~nîg~rt~1 i~ aud quiétde If tiey tise Hîîtetter'a Stoni- GeeWin. itttattaui . acnti or the fuminet iersItte aait Ionieen lu eattenCe. DYâPepala$. ut prolifle 1 lîke breakfatalrties. bera'uîîînuo 51.50 a goetO. mtiurem of ners'e liiqttlettide. la innrftbiY ene-lu cunceited bu'fue'1 o'clockl iii the WNO H niereaorne by tifs geoul muieteine. wbielii ls a ino pitent as a remedy fur ,ustlaiairad day.-Si'duey Sînitît. SASNR L-tdua-y tnîtuble aud îosfaîn.e~ ltIIit pt 's ,< ttgfor ('tlisilti totyo.inastr 'lite [Royai Aademy ot Datncing aI uttst tîbstitîlte eîl-an le1, .lii l IIIII l Pari', was tîîuded ln 16.32 by Beaut- itK..t: Mstgttt o.. Fe't.h. 1894. ILU i chanfpng, a famroun hiagter lit dancing and dcîiortment. Ile was the lustrue-Cu e 1IA fll < for otf Louis XIV.. and gave ftla.t.'non-. C reB S . JA C B $ , ' uneit a lessou every day for twiuty-two Rheumatlem, Oproins. ewoiligs, ycat-n. _______ _Nouraigla. *ruises, *oren«S, 0 Titere lu nothing goud or evil mase lu solatica, Bume. Headohe, tire ni il.--Epictetun.. Lumbago, Wounds, Baokch. p A gelf-madie mata ikos te t)rag on his ....WHAT MORE 18 NEEDED THAU A PEU job. - "'O&IVE AWAY<:ý, Absolutely f ree of coat, for a LirITED TIMEi ONLY, Tir, Peupe. Couuuron Sen"lîeîicai Ad-j viser, ny RAVI.'ierce, . D., CliefCosisultigt SP tyscal thlle lsitit'irtel an uta tîgicui tostittute, iStffalu'a nbL raior .onro-arge pige nid ucoioTreend mi ralierllutusra- ionts, ln strriug îîrpcr %Cn-rstu ny ove a sendiug n rne-cntuiltara tifor packiug anîd pota 1..ue t aOser 68on z I rpi-.(t tIi. cno..piete îauity Docior IBook CI -d tensnourt i nîILh iidiiîg at regaîar O.uine rf S -nAdd,ss i niltu staunupi andi ;jits hirntUts WR LDSi ESteLisui eD- a.L AsaocilTîoNr, Ni, 663 Mai-u Sreet, WALTER BAER & COI PURE, HICH GRADEf COCOAS AND CHOCLATES On "b a "at Ia.basIVaitd- RIGHE8T AWARDS fi. 155effsi i odDutîi~ao ad Food EXP0SITIONS -.Ii [rope and America. l.iarnîbr .ît.ts p - tTs Ttrehtss. IIAKFA -CecOA aluy epsiaé5,4 il bràl tongue' etie, c# onstip is the à of all n atirai ms' t;je beiok BY.AllçnÏZM lls, la AI, ina- uti- i Li u.t Sa. rn ti t. i -1ib. an aMelt.. r. .1 IC Do You Know that Ther ence in Neatness? .Wise and Use SAPOLI1 WebsteresItentog Jâraw&Wola Oet, ool. or Kom.. Nov ir kmcon.. te cm:e. 1.sth StiAaumeiad of tise U. LBUw A .410 rmnaietla S, nt fn 1'sl id lawarmly cMeadib ri'BasSsk A Connoe Iyeat mtwrite, ti5 Fer a o e stise word -ougistereussyf G. &C erImC,,Wu1 apaggleMd, âo.,V. 0 Claus must SOLO *Y OROCER6 EVERYWHERFI. j nou WALTER DAHliA 0. DOCHESTEm.MASU 7 o pw e EIy's Cream Dai 99 WILI ryll"he left you." CATARRH Even the children recognize Santq ffloo 8 Cents Claus Soap as one of the good thiniga I ~ I cof life-and why flot ? It ke"p I~!sWassiîtLNT .-~their home dlean and makes their mother happy. Try it in your home. ro~3~3h~ Sold everyw;here. Made only byý *yeaIuÈu % aluna The N. K. Falrbank Company,, LAND BARGAINS Oboaro wid tantiIMPZOY Aotei Stg. 00acta. aid I Diakota. AditrsaJ. . UiT-iTae os AND RibiUM parUie" u Are You Fortified? 'Wheu you are ini a low state of healuli, and en the verge oi lUne., the.lan nonourihment i tworld 1ka ~2~tDEmulsion to rester. .etength. Seottu Emulsion nourishes, atreugt- ena, pl'orotes the making ef .oid< Ileah, enriches the blood and tones up For Oougha, Oolda, Sore Throst, Bronohtip 'Wk LunPOoM=ptian, SorOfua N amfr., Len of ieàh, Thtu Babies, Weak Ohildien, and alconditioàs of Wasting. Yuy onýy the genainel It bas our trade mark ou talmçm-calfred wratr MI, . Y. liIDeunwes. @0 ont &bd et., --------------- Pe 1

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