Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 12 Apr 1895, p. 6

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the 1.glaam sund chili aiwinstar Breasthie son, *edu e ves'>-brookanud river ý TIll thevr mn >9807, sparkliug, ou thair way; an sd le have bad thair day; Obis ad buddiug branches play; Cala inladoue. Ileo heara 1the sus-et belîn ingiag, Fas' sud near; CUMdron'a volcos blond in singing 1 Caroles dean. 0*aclosa calmn pervadas the air. lthe easth nearnn glad andi foin, Plwea'y fragrance avcrywhero Brlugs un cheer. hnowiug ares hagin ta brigten- Falth la boru. ffas ireigicai dous-uwitb noroir ligliten Once forloru. ýkwli," again 1the cildreu ing; ,9Rssu," the glnd ballas 8eîn lu ring; 1,lksen"," 'en death han lont ils uing- E Bsater morn! -Detroit IFriee Presa. EÂSTPERCUSTOMS. ~~lrweek l5a aima ai gaucral ne- ienpl Paria; averybody prenants ev- -elas witb a litIle prenant embjem- at au egg. French I lgenuity ax- ilseif ii tie manufacture ai egg- articles ai ail roncaivable forma ýMterIIs'i. Go irbere ras mIl. raou sut ad their neAsa The ahopa ara '0f ngg-nhaped boxes, the receptacles <ýoe'dj', jewelr>-or laya, liera rau ,,tmoolatc oggs full ai croaam wies'e aboulai ha, aud again. lvorr egga Jàkieî ila ascout hattle. Womau "W»eUng barraws on wihl are piled te heapa white andi cloreti eggs. Of the nesta are beantifuil suaof a SureinIsa atoat or ueasel steaithil>- a» a trac ta nuck the eggs, wible t bird la repreaentad mi her ruffea Inl a tbreatenlng attitude, âas'hle intruder. Here, agalu, nropesu ukoa, aur Ameni- leI above such trick-bhas Iui'ned "UtiO chaffinci egg whiih lies hrak- the. grasnd beloir,svhilloîle loft o r te'a foute? Panant ta hatch. Iu -days egsivere exchanged as au bt sentimecnt, mach ne valentisies basu a ur airs day and generation, .1. Carter Beard in Dernoreat'a, Fffpalnteai and gildoti andi set lu ýàd oflîlmnes braughl greal prie«. Ins'd-beiled sud coloreti, mare munch :I' bayatu laYlrhal l i ,and itlai Me lergsy aid sol dîndain la Indulga ~gm.Accordiuîg toanau ad ciras- *âVé ios'mad a Part ai the churci 'Ties'. are records i fman>- cui- ter' enstomas. 1u)ilussia, evory ýeveD a prlncesa, muet suhmiîta by lb. lowesl boas' Wliapraientis an egg; but lu some parts of a 0MM 1mare curions, andi, if pou- - peaeleas, csastom prevalse. A decked mi riblons and ar- la pîaced lu fronaso inse liueof Public resorl, spon the 18kil a ram egg. Thechcair' la bya numbes' af gayly tireuse.] - uta seize uponaî s>-Mau pana- despte hie klcklng sud slruggles, In lb. chair, tramin hicli h. la ed to escape util i. la klssed thie attendant gracens. On Eaaler iSte western lape'ai the Alps, aof etggnare disîribute ver o levai ,,,ureroti itli aoud, sud a raungb s'aua execute a dauce ai the. amng the eggs. It ln the un- law ai lie localil>- thal if th. la - ecmpletiug tie "lrasla" mith- blut a single egg, the>- becoine widi os'rullaitho îlte cousent ai -orguardiann. Here lu America aIsg ta obsers-e more liabituai- tffeetionatety tb<ë holidays ai the - hurch; the teru spirit of Puni- lnulêsd ai prahlbitiug their ob- atogeher, 110w prefera to lustil - resebs'tiou a purer sud more t. l$,ssbatiîullng f9s' the courbe, emietimes Profane cuatoms ai tlue,,thase more Il led la ex- ant d reverent remnembranca af af snob da, andi ta chanînli andi affection for ail tuen.-WVav- o f Our' Oua Immostsity. Esater festival hs arn e o gain and1 god il han permitted me la agalu YOUosnot is day. Il la s day 110 ne, you, sud lu ail mankiîîd, gps. a new kingdom for 11e fol- 01of God's comumandsansd 1the dis- et God's trutin.We do ual ha- .lytruth i sipîrbecaus. Il is sa '*e behlsve it heauno mc realize Thisa endli ycar thin festival ha- atçhes' tbisg ta un, sud mc reuhizo ý4»atb ai aur ows imrnortality. »Mi» ilos Ilmmortality. Chriat SandtInluHis persoualil>-, >, lRe feîl throbblsg andi -q«tfront His liethat immorlal, $I-, gRi hmrakeo Itueli kuomu "»oeaMM Abrabatn was, I ar." Wàacek mas Dot s mark ai the liant - a w hieh ilIl oves' e hatn t ft, i bmcentury, jear snd «M bO4mlu whleh wa obUdis; Wble SuaI ose betweathç, houaes. IdetlfleO wo and you with tieisdsp aud 8h. put a tluy aprig of the faded mnlg Year, wltb Ibis countrY, wth the modem nonelte lu ber faded dren, and toak dowx worid, and wlth that spirit of,Çhrlstian lier Bhabbr bonnet. Thon abs walked humanilt' whlcb ahould unite uà ail. I as far ans ie couid Io gel a good breati thank God 1 amn living to-day; that I amn of freali air. It wasBaster mornlng. She here lu Ibis dear old chnrch, with aIl its paaaed a churcli door standing open, and associations; that I am hlere lu thia city, heard a horst of musie. Sa she wandored State, In America aud fnllalin this great timiîllly lu and sot humbly doîvn lu world. Yon are her. witli me, aud f rom quiet corner. this braad lfe lnaua immediate lfe, and, The atar waa fair witli flowemn. The with It, a Christian one, frorn wh+~ good 1wornu drew a deap breath of delighl elernent lu that divine influence which la îvheîî she saw the liliea. permeatiug liuranlty. Immortality in A man 100k liôld of lier arm. "You're' nothing lan a liouou dmitted relation ln nome oue'a pew," he said rougbly. with the inllnitene8a of Ood. And this, The. wornnuros. nervounly. "I'm nor- aur prenant lite, stîreada itsaif aver vaat r>," aha ntmmered. "Where are the fret ragions of existence sud comas thal grat nom irbici embroces aill aiheroism, ai gaod, oai llohhabip, ai soulful union, and afilhue. Physical existence amounîs la nothiug. Nom il la impossible for us marîtilings ta kuairthb au-, tle rant- fumns af Ibal divine anti ehcnstiah nais, wirhch lae1the truc imrnortalily.-From Phillipn Brooks' leat Rastar sermon. Palier Co the Man. Haesias praud, hi asanhappy-, sud mill goodtieson. Il is-as 1he happnuas liaI cames af lard-canne] succena. Hie pock- aIs bulged sud ha malked lu lia middlhe oi tht' atreel thal ha migbtt aehajastieti. For il sus Ester, andti Iono bulging pockeln repreuleti the proceeis ofai irbole marning'a egg-fighling, lia lad noir hard-hoiled agga anongli ta ro ia h digestive machiner-ofai sregirnent bul h as usua cantutul ith hin spoil. Ha ha.] eggn Iurpled wsilh cochiuasi, agga yt'ilomad usilh coffee, gracned wilb les. bluied i îs-lb uckleberry julua. lie lad os-ouiegga ltaI si-re perfect Eser dreams cavera.] usith dacalcomonie pic- luirea. Antidilai lf h'm bu.] Ibat littIe break au the small anti thal laId ot a barder egg encaunlereti. Dosin thc sîreal came is double. JouI suai pocketa fuli ai juat such cggs. Thîr met: Thora wunîo ieetiofai aver- bal challenuge. Na. 1 bel.] bie champion egg, s poam ai sky-blne anti crinîson, f ris- ]y-. No. 2 wavoti back hia ansmer midi bis r..], suhile snd binaubroaksbla. Crack! The sunali antis ai the ga>- agg8elciket logeller. Hais mudli dapentied on th1e anîcasse. But no cruuch aifiseaker egg fahlauvet. The lîva gladiatora eyerotune aoather. "Wbat's yonnîî?o" "Chin>-. hat's oron?" "Boxwooti." An.] 111cr arted, for though ris-air>-in tbe lite ai commenr-e, thare la sucb a lhiuîg as rubna scompelitian. lu Saine Ones$Pair. A lithoe pot ai miguionelte 8tood lin tha usindasi'oa a crous-tict lnausou. A ponr us-an t oaven it lin.] lozder.>- îlucked a wsithared lbof f rom its frash green urossu. The son ahana garîr ou the bine "There ain'I no fret' Bots in Ibis churci,» aneered the man. ii oin hunnie.] ont. She putI ler thluî bonda upou tle buuuh ai mlgnoselbe. The clergyman usas aunnoucing bis taxI, 511e uat hoarti il as ahe panee thraugh thesaiing doars: "lic ias tiaapised-rejeeîed-a n ofa soi-rom anti ucuuaintati milh grief.' flairthe Eaater flles nCasse, Tha>- greir hasidte ccarvns 1mb- Great gos'geonfoirera ai tropic giaas. Thoenusel blaze seeme.] mirros'..]tiers Wllhin their petal's tilt>-flan- Rare sangs de boeufs in floral bloom. Thal mrning-whc tie ale Mas'>-cm- The final ameel Eaten Day-luniante Anti sorrasv for hber Mister's @corn; Han tears-like pearîn -hoir adtI>-boru, Wasbcd white those regal flirwera ut lome. Anti so 1the astcu' Mies came. -Ladies' Home Journal. What M'as tic "Visegar" Bible ? Ver>- lrifling bluntiere have some- tîntes beau enougi te, mokeaun Issue ai the Rible tomons. The edîtios of the "Vngar" Bible la a case lu point. int 1717 a printer nanteti J, Bnskett prn t- a.] a large talaoBible ln tma valusses. In t11e baad-llue aif1the tmantîeth chah- ter of the Gospel accontilug ta Saisi Luke 1the word "Vînagar" appoaret Inl mietake for "Vîneyard,"' andth11 phrasue rau, *The Parabia ai lie Vinogar." It le add ltat the arrar aucune lu anothîn etittian aIea Issue.] I>- Iaskett about tha sasse date. %,co m ~it~@O DISCOURSE 0F RARE POWER IN NEW YORK. Twelve Gales and Al oi Pearl-The Doarkeepera sud the Pamswos'd-A Feir Word. About Bigotry>-and Bec- tarianians-Some Rare Pearls. At Ilesveu'a Gales. The biglit spring ws-aîher lias brou>gbî etli langer crowsta the Itunda>- ofler- -noon services couducleti b>- 1ev. Dr. TaI- image lu Newr York. Ho leok for hiasuIm- jadl Suntia>-"The Galas ai Heaves, the text beîng Itov-elation xxi., 13: '«On the cent threa gaies; aon1the nantît three gelaes; osn1the soulli Ibrea gales; ou the usest Ibree gaten.", The Cashmere gale ai Dellîlis-here con- verge.] ahoroisnu hat makes uu's umrvaa tingie, 1h. Luîcknowv gale 5h11 dentoti and. scanred wiillsapa>- bombarilmeut. 1the Madeline gale, usiîh its emlbzouiry lu bronze, Ihe hundreti gales ai Theben, 1the %vonder ai cesnturies. al go onItaifiigbl before 1the gîlen ai My lest. Our nuhiect speaka ai a great metropa- lis, 1the existant-eoaiei-i niait>- las-e douîtîci. Standing ou 11e sslîni alnd laoklng off tîpon ll'c hain'or r'îtlse-thli merehai,!.,-z l - q)couiîguIle Ic>-, 1theflitige ai foreigîzntiions strnn nîg fointihle tapigallante, 'i-,iliminnxdialely nîtke nil 3-aur iidthltîthouse vscsais coiemoiti foneigu Poils, amui *oungay, "'*Tla isroni Hambung, sud 0 t tile roni Maraliene, anti that le froni Souuthamipton. andlitat la from ilavana," ani yoir aîîîsilîîin accurote. BfroI ni the city ai whihli1 ar n uo s paking nuta -tlt-titinieur- cbaîxîmen or tnigiles sîilh u-iril blk- beati lave aven Coine. There lias lieei a vent amigration intîta ity tci>.lit noi esiLraîiau inni il, su fan uts Our naturel visionu Cal descr>-. '"Thare la 11a nuicli cil>,"sanys lte onde- vounnarnomer. "I have aloati in high loîvaras i-illa nîigàtY telesculie anîd have siralîltht' boavs-cui.asd Iliai-e ataui shots an the1eanu andi cas-orna in th1e uapu, but no lousers have aven isen an sny visiasn, un palacees, no tamîils, no shinins tnt'ts, no massiv-e suqii. There le no snc ity>-" Es-eu ver>- goati l"fcaîe lîl me that bens-în la ual a moleritti organiem, bul a grandîî spiritual fout, aînd Ilat tlua Bible deascrip- tions oaitilarn a itIlcane o lu ho lokaî igîi- nouivel>-. I bring lu reply totaIis sibal Christ Raidi, anti eliaught la kuîow,-I "1go la prepr"-naî o Ihearn>-,001a lînjicillt, ual a sentimant, bul "I go la rprue a place ionrau." Tbe renurrectati bodi- i plies Ibis. If mY> foot lu ta hc reforme.] fnoin he diîsl, ihmuet have someîhiiug la tres.] on. If ni>-hand la la ha necontrucî- e.], il muet bas-e atmethiuug ta bondIe. If MY cyt', haviug Salie outinludealh, le Il ho s'ckindîed, I mnuat have sometbing la gaze ou. Your adverse ticor> Recula impi>- Ibat tht' renurrecleti body>-ilata ha hung an ualhisg, anrla usalk lu air, on la Boat ami.] tle intangibles. y.on mn>- gay-if dicre ha matanii arganisme Ien ao saul ln heaveu mlii ha crampe.] sud hiîdened lua Ils anjarmenîn, but i1sosus-ar, DitI nul Adamn andi Eva have pleut>-ofai ramilutl, gardes ai Eden? Allhomîgh ont>- a feu, miles maulti havaetieucnibeai the circ ni fer'- eoce ai tiaI place, lie>- md ample room. Asti do o ru ualsuppose liat Go.],in 111e Immenaitian, con builti a placea large euongb ta gis-e the ushle suc. mass. aveuR thaugi tiare ho maîcriai organisma? A GloaiIon, Proaspect. Herschel iooked mb 111he heaveu@. As a Swing guide puilsbia Aline stlock ho- tireen 1the glaciers anti crosnes oves' tram crag ta crag, su Hersclpuisaea bis talc- acope hativeL 1the ivonideansd gide.] irosu star ta star utiilic coul.] nauence' ta ne thal me live in s Part ai the usivorse but npasel>- cIraisn with us-rîdé.a.nsd h.peers Out juta Immenit>- util lie finds s r"gian no latrges' (han aur soaon ynteux ta sîbi-li Ihere ara 50,000 urs-ninîsing. Anti Prafesnnr Long sayn îlot b>- a euilsephic reanounug thera u t a 1e sonewibes'na monîti usharo tiare luauno darkues@, hit evanlaaîing snshlue. go Ihot i de ot ksiaw butal i i lasiamîtîr bouses. me have nau leascpe pomenful enrugli Ihal ire canuxltnie. iutu tht' lanisihere Ihere la no dos'kuns at i]Ilandi catch a gliaips, of 111e buruisheti pinnacles. An a conuulîeng army marchiug au ta lake a Cit>- cauPS nt nigtfalla thi entfa i nounuain framu whlcb. lu 111e midtiofi the landsca-pa, lb.>- sec th1e castien tiàe>-are ta capiure, sud rein in thpir war thangars, anti liait la take a gooti look beotie the'>yt itâ beirt tente ionr1the sight, su nous-, cuiming as wt do ou Ibis mauntain loi iflProspec-t, I commanfl 111e reximnt ai (oti1(> rein ia Ibeir thoulhtsansd huIatau.] berabbc>- pili-lithair tenefuir itie uiglîî take Oui- gooti. longlook nuthleagles af tliegroal cit>-. "On Il.eoacI llîre-î'gales; en Itie north thrae gales; on tle s"oi.tirea galesi, sud os tic useltIlîrei gales." In the final pince I1usîluilyen le examu- ( ina the Arcliitecti!re ai lIane gistea.l'ro-c pielOmorsa îrge ecatlanarea irs-- pIta bave un ouninuteul saloirs>-, me-t tlmas Ihar sps'iîg an îîrch aifinnsoury, thet Posta ai lb. gale flauiked With blonisin1 saaînr>; tie bronze gala a reprcseuîtutiou af iîîtenlsviniug touiage, bird baunne..lmi- tii tha baud ai architectural tanins draps i exhaunleti, ail ils lufe frozen ilo the atone.t Gala ies ooti ast iIrananti stone gurd-t e.] uearîr ail the aid cilles. -Manits have i luscnibeti upoli 111cm gatewa-ys inscriptions t from111e Korau aif1the Mohammedan. i Thare bave been a greot mou>- finegato- lh mors, but Chrnist sets bils hbandtithe11 siork, au.]ionr111e uppes' cil>- sss-oîg an gala such an noa oye es-ar gaza.] au, us- t touche.] af inspiration. Wilb the nuit ifaIl his amu cross ha ut 'Intoits mandenfulit tracanies atonies ai îst aîîfferinganud af 1 gladuesa ta com% Thora la uo wood an atone Or bronza in tIat gale, bul froni ta» tj ta base anud fromu side la aide il la ahaiot Penrl. Nat anc piece pickegl o» tram Ce>-- t lan baukil, sud aothor piaca fromu tlet P'ension golf, anti anoîhor tram the isian Il ai fMargaratte, butlannealîd pearl tîlukat L o» ironi tha beach aofas-riasting light b>- heavnscl>-bandeansd boisîeti andti nîgt amid the shoulinganugels. The glaniesr af alabastar vase sud porpyry piliar fade I out hafora tibm gatama>-. It puts ouI tlec spark ai feldepar andi tiamand. Vou knosvI 1 IL 1%-, 'Xas noues mhia. nwung bit, Peilmus titis. Agast this gatewey, on tbe sns nide sah ail the aplendora of sarthly beau- ty. Agast this gale, on the other aide, hoat 1the aurges of etemnal glory. 0Oh, dis gale, the gote! It striken an infisite charm Ibrougli every ose that passes it. One @tep this aide of the gate, and we arc paupems. One ntep thieother aide of tlie gate, and we are king@. The pilgrimt of earth golng tlirongh seea in the one hunge Pearl ail hin carthly teara in crystal. O gate f light, gae of pearn. goto ha en, for aur wemryseule at last swing open!l Wheu shali theao cyes tIîy licaicubult walis And iuearly gatea behoid; Thy bulwarkn wîth salvation alrong And nîreats of tthiuiug gold? Oh, heaven la net a dîîil place! Ileaven in not a contracted place. Heaven lanflot a atnpid pilaca. "I saw the tweive gâtes, and they were tweive pearla.". In the second place, 1 want yau to count the numbar of thoae goteo. Imperlal Parka and lorilly manar are apt te bave one exiiensive gatewny, anîdthe others are ardinor-, but look arourvj nt these elitrancan te lieo',auand coat thern. oue, two, threc, four, fi-e, six. neven, aiglit, Iline, ten, Pleyen, tweli-a. Ilear il ail the erth and ul the lhenvens. Tweive gales! 1 admit 11hisla radlier liard on ésharp se,- tariaiin. If a Preslîylenian la bigoted, lie bnînga hils Westmrnster atscmbly cote- chisin, and lie makaen a goaw.iy" ont oif that, and lie says te the world, "Yon go thrugli there or mtay out." If a metober of th1elIteformed Uhurchlainbigoteil, lie niakea a gRate ont aof1the Heidelberg cote- chisin, and ieas, "Yoei go throngh lucre or' slay ont." If a Methodiat laeIbig- ot-il, lie planta twa posta, anu liehasus, "Now, you crowd in between Iliase two tfonta or stity ont." Or perbapa un Eîîis'oý polian rnay éiny, "Ileienl a iituriry ont of whieh 1Imnuonta make a gale; go tbrongli il or stay out." Or a l3aptist mny ay, "lere lisna ter gate; rau go through that, or you muet slay ont." AndI so lu ail onr churcha and lu ail onr dc'nonra- tienîs Ihere are men Who tunke oua gale for tlîemselveà sud Ihen demnd that t11e syhole world go t11rongl i l.1 ablîuîr Ibis conîractedons lu reigiona vie-wa. ()bi, amal nouled mlan, syhen did God giva yon the contract for niîking gates? I1 tellyeni plainly I wili flot go lu thaI Rate. I will go in etan îy ane of th1e twalve gates 1 choooe. Ilere ia a man Who naoa, "I cou fmore ensiiy and more cloaely spproaîb God tbronigh a prayer book." 1 say, 'Mty brother, then use 1the prayer book." hae in fi mounWho gasoy, I helieva there la uîulv one mode of baptisma, and tlâinl immer- sion." Then 1I aay, "Let me plunge you." Auyhow, 1 ay. awny wilh 1the gale ai rougli panel and rulten pontsand ruslcd laîcli when there are twelve gales, aud tlhey are lwelve peanla. Doclrined 10 flenth. The fact s lialat agreot maur of th1e churches in tibm <ly are being ductriued ta dealli. Thcy bave been îrying te find out ail about God'a; decree»an d they want te know wliu are electad la ha saved and Who are reprobated tlulbe damned, aud theyýare keepiug os discussg tint smb- lect when Iliere are millions of Boula wha need te bave the trull putst sraiglit at them. They ait eonuiug the numbes' of leetll iu the jawbour with whîeh Sammon slow dia Philistins. They vit on th1e beach and ueo a vessel goiug 10 piece, lu the oflang. and irmend of getting ltoua boat snd ptilling awnr for tlie ure<,k tbey it discsing the differant styles et os,- locks. God intended us te kuow »me bhiaguandl ltended nesnutltb know edb- Pds. I bave beorui mores of noemons ex- planstory of God's decrees, but raine awsy more parpiexeai than when I went. Thet oly rassîlt aofisuhdisensaiint.à rm',lfog. lierearetwo trutha wbireare te rauuthe woold-mou, a snser; Cr'ista Saviour. Aay man who adepta those 1,w. t iiflrias lu ins »religions belle-i ubaîl have zhy riglit haxa n warm gurip ci Cristian, brotheroçLn. A naau rmes down, t, a river inluisse of frenliet. He wauls le gel acros. He1 bas te swini. Wbat "a ,ho do? The1 firet thiug in ta put off hi* heavy appuyel and dreu evorythinbg lie basie i ie bande.1 He an ulgo eînpty handéef4 is oïcw oe hithe', «bgnk. Aund1.1.11 yen uil1 wo have t'orne dowu 10 the river o etdatIL sud findi i swifl and raging wo wiii have1 oe pius off »Il aur sertariasi an sd loy1 owaa.a , uinlrous cersan sd onty4 handed put out for the other sor.1 Wbor7 - ayose, "Wffld Yen rewole 1 the Christian abarcliita oeekiad sof ebsreh? W'onld youn niake &Il ('bniaten- di wssbip in lbe sazne way, b hy1enarnie, 'arim?" Oh, no. Yon Maight as Wel de- eide that aill îe'oPte shali eut the anme kind of fass without refereaca le aPPelite or wsas' tie saine kind of apperel witliaut reference tae1the abape of thieir body. Your aucestr>-, your lemperameul, yonr sur- -au"nig, wili deulale whelher Y"n go te tbis or Ibat chui-ciiand adoplt tis or' iat 'havrirt polilî.QUme churuli wilI beut gel one man la boaven and another clinrje inother manu. 1 dent olts'.wbich one of he gâles YOD go Ilirougliif YenomOIly go3 hrOgb 0oeetf the twelve gales thnî ,Jeans afiod.i The Tweifîls Gale.3 Weil, now, 1 se ail the reajeemed oai earIl coming op lowlrd hoave. Done thisk they wi1l ail gel in? Yena. Gale th tirsI, the lMoravians cene np; Ihe r believed ln lie Lard Jens; Iher Pao trongli. Gale thie second, the Quakers orne up, tbey bave reeived th1e luward iglit; tfey have trualed ln the Lard: 111e> pana lhrough. Gate the third, th1e Luthe- y rans came op*; lbey lied the same grace bat made Luther wbatliho wan, sud they paso lirugli. Gate tie fourtli, the Bap- ista panaeIirangli. Gale 1the fifli,'1thet Frée Will Baptias paso Ilirougli. Gatet lie Garmanth Reformed Cliorci passea boy did yow got lhrough lbthe vosth m Kail, the martyr, ba i through?" 'II gate." Gily te God, twï4iro one beaves. In 111e third place, soties borw$m a the couipass taward whicb *b1 look. They are untaoaoneaidé;ofet aides, or ou lire, aids,but ouMe Thia la no faucy af mise, but a anuutnncement. On lis sorti th"e On t11e sali th thbree goteon ouelb.est gaies, oun1the wenltbtree gles. WhaA îlthamelés? Wby, lt moana laijau tionalities are lflcluded, and ltd q make any différence from what the earîli a mas cornes up. Ifil .8 la rlght, Iliere se a gosto opes bototo * 6 On tbe norîitlitree gales. Tiat =«M0. mercr for Lapland and Sîberla-ansi oe wsy and Swedes. Oti lhç s«htbrsq gales. That menu pardon for Hlndusaa and Algiersand Ethopia. On ths sOus titréa gaten. That moans salvatlon Wo China sud Jupon and Borno. On the- want Ibre. gales. That meaunoredemption for Anierica. If doesneualmairs asy dt- ference iauv dark nkinued or how pale. faced men may ha. They ill find a gale riglil before lhem. Thone plscked bans- lans nder a tropical sun, Tbese abat aurons Mlaniitn nown bbiud reindeer.' Fram Mexicali plateau, fromt Roman Cam.- pagno, front 'hinesene llda, ram l- land dike. frram Scatch hlighlanu, tbey comaé, 111c comae. Iléaven in nel a me- nopaly for n fous'prerdosugnotilu. Il lA not a Windsor casîle bulîl ouly for royal faam- ilien. Itla ntal s mali towu with aal Population, but John naw il, sud ha no- liced that un ange] was meaauring il and ha maanrad it Ihia wey, and thon h. nîeauured l that way, onu wbicbever way lia measured it it usas l.;-")Outilesn, o that Babylon andi Tyreand Ninevdli oud St. Pet-rablirg and CSanton ani Peklng snd Paris and Landon and New York and ail th1e daad clîlea oi the tuant snd ail die living cilien of th1e préent oddad logether would not equal the cennun of Iliat gmea metropolis. Walking along a street, rail cati. by lb. conîtour of 111e dresa. or aif1the face, gueos wlîere s man cornes f ront. Yousay, **Tiat las aFreuchuisu: that il&aNorwegiau; Ibhat la an Amerît'su." But lie gates that galb- er lun1the riglileona will briug 111cm lu ms'. slîativ af nalloualit-. 8'aselguerr noms- lunes gel homesick. Saute af the tender- est sud mont pathatie etorie, bave bec. laId of those Who lait their native clisse, sud lougad fithntil 111cr diad. Bult the Swins, coming lae1the bigh résidence af flavas, wlll netliong au>- mare for the Alps, standing nmid 1the onnal ile. Tb@ Ruanlon will ual long sîîy mom~ for the lnuuiant barvcal fiId he lait sow lia% he béena 1the hum snd 1the rush, ie lb.h harvests ai ëealatlug light. The royal anaes fraun eartb uiU sDot long ta go bock agalu tae1the earlbly court uow Ihat they stand lu the piilaries ai lic Ban. Tbose who once livad sunong lie grave, af spics aud oranges wilI flot long ta returs now, tiat Ihe>- standnder the Ircen aiflite that bear twelve manuer ai fruit. Ro.,, for tle LLItle Valk. Whilo I npeak au ever iucs'essg tiront in pouring tbrougli the gate. The as'. golng op tram Spnegambis, tram Patago- nia, tram Madras, trams Hong Kon. "Whist," Yu sy, »"do y« n aroace ail the beathea mb oglanyr I 1 tellyon tbe fau-t ia that tamajonity ofethe people lu Ihose chume, die lu Infue>y, andth 1e in- fauteaait go stuaiglit loto etermal lita. and su t11e vanl nîionri fIhoe ewho die ln ('bina snd ladia, th1e vaut majori>- of Ihose Who die in Air"cago atraighito th1e skie.-hey dle lu infancy. Oue bos- dred snd six>- gesenatios have boas boru anc. tie worid was i-reateii. »d no I etd- mate Ihat tiaeemuant ha 13.0,000O,000 r-hildre la gisr.>-.If aîsàesenrt 2,00 rliildren singe yens'soul in raptitred svilb- in rau. 0Oh, the transpiort syba, 15,00l, [00,000 little oses stand up in white ha- le", the tirofetGad, their chauîing drosvning oatthe 11e hiupeiàd. harmo- ibies of Dusoldnwi sud I.ipsle. Pour lu throwgb the lwelve gales. Oh. ye redeemed, haner Ilted, rank miter rush, naviai ballalion ailes'saved beîtlien, ulil .29 thecity et God shaîl heur th1e tramp, tramp! Crowd ail lie twv ogales.LîBoom Yet. laom aun1the tb"e. Roam l icthlusnsiuas. Iloor on the rives' bankIc Le erumpet ofin- nîton bha sunuded ntil ail easrthl& moue- nfias boss' thc shrihll hast and glenn echo it Lot missionari« eslcit inlupagoda and colporteurs sonai l serons 1the uesterri, Prairie. Shout iltafîtiehéLaplaudeor n ira iswift sied. hxsllaO il 10 the Bédounu enreerng seros1the dosent. N<ewn! News! A glonions heairen sud tuvelrs' ales lagel snte, Il! Hear il! Oh, Yas thiu bhooded nans aiofeeal winler-on 1the nnti ire' gales. Heur il! Oh. yen hranzed inhabilasulnetiug undar th.eéquasorial scola--on ltesoull itre gâes. .An Invitation. i stand bers. Ihis haun. te invite Yen loto au>- one of tle twelve gales. I tell yon now thal unies& rour heart la cbsnged <y th1e graeeof iGod yras danaIgel iu. 1 la not care irbere yramore tram, or uit. youir faîher iran, or Whbo rour matie' w-as. or what yonr brilliant nurrsundioga -tînlens s repent af yaqs'@iaisnd tse Christ for jour divine Savions o rasn- îot gel lu. Are rau wlllug, thes, tis momeant, ilunt whei'e you are, ta knoel lown sud urytae1the Las'd Almighty for hin deliverauce? You waut ta gel lu, do rou sot? Oh. yon bave somte good friands; there. This last year Ihera iras @sonoe Whobe et out frarn yaur homte Jet that blensed place. Ther did sot have auy trouble gel- tin- lbrongh 1the galon, did they? No, bey kueir the panssword, aud comnsg up bhey naid "Jeans!" and 1the cry iran, *Llft

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