Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 5 Apr 1895, p. 8

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pà» UÇ- MO M-t fl u e ýs u m W n V _,- FRIDY. PEI 6,"F ' A ptty Wlm gliVOB etW. Stdiles y aliardt Saind*ydlDeri. _______________ Iut SaLai-day eveng. AmnalIoieîWge nCicaO ICarne, bhum- "d get thoms bot 'lied s Sttii-ay. 2 ~.U EUT. Dr. H. P. EWING, aneanbeprnltosa. John Wllman has mnoaved ilîto bis T he MVost S imUai. a amers are greatly ,encouraged nOw bouse. DISRASES OF THEIR£YB. wtterinebdbe Sda . A. H. Owen bas receutly been grant- BU urmn Specta) attention given tu the corr«ect Lest Friday was a reminder of what ed a plension. Popular Short- ý litting of gisi.b. pleasant weatber we bave ln asummer WîilBei-inu, of Chicago, visited lis cSmqmSpS U4S.Islmtd HURit~ ime parentae SunUIL Unt 10. m-1 b2tpe mTbe final meeting of the Hait Day N. Wells moved his family to Keio- St. NAUKEGAI. ~~and, &fier 6 P. m. Literai-y and Debating SmceyWi i bWî. audy i belli Saturqay, eytuing, April 6tbil llWi Ostren, f Clîcegi o eu ROCKEFELLER. Owing W the tact tiiet Mai-ciitret: syut field. Ï, u tthi lkV u **îeîîîy vemîllormi vîited lere, n8- out like a drowiied rat, Lie usuel reps- TieDrtldsho oe FilaSu h s centîy.a ý itionsofthte weil-kmown proverb mut Slliwel aion G rocernlyfor bepostpoed.orawk'vati.I Rev. Stmiiis pace was tu bae iee tiMgsDery luelrmnod ie. go a nepnioce)issi 1 ri meiiew b ltev. Minutem, J i Mi. Me auelmammiu. (iih . gîSeason is the s'Yle. of tEîglswood, but owîng to the rmin, Sidney Smith, of Idpilje M. amui Mrs. Da, of Waukegen. I nuoiC cane out tou h im. Kaliss, tg vlstig big parents. Cbi nation hav moed iit J.P. ortn'sfarai The relatives and friends of Henry M.* W. Mai-vin was seen out unr bav mve imt J 1. arn ~ 'rpp pldtheir lest triblaL tliO streets lest Wemiesday and TItursday. ETR Mesdames Dixoim, if Evmaisl2oi, and repect to !àmremaius. Wednesday ut- S Me Of terî'r78tOOk «ItllmîLge uit"' ft îicago, Vited et Mrs. J. F. ternoon of lust week. lie dîed iri Sali o h etwr ete o S uitARS ClrsltFi*.Francsco, Cul., Mar. 19tb; wus taken u h eetwri ete u S uit Muerere rîd rrnd with apopiexy whiteeslmmigllmag a roof thir at. Mvateroe l Iai-demy,tlilig atteintamnd died six bours etter being fouîtd, Hattie Parsons lias returned fi-mui Evastoiles TmrseY lmvlig peit ove iavîg egsue coscousee. Wscnsin, wbere aihe bas been visit- Thme Combination viewoli a fewdays~itl bispaieits.He wus torty-one 'ýyears sand tii-se tmg relatives. Cnit Miss MinuÎe Glearlon, of Iowa, lbes mn)umits old lits emrly ife wes spent. Mr-. and Mrs. Eckert, of Chicago, cone to make ber home wittlî er iii Lake eounty, working ut the cariien--eei udiwtile oieMs grandparents, Mr. anid Mrs. Myrick. ter trade. lai Movember 1886 be weut ( 2 Pente, 1 Csp! » MIAI 0« TARTAR POlDER Mr. and Mu. Fred Bergliorli, (ato Ka ascILyr 8, wmee emnalmmed umîLoo TeMierg Austinhave returned t b sJ uàl so5 Mn ou al!it %11 l ilqe Kaith Ziscrhe, Wn.hit ergimrmiaî Ageles, Cal.. nd tromn there f0 Sin home trom an extended vieiL among l- puldiflg asti li Fraucisco, wbere hie remelîîed the lest trienda 1in the cîty. Toeo 5 iyl feiy - Lies ears. lie leeves a iovisig The carpenters, began w(rk on Frank w ~ ~~~~jouîi McBrlde anfd family are <C wu oteworeies at this psce, thug O (tt,, new bouse. Wednesd;ty. Mr. ClIIOACO.. templatiîig settliîig iii our towtm. We1 sisters, Mis. - . i. Dayton, of liermmg- MnzrbsLm oet are glati Lu welcome sucli good meigh- to, Kans..- M-8. E. E. Easton, of M.adMs aeHrnegrad... hbors. Do%\ners Gi-ove, Ili.; and Miss Flore i.sdMi aeHoeîegrad ~îsi(i-i.-'îlneftt $2e50o. utl( Tuasymdicte itsare goinig veryipp ofut tus place; anîd sevem i thi- W. BarLmes snd daugliter. Alieé,Inuli 1whouti fast, Mr. Archer,,te -sle l eu,DavJivd aund William, ut KantIowa, wers Chicago visitors, Monday. stru ii ii uithe uîtet......... . ikimi oefothLm i e s udCity 0 miagv ud Ben Webster, emiold settier of Deer- g 0wGrde wlîol cssmee t. ....Ol.5 Ses em 1 muilicr m Yletmtiiehe Ita S C lusimerte toet6 ou ft every day te 1Jaeeurellots.dAustin, of ti fiel d dveteran of tbe Civil ad Mex-î,cu ngte ho- i.18l8gey atupl-c, W tm ourri is loges. Ican wars, died Tuesdsy iiglt, of con- itie Bestt-,!Qi ty to Lie ies! anywlmere . Miss GrueseCromkite ait dlest Hi. place e aanthr iiw slltol ehutelîss inte iàgthr oey nrk(iay m immDr Fr ay front Valprelso, wlere sel e 'n'ar bW ddoisn wtb grief anu" So t- Jessie lb. Clara Keyes. M am ie *j*e h e s, ixe su o tri îmet r a y D urt G T at, D toacofet Ouîr'oung e.leWo u imiwi blgrlifadVetter and Richard Adenis, the Deer- hpmore toi ongpol ilA iii er iiui7 »wthe cloud., Co utleutfor he smmer. Jý ron Tvl feld pupis outhLie Illglled Park liiglam îie liiw weIni e ... .. core hme etleet oi-Lb sUflliS. e 'a ov Election resulted as colareuyigsim-tvaim. Ft-îî Kîige aud iaretes.bralle Forown l ille an dangimtmr of Aug. Zmmon at Everett, Te Blii ad lat amid Biccle Ticket, tfre witlm every suit. shortimne. Fi-ank Kniggo is et pies- Collectum-, Alfred Stenclil!; Sunday. Mi-. and Mrs. Aug. Wiuter lit d0 efxCecagoW opemmmsi iiI ssior, Win.1. Whj; eu but 180 miles îioitb fCieg. Cmlslnr a Wîgmnd Mr. and Mirs. Il. Meyer were tîjere Ils expectâ o meet a miîmbei- ot car- Schulo Trustes, J. A. Magoni. aigu. louiel of adm551' beloîilg tu Mr-. Bees- Tletilighît nominantionî ticket woi n lm vîii fte1ih i u ley. excptt . W am receivd I137TfllitL F oote 91 votes tn pm ivea n nt e s -olainento Dt. is W it A.JAI £ 0T i ers w ill b N w E lgl am îti su p p e r o o r g v a n vin e n . M s h t serveit et the chapel Ttîurday evomi- mlesiotîir. Total vote polled 244. Five uey. the teacher, lies been drllling lier -- 1 0 el0â iîg, April 1l. This stîpper le conduct- voteialîanded in their ballots withiout pupîls for some weeks, go a good pro- ed bly thme Klng's Daugiters adtîme amak white onme clecked botim bSads. gi-r -tiLe reîîdered. Tite proceeds 01Tv %iier proceedo go toward the cburcb ex- Wbeil wll ilaohe ovt? are Wulie ueed tu purchased ea iag for Temperance Temple, - Waukegan. " y'I Ul penses and aller- necesgities. Tiers the &choal. Admissionu 10 cents. Shiow -I i ao be four very beautif ni quitte Grand Dieli your petriotiaimi by attemidimîg. muid Lo the ihs bidder. These Tiere will lie a hall giveim i e sCii- *Mise Kate Slusser closed a veriy sue- quite were made bythe sciety, tIers- cago eo@@rt Wlieelimig, fil., Satur- cessful terimot scîtuol lest Thîmrmday. _____________________________________ for e- tel mte ç sy Lmeyareweiday, Ahil 20, 198. Good artstce will We ûnderstafld tît aielle tiot comiu LIBEBTYVILLE. made. We ask everybody Wo become be lit attemidance. Everybody is cor-.iack, wiiicimJet u be regretted. mieasusn iute-estiP ad cone.dlally invite. Tickets; lucldiuîg smip- la an A N. i techer. From lere aime 18 vse' n cm.ellec, F rntr.~ Il1F riue m ixa %uhrmAItINu pr. 1.16. E. 11. M AS N. peop. , goe to attend lier sister, Mrs. George Funiue.'lij pigge, F riue Ice tor Sunay.atter e-hich itaIe eill reLurn Lu lier Iceetoin uudy.APTAKISIC. home et Willow Springs, Missouri. H1. D. Wells mpemt lest Sbtiatli itlm Seîîd your items sailier. 1'ease. lcueipsst itqîtî ueav 4&b....Rockefeller, H n Is... Fermnera tirMism viciîity hiave dom- Miss Mai-y Smithu eeut Lt, Chiago 8s tlere *xas olly omis ticket ira the mnced thei spriiîg eoe-ng. omit a ilt lest Suiidey. field. Tite pruolitioiî to levy ai extr Leusl leriserud Bert Wickerslieim lias goîeti (t tex Lu gra% el the roade, cauîeed somiie daueghter in Soth Evanstomi, cago toi-eye treatmreumt. dTsussionbte as 8 oaI agl aiet. Ne01 uriu * 5stl betr a ýt is Ilcwt erpr io Mr. WVlcliswiig lias 801ld lais faim1. Good radlais im e mottat muua. Tie .-- beer.Sul still rutiler the doctor's Rouf), ulffalo 6 ro ve. bomglt iL. foiîoe-iig eflicers were elected: ClerIs. Cale, ~Mise Hlelen Wlîigamr leftL Moulday J. M.Wcodmaii - Asseser, Gee. Adamns; Agood ime te advertlae e srtght for anotlier terni et Valparaiso. Collecter. Ehi Frantz; conmiueeife of Dow-,aimlie lest medium Jeth ie IN- Mr. simd Mrs. Johili Kmiupf, Jr.._ai-e ligliwuîys, Ilermance Wlîeeler. 0geget)Ewf. Lim~~~te hput ne fa very iice littie Sn ol tuaal& 'es" 2 Jim flei-berbouiallient a part of lest girl. edortnsali. e-eek e-itlm lis sJeter and other fri-tnds N.- Viiz, of Arlimigtoi Ileiglîts. Cal- Chîas. Nelsumu visited Chicago Wsd- tli Chicgo and Pullmani. ed ou old triomîde Iere lest Suturday iiesdmiy liai-iy Abbott e-eut Wu Dixon lest eveniug. Literirv societv wms fislle st Satur Luredste sseli Our schiool tarted Muuîdyf&nday eferîithe friemîda e-lm are attendinPcmoheLie. sitetirn, witim Misa Jeanu Wuigaui David Fritsclu wuîs takiel stidtheil p>nlJiO&L Wa Miss Ida Bryant and l>vîe Smitth agaiui as teechîei-.mliatSid returmed tromi Valparelso, lurt utfleut Mr. and Mrs. 1P. Bosîchîaiîdmgi Misses Elda lutiluer anmiulmla Plagge V011 t hgut 7 ek,1 e-hrsthey bave beemi attemdin e, mmmwn hcgo oa. are oui LIe ick litt. ttoit i-,ullaLeinee-fuiteLt ClmicalwgosMondh>. b exaniiued. ~~~~~~ Lo % it relatives there. Mise Mimta Fiher lias rtturîiedAFuiL eof nd ra ngaw y onh d ma te reiumie u aytmmî l L. Audree- Welder. utfiBufalo Grut-e.lhome froîmu Liuertyville. - SP i a at teCrocke1" ugls nstock liue ubas ar Who ieceutly hit a e ry serions opera- Miss luattile Parsonîs luis rettirtned Carpets, Oïl Cloth, Linoleum, Rugs, Comfor- esm f. %fiurnieet, oa m. ion performed iuîCiagJ - 54dfot iiti isosn h moîmtos mhi~ llceghomeeee foi vewon.Wicmmil.ters, Pillows, in fact v rtig nth Fa1 w oBobinsoni, ae om- Miss Jelîmie Welch islevisitumug îîitilîIlmu tan s tiebfli- The wif5 ol à, art ok .Y, hCi ~ lmguirred from ler palents eit osedi-mili. lune of House Furnishings. Hang- tsiet lImbmi w, 'umatism toi- fias Pririle View, electioni îighli e-e wuSt radPulBruefmoiing Lamps, Stand lamps.. e-ats. i 11 witlm * ut itMr o-. olvery sgreeably aurprisie by the Alita- Chicago, speuit Stiday hers. ýIn1'pain kiste bruse baund. Tiiese boys (sourn ______________biaonm gays: CbihiMbalu ir oea f0)alot. itratdli Mrs. Sophia Jouis e sta steig et Belin te the ouly tiw-a'% riltutkepn up ie ImOnor of the pace. le lPrairie Vie- eith ber cousini. -l Le beat" romy v-y iYtlisuks LIe boys ver>' hemrtly toi- tieir Bemijammili Webster passd lie-Vf rom E TC) OUR pant Celi fot h g bad cases of reumstism 4 kldns.[i erhyhoeWde»a nr crred by IL. For ale et ho cel§lw Il, W We e-ishi Lu correct the Prairie Xew Ture Womans Missioiery Societv W. e-i.i py $01>to S$I5ALI. DAY, btî >'F . LoibeitYOwko correspondent ot Mer. 22uid, in'Men- met et Mis. Sîydrsa Thinrsday lifter- Z58M.4 boitf0blasthele0amiG. . Bb t, auomd, i-lWýtoullfg Aptakisic business; weealso 40CîA PuND. rts, WAucnda, d ýewbeel-bari-ows, bicycle adsel "1E ES and veinit, a gaî opfetis.-----------io y Ourbaonedel erenus ,t 8eu ' imtsiml ebickyou. neda a-Fer fullipartieealis, of0" S-ofe.r and tiei. W»t " ou 111s a u IxA. goop the abovs i-r-montTowun Electiomi resuited eaé w . O i b be eefo s eca lle lsbrc ad W d ed ypiste cataogu of Fi.w rs. Vertabls and rut. c@btSififlis l .1 i. 'rotai vote ori C. .. ...o ...a ...... ..... leex pe. Lu V Om m i e h êlt t o .ve nstes Led cr am of new N o voti t, priss S c ~ d fs @ t O O s i g a [For Suerk. imo, rC. P msYD..... ytetuetmyaeoae e s Mri. Minnlie McElhose, trom iSt.m@dplt. .............. ..................PYt-. .0b5 by tthe reo- @ bave sh g s imigler motîmer, MM. BWFLÔ8i! UI thé.o!l ~i8,BURESG eoge Traitt.......81 hogsdogil nd cate, molto, broomsanad ILouis, la vietitiîig l .ir OTS and 5SHORS, coiiector. Frank Det% ... ........ 5'4IOS PJTJhnLete......1Buit,aaIs, "Ithe ie" is br-ulen. 11ev. More. frouni Lake Foi-set, JA SVOK.SOSEchtI,.Ys lionsM. C.'Wiiton ------------- lissJ muet brtug lied Juck, ter pieecied tirithe Puesbytsrium chutrch BL HRTS, UNDRR1- Oonhusiur 1.0.6 fiY-------- tu.Bl Days made use uf theim thia lest Suîidly eveintg. MITTENS, Sbool r st H. Anli i---- the.'Tedys lBalpovd Gog utlraî itnl-h G eo ge E b um er . . . . . . . su1. a n Li -ey " t e> ir.n L sl e p - "flnai f m i a v

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